This is the default tree configuration file.
Automatic Destruction:
Automatic Destruction:
# Main switch to deactivate automatic destruction
Active: true
# Damage the player's tool for every block of the tree, not just the first they broke
Apply Full Tool Damage: true
# Damage the player's tool for leaves broken automatically
Apply Tool Damage For Leaves: true
# Add the logs the player's inventory
Auto Add To Inventory: false
# Seconds to wait before (force) removing remnants of the tree
Cleanup Delay Seconds: 20
# If we clean up remnants, we also will remove leaves without drops
Cleanup Leaves: true
# Time to wait before allowing the player to automatically destroy again
Cooldown Seconds: 0
# Ticks to wait before breaking the next block, set to -1 for instant breaking
Delay Ticks: 0
# Always remove remnants of the tree, as soon as a tree has been verified and is being broken
Forced Removal: false
# Main switch for the Block Statistic nodes
Increases Statistics: false
# Initial Delay before actually starting to break the tree
Initial Delay: false
# Seconds to delay automatic destruction
Initial Delay Seconds: 10
# Remove not only logs, but also leaves
Remove Leaves: true
# Required lore on tool in order to automatically remove a tree. Empty means no requirement
Required Lore: ''
# Only automatically destroy with the right tools, they are set in the tree definitions or via command
Requires Tools: true
# Automatically destroy when sneaking
When Sneaking: true
# Automatically destroy when not sneaking
When Not Sneaking: true
# Support silk touch affect when a player has it
Use Silk Touch: true
Block Statistics:
# Count minecraft block breaking statistics when automatically breaking
Mine Block: false
# Count minecraft pickup statistics when automaticall adding blocks to inventory
Pickup: false
# Max height of a branch cap
Height: 2
# Max radius of a branch cap
Radius: 3
Custom Drops:
# Generate custom drops according to the list
Active: true
# Drop chances for extra drops. 1.0 would be 100% chance!
minecraft:apple: 0.01
minecraft:golden_apple: 0.001
# These are additional factors, for example, by default, iron has half the chance to get custom drops
minecraft:netherite_axe: 1.0
minecraft:diamond_axe: 1.0
minecraft:golden_axe: 0.75
minecraft:iron_axe: 0.5
minecraft:stone_axe: 0.25
minecraft:wooden_axe: 0.1
# Custom Drops below completely replace the leaf drops
Override: false
# Here you can add extra blocks that can be expected inside or around tree leaves
- 'minecraft:bee_nest'
# Allow air pockets in leaves
Air: false
# Check cubic edges
Edges: false
# Radius around the trunk to check for leaves
Radius: 2
# How many leaves do we require for it to be a valid tree
Required: 10
# Allow air pockets in leaves
Air: false
# Check cubic edges
Edges: false
# Radius around the trunk to check for leaves
Radius: 3
# Height above the trunk to check for leaves
Height: 3
# Valid blocks that are below and around the saplings
Ground Blocks:
- 'minecraft:podzol'
- 'minecraft:mycelium'
- 'minecraft:grass_block'
- 'minecraft:dirt'
- 'minecraft:coarse_dirt'
- 'minecraft:sand'
# Blocks that you can expect to be around the tree - these are the exceptions from player building safeguards
Natural Blocks:
- 'minecraft:air'
- 'minecraft:water'
- 'minecraft:fire'
- 'minecraft:snow'
- 'minecraft:snow_block'
- 'minecraft:stone'
- 'minecraft:grass_block'
- 'minecraft:dirt'
- 'minecraft:coarse_dirt'
- 'minecraft:sand'
- 'minecraft:terracotta'
- '*_terracotta'
- 'minecraft:mycelium'
- 'minecraft:podzol'
- '*_sapling'
- '*_leaves'
- 'minecraft:dandelion'
- '*_tulip'
- 'minecraft:poppy'
- '*_orchid'
- 'minecraft:allium'
- 'minecraft:azure_bluet'
- 'minecraft:oxeye_daisy'
- 'minecraft:lilac'
- 'minecraft:grass'
- 'minecraft:tall_grass'
- 'minecraft:fern'
- 'minecraft:dead_bush'
- 'minecraft:sugar_cane'
- '*_mushroom_block'
- 'minecraft:mushroom_stem'
- 'minecraft:melon'
- 'minecraft:pumpkin'
- 'minecraft:bee_nest'
- 'minecraft:cocoa'
- 'minecraft:torch'
- 'minecraft:rail'
- 'minecraft:hopper'
- 'minecraft:oak_sapling'
- 'minecraft:birch_sapling'
- 'minecraft:spruce_sapling'
- 'minecraft:jungle_sapling'
- 'minecraft:dark_oak_sapling'
- 'minecraft:acacia_sapling'
- 'minecraft:bamboo'
- 'minecraft:vine'
- 'minecraft:cave_air'
- 'minecraft:void_air'
- 'minecraft:large_fern'
- 'minecraft:peony'
- 'red_mushroom'
- 'brown_mushroom'
# The permission required for this tree type
Permission: treeassist.destroy.*
# Main switch to deactivate sapling replanting
Active: true
# How far down do we look for saplings to place them
Check Depth: 12
# How long to wait before placing a sapling. Should stay above 0 because of bukkit event handling
Delay: 1
# Attempt to plant a dropped sapling item
Active: false
# What is the chance for us doing this, 1.0 means 100%
Probability: 0.1
# How many ticks should we wait until attempting to plant it
Delay Ticks: 5
# Even if something would prevent sapling replacement or auto destruction, we will place a sapling
Enforce: false
# Prevent from breaking this type of sapling at all costs
Force Protect: false
# How long should saplings stay there before they can grow
Growth Delay Seconds: 0
# The material to place
Material: minecraft:air
# Only place saplings when the bottom block was broken
Only When Bottom Block Broken First: false
# How long to protect saplings
Protect For Seconds: 0
# Only replant with the right tools, they are set in the tree definitions or via command
Requires Tools: true
# Replant when a tree block burns
When Tree Burns Down: true
# This is the list that can be required to use when auto destructing or sapling replanting
Tool List:
- 'minecraft:netherite_axe'
- 'minecraft:diamond_axe'
- 'minecraft:wooden_axe'
- 'minecraft:golden_axe'
- 'minecraft:iron_axe'
- 'minecraft:stone_axe'
# Look for branches
Branch: false
Custom Drops:
# Generate custom drops
Active: false
# Drop chances for extra drops. 1.0 would be 100% chance!
minecraft:golden_apple: 0.0001
# These are additional factors, for example, by default, iron has half the chance to get custom drops
minecraft:netherite_axe: 1.0
minecraft:diamond_axe: 1.0
minecraft:golden_axe: 0.75
minecraft:iron_axe: 0.5
minecraft:stone_axe: 0.25
minecraft:wooden_axe: 0.1
# The configured drops override regular drops, including logs!
Override: false
# The trunk can go diagonally
Diagonal: false
# How high does it need to be to qualify as a tree
Minimum Height: 4
# How thick is the trunk
Thickness: 1
# Saplings can be at different height
Uneven Bottom: false
# Version number for automagical config updates
Version: 7.3019