[ GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, GitBucket, Gitea, Gogs ]
Just like this one...
#### Just Markdown. #### Then Git-Commit.
@title[Step 1. PITCHME.md]
#### Create GitPitch slideshow content using GitHub Flavored Markdown in your favorite editor.
It's as easy as README.md with simple slide-delimeters (---)
@title[Step 2. Git-Commit]
$ git add PITCHME.md
$ git commit -m "New slideshow content."
$ git push
@[1](Add your PITCHME.md slideshow content file.) @[2](Commit PITCHME.md to your local repo.) @[3](Push PITCHME.md to your public repo and you're done!) @[5](Supports GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, GitBucket, Gitea, and Gogs.)
@title[Step 3. Done!]
![GitPitch Slideshow URLs](assets/images/gp-slideshow-urls.png)
#### Instantly use your GitPitch slideshow URL to promote, pitch or present absolutely anything.
@title[Slide Rich]
#### Plus collaboration is built-in... #### Your Slideshow is Part of Your Project #### Under Git Version Control within Your Git Repo
@title[Feature Rich]
[Click here to learn more...](https://github.com/gitpitch/gitpitch/wiki)