From 927bef372cabb99921ead20145cab3b8e20a7a60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: karpetrosyan <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 11:05:45 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Use unasync

 httpx/               |    2 +-
 httpx/                   |    2 +-
 httpx/                | 2066 -------------------------------
 httpx/_clients/      |    7 +
 httpx/_clients/ |  840 +++++++++++++
 httpx/_clients/         |  480 +++++++
 httpx/_clients/  |  840 +++++++++++++
 httpx/                |   24 +-
 httpx/                  |    2 +-
 httpx/                 |    3 +
 scripts/check                   |    1 +
 scripts/lint                    |    1 +
 scripts/              |  112 ++
 13 files changed, 2310 insertions(+), 2070 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 httpx/
 create mode 100644 httpx/_clients/
 create mode 100644 httpx/_clients/
 create mode 100644 httpx/_clients/
 create mode 100644 httpx/_clients/
 create mode 100644 scripts/

diff --git a/httpx/ b/httpx/
index e9addde071..4be24e9722 100644
--- a/httpx/
+++ b/httpx/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from .__version__ import __description__, __title__, __version__
 from ._api import *
 from ._auth import *
-from ._client import *
+from ._clients import *
 from ._config import *
 from ._content import *
 from ._exceptions import *
diff --git a/httpx/ b/httpx/
index 3dd943b378..2c92076728 100644
--- a/httpx/
+++ b/httpx/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import typing
 from contextlib import contextmanager
-from ._client import Client
+from ._clients import Client
 from ._config import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG
 from ._models import Response
 from ._types import (
diff --git a/httpx/ b/httpx/
deleted file mode 100644
index d95877e8be..0000000000
--- a/httpx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2066 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-import datetime
-import enum
-import logging
-import typing
-import warnings
-from contextlib import asynccontextmanager, contextmanager
-from types import TracebackType
-from .__version__ import __version__
-from ._auth import Auth, BasicAuth, FunctionAuth
-from ._config import (
-    Limits,
-    Proxy,
-    Timeout,
-from ._decoders import SUPPORTED_DECODERS
-from ._exceptions import (
-    InvalidURL,
-    RemoteProtocolError,
-    TooManyRedirects,
-    request_context,
-from ._models import Cookies, Headers, Request, Response
-from ._status_codes import codes
-from ._transports.asgi import ASGITransport
-from ._transports.base import AsyncBaseTransport, BaseTransport
-from ._transports.default import AsyncHTTPTransport, HTTPTransport
-from ._transports.wsgi import WSGITransport
-from ._types import (
-    AsyncByteStream,
-    AuthTypes,
-    CertTypes,
-    CookieTypes,
-    HeaderTypes,
-    ProxiesTypes,
-    ProxyTypes,
-    QueryParamTypes,
-    RequestContent,
-    RequestData,
-    RequestExtensions,
-    RequestFiles,
-    SyncByteStream,
-    TimeoutTypes,
-    URLTypes,
-    VerifyTypes,
-from ._urls import URL, QueryParams
-from ._utils import (
-    Timer,
-    URLPattern,
-    get_environment_proxies,
-    is_https_redirect,
-    same_origin,
-__all__ = ["USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT", "AsyncClient", "Client"]
-# The type annotation for @classmethod and context managers here follows PEP 484
-T = typing.TypeVar("T", bound="Client")
-U = typing.TypeVar("U", bound="AsyncClient")
-class UseClientDefault:
-    """
-    For some parameters such as `auth=...` and `timeout=...` we need to be able
-    to indicate the default "unset" state, in a way that is distinctly different
-    to using `None`.
-    The default "unset" state indicates that whatever default is set on the
-    client should be used. This is different to setting `None`, which
-    explicitly disables the parameter, possibly overriding a client default.
-    For example we use `timeout=USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT` in the `request()` signature.
-    Omitting the `timeout` parameter will send a request using whatever default
-    timeout has been configured on the client. Including `timeout=None` will
-    ensure no timeout is used.
-    Note that user code shouldn't need to use the `USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT` constant,
-    but it is used internally when a parameter is not included.
-    """
-USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT = UseClientDefault()
-logger = logging.getLogger("httpx")
-USER_AGENT = f"python-httpx/{__version__}"
-ACCEPT_ENCODING = ", ".join(
-    [key for key in SUPPORTED_DECODERS.keys() if key != "identity"]
-class ClientState(enum.Enum):
-    # UNOPENED:
-    #   The client has been instantiated, but has not been used to send a request,
-    #   or been opened by entering the context of a `with` block.
-    UNOPENED = 1
-    # OPENED:
-    #   The client has either sent a request, or is within a `with` block.
-    OPENED = 2
-    # CLOSED:
-    #   The client has either exited the `with` block, or `close()` has
-    #   been called explicitly.
-    CLOSED = 3
-class BoundSyncStream(SyncByteStream):
-    """
-    A byte stream that is bound to a given response instance, and that
-    ensures the `response.elapsed` is set once the response is closed.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, stream: SyncByteStream, response: Response, timer: Timer
-    ) -> None:
-        self._stream = stream
-        self._response = response
-        self._timer = timer
-    def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]:
-        for chunk in self._stream:
-            yield chunk
-    def close(self) -> None:
-        seconds = self._timer.sync_elapsed()
-        self._response.elapsed = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
-        self._stream.close()
-class BoundAsyncStream(AsyncByteStream):
-    """
-    An async byte stream that is bound to a given response instance, and that
-    ensures the `response.elapsed` is set once the response is closed.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, stream: AsyncByteStream, response: Response, timer: Timer
-    ) -> None:
-        self._stream = stream
-        self._response = response
-        self._timer = timer
-    async def __aiter__(self) -> typing.AsyncIterator[bytes]:
-        async for chunk in self._stream:
-            yield chunk
-    async def aclose(self) -> None:
-        seconds = await self._timer.async_elapsed()
-        self._response.elapsed = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
-        await self._stream.aclose()
-EventHook = typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]
-class BaseClient:
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        auth: AuthTypes | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG,
-        follow_redirects: bool = False,
-        max_redirects: int = DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS,
-        event_hooks: None | (typing.Mapping[str, list[EventHook]]) = None,
-        base_url: URLTypes = "",
-        trust_env: bool = True,
-        default_encoding: str | typing.Callable[[bytes], str] = "utf-8",
-    ) -> None:
-        event_hooks = {} if event_hooks is None else event_hooks
-        self._base_url = self._enforce_trailing_slash(URL(base_url))
-        self._auth = self._build_auth(auth)
-        self._params = QueryParams(params)
-        self.headers = Headers(headers)
-        self._cookies = Cookies(cookies)
-        self._timeout = Timeout(timeout)
-        self.follow_redirects = follow_redirects
-        self.max_redirects = max_redirects
-        self._event_hooks = {
-            "request": list(event_hooks.get("request", [])),
-            "response": list(event_hooks.get("response", [])),
-        }
-        self._trust_env = trust_env
-        self._default_encoding = default_encoding
-        self._state = ClientState.UNOPENED
-    @property
-    def is_closed(self) -> bool:
-        """
-        Check if the client being closed
-        """
-        return self._state == ClientState.CLOSED
-    @property
-    def trust_env(self) -> bool:
-        return self._trust_env
-    def _enforce_trailing_slash(self, url: URL) -> URL:
-        if url.raw_path.endswith(b"/"):
-            return url
-        return url.copy_with(raw_path=url.raw_path + b"/")
-    def _get_proxy_map(
-        self, proxies: ProxiesTypes | None, allow_env_proxies: bool
-    ) -> dict[str, Proxy | None]:
-        if proxies is None:
-            if allow_env_proxies:
-                return {
-                    key: None if url is None else Proxy(url=url)
-                    for key, url in get_environment_proxies().items()
-                }
-            return {}
-        if isinstance(proxies, dict):
-            new_proxies = {}
-            for key, value in proxies.items():
-                proxy = Proxy(url=value) if isinstance(value, (str, URL)) else value
-                new_proxies[str(key)] = proxy
-            return new_proxies
-        else:
-            proxy = Proxy(url=proxies) if isinstance(proxies, (str, URL)) else proxies
-            return {"all://": proxy}
-    @property
-    def timeout(self) -> Timeout:
-        return self._timeout
-    @timeout.setter
-    def timeout(self, timeout: TimeoutTypes) -> None:
-        self._timeout = Timeout(timeout)
-    @property
-    def event_hooks(self) -> dict[str, list[EventHook]]:
-        return self._event_hooks
-    @event_hooks.setter
-    def event_hooks(self, event_hooks: dict[str, list[EventHook]]) -> None:
-        self._event_hooks = {
-            "request": list(event_hooks.get("request", [])),
-            "response": list(event_hooks.get("response", [])),
-        }
-    @property
-    def auth(self) -> Auth | None:
-        """
-        Authentication class used when none is passed at the request-level.
-        See also [Authentication][0].
-        [0]: /quickstart/#authentication
-        """
-        return self._auth
-    @auth.setter
-    def auth(self, auth: AuthTypes) -> None:
-        self._auth = self._build_auth(auth)
-    @property
-    def base_url(self) -> URL:
-        """
-        Base URL to use when sending requests with relative URLs.
-        """
-        return self._base_url
-    @base_url.setter
-    def base_url(self, url: URLTypes) -> None:
-        self._base_url = self._enforce_trailing_slash(URL(url))
-    @property
-    def headers(self) -> Headers:
-        """
-        HTTP headers to include when sending requests.
-        """
-        return self._headers
-    @headers.setter
-    def headers(self, headers: HeaderTypes) -> None:
-        client_headers = Headers(
-            {
-                b"Accept": b"*/*",
-                b"Accept-Encoding": ACCEPT_ENCODING.encode("ascii"),
-                b"Connection": b"keep-alive",
-                b"User-Agent": USER_AGENT.encode("ascii"),
-            }
-        )
-        client_headers.update(headers)
-        self._headers = client_headers
-    @property
-    def cookies(self) -> Cookies:
-        """
-        Cookie values to include when sending requests.
-        """
-        return self._cookies
-    @cookies.setter
-    def cookies(self, cookies: CookieTypes) -> None:
-        self._cookies = Cookies(cookies)
-    @property
-    def params(self) -> QueryParams:
-        """
-        Query parameters to include in the URL when sending requests.
-        """
-        return self._params
-    @params.setter
-    def params(self, params: QueryParamTypes) -> None:
-        self._params = QueryParams(params)
-    def build_request(
-        self,
-        method: str,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Request:
-        """
-        Build and return a request instance.
-        * The `params`, `headers` and `cookies` arguments
-        are merged with any values set on the client.
-        * The `url` argument is merged with any `base_url` set on the client.
-        See also: [Request instances][0]
-        [0]: /advanced/clients/#request-instances
-        """
-        url = self._merge_url(url)
-        headers = self._merge_headers(headers)
-        cookies = self._merge_cookies(cookies)
-        params = self._merge_queryparams(params)
-        extensions = {} if extensions is None else extensions
-        if "timeout" not in extensions:
-            timeout = (
-                self.timeout
-                if isinstance(timeout, UseClientDefault)
-                else Timeout(timeout)
-            )
-            extensions = dict(**extensions, timeout=timeout.as_dict())
-        return Request(
-            method,
-            url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    def _merge_url(self, url: URLTypes) -> URL:
-        """
-        Merge a URL argument together with any 'base_url' on the client,
-        to create the URL used for the outgoing request.
-        """
-        merge_url = URL(url)
-        if merge_url.is_relative_url:
-            # To merge URLs we always append to the base URL. To get this
-            # behaviour correct we always ensure the base URL ends in a '/'
-            # separator, and strip any leading '/' from the merge URL.
-            #
-            # So, eg...
-            #
-            # >>> client = Client(base_url="")
-            # >>> client.base_url
-            # URL('')
-            # >>> client.build_request("GET", "/path").url
-            # URL('')
-            merge_raw_path = self.base_url.raw_path + merge_url.raw_path.lstrip(b"/")
-            return self.base_url.copy_with(raw_path=merge_raw_path)
-        return merge_url
-    def _merge_cookies(self, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None) -> CookieTypes | None:
-        """
-        Merge a cookies argument together with any cookies on the client,
-        to create the cookies used for the outgoing request.
-        """
-        if cookies or self.cookies:
-            merged_cookies = Cookies(self.cookies)
-            merged_cookies.update(cookies)
-            return merged_cookies
-        return cookies
-    def _merge_headers(self, headers: HeaderTypes | None = None) -> HeaderTypes | None:
-        """
-        Merge a headers argument together with any headers on the client,
-        to create the headers used for the outgoing request.
-        """
-        merged_headers = Headers(self.headers)
-        merged_headers.update(headers)
-        return merged_headers
-    def _merge_queryparams(
-        self, params: QueryParamTypes | None = None
-    ) -> QueryParamTypes | None:
-        """
-        Merge a queryparams argument together with any queryparams on the client,
-        to create the queryparams used for the outgoing request.
-        """
-        if params or self.params:
-            merged_queryparams = QueryParams(self.params)
-            return merged_queryparams.merge(params)
-        return params
-    def _build_auth(self, auth: AuthTypes | None) -> Auth | None:
-        if auth is None:
-            return None
-        elif isinstance(auth, tuple):
-            return BasicAuth(username=auth[0], password=auth[1])
-        elif isinstance(auth, Auth):
-            return auth
-        elif callable(auth):
-            return FunctionAuth(func=auth)
-        else:
-            raise TypeError(f'Invalid "auth" argument: {auth!r}')
-    def _build_request_auth(
-        self,
-        request: Request,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-    ) -> Auth:
-        auth = (
-            self._auth if isinstance(auth, UseClientDefault) else self._build_auth(auth)
-        )
-        if auth is not None:
-            return auth
-        username, password = request.url.username, request.url.password
-        if username or password:
-            return BasicAuth(username=username, password=password)
-        return Auth()
-    def _build_redirect_request(self, request: Request, response: Response) -> Request:
-        """
-        Given a request and a redirect response, return a new request that
-        should be used to effect the redirect.
-        """
-        method = self._redirect_method(request, response)
-        url = self._redirect_url(request, response)
-        headers = self._redirect_headers(request, url, method)
-        stream = self._redirect_stream(request, method)
-        cookies = Cookies(self.cookies)
-        return Request(
-            method=method,
-            url=url,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            stream=stream,
-            extensions=request.extensions,
-        )
-    def _redirect_method(self, request: Request, response: Response) -> str:
-        """
-        When being redirected we may want to change the method of the request
-        based on certain specs or browser behavior.
-        """
-        method = request.method
-        #
-        if response.status_code == codes.SEE_OTHER and method != "HEAD":
-            method = "GET"
-        # Do what the browsers do, despite standards...
-        # Turn 302s into GETs.
-        if response.status_code == codes.FOUND and method != "HEAD":
-            method = "GET"
-        # If a POST is responded to with a 301, turn it into a GET.
-        # This bizarre behaviour is explained in 'requests' issue 1704.
-        if response.status_code == codes.MOVED_PERMANENTLY and method == "POST":
-            method = "GET"
-        return method
-    def _redirect_url(self, request: Request, response: Response) -> URL:
-        """
-        Return the URL for the redirect to follow.
-        """
-        location = response.headers["Location"]
-        try:
-            url = URL(location)
-        except InvalidURL as exc:
-            raise RemoteProtocolError(
-                f"Invalid URL in location header: {exc}.", request=request
-            ) from None
-        # Handle malformed 'Location' headers that are "absolute" form, have no host.
-        # See:
-        if url.scheme and not
-            url = url.copy_with(
-        # Facilitate relative 'Location' headers, as allowed by RFC 7231.
-        # (e.g. '/path/to/resource' instead of 'http://domain.tld/path/to/resource')
-        if url.is_relative_url:
-            url = request.url.join(url)
-        # Attach previous fragment if needed (RFC 7231 7.1.2)
-        if request.url.fragment and not url.fragment:
-            url = url.copy_with(fragment=request.url.fragment)
-        return url
-    def _redirect_headers(self, request: Request, url: URL, method: str) -> Headers:
-        """
-        Return the headers that should be used for the redirect request.
-        """
-        headers = Headers(request.headers)
-        if not same_origin(url, request.url):
-            if not is_https_redirect(request.url, url):
-                # Strip Authorization headers when responses are redirected
-                # away from the origin. (Except for direct HTTP to HTTPS redirects.)
-                headers.pop("Authorization", None)
-            # Update the Host header.
-            headers["Host"] = url.netloc.decode("ascii")
-        if method != request.method and method == "GET":
-            # If we've switch to a 'GET' request, then strip any headers which
-            # are only relevant to the request body.
-            headers.pop("Content-Length", None)
-            headers.pop("Transfer-Encoding", None)
-        # We should use the client cookie store to determine any cookie header,
-        # rather than whatever was on the original outgoing request.
-        headers.pop("Cookie", None)
-        return headers
-    def _redirect_stream(
-        self, request: Request, method: str
-    ) -> SyncByteStream | AsyncByteStream | None:
-        """
-        Return the body that should be used for the redirect request.
-        """
-        if method != request.method and method == "GET":
-            return None
-        return
-    def _set_timeout(self, request: Request) -> None:
-        if "timeout" not in request.extensions:
-            timeout = (
-                self.timeout
-                if isinstance(self.timeout, UseClientDefault)
-                else Timeout(self.timeout)
-            )
-            request.extensions = dict(**request.extensions, timeout=timeout.as_dict())
-class Client(BaseClient):
-    """
-    An HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects, cookie persistence, etc.
-    It can be shared between threads.
-    Usage:
-    ```python
-    >>> client = httpx.Client()
-    >>> response = client.get('')
-    ```
-    **Parameters:**
-    * **auth** - *(optional)* An authentication class to use when sending
-    requests.
-    * **params** - *(optional)* Query parameters to include in request URLs, as
-    a string, dictionary, or sequence of two-tuples.
-    * **headers** - *(optional)* Dictionary of HTTP headers to include when
-    sending requests.
-    * **cookies** - *(optional)* Dictionary of Cookie items to include when
-    sending requests.
-    * **verify** - *(optional)* SSL certificates (a.k.a CA bundle) used to
-    verify the identity of requested hosts. Either `True` (default CA bundle),
-    a path to an SSL certificate file, an `ssl.SSLContext`, or `False`
-    (which will disable verification).
-    * **cert** - *(optional)* An SSL certificate used by the requested host
-    to authenticate the client. Either a path to an SSL certificate file, or
-    two-tuple of (certificate file, key file), or a three-tuple of (certificate
-    file, key file, password).
-    * **http2** - *(optional)* A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be
-    enabled. Defaults to `False`.
-    * **proxy** - *(optional)* A proxy URL where all the traffic should be routed.
-    * **proxies** - *(optional)* A dictionary mapping proxy keys to proxy
-    URLs.
-    * **timeout** - *(optional)* The timeout configuration to use when sending
-    requests.
-    * **limits** - *(optional)* The limits configuration to use.
-    * **max_redirects** - *(optional)* The maximum number of redirect responses
-    that should be followed.
-    * **base_url** - *(optional)* A URL to use as the base when building
-    request URLs.
-    * **transport** - *(optional)* A transport class to use for sending requests
-    over the network.
-    * **app** - *(optional)* An WSGI application to send requests to,
-    rather than sending actual network requests.
-    * **trust_env** - *(optional)* Enables or disables usage of environment
-    variables for configuration.
-    * **default_encoding** - *(optional)* The default encoding to use for decoding
-    response text, if no charset information is included in a response Content-Type
-    header. Set to a callable for automatic character set detection. Default: "utf-8".
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        auth: AuthTypes | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
-        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
-        http1: bool = True,
-        http2: bool = False,
-        proxy: ProxyTypes | None = None,
-        proxies: ProxiesTypes | None = None,
-        mounts: None | (typing.Mapping[str, BaseTransport | None]) = None,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG,
-        follow_redirects: bool = False,
-        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
-        max_redirects: int = DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS,
-        event_hooks: None | (typing.Mapping[str, list[EventHook]]) = None,
-        base_url: URLTypes = "",
-        transport: BaseTransport | None = None,
-        app: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any] | None = None,
-        trust_env: bool = True,
-        default_encoding: str | typing.Callable[[bytes], str] = "utf-8",
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__(
-            auth=auth,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            max_redirects=max_redirects,
-            event_hooks=event_hooks,
-            base_url=base_url,
-            trust_env=trust_env,
-            default_encoding=default_encoding,
-        )
-        if http2:
-            try:
-                import h2  # noqa
-            except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
-                raise ImportError(
-                    "Using http2=True, but the 'h2' package is not installed. "
-                    "Make sure to install httpx using `pip install httpx[http2]`."
-                ) from None
-        if proxies:
-            message = (
-                "The 'proxies' argument is now deprecated."
-                " Use 'proxy' or 'mounts' instead."
-            )
-            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
-            if proxy:
-                raise RuntimeError("Use either `proxy` or 'proxies', not both.")
-        if app:
-            message = (
-                "The 'app' shortcut is now deprecated."
-                " Use the explicit style 'transport=WSGITransport(app=...)' instead."
-            )
-            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
-        allow_env_proxies = trust_env and app is None and transport is None
-        proxy_map = self._get_proxy_map(proxies or proxy, allow_env_proxies)
-        self._transport = self._init_transport(
-            verify=verify,
-            cert=cert,
-            http1=http1,
-            http2=http2,
-            limits=limits,
-            transport=transport,
-            app=app,
-            trust_env=trust_env,
-        )
-        self._mounts: dict[URLPattern, BaseTransport | None] = {
-            URLPattern(key): None
-            if proxy is None
-            else self._init_proxy_transport(
-                proxy,
-                verify=verify,
-                cert=cert,
-                http1=http1,
-                http2=http2,
-                limits=limits,
-                trust_env=trust_env,
-            )
-            for key, proxy in proxy_map.items()
-        }
-        if mounts is not None:
-            self._mounts.update(
-                {URLPattern(key): transport for key, transport in mounts.items()}
-            )
-        self._mounts = dict(sorted(self._mounts.items()))
-    def _init_transport(
-        self,
-        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
-        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
-        http1: bool = True,
-        http2: bool = False,
-        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
-        transport: BaseTransport | None = None,
-        app: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any] | None = None,
-        trust_env: bool = True,
-    ) -> BaseTransport:
-        if transport is not None:
-            return transport
-        if app is not None:
-            return WSGITransport(app=app)
-        return HTTPTransport(
-            verify=verify,
-            cert=cert,
-            http1=http1,
-            http2=http2,
-            limits=limits,
-            trust_env=trust_env,
-        )
-    def _init_proxy_transport(
-        self,
-        proxy: Proxy,
-        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
-        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
-        http1: bool = True,
-        http2: bool = False,
-        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
-        trust_env: bool = True,
-    ) -> BaseTransport:
-        return HTTPTransport(
-            verify=verify,
-            cert=cert,
-            http1=http1,
-            http2=http2,
-            limits=limits,
-            trust_env=trust_env,
-            proxy=proxy,
-        )
-    def _transport_for_url(self, url: URL) -> BaseTransport:
-        """
-        Returns the transport instance that should be used for a given URL.
-        This will either be the standard connection pool, or a proxy.
-        """
-        for pattern, transport in self._mounts.items():
-            if pattern.matches(url):
-                return self._transport if transport is None else transport
-        return self._transport
-    def request(
-        self,
-        method: str,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Build and send a request.
-        Equivalent to:
-        ```python
-        request = client.build_request(...)
-        response = client.send(request, ...)
-        ```
-        See `Client.build_request()`, `Client.send()` and
-        [Merging of configuration][0] for how the various parameters
-        are merged with client-level configuration.
-        [0]: /advanced/clients/#merging-of-configuration
-        """
-        if cookies is not None:
-            message = (
-                "Setting per-request cookies=<...> is being deprecated, because "
-                "the expected behaviour on cookie persistence is ambiguous. Set "
-                "cookies directly on the client instance instead."
-            )
-            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
-        request = self.build_request(
-            method=method,
-            url=url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-        return self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
-    @contextmanager
-    def stream(
-        self,
-        method: str,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> typing.Iterator[Response]:
-        """
-        Alternative to `httpx.request()` that streams the response body
-        instead of loading it into memory at once.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        See also: [Streaming Responses][0]
-        [0]: /quickstart#streaming-responses
-        """
-        request = self.build_request(
-            method=method,
-            url=url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-        response = self.send(
-            request=request,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            stream=True,
-        )
-        try:
-            yield response
-        finally:
-            response.close()
-    def send(
-        self,
-        request: Request,
-        *,
-        stream: bool = False,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a request.
-        The request is sent as-is, unmodified.
-        Typically you'll want to build one with `Client.build_request()`
-        so that any client-level configuration is merged into the request,
-        but passing an explicit `httpx.Request()` is supported as well.
-        See also: [Request instances][0]
-        [0]: /advanced/clients/#request-instances
-        """
-        if self._state == ClientState.CLOSED:
-            raise RuntimeError("Cannot send a request, as the client has been closed.")
-        self._state = ClientState.OPENED
-        follow_redirects = (
-            self.follow_redirects
-            if isinstance(follow_redirects, UseClientDefault)
-            else follow_redirects
-        )
-        self._set_timeout(request)
-        auth = self._build_request_auth(request, auth)
-        response = self._send_handling_auth(
-            request,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            history=[],
-        )
-        try:
-            if not stream:
-            return response
-        except BaseException as exc:
-            response.close()
-            raise exc
-    def _send_handling_auth(
-        self,
-        request: Request,
-        auth: Auth,
-        follow_redirects: bool,
-        history: list[Response],
-    ) -> Response:
-        auth_flow = auth.sync_auth_flow(request)
-        try:
-            request = next(auth_flow)
-            while True:
-                response = self._send_handling_redirects(
-                    request,
-                    follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-                    history=history,
-                )
-                try:
-                    try:
-                        next_request = auth_flow.send(response)
-                    except StopIteration:
-                        return response
-                    response.history = list(history)
-                    request = next_request
-                    history.append(response)
-                except BaseException as exc:
-                    response.close()
-                    raise exc
-        finally:
-            auth_flow.close()
-    def _send_handling_redirects(
-        self,
-        request: Request,
-        follow_redirects: bool,
-        history: list[Response],
-    ) -> Response:
-        while True:
-            if len(history) > self.max_redirects:
-                raise TooManyRedirects(
-                    "Exceeded maximum allowed redirects.", request=request
-                )
-            for hook in self._event_hooks["request"]:
-                hook(request)
-            response = self._send_single_request(request)
-            try:
-                for hook in self._event_hooks["response"]:
-                    hook(response)
-                response.history = list(history)
-                if not response.has_redirect_location:
-                    return response
-                request = self._build_redirect_request(request, response)
-                history = history + [response]
-                if follow_redirects:
-                else:
-                    response.next_request = request
-                    return response
-            except BaseException as exc:
-                response.close()
-                raise exc
-    def _send_single_request(self, request: Request) -> Response:
-        """
-        Sends a single request, without handling any redirections.
-        """
-        transport = self._transport_for_url(request.url)
-        timer = Timer()
-        timer.sync_start()
-        if not isinstance(, SyncByteStream):
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "Attempted to send an async request with a sync Client instance."
-            )
-        with request_context(request=request):
-            response = transport.handle_request(request)
-        assert isinstance(, SyncByteStream)
-        response.request = request
- = BoundSyncStream(
-  , response=response, timer=timer
-        )
-        self.cookies.extract_cookies(response)
-        response.default_encoding = self._default_encoding
-            'HTTP Request: %s %s "%s %d %s"',
-            request.method,
-            request.url,
-            response.http_version,
-            response.status_code,
-            response.reason_phrase,
-        )
-        return response
-    def get(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `GET` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return self.request(
-            "GET",
-            url,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    def options(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send an `OPTIONS` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return self.request(
-            "OPTIONS",
-            url,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    def head(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `HEAD` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return self.request(
-            "HEAD",
-            url,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    def post(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `POST` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return self.request(
-            "POST",
-            url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    def put(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `PUT` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return self.request(
-            "PUT",
-            url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    def patch(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `PATCH` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return self.request(
-            "PATCH",
-            url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    def delete(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `DELETE` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return self.request(
-            "DELETE",
-            url,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    def close(self) -> None:
-        """
-        Close transport and proxies.
-        """
-        if self._state != ClientState.CLOSED:
-            self._state = ClientState.CLOSED
-            self._transport.close()
-            for transport in self._mounts.values():
-                if transport is not None:
-                    transport.close()
-    def __enter__(self: T) -> T:
-        if self._state != ClientState.UNOPENED:
-            msg = {
-                ClientState.OPENED: "Cannot open a client instance more than once.",
-                ClientState.CLOSED: (
-                    "Cannot reopen a client instance, once it has been closed."
-                ),
-            }[self._state]
-            raise RuntimeError(msg)
-        self._state = ClientState.OPENED
-        self._transport.__enter__()
-        for transport in self._mounts.values():
-            if transport is not None:
-                transport.__enter__()
-        return self
-    def __exit__(
-        self,
-        exc_type: type[BaseException] | None = None,
-        exc_value: BaseException | None = None,
-        traceback: TracebackType | None = None,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._state = ClientState.CLOSED
-        self._transport.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
-        for transport in self._mounts.values():
-            if transport is not None:
-                transport.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
-class AsyncClient(BaseClient):
-    """
-    An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects,
-    cookie persistence, etc.
-    It can be shared between tasks.
-    Usage:
-    ```python
-    >>> async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
-    >>>     response = await client.get('')
-    ```
-    **Parameters:**
-    * **auth** - *(optional)* An authentication class to use when sending
-    requests.
-    * **params** - *(optional)* Query parameters to include in request URLs, as
-    a string, dictionary, or sequence of two-tuples.
-    * **headers** - *(optional)* Dictionary of HTTP headers to include when
-    sending requests.
-    * **cookies** - *(optional)* Dictionary of Cookie items to include when
-    sending requests.
-    * **verify** - *(optional)* SSL certificates (a.k.a CA bundle) used to
-    verify the identity of requested hosts. Either `True` (default CA bundle),
-    a path to an SSL certificate file, an `ssl.SSLContext`, or `False`
-    (which will disable verification).
-    * **cert** - *(optional)* An SSL certificate used by the requested host
-    to authenticate the client. Either a path to an SSL certificate file, or
-    two-tuple of (certificate file, key file), or a three-tuple of (certificate
-    file, key file, password).
-    * **http2** - *(optional)* A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be
-    enabled. Defaults to `False`.
-    * **proxy** - *(optional)* A proxy URL where all the traffic should be routed.
-    * **proxies** - *(optional)* A dictionary mapping HTTP protocols to proxy
-    URLs.
-    * **timeout** - *(optional)* The timeout configuration to use when sending
-    requests.
-    * **limits** - *(optional)* The limits configuration to use.
-    * **max_redirects** - *(optional)* The maximum number of redirect responses
-    that should be followed.
-    * **base_url** - *(optional)* A URL to use as the base when building
-    request URLs.
-    * **transport** - *(optional)* A transport class to use for sending requests
-    over the network.
-    * **app** - *(optional)* An ASGI application to send requests to,
-    rather than sending actual network requests.
-    * **trust_env** - *(optional)* Enables or disables usage of environment
-    variables for configuration.
-    * **default_encoding** - *(optional)* The default encoding to use for decoding
-    response text, if no charset information is included in a response Content-Type
-    header. Set to a callable for automatic character set detection. Default: "utf-8".
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        auth: AuthTypes | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
-        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
-        http1: bool = True,
-        http2: bool = False,
-        proxy: ProxyTypes | None = None,
-        proxies: ProxiesTypes | None = None,
-        mounts: None | (typing.Mapping[str, AsyncBaseTransport | None]) = None,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG,
-        follow_redirects: bool = False,
-        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
-        max_redirects: int = DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS,
-        event_hooks: None | (typing.Mapping[str, list[EventHook]]) = None,
-        base_url: URLTypes = "",
-        transport: AsyncBaseTransport | None = None,
-        app: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any] | None = None,
-        trust_env: bool = True,
-        default_encoding: str | typing.Callable[[bytes], str] = "utf-8",
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__(
-            auth=auth,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            max_redirects=max_redirects,
-            event_hooks=event_hooks,
-            base_url=base_url,
-            trust_env=trust_env,
-            default_encoding=default_encoding,
-        )
-        if http2:
-            try:
-                import h2  # noqa
-            except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
-                raise ImportError(
-                    "Using http2=True, but the 'h2' package is not installed. "
-                    "Make sure to install httpx using `pip install httpx[http2]`."
-                ) from None
-        if proxies:
-            message = (
-                "The 'proxies' argument is now deprecated."
-                " Use 'proxy' or 'mounts' instead."
-            )
-            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
-            if proxy:
-                raise RuntimeError("Use either `proxy` or 'proxies', not both.")
-        if app:
-            message = (
-                "The 'app' shortcut is now deprecated."
-                " Use the explicit style 'transport=ASGITransport(app=...)' instead."
-            )
-            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
-        allow_env_proxies = trust_env and app is None and transport is None
-        proxy_map = self._get_proxy_map(proxies or proxy, allow_env_proxies)
-        self._transport = self._init_transport(
-            verify=verify,
-            cert=cert,
-            http1=http1,
-            http2=http2,
-            limits=limits,
-            transport=transport,
-            app=app,
-            trust_env=trust_env,
-        )
-        self._mounts: dict[URLPattern, AsyncBaseTransport | None] = {
-            URLPattern(key): None
-            if proxy is None
-            else self._init_proxy_transport(
-                proxy,
-                verify=verify,
-                cert=cert,
-                http1=http1,
-                http2=http2,
-                limits=limits,
-                trust_env=trust_env,
-            )
-            for key, proxy in proxy_map.items()
-        }
-        if mounts is not None:
-            self._mounts.update(
-                {URLPattern(key): transport for key, transport in mounts.items()}
-            )
-        self._mounts = dict(sorted(self._mounts.items()))
-    def _init_transport(
-        self,
-        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
-        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
-        http1: bool = True,
-        http2: bool = False,
-        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
-        transport: AsyncBaseTransport | None = None,
-        app: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any] | None = None,
-        trust_env: bool = True,
-    ) -> AsyncBaseTransport:
-        if transport is not None:
-            return transport
-        if app is not None:
-            return ASGITransport(app=app)
-        return AsyncHTTPTransport(
-            verify=verify,
-            cert=cert,
-            http1=http1,
-            http2=http2,
-            limits=limits,
-            trust_env=trust_env,
-        )
-    def _init_proxy_transport(
-        self,
-        proxy: Proxy,
-        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
-        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
-        http1: bool = True,
-        http2: bool = False,
-        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
-        trust_env: bool = True,
-    ) -> AsyncBaseTransport:
-        return AsyncHTTPTransport(
-            verify=verify,
-            cert=cert,
-            http1=http1,
-            http2=http2,
-            limits=limits,
-            trust_env=trust_env,
-            proxy=proxy,
-        )
-    def _transport_for_url(self, url: URL) -> AsyncBaseTransport:
-        """
-        Returns the transport instance that should be used for a given URL.
-        This will either be the standard connection pool, or a proxy.
-        """
-        for pattern, transport in self._mounts.items():
-            if pattern.matches(url):
-                return self._transport if transport is None else transport
-        return self._transport
-    async def request(
-        self,
-        method: str,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Build and send a request.
-        Equivalent to:
-        ```python
-        request = client.build_request(...)
-        response = await client.send(request, ...)
-        ```
-        See `AsyncClient.build_request()`, `AsyncClient.send()`
-        and [Merging of configuration][0] for how the various parameters
-        are merged with client-level configuration.
-        [0]: /advanced/clients/#merging-of-configuration
-        """
-        if cookies is not None:  # pragma: no cover
-            message = (
-                "Setting per-request cookies=<...> is being deprecated, because "
-                "the expected behaviour on cookie persistence is ambiguous. Set "
-                "cookies directly on the client instance instead."
-            )
-            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
-        request = self.build_request(
-            method=method,
-            url=url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-        return await self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
-    @asynccontextmanager
-    async def stream(
-        self,
-        method: str,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> typing.AsyncIterator[Response]:
-        """
-        Alternative to `httpx.request()` that streams the response body
-        instead of loading it into memory at once.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        See also: [Streaming Responses][0]
-        [0]: /quickstart#streaming-responses
-        """
-        request = self.build_request(
-            method=method,
-            url=url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-        response = await self.send(
-            request=request,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            stream=True,
-        )
-        try:
-            yield response
-        finally:
-            await response.aclose()
-    async def send(
-        self,
-        request: Request,
-        *,
-        stream: bool = False,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a request.
-        The request is sent as-is, unmodified.
-        Typically you'll want to build one with `AsyncClient.build_request()`
-        so that any client-level configuration is merged into the request,
-        but passing an explicit `httpx.Request()` is supported as well.
-        See also: [Request instances][0]
-        [0]: /advanced/clients/#request-instances
-        """
-        if self._state == ClientState.CLOSED:
-            raise RuntimeError("Cannot send a request, as the client has been closed.")
-        self._state = ClientState.OPENED
-        follow_redirects = (
-            self.follow_redirects
-            if isinstance(follow_redirects, UseClientDefault)
-            else follow_redirects
-        )
-        self._set_timeout(request)
-        auth = self._build_request_auth(request, auth)
-        response = await self._send_handling_auth(
-            request,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            history=[],
-        )
-        try:
-            if not stream:
-                await response.aread()
-            return response
-        except BaseException as exc:
-            await response.aclose()
-            raise exc
-    async def _send_handling_auth(
-        self,
-        request: Request,
-        auth: Auth,
-        follow_redirects: bool,
-        history: list[Response],
-    ) -> Response:
-        auth_flow = auth.async_auth_flow(request)
-        try:
-            request = await auth_flow.__anext__()
-            while True:
-                response = await self._send_handling_redirects(
-                    request,
-                    follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-                    history=history,
-                )
-                try:
-                    try:
-                        next_request = await auth_flow.asend(response)
-                    except StopAsyncIteration:
-                        return response
-                    response.history = list(history)
-                    await response.aread()
-                    request = next_request
-                    history.append(response)
-                except BaseException as exc:
-                    await response.aclose()
-                    raise exc
-        finally:
-            await auth_flow.aclose()
-    async def _send_handling_redirects(
-        self,
-        request: Request,
-        follow_redirects: bool,
-        history: list[Response],
-    ) -> Response:
-        while True:
-            if len(history) > self.max_redirects:
-                raise TooManyRedirects(
-                    "Exceeded maximum allowed redirects.", request=request
-                )
-            for hook in self._event_hooks["request"]:
-                await hook(request)
-            response = await self._send_single_request(request)
-            try:
-                for hook in self._event_hooks["response"]:
-                    await hook(response)
-                response.history = list(history)
-                if not response.has_redirect_location:
-                    return response
-                request = self._build_redirect_request(request, response)
-                history = history + [response]
-                if follow_redirects:
-                    await response.aread()
-                else:
-                    response.next_request = request
-                    return response
-            except BaseException as exc:
-                await response.aclose()
-                raise exc
-    async def _send_single_request(self, request: Request) -> Response:
-        """
-        Sends a single request, without handling any redirections.
-        """
-        transport = self._transport_for_url(request.url)
-        timer = Timer()
-        await timer.async_start()
-        if not isinstance(, AsyncByteStream):
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "Attempted to send an sync request with an AsyncClient instance."
-            )
-        with request_context(request=request):
-            response = await transport.handle_async_request(request)
-        assert isinstance(, AsyncByteStream)
-        response.request = request
- = BoundAsyncStream(
-  , response=response, timer=timer
-        )
-        self.cookies.extract_cookies(response)
-        response.default_encoding = self._default_encoding
-            'HTTP Request: %s %s "%s %d %s"',
-            request.method,
-            request.url,
-            response.http_version,
-            response.status_code,
-            response.reason_phrase,
-        )
-        return response
-    async def get(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `GET` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return await self.request(
-            "GET",
-            url,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    async def options(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send an `OPTIONS` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return await self.request(
-            "OPTIONS",
-            url,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    async def head(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `HEAD` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return await self.request(
-            "HEAD",
-            url,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    async def post(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `POST` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return await self.request(
-            "POST",
-            url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    async def put(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `PUT` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return await self.request(
-            "PUT",
-            url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    async def patch(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        content: RequestContent | None = None,
-        data: RequestData | None = None,
-        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
-        json: typing.Any | None = None,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `PATCH` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return await self.request(
-            "PATCH",
-            url,
-            content=content,
-            data=data,
-            files=files,
-            json=json,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    async def delete(
-        self,
-        url: URLTypes,
-        *,
-        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
-        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
-        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
-        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
-        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
-    ) -> Response:
-        """
-        Send a `DELETE` request.
-        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
-        """
-        return await self.request(
-            "DELETE",
-            url,
-            params=params,
-            headers=headers,
-            cookies=cookies,
-            auth=auth,
-            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
-            timeout=timeout,
-            extensions=extensions,
-        )
-    async def aclose(self) -> None:
-        """
-        Close transport and proxies.
-        """
-        if self._state != ClientState.CLOSED:
-            self._state = ClientState.CLOSED
-            await self._transport.aclose()
-            for proxy in self._mounts.values():
-                if proxy is not None:
-                    await proxy.aclose()
-    async def __aenter__(self: U) -> U:
-        if self._state != ClientState.UNOPENED:
-            msg = {
-                ClientState.OPENED: "Cannot open a client instance more than once.",
-                ClientState.CLOSED: (
-                    "Cannot reopen a client instance, once it has been closed."
-                ),
-            }[self._state]
-            raise RuntimeError(msg)
-        self._state = ClientState.OPENED
-        await self._transport.__aenter__()
-        for proxy in self._mounts.values():
-            if proxy is not None:
-                await proxy.__aenter__()
-        return self
-    async def __aexit__(
-        self,
-        exc_type: type[BaseException] | None = None,
-        exc_value: BaseException | None = None,
-        traceback: TracebackType | None = None,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._state = ClientState.CLOSED
-        await self._transport.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
-        for proxy in self._mounts.values():
-            if proxy is not None:
-                await proxy.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
diff --git a/httpx/_clients/ b/httpx/_clients/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..999fd862e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpx/_clients/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from ._async_client import *
+from ._sync_client import *
+__all__ = [
+    "AsyncClient",
+    "Client",
diff --git a/httpx/_clients/ b/httpx/_clients/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76fb287818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpx/_clients/
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import datetime
+import logging
+import typing
+import warnings
+from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
+from types import TracebackType
+from ..__version__ import __version__
+from .._auth import Auth
+from .._config import (
+    Limits,
+    Proxy,
+    UseClientDefault,
+from .._decoders import SUPPORTED_DECODERS
+from .._exceptions import (
+    TooManyRedirects,
+    request_context,
+from .._models import Request, Response
+from .._transports.asgi import ASGITransport
+from .._transports.base import AsyncBaseTransport
+from .._transports.default import AsyncHTTPTransport
+from .._types import (
+    AsyncByteStream,
+    AuthTypes,
+    CertTypes,
+    CookieTypes,
+    HeaderTypes,
+    ProxiesTypes,
+    ProxyTypes,
+    QueryParamTypes,
+    RequestContent,
+    RequestData,
+    RequestExtensions,
+    RequestFiles,
+    TimeoutTypes,
+    URLTypes,
+    VerifyTypes,
+from .._urls import URL
+from .._utils import (
+    Timer,
+    URLPattern,
+from ._base import BaseClient, ClientState
+__all__ = ["AsyncClient"]
+# The type annotation for @classmethod and context managers here follows PEP 484
+U = typing.TypeVar("U", bound="AsyncClient")
+logger = logging.getLogger("httpx")
+USER_AGENT = f"python-httpx/{__version__}"
+ACCEPT_ENCODING = ", ".join(
+    [key for key in SUPPORTED_DECODERS.keys() if key != "identity"]
+class BoundAsyncStream(AsyncByteStream):
+    """
+    An async byte stream that is bound to a given response instance, and that
+    ensures the `response.elapsed` is set once the response is closed.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, stream: AsyncByteStream, response: Response, timer: Timer
+    ) -> None:
+        self._stream = stream
+        self._response = response
+        self._timer = timer
+    async def __aiter__(self) -> typing.AsyncIterator[bytes]:
+        async for chunk in self._stream:
+            yield chunk
+    async def aclose(self) -> None:
+        seconds = await self._timer.async_elapsed()
+        self._response.elapsed = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
+        await self._stream.aclose()
+EventHook = typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]
+class AsyncClient(BaseClient):
+    """
+    An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects,
+    cookie persistence, etc.
+    It can be shared between tasks.
+    Usage:
+    ```python
+    >>> async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
+    >>>     response = await client.get('')
+    ```
+    **Parameters:**
+    * **auth** - *(optional)* An authentication class to use when sending
+    requests.
+    * **params** - *(optional)* Query parameters to include in request URLs, as
+    a string, dictionary, or sequence of two-tuples.
+    * **headers** - *(optional)* Dictionary of HTTP headers to include when
+    sending requests.
+    * **cookies** - *(optional)* Dictionary of Cookie items to include when
+    sending requests.
+    * **verify** - *(optional)* SSL certificates (a.k.a CA bundle) used to
+    verify the identity of requested hosts. Either `True` (default CA bundle),
+    a path to an SSL certificate file, an `ssl.SSLContext`, or `False`
+    (which will disable verification).
+    * **cert** - *(optional)* An SSL certificate used by the requested host
+    to authenticate the client. Either a path to an SSL certificate file, or
+    two-tuple of (certificate file, key file), or a three-tuple of (certificate
+    file, key file, password).
+    * **http2** - *(optional)* A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be
+    enabled. Defaults to `False`.
+    * **proxy** - *(optional)* A proxy URL where all the traffic should be routed.
+    * **proxies** - *(optional)* A dictionary mapping HTTP protocols to proxy
+    URLs.
+    * **timeout** - *(optional)* The timeout configuration to use when sending
+    requests.
+    * **limits** - *(optional)* The limits configuration to use.
+    * **max_redirects** - *(optional)* The maximum number of redirect responses
+    that should be followed.
+    * **base_url** - *(optional)* A URL to use as the base when building
+    request URLs.
+    * **transport** - *(optional)* A transport class to use for sending requests
+    over the network.
+    * **app** - *(optional)* An ASGI application to send requests to,
+    rather than sending actual network requests.
+    * **trust_env** - *(optional)* Enables or disables usage of environment
+    variables for configuration.
+    * **default_encoding** - *(optional)* The default encoding to use for decoding
+    response text, if no charset information is included in a response Content-Type
+    header. Set to a callable for automatic character set detection. Default: "utf-8".
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        *,
+        auth: AuthTypes | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
+        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
+        http1: bool = True,
+        http2: bool = False,
+        proxy: ProxyTypes | None = None,
+        proxies: ProxiesTypes | None = None,
+        mounts: None | (typing.Mapping[str, AsyncBaseTransport | None]) = None,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG,
+        follow_redirects: bool = False,
+        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
+        max_redirects: int = DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS,
+        event_hooks: None | (typing.Mapping[str, list[EventHook]]) = None,
+        base_url: URLTypes = "",
+        transport: AsyncBaseTransport | None = None,
+        app: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any] | None = None,
+        trust_env: bool = True,
+        default_encoding: str | typing.Callable[[bytes], str] = "utf-8",
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(
+            auth=auth,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            max_redirects=max_redirects,
+            event_hooks=event_hooks,
+            base_url=base_url,
+            trust_env=trust_env,
+            default_encoding=default_encoding,
+        )
+        if http2:
+            try:
+                import h2  # noqa
+            except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
+                raise ImportError(
+                    "Using http2=True, but the 'h2' package is not installed. "
+                    "Make sure to install httpx using `pip install httpx[http2]`."
+                ) from None
+        if proxies:
+            message = (
+                "The 'proxies' argument is now deprecated."
+                " Use 'proxy' or 'mounts' instead."
+            )
+            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
+            if proxy:
+                raise RuntimeError("Use either `proxy` or 'proxies', not both.")
+        if app:
+            message = (
+                "The 'app' shortcut is now deprecated."
+                " Use the explicit style 'transport=ASGITransport(app=...)' instead."
+            )
+            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
+        allow_env_proxies = trust_env and app is None and transport is None
+        proxy_map = self._get_proxy_map(proxies or proxy, allow_env_proxies)
+        self._transport = self._init_transport(
+            verify=verify,
+            cert=cert,
+            http1=http1,
+            http2=http2,
+            limits=limits,
+            transport=transport,
+            app=app,
+            trust_env=trust_env,
+        )
+        self._mounts: dict[URLPattern, AsyncBaseTransport | None] = {
+            URLPattern(key): None
+            if proxy is None
+            else self._init_proxy_transport(
+                proxy,
+                verify=verify,
+                cert=cert,
+                http1=http1,
+                http2=http2,
+                limits=limits,
+                trust_env=trust_env,
+            )
+            for key, proxy in proxy_map.items()
+        }
+        if mounts is not None:
+            self._mounts.update(
+                {URLPattern(key): transport for key, transport in mounts.items()}
+            )
+        self._mounts = dict(sorted(self._mounts.items()))
+    def _init_transport(
+        self,
+        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
+        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
+        http1: bool = True,
+        http2: bool = False,
+        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
+        transport: AsyncBaseTransport | None = None,
+        app: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any] | None = None,
+        trust_env: bool = True,
+    ) -> AsyncBaseTransport:
+        if transport is not None:
+            return transport
+        if app is not None:
+            return ASGITransport(app=app)
+        return AsyncHTTPTransport(
+            verify=verify,
+            cert=cert,
+            http1=http1,
+            http2=http2,
+            limits=limits,
+            trust_env=trust_env,
+        )
+    def _init_proxy_transport(
+        self,
+        proxy: Proxy,
+        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
+        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
+        http1: bool = True,
+        http2: bool = False,
+        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
+        trust_env: bool = True,
+    ) -> AsyncBaseTransport:
+        return AsyncHTTPTransport(
+            verify=verify,
+            cert=cert,
+            http1=http1,
+            http2=http2,
+            limits=limits,
+            trust_env=trust_env,
+            proxy=proxy,
+        )
+    def _transport_for_url(self, url: URL) -> AsyncBaseTransport:
+        """
+        Returns the transport instance that should be used for a given URL.
+        This will either be the standard connection pool, or a proxy.
+        """
+        for pattern, transport in self._mounts.items():
+            if pattern.matches(url):
+                return self._transport if transport is None else transport
+        return self._transport
+    async def request(
+        self,
+        method: str,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Build and send a request.
+        Equivalent to:
+        ```python
+        request = client.build_request(...)
+        response = await client.send(request, ...)
+        ```
+        See `AsyncClient.build_request()`, `AsyncClient.send()`
+        and [Merging of configuration][0] for how the various parameters
+        are merged with client-level configuration.
+        [0]: /advanced/clients/#merging-of-configuration
+        """
+        if cookies is not None:  # pragma: no cover
+            message = (
+                "Setting per-request cookies=<...> is being deprecated, because "
+                "the expected behaviour on cookie persistence is ambiguous. Set "
+                "cookies directly on the client instance instead."
+            )
+            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
+        request = self.build_request(
+            method=method,
+            url=url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+        return await self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
+    @asynccontextmanager
+    async def stream(
+        self,
+        method: str,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> typing.AsyncIterator[Response]:
+        """
+        Alternative to `httpx.request()` that streams the response body
+        instead of loading it into memory at once.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        See also: [Streaming Responses][0]
+        [0]: /quickstart#streaming-responses
+        """
+        request = self.build_request(
+            method=method,
+            url=url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+        response = await self.send(
+            request=request,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            stream=True,
+        )
+        try:
+            yield response
+        finally:
+            await response.aclose()
+    async def send(
+        self,
+        request: Request,
+        *,
+        stream: bool = False,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a request.
+        The request is sent as-is, unmodified.
+        Typically you'll want to build one with `AsyncClient.build_request()`
+        so that any client-level configuration is merged into the request,
+        but passing an explicit `httpx.Request()` is supported as well.
+        See also: [Request instances][0]
+        [0]: /advanced/clients/#request-instances
+        """
+        if self._state == ClientState.CLOSED:
+            raise RuntimeError("Cannot send a request, as the client has been closed.")
+        self._state = ClientState.OPENED
+        follow_redirects = (
+            self.follow_redirects
+            if isinstance(follow_redirects, UseClientDefault)
+            else follow_redirects
+        )
+        self._set_timeout(request)
+        auth = self._build_request_auth(request, auth)
+        response = await self._send_handling_auth(
+            request,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            history=[],
+        )
+        try:
+            if not stream:
+                await response.aread()
+            return response
+        except BaseException as exc:
+            await response.aclose()
+            raise exc
+    async def _send_handling_auth(
+        self,
+        request: Request,
+        auth: Auth,
+        follow_redirects: bool,
+        history: list[Response],
+    ) -> Response:
+        auth_flow = auth.async_auth_flow(request)
+        try:
+            request = await auth_flow.__anext__()
+            while True:
+                response = await self._send_handling_redirects(
+                    request,
+                    follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+                    history=history,
+                )
+                try:
+                    try:
+                        next_request = await auth_flow.asend(response)
+                    except StopAsyncIteration:
+                        return response
+                    response.history = list(history)
+                    await response.aread()
+                    request = next_request
+                    history.append(response)
+                except BaseException as exc:
+                    await response.aclose()
+                    raise exc
+        finally:
+            await auth_flow.aclose()
+    async def _send_handling_redirects(
+        self,
+        request: Request,
+        follow_redirects: bool,
+        history: list[Response],
+    ) -> Response:
+        while True:
+            if len(history) > self.max_redirects:
+                raise TooManyRedirects(
+                    "Exceeded maximum allowed redirects.", request=request
+                )
+            for hook in self._event_hooks["request"]:
+                await hook(request)
+            response = await self._send_single_request(request)
+            try:
+                for hook in self._event_hooks["response"]:
+                    await hook(response)
+                response.history = list(history)
+                if not response.has_redirect_location:
+                    return response
+                request = self._build_redirect_request(request, response)
+                history = history + [response]
+                if follow_redirects:
+                    await response.aread()
+                else:
+                    response.next_request = request
+                    return response
+            except BaseException as exc:
+                await response.aclose()
+                raise exc
+    async def _send_single_request(self, request: Request) -> Response:
+        """
+        Sends a single request, without handling any redirections.
+        """
+        transport = self._transport_for_url(request.url)
+        timer = Timer()
+        await timer.async_start()
+        if not isinstance(, AsyncByteStream):
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "Attempted to send an sync request with an AsyncClient instance."
+            )
+        with request_context(request=request):
+            response = await transport.handle_async_request(request)
+        assert isinstance(, AsyncByteStream)
+        response.request = request
+ = BoundAsyncStream(
+  , response=response, timer=timer
+        )
+        self.cookies.extract_cookies(response)
+        response.default_encoding = self._default_encoding
+            'HTTP Request: %s %s "%s %d %s"',
+            request.method,
+            request.url,
+            response.http_version,
+            response.status_code,
+            response.reason_phrase,
+        )
+        return response
+    async def get(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `GET` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return await self.request(
+            "GET",
+            url,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    async def options(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send an `OPTIONS` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return await self.request(
+            "OPTIONS",
+            url,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    async def head(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `HEAD` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return await self.request(
+            "HEAD",
+            url,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    async def post(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `POST` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return await self.request(
+            "POST",
+            url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    async def put(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `PUT` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return await self.request(
+            "PUT",
+            url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    async def patch(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `PATCH` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return await self.request(
+            "PATCH",
+            url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    async def delete(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `DELETE` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return await self.request(
+            "DELETE",
+            url,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    async def aclose(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Close transport and proxies.
+        """
+        if self._state != ClientState.CLOSED:
+            self._state = ClientState.CLOSED
+            await self._transport.aclose()
+            for proxy in self._mounts.values():
+                if proxy is not None:
+                    await proxy.aclose()
+    async def __aenter__(self: U) -> U:
+        if self._state != ClientState.UNOPENED:
+            msg = {
+                ClientState.OPENED: "Cannot open a client instance more than once.",
+                ClientState.CLOSED: (
+                    "Cannot reopen a client instance, once it has been closed."
+                ),
+            }[self._state]
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        self._state = ClientState.OPENED
+        await self._transport.__aenter__()
+        for proxy in self._mounts.values():
+            if proxy is not None:
+                await proxy.__aenter__()
+        return self
+    async def __aexit__(
+        self,
+        exc_type: type[BaseException] | None = None,
+        exc_value: BaseException | None = None,
+        traceback: TracebackType | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        self._state = ClientState.CLOSED
+        await self._transport.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
+        for proxy in self._mounts.values():
+            if proxy is not None:
+                await proxy.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
diff --git a/httpx/_clients/ b/httpx/_clients/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50d8d2eb00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpx/_clients/
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import enum
+import logging
+import typing
+from ..__version__ import __version__
+from .._auth import Auth, BasicAuth, FunctionAuth
+from .._config import (
+    Proxy,
+    Timeout,
+    UseClientDefault,
+from .._decoders import SUPPORTED_DECODERS
+from .._exceptions import (
+    InvalidURL,
+    RemoteProtocolError,
+from .._models import Cookies, Headers, Request, Response
+from .._status_codes import codes
+from .._types import (
+    AsyncByteStream,
+    AuthTypes,
+    CookieTypes,
+    HeaderTypes,
+    ProxiesTypes,
+    QueryParamTypes,
+    RequestContent,
+    RequestData,
+    RequestExtensions,
+    RequestFiles,
+    SyncByteStream,
+    TimeoutTypes,
+    URLTypes,
+from .._urls import URL, QueryParams
+from .._utils import (
+    get_environment_proxies,
+    is_https_redirect,
+    same_origin,
+logger = logging.getLogger("httpx")
+USER_AGENT = f"python-httpx/{__version__}"
+ACCEPT_ENCODING = ", ".join(
+    [key for key in SUPPORTED_DECODERS.keys() if key != "identity"]
+class ClientState(enum.Enum):
+    # UNOPENED:
+    #   The client has been instantiated, but has not been used to send a request,
+    #   or been opened by entering the context of a `with` block.
+    UNOPENED = 1
+    # OPENED:
+    #   The client has either sent a request, or is within a `with` block.
+    OPENED = 2
+    # CLOSED:
+    #   The client has either exited the `with` block, or `close()` has
+    #   been called explicitly.
+    CLOSED = 3
+EventHook = typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]
+class BaseClient:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        *,
+        auth: AuthTypes | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG,
+        follow_redirects: bool = False,
+        max_redirects: int = DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS,
+        event_hooks: None | (typing.Mapping[str, list[EventHook]]) = None,
+        base_url: URLTypes = "",
+        trust_env: bool = True,
+        default_encoding: str | typing.Callable[[bytes], str] = "utf-8",
+    ) -> None:
+        event_hooks = {} if event_hooks is None else event_hooks
+        self._base_url = self._enforce_trailing_slash(URL(base_url))
+        self._auth = self._build_auth(auth)
+        self._params = QueryParams(params)
+        self.headers = Headers(headers)
+        self._cookies = Cookies(cookies)
+        self._timeout = Timeout(timeout)
+        self.follow_redirects = follow_redirects
+        self.max_redirects = max_redirects
+        self._event_hooks = {
+            "request": list(event_hooks.get("request", [])),
+            "response": list(event_hooks.get("response", [])),
+        }
+        self._trust_env = trust_env
+        self._default_encoding = default_encoding
+        self._state = ClientState.UNOPENED
+    @property
+    def is_closed(self) -> bool:
+        """
+        Check if the client being closed
+        """
+        return self._state == ClientState.CLOSED
+    @property
+    def trust_env(self) -> bool:
+        return self._trust_env
+    def _enforce_trailing_slash(self, url: URL) -> URL:
+        if url.raw_path.endswith(b"/"):
+            return url
+        return url.copy_with(raw_path=url.raw_path + b"/")
+    def _get_proxy_map(
+        self, proxies: ProxiesTypes | None, allow_env_proxies: bool
+    ) -> dict[str, Proxy | None]:
+        if proxies is None:
+            if allow_env_proxies:
+                return {
+                    key: None if url is None else Proxy(url=url)
+                    for key, url in get_environment_proxies().items()
+                }
+            return {}
+        if isinstance(proxies, dict):
+            new_proxies = {}
+            for key, value in proxies.items():
+                proxy = Proxy(url=value) if isinstance(value, (str, URL)) else value
+                new_proxies[str(key)] = proxy
+            return new_proxies
+        else:
+            proxy = Proxy(url=proxies) if isinstance(proxies, (str, URL)) else proxies
+            return {"all://": proxy}
+    @property
+    def timeout(self) -> Timeout:
+        return self._timeout
+    @timeout.setter
+    def timeout(self, timeout: TimeoutTypes) -> None:
+        self._timeout = Timeout(timeout)
+    @property
+    def event_hooks(self) -> dict[str, list[EventHook]]:
+        return self._event_hooks
+    @event_hooks.setter
+    def event_hooks(self, event_hooks: dict[str, list[EventHook]]) -> None:
+        self._event_hooks = {
+            "request": list(event_hooks.get("request", [])),
+            "response": list(event_hooks.get("response", [])),
+        }
+    @property
+    def auth(self) -> Auth | None:
+        """
+        Authentication class used when none is passed at the request-level.
+        See also [Authentication][0].
+        [0]: /quickstart/#authentication
+        """
+        return self._auth
+    @auth.setter
+    def auth(self, auth: AuthTypes) -> None:
+        self._auth = self._build_auth(auth)
+    @property
+    def base_url(self) -> URL:
+        """
+        Base URL to use when sending requests with relative URLs.
+        """
+        return self._base_url
+    @base_url.setter
+    def base_url(self, url: URLTypes) -> None:
+        self._base_url = self._enforce_trailing_slash(URL(url))
+    @property
+    def headers(self) -> Headers:
+        """
+        HTTP headers to include when sending requests.
+        """
+        return self._headers
+    @headers.setter
+    def headers(self, headers: HeaderTypes) -> None:
+        client_headers = Headers(
+            {
+                b"Accept": b"*/*",
+                b"Accept-Encoding": ACCEPT_ENCODING.encode("ascii"),
+                b"Connection": b"keep-alive",
+                b"User-Agent": USER_AGENT.encode("ascii"),
+            }
+        )
+        client_headers.update(headers)
+        self._headers = client_headers
+    @property
+    def cookies(self) -> Cookies:
+        """
+        Cookie values to include when sending requests.
+        """
+        return self._cookies
+    @cookies.setter
+    def cookies(self, cookies: CookieTypes) -> None:
+        self._cookies = Cookies(cookies)
+    @property
+    def params(self) -> QueryParams:
+        """
+        Query parameters to include in the URL when sending requests.
+        """
+        return self._params
+    @params.setter
+    def params(self, params: QueryParamTypes) -> None:
+        self._params = QueryParams(params)
+    def build_request(
+        self,
+        method: str,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Request:
+        """
+        Build and return a request instance.
+        * The `params`, `headers` and `cookies` arguments
+        are merged with any values set on the client.
+        * The `url` argument is merged with any `base_url` set on the client.
+        See also: [Request instances][0]
+        [0]: /advanced/clients/#request-instances
+        """
+        url = self._merge_url(url)
+        headers = self._merge_headers(headers)
+        cookies = self._merge_cookies(cookies)
+        params = self._merge_queryparams(params)
+        extensions = {} if extensions is None else extensions
+        if "timeout" not in extensions:
+            timeout = (
+                self.timeout
+                if isinstance(timeout, UseClientDefault)
+                else Timeout(timeout)
+            )
+            extensions = dict(**extensions, timeout=timeout.as_dict())
+        return Request(
+            method,
+            url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    def _merge_url(self, url: URLTypes) -> URL:
+        """
+        Merge a URL argument together with any 'base_url' on the client,
+        to create the URL used for the outgoing request.
+        """
+        merge_url = URL(url)
+        if merge_url.is_relative_url:
+            # To merge URLs we always append to the base URL. To get this
+            # behaviour correct we always ensure the base URL ends in a '/'
+            # separator, and strip any leading '/' from the merge URL.
+            #
+            # So, eg...
+            #
+            # >>> client = Client(base_url="")
+            # >>> client.base_url
+            # URL('')
+            # >>> client.build_request("GET", "/path").url
+            # URL('')
+            merge_raw_path = self.base_url.raw_path + merge_url.raw_path.lstrip(b"/")
+            return self.base_url.copy_with(raw_path=merge_raw_path)
+        return merge_url
+    def _merge_cookies(self, cookies: CookieTypes | None = None) -> CookieTypes | None:
+        """
+        Merge a cookies argument together with any cookies on the client,
+        to create the cookies used for the outgoing request.
+        """
+        if cookies or self.cookies:
+            merged_cookies = Cookies(self.cookies)
+            merged_cookies.update(cookies)
+            return merged_cookies
+        return cookies
+    def _merge_headers(self, headers: HeaderTypes | None = None) -> HeaderTypes | None:
+        """
+        Merge a headers argument together with any headers on the client,
+        to create the headers used for the outgoing request.
+        """
+        merged_headers = Headers(self.headers)
+        merged_headers.update(headers)
+        return merged_headers
+    def _merge_queryparams(
+        self, params: QueryParamTypes | None = None
+    ) -> QueryParamTypes | None:
+        """
+        Merge a queryparams argument together with any queryparams on the client,
+        to create the queryparams used for the outgoing request.
+        """
+        if params or self.params:
+            merged_queryparams = QueryParams(self.params)
+            return merged_queryparams.merge(params)
+        return params
+    def _build_auth(self, auth: AuthTypes | None) -> Auth | None:
+        if auth is None:
+            return None
+        elif isinstance(auth, tuple):
+            return BasicAuth(username=auth[0], password=auth[1])
+        elif isinstance(auth, Auth):
+            return auth
+        elif callable(auth):
+            return FunctionAuth(func=auth)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f'Invalid "auth" argument: {auth!r}')
+    def _build_request_auth(
+        self,
+        request: Request,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+    ) -> Auth:
+        auth = (
+            self._auth if isinstance(auth, UseClientDefault) else self._build_auth(auth)
+        )
+        if auth is not None:
+            return auth
+        username, password = request.url.username, request.url.password
+        if username or password:
+            return BasicAuth(username=username, password=password)
+        return Auth()
+    def _build_redirect_request(self, request: Request, response: Response) -> Request:
+        """
+        Given a request and a redirect response, return a new request that
+        should be used to effect the redirect.
+        """
+        method = self._redirect_method(request, response)
+        url = self._redirect_url(request, response)
+        headers = self._redirect_headers(request, url, method)
+        stream = self._redirect_stream(request, method)
+        cookies = Cookies(self.cookies)
+        return Request(
+            method=method,
+            url=url,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            stream=stream,
+            extensions=request.extensions,
+        )
+    def _redirect_method(self, request: Request, response: Response) -> str:
+        """
+        When being redirected we may want to change the method of the request
+        based on certain specs or browser behavior.
+        """
+        method = request.method
+        #
+        if response.status_code == codes.SEE_OTHER and method != "HEAD":
+            method = "GET"
+        # Do what the browsers do, despite standards...
+        # Turn 302s into GETs.
+        if response.status_code == codes.FOUND and method != "HEAD":
+            method = "GET"
+        # If a POST is responded to with a 301, turn it into a GET.
+        # This bizarre behaviour is explained in 'requests' issue 1704.
+        if response.status_code == codes.MOVED_PERMANENTLY and method == "POST":
+            method = "GET"
+        return method
+    def _redirect_url(self, request: Request, response: Response) -> URL:
+        """
+        Return the URL for the redirect to follow.
+        """
+        location = response.headers["Location"]
+        try:
+            url = URL(location)
+        except InvalidURL as exc:
+            raise RemoteProtocolError(
+                f"Invalid URL in location header: {exc}.", request=request
+            ) from None
+        # Handle malformed 'Location' headers that are "absolute" form, have no host.
+        # See:
+        if url.scheme and not
+            url = url.copy_with(
+        # Facilitate relative 'Location' headers, as allowed by RFC 7231.
+        # (e.g. '/path/to/resource' instead of 'http://domain.tld/path/to/resource')
+        if url.is_relative_url:
+            url = request.url.join(url)
+        # Attach previous fragment if needed (RFC 7231 7.1.2)
+        if request.url.fragment and not url.fragment:
+            url = url.copy_with(fragment=request.url.fragment)
+        return url
+    def _redirect_headers(self, request: Request, url: URL, method: str) -> Headers:
+        """
+        Return the headers that should be used for the redirect request.
+        """
+        headers = Headers(request.headers)
+        if not same_origin(url, request.url):
+            if not is_https_redirect(request.url, url):
+                # Strip Authorization headers when responses are redirected
+                # away from the origin. (Except for direct HTTP to HTTPS redirects.)
+                headers.pop("Authorization", None)
+            # Update the Host header.
+            headers["Host"] = url.netloc.decode("ascii")
+        if method != request.method and method == "GET":
+            # If we've switch to a 'GET' request, then strip any headers which
+            # are only relevant to the request body.
+            headers.pop("Content-Length", None)
+            headers.pop("Transfer-Encoding", None)
+        # We should use the client cookie store to determine any cookie header,
+        # rather than whatever was on the original outgoing request.
+        headers.pop("Cookie", None)
+        return headers
+    def _redirect_stream(
+        self, request: Request, method: str
+    ) -> SyncByteStream | AsyncByteStream | None:
+        """
+        Return the body that should be used for the redirect request.
+        """
+        if method != request.method and method == "GET":
+            return None
+        return
+    def _set_timeout(self, request: Request) -> None:
+        if "timeout" not in request.extensions:
+            timeout = (
+                self.timeout
+                if isinstance(self.timeout, UseClientDefault)
+                else Timeout(self.timeout)
+            )
+            request.extensions = dict(**request.extensions, timeout=timeout.as_dict())
diff --git a/httpx/_clients/ b/httpx/_clients/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02b37a8d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httpx/_clients/
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import datetime
+import logging
+import typing
+import warnings
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from types import TracebackType
+from ..__version__ import __version__
+from .._auth import Auth
+from .._config import (
+    Limits,
+    Proxy,
+    UseClientDefault,
+from .._decoders import SUPPORTED_DECODERS
+from .._exceptions import (
+    TooManyRedirects,
+    request_context,
+from .._models import Request, Response
+from .._transports.base import BaseTransport
+from .._transports.default import HTTPTransport
+from .._transports.wsgi import WSGITransport
+from .._types import (
+    AuthTypes,
+    CertTypes,
+    CookieTypes,
+    HeaderTypes,
+    ProxiesTypes,
+    ProxyTypes,
+    QueryParamTypes,
+    RequestContent,
+    RequestData,
+    RequestExtensions,
+    RequestFiles,
+    SyncByteStream,
+    TimeoutTypes,
+    URLTypes,
+    VerifyTypes,
+from .._urls import URL
+from .._utils import (
+    Timer,
+    URLPattern,
+from ._base import BaseClient, ClientState
+__all__ = ["Client"]
+# The type annotation for @classmethod and context managers here follows PEP 484
+U = typing.TypeVar("U", bound="Client")
+logger = logging.getLogger("httpx")
+USER_AGENT = f"python-httpx/{__version__}"
+ACCEPT_ENCODING = ", ".join(
+    [key for key in SUPPORTED_DECODERS.keys() if key != "identity"]
+class BoundSyncStream(SyncByteStream):
+    """
+    An async byte stream that is bound to a given response instance, and that
+    ensures the `response.elapsed` is set once the response is closed.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, stream: SyncByteStream, response: Response, timer: Timer
+    ) -> None:
+        self._stream = stream
+        self._response = response
+        self._timer = timer
+    def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]:
+        for chunk in self._stream:
+            yield chunk
+    def close(self) -> None:
+        seconds = self._timer.sync_elapsed()
+        self._response.elapsed = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
+        self._stream.close()
+EventHook = typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]
+class Client(BaseClient):
+    """
+    An asynchronous HTTP client, with connection pooling, HTTP/2, redirects,
+    cookie persistence, etc.
+    It can be shared between tasks.
+    Usage:
+    ```python
+    >>> with httpx.Client() as client:
+    >>>     response = client.get('')
+    ```
+    **Parameters:**
+    * **auth** - *(optional)* An authentication class to use when sending
+    requests.
+    * **params** - *(optional)* Query parameters to include in request URLs, as
+    a string, dictionary, or sequence of two-tuples.
+    * **headers** - *(optional)* Dictionary of HTTP headers to include when
+    sending requests.
+    * **cookies** - *(optional)* Dictionary of Cookie items to include when
+    sending requests.
+    * **verify** - *(optional)* SSL certificates (a.k.a CA bundle) used to
+    verify the identity of requested hosts. Either `True` (default CA bundle),
+    a path to an SSL certificate file, an `ssl.SSLContext`, or `False`
+    (which will disable verification).
+    * **cert** - *(optional)* An SSL certificate used by the requested host
+    to authenticate the client. Either a path to an SSL certificate file, or
+    two-tuple of (certificate file, key file), or a three-tuple of (certificate
+    file, key file, password).
+    * **http2** - *(optional)* A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 support should be
+    enabled. Defaults to `False`.
+    * **proxy** - *(optional)* A proxy URL where all the traffic should be routed.
+    * **proxies** - *(optional)* A dictionary mapping HTTP protocols to proxy
+    URLs.
+    * **timeout** - *(optional)* The timeout configuration to use when sending
+    requests.
+    * **limits** - *(optional)* The limits configuration to use.
+    * **max_redirects** - *(optional)* The maximum number of redirect responses
+    that should be followed.
+    * **base_url** - *(optional)* A URL to use as the base when building
+    request URLs.
+    * **transport** - *(optional)* A transport class to use for sending requests
+    over the network.
+    * **app** - *(optional)* An ASGI application to send requests to,
+    rather than sending actual network requests.
+    * **trust_env** - *(optional)* Enables or disables usage of environment
+    variables for configuration.
+    * **default_encoding** - *(optional)* The default encoding to use for decoding
+    response text, if no charset information is included in a response Content-Type
+    header. Set to a callable for automatic character set detection. Default: "utf-8".
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        *,
+        auth: AuthTypes | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
+        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
+        http1: bool = True,
+        http2: bool = False,
+        proxy: ProxyTypes | None = None,
+        proxies: ProxiesTypes | None = None,
+        mounts: None | (typing.Mapping[str, BaseTransport | None]) = None,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CONFIG,
+        follow_redirects: bool = False,
+        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
+        max_redirects: int = DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS,
+        event_hooks: None | (typing.Mapping[str, list[EventHook]]) = None,
+        base_url: URLTypes = "",
+        transport: BaseTransport | None = None,
+        app: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any] | None = None,
+        trust_env: bool = True,
+        default_encoding: str | typing.Callable[[bytes], str] = "utf-8",
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(
+            auth=auth,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            max_redirects=max_redirects,
+            event_hooks=event_hooks,
+            base_url=base_url,
+            trust_env=trust_env,
+            default_encoding=default_encoding,
+        )
+        if http2:
+            try:
+                import h2  # noqa
+            except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
+                raise ImportError(
+                    "Using http2=True, but the 'h2' package is not installed. "
+                    "Make sure to install httpx using `pip install httpx[http2]`."
+                ) from None
+        if proxies:
+            message = (
+                "The 'proxies' argument is now deprecated."
+                " Use 'proxy' or 'mounts' instead."
+            )
+            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
+            if proxy:
+                raise RuntimeError("Use either `proxy` or 'proxies', not both.")
+        if app:
+            message = (
+                "The 'app' shortcut is now deprecated."
+                " Use the explicit style 'transport=WSGITransport(app=...)' instead."
+            )
+            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
+        allow_env_proxies = trust_env and app is None and transport is None
+        proxy_map = self._get_proxy_map(proxies or proxy, allow_env_proxies)
+        self._transport = self._init_transport(
+            verify=verify,
+            cert=cert,
+            http1=http1,
+            http2=http2,
+            limits=limits,
+            transport=transport,
+            app=app,
+            trust_env=trust_env,
+        )
+        self._mounts: dict[URLPattern, BaseTransport | None] = {
+            URLPattern(key): None
+            if proxy is None
+            else self._init_proxy_transport(
+                proxy,
+                verify=verify,
+                cert=cert,
+                http1=http1,
+                http2=http2,
+                limits=limits,
+                trust_env=trust_env,
+            )
+            for key, proxy in proxy_map.items()
+        }
+        if mounts is not None:
+            self._mounts.update(
+                {URLPattern(key): transport for key, transport in mounts.items()}
+            )
+        self._mounts = dict(sorted(self._mounts.items()))
+    def _init_transport(
+        self,
+        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
+        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
+        http1: bool = True,
+        http2: bool = False,
+        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
+        transport: BaseTransport | None = None,
+        app: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any] | None = None,
+        trust_env: bool = True,
+    ) -> BaseTransport:
+        if transport is not None:
+            return transport
+        if app is not None:
+            return WSGITransport(app=app)
+        return HTTPTransport(
+            verify=verify,
+            cert=cert,
+            http1=http1,
+            http2=http2,
+            limits=limits,
+            trust_env=trust_env,
+        )
+    def _init_proxy_transport(
+        self,
+        proxy: Proxy,
+        verify: VerifyTypes = True,
+        cert: CertTypes | None = None,
+        http1: bool = True,
+        http2: bool = False,
+        limits: Limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS,
+        trust_env: bool = True,
+    ) -> BaseTransport:
+        return HTTPTransport(
+            verify=verify,
+            cert=cert,
+            http1=http1,
+            http2=http2,
+            limits=limits,
+            trust_env=trust_env,
+            proxy=proxy,
+        )
+    def _transport_for_url(self, url: URL) -> BaseTransport:
+        """
+        Returns the transport instance that should be used for a given URL.
+        This will either be the standard connection pool, or a proxy.
+        """
+        for pattern, transport in self._mounts.items():
+            if pattern.matches(url):
+                return self._transport if transport is None else transport
+        return self._transport
+    def request(
+        self,
+        method: str,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Build and send a request.
+        Equivalent to:
+        ```python
+        request = client.build_request(...)
+        response = client.send(request, ...)
+        ```
+        See `Client.build_request()`, `Client.send()`
+        and [Merging of configuration][0] for how the various parameters
+        are merged with client-level configuration.
+        [0]: /advanced/clients/#merging-of-configuration
+        """
+        if cookies is not None:  # pragma: no cover
+            message = (
+                "Setting per-request cookies=<...> is being deprecated, because "
+                "the expected behaviour on cookie persistence is ambiguous. Set "
+                "cookies directly on the client instance instead."
+            )
+            warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
+        request = self.build_request(
+            method=method,
+            url=url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+        return self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
+    @contextmanager
+    def stream(
+        self,
+        method: str,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> typing.Iterator[Response]:
+        """
+        Alternative to `httpx.request()` that streams the response body
+        instead of loading it into memory at once.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        See also: [Streaming Responses][0]
+        [0]: /quickstart#streaming-responses
+        """
+        request = self.build_request(
+            method=method,
+            url=url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+        response = self.send(
+            request=request,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            stream=True,
+        )
+        try:
+            yield response
+        finally:
+            response.close()
+    def send(
+        self,
+        request: Request,
+        *,
+        stream: bool = False,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a request.
+        The request is sent as-is, unmodified.
+        Typically you'll want to build one with `Client.build_request()`
+        so that any client-level configuration is merged into the request,
+        but passing an explicit `httpx.Request()` is supported as well.
+        See also: [Request instances][0]
+        [0]: /advanced/clients/#request-instances
+        """
+        if self._state == ClientState.CLOSED:
+            raise RuntimeError("Cannot send a request, as the client has been closed.")
+        self._state = ClientState.OPENED
+        follow_redirects = (
+            self.follow_redirects
+            if isinstance(follow_redirects, UseClientDefault)
+            else follow_redirects
+        )
+        self._set_timeout(request)
+        auth = self._build_request_auth(request, auth)
+        response = self._send_handling_auth(
+            request,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            history=[],
+        )
+        try:
+            if not stream:
+            return response
+        except BaseException as exc:
+            response.close()
+            raise exc
+    def _send_handling_auth(
+        self,
+        request: Request,
+        auth: Auth,
+        follow_redirects: bool,
+        history: list[Response],
+    ) -> Response:
+        auth_flow = auth.sync_auth_flow(request)
+        try:
+            request = auth_flow.__next__()
+            while True:
+                response = self._send_handling_redirects(
+                    request,
+                    follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+                    history=history,
+                )
+                try:
+                    try:
+                        next_request = auth_flow.send(response)
+                    except StopIteration:
+                        return response
+                    response.history = list(history)
+                    request = next_request
+                    history.append(response)
+                except BaseException as exc:
+                    response.close()
+                    raise exc
+        finally:
+            auth_flow.close()
+    def _send_handling_redirects(
+        self,
+        request: Request,
+        follow_redirects: bool,
+        history: list[Response],
+    ) -> Response:
+        while True:
+            if len(history) > self.max_redirects:
+                raise TooManyRedirects(
+                    "Exceeded maximum allowed redirects.", request=request
+                )
+            for hook in self._event_hooks["request"]:
+                hook(request)
+            response = self._send_single_request(request)
+            try:
+                for hook in self._event_hooks["response"]:
+                    hook(response)
+                response.history = list(history)
+                if not response.has_redirect_location:
+                    return response
+                request = self._build_redirect_request(request, response)
+                history = history + [response]
+                if follow_redirects:
+                else:
+                    response.next_request = request
+                    return response
+            except BaseException as exc:
+                response.close()
+                raise exc
+    def _send_single_request(self, request: Request) -> Response:
+        """
+        Sends a single request, without handling any redirections.
+        """
+        transport = self._transport_for_url(request.url)
+        timer = Timer()
+        timer.sync_start()
+        if not isinstance(, SyncByteStream):
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "Attempted to send an sync request with an Client instance."
+            )
+        with request_context(request=request):
+            response = transport.handle_request(request)
+        assert isinstance(, SyncByteStream)
+        response.request = request
+ = BoundSyncStream(
+  , response=response, timer=timer
+        )
+        self.cookies.extract_cookies(response)
+        response.default_encoding = self._default_encoding
+            'HTTP Request: %s %s "%s %d %s"',
+            request.method,
+            request.url,
+            response.http_version,
+            response.status_code,
+            response.reason_phrase,
+        )
+        return response
+    def get(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault | None = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `GET` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return self.request(
+            "GET",
+            url,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    def options(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send an `OPTIONS` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return self.request(
+            "OPTIONS",
+            url,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    def head(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `HEAD` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return self.request(
+            "HEAD",
+            url,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    def post(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `POST` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return self.request(
+            "POST",
+            url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    def put(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `PUT` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return self.request(
+            "PUT",
+            url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    def patch(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        content: RequestContent | None = None,
+        data: RequestData | None = None,
+        files: RequestFiles | None = None,
+        json: typing.Any | None = None,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `PATCH` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return self.request(
+            "PATCH",
+            url,
+            content=content,
+            data=data,
+            files=files,
+            json=json,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    def delete(
+        self,
+        url: URLTypes,
+        *,
+        params: QueryParamTypes | None = None,
+        headers: HeaderTypes | None = None,
+        cookies: CookieTypes | None = None,
+        auth: AuthTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        follow_redirects: bool | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        timeout: TimeoutTypes | UseClientDefault = USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
+        extensions: RequestExtensions | None = None,
+    ) -> Response:
+        """
+        Send a `DELETE` request.
+        **Parameters**: See `httpx.request`.
+        """
+        return self.request(
+            "DELETE",
+            url,
+            params=params,
+            headers=headers,
+            cookies=cookies,
+            auth=auth,
+            follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            extensions=extensions,
+        )
+    def close(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Close transport and proxies.
+        """
+        if self._state != ClientState.CLOSED:
+            self._state = ClientState.CLOSED
+            self._transport.close()
+            for proxy in self._mounts.values():
+                if proxy is not None:
+                    proxy.close()
+    def __enter__(self: U) -> U:
+        if self._state != ClientState.UNOPENED:
+            msg = {
+                ClientState.OPENED: "Cannot open a client instance more than once.",
+                ClientState.CLOSED: (
+                    "Cannot reopen a client instance, once it has been closed."
+                ),
+            }[self._state]
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        self._state = ClientState.OPENED
+        self._transport.__enter__()
+        for proxy in self._mounts.values():
+            if proxy is not None:
+                proxy.__enter__()
+        return self
+    def __exit__(
+        self,
+        exc_type: type[BaseException] | None = None,
+        exc_value: BaseException | None = None,
+        traceback: TracebackType | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        self._state = ClientState.CLOSED
+        self._transport.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
+        for proxy in self._mounts.values():
+            if proxy is not None:
+                proxy.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
diff --git a/httpx/ b/httpx/
index 6662ea8067..0c99d4b52f 100644
--- a/httpx/
+++ b/httpx/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 from ._urls import URL
 from ._utils import get_ca_bundle_from_env
-__all__ = ["Limits", "Proxy", "Timeout", "create_ssl_context"]
+__all__ = ["Limits", "Proxy", "Timeout", "create_ssl_context", "USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT"]
 DEFAULT_CIPHERS = ":".join(
@@ -43,6 +43,28 @@ class UnsetType:
     pass  # pragma: no cover
+class UseClientDefault:
+    """
+    For some parameters such as `auth=...` and `timeout=...` we need to be able
+    to indicate the default "unset" state, in a way that is distinctly different
+    to using `None`.
+    The default "unset" state indicates that whatever default is set on the
+    client should be used. This is different to setting `None`, which
+    explicitly disables the parameter, possibly overriding a client default.
+    For example we use `timeout=USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT` in the `request()` signature.
+    Omitting the `timeout` parameter will send a request using whatever default
+    timeout has been configured on the client. Including `timeout=None` will
+    ensure no timeout is used.
+    Note that user code shouldn't need to use the `USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT` constant,
+    but it is used internally when a parameter is not included.
+    """
+USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT = UseClientDefault()
 UNSET = UnsetType()
diff --git a/httpx/ b/httpx/
index 72657f8ca3..26ed5bdd31 100644
--- a/httpx/
+++ b/httpx/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import rich.syntax
 import rich.table
-from ._client import Client
+from ._clients import Client
 from ._exceptions import RequestError
 from ._models import Response
 from ._status_codes import codes
diff --git a/httpx/ b/httpx/
index b7b0518c35..4f734f4c1a 100644
--- a/httpx/
+++ b/httpx/
@@ -134,3 +134,6 @@ async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]:
     async def aclose(self) -> None:
+AnyByteStream = Union[SyncByteStream, AsyncByteStream]
diff --git a/scripts/check b/scripts/check
index a4bce0948e..60b7937509 100755
--- a/scripts/check
+++ b/scripts/check
@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ set -x
 ${PREFIX}ruff format $SOURCE_FILES --diff
 ${PREFIX}ruff check $SOURCE_FILES
+${PREFIX}python scripts/ --check
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lint b/scripts/lint
index 3d8685a065..5ed453d267 100755
--- a/scripts/lint
+++ b/scripts/lint
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ set -x
 ${PREFIX}ruff --fix $SOURCE_FILES
 ${PREFIX}ruff format $SOURCE_FILES
+${PREFIX}python scripts/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eef96df99b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from pprint import pprint
+SUBS = [
+    ('from import AutoBackend', 'from .._backends.sync import SyncBackend'),
+    ('from .._transports.asgi import ASGITransport', 'from .._transports.wsgi import WSGITransport'),
+    ('import trio as concurrency', 'from tests import concurrency'),
+    ('BoundAsyncStream', 'BoundSyncStream'),
+    ('AsyncByteStream', 'SyncByteStream'),
+    ('ASGITransport', 'WSGITransport'),
+    ('StopAsyncIteration', 'StopIteration'),
+    ('async_start', 'sync_start'),
+    ('async_elapsed', 'sync_elapsed'),
+    ('async_auth_flow', 'sync_auth_flow'),
+    ('AsyncIterator', 'Iterator'),
+    ('Async([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)', r'\2'),
+    ('async def', 'def'),
+    ('async with', 'with'),
+    ('async for', 'for'),
+    ('await ', ''),
+    ('handle_async_request', 'handle_request'),
+    ('aclose', 'close'),
+    ('aiter_stream', 'iter_stream'),
+    ('aread', 'read'),
+    ('asend', 'send'),
+    ('asynccontextmanager', 'contextmanager'),
+    ('__aenter__', '__enter__'),
+    ('__aexit__', '__exit__'),
+    ('__aiter__', '__iter__'),
+    ('__anext__', '__next__'),
+    ('@pytest.mark.anyio', ''),
+    ('@pytest.mark.trio', ''),
+    ('AutoBackend', 'SyncBackend'),
+    (re.compile(r'(^|\b)' + regex + r'($|\b)'), repl)
+    for regex, repl in SUBS
+USED_SUBS = set()
+def unasync_line(line):
+    for index, (regex, repl) in enumerate(COMPILED_SUBS):
+        old_line = line
+        line = re.sub(regex, repl, line)
+        if old_line != line:
+            USED_SUBS.add(index)
+    return line
+def unasync_file(in_path, out_path):
+    with open(in_path, "r") as in_file:
+        with open(out_path, "w", newline="") as out_file:
+            for line in in_file.readlines():
+                line = unasync_line(line)
+                out_file.write(line)
+def unasync_file_check(in_path, out_path):
+    with open(in_path, "r") as in_file:
+        with open(out_path, "r") as out_file:
+            for in_line, out_line in zip(in_file.readlines(), out_file.readlines()):
+                expected = unasync_line(in_line)
+                if out_line != expected:
+                    print(f'unasync mismatch between {in_path!r} and {out_path!r}')
+                    print(f'Async code:         {in_line!r}')
+                    print(f'Expected sync code: {expected!r}')
+                    print(f'Actual sync code:   {out_line!r}')
+                    sys.exit(1)
+def unasync_dir(in_dir, out_dir, check_only=False):
+    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(in_dir):
+        for filename in filenames:
+            if not filename.endswith('.py'):
+                continue
+            rel_dir = os.path.relpath(dirpath, in_dir)
+            in_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(in_dir, rel_dir, filename))
+            out_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(out_dir, rel_dir, filename))
+            print(in_path, '->', out_path)
+            if check_only:
+                unasync_file_check(in_path, out_path)
+            else:
+                unasync_file(in_path, out_path)
+def main():
+    check_only = '--check' in sys.argv
+        ("httpx/_clients/", "httpx/_clients/")
+    ]
+    for in_path, out_path in FILES_TO_UNASYNC:
+        if check_only:
+            unasync_file_check(in_path, out_path)
+        else:
+            unasync_file(in_path, out_path)
+    if len(USED_SUBS) != len(SUBS):
+        unused_subs = [SUBS[i] for i in range(len(SUBS)) if i not in USED_SUBS]
+        print("These patterns were not used:")
+        pprint(unused_subs)
+        exit(1)   
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file

From 230ac9a4553b675b89d359b818fe2c1d7f9236ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: karpetrosyan <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 11:10:00 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Ignore sync files while linting

 httpx/_clients/ | 4 ++--
 pyproject.toml                 | 2 ++
 scripts/             | 6 ------
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/httpx/_clients/ b/httpx/_clients/
index 02b37a8d8b..d0f70d23b4 100644
--- a/httpx/_clients/
+++ b/httpx/_clients/
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@
 from .._models import Request, Response
+from .._transports.wsgi import WSGITransport
 from .._transports.base import BaseTransport
 from .._transports.default import HTTPTransport
-from .._transports.wsgi import WSGITransport
 from .._types import (
+    SyncByteStream,
@@ -39,7 +40,6 @@
-    SyncByteStream,
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 3fe24a14d6..bdbce02bec 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ replacement = 'src="\1"'
 select = ["E", "F", "I", "B", "PIE"]
 ignore = ["B904", "B028"]
+exclude = ["httpx/_clients/"]
 combine-as-imports = true
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index eef96df99b..a119e49298 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -5,9 +5,7 @@
 from pprint import pprint
 SUBS = [
-    ('from import AutoBackend', 'from .._backends.sync import SyncBackend'),
     ('from .._transports.asgi import ASGITransport', 'from .._transports.wsgi import WSGITransport'),
-    ('import trio as concurrency', 'from tests import concurrency'),
     ('BoundAsyncStream', 'BoundSyncStream'),
     ('AsyncByteStream', 'SyncByteStream'),
     ('ASGITransport', 'WSGITransport'),
@@ -23,7 +21,6 @@
     ('await ', ''),
     ('handle_async_request', 'handle_request'),
     ('aclose', 'close'),
-    ('aiter_stream', 'iter_stream'),
     ('aread', 'read'),
     ('asend', 'send'),
     ('asynccontextmanager', 'contextmanager'),
@@ -31,9 +28,6 @@
     ('__aexit__', '__exit__'),
     ('__aiter__', '__iter__'),
     ('__anext__', '__next__'),
-    ('@pytest.mark.anyio', ''),
-    ('@pytest.mark.trio', ''),
-    ('AutoBackend', 'SyncBackend'),
     (re.compile(r'(^|\b)' + regex + r'($|\b)'), repl)