- add the following redirects to the OpenEmory Test and Production sites
- When clicking on the User Profile section in Admin there is an error.
- no longer auto populates with the Sherpa RoMEO feed bug fix
- access OA Pub Fund form the link goes to error page bug fix
- Remove Eullocal dep from OE
- Cannot Ingest PMC articles from Harvest Q in OpenEmory TEST
- Update eullocal so it doesn't crash deploy process
- Add lxml rebuild to the fab deploy process so that it rebuilds every time after being deployed; update the version of eullocal to avoid SiteProfileNotAvailable error after deploy
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “For Authors” tab, I want to Add the words “Author Rights” to the menu dropdown, with this link: https://open.library.emory.edu/about/authors-rights/ so that I can easily access the page.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “For Authors” dropdown, I want to see the words "Data Archiving" changed to "Publishing Your Data" so that the language is consistent with the changes made to the page content.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “Left navigation Blue box” I want to see the “Author Rights" words and link added underneath the "For Authors" heading", so that the left navigation is consistent with the top navigation.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “For Authors” left navigation blue box, I want to see the words "Data Archiving" changed to "Publishing Your Data" so that the left navigation is consistent with the top navigation.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “About OpenEmory” top navigation dropdown, I want to see the words "Citing OpenEmory Content" with a link: https://open.library.emory.edu/about/citing/, so that I can easily access the page.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “Left navigation Blue box” I want to see the words “Citing OpenEmory Content" added underneath the "About OpenEmory" heading with a link: https://open.library.emory.edu/about/citing/, so that the left navigation is consistent with the top navigation.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “Left navigation Blue box” I want to see the “How to Guides’ deleted on every page with Related Content (see description for multiple page links) so that the left navigation is consistent with the top navigation
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “For Authors” tab, I want to see the words “Deposit Advice” directly underneath the changed How to Submit so that the added words “Deposit Advice” will link directly to this page: https://open.library.emory.edu/about/depositadvice/
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “About OpenEmory” tab, I want to see the order of Menu items re-arranged in this way: 1) About OpenEmory, 2) About Us, 3) Contact Us, 4) Privacy Policy, 5) Terms of Use, so that the new order is consistent with the changes made to the OpenEmory page content.
- As an OpenEmory User, I want to see the Emory Open Access Policy link moved FROM the "About OpenEmory" dropdown and TO the 'For Authors" dropdown, so that the information is more useful to individual authors
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “Feedback Form,” I want to see the words: “Contact OpenEmory staff" in Bold and larger text above the words: “You can also find information about OpenEmory on our list of Frequently Asked Questions” so that the contact link to OpenEmory staff is clear.
- As an OpenEmory user, accessing the bottom Blue Box I want to see “Tell us what you think:” and “View Top 10 Items and more:” deleted so that the language is removed from the interface.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “Feedback Form,” I want to see the word: “Feedback" in the Blue Box replaced with "Contact Us" in Bold Text, so that the purpose of the form is clear.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “Feedback Form,” I want to see the words: “To contact a faculty author, please use the “Emory Online Directory" with a link to the directory: http://directory.service.emory.edu/index.cfm added to the Blue Box underneath the words: “To View a list of OpenEmory staff, please click here, so that the purpose of the form is clear.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “For Authors” tab, I want to see the order of Menu items arranged in this way: 1) How To Submit, 2) Deposit advice, 3) Data Archiving, 4) FAQ, 5) Emory Open Access Policy, 6) Open Access Fund, so that the new order is consistent with the changes made to the OpenEmory page content.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the “Left navigation Blue box” I want to see the left navigation categories consistent with top navigation (For Authors and About OpenEmory) so that the left navigation is consistent with the top navigation.
- PMC Harvest queue not Populating since 11.3.2016 - INC02592840
- As an OpenEmory user, accessing the bottom Blue Box I want to see the words: “Give Feedback” changed to “Contact Us” and the words: “OpenEmory At a Glance” changed to “Recent and popular items” so that the language is consistent with the changes made to the OpenEmory page content.
- As an OpenEmory user accessing the bottom blue box, I want to see the Copyright date changed from 2012 to 2016, so that the date is current.
- fixing solr filter to search buy keywords
- search by title bug fix
- incomplete pid notifications via slack
- fixed indexing issue for newly converted records
- manage command to merge records
- jenkins test fixes for Django 1.8
- Django Upgrade 1.8
- Added manage merge command for publications
- Added author limit to cover page
- Made collapsible view of more than ten authors
- Extracted image logo for Emory First
- Added and modified Google Analytics Tracking IDs
- Added Copyright information to the PDF download cover page
- Fixed About This Item statistics display issues
- Added non Emory authors to the MODS
- Fixed mime type issues with old pyPdf library
- Resolved duplicates when adding a different mime type
- Fixed tests for publications
- Adding new fields for Poster, Presentation
- Revised design of of publications view
- Added descriptive titles to mods in publica view for publications
- Enhanced importing from symplectic script to work with a Presentation content type
- Integrated additional mime types to upload from Emory First
- Citation changes for a presentation content type
- Adding new fields for Search, Edit, View, Review pages that are specific for a presentation
- Enhanced importing from symplectic script to work with a Poster content type
- Integrated additional mime types to upload from Emory First
- Citation changes for a poster content type
- Adding new fields for Search, Edit, View, Review pages that are specific for a poster
- Enhanced importing from symplectic script to work with a Report content type
- Integrated additional mime types to upload from Emory First
- Citation changes for a report content type
- Adding new fields for Search, Edit, View, Review pages that are specific for a report
- debugging XACML
- Enhanced importing from symplectic script to work with a Conference content type
- Integrated additional mime types to upload from Emory First
- Citation changes for a conference content type
- Adding new fields for Search, Edit, View, Review pages that are specific for a conference
- debugging ark_uri
- Enhanced importing from symplectic script to work with a Book Chapter content type
- Site wide word changes of Article specific content to a generic content
- Citation changes for a book chapter content type
- Cover page changes for a book chapter content type
- Adding new fields for Search, Edit, View, Review pages that are specific for a book chapter
- debugging article content type in production
- Refactoring digital object models to easily add new content types
- Adding and a generic content model for all content types
- Expanding symplectic atom classes for a book content type
- Enhanced importing from symplectic script to work with a Book content type
- Site wide word changes of Article specific content to a generic content
- Citation changes for a book content type
- Cover page changes for a book content type
- Adding new fields for Search, Edit, View, Review pages that are specific for a book
- Finish Author enhancements
- Added Email confirmation for OpenFund
- Added funstionality to check aticle titles and publishers against Sherpa Romeo's API when importing from Symplectic
- Created a customized script to to check and correct existing titles and publisher against Sherpa Romeo
- Made all author suggestions available during the search
- Pubmed affiliation script
Changes for Fedora 3.8
- Upgraded Django to 1.5
- Added downpage and maintenance banner
- Changed DC datastreams to be managed
- Wrap hyperlinks in sidebar
- Added bit and pices that are required for processing Symplectic objects
- Fixed footer Feedback link
- Changed Title to be required on OA form
- Modified Grant Proposal forom
- Updated Privacy Policy link
- Fixed file upload button when using FireFox
- Updated Library Tools and Resources menu
- Updated Browse menus
- Updated Browse page titles
- Updated import_to_symplectic so that it matches the title based on percent of the title that matches.
- Updated import_to_symplectic with --rel flag to force update of author info on existing publications
- Added import-to-symplectic command to create OE Articles in Symplectic-Elements
- Remove ability for self-upload of Articles
- Fixed xml parsing error with ROMEO auto-complete
- Added Supplemental Materials to edit form and article view
- Fixed big with deleting repeating fields
- Admins no longer contribute to site stats
- New FlatPage Data Archiving is now viewable
- New branding images
- Resolved issue with missing spaces in indexdata
- Reports by Division, Author and Lead Author
- Modified add_to_oai and add_dc_ident commands to query Fedora directly instead of Solr and and unmap dc.relation.
- Fixed issue with author ordering on initial add
- Fixed Harvest script so that it can harvest all available articles
- Added feature to Harvest script to allow query by date range
- Added feature to Harvest script to optionally show progress bar
- Added pagination to Harvest queue
- Modified code to use the --derive flag on ldap.find_user_by_email()
- Restored dc identifiers to produce View on PubMed link
- Several bug fixes
- Added Captcha to feedback form
- Removed non-functional RSS button
- Revised site statistics text
- Added ability for articles to be harvested by OAI
- An authorized user can edit and save optional Creative Commons license information that is consistent with harvested content.
- When an OpenEmory Admin ingests a harvested record, any license information
- will be saved to the MODS metadata, for consistency with uploaded articles.
- A sysadmin or developer can run a manage command to update all articles to save any license information in the MODS metadata.
- An uploaded article should not get an empty NLM XML datastream on ingest.
- An openEmory admin can add and edit available license choices through the admin panel so they can provide the user with the most relevant choices for licenses.
- When unauthenticated users view an uploaded article, they see the associated Creative Commons license information (if any), so that they are aware of any restrictions on reuse.
- An external system (such as DiscoverE) can harvest published OpenEmory articles via OAI-PMH, so that OpenEmory content can be made searchable and discoverable through other sources.
- A sysadmin or developer can run a migration script to make published articles available via OAI, so that existing records will be included in OAI-PMH harvests.
- A user viewing the "Submit an Article Page", sees updated text for "Mediated Deposit" section; also PREMIS message has been modified.
- An admin ingesting a harvested article, copyright information is populated into the MODs record.
- An author editing a record can add a copyright statement before the record is published .
- An admin editing any type of record can include a non-public optional administrative note.
- An admin editing any uploaded article, can record the date that rights research was conducted.
- Bug fix: correct a conflict between flatpages url /publication/submit/ and article urls in publication views.
- When a user sees an OpenEmory article or profile in search engine results (such as Google), the article title or person's name will be listed first, so that the page content is more clear.
- A sysadmin or developer can configure whether Google Analytics should be used, so that Google Analytics can be enabled in production and disabled in staging or development sites.
- A sysadmin or developer can configure a Google site verification code, so that the site can verified and monitored with Google Webmaster Tools.
- When a user clicks "Save Changes" on the profile edit, they see some form of feedback to indicate that the page is saving or has been saved, so that they are not confused about whether clicking the button had any effect.
- If users follow an old link for one of the first 78 articles added to the site with the wrong pid, they will be redirected to the corrected pid so that they find the article and so that search engine page ranks transfer to the corrected articles.
- Bug fixes:
- Fix save/ingest error on articles with too many authors.
- Fix whitespace issues when displaying biography text on profile pages.
- Fix formatting for degrees on profile edit form.
- Fix for faculty autocomplete when no first name is indexed
- Fix an error generating article citation when a keyword is set to None
- Corrected sitemap.xml URL in robots.txt
- Sectioned sitemaps out by type of content, added last-modified data for articles, and included flat pages
- Fix a bug in profile edit that disables edit after saving changes.
- Fix a bug in article metadata edit that prevents editing authors in Firefox.
- Always show Submit an Article link under For Authors
- Fix department formatting error in faculty profiles by department
- Use https for Share button script to eliminate browser security warning.
- Fix an incorrect HTML comment hiding some content on the article metadata edit form.
- Update legal language on article upload form, and allow admins to agree to legal terms for mediated upload in addition to author upload.
- Admins can withdraw items.
- Admins can select articles to feature on the home page.
- Users can link to other sites on their profile page.
- Faculty members edit their profiles inline in the profile view.
- Disable profile photo upload and display while design issues are addressed.
- Autocomplete article Publisher from SHERPA/RoMEO, and use it to help admins assess publisher copyright policy.
- Add HTML head metadata to improve search engine accuracy.
This is our first release to the production website, with most basic functionality implemented. It still contains a number of minor issues and rough edges that need cleaning, so our first publicized release will be 1.1.0, but this is the first one aiming for installation on the real production server.
- Users see site-themed search results to maintain design consistency across the site.
- Users see site-themed At A Glance page to maintain design consistency across the site.
- Users can access a site-themed (non-functional) feedback form, to maintain design consistency and so demo audiences understand what functionality will be available in future.
- When an authenticated user makes changes to an article, they see a site-themed message on the following page to alert them to the result of their action.
- Users see site-themed error messages for missing pages or pages they don't have permission to view, in order to reduce disorientation and help them continue using the site.
- Logged in faculty see a site-themed faculty dashboard to maintain design consistency across the site and so they can access their content and manage their profile from one page.
- Users see site-themed error messages when the server encounters an unexpected error to reduce disorientation and help them continue using the site.
- When a user clicks on the "Emory Open Access Policy" link under the About Us navigation tab, the page opens in a new window, so that they can return to OpenEmory more easily if desired.
- Logged in faculty and site admins see site-themed article edit and upload pages, for consistency and visual appeal.
- A logged-in user can upload a photo to their profile, so that they can customize their profile.
- Faculty members can see statistics for their own articles in order to gauge their personal research impact.
- Users editing the document edit form can edit authors without having to retype the entire list of authors in order, so that they can enter the author names to reflect the names on the article itself.
- An admin user viewing an article can click on a link to see the XML Fedora object audit trail.
- An admin user can see the provenance of a record, so that they can understand what repository the article came from (if harvested) or if the author deposited the article.
- A logged in site admin can access the harvest and review queues and the Django db-admin from a single Admin Dashboard so that they can perform or easily get to admin functions from one page.
- A site admin can create and maintain site-wide announcements, which are displayed to all users, to alert them of site-wide updates and planned downtime.
- When an embargo expires, the full text becomes visible and searchable within a day.
- In the edit profile page, faculty users can enter Research Interests in repeating fields consistent with the design of affiliation and degree inputs, so that all fields seem to have the same level of importance and so that they can easily enter phrases or single keywords.
- When a user is viewing their "edit profile" page , their entry for Center or Institute Affiliations will be autocompleted with suggestions using data entered by others, so that they have less confusion in completing the form and so that we can eventually sort articles by Center or Institute Affiliation.
- A user can import citations from OpenEmory into EndNote and Zotero, so that they can use articles in their work.
- A user can search a name in the search box and receive a list of people as well as a list of articles in their search results, so that they can search for faculty profiles within the same search interface as that used for articles.
- Faculty members can receive reports from OpenEmory quarterly, containing statistics about their articles, so that they can understand that people are looking at their items and build a connection with the site.
- When a user clicks "submit" on the Feedback Form, the form is sent to an appropraite admin email address so that administrators can process user feedback.
- Users can use a site UI feature to share articles via social media tools in order to increase easy sharing of site content.
- A faculty member using the document edit form sees a form with a clear layout of fields grouped logically, so that they can enter required information and optional information to their uploaded article.
- Users can browse articles by the School, Department or Division of their authors, so that they can see articles published by faculty members in various groups.
- Numerous additional minor design tweaks.
The purpose of this milestone is to polish the faculty demo prototype, and to begin to ready the site for template integration by adding features which appear in the design.
Internal prototype: Not for production release
- When an author is editing article metadata, they can enter co-author names and select from suggestions (including name and division) from ESD data, so that they can add correct co-author names without knowing netIDs.
- When an author uploads an article, the file type is checked, so that users cannot upload non-PDF's.
- When a user is viewing information for an article, they can see the number of downloads and the number of views for that item, so that both anonymous users and authors can know the popularity of an article.
- When a user is viewing the footer of any page, they can see the total number of repository items, the total number of items downloaded, the number of items downloaded this year, the total number of members, and the number of members currently online, so that users can understand the size of the community and repository.
- On the Search Results page, a user can limit their original search by filters (facets), so that they can find records limited by Author, Journal, Subject, or Year.
- When a user clicks on a Subject, they are taken to a list of articles which share that subject, so that they can see research similar to the article they have found.
- On the Search Results page, a user can type into the "search within results..." box, so that they can search again within the results list.
- When a user clicks "OpenEmory at a Glance," they can see a page listing Top 10 Downloads and 10 Recent Additions, so that they can get a sense of what is being posted, and what is being downloaded, on the site.
- When a user clicks the "Browse by" navigation tab, they can choose Author, Subject, and Journal, so that they can browse the scholarship posted in Open Emory.
- When a logged-in user tries to leave the metadata edit form without saving, they see only one prompt to urge them to save, so that they can decide whether to save or leave the page.
- When an author is choosing a Subject on the metadata edit form, they can type into a text box with autofill and select the proper choice, so that they do not have to choose from an unwieldy list of subjects.
- When a user mouses over the "View Abstract" link in the item list view, they can see the abstract of the article, so that they can decide whether to pursue the article.
- When an anonymous user clicks the link to the PubMed version of an article, that version opens in a new tab or window, so that the user can easily differentiate and return to the Open Emory interface.
- When an admin ingests an article from the Harvest Queue, the article information changes to a link to the article and a link to edit the metadata, so that they can choose to view and/or review harvested articles from the same interface.
- Admin users can "publish" as well as "save," so that administrators can also change the status of a document to posted.
This milestone is intended to compile various tasks necessary for producing a faculty demo site. Authors will be able to attach and specify licensing and embargo information to deposited articles. Tasks also include automatic recording and display of file information (size and type) and assigning a permalink to each article, as well as attaching a cover page to each article. Finally, the workflow for saving and publishing articles will be fixed per feedback from the Article Metadata milestone. User stories are somewhat disparate in nature, but are required for producing a faculty demo.
Demo -- Not for production release
- When a logged in user initiates an article upload they are presented with a stub "Assent to Deposit" check form so demo audience members understand the feature as it will be implemented at a later date.
- When an author is editing article metadata, they can specify an optional embargo of 6 months, 18 months, or 1, 2, or 3 years (based on the publication date), so that they can elect to hide deposited items for a period of time of their own choosing, or mandated by their publisher.
- When a user other than the author or an admin views an embargoed record, they see a note about the embargo and the date the item will be available alongside the metadata instead of a full text link, so that they will understand why they can't download the full text.
- When a user is viewing an article that was harvested from an external source with licensing information (such as Creative Commons) attached, that license information is displayed with the article metadata, so the licensing information can be determined by anonymous users.
- When an Author ingests an article, it is assigned an ARK, so a permalink can be generated and the article can be persistently accessed.
- When an anonymous user views the PDF of an Open Emory article, a cover page precedes the article text, so that any anonymous user can identify the PDF as being from Open Emory.
- A user can save the metadata edit form without filling in all required fields, so that they can return to finish editing if they do not know the information contained in a required field.
- An Article owner can upload a PDF of the author agreement in the Metadata edit form so authors and site admins can maintain a definitive record of the publishing agreement.
- When an anonymous user views record information for an article, they see the file size and type in human readable format, so that they can understand what they're downloading before they do so.
This milestone is intended to create basic faculty profiles using Emory Shared Data for basic directory information. Authors will also have the opportunity to provide biographical and professional information to augment their profiles. Authors may supply and edit some profile information at any time. Authors who have instructed UTS to suppress their information will be prompted to share some or all of this information through the Open Emory interface.
Internal prototype: Not for production release
- Unauthenticated users can visit profile pages for faculty with the faculty member's name, suffix, title, department, school, and list of uploaded or harvested articles, so that they learn more about the faculty member and publications.
- When an unauthenticated user tries to visit a profile page for a non-faculty Emory user, they are told that no such profile exists, so that only Emory faculty members and manually-added users have public profiles.
- When an authenticated user who isn't faculty or an admin tries to log in, their password is rejected and they are treated as if they do not have an account, so that only Emory faculty members can log in to the system.
- When an anonymous user looks up a faculty member who is "directory suppressed" or "internet suppressed," they see the name and Open Emory data, but no other data imported from the directory, in order to maintain their privacy and abide by the university's privacy policies.
- When a faculty member who is "directory suppressed" or "internet suppressed" is looking at their profile, they can choose to display their profile information as if they were not suppressed, so that their profile page can be populated and displayed.
- An authenticated faculty user can add Degrees to their profile, including name of degree, institution, and year (with suggestions autofilled for the institution), so that they can describe themselves on their profile.
- An authenticated faculty user can add a profile picture in gif, jpeg, or png format, to their own profile, so that they can display a photo when others view their profile. If no photo is uploaded, no placeholder image will be displayed.
- An authenticated faculty user can add a biographical paragraph to their profile, so that they can describe their career in more detail.
- An authenticated faculty user can add Positions to their profile, so that they can identify academic positions as director of an institute or program not supplied by UTS data.
- An authenticated faculty user can add information to their profile on grants received, including granting agency, project title, and date (with autofilled suggestions for granting agency), so that they can describe their career in more detail.
- An anonymous user can browse faculty profiles by school and department and division, so that they can identify Emory faculty members working in a particular field.
- An admin user can edit the profile page of a faculty member or a pseudo-faculty member, so that admins can maintain and update and support users.
- An admin user can manually create a profile page that looks like a faculty profile page for a non-faculty member, so that key administration advocates who do not have faculty status can nonetheless be added to the repository. That non-faculty user can edit the profile page as a faculty member would, so that they can display their information.
Attach searchable MODS descriptive metadata to articles. Authors can edit this metadata as they are uploading the document. Further edits are the responsibility of site admins.
Internal prototype: Not for production release
- When an author successfully uploads an article, they see a form where they can edit article metadata before that article is visible to the public so that they can describe the item correctly before publishing it.
- When editing article metadata, an author can specify free text values for: title, funding groups (multiple), journal title, journal publisher, volume, issue, page numbers, abstract, author notes, and keywords so they can describe the item correctly.
- An author can click a "publish" button to save the metadata form and populate the record in the repository so that an item record can be displayed on the website. (Redirect to profile after successful publish).
- When an author uploads an article, the type of resource is prepopulated as text, the file format as PDF, and the genre as article, so that the items are sharable and identifiable according to the requirements of MODS.
- When editing article metadata, an author can specify co-authors by netid in order to credit colleagues and share metadata maintenance permission. The system will automatically assign these authors an Emory University institutional affiliation.
- An author can specify a name (with an optional institutional affiliation) as a co-author instead of a netid so that they can include non-Emory co-authors. If they do, then the author name will not be linked to a profile.
- An author can remove a co-author by deleting their name or netid and saving the form so that they can correct errors.
- When editing article metadata, an author is required to specify whether an article is a pre-print, post-print, or final published version, so that users know which version of an authoritative peer-reviewed scholarly article they are downloading.
- When editing article metadata, an author can specify the date of publication, with the year required and the month and day optional so that users can identify when the article was first published.
- When editing article metadata, an author can specify a URL and/or DOI for the final published version of the article so that readers can access this version. The URL will be verified when the form is saved.
- When editing article metadata, an author can specify additional URLs associated with the article (PubMed, other repository, etc) so that readers can find more information about it.
- When editing article metadata, an author is required to select a text language from a drop-down menu in which the first option is English so that readers can decide whether to download the article. If no language is selected, the value will default to English.
- When editing article metadata, an author can select subject headings taken from the ETD list of ProQuest research fields to aid searchability. Use same options and configuration available in ETD's, but hide numbers associated with field names.
- When editing an article's funding group, journal title, journal publisher, keywords, or co-author affiliation, an author will be prompted with suggestions pulled from existing entries to those fields to improve normalization of data and reduce errors.
- When an author is editing an article, they can click a "save" button to save their changes without publishing, so they can revise the record later.
- When an author is editing an article and navigates away or closes the browser, they will see a warning if they have unsaved changes so they do not lose their work.
- When an author logs in, they will see a list of any unpublished records on their profile page, so that they can edit and publish those items.
- An anonymous user can view a published item record page, populated by the article's full metadata, so that they can decide whether to download it. This page should include a link to download the article as well as a permanent id (ARK/DOI) for the article.
- When an author publishes an article, it will appear immediately in search and browse results and on any Emory author profile pages, so that the article can be viewed immediately.
- An admin can view a list of recently published, un-reviewed items, so that they can select an item to review.
- An admin can review and edit a published article, and mark it as "reviewed," for quality control on metadata. Once an article has been marked as "reviewed," the author can no longer edit it. Once an article has been marked as "reviewed," the review event will be recorded (date and user) and displayed for admins.
- Admins will see an edit link for each article in every search, browse, and display view, so they can easily find and edit items from anywhere in the site.
- A user browsing search results can see author names (rather than netID) to provide correct citation information.
Full-text searching of articles, and basic social features. Users can add private tags to articles as well as use tagging systems to indicate their own research interests.
Internal prototype: Not for production release
- Anonymous users can search for words or phrases that appear anywhere in the full-text (PDF or PMC xml) or available metadata, in order to find relevant articles.
- Anonymous users who search for articles can see results with relevancy score, title, author, date uploaded, and context highlighting, so that they can determine which articles to view.
- An authenticated user can enter a public research interest on their profile page so that they can indicate their research interests (with auto-suggest based on existing public research interests).
- An authenticated user entering a tag will be given suggestions from their own previous tags, so that they can be consistent in their tagging.
- An unauthenticated user can view researcher interests on a user's profile pages and click on them to see other researchers with those interests.
- An authenticated user looking at research interest page can click a button/link to add that research interest to their own profile.
- Authenticated users viewing search results, profile listings, or a single article can add and edit private tags on any article so that they can refer to them later.
- An authenticated user can view their own tags in a sidebar on any page so that they can access the articles they've tagged from anywhere in the site.
- When an authenticated user clicks on one of their tags, they're brought to a list of articles with that tag so that they can select which article to view.
Harvest metadata from PubMed Central for articles written by Emory authors. Do not publish this metadata immediately, but allow site admins to decide whether or not to publish it.
Internal prototype: Not for production release
- An admin user can designate other users as admin users in order to share the work of the maintaining the site.
- When an admin user logs in, they are redirected to a queue of PubMed articles targeted for harvesting so that they can review items and select them for ingest.
- Admin users looking at the harvesting queue have access to the metadata, the PubMed ID, a link to the PubMed entry and the associated user to enable selection for ingest.
- When looking at an item in the harvesting queue, an admin user can click "ingest" to indicate that the item should be scheduled for harvest, and disappear from the harvesting queue.
- When looking at an item in the harvesting queue, an admin user can click "ignore" to indicate that the item should be ignored & disappear from the harvesting queue.
- An unauthenticated user can view items ingested from PubMed harvest on faculty profile pages with links to PubMed for content so they can read articles or metadata about articles by Emory authors.
First working system prototype. Emory users can authenticate, ingest content, and edit metadata for items. Unauthenticated users can view ingested content and user profiles.
Internal prototype: Not for production release
- An anonymous user enters the site through a landing page that includes a login box so they can start to upload.
- An anonymous user can log into the site using Emory credentials to allow them to manage their own content. New Task
- An authenticated user can use a web form to ingest a PDF into the repository to ensure enduring access and discoverability of that file.
- An anonymous user can view any user's basic user profile page, which lists information about the user and the items they have uploaded so they can view and download those items.
- An authenticated user is redirected to their profile, which includes a link for ingesting content to give them a personalized jumping-off "home" point for other functionality.
- A file owner can create and edit bibliographic metadata about a file they have previously ingested to better identify it and to improve discoverability.