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Release Upgrades

Cassidy James Blaede edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 19 revisions

elementary OS gets frequent and rapid updates from elementary, third-party app developers, and the underlying Ubuntu repositories throughout each version's lifecycle. When a new version of elementary OS is released, it is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible for new features, app updates, and bugfixes.

Support Cycle

Different parts of elementary OS have different support processes:

  • elementary delivers bug fixes, new features, updates to the desktop experience, and app updates at least until the next OS version is in development; typically around 1–2 years. Severe bug fixes and security updates may be released even longer.

  • Point-release upgrades happen automatically alongside regular operating system updates; for example, elementary OS 5 was automatically upgraded to elementary OS 5.1, bringing major new features, app updates, and more.

  • Third-party AppCenter app developers set their own release schedules and can support their apps on each elementary OS release in perpetuity. In reality, app developers typically support and develop for at least the latest released version of elementary OS.

  • The underlying operating system, libraries, and security-related components are updated and supported by Canonical according to the corresponding Ubuntu release's support cycle:

    elementary OS Version Released Ubuntu Release Ubuntu Maintenance Updates
    0.4 Loki Sep 9, 2016 16.04 LTS April 2021
    5 Juno Oct 16, 2018 18.04 LTS April 2023
    5.1 Hera Dec 3, 2019 18.04 LTS April 2023
    6 Odin TBA 20.04 LTS April 2025

Performing a Release Upgrade

While point-release upgrades (like elementary OS 5 to 5.1) happen alongside regular updates, elementary OS does not currently offer an automated way to upgrade between major versions (like OS 5 to 6); however, it is straightforward to manually install the latest version while retaining your personal data.

Back up

First, back up your existing elementary OS install; installing a new version of elementary OS involves erasing the existing data, so you must back your data up to an external storage device to ensure it is not erased. For example, an external hard drive, large USB flash drive, or network drive are acceptable external storage devices.

  • Home folder data (Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, Downloads)
  • AppCenter purchases
  • App data

Note: third-party release upgrade tools or instructions may exist, but a fresh install is currently the only officially-supported way to upgrade. Always back your data up before performing any major software upgrade, regardless of the method used.


  • Download and flash the latest elementary OS
  • Ensure hardware compatibility with "Demo Mode"
  • Install
  • Restore data