From 7d032c1b3b8741399142f74fd70b4a5f27c7a6a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Darin Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 01:24:50 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Places: Refresh mailbox icons Use green and purple arrows for `mailbox-` inbox and outbox, consistent with use of same colors in mail send/receive. Use more forward-facing perspective. Add 24px icons. Fix: Delete duplicated arrow from `mail-send-receive-symbolic`. --- .../symbolic/mail-send-receive-symbolic.svg | 19 +- places/16/mail-inbox.svg | 280 +++++--- places/16/mail-mailbox.svg | 184 ++--- places/16/mail-outbox.svg | 670 +++--------------- places/24/mail-inbox.svg | 359 ++++++++++ places/24/mail-mailbox.svg | 251 +++++++ places/24/mail-outbox.svg | 324 +++++++++ 7 files changed, 1285 insertions(+), 802 deletions(-) create mode 100644 places/24/mail-inbox.svg create mode 100644 places/24/mail-mailbox.svg create mode 100644 places/24/mail-outbox.svg diff --git a/actions/symbolic/mail-send-receive-symbolic.svg b/actions/symbolic/mail-send-receive-symbolic.svg index 982ad896d..dfad595c6 100644 --- a/actions/symbolic/mail-send-receive-symbolic.svg +++ b/actions/symbolic/mail-send-receive-symbolic.svg @@ -22,28 +22,23 @@ inkscape:pagecheckerboard="0" inkscape:deskcolor="#d1d1d1" showgrid="false" - inkscape:zoom="9.6785241" - inkscape:cx="9.5572423" - inkscape:cy="8.1624016" + inkscape:zoom="77.428192" + inkscape:cx="14.303576" + inkscape:cy="8.7435853" inkscape:window-width="1390" inkscape:window-height="1053" - 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