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Memento Design Pattern

Memento is a behavioral design pattern that allows to save and restore an object's state without breaking encapsulation. Our implementation will be slightly different than the classic one, which splits the pattern into three components: memento, caretaker and originator. Caretaker will be responsible for saving and restoring a memento object using a concrete implementation of storage and memento will be represented as a protocol that defines a contract for all types that should have saving/restoring capabilities.


We start off from declaring Memento protocol:

protocol Memento {
    // MARK: - Properties

    var data: [String : Any] { get }
    // MARK: - Initializers
    init?(data: [String : Any])

The protocol defines a read-only property for dictionary can be store Any type for a String key. The dictionary will be used to store and restore the internal state of a particular type. Then we defined a required, failable initializer that accepts a dictionary as an input parameter. The initializer will be used by the Caretaker instance to restore an object.

Next, we implement a protocol called Caretaker. The protocol will be responsible for declaring contract for all kinds of concrete mechanisms that will actually save and restore memento objects.

protocol Caretaker {
    // MARK: - Properties
    var states: [String : String] { get }
    // MARK: - Methods
    mutating func save<T: Memento>(memento: T, for stateName: String)
    func restore<T: Memento>(state: String) -> T?
    mutating func delete(state: String)

The states property that is a dictionary of types String and String for keys and values, that will be internally holding states, in order to be able to re-use or reference them at run-time. As an API the protocol defines three methods for saving a memento for a given state, restoring from state and deleting the state of a memento object.

Let's implement a concrete Caretaker called PropertyListCaretaker that is built around UserDefaults mechanism:

struct PropertyListCaretaker: Caretaker {
    // MARK: - Private properties

    private let standardDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
    private static let STATES_KEY = "KEYS FOR STATES"
    // MARK: - Initializers
    init() {
        if let states = standardDefaults.object(forKey: PropertyListCaretaker.STATES_KEY) as? [String : String] {
            print("restored state keys: ", states)
            self.states = states
    // MARK: - Conformance to Caretaker protocol

    var states: [String : String] = [:] {
        didSet {
            standardDefaults.set(states, forKey: PropertyListCaretaker.STATES_KEY)
    mutating func save<T: Memento>(memento: T, for stateName: String) {
        states.updateValue(stateName, forKey: stateName)
        standardDefaults.set(, forKey: stateName)

    func restore<T: Memento>(state: String) -> T? {
        guard let data = standardDefaults.object(forKey: state) as? [String : Any] else {
            return nil
        let memento = T(data: data)
        return memento
    mutating func delete(state: String) {
        states.removeValue(forKey: state)
        standardDefaults.removeObject(forKey: state)
    // MARK: - Dynamic Member Lookup Subscripts
    subscript<T: Memento>(dynamicMember input: String) -> T? {
        return restore(state: input)

The implementation is based on struct. We defined a private UserDefaults property for convenient re-use and added conformance for Caretaker protocol. The implementation is pretty straightforward, we used the built-in API for persistence. The interesting thing here is a relatively new feature of Swift called dynamic member lookup. We will use it to syntactically make the code more clear, however you may skip it, since it's not mandatory.

The final part of our implementation is to create a couple of classes that will conform to Memento protocol. Let's implement a User and an Animal classes:

class User: Memento {
    var name: String
    var age: Int
    var address: String
    var data: [String : Any] {
        return ["name" : name, "age" : age, "address" : address]
    init(name: String, age: Int, address: String) { = name
        self.age = age
        self.address = address
    required init?(data: [String : Any]) {
        guard let mName = data["name"] as? String, let mAge = data["age"] as? Int, let mAddress = data["address"] as? String else {
            return nil
        name = mName
        age = mAge
        address = mAddress

class Animal: Memento {
    var name: String
    var age: Int
    var data: [String : Any] {
        return ["name" : name, "age" : age]
    init(name: String, age: Int) { = name
        self.age = age
    required init?(data: [String : Any]) {
        guard let mName = data["name"] as? String, let mAge = data["age"] as? Int else {
            return nil
        name = mName
        age = mAge

The approach that is used to save and restore the state using the dictionary is pretty similar to the one used with NSCoding protocol: we save the properties for the specified keys and then in the required, failable initializer we restore them. Futher it can be improved with more type-safe keys, rather than using String literals.


The usage of the Memento pattern is all about creating objects, saving states by using a concrete Caretaker and later on restoring a state by using one of the String keys.

// A new user - John
var user = User(name: "John", age: 26, address: "New Ave, 456")
// A new animal - Monkey
var animal = Animal(name: "Monkey", age: 8)

// The initial states of the objects are:
// name: John, age: 26, address: New Ave, 456
// name: Monkey, age: 8

var caretaker = PropertyListCaretaker()

// We save the default states of the user and animal user, for: "defaultUser") animal, for: "defaultAnimal")

// Then we change the age of the user and the animal
user.age = 32
animal.age = 10

// And save the states by using new state-keys user, for: "defaultUser01") animal, for: "defaultAnimal01")

// Then we change the names to be able to check if the pattern works correctly = "Alex" = "Cat"

// As a result we have the following states of the objects:
// name: Alex, age: 32, address: New Ave, 456
// name: Cat, age: 10

In the presented snippet of code, we created a user and an animal. Then we created a PropertyListCaretaker instance and saved the states of the memento objects. Then we changed the ages of the objects and again saved then by using different state-keys. Finally, we changed the names of the memento objects to be able to verify that we actually are able to save and restore objects using various state-keys.

if let restoredUser = caretaker.defaultUser as User? {
	// name: John, age: 26, address: New Ave, 456

if let restoredUser = caretaker.defaultUser01 as User? {
	// name: John, age: 32, address: New Ave, 456

if let restoredAnimal = caretaker.defaultAnimal as Animal? {
	// name: Monkey, age: 8

if let restoredAnimal = caretaker.defaultAnimal02 as Animal? {
	// name: Cat, age: 10

The first saved state for the state-key named defaultUser is correct! As well as the remaining states. We are able to restart our macOS or iOS application and be able to restore any object that conforms to the Memento protocol to a certain state.


Memento pattern is quite useful in many cases: when implementing undo manager, also to save objects when a user closes an app, so they can be restored when the app is launched again. These are just a few examples, when there are many more practical applications. The presented pattern's implementation can be further improved in order to be used in production code. For example the part that is responsible for caretaking of the memento objects, can be implemented using more reliable persistence approach. For example, in addition to UserDefaults caretaker you can implement CoreData-based caretaker that is more reliable and allows much more than just storing type's properties.