.. toctree:: :hidden:
Important difference from pytest-bdd_
pytest-bdd-ng exposes several pytest hooks which might be helpful building useful reporting, visualization, etc on top of it:
- pytest_bdd_before_scenario(request, feature, scenario) - Called before scenario is executed
- pytest_bdd_run_scenario(request, feature, scenario) - Execution scenario protocol
- pytest_bdd_after_scenario(request, feature, scenario) - Called after scenario is executed (even if one of steps has failed)
- pytest_bdd_before_step(request, feature, scenario, step, step_func) - Called before step function is executed and it's arguments evaluated
- pytest_bdd_run_step(request, feature, scenario, step, previous_step) - Execution step protocol
- pytest_bdd_before_step_call(request, feature, scenario, step, step_func, step_func_args) - Called before step function is executed with evaluated arguments
- pytest_bdd_after_step(request, feature, scenario, step, step_func, step_func_args) - Called after step function is successfully executed
- pytest_bdd_step_error(request, feature, scenario, step, step_func, step_func_args, exception) - Called when step function failed to execute
- pytest_bdd_step_func_lookup_error(request, feature, scenario, step, exception) - Called when step lookup failed
- pytest_bdd_match_step_definition_to_step(request, feature, scenario, step, previous_step) - Called to match step to step definition
- pytest_bdd_get_step_caller(request, feature, scenario, step, step_func, step_func_args, step_definition) - Called to get step caller. For example could be used to make steps async
- pytest_bdd_get_step_dispatcher(request, feature, scenario) - Provide alternative approach to execute scenario steps
Here is the list of steps that are implemented inside of the pytest-bdd:
- given
- trace - enters the pdb debugger via pytest.set_trace()
- when
- trace - enters the pdb debugger via pytest.set_trace()
- then
- trace - enters the pdb debugger via pytest.set_trace()
pytest-bdd-ng exposes several plugin fixtures to give more testing flexibility
- bdd_example - The current scenario outline parametrization.
- attach - Fixture to allow attach files to Gherkin report
- parameter_type_registry - Contains registry of user-defined types used in Cucumber expressions
- step_registry - Contains registry of all user-defined steps
- step_matcher- Contains matcher to help find step definition for selected step of scenario
- steps_left - Current scenario steps left to execute; Allow inject steps to execute:
from collections import deque
from pytest_bdd.model import UserStep
from pytest_bdd import when
@when('I inject step "{keyword}" "{step_text}')
def inject_step(steps_left: deque, keyword, step_text, scenario):
steps_left.appendleft(UserStep(text=step_text, keyword=keyword, scenario=scenario))
Gherkin itself isn't a perfect tool to describe complex Data Driven Scenarios with alternative paths to execute test. For example it doesn't support next things:
- Few backgrounds per scenario
- Alternative flows for scenario to setup same state
- Alternative flows to describe same behavior defined by different steps
- Usage of parameters inside Backgrounds
- Joining of parameter tables, so full Cartesian product of parameters has to be listed in Examples
- Example tables on different scenario levels
For such scenarios StructBDD DSL was developed. It independent on underlying data format, but supports most common formats for DSL development: YAML, Hocon, TOML, JSON5, HJSON out the box.
Steps could be defined as usual, and scenarios have different options. Let see.
Name: Steps are executed one by one
Description: |
Steps are executed one by one. Given and When sections
are not mandatory in some cases.
- Step:
Name: Executed step by step
Description: Scenario description
- I have a foo fixture with value "foo"
- And: there is a list
- When: I append 1 to the list
- Step:
Action: I append 2 to the list
Type: And
- Alternative:
- Step:
- And: I append 3 to the list
- Then: foo should have value "foo"
- But: the list should be [1, 2, 3]
- Step:
- And: I append 4 to the list
- Then: foo should have value "foo"
- But: the list should be [1, 2, 4]
Alternative steps produce separate test launches for every of flows. If alternative steps are defined on different levels - there would be Cartesian product of tests for every alternative step.
Scenario could be imported as usual, but with specified parser:
from textwrap import dedent
from pytest_bdd import given, when, then, scenario
from pytest_bdd.parser import StructBDDParser
from functools import partial
kind = StructBDDParser.KIND.YAML
@scenario(f"steps.bdd.{kind}", "Executed step by step", parser=partial(StructBDDParser, kind=kind)
def test_steps(feature):
Another option is to inject built scenario directly:
from pytest_bdd.struct_bdd.model import Step, Table
test_cukes = Step(
name="Examples are substituted",
Step(type='Given', action='I have <have> cucumbers'),
Step(type='And', action='I eat <eat> cucumbers'),
Step(type='Then', action='I have <left> cucumbers')
parameters=['have', 'eat', 'left'],
['12', 5, 7.0],
["8.0", 3.0, "5"]
There is also an option to build Step from dict(and use your own file format/preprocessor)
from pytest_bdd.struct_bdd.model import Step
cukes = Step.parse_obj(
Name="Examples are substituted",
dict(Given='I have <have> cucumbers'),
dict(And='I eat <eat> cucumbers'),
dict(Then='I have <left> cucumbers')
Parameters=['have', 'eat', 'left'],
['12', 5, 7.0],
["8.0", 3.0, "5"]
def test(feature:Feature, scenario):
assert feature.name == "Examples are substituted"
Example tables could be joined:
- TopTag
Name: StepName
Action: "Do first <HeaderA>, <HeaderB>, <HeaderC>"
- Join:
- Table:
- ExampleTagA
[ HeaderA, HeaderB ]
- [ A1, B1]
- [ A2, B2]
- Table:
- ExampleTagB
[ HeaderB, HeaderC ]
- [ B1, C1 ]
- [ B2, C2 ]
- [ B3, C3 ]
Steps: []
Install StructBDD:
pip install pytest-bdd-ng[struct_bdd]
It's important to have nice reporting out of your bdd tests. Cucumber introduced some kind of standard for json format which can be used for, for example, by this Jenkins plugin.
To have an output in json format:
pytest --cucumberjson=<path to json report>
This will output an expanded (meaning scenario outlines will be expanded to several scenarios) cucumber format.
To enable gherkin-formatted output on terminal, use
pytest -vv --gherkin-terminal-reporter
Allure reporting is also in place https://docs.qameta.io/allure and based on allure-pytest https://pypi.org/project/allure-pytest/ plugin. Usage is same.
pip install pytest-bdd-ng[allure]
For newcomers it's sometimes hard to write all needed test code without being frustrated. To simplify their life, simple code generator was implemented. It allows to create fully functional but of course empty tests and step definitions for given a feature file. It's done as a separate console script provided by pytest-bdd package:
pytest --generate --feature <feature file name> .. <feature file nameN>
It will print the generated code to the standard output so you can easily redirect it to the file:
pytest --generate --feature features/some.feature > tests/functional/test_some.py
For more experienced users, there's smart code generation/suggestion feature. It will only generate the test code which is not yet there, checking existing tests and step definitions the same way it's done during the test execution. The code suggestion tool is called via passing additional pytest arguments:
pytest --generate-missing --feature features tests/functional
The output will be like:
============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.6 -- py-1.4.24 -- pytest-2.6.2 plugins: xdist, pep8, cov, cache, bdd, bdd, bdd collected 2 items Scenario is not bound to any test: "Code is generated for scenarios which are not bound to any tests" in feature "Missing code generation" in /tmp/pytest-552/testdir/test_generate_missing0/tests/generation.feature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step is not defined: "I have a custom bar" in scenario: "Code is generated for scenario steps which are not yet defined(implemented)" in feature "Missing code generation" in /tmp/pytest-552/testdir/test_generate_missing0/tests/generation.feature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please place the code above to the test file(s): @scenario('tests/generation.feature', 'Code is generated for scenarios which are not bound to any tests') def test_Code_is_generated_for_scenarios_which_are_not_bound_to_any_tests(): """Code is generated for scenarios which are not bound to any tests.""" @given("I have a custom bar") def I_have_a_custom_bar(): """I have a custom bar."""
As as side effect, the tool will validate the files for format errors, also some of the logic bugs, for example the ordering of the types of the steps.
- Unable fully collect messages report if tests were launched using xdist plugin