The Spark project uses
- MyQSL ( ) as the default database engine.
- Knex.js ( ) to manage database connection and migrations.
By default we use MySql. Other database are currently not supported.
Download MySQL Community Server from MyQSL website. On the installation wizard, it is recommended to select custom install and include MySQL Server only. Choosing a full install will install tons of development tools that are not mandatory.
On Mac after installing, please add the following lines to your ~/.bash_profile
alias mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql
alias mysqladmin=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin
Also, On first install, you might get mysql password expired or other root password related issues.
To change mysql default password - run the following commands
mysql -u root -p
Enter the default root password you got during mysql setup Then run the following to set your password:
Knex uses the database configuration from a .env file that is stored in the root folder.
By default (local dev machine) it is configured to use MySQL. This default configuration should get you started without additional configurations.
If you are not using a simple local server configuration, edit your .env file and set the relevant settings to match your database (If you don't have an .env file, duplicate .env-example).
.env file:
To create the Spark database and the user, run:
npm run-script createdb
or if you need to use a different configuration or credentials, use a command similar to:
sudo mysql -u root < migrations/create_db.sql
Make sure you have Knex installed:
npm install -g knex
Migrate forward to latest migration
knex migrate:latest
See Knex.js documentation for more options and details
If you need to make changes to the DB schema, you should create a migrations file and commit it with the rest of your code.
Run migrate:make with a relevant migration name:
knex migrate:make <migration_name>
Edit the created file and write your migration. You can use the exising migration files as examples or refer to the Knex.js documentation
It is usually helpful for developers to work with some data in the database. Use knex seed mechanism to populate the database for the first time after migration.
IMPORTANT: Seeding will drop your current data.
npm run seed
You can then login into the system with the user [email protected]
and password admin
This procedure requires you to have permissions to midbarrn
project on google cloud. You will also need to install the Google Cloud SDK
Delete the existing environment and start a new fresh DB
docker-compose down -v; docker-compose up -d db
Get a url to existing DB backup, the URL should look like this -
Import the URL directly to the DB
! gsutil cat gs://midburn-k8s-backups/sparkdb-staging-dump-2018-03-02-00-00.sql | \
mysql --host=localhost --port=3306 --protocol=tcp --user=root --password=123456 \
&& echo failed to import data