diff --git a/datasketch/lsh.py b/datasketch/lsh.py
index f77e36e3..dbaa3ec9 100644
--- a/datasketch/lsh.py
+++ b/datasketch/lsh.py
@@ -226,6 +226,29 @@ def insert(
         self._insert(key, minhash, check_duplication=check_duplication, buffer=False)
+    def merge(
+            self,
+            other: MinHashLSH,
+            check_overlap: bool = False      
+    ):
+        """Merge the other MinHashLSH with this one, making this one the union
+        of both.
+        Note:
+            Only num_perm, number of bands and sizes of each band is checked for equivalency of two MinHashLSH indexes.
+            Other initialization parameters threshold, weights, storage_config, prepickle and hash_func are not checked.
+        Args:
+            other (MinHashLSH): The other MinHashLSH.
+            check_overlap (bool): Check if there are any overlapping keys before merging and raise if there are any.
+                (`default=False`)
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If the two MinHashLSH have different initialization
+                parameters, or if `check_overlap` is `True` and there are overlapping keys.
+        """
+        self._merge(other, check_overlap=check_overlap, buffer=False)
     def insertion_session(self, buffer_size: int = 50000) -> MinHashLSHInsertionSession:
         Create a context manager for fast insertion into this index.
@@ -282,6 +305,38 @@ def _insert(
         for H, hashtable in zip(Hs, self.hashtables):
             hashtable.insert(H, key, buffer=buffer)
+    def __equivalent(self, other:MinHashLSH) -> bool:
+        """
+        Returns:
+            bool: If the two MinHashLSH have equal num_perm, number of bands, size of each band then two are equivalent.
+        """
+        return (
+            type(self) is type(other) and
+            self.h == other.h and
+            self.b == other.b and
+            self.r == other.r
+        )
+    def _merge(
+        self,
+        other: MinHashLSH,
+        check_overlap: bool = False,
+        buffer: bool = False
+    ) -> MinHashLSH:
+        if self.__equivalent(other):
+            if check_overlap and set(self.keys).intersection(set(other.keys)):
+                raise ValueError("The keys are overlapping, duplicate key exists.")
+            for key in other.keys:
+                Hs = other.keys.get(key)
+                self.keys.insert(key, *Hs, buffer=buffer)
+                for H, hashtable in zip(Hs, self.hashtables):
+                    hashtable.insert(H, key, buffer=buffer)
+        else:
+            if type(self) is not type(other):
+                raise ValueError(f"Cannot merge type MinHashLSH and type {type(other).__name__}.")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Cannot merge MinHashLSH with different initialization parameters.")
     def query(self, minhash) -> List[Hashable]:
         Giving the MinHash of the query set, retrieve
diff --git a/docs/lsh.rst b/docs/lsh.rst
index 9df92e82..dcd0d47a 100644
--- a/docs/lsh.rst
+++ b/docs/lsh.rst
@@ -77,6 +77,14 @@ plotting code.
 .. figure:: /_static/lsh_benchmark.png
    :alt: MinHashLSH Benchmark
+You can merge two MinHashLSH indexes to create a union index using the ``merge`` method. This
+makes MinHashLSH useful in parallel processing.
+.. code:: python
+    # This merges the lsh1 with lsh2.
+    lsh1.merge(lsh2)
 There are other optional parameters that can be used to tune the index.
 See the documentation of :class:`datasketch.MinHashLSH` for details.
diff --git a/examples/lsh_examples.py b/examples/lsh_examples.py
index b16edf4f..007e1399 100644
--- a/examples/lsh_examples.py
+++ b/examples/lsh_examples.py
@@ -37,6 +37,19 @@ def eg1():
     result = lsh.query(m1)
     print("Approximate neighbours with Jaccard similarity > 0.5", result)
+    # Merge two LSH index
+    lsh1 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=128)
+    lsh1.insert("m2", m2)
+    lsh1.insert("m3", m3)
+    lsh2 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=128)
+    lsh2.insert("m1", m1)
+    lsh1.merge(lsh2)
+    print("Does m1 exist in the lsh1...", "m1" in lsh1.keys)
+    # if check_overlap flag is set to True then it will check the overlapping of the keys in the two MinHashLSH
+    lsh1.merge(lsh2,check_overlap=True)
 def eg2():
     mg = WeightedMinHashGenerator(10, 5)
     m1 = mg.minhash(v1)
diff --git a/test/test_lsh.py b/test/test_lsh.py
index 38f8844f..a2893753 100644
--- a/test/test_lsh.py
+++ b/test/test_lsh.py
@@ -240,6 +240,117 @@ def test_get_counts(self):
         for table in counts:
             self.assertEqual(sum(table.values()), 2)
+    def test_merge(self):
+        lsh1 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=16)
+        m1 = MinHash(16)
+        m1.update("a".encode("utf-8"))
+        m2 = MinHash(16)
+        m2.update("b".encode("utf-8"))
+        lsh1.insert("a",m1)
+        lsh1.insert("b",m2)
+        lsh2 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=16)
+        m3 = MinHash(16)
+        m3.update("c".encode("utf-8"))
+        m4 = MinHash(16)
+        m4.update("d".encode("utf-8"))
+        lsh2.insert("c",m1)
+        lsh2.insert("d",m2)
+        lsh1.merge(lsh2)
+        for t in lsh1.hashtables:
+            self.assertTrue(len(t) >= 1)
+            items = []
+            for H in t:
+                items.extend(t[H])
+            self.assertTrue("c" in items)
+            self.assertTrue("d" in items)
+        self.assertTrue("a" in lsh1)
+        self.assertTrue("b" in lsh1)
+        self.assertTrue("c" in lsh1)
+        self.assertTrue("d" in lsh1)
+        for i, H in enumerate(lsh1.keys["c"]):
+            self.assertTrue("c" in lsh1.hashtables[i][H])
+        self.assertTrue(lsh1.merge, lsh2)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lsh1.merge, lsh2, check_overlap=True)
+        m5 = MinHash(16)
+        m5.update("e".encode("utf-8"))
+        lsh3 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=16)
+        lsh3.insert("a",m5)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lsh1.merge, lsh3, check_overlap=True)
+        lsh1.merge(lsh3)
+        m6 = MinHash(16)
+        m6.update("e".encode("utf-8"))
+        lsh4 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=16)
+        lsh4.insert("a",m6)
+        lsh1.merge(lsh4, check_overlap=False)
+    def test_merge_redis(self):
+        with patch('redis.Redis', fake_redis) as mock_redis:
+            lsh1 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=16, storage_config={
+                'type': 'redis', 'redis': {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}
+            })
+            lsh2 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=16, storage_config={
+                'type': 'redis', 'redis': {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}
+            })
+            m1 = MinHash(16)
+            m1.update("a".encode("utf8"))
+            m2 = MinHash(16)
+            m2.update("b".encode("utf8"))
+            lsh1.insert("a", m1)
+            lsh1.insert("b", m2)
+            m3 = MinHash(16)
+            m3.update("c".encode("utf8"))
+            m4 = MinHash(16)
+            m4.update("d".encode("utf8"))
+            lsh2.insert("c", m3)
+            lsh2.insert("d", m4)
+            lsh1.merge(lsh2)
+            for t in lsh1.hashtables:
+                self.assertTrue(len(t) >= 1)
+                items = []
+                for H in t:
+                    items.extend(t[H])
+                self.assertTrue(pickle.dumps("c") in items)
+                self.assertTrue(pickle.dumps("d") in items)
+            self.assertTrue("a" in lsh1)
+            self.assertTrue("b" in lsh1)
+            self.assertTrue("c" in lsh1)
+            self.assertTrue("d" in lsh1)
+            for i, H in enumerate(lsh1.keys[pickle.dumps("c")]):
+                self.assertTrue(pickle.dumps("c") in lsh1.hashtables[i][H])
+            self.assertTrue(lsh1.merge, lsh2)
+            self.assertRaises(ValueError, lsh1.merge, lsh2, check_overlap=True)
+            m5 = MinHash(16)
+            m5.update("e".encode("utf-8"))
+            lsh3 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=16, storage_config={
+                'type': 'redis', 'redis': {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}
+            })
+            lsh3.insert("a",m5)
+            self.assertRaises(ValueError, lsh1.merge, lsh3, check_overlap=True)
+            m6 = MinHash(16)
+            m6.update("e".encode("utf-8"))
+            lsh4 = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.5, num_perm=16, storage_config={
+                'type': 'redis', 'redis': {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 6379}
+            })
+            lsh4.insert("a",m6)
+            lsh1.merge(lsh4, check_overlap=False)
 class TestWeightedMinHashLSH(unittest.TestCase):