Releases: eksctl-io/eksctl
eksctl 0.1.0-alpha.14 (permalink)
eksctl 0.1.0-alpha.7 (permalink)
eksctl 0.1.0-alpha.6 (permalink)
1ed92fe Tag 0.1.0-alpha.6 release
978d862 Better kubeconfig management
7f500ab Rebuild website
4fdafb7 Rebuild website
3c143d2 Rebuild website
c0b2c1e Another cosmetic tweak to logo credits
9c9d526 Cosmetic README change
e80f7c9 Fix Github pages
c365149 Make a proper logo and redesing the page
940d47e Merge pull request #52 from callmeradical/master
775664b Make logo part of the layout
1117109 Enable local Jekyll setup
5dcebc7 minor type fix in the delete command
e4a6ec9 Merge pull request #51 from sixth/patch-1
ebf4799 minor typo fix
72fb390 Fix website title config
df2b8e0 Cosmetic output imporvements, add sample output to the readme
28b3010 Remove bad deps that break github pages
eksctl 0.1.0-alpha.5 (permalink)
eksctl 0.1.0-alpha.4 (permalink)
44a33d4 Tag 0.1.0-alpha.4 release
2328648 Add comment about AMIs
7fa70be Merge pull request #44 from weaveworks/ga-regions
32f74b3 Expand to us-east-1, use latest AMIs
d40a660 Disable cgo (close #47)
a1bd529 Cater for difference between GNU and BSD sed (close #39)
696ef50 Remove "v" prefix, as we do not use it
835d2c2 Merge pull request #41 from weaveworks/bug/40-empty-output
c708f82 Use eks.ClusterStatusActive constant
748ae01 Fix typo
d127313 Adding the proper field value for cluster status
eksctl v0.1.0-alpha.3 (permalink)
eksctl v0.1.0-alpha.2 (permalink)
41485fd Tag 0.1.0-alpha.2 release
c0e28a3 Merge pull request #34 from weaveworks/initial-release
981f8e3 Limit to default region for this release
7452faa Fix ConfigMap and catch any events
76b4a52 Create control first
20e9f09 Add utils command
d58f7b9 Fix typo in help message
2ed88f9 Fix double base64 encoding
5cae6a9 Update CloudFormation client
3fddae5 Update CloudFormation templates
e1baf9f Update EKS client
163d277 Update vendor
d7cb478 Merge pull request #33 from weaveworks/docs-aws-creds
8f9e6a5 Add information about AWS API credentials
e1d0c10 Add a note about use of dedicated VPC
99ff820 Make CheckAllCommands error non-fatal
dbac93d Remove inlined prioritised TODOs and open issues
0a39d1a Tag 0.1.0-alpha.1 release
0eef314 Better name for VPC stack
57871f4 Review built-in help
3c28128 Update install instructions
ce5cb54 Makefile improvements
63a4824 Wrap up release automation
8e7180c Checkin CloudFormation templates
56ed5bf Deal with missing make in docker image, fix typo
11c792f Make build image that includes all dependencies
80bdf73 punchier title
d6f7474 remove more fat
804851b cosmetic - add some line spacing
3f1ce18 trim fat off README
0fd0a38 Update docs
cea9476 Create CNAME
0ceb054 Add Weaveworks logo
52e06ba Add Jekyll config for github pages, tweak page title
d463324 More sensible naming of types
3f70ebb Update docs
916bcb6 Make log messages more consistent
fc3ab07 Update vendor
721c1bd Adjust todo priorities
b95743d Add get command
5d0aaf5 Add EKS client, allow custom endpoints
4ca12b7 Package only the binary for GitHub releases - update bindata with gorelease hooks - add download instructions for Linux and MacOS - rename the CI steps
97ea66e Release-ready
63128a9 Review error messages, review todos
34ae478 Add kubectl checks
98496b1 Add gorelease to CI, version command
0c84bb5 Node auth
9523b0b Use dep required for cmd tools - make install go-bindata - ignore gen file and build output
7d95b77 Vendor deps
0e56f24 Start working on kubeconfig
a4e054b Add CI and Dockerfile
1bf38b0 Go rewrite
4d6b4da Initial bash version