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ground is a curated set of designs for sensor and communications networks that is focused on network freedom, collaboration, and resilience.
The ground project is intended to curate and develop FOSS (free-and-open-source), interoperable software and hardware that enable farmers and land & water resource managers to gain greater control over their sensor data.
ground designs use a 'local-first' networking approach: sensor and communications data are stored locally on-site first, and are always locally available -- even if internet is currently not. Data can then be selectively shared at the user's discretion with others through a variety of methods and formats.
ground is an alternative to most commercially-available networked environmental monitoring systems, which usually store data primarily on the cloud, and don't always allow users to store and access their data locally 'offline'.
Interactive webgl maps emphasizing direct access to the rendering
Multi-dimensional spatial database. Write batches of geographic
coordinates to an interval tree with blocks addressed into a p2p
prefix-trie. Perform spatial queries on sparse data by fetching blocks
of the tree from peers as necessary.
Form a cooperative compute cluster under a swarm topic, archiving the
collective results into a collection of hypercores.
Form a cooperative compute cluster under a swarm topic, archiving the
collective results into a collection of hypercores.
If you'd like to support our work, we have
an account on opencollective
where you can help fund development.