diff --git a/.env b/.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba65873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.env
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+###### User-definable Parameters
+### Email Address
+### FreeNAS config backup settings
+configBackup="true" # Change to "false" to skip config backup (which renders next two options meaningless); "true" to keep config backups enabled
+saveBackup="true" # Change to "false" to delete FreeNAS config backup after mail is sent; "true" to keep it in dir below
+backupLocation="/path/to/config/backup" # Directory in which to save FreeNAS config backups
+### Global table colors
+okColor="#c9ffcc" # Hex code for color to use in SMART Status column if drives pass (default is light green, #c9ffcc)
+warnColor="#ffd6d6" # Hex code for WARN color (default is light red, #ffd6d6)
+critColor="#ff0000" # Hex code for CRITICAL color (default is bright red, #ff0000)
+altColor="#f4f4f4" # Table background alternates row colors between white and this color (default is light gray, #f4f4f4)
+### zpool status summary table settings
+usedWarn=90 # Pool used percentage for CRITICAL color to be used
+scrubAgeWarn=30 # Maximum age (in days) of last pool scrub before CRITICAL color will be used
+### SMART status summary table settings
+includeSSD="true" # [NOTE: Currently this is pretty much useless] Change to "true" to include SSDs in SMART status summary table; "false" to disable
+tempWarn=40 # Drive temp (in C) at which WARNING color will be used
+tempCrit=45 # Drive temp (in C) at which CRITICAL color will be used
+sectorsCrit=10 # Number of sectors per drive with errors before CRITICAL color will be used
+testAgeWarn=5 # Maximum age (in days) of last SMART test before CRITICAL color will be used
+powerTimeFormat="ymdh" # Format for power-on hours string, valid options are "ymdh", "ymd", "ym", or "y" (year month day hour)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b2a81ab..2e7a920 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,6 +3,23 @@ Original script by joeschmuck, modified by Bidelu0hm, then by melp
Preview of the output here: http://i.imgur.com/t9Mtqyt.png
+## Installation
+### Requirements
+Your Truenas installation needs to be able to send emails. Please check the SMTP/Email config in the Truenas General settings.
+### Core
+TODO - add core specific configuration
+### Scale
+ - Clone this repo at the location of your choice on your Scale system
+ - Add a cron job to run report.sh, under System settings -> Advanced -> Cron Jobs
+ - In the command field, use bash to invoke report.sh: ```(cd your/git/rpo/location/ && bash report.sh)```
+ - Run as root, as of Dragonfish
**At a minimum, you will need to enter your email address in user-definable parameter section.** Feel free to edit other user parameters as needed.
**Version: v1.3**
diff --git a/email-writing b/email-writing
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de14ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/email-writing
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+host=$(hostname -s)
+subject="Status Report and Configuration Backup for ${host}"
+function write_email_header () {
+ ###### Email pre-formatting
+ ### Set email headers
+ (
+ echo "From: ${email}"
+ echo "To: ${email}"
+ echo "Subject: ${subject}"
+ echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
+ echo "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=${boundary}"
+ ) > "$1"
diff --git a/report.sh b/report.sh
index 0b7f098..2b4b36e 100644
--- a/report.sh
+++ b/report.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+shopt -s expand_aliases
###### ZPool & SMART status report with FreeNAS config backup
### Original script by joeschmuck, modified by Bidelu0hm, then by melp (me)
@@ -37,340 +38,310 @@
### TODO:
# - Fix SSD SMART reporting
# - Add support for conveyance test
+source .env
+source ./system-specific-aliases
-###### User-definable Parameters
-### Email Address
-### Global table colors
-okColor="#c9ffcc" # Hex code for color to use in SMART Status column if drives pass (default is light green, #c9ffcc)
-warnColor="#ffd6d6" # Hex code for WARN color (default is light red, #ffd6d6)
-critColor="#ff0000" # Hex code for CRITICAL color (default is bright red, #ff0000)
-altColor="#f4f4f4" # Table background alternates row colors between white and this color (default is light gray, #f4f4f4)
-### zpool status summary table settings
-usedWarn=90 # Pool used percentage for CRITICAL color to be used
-scrubAgeWarn=30 # Maximum age (in days) of last pool scrub before CRITICAL color will be used
-### SMART status summary table settings
-includeSSD="false" # [NOTE: Currently this is pretty much useless] Change to "true" to include SSDs in SMART status summary table; "false" to disable
-tempWarn=40 # Drive temp (in C) at which WARNING color will be used
-tempCrit=45 # Drive temp (in C) at which CRITICAL color will be used
-sectorsCrit=10 # Number of sectors per drive with errors before CRITICAL color will be used
-testAgeWarn=5 # Maximum age (in days) of last SMART test before CRITICAL color will be used
-powerTimeFormat="ymdh" # Format for power-on hours string, valid options are "ymdh", "ymd", "ym", or "y" (year month day hour)
-### FreeNAS config backup settings
-configBackup="true" # Change to "false" to skip config backup (which renders next two options meaningless); "true" to keep config backups enabled
-saveBackup="true" # Change to "false" to delete FreeNAS config backup after mail is sent; "true" to keep it in dir below
-backupLocation="/path/to/config/backup" # Directory in which to save FreeNAS config backups
+function drives_lookup () {
+ if [ "$includeSSD" == "true" ]; then
+ drives=$(for drive in $(list_drives); do
+ if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is: Enabled")" ]; then
+ printf "%s " "${drive}"
+ fi
+ done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }')
+ drives=$(for drive in $(list_drives); do
+ if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is: Enabled")" ] && ! [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "Solid State Device")" ]; then
+ printf "%s " "${drive}"
+ fi
+done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }')
+ fi
+ echo ${drives}
###### Auto-generated Parameters
-host=$(hostname -s)
-subject="Status Report and Configuration Backup for ${host}"
-if [ "$includeSSD" == "true" ]; then
- drives=$(for drive in $(sysctl -n kern.disks); do
- if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is: Enabled")" ]; then
- printf "%s " "${drive}"
- fi
- done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }')
- drives=$(for drive in $(sysctl -n kern.disks); do
- if [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "SMART support is: Enabled")" ] && ! [ "$(smartctl -i /dev/"${drive}" | grep "Solid State Device")" ]; then
- printf "%s " "${drive}"
- fi
- done | awk '{for (i=NF; i!=0 ; i--) print $i }')
-pools=$(zpool list -H -o name)
+pools=$(zpool list -H -o name)
-###### Email pre-formatting
-### Set email headers
- echo "From: ${email}"
- echo "To: ${email}"
- echo "Subject: ${subject}"
- echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
- echo "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=${boundary}"
-) > "$logfile"
+source ./email-writing
+write_email_header $logfile
###### Config backup (if enabled)
if [ "$configBackup" == "true" ]; then
- # Set up file names, etc for later
- tarfile="/tmp/config_backup.tar.gz"
- filename="$(date "+FreeNAS_Config_%Y-%m-%d")"
- ### Test config integrity
- if ! [ "$(sqlite3 /data/freenas-v1.db "pragma integrity_check;")" == "ok" ]; then
- # Config integrity check failed, set MIME content type to html and print warning
- (
- echo "--${boundary}"
- echo "Content-Type: text/html"
- echo "Automatic backup of FreeNAS configuration has failed! The configuration file is corrupted!"
- echo "You should correct this problem as soon as possible!"
- echo "
- ) >> "$logfile"
- else
- # Config integrity check passed; copy config db, generate checksums, make .tar.gz archive
- cp /data/freenas-v1.db "/tmp/${filename}.db"
- md5 "/tmp/${filename}.db" > /tmp/config_backup.md5
- sha256 "/tmp/${filename}.db" > /tmp/config_backup.sha256
- (
- cd "/tmp/" || exit;
- tar -czf "${tarfile}" "./${filename}.db" ./config_backup.md5 ./config_backup.sha256;
- )
- (
- # Write MIME section header for file attachment (encoded with base64)
- echo "--${boundary}"
- echo "Content-Type: application/tar+gzip"
- echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"
- echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${filename}.tar.gz"
- base64 "$tarfile"
- # Write MIME section header for html content to come below
- echo "--${boundary}"
- echo "Content-Type: text/html"
- ) >> "$logfile"
- # If logfile saving is enabled, copy .tar.gz file to specified location before it (and everything else) is removed below
- if [ "$saveBackup" == "true" ]; then
- cp "${tarfile}" "${backupLocation}/${filename}.tar.gz"
- fi
- rm "/tmp/${filename}.db"
- rm /tmp/config_backup.md5
- rm /tmp/config_backup.sha256
- rm "${tarfile}"
- fi
+ # Set up file names, etc for later
+ tarfile="/tmp/config_backup.tar.gz"
+ filename="$(date "+FreeNAS_Config_%Y-%m-%d")"
+ ### Test config integrity
+ if ! [ "$(sqlite3 /data/freenas-v1.db "pragma integrity_check;")" == "ok" ]; then
+ # Config integrity check failed, set MIME content type to html and print warning
+ (
+ echo "--${boundary}"
+ echo "Content-Type: text/html"
+ echo "Automatic backup of FreeNAS configuration has failed! The configuration file is corrupted!"
+ echo "You should correct this problem as soon as possible!"
+ echo "
+ ) >> "$logfile"
+ else
+ # Config integrity check passed; copy config db, generate checksums, make .tar.gz archive
+ cp /data/freenas-v1.db "/tmp/${filename}.db"
+ md5 "/tmp/${filename}.db" > /tmp/config_backup.md5
+ sha256 "/tmp/${filename}.db" > /tmp/config_backup.sha256
+ (
+ cd "/tmp/" || exit;
+ tar -czf "${tarfile}" "./${filename}.db" ./config_backup.md5 ./config_backup.sha256;
+ )
+ (
+ # Write MIME section header for file attachment (encoded with base64)
+ echo "--${boundary}"
+ echo "Content-Type: application/tar+gzip"
+ echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"
+ echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=${filename}.tar.gz"
+ base64 "$tarfile"
+ # Write MIME section header for html content to come below
+ echo "--${boundary}"
+ echo "Content-Type: text/html"
+ ) >> "$logfile"
+ # If logfile saving is enabled, copy .tar.gz file to specified location before it (and everything else) is removed below
+ if [ "$saveBackup" == "true" ]; then
+ cp "${tarfile}" "${backupLocation}/${filename}.tar.gz"
+ fi
+ rm "/tmp/${filename}.db"
+ rm /tmp/config_backup.md5
+ rm /tmp/config_backup.sha256
+ rm "${tarfile}"
+ fi
- # Config backup enabled; set up for html-type content
- (
- echo "--${boundary}"
- echo "Content-Type: text/html"
- ) >> "$logfile"
+ # Config backup enabled; set up for html-type content
+ (
+ echo "--${boundary}"
+ echo "Content-Type: text/html"
+ ) >> "$logfile"
###### Report Summary Section (html tables)
### zpool status summary table
- # Write HTML table headers to log file; HTML in an email requires 100% in-line styling (no CSS or