is the missing link between on-chain contract data and your dApp. It allows you to express your data requirements in declarative GraphQL, while handling data retrieval and common behaviours for you. The result is simplified access to the Ethereum network, and significantly reduced frontend application logic.
Installation | Usage | Features
Given the following contract:
contract SimpleStorage {
uint256 storedData = 42;
function set(uint256 x) public {
storedData = x;
function get() public view returns (uint256) {
return storedData;
At build-time, apollo-ethereum
will generate the GraphQL Schema:
type Mutation {
SimpleStorage(address: Address!): SimpleStorageMutative
type Query {
SimpleStorage(address: Address!): SimpleStorage
type SimpleStorage {
_address: Address
get: BigNumber
type SimpleStorageMutative {
set(x: BigNumber): Boolean
You may then import the generated schema (and associated contract ABIs) into your app, to run queries and mutations against Ethereum using GraphQL syntax. For example, you might call the set method using the following GraphQL query:
mutation($value: BigNumber!) {
SimpleStorage(address: "0x123...") {
set(x: $value)
Calls to Ethereum (via the configured web3 provider) will occur automatically, and you may code against loading and error states as per standard Apollo GraphQL client behaviour.
includes both build-time and runtime modules, therefore it must be installed as a production dependency using either:
yarn add apollo-ethereum
npm install apollo-ethereum --save
The apollo-ethereum
binary is responsible for converting a folder of compiled Solidity contracts into the final GraphQL schema. First, ensure your contracts have been compiled into a build folder, then:
In the root of your project, create a file named eth.config.yaml
. Add an entry for each contract you wish to include in the generated schema. A minimal configuration file might look like the folllowing:
SimpleStorage: true
NB: See further below for Features which allow you to configure the schema output and behaviour for each contract
The included binary accepts input in the form of:
apollo-ethereum [contracts_dir] [output_dir]
This script will place two new files in the output dir:
- configuration module to be included in your runtime buildethereum.graphql
- a superfluous schema file which is not required, but may be used by various GraphQL tools to implement additional GraphQL-related tooling. For example, query linting or generating types for use with your application. Note: Recipes for these tasks will be available shortly.
Apollo Client is agnostic to the frontend framework in-use, therefore only the base client configuration instructions are provided. For integrating your framework with Apollo Client, see the documentation for your relevant binding library e.g.
In the following example code, graph
is the name of the output directory.
import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client'
import { createEthereumLink } from 'apollo-ethereum'
import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory'
import ethereumConfig from './graph'
const link = createEthereumLink(ethereumConfig, {
provider: window.ethereum,
// additional feature configuration (see below)
const cache = new InMemoryCache()
const client = new ApolloClient({ link, cache })
To see these features in action, refer to the tests
If you notice in all examples of this readme, the generated schema requires an address to be provided for the requested contract. However, if the contract is registered with an ERC1820 registry, and you know the interface name of the contract, you are able to skip the provision of a hard-coded address and allow apollo-ethereum
to lookup the contract's address automatically. You can update the config YAML with the contracts interface name as follows:
interfaceName: ERC20
This will make the address
argument optional for the given contract, allowing you to perform a query without hard-coding an address:
query {
MyERC20Token {
To enable this piece of functionality, you must provide the registry address and lookup function method name when instantiating the Apollo Link, e.g.
const link = createEthereumLink(ethereumConfig, {
provider: ethereum,
erc1820: {
lookupAddress: process.env.ERC1820_ADDR,
lookupMethod: 'policyFor',
The schema generation process makes use of both the contract ABI and AST to determine input and output types, however there may be some scenarios where a more suitable type can be selected. For example, a date stored as uint256
, or perhaps the contract is storing an int256
value that can be safely converted to a JavaScript-native number without requiring the use of the BigNumber library.
The config YAML allows you to specify type overrides for output fields. You may choose from built-in GraphQL types (String
, Int
, etc) or scalar types that come bundled with apollo-ethereum
, listed as follows:
BigNumber and Timestamp will return deserialized data in the appropriate data structure (BigNumber and Date respectively).
contract Coercion {
/* uint to Int */
uint256 public smallInteger = 2048;
/* uint to Timestamp */
uint256 public createdAt = now;
smallInteger: Int
createdAt: Timestamp
type Coercion {
_address: Address
createdAt: Timestamp
smallInteger: Int
query {
Coercion(address: "0x123...") {
createdAt # returns an instance of JS-native Date
smallInteger # converts the BigNumber into a JS-native Number
When mapping and array state variables are compiled, each entry in the mapping or array must be accessed individually, using either a key (mapping) or index (array). For arrays, you may be able to create a function that returns an array of all members, as long as the array members are a primitive type.
contract Types {
uint8[] public ints = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
mapping(bytes3 => uint256) public tlaScore;
function allInts() public view returns (uint8[] memory) {
return ints;
The schema generation process handles this automatically - no additional configuration is required.
type Types {
_address: Address
ints(index: BigNumber!): Int
tlaScore(key: Bytes!): BigNumber
allInts: [Int]
query {
Types(address: "0x123...") {
ints(index: 1) # returns second member of array
tlaScore(key: "tla") # returns BigNumber located at given key of mapping
allInts # returns an array of all integers
A common task in querying a contract mapping is attempting to return all known members of a mapping data structure. To attempt to retrieve each individually would likely result in first retrieving the known keys for a mapping, then asynchronously iterating through each known key to retrieve the associated member. Thankfully apollo-ethereum
provides a quick & convenient way to retrieve many members of a mapping, using the "mapping index" pattern. A mapping index is an array containing known keys for a mapping, which can be used to retrieve the associated mapping entry for each key.
contract Index {
struct Profile {
string name;
string email;
/* the mapping */
mapping(address => Profile) public profiles;
/* the mapping index */
address[] _profilesIndex;
function addProfile(address _addr, string memory _name, string memory _email) public {
profiles[_addr] = Profile(_name, _email);
mappingIndex: profiles
type Index {
_address: Address
profiles(key: Address!): Index_Profile
allProfiles: [Index_allProfiles] @mappingIndex(mapping: "profiles")
type Index_allProfiles {
key: Address
value: Index_Profile
type Index_Profile {
name: String
email: String
To retrieve all profiles in the mapping:
query {
Index(address: "0x123...") {
allProfiles {
value {
Contracts which make use of selfdestruct
cannot have state variables queried after they have been destroyed. The only pieces of contract data which remain available after their destruction are the events produced during active state on the Ethereum network. apollo-ethereum
allows you to configure a selfdestruct
contract and produces two types during generation - one representing a contract "active" state, and another representing the same contract after it has been destroyed, otherwise known as the "complete" state.
contract SelfDestruct {
string public message = "only available on active contracts";
event Log(string message);
constructor() public {
emit Log("Creating the contract");
function destroy() public {
emit Log("Destroying the contract");
canSelfDestruct: true
type Mutation {
SelfDestruct(address: Address!): SelfDestructMutative
type Query {
SelfDestruct(address: Address!): SelfDestruct
interface SelfDestruct {
_address: Address
Log: [SelfDestruct_Log]
type SelfDestruct_Log {
message: String
_timestamp: Timestamp
type SelfDestructActive implements SelfDestruct {
_address: Address
Log: [SelfDestruct_Log]
integer: Int
message: String
type SelfDestructComplete implements SelfDestruct {
_address: Address
Log: [SelfDestruct_Log]
type SelfDestructMutative {
destroy: Boolean
Notice the use of a fragment to specify which fields should be queried, only when the contract is still active on the chain. Using this syntax ensures that the requested data is only fetched from the chain if the contract has not yet self-destructed.
Additionally, you may want to make use of the GraphQL-level field __typename
to determine whether the contract at the given address is active or not. It will return a string set to either '<CONTRACT_NAME>Active'
or '<CONTRACT_NAME>Complete'
query {
SelfDestruct(address: "0x123...") {
Log {
... on SelfDestructActive {
By far, the most helpful feature of apollo-ethereum
is the ability to model relationships between contracts. A common pattern seen in Ethereum is storing the address of Contract B in the state data of Contract A. In this scenario, we have a relationship between both contracts that is well-suited for GraphQL modeling.
contract Car {
string public name;
address[] public reviews;
constructor(string memory _name) public {
name = _name;
function addReview(address _address) public {
function allReviews() public view returns (address[] memory) {
return reviews;
contract CarReview {
enum Rating { Bad, Good }
Rating public rating;
string public review;
constructor(Rating _rating, string memory _review) public {
rating = _rating;
review = _review;
We can create a one-to-many link from Car to CarReview, using the following configuration in eth.config.yaml
(making use of type overrides, as demonstrated above):
CarReview: true
reviews: CarReview
allReviews: CarReview
This will produce the following GraphQL schema, giving you the ability to reach through contract relationships, and fetch data from related contracts in a single query.
type Car {
_address: Address
name: String
reviews(index: BigNumber!): CarReview @contract
allReviews: [CarReview] @contract
type CarMutative {
addReview(address: Address): Boolean
type CarReview {
_address: Address
rating: CarReview_Rating
review: String
enum CarReview_Rating {
type Mutation {
Car(address: Address!): CarMutative
type Query {
Car(address: Address!): Car
CarReview(address: Address!): CarReview
query {
Car(address: "0x123...") {
allReviews {
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