Style enhanced
Personnel step reworked
Navigation issues fixed
Geospatial data support
Bugs: test and stabilize this version
MetaFIN: continue
branch -
Annotations: add annotations module
Docker: optimize docker image
Tests: continue writing tests
Fixed navigation error when clicking 'previous' in EAL.
Added a counter for the number of users, outputting in the logs.
New styles and display for enhanced graphic UI.
Custom geographic coverage now includes drawing tool.
Geographic coverage now supports .shp files.
Fixed EAL 8
Updated Docker (thanks to https://github.com/charlycou)
Tests: write a complete set of tests.
Bugs: many were spotted, many more to fix.
Annotations: continue
branch. -
Geospatial data: integration of EAL progress.
Fixed DataOne nodes list
Increased file input limit to 2 Go
Added this NEWS file.
Upgrade to R4.1.0: removed {emldown} dependency for compatibility motives.
Setup {shinytest} tests functionnal.
Fixed unit load on Attributes.
Fixed better UI for method selection in geographic coverage step.
Fixed marked ORCID input as facultative in personnel step.
Fixed revised unit list.
Fixed revised custom unit list.
Tests: set a complete set of tests.
Upload: make data packages be fully uploaded.
Annotations: continue
NOTE: two tags were released because of a non-updated archive in 1.5.2.
stable version (v1.5.1-stable).
MetaFIN: add xml handling utils.
Fixed Categorical variables fails to save.
Fixed Taxonomic Coverage templating on "previous".
Fixed Corrected one-file handling.
Set file upload max size to 50 Mb.
Added {profvis} support.
Fixed checks for categorical variables templating
Fixed Taxonocmic Coverage initialization
Fixed attributes tree, now starts opened
Fixed attributes & categorical variables trees renders
Added interest ontologies list as resource
Added a way to use MetaShARK in locale with Docker.
Initialized MetaFIN.
Fixed attributes. Other impacted steps have been edited
Fixed missing value detection.
Started tests support with {shinytest} - not achieved
Improved excel files support: no support further than the first sheet.
R/ files were renamed.
Save method improved
ORCID support (miscellaneous module)
First step with annotations (see {cedarr})
WIP mode (display WIP features or not)
variables refactored around
reactive values -
support for shiny 1.5
Added log messages
Added colorized feedbacks
Added attributes content preview
Fixed xcel support: multi-sheet support
Fixed latitude/longitude input + next/previous unexpected behavior (moved more than one step)
Fixed app freeze on launch
Fixed zip download in DP selection
Fixed upload module and registered endpoints
Added emldown generation
Added quick mode to populate inputs upon coming on a module
Added helpers to each Fill-In module
Set save method to JSON format
Fixed upload module
Changed files organizations for best practices compliance
Dockerization of the app (https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/eliearnaud/metashark)
Revised workflow
Download data packages from Select Data Packages page.
Added dev server address (used with OpenGenOuest, no more in use)
Added markdown support for Miscellaneous step
Prettified modules organization
Published in Zenodo
Fixed ShinyFiles/Shiny correction according to local/server usage
Fixed image display without using 'renderImage()' method
Fixed make
added CSS styles
code documentation has been set with {roxygen} syntax
upload module is ready (some part is still in dev)
EML-ready data packages can be uploaded, with conditions (soon fixed):only text/csv, files, no scripts, only on PNDB metacat
Attributes module finished (with custom units)
Categorical Variables are being worked
Added Geographic Coverage facultative module with2 methods: columns selection (choose latitude and longitude columns among your dataset) and custom edition (describe each site one by one if you don't have yet a file).
module CustomUnits is functional
Update GO FAIR bibtex ref as a package internal data
Fixed troubles accessing package data
Reused git parts from archived earnaud/MetaShARK
Organized code and internal data to be used as an R package
buttons. Run:runMetashark(dev = TRUE)
to get access to dev buttons (allowing to browse in middle of the code). dev=FALSE is to use for presentation purposes but is set as default. -
Modified way to install MetaShARK