Checking an issue description against online test bank and offline printed book
graph TD
Choose("Choose <a href=''>a Sybex product</a>\nto work with.\nCopy the last <b>6 digits</b>\nof ISBN") --> Ticket
Ticket("<a href=''>Find</a> all tickets\nfor the product.\nSearch ''tb123456''\nor just ''123456''") --> |"Use the same\n6 digits"| SpreadSheet("Find ISBN with this ending\nin <a href=''>Sybex_TB_SMEs.xslx"</a>)
SpreadSheet --> |Copy the course name\nin the column <b>М</b>| WEL("Find this course in <a href=''>WEL test bank</a>")
WEL--> |Copy full Question ID from Jira\nand find question in WEL| WELQuestion("Open question,\nclick correct answer,\nsnap a screenshot")
WELQuestion --> FindInBook("Find this question\nin book in <a href=''>Vault BPA</a>\n(hint: add a book to MyCart)")
FindInBook --> IsQInBook{"Is there a question\nin a book?"} --> |Yes| BookScrn("Snap a screenshot of question\nin book") --> AnswerScrn("Snap a screensshoot\nof answer and explanation\nin book's backmatter\n(e.g. b01)")
Summary --> SMENeededQ{"Is SME Needed?"} --> |Yes| WriteEmail("Write an email\nto <a href=''>SME</a>")
WriteEmail --> WaitSME("Wait answer from SME")
IsQInBook{"Is there a question\nin a book?"} --> |No| AddScreenshotsInJira("Attach screenshots\nin Jira ticket")
AddScreenshotsInJira --> Summary("Write summary:<i>\nISBN: xxx\nChapter ., Question ..\n TB and book do/don't match\nIssue description: ...\nChange proposal: ...\n and/or SME review is needed</i>")
AnswerScrn --> AddScreenshotsInJira
SMENeededQ --> |No| NextStep("You are ready\nto do edits.")
WaitSME --> NextStep
Editing and pre-publishing.
graph TD
QInAlfreco("Find question by inserting\nGUID ''Location of Content''\n as the last term of the <a href=''>address</a>") --> inlineEdit("change XML \nand click 'Save' twice")
inlineEdit --> note("Leave a note \n<i>'WELCM-12345' has been fixed</i>")
note --> Alfresco("Open <a href=''>Alfresco main page</a>")
Alfresco --> |Find product \nby typing one-by-one\nlast 6 digits of ISBN \n in ''a course JSON node'' field| publish("Click ''Wiley Publish (Offline)''")
publish --> checkQueue("Check <a href=''>''publish queue''</a>")
checkQueue -->Jenkins("Open <a href=''>Jenkins</a>")
Jenkins --> |Find <b>QA</b>-product and schedule\na build in Jenkins| CheckWEL("Check that at least \none question in WEL\nwas fixed successfully")
CheckWEL --> Comment("Write results:\n<i>This has been fixed in UAT;\n it's being waited an update on PROD.</i>")
Comment --> JenkinsLink("Attach a link to Jenkins")
JenkinsLink --> Assign("Assign the next person")