In the DMSA model, what we call actions are endpoint methods that can be called from the command line or a Rest request.
- Actions are defines as method of any class that inherit the
class. - Those classe lives in python files that we call scripts and which are locate in the script/ dir by default.
Any actions will be visible in pymake scope for execution, except if they start by an underscore _
ExpeFormat class provides a set of special attribute, method and decorator:
- self.expe: the dict of the current expe.
- self.expe_size: how many expe in the sandbox
- self._it: a compteur that identify the current expe (from 0 to self.expe_size-1)
- self.output_path: a path basename that uniquely identify the ecurrent expe.
- self.D: a global container to store variables and share across all the expe/runs.
ploting helpers:
- self.markers: get the next marker with
- self.linestyles: get the next linestyle with
- self.colors: get the next color with color with
- self._preprocess: a method that will be exectuted before each script. useful to load some variable shared by each actions.
- self.log_expe: should return a string to custom the headers message prompt by pymake for each expe/run.
- self.expe_description: return a short string description of the current expe (from output_path)
- self.get_data_path: the data path directory related to the current [data_type], where data can be load or stored
- self.load_model(data, [init=False]): Return a model initialized for the current experience. If init is True, the model is load from pickle file.
- @plot: signature / args syntax...
- @table: signature / args syntax...