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原文链接: Codehaus Manifesto PS: Codehaus下线前最近的存档 2015-02-17


🍎 译序

先简单介绍一下Codehaus:协作构建开源项目的社区,强烈强调现代语言,并开发聚焦于满足实际需求的高质量组件。GroovyJettyGradleXStreamJacksonDroolsjMockEasyMockGrailsXDocletQDoxEsperMuleJaninoJBehaveStomp 以及其他数以百计开源项目,都得感谢Codehaus社区。



PS: Codehaus大约于2015年4月下线,更多关于Codehaus的信息可以看看:



  1. Codehaus观察到,基于指标、活跃时间和指派任务的分析,贡献更多的提交者在项目上有更大的话语权。
  2. Codehaus是鼓励人们持续做出代码的地方,而不是用官僚流程把人们的项目框在一起的地方。
  3. Codehaus鼓励项目追求质量和频繁的小发布。
  4. Codehaus鼓励提交者成为敬人有礼的朋友,尽可能地与大家碰面交流。面对面优于邮件。
  5. Codehaus支持多样性(在合适时),而不是强制一统与同质。
  6. Codehaus在吸纳提交者上设定高标准,引荐是常见的做法。新进的提交者期望要展示出代码水准以及优秀的品格。其成熟与才智应已有展现(如果年轻则应该在他早年就展现出来了)。
  7. 对于已有项目,新进的提交者期望在开始时先慢慢贡献一些小的不紧急的提交,之后再承担更大的自主的提交。
  8. Codehaus在准入项目上设定高标准。项目应该是已经发布的或是接近发布的。
  9. Codehaus鼓励人们在邮件沟通上要简明扼要,并注重互联网的礼仪。十篇长文来证明一个问题是个拙劣的方式;更好的方式是一个(失败的)单元测试。
  10. 当争论不定时,专制是正解。


点评来自 @ShawnQianx 2018年9月的技术分享。

Qian Sir 之点评一字未动,貌似随性又犀利劲到的点评让内容更多了一分神采飞扬!


Codehaus Manifesto

  1. The Codehaus recognizes that some committers, based upon metrics, longevity and appointed management, have greater say on a project than others.
  2. The Codehaus is a place where people are encouraged to get on with code rather than tie their projects up with bureaucracy.
  3. The Codehaus encourages projects to strive for quality and for frequent small releases.
  4. The Codehaus encourages committers to be respectful friends, meet up with each other as often as possible. Face-to-face is superior to email.
  5. The Codehaus stands in favour of diversity (where appropriate) over enforced convergence and homogeneity.
  6. The Codehaus places a high bar on entry for committers. Referral is a common means. A new committer is expected to show strong character elements as well as a talent for code. Maturity and wisdom (possibly in advance of years if a youngster) should be demonstrated.
  7. New committers to an existing project are expected to ease themselves in with small and deferrent commits to start, and greater free-will may be assumed later.
    (项目中的新客,从提交 bug fix 开始,别一上来就重构优化)
  8. The Codehaus places a high bar on entry for projects. They should be released or near it.
    (严选项目,成熟的入 v0.1 的滚)
  9. The Codehaus encourages people to be brief in email and to honor internet etiquette. Ten furlongs of text justifying a position is poor form; better would be a (failing) unit test.
  10. In case of disagreement, The Despots are right.