Releases: drannex/FirefoxSidebar
Releases · drannex/FirefoxSidebar
This release fixes a handful of things:
- Rewrites the dynamic indenting system! You can now customize your own indent space!
- Improves the accordion issue when you are hiding tab groups
- FIXED! You can now drag and drop to your hearts content! This fixes the alignment issue when dropping tabs all around the place. Try it out! (Thanks for pointing this out @bpoteryko!)
- Animations are back for tabs, small thing, but it makes it feel all nice and good.
- Audio toggle is properly setup and doesn't hide itself in rare cases.
Overall this was a rewrite, a lot of it has remained the same visually, but the structure and complexity has dropped substantially. Much easier to customize, much easier to use. Hope you enjoy!
This repository was originally a subdirectory of drannex42/linux-utils, but has now become a standalone repo for my Firefox Sidebar CSS and Utilities.
- Sideberry :: Fixed drop down arrows when tab groups are folded. (Thanks @bpoteryko!)
- userChrome.css :: You can now easily change the header background color using --sidebar-bg-color at the top of the file.
- :: Added tutorial to adding a userChrome.css file
- Renamed repository to drannex42/FirefoxSidebar from drannex42/linux-utils
Previous release notes:
- Sideberry :: Fixed drop down arrows when tab groups are folded. (Thanks @bpoteryko!)
- userChrome.css :: You can now easily change the header background color using --sidebar-bg-color at the top of the file.
- :: Added tutorial to adding a userChrome.css file
- Sideberry :: updated to use configs for easier theming, fixed font rendering, and fixed font sizing.
- userChrome.css :: Fixed sidebar header position and background color.
- Sideberry is the preferred method, and has been since June. I will not be updating the TST extension moving forward. Sideberry is better in nearly every regard to memory usage, responsiveness, speed, and useability.
- I have added Sideberry support, sideberry is faster, more responsive, and far easier to customize. I may keep going forward with this version.