A Clojure library designed to easily encode and decode protobuf messages by using Clojure maps.
Add the below dependency to your project.clj
[io.odpf/stencil-clj "0.2.1"]
Consider following proto message
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.odpf.CljTest";
message Address {
string city = 1;
string street = 2;
message Person {
enum Gender {
MALE = 1;
string name = 1;
Address address = 2;
Gender gender = 3;
repeated string email_list = 4;
int32 age = 5;
- Create stencil client. You can refer to java client documentation for all available options.
(ns test
(:require [stencil.core :refer [create-client]]))
(def client (create-client {:url "<stencil service url>"
:refresh-cache true
:refresh-strategy :version-based-refresh
:headers {"<headerkey>" "<header value>"}))
- To serialize data from clojure map
(:require [stencil.core :refer [serialize]])
(def serialized-data
(serialize client "io.odpf.CljTest" {:name "Foo"
:address {:street "bar"}
:email-list ["a@example.com" "b@b.com"]
:gender :NON-BINARY
:age 10}))
- Deserialize data from bytes to clojure map
(:require [stencil.core :refer [deserialize]])
(deserialize client "io.odpf.CljTest" serialized-data)
;; prints
;; {:name "Foo"
;; :address {:street "bar"}
;; :email-list ["a@example.com" "b@b.com"]
;; :gender :NON-BINARY
;; :age 10}
Protobuf | Clojure | Notes |
field names | keywords in kebab case | name -> :name , field_name -> :field-name |
scalar fields | Values follow protobuf-java scalar value mappings | |
enums | Values converted as keywords of enum's original value | UNKNOWN -> :UNKNOWN |
messages | clojure map | message Hello {string name = 1;} -> {:name "odpf"} |
repeated fields | clojure vector | |
one-of fields | treated as regular fields | if two fields are set that are part of one-of, last seen value is considered while serializing data |
map | map values follow it's wire representation | for map<string, string> type, example value will be [{:key "key" :value "value"}] |
Note on errors: Serialize will throw error in following cases
- unknown field is passed that's not present in schema
{:cause :unknown-field :info {:field-name <field-name>}}
- if non-collection type is passed to repeated field
{:cause :not-a-collection :info {:value <value>}}
- If unknown enum value passed that's not present in schema
{:cause :unknown-enum-value :info {:field-name <field-name>}}
create-client (client-config)
Returns a new Stencil Clojure client instance by passing client-config.
Key Type Description url
String Stencil url to fetch latest descriptor sets refresh-cache
Boolean Whether the cache should be refreshed or not refresh-ttl
Integer Cache TTL in minutes request-timeout
Integer Request timeout in milliseconds request-backoff-time
Integer Request back off time in minutes retry-count
Integer Number of retries to be made to fetch descriptor sets headers
Map Map with key as header key and value as header value, which will be passed to stencil server refresh-strategy
keyword Possible values :version-based-refresh, :long-polling-refresh. Default :long-polling-refresh Example:
(let [sample-client-config {:url "https://example-url" :refresh-cache true :refresh-ttl 100 :request-timeout 10000 :request-backoff-time 100 :retry-count 3 :headers {"Authorization" "Bearer <token>"} :refresh-strategy :version-based-refresh }] (create-client sample-client-config))
get-descriptor (client proto-class-name)
Returns protobuf descriptor object for the given protobuf class name.
Key Type Description client
Object Instantiated Clojure client object proto-class-name
String Name of the proto class whose proto descriptor object is required Value Type Description proto-desc Object Protobuf descriptor for given proto class name Example:
(let [client (create-client sample-client-config) proto-package "io.odpf.stencil_clj_test" proto-class-name "Scalar" fully-qualified-proto-name (str proto-package "." proto-class-name)] (get-descriptor client fully-qualified-proto-name))
deserialize (client proto-class-name data)
Returns Clojure map for the given protobuf encoded byte array and protobuf class name.
Key Type Description client
Object Instantiated Clojure client object proto-class-name
String Name of the proto class whose proto descriptor object is required data
Byte-Array Data (byte-array) to be deserialized using proto-descriptor object Value Type Description deserialized-message PersistentArrayMap Deserialized message (Clojure Map) Example:
(let [client (create-client sample-client-config) proto-package "io.odpf.stencil_clj_test" proto-class-name "Scalar" fully-qualified-proto-name (str proto-package "." proto-class-name) proto-desc (get-descriptor client fully-qualified-proto-name) data-to-deserialize (serialize client fully-qualified-proto-name{:field-one 1.25})] (deserialize client fully-qualified-proto-name data-to-deserialize))
serialize (client proto-class-name map)
Returns protobuf encoded byte array for the given Clojure and protobuf class name.
Key Type Description client
Object Instantiated Clojure client object proto-class-name
String Name of the proto class whose proto descriptor object is required map
PersistentArrayMap Data (in the form of map) to be serialized using proto descriptor object Value Type Description serialized-message Byte-Array Serialized message (byte-array) Example:
(let [client (create-client sample-client-config) proto-package "io.odpf.stencil_clj_test" proto-class-name "Scalar" fully-qualified-proto-name (str proto-package "." proto-class-name) proto-desc (get-descriptor client fully-qualified-proto-name)] (serialize client fully-qualified-proto-name {:field-one 1.25}))
Ensure leiningen is installed.
Run tests:
lein clean && lein javac && lein test
Run formatting:
lein cljfmt fix
Stencil clojure client is Apache 2.0 licensed.