Below is a list of supported exporters with links to their documentation pages.
Name | GitHub README |
Alibaba Cloud Log Service Exporter | alibabacloudlogserviceexporter |
AWS CloudWatch Logs Exporter | awscloudwatchlogsexporter |
AWS CloudWatch EMF Exporter | awsemfexporter |
AWS Kinesis Exporter | awskinesisexporter |
AWS S3 Exporter | awss3exporter |
AWS X-Ray Tracing Exporter | awsxrayexporter |
Azure Blob Exporter | azureblobexporter |
Azure Monitor Exporter | azuremonitorexporter |
Carbon Exporter | carbonexporter |
Chronicle Exporter | chronicleexporter |
Chronicle Forwarder Exporter | chronicleexporter |
ClickHouse Exporter | clickhouseexporter |
Coralogix Exporter | coralogixexporter |
Datadog Exporter | datadogexporter |
Elasticsearch Exporter | elasticsearchexporter |
File Exporter | fileexporter |
Google Cloud Exporter | googlecloudexporter |
Google Cloud Pub/Sub Exporter | googlecloudpubsubexporter |
Google Managed Service for Prometheus Collector Exporter | googlemanagedprometheus |
InfluxDB Exporter | influxdbexporter |
Kafka Exporter | kafkaexporter |
Load-Balancing (Trace ID Aware) Exporter | loadbalancingexporter |
Logging Exporter | loggingexporter |
Loki Exporter | lokiexporter | Exporter | logzioexporter |
No-op Exporter | nopexporter |
OpenCensus gRPC Exporter | opencensusexporter |
OTLP gRPC Exporter | otlpexporter |
OTLP HTTP Exporter | otlphttpexporter |
Prometheus Exporter | prometheusexporter |
Prometheus Remote Write Exporter | prometheusremotewriteexporter |
SAPM Exporter | sapmexporter |
SignalFX Metrics Exporter | signalfxexporter |
Snowflake Exporter | snowflakeexporter |
Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) Exporter | splunkhecexporter |
Sumo Logic Exporter | sumologic |
Syslog Exporter | syslogexporter |
Zipkin Exporter | zipkinexporter |