A simple and fast implementation of conformal random forests for both classification and regression tasks. coverforest extends scikit-learn's random forest implementation to provide prediction sets/intervals with guaranteed coverage using conformal prediction methods.
coverforest provides three conformal prediction methods for random forests:
The library provides two main classes: CoverForestRegressor
for interval prediction and CoverForestClassifier
. for set prediction.
Here are quick runs of the two classes:
from coverforest import CoverForestRegressor
reg = CoverForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, method='bootstrap') # using J+-a-Bootstrap
reg.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred, y_intervals = reg.predict(X_test, alpha=0.05) # 95% coverage intervals
from coverforest import CoverForestClassifier
clf = CoverForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, method='cv') # using CV+
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred, y_sets = clf.predict(X_test, alpha=0.05) # 95% coverage sets
You can try these models in Colab: [Classification] [Regression]
For additional examples and package API, see Documentation.
- Python >=3.9
- Scikit-learn >=1.6.0
You can install coverforest using pip:
pip install coverforest
Or install from source:
git clone https://github.com/donlapark/coverforest.git
cd coverforest
pip install .
The classifier includes two regularization parameters
clf = CoverForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, method='cv', k_init=2, lambda_init=0.1)
Automatic searching for suitable k_init="auto"
and lambda_init="auto"
, which are the default values of CoverForestClassifier
Random forest leverages parallel computation by processing trees concurrently. Use the n_jobs
parameter in fit()
and predict()
to control CPU usage (n_jobs=-1
uses all cores).
For prediction, conformity score calculations require a memory array of size (n_train × n_test × n_classes)
. To optimize performance with high n_jobs
values, split large test sets into smaller batches.
See the documentation for more details and examples.
- MAPIE: A Python package that provides scikit-learn-compatible wrappers for conformal classification and regression
- conforest An R implementation of random forest with inductive conformal prediction.
clover A Python implementation of a regression forest method for conditional coverage (
$P(Y \vert X =x)$ ) guarantee. - Conformal Prediction: Jupyter Notebook demonstrations of conformal prediction on various tasks, such as image classification, image segmentation, times series forecasting, and outlier detection
- TorchCP A Python toolbox for Conformal Prediction in Deep Learning built on top of PyTorch
- crepes A Python package that implements standard and Mondrian conformal classifiers as well as standard, normalized and Mondrian conformal regressors and predictive systems.
- nonconformist: One of the first Python implementations of conformal prediction
[1] Yaniv Romano, Matteo Sesia & Emmanuel J. Candès, "Classification with Valid and Adaptive Coverage", NeurIPS 2020.
[2] Rina Foygel Barber, Emmanuel J. Candès, Aaditya Ramdas & Ryan J. Tibshirani, "Predictive inference with the jackknife+", Ann. Statist. 49 (1) 486-507, 2021.
[3] Byol Kim, Chen Xu, Rina Foygel Barber, "Predictive inference is free with the jackknife+-after-bootstrap", NeurIPS 2020.
[4] Vladimir Vovk, Ilia Nouretdinov, Valery Manokhin & Alexander Gammerman, "Cross-conformal predictive distributions", 37-51, COPA 2018.
[5] Anastasios Nikolas Angelopoulos, Stephen Bates, Michael I. Jordan & Jitendra Malik, "Uncertainty Sets for Image Classifiers using Conformal Prediction", ICLR 2021.
[6] Leo Breiman, "Random Forests", Machine Learning, 45(1), 5-32, 2001.
If you use coverforest in your research, please cite:
Author = {Panisara Meehinkong and Donlapark Ponnoprat},
Title = {coverforest: Conformal Predictions with Random Forest in Python},
Year = {2025},
Eprint = {arXiv:2501.14570},