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This branch is up to date with davidfic/estate:master.

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1c87f60 · Sep 17, 2017


21 Commits
Sep 13, 2017
Sep 17, 2017
Sep 6, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
Sep 17, 2017
Sep 15, 2017
Jun 6, 2017
Sep 15, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
Sep 15, 2017
Sep 17, 2017

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Estate (Terraform UX)

Latin: Status Old French: estat English: Esate

a piece of landed property or status of an owner, with respect to property, especially one of large extent with an elaborate house on it

Estate is essentially at Terraform UI/UX experience that makes Terraform easier for everyone to use.

It is designed around these key principles:

  • Self-service infrastructure as code
  • Reduce the learning curve of Terraform
  • Make the right way the easy thing to do
  • Standardize usage of Terraform across an organization
  • Get out of the way of a power user limiting impact on their productivity
  • Make management of Terraform easier

This project has been presented at HashiConf 2017 in Austin and the presentation deck is available here

Getting Started & Bootstrapping

For AWS Users

Terraform files in the bootstrap folder of the repository will provision the necessary AWS resources to run Estate in a production environment.

  • Clone this repo with Git: git clone
  • cd ./bootstrapping/aws/
  • terraform plan -out=plan
  • terraform apply "plan"

For non-AWS users

For those who rely on other cloud providers or your own deployment tooling, Estate can be run in docker containers.

docker pull underarmourconnectedfitness/estate:master

docker run --privileged \
 -p 9200:9200 \
 -e SECRET_KEY=super_secret \
 -e DATABASE_URL=postgres:// \
 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

The requirements to run Estate in production are:

  • DATABASE_URL which leverages the Django Database URL plugin style configuration, so if you'd like to use MySQL you can easily
  • SECRET_KEY: Django secret key variable
  • The docker socket is needed because Estate runs terraform in context of another docker container that it spins up on demand - the docker socket requires the container to run in privileged mode.

Since this is a django application - database schema changes are controlled through django's migration system

Once the application is up and running and connected to the database you'll need to have it run the migrations before you can use the application the best way to do this is to docker exec into a running container and run the command django-admin migrate This will run all the migrations and get the database configured properly for the application to run properly. It will also create a default superuser of Username: root Password: admin NOTE: for real production usecases you should create other users and disable/delete this auto generated superuser, see the Django documentation on the Auth modules for more information.


Estate is a Django application, this means it can have complex configuration, many plugins added to it which add additional features and configuration. As such we've tried to keep the core configuration needed down to just environment variables. That being said we want to make it's configuration as flexible and pluggable as possible so we've exposed a way to plugin a normal django configuration file as well.

The main environment variables that Estate will pickup are as follows:

  • TERRAFORM_DOCKER_IMAGE: Specify the docker container to use as a context to run terraform in (Default: underarmourconnectedfitness/estate:master)
  • TERRAFORM_EXTRA_ARGS: Extra commandline arguments that will be applied to every terraform command, except for experiment functionality (Default: -input=false)
  • TERRAFORM_INIT_EXTRA_ARGS: Extra commandline arguments that will be applied only the terraform init command (Default ``)
  • TERRAFORM_PLAN_EXTRA_ARGS: Extra commandline arguments that will be applied only to the terraform plan command (Default: -detailed-exitcode -out=plan)
  • TERRAFORM_APPLY_EXTRA_ARGS: Extra commandline arguments that will be applied only to the terraform apply command (Default: ``)
  • TERRAFORM_ELASTICACHE_URL: If using a clustered setup and AWS Elasticache then you can configure the elasticache url

The following can only be applied as environment variables

  • GUNICORN_BIND_ADDRESS: The network interface to bind to (Default:
  • GUNICORN_BIND_PORT: The network port to bind to (Default: 8000)
  • GUNICORN_WORKER_COUNT: The amount of gunicorn workers to run (Default: <cpu_count> * 10 + 1)
  • GUNICORN_WORKER_CLASS: See the gunicorn documentation on worker classes for more information (Default: "gevent")
  • GUNICORN_LOG_LEVEL: See the gunicorn documenation on log levels for more information (Default: "info")

As well you can configure a django settings file, which is just pure python, and mount it into the container

contents of


# Add other django apps - IE Sentry


# Configure estate settings as well
TERRAFORM_INIT_EXTRA_ARGS = "-input=false -backend-config 'access_token=6ae45dff-1272-4v75-8gd7-ad52bd756e66' -backend-config 'scheme=https' -backend-config '' -backend-config 'path=estate/remote_state/{NAMESPACE}'"

Then mount this file into the container at the path /usr/local/service/estate/settings/

docker run -v ./ underarmourconnectedfitness/estate:master

Running as a Cluster

Estate by default is setup to only run as a single standalone service, but as your team grows you'll likely need to scale it horizontally. This is quite easy with estate it just requries 1 thing - a cache database

Estate uses a cache database to store the output of the different terraform commands run, by default it stores them on disk inside the container, but when you start to cluster Estate this won't work, so you will need to set up something like redis or memcached and configure the Django cache framework to store the cache data in the database.

Sentry Integration

Sentry is a first class citizen with Estate and the integration requires configuring just one variable to connect to your sentry cluster

Major Technologies

Developing locally

  • Clone this repo with Git: git clone
  • Build the container images from root of the repo: docker-compose build dev
  • Run the containers: docker-compose up dev
  • Open a web browser to http://localhost:8000/
  • Login with the credentials Username: root Password: admin

Every change to Dockerfile will require docker-compose build dev to be run. Changes to the codebase will be detected and Estate will be hot-reloaded.


  • Fork the master branch ( )
  • Create your branch (git checkout -b my-branch)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'added fixes for something')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin my-branch)
  • Create a new Pull Request
  • And you're done!

Features, bug fixes, bug reports and documentation update are all welcome! See the Github issues page for outstanding things that could be worked on.


Estate provides UI for Terraform







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  • JavaScript 49.7%
  • Python 42.9%
  • HCL 2.4%
  • Shell 1.8%
  • Dockerfile 1.4%
  • HTML 0.9%
  • CSS 0.9%