This library implements several match-expanders which can be used anywhere racket/match pattern-matching is available. ⋱
, ⋱+
, and ⋱1
are match-expanders which implement containment patterns. These descend into s-expressions to capture arbitrarily deep matches and their multi-holed contexts.
I implemented containment patterns to write concise updates on nested structures for syntax-rewriting purposes in structured-editing and algebraic-stepper prototypes. See fructure for an actual use case, or for something simpler, this toy stepper. These are also integrated into fructerm.
Technically: an n-holed context is a captured composable continuation which can be used in a match template as a normal n-ary procedure. These continuations are captured as the pattern-matcher left-to-right preorder-traverses the target looking for matches.
Explicitly: The pattern (⋱ <context-name> <pattern>)
binds a procedure to <context-name>
and a <match>
to <pattern>
satisfying (equal? (<context> <matches>) target)
. ⋱+
is similar, but it binds a list of all matches instead of just the first result, and ⋱1
insists that the match should be unique.
Caveat: If you're using any matchers which have side-effects, note that the inner pattern is evaluated twice for each successful match.
- Execute
raco pkg install git://
- Add
(require containment-patterns)
- Insert a
in Dr. Racket by typing\ddo
(diagonal dots) and then pressingalt
See the tests in main.rkt for more examples and additional secret bonus features (which may not yet have found their final forms):
- Check if an item is contained in a nested list:
(match `(0 (0 1) 2 3)
[(⋱ 1) #t]))
- Extracting data from a nested context:
(match `(0 (1 zap) 2 3)
[(⋱ `(1 ,a)) a])
- Making an update in a nested context:
(match '(0 0 (0 (0 0 (▹ 1)) 0 0))
[(⋱ context `(▹ ,a))
(⋱ context `(▹ ,(add1 a))])
'(0 0 (0 (0 0 (▹ 2)) 0 0))
- Serial substitutions:
(note how
is optional in the template; a context is just a function)
(match '(0 1 (0 1 (1 0)) 0 1)
[(⋱+ c 1)
(c 3 4 5 6)])
- Moving a cursor
through a traversal in a nested list of0
s and1
(match '(0 1 (0 1 (1 (▹ 0))) 0 1)
[(⋱+ c (and a (or `(▹ ,_) (? number?))))
(⋱+ c (match a [`(,x ... (▹ ,y) ,z ,w ...)
`(,@x ,y (▹ ,z) ,@w)]))])
'(0 1 (0 1 (1 0)) (▹ 0) 1))