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Haz edited this page Apr 2, 2017 · 7 revisions

ARc is structured in a way that makes it easier to work on different parts of the application with distinct focuses.

When introducing a new feature or even starting the project from scratch:

  1. Create presentational components with the help of storybook

    You'll usually start by writing dumb components, just focusing on presentational logic. Storybook can help you with that.

  2. Create containers

    Then, you can focus on what that feature will do with the app state (actions) and which part of the state it will need (selectors).

  3. Create redux module(s)

    After creating containers, you'll have a good sense of what actions and selectors you'll need. The last step is to figure out how reducers and/or sagas will respond to dispatched actions so you can modify the app state and/or make side effects.

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