- utils: encode method no longer throws.
- some keybindings have been removed or altered, which may affect user workflows
- add to multi cursor event types (#134) (fb399ea)
- add bufferline plugin (534eb7c)
- add command abbreviations (a407c62)
- add command to get the parent branch of the current branch (#129) (114c2c2)
- add create_pr function (#58) (893989e)
- add functions for handling common nvim typos and PR management (#63) (b2fd490)
- add git commit verbose (25a651e)
- add karabiner configuration and update clean task (#114) (4007dc1)
- add keymaps for C to change without yanking (#28) (5fb78ea)
- add lazygit config file and makefile target (7293e04)
- add local opt variable and set wrap option in options.lua (#48) (0af2c05)
- add new key mappings and improve prompts (#94) (dd95ed9)
- add new key mappings and improve prompts (#97) (c13bce1)
- add nvim config (0874872)
- add plan and act modes (#150) (e86d638)
- add substitute plugin (b86d85e)
- add toggle terminal keymap for vscode integration (#100) (a67f74f)
- add updated settings (e82916c)
- add vscode plugin to nvim config (#46) (18762e0)
- add vscode-specific keymaps and plugin configuration (#87) (195d76c)
- adds v4 UUID to crypto (#91) (d6c23f5)
- ci: add release-please integration (bc9faf5)
- customizing fast-cursor-move.nvim (#34) (d4f77eb)
- disable convert to uppercase and lowercase in visual mode (#109) (e9cffd2)
- disable vi-mode if running inside neovim (#59) (44a7e33)
- enable gpg signing (#149) (d031724)
- enable tab completion in nvim-cmp (95e4472)
- enhance CopilotChat.nvim plugin with new features and improvements (#140) (7452ca5)
- enhance git diff context resolution (#146) (7101bde)
- enhance prompts and add git prune alias (#122) (9f068c3)
- enhance telescope-undo and toggleterm (84ae0c4)
- git: make default branch vim on new repos (486e470)
- introduce personas to the assistant (#52) (2543203)
- introduce task difficulties (#64) (88cc721)
- nvim-tree: add key mappings for file explorer (#108) (73b1643)
- nvim: add alpha-nvim plugin (f88282c)
- nvim: add autopairs plugin (ff2ab16)
- nvim: add copilot plugin (e9efcb0)
- nvim: add keymap for exiting terminal mode (2841178)
- nvim: add noice.nvim for floating terminal (114dad9)
- nvim: add persistence.nvim plugin (582c1a7)
- nvim: add telescope git commands (69a9794)
- nvim: add telescope-undo plugin (59a4da9)
- nvim: add terraform and hcl to treesitter (1c13cb1)
- nvim: add toggleterm and term-edit plugins (250c289)
- nvim: add vscode support for some plugins (ead1990)
- nvim: add vscode-multi-cursor plugin (5bab6bb)
- nvim: change theme to tokyonight (25dab30)
- nvim: disable swap files (5d1b670)
- nvim: enhance git short-log alias (1a9b45b)
- nvim: migrate to lazyvim (2951aa4)
- nvim: remove s keymap from flash.nvim (5d2ed55)
- replace nvim-comment with comment.nvim (5f30855)
- stop media buttons from starting apple music (#133) (d3f68c3)
- update .cursorrules (#61) (a01a5eb)
- update cursor rules and improve markdown handling (#132) (19a8801)
- update git configuration setup (#142) (f0b6f49)
- update nvim-surround and telescope configurations (#77) (66704eb)
- update pull request prompt to use commitizen style title (#73) (ad84eda)
- use diff with main branch for pr (c13bce1)
- utils: update encode to support unicode (d6c23f5)
- vscode: refactor vscode spevific keymaps (#89) (3b424c0)
- zsh: fix boot time problem for zsh (8f92d37)
- add BufRead to plugins for faster startup (19391d8)
- checker: disable notifications (015d295)
- delete without yanking using register a (0df3a3b)
- disable mini.ai plugin (6d8caa9)
- disable vim-illuminate (631dd70)
- enable lazy loading for toggleterm&term-edit (0f5c871)
- fetch latest changes and update key mappings (#112) (0ee3903)
- get rid of linter errors in lsp.lua (#42) (6e18583)
- homebrew path correction (d1b1777)
- keymap: change visual mode 'u' and 'U' keymaps to escape instead of no operation (#115) (8af3676)
- keymap: separate disabling of convert to uppercase and lowercase in visual mode (#111) (88b2722)
- make vim-visual-multi work with vscode (fe27d8c)
- nvim-tree: change open vertical split keymap (3a3acdf)
- nvim: properly disable neo-tree plugin (31ca60e)
- override vscode-neovim keybindings for j and k (#32) (4ad165b)
- remove commented-out disabled plugins (3b424c0)
- remove desc from keymap (c304d54)
- remove redundant rules from cursor (#55) (1d1539f)
- remove unnecessary files (8844ba6)
- rename gitconfig files (#31) (ddb7f34)
- resolve permission issue with wakatime plugin (e0455b1)
- show shrug in dashboard (adb4c13)
- standardize telescope keymap descriptions (6751e2e)
- telescope-undo: fix preview height (bbd1aaf)
- update commit message examples to use multiline strings (#127) (fee49ef)
- update gh pr create command example to use commitzen style title (#105) (3174d0f)
- update git diff command to use origin/main branch (c13bce1)
- update nvim path, correct symlinks (#57) (936f79d)
- update release-please action and vscode keybindings (b68201e)
- utils: unicode no longer throws exception (d6c23f5)
3.6.0 (2024-09-09)
- add karabiner configuration and update clean task (#114) (4100e44)
- enhance prompts and add git prune alias (#122) (3525a14)
- fetch latest changes and update key mappings (#112) (48dc110)
- keymap: change visual mode 'u' and 'U' keymaps to escape instead of no operation (#115) (d7d57b3)
- update commit message examples to use multiline strings (#127) (1b2f67d)
3.5.0 (2024-08-26)
3.4.0 (2024-08-25)
3.3.0 (2024-08-15)
3.2.0 (2024-08-12)
- update git diff command to use origin/main branch (61b5aa8)
3.1.0 (2024-08-12)
3.0.0 (2024-08-12)
- utils: encode method no longer throws.
- utils: unicode no longer throws exception (6d19866)
2.4.0 (2024-08-12)
- remove commented-out disabled plugins (6e09121)
2.3.0 (2024-08-11)
2.2.0 (2024-08-10)
2.1.0 (2024-08-08)
2.0.0 (2024-08-05)
- some keybindings have been removed or altered, which may affect user workflows
- update release-please action and vscode keybindings (a8c7852)
1.12.0 (2024-07-22)
- add functions for handling common nvim typos and PR management (#63) (2a4870a)
- introduce task difficulties (#64) (bd61252)
- update .cursorrules (#61) (daa6011)
1.11.0 (2024-07-13)
- remove redundant rules from cursor (#55) (80c3406)
- update nvim path, correct symlinks (#57) (8caeb4a)
1.10.0 (2024-06-15)
1.9.0 (2024-05-09)
1.8.1 (2024-04-18)
1.8.0 (2024-03-05)
1.7.1 (2024-03-05)
1.7.0 (2024-02-29)
1.6.0 (2024-02-13)
- add lazygit config file and makefile target (a1bacff)
- delete without yanking using register a (76b4952)
- make vim-visual-multi work with vscode (05fe3af)
- resolve permission issue with wakatime plugin (4a8f4b0)
1.5.0 (2024-02-07)
- enhance telescope-undo and toggleterm (335e18b)
- git: make default branch vim on new repos (269df44)
- nvim: add copilot plugin (720fc11)
- nvim: add keymap for exiting terminal mode (d6b0fdd)
- nvim: add telescope-undo plugin (354b330)
- nvim: add toggleterm and term-edit plugins (7a24d72)
- nvim: remove s keymap from flash.nvim (506a6a1)
- zsh: fix boot time problem for zsh (199e487)
- enable lazy loading for toggleterm&term-edit (2917075)
- nvim-tree: change open vertical split keymap (6ba9fda)
- telescope-undo: fix preview height (d696226)
1.4.0 (2024-01-17)
- enable tab completion in nvim-cmp (a5a58bb)
- nvim: add vscode support for some plugins (e6eeb8d)
- nvim: add vscode-multi-cursor plugin (e4eaa24)
- nvim: disable swap files (041c430)
- nvim: enhance git short-log alias (c022470)
- nvim: migrate to lazyvim (e40ad40)
- checker: disable notifications (94b6914)
- disable mini.ai plugin (22705b9)
- disable vim-illuminate (1dccb04)
- nvim: properly disable neo-tree plugin (1486a80)
- show shrug in dashboard (ff9d417)
1.3.0 (2024-01-15)
- add bufferline plugin (fb49050)
- nvim: add alpha-nvim plugin (d39aeb7)
- nvim: add noice.nvim for floating terminal (0d21654)
- nvim: add persistence.nvim plugin (e97ecb5)
- nvim: add telescope git commands (d508efc)
- nvim: add terraform and hcl to treesitter (b3cd6e4)
- nvim: change theme to tokyonight (5f7785c)
- add BufRead to plugins for faster startup (1054d7f)
- remove unnecessary files (e0c8eff)
- standardize telescope keymap descriptions (bc64874)
1.2.0 (2024-01-10)
- add git commit verbose (02b3606)
- add substitute plugin (e0561bb)
- nvim: add autopairs plugin (ee2bc04)
- remove desc from keymap (ada8d77)