This repository will store my assignments for the OAF Bootcamp
I reason why I worked on this project was because I wanted to help others and myself find jobs in this time of job shortages. I hope that this application will make their job search easier.
I found the free Adzuna API which allowed me access a large data set of job advertisments. Using Advanced OOP implementations, such as the Factory Method, inheritance, and dependency injections, I was able to strucutre my code in a high quality manner. Using the Argument Parse library and SQLite3, I as able to create an interface which users can interact with and store their login information. Finally, I allowed users to input their preferences for a job and returned the job's information to them.
I learned about Version Control using Git and GitHub. I learned more about accessing APIs. Writing high quality, scalable, company-level code with various libraries and structures. I believe most importantly, I learned about the process of creating a project from scratch.