This module enables Emacs to be used as a music player. It uses mpd as a backend server and mpc to update your music database.
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This module has no flags.
- emms
No hacks documented for this module.
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Enable this module in your doom!
This module requires:
These should be available through your OS package manager.
🔨 This module’s usage documentation is incomplete. Complete it?
- <localleader> l Toggles whether or not the player repeats the playlist.
- <localleader> m Mixes the playlist.
- <localleader> i Insert specific song
- <localleader> s Save the current playlist to a file
- <localleader> p Insert playlist save into current playlist
- g a Sort the browser by artists
- g b Sort the browser by genre
- X Stops the player
- x pauses the player
- D in the playlist window removes that item
- C clears the playlist
- > move five seconds forward in the current track
- < Opposite five back
- RET In browser adds the artist’s songs to the playlist, in the playlist starts playlist.
🔨 This module has no configuration documentation yet. Write some?
Report an issue?
Try M-x +emms/mpd-restart-music-daemon then restart emacs.
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