- #
- # CSS styles use classes, so you have to include a stylesheet
- # in your output.
- #
- # See encode.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay.rb#232
- def highlight(code, lang, options = T.unsafe(nil), format = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Highlight a file into a HTML
- #
- # CSS styles use classes, so you have to include a stylesheet
- # in your output.
- #
- # See encode.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay.rb#242
- def highlight_file(filename, options = T.unsafe(nil), format = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Scans the given +code+ (a String) with the Scanner for +lang+.
- #
- # This is a simple way to use CodeRay. Example:
- # require 'coderay'
- # page = CodeRay.scan("puts 'Hello, world!'", :ruby).html
- #
- # See also demo/demo_simple.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay.rb#168
- def scan(code, lang, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Scans +filename+ (a path to a code file) with the Scanner for +lang+.
- #
- # If +lang+ is :auto or omitted, the CodeRay::FileType module is used to
- # determine it. If it cannot find out what type it is, it uses
- # CodeRay::Scanners::Text.
- #
- # Calls CodeRay.scan.
- #
- # Example:
- # require 'coderay'
- # page = CodeRay.scan_file('some_c_code.c').html
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay.rb#183
- def scan_file(filename, lang = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Finds the Scanner class for +lang+ and creates an instance, passing
- # +options+ to it.
- #
- # See Scanner.new.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay.rb#268
- def scanner(lang, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay.rb#130
-CodeRay::CODERAY_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# = Duo
-# A Duo is a convenient way to use CodeRay. You just create a Duo,
-# giving it a lang (language of the input code) and a format (desired
-# output format), and call Duo#highlight with the code.
-# Duo makes it easy to re-use both scanner and encoder for a repetitive
-# task. It also provides a very easy interface syntax:
-# require 'coderay'
-# CodeRay::Duo[:python, :div].highlight 'import this'
-# Until you want to do uncommon things with CodeRay, I recommend to use
-# this method, since it takes care of everything.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#17
-class CodeRay::Duo
- # Create a new Duo, holding a lang and a format to highlight code.
- #
- # simple:
- # CodeRay::Duo[:ruby, :html].highlight 'bla 42'
- #
- # with options:
- # CodeRay::Duo[:ruby, :html, :hint => :debug].highlight '????::??'
- #
- # alternative syntax without options:
- # CodeRay::Duo[:ruby => :statistic].encode 'class << self; end'
- #
- # alternative syntax with options:
- # CodeRay::Duo[{ :ruby => :statistic }, :do => :something].encode 'abc'
- #
- # The options are forwarded to scanner and encoder
- # (see CodeRay.get_scanner_options).
- #
- # @return [Duo] a new instance of Duo
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#37
- def initialize(lang = T.unsafe(nil), format = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Tokenize and highlight the code using +scanner+ and +encoder+.
- # Allows to use Duo like a proc object:
- #
- # CodeRay::Duo[:python => :yaml].call(code)
- #
- # or, in Ruby 1.9 and later:
- #
- # CodeRay::Duo[:python => :yaml].(code)
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#64
- def call(code, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Tokenize and highlight the code using +scanner+ and +encoder+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#64
- def encode(code, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # The encoder of the duo. Only created once.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#59
- def encoder; end
- # Returns the value of attribute format.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#19
- def format; end
- # Sets the attribute format
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute format to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#19
- def format=(_arg0); end
- # Tokenize and highlight the code using +scanner+ and +encoder+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#64
- def highlight(code, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute lang.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#19
- def lang; end
- # Sets the attribute lang
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute lang to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#19
- def lang=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute options.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#19
- def options; end
- # Sets the attribute options
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute options to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#19
- def options=(_arg0); end
- # The scanner of the duo. Only created once.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/duo.rb#54
- def scanner; end
- class << self
- # To allow calls like Duo[:ruby, :html].highlight.
- def [](*_arg0); end
- end
-# This module holds the Encoder class and its subclasses.
-# For example, the HTML encoder is named CodeRay::Encoders::HTML
-# can be found in coderay/encoders/html.
-# Encoders also provides methods and constants for the register
-# mechanism and the [] method that returns the Encoder class
-# belonging to the given format.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders.rb#10
-module CodeRay::Encoders
- extend ::CodeRay::PluginHost
-# A simple Filter that removes all tokens of the :comment kind.
-# Alias: +remove_comments+
-# Usage:
-# CodeRay.scan('print # foo', :ruby).comment_filter.text
-# #-> "print "
-# See also: TokenKindFilter, LinesOfCode
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/comment_filter.rb#15
-class CodeRay::Encoders::CommentFilter < ::CodeRay::Encoders::TokenKindFilter; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/comment_filter.rb#19
-CodeRay::Encoders::CommentFilter::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# Returns the number of tokens.
-# Text and block tokens are counted.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb#7
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Count < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb#29
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb#29
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb#29
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb#29
- def end_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb#25
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb#19
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb#13
- def setup(options); end
-# = Debug Encoder
-# Fast encoder producing simple debug output.
-# It is readable and diff-able and is used for testing.
-# You cannot fully restore the tokens information from the
-# output, because consecutive :space tokens are merged.
-# See also: Scanners::Debug
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb#14
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Debug < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb#30
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb#38
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb#34
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb#42
- def end_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb#20
- def text_token(text, kind); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb#18
-CodeRay::Encoders::Debug::FILE_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# = Debug Lint Encoder
-# Debug encoder with additional checks for:
-# - empty tokens
-# - incorrect nesting
-# It will raise an InvalidTokenStream exception when any of the above occurs.
-# See also: Encoders::Debug
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb#16
-class CodeRay::Encoders::DebugLint < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Debug
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb#26
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb#37
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # @raise [Lint::IncorrectTokenGroupNesting]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb#31
- def end_group(kind); end
- # @raise [Lint::IncorrectTokenGroupNesting]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb#42
- def end_line(kind); end
- # @raise [Lint::EmptyToken]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb#20
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb#55
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb#50
- def setup(options); end
-# Wraps HTML output into a DIV element, using inline styles by default.
-# See Encoders::HTML for available options.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/div.rb#9
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Div < ::CodeRay::Encoders::HTML; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/div.rb#15
-CodeRay::Encoders::Div::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/div.rb#11
-CodeRay::Encoders::Div::FILE_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# = Encoder
-# The Encoder base class. Together with Scanner and
-# Tokens, it forms the highlighting triad.
-# Encoder instances take a Tokens object and do something with it.
-# The most common Encoder is surely the HTML encoder
-# (CodeRay::Encoders::HTML). It highlights the code in a colorful
-# html page.
-# If you want the highlighted code in a div or a span instead,
-# use its subclasses Div and Span.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#16
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- extend ::CodeRay::Plugin
- # Creates a new Encoder.
- # +options+ is saved and used for all encode operations, as long
- # as you don't overwrite it there by passing additional options.
- #
- # Encoder objects provide three encode methods:
- # - encode simply takes a +code+ string and a +lang+
- # - encode_tokens expects a +tokens+ object instead
- #
- # Each method has an optional +options+ parameter. These are
- # added to the options you passed at creation.
- #
- # @return [Encoder] a new instance of Encoder
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#55
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#87
- def <<(token); end
- # Starts a token group with the given +kind+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#123
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # Starts a new line token group with the given +kind+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#131
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # Encode the given +code+ using the Scanner for +lang+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#70
- def encode(code, lang, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Encode a Tokens object.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#61
- def encode_tokens(tokens, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Ends a token group with the given +kind+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#127
- def end_group(kind); end
- # Ends a new line token group with the given +kind+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#135
- def end_line(kind); end
- # The default file extension for this encoder.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#83
- def file_extension; end
- # Encode the given +code+ using the Scanner for +lang+.
- # You can use highlight instead of encode, if that seems
- # more clear to you.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#70
- def highlight(code, lang, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # The options you gave the Encoder at creating.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#43
- def options; end
- # The options you gave the Encoder at creating.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#43
- def options=(_arg0); end
- # The options you gave the Encoder at creating.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#43
- def scanner; end
- # The options you gave the Encoder at creating.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#43
- def scanner=(_arg0); end
- # Called for each text token ([text, kind]), where text is a String.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#118
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- # Called with +content+ and +kind+ of the currently scanned token.
- # For simple scanners, it's enougth to implement this method.
- #
- # By default, it calls text_token, begin_group, end_group, begin_line,
- # or end_line, depending on the +content+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#100
- def token(content, kind); end
- # Do the encoding.
- #
- # The already created +tokens+ object must be used; it must be a
- # Tokens object.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#168
- def tokens(tokens, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- protected
- # Do the encoding.
- #
- # The already created +tokens+ object must be used; it must be a
- # Tokens object.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#168
- def compile(tokens, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Called with merged options after encoding starts.
- # The return value is the result of encoding, typically @out.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#160
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#148
- def get_output(options); end
- # Append data.to_s to the output. Returns the argument.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#153
- def output(data); end
- # Called with merged options before encoding starts.
- # Sets @out to an empty string.
- #
- # See the HTML Encoder for an example of option caching.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#144
- def setup(options); end
- class << self
- # If FILE_EXTENSION isn't defined, this method returns the
- # downcase class name instead.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#24
- def const_missing(sym); end
- # The default file extension for output file of this encoder class.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#33
- def file_extension; end
- end
-# Subclasses are to store their default options in this constant.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/encoder.rb#40
-CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb#41
-CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder::PLUGIN_HOST = CodeRay::Encoders
-# A Filter encoder has another Tokens instance as output.
-# It can be subclass to select, remove, or modify tokens in the stream.
-# Subclasses of Filter are called "Filters" and can be chained.
-# == Options
-# === :tokens
-# The Tokens object which will receive the output.
-# Default: Tokens.new
-# See also: TokenKindFilter
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/filter.rb#18
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Filter < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/filter.rb#39
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/filter.rb#43
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/filter.rb#47
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/filter.rb#51
- def end_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/filter.rb#35
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/filter.rb#29
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/filter.rb#23
- def setup(options); end
-# = HTML Encoder
-# This is CodeRay's most important highlighter:
-# It provides save, fast XHTML generation and CSS support.
-# == Usage
-# require 'coderay'
-# puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).html #-> a HTML page
-# puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).html(:wrap => :span)
-# #->
Some /code/
-# puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).span #-> the same
-# puts CodeRay.scan('Some code', :ruby).html(
-# :wrap => nil,
-# :line_numbers => :inline,
-# :css => :style
-# )
-# == Options
-# === :tab_width
-# Convert \t characters to +n+ spaces (a number or false.)
-# false will keep tab characters untouched.
-# Default: 8
-# === :css
-# How to include the styles; can be :class or :style.
-# Default: :class
-# === :wrap
-# Wrap in :page, :div, :span or nil.
-# You can also use Encoders::Div and Encoders::Span.
-# Default: nil
-# === :title
-# The title of the HTML page (works only when :wrap is set to :page.)
-# Default: 'CodeRay output'
-# === :break_lines
-# Split multiline blocks at line breaks.
-# Forced to true if :line_numbers option is set to :inline.
-# Default: false
-# === :line_numbers
-# Include line numbers in :table, :inline, or nil (no line numbers)
-# Default: nil
-# === :line_number_anchors
-# Adds anchors and links to the line numbers. Can be false (off), true (on),
-# or a prefix string that will be prepended to the anchor name.
-# The prefix must consist only of letters, digits, and underscores.
-# Default: true, default prefix name: "line"
-# === :line_number_start
-# Where to start with line number counting.
-# Default: 1
-# === :bold_every
-# Make every +n+-th number appear bold.
-# Default: 10
-# === :highlight_lines
-# Highlights certain line numbers.
-# Can be any Enumerable, typically just an Array or Range, of numbers.
-# Bolding is deactivated when :highlight_lines is set. It only makes sense
-# in combination with :line_numbers.
-# Default: nil
-# === :hint
-# Include some information into the output using the title attribute.
-# Can be :info (show token kind on mouse-over), :info_long (with full path)
-# or :debug (via inspect).
-# Default: false
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#97
-class CodeRay::Encoders::HTML < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # token groups, eg. strings
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#235
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # whole lines to be highlighted, eg. a deleted line in a diff
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#247
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # Returns the value of attribute css.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#126
- def css; end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#241
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#261
- def end_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#221
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#316
- def break_lines(text, style); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#310
- def check_group_nesting(name, kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#268
- def check_options!(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#324
- def close_span; end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#280
- def css_class_for_kinds(kinds); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#195
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#289
- def make_span_for_kinds(method, hint); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#172
- def setup(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#284
- def style_for_kinds(kinds); end
- class << self
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#130
- def make_html_escape_hash; end
- # Generate a hint about the given +kinds+ in a +hint+ style.
- #
- # +hint+ may be :info, :info_long or :debug.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#157
- def token_path_to_hint(hint, kinds); end
- end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb#5
-class CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::CSS
- # @return [CSS] a new instance of CSS
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb#13
- def initialize(style = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb#23
- def get_style_for_css_classes(css_classes); end
- # Returns the value of attribute stylesheet.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb#7
- def stylesheet; end
- private
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb#49
- def parse(stylesheet); end
- class << self
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb#9
- def load_stylesheet(style = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb#36
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::CSS::CSS_CLASS_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#103
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#101
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::FILE_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#143
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::HTML_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#144
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/numbering.rb#6
-module CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Numbering
- class << self
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/numbering.rb#8
- def number!(output, mode = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# This module is included in the output String of the HTML Encoder.
-# It provides methods like wrap, div, page etc.
-# Remember to use #clone instead of #dup to keep the modules the object was
-# extended with.
-# TODO: Rewrite this without monkey patching.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#14
-module CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#57
- def apply_title!(title); end
- # Returns the value of attribute css.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#16
- def css; end
- # Sets the attribute css
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute css to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#16
- def css=(_arg0); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#86
- def stylesheet(in_tag = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#62
- def wrap!(element, *args); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#52
- def wrap_in!(template); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#47
- def wrapped_in; end
- # Sets the attribute wrapped_in
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute wrapped_in to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#50
- def wrapped_in=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#43
- def wrapped_in?(element); end
- class << self
- # Raises an exception if an object that doesn't respond to to_str is extended by Output,
- # to prevent users from misuse. Use Module#remove_method to disable.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#22
- def extended(o); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#26
- def make_stylesheet(css, in_tag = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#36
- def page_template_for_css(css); end
- end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#117
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output::DIV = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output::Template)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#130
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output::PAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output::Template)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#115
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output::SPAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output::Template)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#123
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output::TABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output::Template)
-# -- don't include the templates in docu
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#92
-class CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::Output::Template < ::String
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#104
- def apply(target, replacement); end
- class << self
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb#94
- def wrap!(str, template, target); end
- end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#146
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::TOKEN_KIND_TO_INFO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb#150
-CodeRay::Encoders::HTML::TRANSPARENT_TOKEN_KINDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# A simple JSON Encoder.
-# Example:
-# CodeRay.scan('puts "Hello world!"', :ruby).json
-# yields
-# [
-# {"type"=>"text", "text"=>"puts", "kind"=>"ident"},
-# {"type"=>"text", "text"=>" ", "kind"=>"space"},
-# {"type"=>"block", "action"=>"open", "kind"=>"string"},
-# {"type"=>"text", "text"=>"\"", "kind"=>"delimiter"},
-# {"type"=>"text", "text"=>"Hello world!", "kind"=>"content"},
-# {"type"=>"text", "text"=>"\"", "kind"=>"delimiter"},
-# {"type"=>"block", "action"=>"close", "kind"=>"string"},
-# ]
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#18
-class CodeRay::Encoders::JSON < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#64
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#72
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#68
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#76
- def end_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#60
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#49
- def append(data); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#45
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#38
- def setup(options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/json.rb#35
-CodeRay::Encoders::JSON::FILE_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Counts the LoC (Lines of Code). Returns an Integer >= 0.
-# Alias: +loc+
-# Everything that is not comment, markup, doctype/shebang, or an empty line,
-# is considered to be code.
-# For example,
-# * HTML files not containing JavaScript have 0 LoC
-# * in a Java class without comments, LoC is the number of non-empty lines
-# A Scanner class should define the token kinds that are not code in the
-# KINDS_NOT_LOC constant, which defaults to [:comment, :doctype].
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lines_of_code.rb#17
-class CodeRay::Encoders::LinesOfCode < ::CodeRay::Encoders::TokenKindFilter
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lines_of_code.rb#38
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lines_of_code.rb#25
- def setup(options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lines_of_code.rb#21
-CodeRay::Encoders::LinesOfCode::NON_EMPTY_LINE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# = Lint Encoder
-# Checks for:
-# - empty tokens
-# - incorrect nesting
-# It will raise an InvalidTokenStream exception when any of the above occurs.
-# See also: Encoders::DebugLint
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#14
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Lint < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Debug
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#28
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#37
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # @raise [IncorrectTokenGroupNesting]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#32
- def end_group(kind); end
- # @raise [IncorrectTokenGroupNesting]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#41
- def end_line(kind); end
- # @raise [EmptyToken]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#23
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#52
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#48
- def setup(options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#19
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Lint::EmptyToken < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Lint::InvalidTokenStream; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#21
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Lint::IncorrectTokenGroupNesting < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Lint::InvalidTokenStream; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#18
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Lint::InvalidTokenStream < ::StandardError; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/lint.rb#20
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Lint::UnknownTokenKind < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Lint::InvalidTokenStream; end
-# = Null Encoder
-# Does nothing and returns an empty string.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/null.rb#7
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Null < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/null.rb#11
- def text_token(text, kind); end
-# Wraps the output into a HTML page, using CSS classes and
-# line numbers in the table format by default.
-# See Encoders::HTML for available options.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/page.rb#10
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Page < ::CodeRay::Encoders::HTML; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/page.rb#16
-CodeRay::Encoders::Page::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/page.rb#12
-CodeRay::Encoders::Page::FILE_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Wraps HTML output into a SPAN element, using inline styles by default.
-# See Encoders::HTML for available options.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/span.rb#9
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Span < ::CodeRay::Encoders::HTML; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/span.rb#15
-CodeRay::Encoders::Span::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/span.rb#11
-CodeRay::Encoders::Span::FILE_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Makes a statistic for the given tokens.
-# Alias: +stats+
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#7
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Statistic < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#70
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#78
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#86
- def block_token(action, kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#74
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#82
- def end_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#11
- def real_token_count; end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#62
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#11
- def type_stats; end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#42
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#17
- def setup(options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#24
-CodeRay::Encoders::Statistic::STATS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#38
-CodeRay::Encoders::Statistic::TOKEN_TYPES_ROW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb#13
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Statistic::TypeStats < ::Struct
- # Returns the value of attribute count
- #
- # @return [Object] the current value of count
- def count; end
- # Sets the attribute count
- #
- # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute count to.
- # @return [Object] the newly set value
- def count=(_); end
- # Returns the value of attribute size
- #
- # @return [Object] the current value of size
- def size; end
- # Sets the attribute size
- #
- # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute size to.
- # @return [Object] the newly set value
- def size=(_); end
- class << self
- def [](*_arg0); end
- def inspect; end
- def keyword_init?; end
- def members; end
- def new(*_arg0); end
- end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb#17
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Terminal < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb#156
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb#156
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb#162
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb#172
- def end_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb#141
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb#133
- def setup(options); end
- private
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb#179
- def open_token(kind); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb#21
-CodeRay::Encoders::Terminal::TOKEN_COLORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# Concats the tokens into a single string, resulting in the original
-# code string if no tokens were removed.
-# Alias: +plain+, +plaintext+
-# == Options
-# === :separator
-# A separator string to join the tokens.
-# Default: empty String
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/text.rb#15
-class CodeRay::Encoders::Text < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/text.rb#25
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/text.rb#36
- def setup(options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/text.rb#21
-CodeRay::Encoders::Text::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/text.rb#19
-CodeRay::Encoders::Text::FILE_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# A Filter that selects tokens based on their token kind.
-# == Options
-# === :exclude
-# One or many symbols (in an Array) which shall be excluded.
-# Default: []
-# === :include
-# One or many symbols (in an array) which shall be included.
-# Default: :all, which means all tokens are included.
-# Exclusion wins over inclusion.
-# See also: CommentFilter
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#25
-class CodeRay::Encoders::TokenKindFilter < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Filter
- # Add the token group to the output stream if +kind+ matches the
- # conditions.
- #
- # If it does not, all tokens inside the group are excluded from the
- # stream, even if their kinds match.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#66
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # See +begin_group+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#77
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # Take care of re-enabling the delegation of tokens to the output stream
- # if an exluded group has ended.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#89
- def end_group(kind); end
- # See +end_group+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#99
- def end_line(kind); end
- # Add the token to the output stream if +kind+ matches the conditions.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#57
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#49
- def include_group?(kind); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#45
- def include_text_token?(text, kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#35
- def setup(options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/token_kind_filter.rb#29
-CodeRay::Encoders::TokenKindFilter::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# = XML Encoder
-# Uses REXML. Very slow.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb#7
-class CodeRay::Encoders::XML < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb#58
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb#62
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb#38
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb#31
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb#22
- def setup(options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb#15
-CodeRay::Encoders::XML::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb#11
-CodeRay::Encoders::XML::FILE_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# = YAML Encoder
-# Slow.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb#9
-class CodeRay::Encoders::YAML < ::CodeRay::Encoders::Encoder
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb#31
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb#39
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb#35
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb#43
- def end_line(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb#27
- def text_token(text, kind); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb#22
- def finish(options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb#16
- def setup(options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb#13
-CodeRay::Encoders::YAML::FILE_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# = FileType
-# A simple filetype recognizer.
-# == Usage
-# # determine the type of the given
-# lang = FileType[file_name]
-# # return :text if the file type is unknown
-# lang = FileType.fetch file_name, :text
-# # try the shebang line, too
-# lang = FileType.fetch file_name, :text, true
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb#17
-module CodeRay::FileType
- class << self
- # Try to determine the file type of the file.
- #
- # +filename+ is a relative or absolute path to a file.
- #
- # The file itself is only accessed when +read_shebang+ is set to true.
- # That means you can get filetypes from files that don't exist.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb#29
- def [](filename, read_shebang = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # This works like Hash#fetch.
- #
- # If the filetype cannot be found, the +default+ value
- # is returned.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb#50
- def fetch(filename, default = T.unsafe(nil), read_shebang = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb#66
- def type_from_shebang(filename); end
- end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb#79
-CodeRay::FileType::TypeFromExt = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb#139
-CodeRay::FileType::TypeFromName = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb#137
-CodeRay::FileType::TypeFromShebang = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb#19
-class CodeRay::FileType::UnknownFileType < ::Exception; end
-# = Plugin
-# Plugins have to include this module.
-# IMPORTANT: Use extend for this module.
-# See CodeRay::PluginHost for examples.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb#10
-module CodeRay::Plugin
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb#46
- def aliases; end
- # The PluginHost for this Plugin class.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb#39
- def plugin_host(host = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute plugin_id.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb#12
- def plugin_id; end
- # Register this class for the given +id+.
- #
- # Example:
- # class MyPlugin < PluginHost::BaseClass
- # register_for :my_id
- # ...
- # end
- #
- # See PluginHost.register.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb#23
- def register_for(id); end
- # Returns the title of the plugin, or sets it to the
- # optional argument +title+.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb#30
- def title(title = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# = PluginHost
-# A simple subclass/subfolder plugin system.
-# Example:
-# class Generators
-# extend PluginHost
-# plugin_path 'app/generators'
-# end
-# class Generator
-# extend Plugin
-# PLUGIN_HOST = Generators
-# end
-# class FancyGenerator < Generator
-# register_for :fancy
-# end
-# Generators[:fancy] #-> FancyGenerator
-# # or
-# CodeRay.require_plugin 'Generators/fancy'
-# # or
-# Generators::Fancy
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#27
-module CodeRay::PluginHost
- # Returns the Plugin for +id+.
- #
- # Example:
- # yaml_plugin = MyPluginHost[:yaml]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#49
- def [](id, *args, &blk); end
- # Returns an array of all Plugins.
- #
- # Note: This loads all plugins using load_all.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#151
- def all_plugins; end
- # Tries to +load+ the missing plugin by translating +const+ to the
- # underscore form (eg. LinesOfCode becomes lines_of_code).
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#61
- def const_missing(const); end
- # Define the default plugin to use when no plugin is found
- # for a given id, or return the default plugin.
- #
- # See also map.
- #
- # class MyColorHost < PluginHost
- # map :navy => :dark_blue
- # default :gray
- # end
- #
- # MyColorHost.default # loads and returns the Gray plugin
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#114
- def default(id = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns an array of all .rb files in the plugin path.
- #
- # The extension .rb is not included.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#140
- def list; end
- # Returns the Plugin for +id+.
- #
- # Example:
- # yaml_plugin = MyPluginHost[:yaml]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#49
- def load(id, *args, &blk); end
- # Loads all plugins using list and load.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#39
- def load_all; end
- # Loads the map file (see map).
- #
- # This is done automatically when plugin_path is called.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#159
- def load_plugin_map; end
- # Map a plugin_id to another.
- #
- # Usage: Put this in a file plugin_path/_map.rb.
- #
- # class MyColorHost < PluginHost
- # map :navy => :dark_blue,
- # :maroon => :brown,
- # :luna => :moon
- # end
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#95
- def map(hash); end
- # A Hash of plugion_id => Plugin pairs.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#133
- def plugin_hash; end
- # The path where the plugins can be found.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#79
- def plugin_path(*args); end
- # Every plugin must register itself for +id+ by calling register_for,
- # which calls this method.
- #
- # See Plugin#register_for.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#128
- def register(plugin, id); end
- protected
- # Return a plugin hash that automatically loads plugins.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#172
- def make_plugin_hash; end
- # Returns the expected path to the plugin file for the given id.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#196
- def path_to(plugin_id); end
- # Converts +id+ to a valid plugin ID String, or returns +nil+.
- #
- # Raises +ArgumentError+ for all other objects, or if the
- # given String includes non-alphanumeric characters (\W).
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#204
- def validate_id(id); end
- class << self
- # Adds the module/class to the PLUGIN_HOSTS list.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#72
- def extended(mod); end
- end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#33
-class CodeRay::PluginHost::HostNotFound < ::LoadError; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#35
-CodeRay::PluginHost::PLUGIN_HOSTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# dummy hash
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#36
-CodeRay::PluginHost::PLUGIN_HOSTS_BY_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# Raised if Encoders::[] fails because:
-# * a file could not be found
-# * the requested Plugin is not registered
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin_host.rb#32
-class CodeRay::PluginHost::PluginNotFound < ::LoadError; end
-# = Scanners
-# This module holds the Scanner class and its subclasses.
-# For example, the Ruby scanner is named CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby
-# can be found in coderay/scanners/ruby.
-# Scanner also provides methods and constants for the register
-# mechanism and the [] method that returns the Scanner class
-# belonging to the given lang.
-# See PluginHost.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners.rb#18
-module CodeRay::Scanners
- extend ::CodeRay::PluginHost
-# Scanner for C.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb#5
-class CodeRay::Scanners::C < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb#44
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb#27
-CodeRay::Scanners::C::DIRECTIVES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb#39
-CodeRay::Scanners::C::ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb#33
-CodeRay::Scanners::C::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb#10
-CodeRay::Scanners::C::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb#23
-CodeRay::Scanners::C::PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb#17
-CodeRay::Scanners::C::PREDEFINED_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb#40
-CodeRay::Scanners::C::UNICODE_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Scanner for C++.
-# Aliases: +cplusplus+, c++
-CodeRay::Scanners::CPlusPlus = CodeRay::Scanners::Text
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#4
-class CodeRay::Scanners::CSS < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#55
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#50
- def setup; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#8
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::KINDS_NOT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#16
-module CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#31
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::AtKeyword = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#45
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::AttributeSelector = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#43
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Class = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#38
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Dimension = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#19
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Escape = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#40
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Function = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#17
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Hex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#26
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::HexColor = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#42
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Id = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#30
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Ident = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#20
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::NMChar = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#21
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::NMStart = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#29
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Name = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#28
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Num = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#32
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Percentage = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#44
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::PseudoClass = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#24
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::String = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# TODO: buggy regexp
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#22
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::String1 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# TODO: buggy regexp
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#23
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::String2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# differs from standard because it allows uppercase hex too
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#18
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Unicode = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb#36
-CodeRay::Scanners::CSS::RE::Unit = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#6
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#145
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#95
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::BASIC_IDENTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#133
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::COMPLEX10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#134
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::COMPLEX16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#136
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::COMPLEX2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#135
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::COMPLEX8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#16
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::CORE_FORMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#120
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::DECIMAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#98
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::DIGIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#99
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::DIGIT10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#100
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::DIGIT16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#102
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::DIGIT2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#101
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::DIGIT8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#107
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::EXACTNESS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#110
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::EXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#109
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::EXP_MARK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#96
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::IDENTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#85
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#129
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::IMAG10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#130
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::IMAG16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#132
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::IMAG2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#131
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::IMAG8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#90
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::KEYWORD_NEXT_TOKEN_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#141
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::NUM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#137
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::NUM10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#138
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::NUM16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#140
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::NUM2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#139
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::NUM8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#78
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#112
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::PREFIX10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#113
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::PREFIX16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#115
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::PREFIX2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#114
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::PREFIX8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#106
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::RADIX10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#103
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::RADIX16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#105
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::RADIX2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#104
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::RADIX8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#125
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::REAL10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#126
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::REAL16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#128
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::REAL2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#127
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::REAL8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#108
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::SIGN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#11
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::SPECIAL_FORMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#111
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::SUFFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#97
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::SYMBOL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#116
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::UINT10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#117
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::UINT16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#119
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::UINT2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#118
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::UINT8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#121
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::UREAL10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#122
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::UREAL16 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#124
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::UREAL2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/clojure.rb#123
-CodeRay::Scanners::Clojure::UREAL8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# = Debug Scanner
-# Interprets the output of the Encoders::Debug encoder (basically the inverse function).
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/debug.rb#9
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Debug < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/debug.rb#21
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/debug.rb#16
- def setup; end
-# Scanner for the Delphi language (Object Pascal).
-# Alias: +pascal+
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/delphi.rb#7
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/delphi.rb#45
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/delphi.rb#25
-CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::DIRECTIVES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/delphi.rb#36
-CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList::CaseIgnoring)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/delphi.rb#12
-CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/delphi.rb#40
-CodeRay::Scanners::Delphi::NAME_FOLLOWS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList::CaseIgnoring)
-# Scanner for output of the diff command.
-# Alias: +patch+
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/diff.rb#7
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Diff < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/diff.rb#19
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- private
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/diff.rb#204
- def diff(a, b); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/diff.rb#12
-CodeRay::Scanners::Diff::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# Scanner for HTML ERB templates.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/erb.rb#8
-class CodeRay::Scanners::ERB < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/erb.rb#38
- def reset_instance; end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/erb.rb#43
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/erb.rb#33
- def setup; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/erb.rb#15
-CodeRay::Scanners::ERB::ERB_RUBY_BLOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/erb.rb#13
-CodeRay::Scanners::ERB::KINDS_NOT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/erb.rb#27
-CodeRay::Scanners::ERB::START_OF_ERB = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/go.rb#4
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Go < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/go.rb#50
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/go.rb#45
-CodeRay::Scanners::Go::ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/go.rb#39
-CodeRay::Scanners::Go::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# http://golang.org/ref/spec#Keywords
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/go.rb#10
-CodeRay::Scanners::Go::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/go.rb#29
-CodeRay::Scanners::Go::PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/go.rb#34
-CodeRay::Scanners::Go::PREDEFINED_FUNCTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# http://golang.org/ref/spec#Types
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/go.rb#19
-CodeRay::Scanners::Go::PREDEFINED_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/go.rb#46
-CodeRay::Scanners::Go::UNICODE_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Scanner for Groovy.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#7
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Groovy < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Java
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#43
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#39
- def setup; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#24
-CodeRay::Scanners::Groovy::ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# TODO: check list of keywords
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#12
-CodeRay::Scanners::Groovy::GROOVY_KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#18
-CodeRay::Scanners::Groovy::GROOVY_MAGIC_VARIABLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#20
-CodeRay::Scanners::Groovy::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#15
-CodeRay::Scanners::Groovy::KEYWORDS_EXPECTING_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#26
-CodeRay::Scanners::Groovy::REGEXP_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# TODO: interpretation inside ', ", /
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#29
-CodeRay::Scanners::Groovy::STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/groovy.rb#25
-CodeRay::Scanners::Groovy::UNICODE_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/haml.rb#8
-class CodeRay::Scanners::HAML < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/haml.rb#24
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/haml.rb#17
- def setup; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/haml.rb#13
-CodeRay::Scanners::HAML::KINDS_NOT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# HTML Scanner
-# Alias: +xhtml+
-# See also: Scanners::XML
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#9
-class CodeRay::Scanners::HTML < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#62
- def reset; end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#83
- def scan_css(encoder, code, state = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#76
- def scan_java_script(encoder, code); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#90
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#70
- def setup; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#39
-CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::ATTR_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#42
-CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::ENTITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#20
-CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::EVENT_ATTRIBUTES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#41
-CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::HEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#35
-CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::IN_ATTRIBUTE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList::CaseIgnoring)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#13
-CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::KINDS_NOT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#57
-CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::PLAIN_STRING_CONTENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/html.rb#40
-CodeRay::Scanners::HTML::TAG_END = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Scanner for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb#5
-class CodeRay::Scanners::JSON < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # See http://json.org/ for a definition of the JSON lexic/grammar.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb#26
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb#21
- def setup; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb#15
-CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb#17
-CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::KEY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb#10
-CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::KINDS_NOT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb#16
-CodeRay::Scanners::JSON::UNICODE_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Scanner for Java.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#5
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Java < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#51
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java/builtin_types.rb#4
-module CodeRay::Scanners::Java::BuiltinTypes; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java/builtin_types.rb#7
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::BuiltinTypes::List = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#19
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#25
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::DIRECTIVES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#40
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#47
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::IDENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#30
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/_keywords.html
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#12
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#20
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::MAGIC_VARIABLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#18
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::RESERVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#42
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#21
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb#41
-CodeRay::Scanners::Java::UNICODE_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Scanner for JavaScript.
-# Aliases: +ecmascript+, +ecma_script+, +javascript+
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#7
-class CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#224
- def reset_instance; end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#61
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#57
- def setup; end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#229
- def xml_scanner; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#42
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#36
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# The actual JavaScript keywords.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#13
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#24
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::KEYWORDS_EXPECTING_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#50
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::KEY_CHECK_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#22
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::MAGIC_VARIABLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#18
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#44
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::REGEXP_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Reserved for future use.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#29
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::RESERVED_WORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#45
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb#43
-CodeRay::Scanners::JavaScript::UNICODE_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Scanner for the Lua[http://lua.org] programming lanuage.
-# The language’s complete syntax is defined in
-# {the Lua manual}[http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html],
-# which is what this scanner tries to conform to.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb#11
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Lua < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # CodeRay entry hook. Starts parsing.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb#60
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # Scanner initialization.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb#54
- def setup; end
-# Automatic token kind selection for normal words.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb#46
-CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# Keywords used in Lua.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb#18
-CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Constants set by the Lua core.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb#25
-CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# The expressions contained in this array are parts of Lua’s `basic'
-# library. Although it’s not entirely necessary to load that library,
-# it is highly recommended and one would have to provide own implementations
-# of some of these expressions if one does not do so. They however aren’t
-# keywords, neither are they constants, but nearly predefined, so they
-# get tagged as `predefined' rather than anything else.
-# This list excludes values of form `_UPPERCASE' because the Lua manual
-# requires such identifiers to be reserved by Lua anyway and they are
-# highlighted directly accordingly, without the need for specific
-# identifiers to be listed here.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb#38
-CodeRay::Scanners::Lua::PREDEFINED_EXPRESSIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Scanner for PHP.
-# Original by Stefan Walk.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#10
-class CodeRay::Scanners::PHP < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#23
- def reset_instance; end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#234
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#19
- def setup; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#15
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::KINDS_NOT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#197
-module CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::RE; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#211
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::RE::HTML_INDICATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#213
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::RE::IDENTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#216
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::RE::OPERATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#206
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::RE::PHP_END = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#199
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::RE::PHP_START = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#214
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::RE::VARIABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#28
-module CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words; end
-# according to http://php.net/quickref.php on 2009-04-21;
-# all functions with _ excluded (module functions) and selected additional functions
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#50
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#46
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::CLASSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#145
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# TODO: more built-in PHP functions?
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#140
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::EXCEPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#184
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList::CaseIgnoring)
-# according to http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.keywords.php
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#31
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#41
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::LANGUAGE_CONSTRUCTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#178
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::PREDEFINED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#39
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/php.rb#193
-CodeRay::Scanners::PHP::Words::VARIABLE_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# Scanner for Python. Supports Python 3.
-# Based on pygments' PythonLexer, see
-# http://dev.pocoo.org/projects/pygments/browser/pygments/lexers/agile.py.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#8
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Python < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#103
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#86
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::DEF_NEW_STATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#91
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::DESCRIPTOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#97
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::DOCSTRING_COMING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#65
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#57
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#13
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#64
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#21
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::OLD_KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#68
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::OPERATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#37
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::PREDEFINED_EXCEPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#25
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::PREDEFINED_METHODS_AND_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#52
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::PREDEFINED_VARIABLES_AND_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#82
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::STRING_CONTENT_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#78
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::STRING_DELIMITER_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb#66
-CodeRay::Scanners::Python::UNICODE_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# = Raydebug Scanner
-# Highlights the output of the Encoders::Debug encoder.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/raydebug.rb#9
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Raydebug < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/raydebug.rb#22
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/raydebug.rb#17
- def setup; end
-# This scanner is really complex, since Ruby _is_ a complex language!
-# It tries to highlight 100% of all common code,
-# and 90% of strange codes.
-# It is optimized for HTML highlighting, and is not very useful for
-# parsing or pretty printing.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb#11
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb#19
- def interpreted_string_state; end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb#29
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb#25
- def setup; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#5
-module CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#72
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::BINARY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#106
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::CHARACTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#55
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::CLASS_VARIABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#96
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::CONTROL_META_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#132
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::DATA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#69
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::DECIMAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#102
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#74
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::EXPONENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#168
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::FANCY_STRING_INTERPRETED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#161
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::FANCY_STRING_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#160
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::FANCY_STRING_START = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#76
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::FLOAT_OR_INT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#75
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::FLOAT_SUFFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#57
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::GLOBAL_VARIABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#116
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::HEREDOC_OPEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#71
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::HEXADECIMAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#38
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::IDENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#28
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#54
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::INSTANCE_VARIABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#7
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#151
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::KEYWORDS_EXPECTING_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#32
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::KEYWORD_NEW_STATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#53
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::METHOD_AFTER_DOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#40
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::METHOD_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#52
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::METHOD_NAME_EX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#41
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::METHOD_NAME_OPERATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#87
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::METHOD_NAME_OR_SYMBOL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#51
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::METHOD_SUFFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#77
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::NUMERIC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#56
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::OBJECT_VARIABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#70
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::OCTAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#17
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#58
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::PREFIX_VARIABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#61
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::QUOTE_TO_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#67
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::REGEXP_MODIFIERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#126
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::RUBYDOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#138
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::RUBYDOC_OR_DATA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#89
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::SIMPLE_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#79
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::SYMBOL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#142
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::VALUE_FOLLOWS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/patterns.rb#59
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::Patterns::VARIABLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/string_state.rb#8
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::StringState < ::Struct
- # @return [StringState] a new instance of StringState
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/string_state.rb#48
- def initialize(kind, interpreted, delim, heredoc = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/string_state.rb#63
- def heredoc_pattern(delim, interpreted, indented); end
- class << self
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/string_state.rb#40
- def simple_key_pattern(delim); end
- end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/string_state.rb#10
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::StringState::CLOSING_PAREN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/ruby/string_state.rb#17
-CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby::StringState::STRING_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# by Josh Goebel
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#5
-class CodeRay::Scanners::SQL < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#66
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#23
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::COMMANDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#38
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::DIRECTIVES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#55
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#46
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::IDENT_KIND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), CodeRay::WordList::CaseIgnoring)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#9
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#18
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::OBJECTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#44
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#36
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::PREDEFINED_FUNCTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#28
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::PREDEFINED_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#60
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#58
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::STRING_PREFIXES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb#56
-CodeRay::Scanners::SQL::UNICODE_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# A scanner for Sass.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb#5
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Sass < ::CodeRay::Scanners::CSS
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb#16
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb#12
- def setup; end
-# = Scanner
-# The base class for all Scanners.
-# It is a subclass of Ruby's great +StringScanner+, which
-# makes it easy to access the scanning methods inside.
-# It is also +Enumerable+, so you can use it like an Array of
-# Tokens:
-# require 'coderay'
-# c_scanner = CodeRay::Scanners[:c].new "if (*p == '{') nest++;"
-# for text, kind in c_scanner
-# puts text if kind == :operator
-# end
-# # prints: (*==)++;
-# OK, this is a very simple example :)
-# You can also use +map+, +any?+, +find+ and even +sort_by+,
-# if you want.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#29
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner < ::StringScanner
- include ::Enumerable
- extend ::CodeRay::Plugin
- # Create a new Scanner.
- #
- # * +code+ is the input String and is handled by the superclass
- # StringScanner.
- # * +options+ is a Hash with Symbols as keys.
- # It is merged with the default options of the class (you can
- # overwrite default options here.)
- #
- # Else, a Tokens object is used.
- #
- # @return [Scanner] a new instance of Scanner
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#125
- def initialize(code = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # The string in binary encoding.
- #
- # To be used with #pos, which is the index of the byte the scanner
- # will scan next.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#218
- def binary_string; end
- # The current column position of the scanner, starting with 1.
- # See also: #line.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#209
- def column(pos = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Traverse the tokens.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#192
- def each(&block); end
- # the default file extension for this scanner
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#160
- def file_extension; end
- # the Plugin ID for this scanner
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#155
- def lang; end
- # The current line position of the scanner, starting with 1.
- # See also: #column.
- #
- # Beware, this is implemented inefficiently. It should be used
- # for debugging only.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#202
- def line(pos = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets back the scanner. Subclasses should redefine the reset_instance
- # method instead of this one.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#142
- def reset; end
- # Returns the value of attribute state.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#44
- def state; end
- # Sets the attribute state
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute state to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#44
- def state=(_arg0); end
- # Set a new string to be scanned.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#148
- def string=(code); end
- # Scan the code and returns all tokens in a Tokens object.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#165
- def tokenize(source = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Cache the result of tokenize.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#187
- def tokens; end
- protected
- # Scanner error with additional status information
- #
- # @raise [ScanError]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#314
- def raise_inspect(message, tokens, state = T.unsafe(nil), ambit = T.unsafe(nil), backtrace = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#289
- def raise_inspect_arguments(message, tokens, state, ambit); end
- # Resets the scanner.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#265
- def reset_instance; end
- # Shorthand for scan_until(/\z/).
- # This method also avoids a JRuby 1.9 mode bug.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#328
- def scan_rest; end
- # This is the central method, and commonly the only one a
- # subclass implements.
- #
- # Subclasses must implement this method; it must return +tokens+
- # and must only use Tokens#<< for storing scanned tokens!
- #
- # @raise [NotImplementedError]
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#260
- def scan_tokens(tokens, options); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#305
- def scanner_state_info(state); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#239
- def set_string_from_source(source); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#250
- def set_tokens_from_options(options); end
- # Can be implemented by subclasses to do some initialization
- # that has to be done once per instance.
- #
- # Use reset for initialization that has to be done once per
- # scan.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#236
- def setup; end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#322
- def tokens_last(tokens, n); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#318
- def tokens_size(tokens); end
- class << self
- # The encoding used internally by this scanner.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#71
- def encoding(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # The typical filename suffix for this scanner's language.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#66
- def file_extension(extension = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # The lang of this Scanner class, which is equal to its Plugin ID.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#76
- def lang; end
- # Normalizes the given code into a string with UNIX newlines, in the
- # scanner's internal encoding, with invalid and undefined charachters
- # replaced by placeholders. Always returns a new object.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#51
- def normalize(code); end
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#82
- def encode_with_encoding(code, target_encoding); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#100
- def guess_encoding(s); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#96
- def to_unix(code); end
- end
-# The default options for all scanner classes.
-# Define @default_options for subclasses.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#40
-CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#42
-CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::KINDS_NOT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb#41
-CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::PLUGIN_HOST = CodeRay::Scanners
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#299
-CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::SCANNER_STATE_INFO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#271
-CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Raised if a Scanner fails while scanning
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/scanner.rb#35
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner::ScanError < ::StandardError; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/taskpaper.rb#4
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Taskpaper < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/taskpaper.rb#11
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# Scanner for plain text.
-# Yields just one token of the kind :plain.
-# Alias: +plaintext+, +plain+
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/text.rb#9
-class CodeRay::Scanners::Text < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/text.rb#18
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/text.rb#14
-CodeRay::Scanners::Text::KINDS_NOT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Scanner for XML.
-# Currently this is the same scanner as Scanners::HTML.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/xml.rb#9
-class CodeRay::Scanners::XML < ::CodeRay::Scanners::HTML; end
-# Scanner for YAML.
-# Based on the YAML scanner from Syntax by Jamis Buck.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/yaml.rb#7
-class CodeRay::Scanners::YAML < ::CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner
- protected
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/yaml.rb#16
- def scan_tokens(encoder, options); end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/scanners/yaml.rb#12
-CodeRay::Scanners::YAML::KINDS_NOT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
-# This module holds the Style class and its subclasses.
-# See Plugin.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/styles.rb#6
-module CodeRay::Styles
- extend ::CodeRay::PluginHost
-# A colorful theme using CSS 3 colors (with alpha channel).
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb#5
-class CodeRay::Styles::Alpha < ::CodeRay::Styles::Style; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb#14
-CodeRay::Styles::Alpha::CSS_MAIN_STYLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb#53
-CodeRay::Styles::Alpha::TOKEN_COLORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Base class for styles.
-# Styles are used by Encoders::HTML to colorize tokens.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/styles/style.rb#8
-class CodeRay::Styles::Style
- extend ::CodeRay::Plugin
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/styles/style.rb#12
-CodeRay::Styles::Style::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb#41
-CodeRay::Styles::Style::PLUGIN_HOST = CodeRay::Styles
-# A Hash of all known token kinds and their associated CSS classes.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/token_kinds.rb#4
-CodeRay::TokenKinds = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# The Tokens class represents a list of tokens returned from
-# a Scanner. It's actually just an Array with a few helper methods.
-# A token itself is not a special object, just two elements in an Array:
-# * the _token_ _text_ (the original source of the token in a String) or
-# a _token_ _action_ (begin_group, end_group, begin_line, end_line)
-# * the _token_ _kind_ (a Symbol representing the type of the token)
-# It looks like this:
-# ..., '# It looks like this', :comment, ...
-# ..., '3.1415926', :float, ...
-# ..., '$^', :error, ...
-# Some scanners also yield sub-tokens, represented by special
-# token actions, for example :begin_group and :end_group.
-# The Ruby scanner, for example, splits "a string" into:
-# [
-# :begin_group, :string,
-# '"', :delimiter,
-# 'a string', :content,
-# '"', :delimiter,
-# :end_group, :string
-# ]
-# Tokens can be used to save the output of a Scanners in a simple
-# Ruby object that can be send to an Encoder later:
-# tokens = CodeRay.scan('price = 2.59', :ruby).tokens
-# tokens.encode(:html)
-# tokens.html
-# CodeRay.encoder(:html).encode_tokens(tokens)
-# Tokens gives you the power to handle pre-scanned code very easily:
-# You can serialize it to a JSON string and store it in a database, pass it
-# around to encode it more than once, send it to other algorithms...
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#41
-class CodeRay::Tokens < ::Array
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#156
- def begin_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#158
- def begin_line(kind); end
- # Return the actual number of tokens.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#151
- def count; end
- # Encode the tokens using encoder.
- #
- # encoder can be
- # * a plugin name like :html oder 'statistic'
- # * an Encoder object
- #
- # options are passed to the encoder.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#56
- def encode(encoder, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#157
- def end_group(kind); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#159
- def end_line(kind); end
- # Redirects unknown methods to encoder calls.
- #
- # For example, if you call +tokens.html+, the HTML encoder
- # is used to highlight the tokens.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#70
- def method_missing(meth, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # The Scanner instance that created the tokens.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#47
- def scanner; end
- # The Scanner instance that created the tokens.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#47
- def scanner=(_arg0); end
- # Split the tokens into parts of the given +sizes+.
- #
- # The result will be an Array of Tokens objects. The parts have
- # the text size specified by the parameter. In addition, each
- # part closes all opened tokens. This is useful to insert tokens
- # betweem them.
- #
- # This method is used by @Scanner#tokenize@ when called with an Array
- # of source strings. The Diff encoder uses it for inline highlighting.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#85
- def split_into_parts(*sizes); end
- def text_token(*_arg0); end
- # Turn tokens into a string by concatenating them.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens.rb#62
- def to_s; end
- def tokens(*_arg0); end
-# The result of a scan operation is a TokensProxy, but should act like Tokens.
-# This proxy makes it possible to use the classic CodeRay.scan.encode API
-# while still providing the benefits of direct streaming.
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#7
-class CodeRay::TokensProxy
- # Create a new TokensProxy with the arguments of CodeRay.scan.
- #
- # @return [TokensProxy] a new instance of TokensProxy
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#12
- def initialize(input, lang, options = T.unsafe(nil), block = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute block.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#9
- def block; end
- # Sets the attribute block
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute block to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#9
- def block=(_arg0); end
- # Overwrite Struct#each.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#48
- def each(*args, &blk); end
- # Call CodeRay.encode if +encoder+ is a Symbol;
- # otherwise, convert the receiver to tokens and call encoder.encode_tokens.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#21
- def encode(encoder, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute input.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#9
- def input; end
- # Sets the attribute input
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute input to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#9
- def input=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute lang.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#9
- def lang; end
- # Sets the attribute lang
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute lang to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#9
- def lang=(_arg0); end
- # Tries to call encode;
- # delegates to tokens otherwise.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#31
- def method_missing(method, *args, &blk); end
- # Returns the value of attribute options.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#9
- def options; end
- # Sets the attribute options
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute options to.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#9
- def options=(_arg0); end
- # A (cached) scanner instance to use for the scan task.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#43
- def scanner; end
- # The (cached) result of the tokenized input; a Tokens instance.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/tokens_proxy.rb#38
- def tokens; end
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/version.rb#2
-CodeRay::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# = WordList
A Hash subclass designed for mapping word lists to token types.
-# A WordList is a Hash with some additional features.
-# It is intended to be used for keyword recognition.
-# WordList is optimized to be used in Scanners,
-# typically to decide whether a given ident is a special token.
-# For case insensitive words use WordList::CaseIgnoring.
-# Example:
-# # define word arrays
-# asm break case continue default do else
-# ]
-# int long short char void
-# ]
-# # make a WordList
-# IDENT_KIND = WordList.new(:ident).
-# add(RESERVED_WORDS, :reserved).
-# add(PREDEFINED_TYPES, :predefined_type)
-# ...
-# def scan_tokens tokens, options
-# ...
-# elsif scan(/[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/)
-# # use it
-# kind = IDENT_KIND[match]
-# ...
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/word_list.rb#40
-class CodeRay::WordList < ::Hash
- # Create a new WordList with +default+ as default value.
- #
- # @return [WordList] a new instance of WordList
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/word_list.rb#43
- def initialize(default = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Add words to the list and associate them with +value+.
- #
- # Returns +self+, so you can concat add calls.
- #
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/word_list.rb#50
- def add(words, value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# A CaseIgnoring WordList is like a WordList, only that
-# keys are compared case-insensitively (normalizing keys using +downcase+).
-# source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/word_list.rb#60
-class CodeRay::WordList::CaseIgnoring < ::CodeRay::WordList
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/word_list.rb#62
- def [](key); end
- # source://coderay//lib/coderay/helpers/word_list.rb#66
- def []=(key, value); end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/diff-lcs@1.5.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/diff-lcs@1.5.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e1f7915..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/diff-lcs@1.5.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1083 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `diff-lcs` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem diff-lcs`.
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#3
-module Diff; end
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#51
-module Diff::LCS
- # Returns the difference set between +self+ and +other+. See Diff::LCS#diff.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#75
- def diff(other, callbacks = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Returns an Array containing the longest common subsequence(s) between
- # +self+ and +other+. See Diff::LCS#lcs.
- #
- # lcs = seq1.lcs(seq2)
- #
- # A note when using objects: Diff::LCS only works properly when each object
- # can be used as a key in a Hash, which typically means that the objects must
- # implement Object#eql? in a way that two identical values compare
- # identically for key purposes. That is:
- #
- # O.new('a').eql?(O.new('a')) == true
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#70
- def lcs(other, &block); end
- # Attempts to patch +self+ with the provided +patchset+. A new sequence based
- # on +self+ and the +patchset+ will be created. See Diff::LCS#patch. Attempts
- # to autodiscover the direction of the patch.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#101
- def patch(patchset); end
- # Attempts to patch +self+ with the provided +patchset+. A new sequence based
- # on +self+ and the +patchset+ will be created. See Diff::LCS#patch. Does no
- # patch direction autodiscovery.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#109
- def patch!(patchset); end
- # Attempts to patch +self+ with the provided +patchset+, using #patch!. If
- # the sequence this is used on supports #replace, the value of +self+ will be
- # replaced. See Diff::LCS#patch. Does no patch direction autodiscovery.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#123
- def patch_me(patchset); end
- # Returns the balanced ("side-by-side") difference set between +self+ and
- # +other+. See Diff::LCS#sdiff.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#81
- def sdiff(other, callbacks = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Traverses the discovered longest common subsequences between +self+ and
- # +other+ using the alternate, balanced algorithm. See
- # Diff::LCS#traverse_balanced.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#94
- def traverse_balanced(other, callbacks = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Traverses the discovered longest common subsequences between +self+ and
- # +other+. See Diff::LCS#traverse_sequences.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#87
- def traverse_sequences(other, callbacks = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Attempts to patch +self+ with the provided +patchset+. A new sequence based
- # on +self+ and the +patchset+ will be created. See Diff::LCS#patch. Attempts
- # to autodiscover the direction of the patch.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#101
- def unpatch(patchset); end
- # Attempts to unpatch +self+ with the provided +patchset+. A new sequence
- # based on +self+ and the +patchset+ will be created. See Diff::LCS#unpatch.
- # Does no patch direction autodiscovery.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#116
- def unpatch!(patchset); end
- # Attempts to unpatch +self+ with the provided +patchset+, using #unpatch!.
- # If the sequence this is used on supports #replace, the value of +self+ will
- # be replaced. See Diff::LCS#unpatch. Does no patch direction autodiscovery.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#134
- def unpatch_me(patchset); end
- class << self
- # :yields seq1[i] for each matched:
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#144
- def LCS(seq1, seq2, &block); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#52
- def callbacks_for(callbacks); end
- # #diff computes the smallest set of additions and deletions necessary to
- # turn the first sequence into the second, and returns a description of these
- # changes.
- #
- # See Diff::LCS::DiffCallbacks for the default behaviour. An alternate
- # behaviour may be implemented with Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks. If a
- # Class argument is provided for +callbacks+, #diff will attempt to
- # initialise it. If the +callbacks+ object (possibly initialised) responds to
- # #finish, it will be called.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#168
- def diff(seq1, seq2, callbacks = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # :yields seq1[i] for each matched:
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#144
- def lcs(seq1, seq2, &block); end
- # Applies a +patchset+ to the sequence +src+ according to the +direction+
- # (
:patch or
:unpatch ), producing a new sequence.
- #
- # If the +direction+ is not specified, Diff::LCS::patch will attempt to
- # discover the direction of the +patchset+.
- #
- # A +patchset+ can be considered to apply forward (
:patch ) if the
- # following expression is true:
- #
- # patch(s1, diff(s1, s2)) -> s2
- #
- # A +patchset+ can be considered to apply backward (
:unpatch ) if the
- # following expression is true:
- #
- # patch(s2, diff(s1, s2)) -> s1
- #
- # If the +patchset+ contains no changes, the +src+ value will be returned as
- # either
src.dup or +src+. A +patchset+ can be deemed as having no
- # changes if the following predicate returns true:
- #
- # patchset.empty? or
- # patchset.flatten(1).all? { |change| change.unchanged? }
- #
- # === Patchsets
- #
- # A +patchset+ is always an enumerable sequence of changes, hunks of changes,
- # or a mix of the two. A hunk of changes is an enumerable sequence of
- # changes:
- #
- # [ # patchset
- # # change
- # [ # hunk
- # # change
- # ]
- # ]
- #
- # The +patch+ method accepts
patchset s that are enumerable sequences
- # containing either Diff::LCS::Change objects (or a subclass) or the array
- # representations of those objects. Prior to application, array
- # representations of Diff::LCS::Change objects will be reified.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#624
- def patch(src, patchset, direction = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Given a set of patchset, convert the current version to the next version.
- # Does no auto-discovery.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#734
- def patch!(src, patchset); end
- # #sdiff computes all necessary components to show two sequences and their
- # minimized differences side by side, just like the Unix utility
- #
sdiff does:
- #
- # old < -
- # same same
- # before | after
- # - > new
- #
- # See Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks for the default behaviour. An alternate
- # behaviour may be implemented with Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks. If a
- # Class argument is provided for +callbacks+, #diff will attempt to
- # initialise it. If the +callbacks+ object (possibly initialised) responds to
- # #finish, it will be called.
- #
- # Each element of a returned array is a Diff::LCS::ContextChange object,
- # which can be implicitly converted to an array.
- #
- # Diff::LCS.sdiff(a, b).each do |action, (old_pos, old_element), (new_pos, new_element)|
- # case action
- # when '!'
- # # replace
- # when '-'
- # # delete
- # when '+'
- # # insert
- # end
- # end
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#200
- def sdiff(seq1, seq2, callbacks = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # #traverse_balanced is an alternative to #traverse_sequences. It uses a
- # different algorithm to iterate through the entries in the computed longest
- # common subsequence. Instead of viewing the changes as insertions or
- # deletions from one of the sequences, #traverse_balanced will report
- #
changes between the sequences.
- #
- # The arguments to #traverse_balanced are the two sequences to traverse and a
- # callback object, like this:
- #
- # traverse_balanced(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks.new)
- #
- # #sdiff is implemented with #traverse_balanced.
- #
- # == Callback Methods
- #
- # Optional callback methods are
emphasized .
- #
- # callbacks#match:: Called when +a+ and +b+ are pointing to
- # common elements in +A+ and +B+.
- # callbacks#discard_a:: Called when +a+ is pointing to an
- # element not in +B+.
- # callbacks#discard_b:: Called when +b+ is pointing to an
- # element not in +A+.
- #
callbacks#change :: Called when +a+ and +b+ are pointing to
- # the same relative position, but
- #
A[a] and
B[b] are not
- # the same; a
change has
- # occurred.
- #
- # #traverse_balanced might be a bit slower than #traverse_sequences,
- # noticable only while processing huge amounts of data.
- #
- # == Algorithm
- #
- # a---+
- # v
- # A = a b c e h j l m n p
- # B = b c d e f j k l m r s t
- # ^
- # b---+
- #
- # === Matches
- #
- # If there are two arrows (+a+ and +b+) pointing to elements of sequences +A+
- # and +B+, the arrows will initially point to the first elements of their
- # respective sequences. #traverse_sequences will advance the arrows through
- # the sequences one element at a time, calling a method on the user-specified
- # callback object before each advance. It will advance the arrows in such a
- # way that if there are elements
A[i] and
B[j] which are
- # both equal and part of the longest common subsequence, there will be some
- # moment during the execution of #traverse_sequences when arrow +a+ is
- # pointing to
A[i] and arrow +b+ is pointing to
B[j] . When
- # this happens, #traverse_sequences will call
callbacks#match and
- # then it will advance both arrows.
- #
- # === Discards
- #
- # Otherwise, one of the arrows is pointing to an element of its sequence that
- # is not part of the longest common subsequence. #traverse_sequences will
- # advance that arrow and will call
callbacks#discard_a or
- #
callbacks#discard_b , depending on which arrow it advanced.
- #
- # === Changes
- #
- # If both +a+ and +b+ point to elements that are not part of the longest
- # common subsequence, then #traverse_sequences will try to call
- #
callbacks#change and advance both arrows. If
- #
callbacks#change is not implemented, then
- #
callbacks#discard_a and
callbacks#discard_b will be
- # called in turn.
- #
- # The methods for
callbacks#match ,
callbacks#discard_a ,
- #
callbacks#discard_b , and
callbacks#change are invoked
- # with an event comprising the action ("=", "+", "-", or "!", respectively),
- # the indicies +i+ and +j+, and the elements
A[i] and
B[j] .
- # Return values are discarded by #traverse_balanced.
- #
- # === Context
- #
- # Note that +i+ and +j+ may not be the same index position, even if +a+ and
- # +b+ are considered to be pointing to matching or changed elements.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#475
- def traverse_balanced(seq1, seq2, callbacks = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # #traverse_sequences is the most general facility provided by this module;
- # #diff and #lcs are implemented as calls to it.
- #
- # The arguments to #traverse_sequences are the two sequences to traverse, and
- # a callback object, like this:
- #
- # traverse_sequences(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks.new)
- #
- # == Callback Methods
- #
- # Optional callback methods are
emphasized .
- #
- # callbacks#match:: Called when +a+ and +b+ are pointing to
- # common elements in +A+ and +B+.
- # callbacks#discard_a:: Called when +a+ is pointing to an
- # element not in +B+.
- # callbacks#discard_b:: Called when +b+ is pointing to an
- # element not in +A+.
- #
callbacks#finished_a :: Called when +a+ has reached the end of
- # sequence +A+.
- #
callbacks#finished_b :: Called when +b+ has reached the end of
- # sequence +B+.
- #
- # == Algorithm
- #
- # a---+
- # v
- # A = a b c e h j l m n p
- # B = b c d e f j k l m r s t
- # ^
- # b---+
- #
- # If there are two arrows (+a+ and +b+) pointing to elements of sequences +A+
- # and +B+, the arrows will initially point to the first elements of their
- # respective sequences. #traverse_sequences will advance the arrows through
- # the sequences one element at a time, calling a method on the user-specified
- # callback object before each advance. It will advance the arrows in such a
- # way that if there are elements
A[i] and
B[j] which are
- # both equal and part of the longest common subsequence, there will be some
- # moment during the execution of #traverse_sequences when arrow +a+ is
- # pointing to
A[i] and arrow +b+ is pointing to
B[j] . When
- # this happens, #traverse_sequences will call
callbacks#match and
- # then it will advance both arrows.
- #
- # Otherwise, one of the arrows is pointing to an element of its sequence that
- # is not part of the longest common subsequence. #traverse_sequences will
- # advance that arrow and will call
callbacks#discard_a or
- #
callbacks#discard_b , depending on which arrow it advanced. If both
- # arrows point to elements that are not part of the longest common
- # subsequence, then #traverse_sequences will advance arrow +a+ and call the
- # appropriate callback, then it will advance arrow +b+ and call the appropriate
- # callback.
- #
- # The methods for
callbacks#match ,
callbacks#discard_a , and
- #
callbacks#discard_b are invoked with an event comprising the
- # action ("=", "+", or "-", respectively), the indicies +i+ and +j+, and the
- # elements
A[i] and
B[j] . Return values are discarded by
- # #traverse_sequences.
- #
- # === End of Sequences
- #
- # If arrow +a+ reaches the end of its sequence before arrow +b+ does,
- # #traverse_sequence will try to call
callbacks#finished_a with the
- # last index and element of +A+ (
A[-1] ) and the current index and
- # element of +B+ (
B[j] ). If
callbacks#finished_a does not
- # exist, then
callbacks#discard_b will be called on each element of
- # +B+ until the end of the sequence is reached (the call will be done with
- #
A[-1] and
B[j] for each element).
- #
- # If +b+ reaches the end of +B+ before +a+ reaches the end of +A+,
- #
callbacks#finished_b will be called with the current index and
- # element of +A+ (
A[i] ) and the last index and element of +B+
- # (
A[-1] ). Again, if
callbacks#finished_b does not exist on
- # the callback object, then
callbacks#discard_a will be called on
- # each element of +A+ until the end of the sequence is reached (
- # and
B[-1] ).
- #
- # There is a chance that one additional
callbacks#discard_a or
- #
callbacks#discard_b will be called after the end of the sequence
- # is reached, if +a+ has not yet reached the end of +A+ or +b+ has not yet
- # reached the end of +B+.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#285
- def traverse_sequences(seq1, seq2, callbacks = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Given a set of patchset, convert the current version to the prior version.
- # Does no auto-discovery.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#728
- def unpatch!(src, patchset); end
- private
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb#4
- def diff_traversal(method, seq1, seq2, callbacks, &block); end
- end
-# An alias for DefaultCallbacks that is used in
-# Diff::LCS#traverse_balanced.
-# Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::BalancedCallbacks)
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#50
-Diff::LCS::BalancedCallbacks = Diff::LCS::DefaultCallbacks
-# A block is an operation removing, adding, or changing a group of items.
-# Basically, this is just a list of changes, where each change adds or
-# deletes a single item. Used by bin/ldiff.
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/block.rb#6
-class Diff::LCS::Block
- # @return [Block] a new instance of Block
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/block.rb#9
- def initialize(chunk); end
- # Returns the value of attribute changes.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/block.rb#7
- def changes; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/block.rb#21
- def diff_size; end
- # Returns the value of attribute insert.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/block.rb#7
- def insert; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/block.rb#25
- def op; end
- # Returns the value of attribute remove.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/block.rb#7
- def remove; end
-# Represents a simplistic (non-contextual) change. Represents the removal or
-# addition of an element from either the old or the new sequenced
-# enumerable.
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#6
-class Diff::LCS::Change
- include ::Comparable
- # @return [Change] a new instance of Change
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#27
- def initialize(*args); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#65
- def <=>(other); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#58
- def ==(other); end
- # Returns the action this Change represents.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#20
- def action; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#72
- def adding?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#84
- def changed?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#76
- def deleting?; end
- # Returns the sequence element of the Change.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#25
- def element; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#88
- def finished_a?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#92
- def finished_b?; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#34
- def inspect(*_args); end
- # Returns the position of the Change.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#23
- def position; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#38
- def to_a; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#38
- def to_ary; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#80
- def unchanged?; end
- class << self
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#44
- def from_a(arr); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#15
- def valid_action?(action); end
- end
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#7
-Diff::LCS::Change::IntClass = Integer
-# The only actions valid for changes are '+' (add), '-' (delete), '='
-# (no change), '!' (changed), '<' (tail changes from first sequence), or
-# '>' (tail changes from second sequence). The last two ('<>') are only
-# found with Diff::LCS::diff and Diff::LCS::sdiff.
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#13
-Diff::LCS::Change::VALID_ACTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Represents a contextual change. Contains the position and values of the
-# elements in the old and the new sequenced enumerables as well as the action
-# taken.
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#100
-class Diff::LCS::ContextChange < ::Diff::LCS::Change
- # @return [ContextChange] a new instance of ContextChange
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#114
- def initialize(*args); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#166
- def <=>(other); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#157
- def ==(other); end
- # Returns the new element being changed.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#112
- def new_element; end
- # Returns the new position being changed.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#108
- def new_position; end
- # Returns the old element being changed.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#110
- def old_element; end
- # Returns the old position being changed.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#106
- def old_position; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#122
- def to_a; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#122
- def to_ary; end
- class << self
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#132
- def from_a(arr); end
- # Simplifies a context change for use in some diff callbacks. '<' actions
- # are converted to '-' and '>' actions are converted to '+'.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/change.rb#138
- def simplify(event); end
- end
-# This will produce a compound array of contextual diff change objects. Each
-# element in the #diffs array is a "hunk" array, where each element in each
-# "hunk" array is a single change. Each change is a Diff::LCS::ContextChange
-# that contains both the old index and new index values for the change. The
-# "hunk" provides the full context for the changes. Both old and new objects
-# will be presented for changed objects. +nil+ will be substituted for a
-# discarded object.
-# seq1 = %w(a b c e h j l m n p)
-# seq2 = %w(b c d e f j k l m r s t)
-# diffs = Diff::LCS.diff(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks)
-# # This example shows a simplified array format.
-# # [ [ [ '-', [ 0, 'a' ], [ 0, nil ] ] ], # 1
-# # [ [ '+', [ 3, nil ], [ 2, 'd' ] ] ], # 2
-# # [ [ '-', [ 4, 'h' ], [ 4, nil ] ], # 3
-# # [ '+', [ 5, nil ], [ 4, 'f' ] ] ],
-# # [ [ '+', [ 6, nil ], [ 6, 'k' ] ] ], # 4
-# # [ [ '-', [ 8, 'n' ], [ 9, nil ] ], # 5
-# # [ '+', [ 9, nil ], [ 9, 'r' ] ],
-# # [ '-', [ 9, 'p' ], [ 10, nil ] ],
-# # [ '+', [ 10, nil ], [ 10, 's' ] ],
-# # [ '+', [ 10, nil ], [ 11, 't' ] ] ] ]
-# The five hunks shown are comprised of individual changes; if there is a
-# related set of changes, they are still shown individually.
-# This callback can also be used with Diff::LCS#sdiff, which will produce
-# results like:
-# diffs = Diff::LCS.sdiff(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::ContextCallbacks)
-# # This example shows a simplified array format.
-# # [ [ [ "-", [ 0, "a" ], [ 0, nil ] ] ], # 1
-# # [ [ "+", [ 3, nil ], [ 2, "d" ] ] ], # 2
-# # [ [ "!", [ 4, "h" ], [ 4, "f" ] ] ], # 3
-# # [ [ "+", [ 6, nil ], [ 6, "k" ] ] ], # 4
-# # [ [ "!", [ 8, "n" ], [ 9, "r" ] ], # 5
-# # [ "!", [ 9, "p" ], [ 10, "s" ] ],
-# # [ "+", [ 10, nil ], [ 11, "t" ] ] ] ]
-# The five hunks are still present, but are significantly shorter in total
-# presentation, because changed items are shown as changes ("!") instead of
-# potentially "mismatched" pairs of additions and deletions.
-# The result of this operation is similar to that of
-# Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks. They may be compared as:
-# s = Diff::LCS.sdiff(seq1, seq2).reject { |e| e.action == "=" }
-# c = Diff::LCS.sdiff(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks).flatten(1)
-# s == c # -> true
-# === Use
-# This callback object must be initialised and can be used by the
-# Diff::LCS#diff or Diff::LCS#sdiff methods.
-# cbo = Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks.new
-# Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, cbo)
-# cbo.finish
-# Note that the call to #finish is absolutely necessary, or the last set of
-# changes will not be visible. Alternatively, can be used as:
-# cbo = Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks.new { |tcbo| Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, tcbo) }
-# The necessary #finish call will be made.
-# === Simplified Array Format
-# The simplified array format used in the example above can be obtained
-# with:
-# require 'pp'
-# pp diffs.map { |e| e.map { |f| f.to_a } }
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#223
-class Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks < ::Diff::LCS::DiffCallbacks
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#232
- def change(event); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#224
- def discard_a(event); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#228
- def discard_b(event); end
-# This callback object implements the default set of callback events,
-# which only returns the event itself. Note that #finished_a and
-# #finished_b are not implemented -- I haven't yet figured out where they
-# would be useful.
-# Note that this is intended to be called as is, e.g.,
-# Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::DefaultCallbacks)
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#14
-class Diff::LCS::DefaultCallbacks
- class << self
- # Called when both the old and new values have changed.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#32
- def change(event); end
- # Called when the old value is discarded in favour of the new value.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#22
- def discard_a(event); end
- # Called when the new value is discarded in favour of the old value.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#27
- def discard_b(event); end
- # Called when two items match.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#17
- def match(event); end
- private
- def new(*_arg0); end
- end
-# This will produce a compound array of simple diff change objects. Each
-# element in the #diffs array is a +hunk+ or +hunk+ array, where each
-# element in each +hunk+ array is a single Change object representing the
-# addition or removal of a single element from one of the two tested
-# sequences. The +hunk+ provides the full context for the changes.
-# diffs = Diff::LCS.diff(seq1, seq2)
-# # This example shows a simplified array format.
-# # [ [ [ '-', 0, 'a' ] ], # 1
-# # [ [ '+', 2, 'd' ] ], # 2
-# # [ [ '-', 4, 'h' ], # 3
-# # [ '+', 4, 'f' ] ],
-# # [ [ '+', 6, 'k' ] ], # 4
-# # [ [ '-', 8, 'n' ], # 5
-# # [ '-', 9, 'p' ],
-# # [ '+', 9, 'r' ],
-# # [ '+', 10, 's' ],
-# # [ '+', 11, 't' ] ] ]
-# There are five hunks here. The first hunk says that the +a+ at position 0
-# of the first sequence should be deleted (
'-' ). The second hunk
-# says that the +d+ at position 2 of the second sequence should be inserted
-# (
'+' ). The third hunk says that the +h+ at position 4 of the
-# first sequence should be removed and replaced with the +f+ from position 4
-# of the second sequence. The other two hunks are described similarly.
-# === Use
-# This callback object must be initialised and is used by the Diff::LCS#diff
-# method.
-# cbo = Diff::LCS::DiffCallbacks.new
-# Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, cbo)
-# cbo.finish
-# Note that the call to #finish is absolutely necessary, or the last set of
-# changes will not be visible. Alternatively, can be used as:
-# cbo = Diff::LCS::DiffCallbacks.new { |tcbo| Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, tcbo) }
-# The necessary #finish call will be made.
-# === Simplified Array Format
-# The simplified array format used in the example above can be obtained
-# with:
-# require 'pp'
-# pp diffs.map { |e| e.map { |f| f.to_a } }
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#106
-class Diff::LCS::DiffCallbacks
- # :yields self:
- #
- # @return [DiffCallbacks] a new instance of DiffCallbacks
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#110
- def initialize; end
- # Returns the difference set collected during the diff process.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#108
- def diffs; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#133
- def discard_a(event); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#137
- def discard_b(event); end
- # Finalizes the diff process. If an unprocessed hunk still exists, then it
- # is appended to the diff list.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#125
- def finish; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#129
- def match(_event); end
- private
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#141
- def finish_hunk; end
-# A Hunk is a group of Blocks which overlap because of the context surrounding
-# each block. (So if we're not using context, every hunk will contain one
-# block.) Used in the diff program (bin/ldiff).
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#8
-class Diff::LCS::Hunk
- # Create a hunk using references to both the old and new data, as well as the
- # piece of data.
- #
- # @return [Hunk] a new instance of Hunk
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#16
- def initialize(data_old, data_new, piece, flag_context, file_length_difference); end
- # Returns the value of attribute blocks.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#63
- def blocks; end
- # Returns a diff string based on a format.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#116
- def diff(format, last = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute end_new.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#65
- def end_new; end
- # Returns the value of attribute end_old.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#65
- def end_old; end
- # Returns the value of attribute file_length_difference.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#66
- def file_length_difference; end
- # Change the "start" and "end" fields to note that context should be added
- # to this hunk.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#70
- def flag_context; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#72
- def flag_context=(context); end
- # Merges this hunk and the provided hunk together if they overlap. Returns
- # a truthy value so that if there is no overlap, you can know the merge
- # was skipped.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#98
- def merge(hunk); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#326
- def missing_last_newline?(data); end
- # Determines whether there is an overlap between this hunk and the
- # provided hunk. This will be true if the difference between the two hunks
- # start or end positions is within one position of each other.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#110
- def overlaps?(hunk); end
- # Returns the value of attribute start_new.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#64
- def start_new; end
- # Returns the value of attribute start_old.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#64
- def start_old; end
- # Merges this hunk and the provided hunk together if they overlap. Returns
- # a truthy value so that if there is no overlap, you can know the merge
- # was skipped.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#98
- def unshift(hunk); end
- private
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#213
- def context_diff(last = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Generate a range of item numbers to print. Only print 1 number if the
- # range has only one item in it. Otherwise, it's 'start,end'
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#293
- def context_range(mode, op, last = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#271
- def ed_diff(format, _last = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#339
- def encode(literal, target_encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#343
- def encode_as(string, *args); end
- # Note that an old diff can't have any context. Therefore, we know that
- # there's only one block in the hunk.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#135
- def old_diff(_last = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#160
- def unified_diff(last = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Generate a range of item numbers to print for unified diff. Print number
- # where block starts, followed by number of lines in the block
- # (don't print number of lines if it's 1)
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#311
- def unified_range(mode, last); end
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#10
-Diff::LCS::Hunk::ED_DIFF_OP_ACTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb#9
-Diff::LCS::Hunk::OLD_DIFF_OP_ACTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb#29
-module Diff::LCS::Internals
- class << self
- # This method will analyze the provided patchset to provide a single-pass
- # normalization (conversion of the array form of Diff::LCS::Change objects to
- # the object form of same) and detection of whether the patchset represents
- # changes to be made.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb#102
- def analyze_patchset(patchset, depth = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Examine the patchset and the source to see in which direction the
- # patch should be applied.
- #
- # WARNING: By default, this examines the whole patch, so this could take
- # some time. This also works better with Diff::LCS::ContextChange or
- # Diff::LCS::Change as its source, as an array will cause the creation
- # of one of the above.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb#147
- def intuit_diff_direction(src, patchset, limit = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Compute the longest common subsequence between the sequenced
- # Enumerables +a+ and +b+. The result is an array whose contents is such
- # that
- #
- # result = Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(a, b)
- # result.each_with_index do |e, i|
- # assert_equal(a[i], b[e]) unless e.nil?
- # end
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb#41
- def lcs(a, b); end
- private
- # If +vector+ maps the matching elements of another collection onto this
- # Enumerable, compute the inverse of +vector+ that maps this Enumerable
- # onto the collection. (Currently unused.)
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb#286
- def inverse_vector(a, vector); end
- # Returns a hash mapping each element of an Enumerable to the set of
- # positions it occupies in the Enumerable, optionally restricted to the
- # elements specified in the range of indexes specified by +interval+.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb#298
- def position_hash(enum, interval); end
- # Find the place at which +value+ would normally be inserted into the
- # Enumerable. If that place is already occupied by +value+, do nothing
- # and return +nil+. If the place does not exist (i.e., it is off the end
- # of the Enumerable), add it to the end. Otherwise, replace the element
- # at that point with +value+. It is assumed that the Enumerable's values
- # are numeric.
- #
- # This operation preserves the sort order.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb#252
- def replace_next_larger(enum, value, last_index = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# This will produce a simple array of diff change objects. Each element in
-# the #diffs array is a single ContextChange. In the set of #diffs provided
-# by SDiffCallbacks, both old and new objects will be presented for both
-# changed
and unchanged objects. +nil+ will be substituted
-# for a discarded object.
-# The diffset produced by this callback, when provided to Diff::LCS#sdiff,
-# will compute and display the necessary components to show two sequences
-# and their minimized differences side by side, just like the Unix utility
-# +sdiff+.
-# same same
-# before | after
-# old < -
-# - > new
-# seq1 = %w(a b c e h j l m n p)
-# seq2 = %w(b c d e f j k l m r s t)
-# diffs = Diff::LCS.sdiff(seq1, seq2)
-# # This example shows a simplified array format.
-# # [ [ "-", [ 0, "a"], [ 0, nil ] ],
-# # [ "=", [ 1, "b"], [ 0, "b" ] ],
-# # [ "=", [ 2, "c"], [ 1, "c" ] ],
-# # [ "+", [ 3, nil], [ 2, "d" ] ],
-# # [ "=", [ 3, "e"], [ 3, "e" ] ],
-# # [ "!", [ 4, "h"], [ 4, "f" ] ],
-# # [ "=", [ 5, "j"], [ 5, "j" ] ],
-# # [ "+", [ 6, nil], [ 6, "k" ] ],
-# # [ "=", [ 6, "l"], [ 7, "l" ] ],
-# # [ "=", [ 7, "m"], [ 8, "m" ] ],
-# # [ "!", [ 8, "n"], [ 9, "r" ] ],
-# # [ "!", [ 9, "p"], [ 10, "s" ] ],
-# # [ "+", [ 10, nil], [ 11, "t" ] ] ]
-# The result of this operation is similar to that of
-# Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks. They may be compared as:
-# s = Diff::LCS.sdiff(seq1, seq2).reject { |e| e.action == "=" }
-# c = Diff::LCS.sdiff(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks).flatten(1)
-# s == c # -> true
-# === Use
-# This callback object must be initialised and is used by the Diff::LCS#sdiff
-# method.
-# cbo = Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks.new
-# Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, cbo)
-# As with the other initialisable callback objects,
-# Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks can be initialised with a block. As there is no
-# "fininishing" to be done, this has no effect on the state of the object.
-# cbo = Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks.new { |tcbo| Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, tcbo) }
-# === Simplified Array Format
-# The simplified array format used in the example above can be obtained
-# with:
-# require 'pp'
-# pp diffs.map { |e| e.to_a }
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#301
-class Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks
- # :yields self:
- #
- # @return [SDiffCallbacks] a new instance of SDiffCallbacks
- # @yield [_self]
- # @yieldparam _self [Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks] the object that the method was called on
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#305
- def initialize; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#322
- def change(event); end
- # Returns the difference set collected during the diff process.
- #
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#303
- def diffs; end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#314
- def discard_a(event); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#318
- def discard_b(event); end
- # source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#310
- def match(event); end
-# An alias for DefaultCallbacks that is used in
-# Diff::LCS#traverse_sequences.
-# Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::SequenceCallbacks)
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb#44
-Diff::LCS::SequenceCallbacks = Diff::LCS::DefaultCallbacks
-# source://diff-lcs//lib/diff/lcs.rb#52
-Diff::LCS::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/docile@1.4.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/docile@1.4.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 35ff0106..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/docile@1.4.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `docile` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem docile`.
-# Docile keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved.
-# source://docile//lib/docile/version.rb#3
-module Docile
- extend ::Docile::Execution
- private
- # Execute a block in the context of an object whose methods represent the
- # commands in a DSL.
- #
- # Use this method to execute an *imperative* DSL, which means that:
- #
- # 1. Each command mutates the state of the DSL context object
- # 2. The return value of each command is ignored
- # 3. The final return value is the original context object
- #
- # @example Use a String as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval("Hello, world!") do
- # reverse!
- # upcase!
- # end
- # #=> "!DLROW ,OLLEH"
- # @example Use an Array as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval([]) do
- # push 1
- # push 2
- # pop
- # push 3
- # end
- # #=> [1, 3]
- # @note Use with an *imperative* DSL (commands modify the context object)
- # @param dsl [Object] context object whose methods make up the DSL
- # @param args [Array] arguments to be passed to the block
- # @param block [Proc] the block of DSL commands to be executed against the
- # `dsl` context object
- # @return [Object] the `dsl` context object after executing the block
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile.rb#45
- def dsl_eval(dsl, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
- # Execute a block in the context of an immutable object whose methods,
- # and the methods of their return values, represent the commands in a DSL.
- #
- # Use this method to execute a *functional* DSL, which means that:
- #
- # 1. The original DSL context object is never mutated
- # 2. Each command returns the next DSL context object
- # 3. The final return value is the value returned by the last command
- #
- # @example Use a frozen String as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval_immutable("I'm immutable!".freeze) do
- # reverse
- # upcase
- # end
- # #=> "!ELBATUMMI M'I"
- # @example Use a Float as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval_immutable(84.5) do
- # fdiv(2)
- # floor
- # end
- # #=> 42
- # @note Use with a *functional* DSL (commands return successor
- # context objects)
- # @param dsl [Object] immutable context object whose methods make up the
- # initial DSL
- # @param args [Array] arguments to be passed to the block
- # @param block [Proc] the block of DSL commands to be executed against the
- # `dsl` context object and successor return values
- # @return [Object] the return value of the final command in the block
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile.rb#128
- def dsl_eval_immutable(dsl, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
- # Execute a block in the context of an object whose methods represent the
- # commands in a DSL, and return *the block's return value*.
- #
- # Use this method to execute an *imperative* DSL, which means that:
- #
- # 1. Each command mutates the state of the DSL context object
- # 2. The return value of each command is ignored
- # 3. The final return value is the original context object
- #
- # @example Use a String as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval_with_block_return("Hello, world!") do
- # reverse!
- # upcase!
- # first
- # end
- # #=> "!"
- # @example Use an Array as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval_with_block_return([]) do
- # push "a"
- # push "b"
- # pop
- # push "c"
- # length
- # end
- # #=> 2
- # @note Use with an *imperative* DSL (commands modify the context object)
- # @param dsl [Object] context object whose methods make up the DSL
- # @param args [Array] arguments to be passed to the block
- # @param block [Proc] the block of DSL commands to be executed against the
- # `dsl` context object
- # @return [Object] the return value from executing the block
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile.rb#87
- def dsl_eval_with_block_return(dsl, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
- class << self
- # Execute a block in the context of an object whose methods represent the
- # commands in a DSL.
- #
- # Use this method to execute an *imperative* DSL, which means that:
- #
- # 1. Each command mutates the state of the DSL context object
- # 2. The return value of each command is ignored
- # 3. The final return value is the original context object
- #
- # @example Use a String as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval("Hello, world!") do
- # reverse!
- # upcase!
- # end
- # #=> "!DLROW ,OLLEH"
- # @example Use an Array as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval([]) do
- # push 1
- # push 2
- # pop
- # push 3
- # end
- # #=> [1, 3]
- # @note Use with an *imperative* DSL (commands modify the context object)
- # @param dsl [Object] context object whose methods make up the DSL
- # @param args [Array] arguments to be passed to the block
- # @param block [Proc] the block of DSL commands to be executed against the
- # `dsl` context object
- # @return [Object] the `dsl` context object after executing the block
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile.rb#45
- def dsl_eval(dsl, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
- # Execute a block in the context of an immutable object whose methods,
- # and the methods of their return values, represent the commands in a DSL.
- #
- # Use this method to execute a *functional* DSL, which means that:
- #
- # 1. The original DSL context object is never mutated
- # 2. Each command returns the next DSL context object
- # 3. The final return value is the value returned by the last command
- #
- # @example Use a frozen String as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval_immutable("I'm immutable!".freeze) do
- # reverse
- # upcase
- # end
- # #=> "!ELBATUMMI M'I"
- # @example Use a Float as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval_immutable(84.5) do
- # fdiv(2)
- # floor
- # end
- # #=> 42
- # @note Use with a *functional* DSL (commands return successor
- # context objects)
- # @param dsl [Object] immutable context object whose methods make up the
- # initial DSL
- # @param args [Array] arguments to be passed to the block
- # @param block [Proc] the block of DSL commands to be executed against the
- # `dsl` context object and successor return values
- # @return [Object] the return value of the final command in the block
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile.rb#128
- def dsl_eval_immutable(dsl, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
- # Execute a block in the context of an object whose methods represent the
- # commands in a DSL, and return *the block's return value*.
- #
- # Use this method to execute an *imperative* DSL, which means that:
- #
- # 1. Each command mutates the state of the DSL context object
- # 2. The return value of each command is ignored
- # 3. The final return value is the original context object
- #
- # @example Use a String as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval_with_block_return("Hello, world!") do
- # reverse!
- # upcase!
- # first
- # end
- # #=> "!"
- # @example Use an Array as a DSL
- # Docile.dsl_eval_with_block_return([]) do
- # push "a"
- # push "b"
- # pop
- # push "c"
- # length
- # end
- # #=> 2
- # @note Use with an *imperative* DSL (commands modify the context object)
- # @param dsl [Object] context object whose methods make up the DSL
- # @param args [Array] arguments to be passed to the block
- # @param block [Proc] the block of DSL commands to be executed against the
- # `dsl` context object
- # @return [Object] the return value from executing the block
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile.rb#87
- def dsl_eval_with_block_return(dsl, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
- end
-# This is used to remove entries pointing to Docile's source files
-# from {Exception#backtrace} and {Exception#backtrace_locations}.
-# If {NoMethodError} is caught then the exception object will be extended
-# by this module to add filter functionalities.
-# @api private
-# source://docile//lib/docile/backtrace_filter.rb#11
-module Docile::BacktraceFilter
- # @api private
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile/backtrace_filter.rb#14
- def backtrace; end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile/backtrace_filter.rb#19
- def backtrace_locations; end
-# @api private
-# source://docile//lib/docile/backtrace_filter.rb#12
-Docile::BacktraceFilter::FILTER_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Operates in the same manner as {FallbackContextProxy}, but replacing
-# the primary `receiver` object with the result of each proxied method.
-# This is useful for implementing DSL evaluation for immutable context
-# objects.
-# @api private
-# @see Docile.dsl_eval_immutable
-# source://docile//lib/docile/chaining_fallback_context_proxy.rb#17
-class Docile::ChainingFallbackContextProxy < ::Docile::FallbackContextProxy
- # Proxy methods as in {FallbackContextProxy#method_missing}, replacing
- # `receiver` with the returned value.
- #
- # @api private
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile/chaining_fallback_context_proxy.rb#20
- def method_missing(method, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
-# A namespace for functions relating to the execution of a block against a
-# proxy object.
-# @api private
-# source://docile//lib/docile/execution.rb#8
-module Docile::Execution
- private
- # Execute a block in the context of an object whose methods represent the
- # commands in a DSL, using a specific proxy class.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param dsl [Object] context object whose methods make up the
- # (initial) DSL
- # @param proxy_type [FallbackContextProxy, ChainingFallbackContextProxy] which class to instantiate as proxy context
- # @param args [Array] arguments to be passed to the block
- # @param block [Proc] the block of DSL commands to be executed
- # @return [Object] the return value of the block
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile/execution.rb#19
- def exec_in_proxy_context(dsl, proxy_type, *args, **_arg3, &block); end
- class << self
- # Execute a block in the context of an object whose methods represent the
- # commands in a DSL, using a specific proxy class.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param dsl [Object] context object whose methods make up the
- # (initial) DSL
- # @param proxy_type [FallbackContextProxy, ChainingFallbackContextProxy] which class to instantiate as proxy context
- # @param args [Array] arguments to be passed to the block
- # @param block [Proc] the block of DSL commands to be executed
- # @return [Object] the return value of the block
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile/execution.rb#19
- def exec_in_proxy_context(dsl, proxy_type, *args, **_arg3, &block); end
- end
-# A proxy object with a primary receiver as well as a secondary
-# fallback receiver.
-# Will attempt to forward all method calls first to the primary receiver,
-# and then to the fallback receiver if the primary does not handle that
-# method.
-# This is useful for implementing DSL evaluation in the context of an object.
-# @api private
-# @see Docile.dsl_eval
-# source://docile//lib/docile/fallback_context_proxy.rb#20
-class Docile::FallbackContextProxy
- # @api private
- # @param receiver [Object] the primary proxy target to which all methods
- # initially will be forwarded
- # @param fallback [Object] the fallback proxy target to which any methods
- # not handled by `receiver` will be forwarded
- # @return [FallbackContextProxy] a new instance of FallbackContextProxy
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile/fallback_context_proxy.rb#46
- def initialize(receiver, fallback); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Array
] Instance variable names, excluding
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile/fallback_context_proxy.rb#85
- def instance_variables; end
- # Proxy all methods, excluding {NON_PROXIED_METHODS}, first to `receiver`
- # and then to `fallback` if not found.
- #
- # @api private
- #
- # source://docile//lib/docile/fallback_context_proxy.rb#91
- def method_missing(method, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
-# The set of methods which will **not** fallback from the block's context
-# to the dsl object.
-# @api private
-# source://docile//lib/docile/fallback_context_proxy.rb#30
-Docile::FallbackContextProxy::NON_FALLBACK_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# The set of instance variables which are local to this object and hidden.
-# All other instance variables will be copied in and out of this object
-# from the scope in which this proxy was created.
-# @api private
-# source://docile//lib/docile/fallback_context_proxy.rb#35
-Docile::FallbackContextProxy::NON_PROXIED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# The set of methods which will **not** be proxied, but instead answered
-# by this object directly.
-# @api private
-# source://docile//lib/docile/fallback_context_proxy.rb#23
-Docile::FallbackContextProxy::NON_PROXIED_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# The current version of this library
-# source://docile//lib/docile/version.rb#5
-Docile::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/json@2.6.3.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/json@2.6.3.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index b379bc4b..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/json@2.6.3.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1541 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `json` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem json`.
-# Extends any Class to include _json_creatable?_ method.
-# source://json//lib/json/common.rb#695
-class Class < ::Module
- # Returns true if this class can be used to create an instance
- # from a serialised JSON string. The class has to implement a class
- # method _json_create_ that expects a hash as first parameter. The hash
- # should include the required data.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#700
- def json_creatable?; end
-# = JavaScript \Object Notation (\JSON)
-# \JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format.
-# A \JSON value is one of the following:
-# - Double-quoted text: "foo" .
-# - Number: +1+, +1.0+, +2.0e2+.
-# - Boolean: +true+, +false+.
-# - Null: +null+.
-# - \Array: an ordered list of values, enclosed by square brackets:
-# ["foo", 1, 1.0, 2.0e2, true, false, null]
-# - \Object: a collection of name/value pairs, enclosed by curly braces;
-# each name is double-quoted text;
-# the values may be any \JSON values:
-# {"a": "foo", "b": 1, "c": 1.0, "d": 2.0e2, "e": true, "f": false, "g": null}
-# A \JSON array or object may contain nested arrays, objects, and scalars
-# to any depth:
-# {"foo": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, "bat": [0, 1, 2]}
-# [{"foo": 0, "bar": 1}, ["baz", 2]]
-# == Using \Module \JSON
-# To make module \JSON available in your code, begin with:
-# require 'json'
-# All examples here assume that this has been done.
-# === Parsing \JSON
-# You can parse a \String containing \JSON data using
-# either of two methods:
-# - JSON.parse(source, opts)
-# - JSON.parse!(source, opts)
-# where
-# - +source+ is a Ruby object.
-# - +opts+ is a \Hash object containing options
-# that control both input allowed and output formatting.
-# The difference between the two methods
-# is that JSON.parse! omits some checks
-# and may not be safe for some +source+ data;
-# use it only for data from trusted sources.
-# Use the safer method JSON.parse for less trusted sources.
-# ==== Parsing \JSON Arrays
-# When +source+ is a \JSON array, JSON.parse by default returns a Ruby \Array:
-# json = '["foo", 1, 1.0, 2.0e2, true, false, null]'
-# ruby = JSON.parse(json)
-# ruby # => ["foo", 1, 1.0, 200.0, true, false, nil]
-# ruby.class # => Array
-# The \JSON array may contain nested arrays, objects, and scalars
-# to any depth:
-# json = '[{"foo": 0, "bar": 1}, ["baz", 2]]'
-# JSON.parse(json) # => [{"foo"=>0, "bar"=>1}, ["baz", 2]]
-# ==== Parsing \JSON \Objects
-# When the source is a \JSON object, JSON.parse by default returns a Ruby \Hash:
-# json = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1, "c": 1.0, "d": 2.0e2, "e": true, "f": false, "g": null}'
-# ruby = JSON.parse(json)
-# ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1, "c"=>1.0, "d"=>200.0, "e"=>true, "f"=>false, "g"=>nil}
-# ruby.class # => Hash
-# The \JSON object may contain nested arrays, objects, and scalars
-# to any depth:
-# json = '{"foo": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, "bat": [0, 1, 2]}'
-# JSON.parse(json) # => {"foo"=>{"bar"=>1, "baz"=>2}, "bat"=>[0, 1, 2]}
-# ==== Parsing \JSON Scalars
-# When the source is a \JSON scalar (not an array or object),
-# JSON.parse returns a Ruby scalar.
-# \String:
-# ruby = JSON.parse('"foo"')
-# ruby # => 'foo'
-# ruby.class # => String
-# \Integer:
-# ruby = JSON.parse('1')
-# ruby # => 1
-# ruby.class # => Integer
-# \Float:
-# ruby = JSON.parse('1.0')
-# ruby # => 1.0
-# ruby.class # => Float
-# ruby = JSON.parse('2.0e2')
-# ruby # => 200
-# ruby.class # => Float
-# Boolean:
-# ruby = JSON.parse('true')
-# ruby # => true
-# ruby.class # => TrueClass
-# ruby = JSON.parse('false')
-# ruby # => false
-# ruby.class # => FalseClass
-# Null:
-# ruby = JSON.parse('null')
-# ruby # => nil
-# ruby.class # => NilClass
-# ==== Parsing Options
-# ====== Input Options
-# Option +max_nesting+ (\Integer) specifies the maximum nesting depth allowed;
-# defaults to +100+; specify +false+ to disable depth checking.
-# With the default, +false+:
-# source = '[0, [1, [2, [3]]]]'
-# ruby = JSON.parse(source)
-# ruby # => [0, [1, [2, [3]]]]
-# Too deep:
-# # Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 2 is too deep):
-# JSON.parse(source, {max_nesting: 1})
-# Bad value:
-# # Raises TypeError (wrong argument type Symbol (expected Fixnum)):
-# JSON.parse(source, {max_nesting: :foo})
-# ---
-# Option +allow_nan+ (boolean) specifies whether to allow
-# NaN, Infinity, and MinusInfinity in +source+;
-# defaults to +false+.
-# With the default, +false+:
-# # Raises JSON::ParserError (225: unexpected token at '[NaN]'):
-# JSON.parse('[NaN]')
-# # Raises JSON::ParserError (232: unexpected token at '[Infinity]'):
-# JSON.parse('[Infinity]')
-# # Raises JSON::ParserError (248: unexpected token at '[-Infinity]'):
-# JSON.parse('[-Infinity]')
-# Allow:
-# source = '[NaN, Infinity, -Infinity]'
-# ruby = JSON.parse(source, {allow_nan: true})
-# ruby # => [NaN, Infinity, -Infinity]
-# ====== Output Options
-# Option +symbolize_names+ (boolean) specifies whether returned \Hash keys
-# should be Symbols;
-# defaults to +false+ (use Strings).
-# With the default, +false+:
-# source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}'
-# ruby = JSON.parse(source)
-# ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil}
-# Use Symbols:
-# ruby = JSON.parse(source, {symbolize_names: true})
-# ruby # => {:a=>"foo", :b=>1.0, :c=>true, :d=>false, :e=>nil}
-# ---
-# Option +object_class+ (\Class) specifies the Ruby class to be used
-# for each \JSON object;
-# defaults to \Hash.
-# With the default, \Hash:
-# source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}'
-# ruby = JSON.parse(source)
-# ruby.class # => Hash
-# Use class \OpenStruct:
-# ruby = JSON.parse(source, {object_class: OpenStruct})
-# ruby # => #
-# ---
-# Option +array_class+ (\Class) specifies the Ruby class to be used
-# for each \JSON array;
-# defaults to \Array.
-# With the default, \Array:
-# source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]'
-# ruby = JSON.parse(source)
-# ruby.class # => Array
-# Use class \Set:
-# ruby = JSON.parse(source, {array_class: Set})
-# ruby # => #
-# ---
-# Option +create_additions+ (boolean) specifies whether to use \JSON additions in parsing.
-# See {\JSON Additions}[#module-JSON-label-JSON+Additions].
-# === Generating \JSON
-# To generate a Ruby \String containing \JSON data,
-# use method JSON.generate(source, opts) , where
-# - +source+ is a Ruby object.
-# - +opts+ is a \Hash object containing options
-# that control both input allowed and output formatting.
-# ==== Generating \JSON from Arrays
-# When the source is a Ruby \Array, JSON.generate returns
-# a \String containing a \JSON array:
-# ruby = [0, 's', :foo]
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby)
-# json # => '[0,"s","foo"]'
-# The Ruby \Array array may contain nested arrays, hashes, and scalars
-# to any depth:
-# ruby = [0, [1, 2], {foo: 3, bar: 4}]
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby)
-# json # => '[0,[1,2],{"foo":3,"bar":4}]'
-# ==== Generating \JSON from Hashes
-# When the source is a Ruby \Hash, JSON.generate returns
-# a \String containing a \JSON object:
-# ruby = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat}
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby)
-# json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}'
-# The Ruby \Hash array may contain nested arrays, hashes, and scalars
-# to any depth:
-# ruby = {foo: [0, 1], bar: {baz: 2, bat: 3}, bam: :bad}
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby)
-# json # => '{"foo":[0,1],"bar":{"baz":2,"bat":3},"bam":"bad"}'
-# ==== Generating \JSON from Other Objects
-# When the source is neither an \Array nor a \Hash,
-# the generated \JSON data depends on the class of the source.
-# When the source is a Ruby \Integer or \Float, JSON.generate returns
-# a \String containing a \JSON number:
-# JSON.generate(42) # => '42'
-# JSON.generate(0.42) # => '0.42'
-# When the source is a Ruby \String, JSON.generate returns
-# a \String containing a \JSON string (with double-quotes):
-# JSON.generate('A string') # => '"A string"'
-# When the source is +true+, +false+ or +nil+, JSON.generate returns
-# a \String containing the corresponding \JSON token:
-# JSON.generate(true) # => 'true'
-# JSON.generate(false) # => 'false'
-# JSON.generate(nil) # => 'null'
-# When the source is none of the above, JSON.generate returns
-# a \String containing a \JSON string representation of the source:
-# JSON.generate(:foo) # => '"foo"'
-# JSON.generate(Complex(0, 0)) # => '"0+0i"'
-# JSON.generate(Dir.new('.')) # => '"#"'
-# ==== Generating Options
-# ====== Input Options
-# Option +allow_nan+ (boolean) specifies whether
-# +NaN+, +Infinity+, and -Infinity may be generated;
-# defaults to +false+.
-# With the default, +false+:
-# # Raises JSON::GeneratorError (920: NaN not allowed in JSON):
-# JSON.generate(JSON::NaN)
-# # Raises JSON::GeneratorError (917: Infinity not allowed in JSON):
-# JSON.generate(JSON::Infinity)
-# # Raises JSON::GeneratorError (917: -Infinity not allowed in JSON):
-# JSON.generate(JSON::MinusInfinity)
-# Allow:
-# ruby = [Float::NaN, Float::Infinity, Float::MinusInfinity]
-# JSON.generate(ruby, allow_nan: true) # => '[NaN,Infinity,-Infinity]'
-# ---
-# Option +max_nesting+ (\Integer) specifies the maximum nesting depth
-# in +obj+; defaults to +100+.
-# With the default, +100+:
-# obj = [[[[[[0]]]]]]
-# JSON.generate(obj) # => '[[[[[[0]]]]]]'
-# Too deep:
-# # Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 2 is too deep):
-# JSON.generate(obj, max_nesting: 2)
-# ====== Output Options
-# The default formatting options generate the most compact
-# \JSON data, all on one line and with no whitespace.
-# You can use these formatting options to generate
-# \JSON data in a more open format, using whitespace.
-# See also JSON.pretty_generate.
-# - Option +array_nl+ (\String) specifies a string (usually a newline)
-# to be inserted after each \JSON array; defaults to the empty \String, '' .
-# - Option +object_nl+ (\String) specifies a string (usually a newline)
-# to be inserted after each \JSON object; defaults to the empty \String, '' .
-# - Option +indent+ (\String) specifies the string (usually spaces) to be
-# used for indentation; defaults to the empty \String, '' ;
-# defaults to the empty \String, '' ;
-# has no effect unless options +array_nl+ or +object_nl+ specify newlines.
-# - Option +space+ (\String) specifies a string (usually a space) to be
-# inserted after the colon in each \JSON object's pair;
-# defaults to the empty \String, '' .
-# - Option +space_before+ (\String) specifies a string (usually a space) to be
-# inserted before the colon in each \JSON object's pair;
-# defaults to the empty \String, '' .
-# In this example, +obj+ is used first to generate the shortest
-# \JSON data (no whitespace), then again with all formatting options
-# specified:
-# obj = {foo: [:bar, :baz], bat: {bam: 0, bad: 1}}
-# json = JSON.generate(obj)
-# puts 'Compact:', json
-# opts = {
-# array_nl: "\n",
-# object_nl: "\n",
-# indent: ' ',
-# space_before: ' ',
-# space: ' '
-# }
-# puts 'Open:', JSON.generate(obj, opts)
-# Output:
-# Compact:
-# {"foo":["bar","baz"],"bat":{"bam":0,"bad":1}}
-# Open:
-# {
-# "foo" : [
-# "bar",
-# "baz"
-# ],
-# "bat" : {
-# "bam" : 0,
-# "bad" : 1
-# }
-# }
-# == \JSON Additions
-# When you "round trip" a non-\String object from Ruby to \JSON and back,
-# you have a new \String, instead of the object you began with:
-# ruby0 = Range.new(0, 2)
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0)
-# json # => '0..2"'
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json)
-# ruby1 # => '0..2'
-# ruby1.class # => String
-# You can use \JSON _additions_ to preserve the original object.
-# The addition is an extension of a ruby class, so that:
-# - \JSON.generate stores more information in the \JSON string.
-# - \JSON.parse, called with option +create_additions+,
-# uses that information to create a proper Ruby object.
-# This example shows a \Range being generated into \JSON
-# and parsed back into Ruby, both without and with
-# the addition for \Range:
-# ruby = Range.new(0, 2)
-# # This passage does not use the addition for Range.
-# json0 = JSON.generate(ruby)
-# ruby0 = JSON.parse(json0)
-# # This passage uses the addition for Range.
-# require 'json/add/range'
-# json1 = JSON.generate(ruby)
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json1, create_additions: true)
-# # Make a nice display.
-# display = <require 'json/add/bigdecimal'
-# - Complex: require 'json/add/complex'
-# - Date: require 'json/add/date'
-# - DateTime: require 'json/add/date_time'
-# - Exception: require 'json/add/exception'
-# - OpenStruct: require 'json/add/ostruct'
-# - Range: require 'json/add/range'
-# - Rational: require 'json/add/rational'
-# - Regexp: require 'json/add/regexp'
-# - Set: require 'json/add/set'
-# - Struct: require 'json/add/struct'
-# - Symbol: require 'json/add/symbol'
-# - Time: require 'json/add/time'
-# To reduce punctuation clutter, the examples below
-# show the generated \JSON via +puts+, rather than the usual +inspect+,
-# \BigDecimal:
-# require 'json/add/bigdecimal'
-# ruby0 = BigDecimal(0) # 0.0
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"BigDecimal","b":"27:0.0"}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 0.0
-# ruby1.class # => BigDecimal
-# \Complex:
-# require 'json/add/complex'
-# ruby0 = Complex(1+0i) # 1+0i
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Complex","r":1,"i":0}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 1+0i
-# ruby1.class # Complex
-# \Date:
-# require 'json/add/date'
-# ruby0 = Date.today # 2020-05-02
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Date","y":2020,"m":5,"d":2,"sg":2299161.0}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 2020-05-02
-# ruby1.class # Date
-# \DateTime:
-# require 'json/add/date_time'
-# ruby0 = DateTime.now # 2020-05-02T10:38:13-05:00
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"DateTime","y":2020,"m":5,"d":2,"H":10,"M":38,"S":13,"of":"-5/24","sg":2299161.0}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 2020-05-02T10:38:13-05:00
-# ruby1.class # DateTime
-# \Exception (and its subclasses including \RuntimeError):
-# require 'json/add/exception'
-# ruby0 = Exception.new('A message') # A message
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Exception","m":"A message","b":null}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # A message
-# ruby1.class # Exception
-# ruby0 = RuntimeError.new('Another message') # Another message
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"RuntimeError","m":"Another message","b":null}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # Another message
-# ruby1.class # RuntimeError
-# \OpenStruct:
-# require 'json/add/ostruct'
-# ruby0 = OpenStruct.new(name: 'Matz', language: 'Ruby') # #
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"OpenStruct","t":{"name":"Matz","language":"Ruby"}}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # #
-# ruby1.class # OpenStruct
-# \Range:
-# require 'json/add/range'
-# ruby0 = Range.new(0, 2) # 0..2
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Range","a":[0,2,false]}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 0..2
-# ruby1.class # Range
-# \Rational:
-# require 'json/add/rational'
-# ruby0 = Rational(1, 3) # 1/3
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Rational","n":1,"d":3}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 1/3
-# ruby1.class # Rational
-# \Regexp:
-# require 'json/add/regexp'
-# ruby0 = Regexp.new('foo') # (?-mix:foo)
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Regexp","o":0,"s":"foo"}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # (?-mix:foo)
-# ruby1.class # Regexp
-# \Set:
-# require 'json/add/set'
-# ruby0 = Set.new([0, 1, 2]) # #
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Set","a":[0,1,2]}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # #
-# ruby1.class # Set
-# \Struct:
-# require 'json/add/struct'
-# Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address) # Customer
-# ruby0 = Customer.new("Dave", "123 Main") # #
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Customer","v":["Dave","123 Main"]}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # #
-# ruby1.class # Customer
-# \Symbol:
-# require 'json/add/symbol'
-# ruby0 = :foo # foo
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Symbol","s":"foo"}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # foo
-# ruby1.class # Symbol
-# \Time:
-# require 'json/add/time'
-# ruby0 = Time.now # 2020-05-02 11:28:26 -0500
-# json = JSON.generate(ruby0) # {"json_class":"Time","s":1588436906,"n":840560000}
-# ruby1 = JSON.parse(json, create_additions: true) # 2020-05-02 11:28:26 -0500
-# ruby1.class # Time
-# === Custom \JSON Additions
-# In addition to the \JSON additions provided,
-# you can craft \JSON additions of your own,
-# either for Ruby built-in classes or for user-defined classes.
-# Here's a user-defined class +Foo+:
-# class Foo
-# attr_accessor :bar, :baz
-# def initialize(bar, baz)
-# self.bar = bar
-# self.baz = baz
-# end
-# end
-# Here's the \JSON addition for it:
-# # Extend class Foo with JSON addition.
-# class Foo
-# # Serialize Foo object with its class name and arguments
-# def to_json(*args)
-# {
-# JSON.create_id => self.class.name,
-# 'a' => [ bar, baz ]
-# }.to_json(*args)
-# end
-# # Deserialize JSON string by constructing new Foo object with arguments.
-# def self.json_create(object)
-# new(*object['a'])
-# end
-# end
-# Demonstration:
-# require 'json'
-# # This Foo object has no custom addition.
-# foo0 = Foo.new(0, 1)
-# json0 = JSON.generate(foo0)
-# obj0 = JSON.parse(json0)
-# # Lood the custom addition.
-# require_relative 'foo_addition'
-# # This foo has the custom addition.
-# foo1 = Foo.new(0, 1)
-# json1 = JSON.generate(foo1)
-# obj1 = JSON.parse(json1, create_additions: true)
-# # Make a nice display.
-# display = <" (String)
-# With custom addition: {"json_class":"Foo","a":[0,1]} (String)
-# Parsed JSON:
-# Without custom addition: "#" (String)
-# With custom addition: # (Foo)
-# source://json//lib/json/version.rb#2
-module JSON
- private
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.dump(obj, io = nil, limit = nil)
- #
- # Dumps +obj+ as a \JSON string, i.e. calls generate on the object and returns the result.
- #
- # The default options can be changed via method JSON.dump_default_options.
- #
- # - Argument +io+, if given, should respond to method +write+;
- # the \JSON \String is written to +io+, and +io+ is returned.
- # If +io+ is not given, the \JSON \String is returned.
- # - Argument +limit+, if given, is passed to JSON.generate as option +max_nesting+.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When argument +io+ is not given, returns the \JSON \String generated from +obj+:
- # obj = {foo: [0, 1], bar: {baz: 2, bat: 3}, bam: :bad}
- # json = JSON.dump(obj)
- # json # => "{\"foo\":[0,1],\"bar\":{\"baz\":2,\"bat\":3},\"bam\":\"bad\"}"
- #
- # When argument +io+ is given, writes the \JSON \String to +io+ and returns +io+:
- # path = 't.json'
- # File.open(path, 'w') do |file|
- # JSON.dump(obj, file)
- # end # => #
- # puts File.read(path)
- # Output:
- # {"foo":[0,1],"bar":{"baz":2,"bat":3},"bam":"bad"}
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#631
- def dump(obj, anIO = T.unsafe(nil), limit = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.fast_generate(obj, opts) -> new_string
- #
- # Arguments +obj+ and +opts+ here are the same as
- # arguments +obj+ and +opts+ in JSON.generate.
- #
- # By default, generates \JSON data without checking
- # for circular references in +obj+ (option +max_nesting+ set to +false+, disabled).
- #
- # Raises an exception if +obj+ contains circular references:
- # a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a)
- # # Raises SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
- # JSON.fast_generate(a)
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#335
- def fast_generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :stopdoc:
- # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and later delete them.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#335
- def fast_unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string
- #
- # Returns a \String containing the generated \JSON data.
- #
- # See also JSON.fast_generate, JSON.pretty_generate.
- #
- # Argument +obj+ is the Ruby object to be converted to \JSON.
- #
- # Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the generation.
- # See {Generating Options}[#module-JSON-label-Generating+Options].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When +obj+ is an \Array, returns a \String containing a \JSON array:
- # obj = ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
- # json = JSON.generate(obj)
- # json # => '["foo",1.0,true,false,null]'
- #
- # When +obj+ is a \Hash, returns a \String containing a \JSON object:
- # obj = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat}
- # json = JSON.generate(obj)
- # json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}'
- #
- # For examples of generating from other Ruby objects, see
- # {Generating \JSON from Other Objects}[#module-JSON-label-Generating+JSON+from+Other+Objects].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if any formatting option is not a \String.
- #
- # Raises an exception if +obj+ contains circular references:
- # a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a)
- # # Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 100 is too deep):
- # JSON.generate(a)
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#296
- def generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.load(source, proc = nil, options = {}) -> object
- #
- # Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given +source+.
- #
- # - Argument +source+ must be, or be convertible to, a \String:
- # - If +source+ responds to instance method +to_str+,
- # source.to_str becomes the source.
- # - If +source+ responds to instance method +to_io+,
- # source.to_io.read becomes the source.
- # - If +source+ responds to instance method +read+,
- # source.read becomes the source.
- # - If both of the following are true, source becomes the \String 'null' :
- # - Option +allow_blank+ specifies a truthy value.
- # - The source, as defined above, is +nil+ or the empty \String '' .
- # - Otherwise, +source+ remains the source.
- # - Argument +proc+, if given, must be a \Proc that accepts one argument.
- # It will be called recursively with each result (depth-first order).
- # See details below.
- # BEWARE: This method is meant to serialise data from trusted user input,
- # like from your own database server or clients under your control, it could
- # be dangerous to allow untrusted users to pass JSON sources into it.
- # - Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the parsing.
- # See {Parsing Options}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+Options].
- # The default options can be changed via method JSON.load_default_options=.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When no +proc+ is given, modifies +source+ as above and returns the result of
- # parse(source, opts) ; see #parse.
- #
- # Source for following examples:
- # source = <<-EOT
- # {
- # "name": "Dave",
- # "age" :40,
- # "hats": [
- # "Cattleman's",
- # "Panama",
- # "Tophat"
- # ]
- # }
- # EOT
- #
- # Load a \String:
- # ruby = JSON.load(source)
- # ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
- #
- # Load an \IO object:
- # require 'stringio'
- # object = JSON.load(StringIO.new(source))
- # object # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
- #
- # Load a \File object:
- # path = 't.json'
- # File.write(path, source)
- # File.open(path) do |file|
- # JSON.load(file)
- # end # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When +proc+ is given:
- # - Modifies +source+ as above.
- # - Gets the +result+ from calling parse(source, opts) .
- # - Recursively calls proc(result) .
- # - Returns the final result.
- #
- # Example:
- # require 'json'
- #
- # # Some classes for the example.
- # class Base
- # def initialize(attributes)
- # @attributes = attributes
- # end
- # end
- # class User < Base; end
- # class Account < Base; end
- # class Admin < Base; end
- # # The JSON source.
- # json = <<-EOF
- # {
- # "users": [
- # {"type": "User", "username": "jane", "email": "jane@example.com"},
- # {"type": "User", "username": "john", "email": "john@example.com"}
- # ],
- # "accounts": [
- # {"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": true, "account_id": "1234"}},
- # {"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": false, "account_id": "1235"}}
- # ],
- # "admins": {"type": "Admin", "password": "0wn3d"}
- # }
- # EOF
- # # Deserializer method.
- # def deserialize_obj(obj, safe_types = %w(User Account Admin))
- # type = obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj["type"]
- # safe_types.include?(type) ? Object.const_get(type).new(obj) : obj
- # end
- # # Call to JSON.load
- # ruby = JSON.load(json, proc {|obj|
- # case obj
- # when Hash
- # obj.each {|k, v| obj[k] = deserialize_obj v }
- # when Array
- # obj.map! {|v| deserialize_obj v }
- # end
- # })
- # pp ruby
- # Output:
- # {"users"=>
- # [#"User", "username"=>"jane", "email"=>"jane@example.com"}>,
- # #"User", "username"=>"john", "email"=>"john@example.com"}>],
- # "accounts"=>
- # [{"account"=>
- # #"Account", "paid"=>true, "account_id"=>"1234"}>},
- # {"account"=>
- # #"Account", "paid"=>false, "account_id"=>"1235"}>}],
- # "admins"=>
- # #"Admin", "password"=>"0wn3d"}>}
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#557
- def load(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.load_file(path, opts={}) -> object
- #
- # Calls:
- # parse(File.read(path), opts)
- #
- # See method #parse.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#245
- def load_file(filespec, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.load_file!(path, opts = {})
- #
- # Calls:
- # JSON.parse!(File.read(path, opts))
- #
- # See method #parse!
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#256
- def load_file!(filespec, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.parse(source, opts) -> object
- #
- # Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given +source+.
- #
- # Argument +source+ contains the \String to be parsed.
- #
- # Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the parsing.
- # See {Parsing Options}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+Options].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When +source+ is a \JSON array, returns a Ruby \Array:
- # source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]'
- # ruby = JSON.parse(source)
- # ruby # => ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
- # ruby.class # => Array
- #
- # When +source+ is a \JSON object, returns a Ruby \Hash:
- # source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}'
- # ruby = JSON.parse(source)
- # ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil}
- # ruby.class # => Hash
- #
- # For examples of parsing for all \JSON data types, see
- # {Parsing \JSON}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+JSON].
- #
- # Parses nested JSON objects:
- # source = <<-EOT
- # {
- # "name": "Dave",
- # "age" :40,
- # "hats": [
- # "Cattleman's",
- # "Panama",
- # "Tophat"
- # ]
- # }
- # EOT
- # ruby = JSON.parse(source)
- # ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if +source+ is not valid JSON:
- # # Raises JSON::ParserError (783: unexpected token at ''):
- # JSON.parse('')
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#215
- def parse(source, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.parse!(source, opts) -> object
- #
- # Calls
- # parse(source, opts)
- # with +source+ and possibly modified +opts+.
- #
- # Differences from JSON.parse:
- # - Option +max_nesting+, if not provided, defaults to +false+,
- # which disables checking for nesting depth.
- # - Option +allow_nan+, if not provided, defaults to +true+.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#230
- def parse!(source, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.pretty_generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string
- #
- # Arguments +obj+ and +opts+ here are the same as
- # arguments +obj+ and +opts+ in JSON.generate.
- #
- # Default options are:
- # {
- # indent: ' ', # Two spaces
- # space: ' ', # One space
- # array_nl: "\n", # Newline
- # object_nl: "\n" # Newline
- # }
- #
- # Example:
- # obj = {foo: [:bar, :baz], bat: {bam: 0, bad: 1}}
- # json = JSON.pretty_generate(obj)
- # puts json
- # Output:
- # {
- # "foo": [
- # "bar",
- # "baz"
- # ],
- # "bat": {
- # "bam": 0,
- # "bad": 1
- # }
- # }
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#390
- def pretty_generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :stopdoc:
- # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and later delete them.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#390
- def pretty_unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Recursively calls passed _Proc_ if the parsed data structure is an _Array_ or _Hash_
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#575
- def recurse_proc(result, &proc); end
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#557
- def restore(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :stopdoc:
- # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and
- # later delete them.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#296
- def unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON[object] -> new_array or new_string
- #
- # If +object+ is a \String,
- # calls JSON.parse with +object+ and +opts+ (see method #parse):
- # json = '[0, 1, null]'
- # JSON[json]# => [0, 1, nil]
- #
- # Otherwise, calls JSON.generate with +object+ and +opts+ (see method #generate):
- # ruby = [0, 1, nil]
- # JSON[ruby] # => '[0,1,null]'
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#18
- def [](object, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#81
- def create_fast_state; end
- # Returns the current create identifier.
- # See also JSON.create_id=.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#126
- def create_id; end
- # Sets create identifier, which is used to decide if the _json_create_
- # hook of a class should be called; initial value is +json_class+:
- # JSON.create_id # => 'json_class'
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#120
- def create_id=(new_value); end
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#91
- def create_pretty_state; end
- # Return the constant located at _path_. The format of _path_ has to be
- # either ::A::B::C or A::B::C. In any case, A has to be located at the top
- # level (absolute namespace path?). If there doesn't exist a constant at
- # the given path, an ArgumentError is raised.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#42
- def deep_const_get(path); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.dump(obj, io = nil, limit = nil)
- #
- # Dumps +obj+ as a \JSON string, i.e. calls generate on the object and returns the result.
- #
- # The default options can be changed via method JSON.dump_default_options.
- #
- # - Argument +io+, if given, should respond to method +write+;
- # the \JSON \String is written to +io+, and +io+ is returned.
- # If +io+ is not given, the \JSON \String is returned.
- # - Argument +limit+, if given, is passed to JSON.generate as option +max_nesting+.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When argument +io+ is not given, returns the \JSON \String generated from +obj+:
- # obj = {foo: [0, 1], bar: {baz: 2, bat: 3}, bam: :bad}
- # json = JSON.dump(obj)
- # json # => "{\"foo\":[0,1],\"bar\":{\"baz\":2,\"bat\":3},\"bam\":\"bad\"}"
- #
- # When argument +io+ is given, writes the \JSON \String to +io+ and returns +io+:
- # path = 't.json'
- # File.open(path, 'w') do |file|
- # JSON.dump(obj, file)
- # end # => #
- # puts File.read(path)
- # Output:
- # {"foo":[0,1],"bar":{"baz":2,"bat":3},"bam":"bad"}
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#631
- def dump(obj, anIO = T.unsafe(nil), limit = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets or returns the default options for the JSON.dump method.
- # Initially:
- # opts = JSON.dump_default_options
- # opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :escape_slash=>false}
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#596
- def dump_default_options; end
- # Sets or returns the default options for the JSON.dump method.
- # Initially:
- # opts = JSON.dump_default_options
- # opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :escape_slash=>false}
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#596
- def dump_default_options=(_arg0); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.fast_generate(obj, opts) -> new_string
- #
- # Arguments +obj+ and +opts+ here are the same as
- # arguments +obj+ and +opts+ in JSON.generate.
- #
- # By default, generates \JSON data without checking
- # for circular references in +obj+ (option +max_nesting+ set to +false+, disabled).
- #
- # Raises an exception if +obj+ contains circular references:
- # a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a)
- # # Raises SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
- # JSON.fast_generate(a)
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#335
- def fast_generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :stopdoc:
- # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and later delete them.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#335
- def fast_unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string
- #
- # Returns a \String containing the generated \JSON data.
- #
- # See also JSON.fast_generate, JSON.pretty_generate.
- #
- # Argument +obj+ is the Ruby object to be converted to \JSON.
- #
- # Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the generation.
- # See {Generating Options}[#module-JSON-label-Generating+Options].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When +obj+ is an \Array, returns a \String containing a \JSON array:
- # obj = ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
- # json = JSON.generate(obj)
- # json # => '["foo",1.0,true,false,null]'
- #
- # When +obj+ is a \Hash, returns a \String containing a \JSON object:
- # obj = {foo: 0, bar: 's', baz: :bat}
- # json = JSON.generate(obj)
- # json # => '{"foo":0,"bar":"s","baz":"bat"}'
- #
- # For examples of generating from other Ruby objects, see
- # {Generating \JSON from Other Objects}[#module-JSON-label-Generating+JSON+from+Other+Objects].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if any formatting option is not a \String.
- #
- # Raises an exception if +obj+ contains circular references:
- # a = []; b = []; a.push(b); b.push(a)
- # # Raises JSON::NestingError (nesting of 100 is too deep):
- # JSON.generate(a)
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#296
- def generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the JSON generator module that is used by JSON. This is
- # either JSON::Ext::Generator or JSON::Pure::Generator:
- # JSON.generator # => JSON::Ext::Generator
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#103
- def generator; end
- # Set the module _generator_ to be used by JSON.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#58
- def generator=(generator); end
- # Encodes string using String.encode.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#653
- def iconv(to, from, string); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.load(source, proc = nil, options = {}) -> object
- #
- # Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given +source+.
- #
- # - Argument +source+ must be, or be convertible to, a \String:
- # - If +source+ responds to instance method +to_str+,
- # source.to_str becomes the source.
- # - If +source+ responds to instance method +to_io+,
- # source.to_io.read becomes the source.
- # - If +source+ responds to instance method +read+,
- # source.read becomes the source.
- # - If both of the following are true, source becomes the \String 'null' :
- # - Option +allow_blank+ specifies a truthy value.
- # - The source, as defined above, is +nil+ or the empty \String '' .
- # - Otherwise, +source+ remains the source.
- # - Argument +proc+, if given, must be a \Proc that accepts one argument.
- # It will be called recursively with each result (depth-first order).
- # See details below.
- # BEWARE: This method is meant to serialise data from trusted user input,
- # like from your own database server or clients under your control, it could
- # be dangerous to allow untrusted users to pass JSON sources into it.
- # - Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the parsing.
- # See {Parsing Options}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+Options].
- # The default options can be changed via method JSON.load_default_options=.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When no +proc+ is given, modifies +source+ as above and returns the result of
- # parse(source, opts) ; see #parse.
- #
- # Source for following examples:
- # source = <<-EOT
- # {
- # "name": "Dave",
- # "age" :40,
- # "hats": [
- # "Cattleman's",
- # "Panama",
- # "Tophat"
- # ]
- # }
- # EOT
- #
- # Load a \String:
- # ruby = JSON.load(source)
- # ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
- #
- # Load an \IO object:
- # require 'stringio'
- # object = JSON.load(StringIO.new(source))
- # object # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
- #
- # Load a \File object:
- # path = 't.json'
- # File.write(path, source)
- # File.open(path) do |file|
- # JSON.load(file)
- # end # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When +proc+ is given:
- # - Modifies +source+ as above.
- # - Gets the +result+ from calling parse(source, opts) .
- # - Recursively calls proc(result) .
- # - Returns the final result.
- #
- # Example:
- # require 'json'
- #
- # # Some classes for the example.
- # class Base
- # def initialize(attributes)
- # @attributes = attributes
- # end
- # end
- # class User < Base; end
- # class Account < Base; end
- # class Admin < Base; end
- # # The JSON source.
- # json = <<-EOF
- # {
- # "users": [
- # {"type": "User", "username": "jane", "email": "jane@example.com"},
- # {"type": "User", "username": "john", "email": "john@example.com"}
- # ],
- # "accounts": [
- # {"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": true, "account_id": "1234"}},
- # {"account": {"type": "Account", "paid": false, "account_id": "1235"}}
- # ],
- # "admins": {"type": "Admin", "password": "0wn3d"}
- # }
- # EOF
- # # Deserializer method.
- # def deserialize_obj(obj, safe_types = %w(User Account Admin))
- # type = obj.is_a?(Hash) && obj["type"]
- # safe_types.include?(type) ? Object.const_get(type).new(obj) : obj
- # end
- # # Call to JSON.load
- # ruby = JSON.load(json, proc {|obj|
- # case obj
- # when Hash
- # obj.each {|k, v| obj[k] = deserialize_obj v }
- # when Array
- # obj.map! {|v| deserialize_obj v }
- # end
- # })
- # pp ruby
- # Output:
- # {"users"=>
- # [#"User", "username"=>"jane", "email"=>"jane@example.com"}>,
- # #"User", "username"=>"john", "email"=>"john@example.com"}>],
- # "accounts"=>
- # [{"account"=>
- # #"Account", "paid"=>true, "account_id"=>"1234"}>},
- # {"account"=>
- # #"Account", "paid"=>false, "account_id"=>"1235"}>}],
- # "admins"=>
- # #"Admin", "password"=>"0wn3d"}>}
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#557
- def load(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets or returns default options for the JSON.load method.
- # Initially:
- # opts = JSON.load_default_options
- # opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :allow_blank=>true, :create_additions=>true}
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#420
- def load_default_options; end
- # Sets or returns default options for the JSON.load method.
- # Initially:
- # opts = JSON.load_default_options
- # opts # => {:max_nesting=>false, :allow_nan=>true, :allow_blank=>true, :create_additions=>true}
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#420
- def load_default_options=(_arg0); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.load_file(path, opts={}) -> object
- #
- # Calls:
- # parse(File.read(path), opts)
- #
- # See method #parse.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#245
- def load_file(filespec, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.load_file!(path, opts = {})
- #
- # Calls:
- # JSON.parse!(File.read(path, opts))
- #
- # See method #parse!
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#256
- def load_file!(filespec, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.parse(source, opts) -> object
- #
- # Returns the Ruby objects created by parsing the given +source+.
- #
- # Argument +source+ contains the \String to be parsed.
- #
- # Argument +opts+, if given, contains a \Hash of options for the parsing.
- # See {Parsing Options}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+Options].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When +source+ is a \JSON array, returns a Ruby \Array:
- # source = '["foo", 1.0, true, false, null]'
- # ruby = JSON.parse(source)
- # ruby # => ["foo", 1.0, true, false, nil]
- # ruby.class # => Array
- #
- # When +source+ is a \JSON object, returns a Ruby \Hash:
- # source = '{"a": "foo", "b": 1.0, "c": true, "d": false, "e": null}'
- # ruby = JSON.parse(source)
- # ruby # => {"a"=>"foo", "b"=>1.0, "c"=>true, "d"=>false, "e"=>nil}
- # ruby.class # => Hash
- #
- # For examples of parsing for all \JSON data types, see
- # {Parsing \JSON}[#module-JSON-label-Parsing+JSON].
- #
- # Parses nested JSON objects:
- # source = <<-EOT
- # {
- # "name": "Dave",
- # "age" :40,
- # "hats": [
- # "Cattleman's",
- # "Panama",
- # "Tophat"
- # ]
- # }
- # EOT
- # ruby = JSON.parse(source)
- # ruby # => {"name"=>"Dave", "age"=>40, "hats"=>["Cattleman's", "Panama", "Tophat"]}
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if +source+ is not valid JSON:
- # # Raises JSON::ParserError (783: unexpected token at ''):
- # JSON.parse('')
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#215
- def parse(source, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.parse!(source, opts) -> object
- #
- # Calls
- # parse(source, opts)
- # with +source+ and possibly modified +opts+.
- #
- # Differences from JSON.parse:
- # - Option +max_nesting+, if not provided, defaults to +false+,
- # which disables checking for nesting depth.
- # - Option +allow_nan+, if not provided, defaults to +true+.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#230
- def parse!(source, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the JSON parser class that is used by JSON. This is either
- # JSON::Ext::Parser or JSON::Pure::Parser:
- # JSON.parser # => JSON::Ext::Parser
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#29
- def parser; end
- # Set the JSON parser class _parser_ to be used by JSON.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#32
- def parser=(parser); end
- # :call-seq:
- # JSON.pretty_generate(obj, opts = nil) -> new_string
- #
- # Arguments +obj+ and +opts+ here are the same as
- # arguments +obj+ and +opts+ in JSON.generate.
- #
- # Default options are:
- # {
- # indent: ' ', # Two spaces
- # space: ' ', # One space
- # array_nl: "\n", # Newline
- # object_nl: "\n" # Newline
- # }
- #
- # Example:
- # obj = {foo: [:bar, :baz], bat: {bam: 0, bad: 1}}
- # json = JSON.pretty_generate(obj)
- # puts json
- # Output:
- # {
- # "foo": [
- # "bar",
- # "baz"
- # ],
- # "bat": {
- # "bam": 0,
- # "bad": 1
- # }
- # }
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#390
- def pretty_generate(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :stopdoc:
- # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and later delete them.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#390
- def pretty_unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Recursively calls passed _Proc_ if the parsed data structure is an _Array_ or _Hash_
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#575
- def recurse_proc(result, &proc); end
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#557
- def restore(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets or Returns the JSON generator state class that is used by JSON. This is
- # either JSON::Ext::Generator::State or JSON::Pure::Generator::State:
- # JSON.state # => JSON::Ext::Generator::State
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#108
- def state; end
- # Sets or Returns the JSON generator state class that is used by JSON. This is
- # either JSON::Ext::Generator::State or JSON::Pure::Generator::State:
- # JSON.state # => JSON::Ext::Generator::State
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#108
- def state=(_arg0); end
- # :stopdoc:
- # I want to deprecate these later, so I'll first be silent about them, and
- # later delete them.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#296
- def unparse(obj, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://json//lib/json/common.rb#114
-JSON::CREATE_ID_TLS_KEY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://json//lib/json/common.rb#111
-JSON::DEFAULT_CREATE_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#5
-class JSON::GenericObject < ::OpenStruct
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#63
- def as_json(*_arg0); end
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#47
- def to_hash; end
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#67
- def to_json(*a); end
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#59
- def |(other); end
- class << self
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#41
- def dump(obj, *args); end
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#21
- def from_hash(object); end
- # Sets the attribute json_creatable
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute json_creatable to.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#13
- def json_creatable=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#9
- def json_creatable?; end
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#15
- def json_create(data); end
- # source://json//lib/json/generic_object.rb#36
- def load(source, proc = T.unsafe(nil), opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# The base exception for JSON errors.
-# source://json//lib/json/common.rb#137
-class JSON::JSONError < ::StandardError
- class << self
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#138
- def wrap(exception); end
- end
-# source://json//lib/json/common.rb#35
-JSON::Parser = JSON::Ext::Parser
-# source://json//lib/json/common.rb#73
-JSON::State = JSON::Ext::Generator::State
-# For backwards compatibility
-# source://json//lib/json/common.rb#159
-JSON::UnparserError = JSON::GeneratorError
-# source://json//lib/json/common.rb#658
-module Kernel
- private
- # If _object_ is string-like, parse the string and return the parsed result as
- # a Ruby data structure. Otherwise, generate a JSON text from the Ruby data
- # structure object and return it.
- #
- # The _opts_ argument is passed through to generate/parse respectively. See
- # generate and parse for their documentation.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#685
- def JSON(object, *args); end
- # Outputs _objs_ to STDOUT as JSON strings in the shortest form, that is in
- # one line.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#663
- def j(*objs); end
- # Outputs _objs_ to STDOUT as JSON strings in a pretty format, with
- # indentation and over many lines.
- #
- # source://json//lib/json/common.rb#672
- def jj(*objs); end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/method_source@1.0.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/method_source@1.0.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 039ac9d5..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/method_source@1.0.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `method_source` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem method_source`.
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#127
-class Method
- include ::MethodSource::SourceLocation::MethodExtensions
- include ::MethodSource::MethodExtensions
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/version.rb#1
-module MethodSource
- extend ::MethodSource::CodeHelpers
- class << self
- # Helper method responsible for opening source file and buffering up
- # the comments for a specified method. Defined here to avoid polluting
- # `Method` class.
- #
- # @param source_location [Array] The array returned by Method#source_location
- # @param method_name [String]
- # @raise [SourceNotFoundError]
- # @return [String] The comments up to the point of the method.
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#38
- def comment_helper(source_location, name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @deprecated — use MethodSource::CodeHelpers#expression_at
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#66
- def extract_code(source_location); end
- # Load a memoized copy of the lines in a file.
- #
- # @param file_name [String]
- # @param method_name [String]
- # @raise [SourceNotFoundError]
- # @return [Array] the contents of the file
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#51
- def lines_for(file_name, name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Helper method responsible for extracting method body.
- # Defined here to avoid polluting `Method` class.
- #
- # @param source_location [Array] The array returned by Method#source_location
- # @param method_name [String]
- # @return [String] The method body
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#23
- def source_helper(source_location, name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @deprecated — use MethodSource::CodeHelpers#complete_expression?
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#59
- def valid_expression?(str); end
- end
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#3
-module MethodSource::CodeHelpers
- # Retrieve the comment describing the expression on the given line of the given file.
- #
- # This is useful to get module or method documentation.
- #
- # @param file [Array, File, String] The file to parse, either as a File or as
- # a String or an Array of lines.
- # @param line_number [Integer] The line number at which to look.
- # NOTE: The first line in a file is line 1!
- # @return [String] The comment
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#52
- def comment_describing(file, line_number); end
- # Determine if a string of code is a complete Ruby expression.
- #
- # @example
- # complete_expression?("class Hello") #=> false
- # complete_expression?("class Hello; end") #=> true
- # complete_expression?("class 123") #=> SyntaxError: unexpected tINTEGER
- # @param code [String] The code to validate.
- # @raise [SyntaxError] Any SyntaxError that does not represent incompleteness.
- # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the code is a complete Ruby expression.
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#66
- def complete_expression?(str); end
- # Retrieve the first expression starting on the given line of the given file.
- #
- # This is useful to get module or method source code.
- #
- # line 1!
- #
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @param file [Array, File, String] The file to parse, either as a File or as
- # @param line_number [Integer] The line number at which to look.
- # NOTE: The first line in a file is
- # @param options [Hash] The optional configuration parameters.
- # @raise [SyntaxError] If the first complete expression can't be identified
- # @return [String] The first complete expression
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#20
- def expression_at(file, line_number, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # Get the first expression from the input.
- #
- # @param lines [Array]
- # @param consume [Integer] A number of lines to automatically
- # consume (add to the expression buffer) without checking for validity.
- # @raise [SyntaxError]
- # @return [String] a valid ruby expression
- # @yield a clean-up function to run before checking for complete_expression
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#92
- def extract_first_expression(lines, consume = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Get the last comment from the input.
- #
- # @param lines [Array]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#106
- def extract_last_comment(lines); end
-# An exception matcher that matches only subsets of SyntaxErrors that can be
-# fixed by adding more input to the buffer.
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#124
-module MethodSource::CodeHelpers::IncompleteExpression
- class << self
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#137
- def ===(ex); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#149
- def rbx?; end
- end
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#125
-MethodSource::CodeHelpers::IncompleteExpression::GENERIC_REGEXPS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/code_helpers.rb#133
-MethodSource::CodeHelpers::IncompleteExpression::RBX_ONLY_REGEXPS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# This module is to be included by `Method` and `UnboundMethod` and
-# provides the `#source` functionality
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#72
-module MethodSource::MethodExtensions
- # Return the comments associated with the method as a string.
- #
- # @example
- # Set.instance_method(:clear).comment.display
- # =>
- # # Removes all elements and returns self.
- # @raise SourceNotFoundException
- # @return [String] The method's comments as a string
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#121
- def comment; end
- # Return the sourcecode for the method as a string
- #
- # @example
- # Set.instance_method(:clear).source.display
- # =>
- # def clear
- # @hash.clear
- # self
- # end
- # @raise SourceNotFoundException
- # @return [String] The method sourcecode as a string
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#109
- def source; end
- class << self
- # We use the included hook to patch Method#source on rubinius.
- # We need to use the included hook as Rubinius defines a `source`
- # on Method so including a module will have no effect (as it's
- # higher up the MRO).
- #
- # @param klass [Class] The class that includes the module.
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#79
- def included(klass); end
- end
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#2
-module MethodSource::ReeSourceLocation
- # Ruby enterprise edition provides all the information that's
- # needed, in a slightly different way.
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#5
- def source_location; end
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#10
-module MethodSource::SourceLocation; end
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#11
-module MethodSource::SourceLocation::MethodExtensions
- # Return the source location of a method for Ruby 1.8.
- #
- # @return [Array] A two element array. First element is the
- # file, second element is the line in the file where the
- # method definition is found.
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#40
- def source_location; end
- private
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#26
- def trace_func(event, file, line, id, binding, classname); end
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#54
-module MethodSource::SourceLocation::ProcExtensions
- # Return the source location for a Proc (in implementations
- # without Proc#source_location)
- #
- # @return [Array] A two element array. First element is the
- # file, second element is the line in the file where the
- # proc definition is found.
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#74
- def source_location; end
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#81
-module MethodSource::SourceLocation::UnboundMethodExtensions
- # Return the source location of an instance method for Ruby 1.8.
- #
- # @return [Array] A two element array. First element is the
- # file, second element is the line in the file where the
- # method definition is found.
- #
- # source://method_source//lib/method_source/source_location.rb#101
- def source_location; end
-# An Exception to mark errors that were raised trying to find the source from
-# a given source_location.
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#16
-class MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError < ::StandardError; end
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source/version.rb#2
-MethodSource::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#137
-class Proc
- include ::MethodSource::SourceLocation::ProcExtensions
- include ::MethodSource::MethodExtensions
-# source://method_source//lib/method_source.rb#132
-class UnboundMethod
- include ::MethodSource::SourceLocation::UnboundMethodExtensions
- include ::MethodSource::MethodExtensions
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/netrc@0.11.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/netrc@0.11.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 062a5577..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/netrc@0.11.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `netrc` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem netrc`.
-# source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#3
-class Netrc
- # @return [Netrc] a new instance of Netrc
- #
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#166
- def initialize(path, data); end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#180
- def [](k); end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#188
- def []=(k, info); end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#200
- def delete(key); end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#211
- def each(&block); end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#196
- def length; end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#215
- def new_item(m, l, p); end
- # Returns the value of attribute new_item_prefix.
- #
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#178
- def new_item_prefix; end
- # Sets the attribute new_item_prefix
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute new_item_prefix to.
- #
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#178
- def new_item_prefix=(_arg0); end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#219
- def save; end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#233
- def unparse; end
- class << self
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#42
- def check_permissions(path); end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#33
- def config; end
- # @yield [self.config]
- #
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#37
- def configure; end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#10
- def default_path; end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#14
- def home_path; end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#85
- def lex(lines); end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#29
- def netrc_filename; end
- # Returns two values, a header and a list of items.
- # Each item is a tuple, containing some or all of:
- # - machine keyword (including trailing whitespace+comments)
- # - machine name
- # - login keyword (including surrounding whitespace+comments)
- # - login
- # - password keyword (including surrounding whitespace+comments)
- # - password
- # - trailing chars
- # This lets us change individual fields, then write out the file
- # with all its original formatting.
- #
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#129
- def parse(ts); end
- # Reads path and parses it as a .netrc file. If path doesn't
- # exist, returns an empty object. Decrypt paths ending in .gpg.
- #
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#51
- def read(path = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#112
- def skip?(s); end
- end
-# source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#8
-Netrc::CYGWIN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped)
-# source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#244
-class Netrc::Entry < ::Struct
- # Returns the value of attribute login
- #
- # @return [Object] the current value of login
- def login; end
- # Sets the attribute login
- #
- # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute login to.
- # @return [Object] the newly set value
- def login=(_); end
- # Returns the value of attribute password
- #
- # @return [Object] the current value of password
- def password; end
- # Sets the attribute password
- #
- # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute password to.
- # @return [Object] the newly set value
- def password=(_); end
- def to_ary; end
- class << self
- def [](*_arg0); end
- def inspect; end
- def keyword_init?; end
- def members; end
- def new(*_arg0); end
- end
-# source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#250
-class Netrc::Error < ::StandardError; end
-# source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#68
-class Netrc::TokenArray < ::Array
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#76
- def readto; end
- # source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#69
- def take; end
-# source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#4
-Netrc::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4871309/what-is-the-correct-way-to-detect-if-ruby-is-running-on-windows
-# source://netrc//lib/netrc.rb#7
-Netrc::WINDOWS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/parallel@1.22.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/parallel@1.22.1.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index a8633dfd..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/parallel@1.22.1.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `parallel` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem parallel`.
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel/version.rb#2
-module Parallel
- extend ::Parallel::ProcessorCount
- class << self
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#246
- def all?(*args, &block); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#241
- def any?(*args, &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#237
- def each(array, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#251
- def each_with_index(array, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#306
- def flat_map(*args, &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#231
- def in_processes(options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#215
- def in_threads(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#255
- def map(source, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#302
- def map_with_index(array, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#310
- def worker_number; end
- # TODO: this does not work when doing threads in forks, so should remove and yield the number instead if needed
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#315
- def worker_number=(worker_num); end
- private
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#321
- def add_progress_bar!(job_factory, options); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#584
- def call_with_index(item, index, options, &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#516
- def create_workers(job_factory, options, &block); end
- # options is either a Integer or a Hash with :count
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#574
- def extract_count_from_options(options); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#602
- def instrument_finish(item, index, result, options); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#607
- def instrument_start(item, index, options); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#550
- def process_incoming_jobs(read, write, job_factory, options, &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#504
- def replace_worker(job_factory, workers, index, options, blk); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#595
- def with_instrumentation(item, index, options); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#346
- def work_direct(job_factory, options, &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#456
- def work_in_processes(job_factory, options, &blk); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#390
- def work_in_ractors(job_factory, options); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#365
- def work_in_threads(job_factory, options, &block); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#524
- def worker(job_factory, options, &block); end
- end
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#14
-class Parallel::Break < ::StandardError
- # @return [Break] a new instance of Break
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#17
- def initialize(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute value.
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#15
- def value; end
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#11
-class Parallel::DeadWorker < ::StandardError; end
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#35
-class Parallel::ExceptionWrapper
- # @return [ExceptionWrapper] a new instance of ExceptionWrapper
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#38
- def initialize(exception); end
- # Returns the value of attribute exception.
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#36
- def exception; end
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#101
-class Parallel::JobFactory
- # @return [JobFactory] a new instance of JobFactory
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#102
- def initialize(source, mutex); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#110
- def next; end
- # generate item that is sent to workers
- # just index is faster + less likely to blow up with unserializable errors
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#139
- def pack(item, index); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#129
- def size; end
- # unpack item that is sent to workers
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#144
- def unpack(data); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#150
- def producer?; end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#154
- def queue_wrapper(array); end
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#23
-class Parallel::Kill < ::Parallel::Break; end
-# TODO: inline this method into parallel.rb and kill physical_processor_count in next major release
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel/processor_count.rb#4
-module Parallel::ProcessorCount
- # Number of physical processor cores on the current system.
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel/processor_count.rb#12
- def physical_processor_count; end
- # Number of processors seen by the OS, used for process scheduling
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel/processor_count.rb#6
- def processor_count; end
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#9
-Parallel::Stop = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#26
-class Parallel::UndumpableException < ::StandardError
- # @return [UndumpableException] a new instance of UndumpableException
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#29
- def initialize(original); end
- # Returns the value of attribute backtrace.
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#27
- def backtrace; end
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#159
-class Parallel::UserInterruptHandler
- class << self
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#184
- def kill(thing); end
- # kill all these pids or threads if user presses Ctrl+c
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#164
- def kill_on_ctrl_c(pids, options); end
- private
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#208
- def restore_interrupt(old, signal); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#193
- def trap_interrupt(signal); end
- end
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#160
-Parallel::UserInterruptHandler::INTERRUPT_SIGNAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel/version.rb#3
-Parallel::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel/version.rb#3
-Parallel::Version = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#54
-class Parallel::Worker
- # @return [Worker] a new instance of Worker
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#58
- def initialize(read, write, pid); end
- # might be passed to started_processes and simultaneously closed by another thread
- # when running in isolation mode, so we have to check if it is closed before closing
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#71
- def close_pipes; end
- # Returns the value of attribute pid.
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#55
- def pid; end
- # Returns the value of attribute read.
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#55
- def read; end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#64
- def stop; end
- # Returns the value of attribute thread.
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#56
- def thread; end
- # Sets the attribute thread
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute thread to.
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#56
- def thread=(_arg0); end
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#76
- def work(data); end
- # Returns the value of attribute write.
- #
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#55
- def write; end
- private
- # source://parallel//lib/parallel.rb#94
- def wait; end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/parser@ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/parser@
similarity index 68%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/parser@
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/parser@
index b49f29bf..c1008a81 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/parser@
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/parser@
@@ -7,14 +7,7 @@
# @api public
# source://parser//lib/parser.rb#19
-module Parser
- class << self
- private
- # source://parser//lib/parser/current.rb#5
- def warn_syntax_deviation(feature, version); end
- end
+module Parser; end
# @api public
@@ -663,7 +656,7 @@ end
# @api public
-# source://parser//lib/parser/base.rb#16
+# source://parser//lib/parser/base.rb#29
class Parser::Base < ::Racc::Parser
# @api public
# @param builder [Parser::Builders::Default] The AST builder to use.
@@ -876,7 +869,7 @@ class Parser::Builders::Default
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#243
def initialize; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#701
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#703
def __ENCODING__(__ENCODING__t); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#348
@@ -885,79 +878,79 @@ class Parser::Builders::Default
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#312
def __LINE__(__LINE__t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#627
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#622
def accessible(node); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#876
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#878
def alias(alias_t, to, from); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#915
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#917
def arg(name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1005
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1007
def arg_expr(expr); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#885
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#887
def args(begin_t, args, end_t, check_args = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#440
def array(begin_t, elements, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1588
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1590
def array_pattern(lbrack_t, elements, rbrack_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#765
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#767
def assign(lhs, eql_t, rhs); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#710
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#712
def assignable(node); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#540
def associate(begin_t, pairs, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1169
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1171
def attr_asgn(receiver, dot_t, selector_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#617
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#612
def back_ref(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1433
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1435
def begin(begin_t, body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1375
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1377
def begin_body(compound_stmt, rescue_bodies = T.unsafe(nil), else_t = T.unsafe(nil), else_ = T.unsafe(nil), ensure_t = T.unsafe(nil), ensure_ = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1451
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1453
def begin_keyword(begin_t, body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1203
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1205
def binary_op(receiver, operator_t, arg); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1120
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1122
def block(method_call, begin_t, args, body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1155
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1157
def block_pass(amper_t, arg); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#980
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#982
def blockarg(amper_t, name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1025
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1027
def blockarg_expr(amper_t, expr); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1111
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1113
def call_lambda(lambda_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1094
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1096
def call_method(receiver, dot_t, selector_t, lparen_t = T.unsafe(nil), args = T.unsafe(nil), rparen_t = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1066
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1068
def call_type_for_dot(dot_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1308
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1310
def case(case_t, expr, when_bodies, else_t, else_body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1471
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1473
def case_match(case_t, expr, in_bodies, else_t, else_body, end_t); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#343
@@ -966,55 +959,55 @@ class Parser::Builders::Default
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#284
def complex(complex_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1421
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1423
def compstmt(statements); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1284
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1286
def condition(cond_t, cond, then_t, if_true, else_t, if_false, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1290
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1292
def condition_mod(if_true, if_false, cond_t, cond); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#684
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#686
def const(name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#696
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#698
def const_fetch(scope, t_colon2, name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#689
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#691
def const_global(t_colon3, name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#761
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#763
def const_op_assignable(node); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1618
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1620
def const_pattern(const, ldelim_t, pattern, rdelim_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#612
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#607
def cvar(token); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#388
def dedent_string(node, dedent_level); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#812
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#814
def def_class(class_t, name, lt_t, superclass, body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#843
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#845
def def_endless_method(def_t, name_t, args, assignment_t, body); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#861
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#863
def def_endless_singleton(def_t, definee, dot_t, name_t, args, assignment_t, body); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#835
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#837
def def_method(def_t, name_t, args, body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#825
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#827
def def_module(module_t, name, body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#819
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#821
def def_sclass(class_t, lshft_t, expr, body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#851
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#853
def def_singleton(def_t, definee, dot_t, name_t, args, body, end_t); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#237
@@ -1026,157 +1019,157 @@ class Parser::Builders::Default
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#265
def false(false_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1609
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1611
def find_pattern(lbrack_t, elements, rbrack_t); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#276
def float(float_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1329
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1331
def for(for_t, iterator, in_t, iteratee, do_t, body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#911
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#913
def forward_arg(dots_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#901
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#903
def forward_only_args(begin_t, dots_t, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1082
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1084
def forwarded_args(dots_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1090
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1092
def forwarded_kwrestarg(dstar_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1086
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1088
def forwarded_restarg(star_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#607
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#596
def gvar(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1582
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1584
def hash_pattern(lbrace_t, kwargs, rbrace_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#597
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#586
def ident(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1498
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1500
def if_guard(if_t, if_body); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1477
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1479
def in_match(lhs, in_t, rhs); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1492
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1494
def in_pattern(in_t, pattern, guard, then_t, body); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1178
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1180
def index(receiver, lbrack_t, indexes, rbrack_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1192
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1194
def index_asgn(receiver, lbrack_t, indexes, rbrack_t); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#272
def integer(integer_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#602
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#591
def ivar(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1337
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1339
def keyword_cmd(type, keyword_t, lparen_t = T.unsafe(nil), args = T.unsafe(nil), rparen_t = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#942
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#944
def kwarg(name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#968
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#970
def kwnilarg(dstar_t, nil_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#949
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#951
def kwoptarg(name_t, value); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#956
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#958
def kwrestarg(dstar_t, name_t = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#535
def kwsplat(dstar_t, arg); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1277
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1279
def logical_op(type, lhs, op_t, rhs); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1315
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1317
def loop(type, keyword_t, cond, do_t, body, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1320
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1322
def loop_mod(type, body, keyword_t, cond); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1632
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1634
def match_alt(left, pipe_t, right); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1639
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1641
def match_as(value, assoc_t, as); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1518
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1520
def match_hash_var(name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1532
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1534
def match_hash_var_from_str(begin_t, strings, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1670
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1672
def match_label(label_type, label); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1646
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1648
def match_nil_pattern(dstar_t, nil_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1225
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1227
def match_op(receiver, match_t, arg); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1651
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1653
def match_pair(label_type, label, value); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1482
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1484
def match_pattern(lhs, match_t, rhs); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1487
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1489
def match_pattern_p(lhs, match_t, rhs); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1571
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1573
def match_rest(star_t, name_t = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1506
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1508
def match_var(name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1614
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1616
def match_with_trailing_comma(match, comma_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#803
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#805
def multi_assign(lhs, eql_t, rhs); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#798
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#800
def multi_lhs(begin_t, items, end_t); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#255
def nil(nil_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1253
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1255
def not_op(not_t, begin_t = T.unsafe(nil), receiver = T.unsafe(nil), end_t = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#622
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#617
def nth_ref(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#897
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#899
def numargs(max_numparam); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1036
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1038
def objc_kwarg(kwname_t, assoc_t, name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1050
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1052
def objc_restarg(star_t, name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1160
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1162
def objc_varargs(pair, rest_of_varargs); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#772
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#774
def op_assign(lhs, op_t, rhs); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#922
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#924
def optarg(name_t, eql_t, value); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#488
@@ -1200,22 +1193,22 @@ class Parser::Builders::Default
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#225
def parser=(_arg0); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1627
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1629
def pin(pin_t, var); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1360
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1362
def postexe(postexe_t, lbrace_t, compstmt, rbrace_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1355
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1357
def preexe(preexe_t, lbrace_t, compstmt, rbrace_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#990
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#992
def procarg0(arg); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#583
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#572
def range_exclusive(lhs, dot3_t, rhs); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#578
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#567
def range_inclusive(lhs, dot2_t, rhs); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#280
@@ -1227,19 +1220,19 @@ class Parser::Builders::Default
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#417
def regexp_options(regopt_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1367
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1369
def rescue_body(rescue_t, exc_list, assoc_t, exc_var, then_t, compound_stmt); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#931
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#933
def restarg(star_t, name_t = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1014
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1016
def restarg_expr(star_t, expr = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#592
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#581
def self(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#973
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#975
def shadowarg(name_t); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#445
@@ -1266,7 +1259,7 @@ class Parser::Builders::Default
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#469
def symbols_compose(begin_t, parts, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1295
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1297
def ternary(cond, question_t, if_true, colon_t, if_false); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#260
@@ -1275,16 +1268,16 @@ class Parser::Builders::Default
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#294
def unary_num(unary_t, numeric); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1241
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1243
def unary_op(op_t, receiver); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#871
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#873
def undef_method(undef_t, names); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1502
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1504
def unless_guard(unless_t, unless_body); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1302
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1304
def when(when_t, patterns, then_t, body); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#455
@@ -1298,184 +1291,184 @@ class Parser::Builders::Default
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1809
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1821
def arg_name_collides?(this_name, that_name); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2005
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2017
def arg_prefix_map(op_t, name_t = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1979
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1991
def binary_op_map(left_e, op_t, right_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2107
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2119
def block_map(receiver_l, begin_t, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1784
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1796
def check_assignment_to_numparam(name, loc); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1686
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1688
def check_condition(cond); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1755
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1767
def check_duplicate_arg(this_arg, map = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1730
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1742
def check_duplicate_args(args, map = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1842
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1854
def check_duplicate_pattern_key(name, loc); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1832
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1844
def check_duplicate_pattern_variable(name, loc); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1824
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1836
def check_lvar_name(name, loc); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1799
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1811
def check_reserved_for_numparam(name, loc); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2264
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2280
def collapse_string_parts?(parts); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1930
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1942
def collection_map(begin_t, parts, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2134
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2146
def condition_map(keyword_t, cond_e, begin_t, body_e, else_t, else_e, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1965
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1977
def constant_map(scope, colon2_t, name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2038
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2050
def definition_map(keyword_t, operator_t, name_t, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1871
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1883
def delimited_string_map(string_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2286
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2302
def diagnostic(type, reason, arguments, location, highlights = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2178
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2190
def eh_keyword_map(compstmt_e, keyword_t, body_es, else_t, else_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2044
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2056
def endless_definition_map(keyword_t, operator_t, name_t, assignment_t, body_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1926
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1938
def expr_map(loc); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2159
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2171
def for_map(keyword_t, in_t, begin_t, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2206
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2218
def guard_map(keyword_t, guard_body_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2096
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2108
def index_map(receiver_e, lbrack_t, rbrack_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1862
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1874
def join_exprs(left_expr, right_expr); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2112
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2124
def keyword_map(keyword_t, begin_t, args, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2129
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2141
def keyword_mod_map(pre_e, keyword_t, post_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2015
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2027
def kwarg_map(name_t, value_e = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2317
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2333
def kwargs?(node); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2281
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2297
def loc(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2028
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2040
def module_definition_map(keyword_t, name_e, operator_t, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1854
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1866
def n(type, children, source_map); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1858
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1870
def n0(type, source_map); end
# source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#288
def numeric(kind, token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1896
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1908
def pair_keyword_map(key_t, value_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1911
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1923
def pair_quoted_map(begin_t, end_t, value_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1882
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1894
def prefix_string_map(symbol); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1993
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2005
def range_map(start_e, op_t, end_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1960
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1972
def regexp_map(begin_t, end_t, options_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2165
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2177
def rescue_body_map(keyword_t, exc_list_e, assoc_t, exc_var_e, then_t, compstmt_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2307
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2323
def rewrite_hash_args_to_kwargs(args); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2078
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2090
def send_binary_op_map(lhs_e, selector_t, rhs_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2101
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2113
def send_index_map(receiver_e, lbrack_t, rbrack_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2052
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2064
def send_map(receiver_e, dot_t, selector_t, begin_t = T.unsafe(nil), args = T.unsafe(nil), end_t = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2084
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2096
def send_unary_op_map(selector_t, arg_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2237
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2249
def static_regexp(parts, options); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2257
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2269
def static_regexp_node(node); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2220
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2232
def static_string(nodes); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1946
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1958
def string_map(begin_t, parts, end_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2273
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2289
def string_value(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2154
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2166
def ternary_map(begin_e, question_t, mid_e, colon_t, end_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1867
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1879
def token_map(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1983
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1995
def unary_op_map(op_t, arg_e = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1891
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1903
def unquoted_map(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2295
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2311
def validate_definee(definee); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1769
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1781
def validate_no_forward_arg_after_restarg(args); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2269
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2285
def value(token); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2072
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#2084
def var_send_map(variable_e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1975
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/builders/default.rb#1987
def variable_map(name_t); end
class << self
@@ -1671,9 +1664,6 @@ class Parser::CurrentArgStack
def top; end
-# source://parser//lib/parser/current.rb#111
-Parser::CurrentRuby = Parser::Ruby32
# @api private
# source://parser//lib/parser/deprecation.rb#7
@@ -2090,69 +2080,69 @@ class Parser::Lexer
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14631
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14692
def arg_or_cmdarg(cmd_state); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14693
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14754
def check_ambiguous_slash(tm); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14655
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14716
def diagnostic(type, reason, arguments = T.unsafe(nil), location = T.unsafe(nil), highlights = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14661
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14722
def e_lbrace; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14605
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14666
def emit(type, value = T.unsafe(nil), s = T.unsafe(nil), e = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14714
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14775
def emit_class_var(ts = T.unsafe(nil), te = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14742
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14803
def emit_colon_with_digits(p, tm, diag_msg); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14639
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14700
def emit_comment(s = T.unsafe(nil), e = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14651
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14712
def emit_comment_from_range(p, pe); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14621
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14682
def emit_do(do_block = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14704
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14765
def emit_global_var(ts = T.unsafe(nil), te = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14722
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14783
def emit_instance_var(ts = T.unsafe(nil), te = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14730
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14791
def emit_rbrace_rparen_rbrack; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14752
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14813
def emit_singleton_class; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14615
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14676
def emit_table(table, s = T.unsafe(nil), e = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14670
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14731
def numeric_literal_int; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14689
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14750
def on_newline(p); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14601
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14662
def range(s = T.unsafe(nil), e = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14592
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14653
def stack_pop; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14597
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14658
def tok(s = T.unsafe(nil), e = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14588
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14649
def version?(*versions); end
class << self
@@ -2499,13 +2489,13 @@ end
# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/dedenter.rb#7
Parser::Lexer::Dedenter::TAB_WIDTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14799
+# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14860
Parser::Lexer::ESCAPE_WHITESPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14785
+# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14846
Parser::Lexer::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14792
+# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14853
Parser::Lexer::KEYWORDS_BEGIN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#8362
@@ -2513,108 +2503,114 @@ Parser::Lexer::LEX_STATES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#6
class Parser::Lexer::Literal
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#40
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#42
def initialize(lexer, str_type, delimiter, str_s, heredoc_e = T.unsafe(nil), indent = T.unsafe(nil), dedent_body = T.unsafe(nil), label_allowed = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#114
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#116
def backslash_delimited?; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#37
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#39
def dedent_level; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#189
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#191
def end_interp_brace_and_try_closing; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#216
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#218
def extend_content; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#220
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#222
def extend_space(ts, te); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#195
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#197
def extend_string(string, ts, te); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#202
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#204
def flush_string; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#102
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#104
def heredoc?; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#37
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#39
def heredoc_e; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#166
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#168
def infer_indent_level(line); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#89
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#91
def interpolate?; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#122
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#124
def munge_escape?(character); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#132
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#134
def nest_and_try_closing(delimiter, ts, te, lookahead = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#106
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#108
def plain_heredoc?; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#98
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#100
def regexp?; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#38
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#40
def saved_herebody_s; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#38
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#40
def saved_herebody_s=(_arg0); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#110
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#112
def squiggly_heredoc?; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#185
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#187
def start_interp_brace; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#37
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#39
def str_s; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#230
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#232
def supports_line_continuation_via_slash?; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#118
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#120
def type; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#93
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#95
def words?; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#248
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#263
def clear_buffer; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#244
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#259
def coerce_encoding(string); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#236
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#238
def delimiter?(delimiter); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#264
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#279
def emit(token, type, s, e); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#259
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#274
def emit_start_tok; end
# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#7
Parser::Lexer::Literal::DELIMITERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
+# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#8
+Parser::Lexer::Literal::SPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#9
+Parser::Lexer::Literal::TAB = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
+# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/literal.rb#11
Parser::Lexer::Literal::TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Mapping of strings to parser tokens.
-# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14759
+# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14820
Parser::Lexer::PUNCTUATION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14779
+# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer-F1.rb#14840
Parser::Lexer::PUNCTUATION_BEGIN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://parser//lib/parser/lexer/stack_state.rb#5
@@ -3200,7 +3196,7 @@ Parser::MaxNumparamStack::ORDINARY_PARAMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# @api private
-# source://parser//lib/parser/messages.rb#107
+# source://parser//lib/parser/messages.rb#112
module Parser::Messages
class << self
# Formats the message, returns a raw template if there's nothing to interpolate
@@ -3210,7 +3206,7 @@ module Parser::Messages
# @api private
- # source://parser//lib/parser/messages.rb#114
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/messages.rb#119
def compile(reason, arguments); end
@@ -3234,7 +3230,7 @@ Parser::Meta::NODE_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# @api public
# @deprecated Use {Parser::TreeRewriter}
-# source://parser//lib/parser/rewriter.rb#14
+# source://parser//lib/parser/rewriter.rb#22
class Parser::Rewriter < ::Parser::AST::Processor
extend ::Parser::Deprecation
@@ -3315,2027 +3311,235 @@ end
# source://parser//lib/parser/rewriter.rb#91
Parser::Rewriter::DEPRECATION_WARNING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#14
-class Parser::Ruby32 < ::Parser::Base
- # reduce 0 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8419
- def _reduce_1(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8473
- def _reduce_10(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9108
- def _reduce_100(val, _values, result); end
+# @api public
+# source://parser//lib/parser.rb#30
+module Parser::Source; end
- # reduce 101 omitted
+# A buffer with source code. {Buffer} contains the source code itself,
+# associated location information (name and first line), and takes care
+# of encoding.
+# A source buffer is immutable once populated.
+# @api public
+# source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#25
+class Parser::Source::Buffer
+ # @api public
+ # @return [Buffer] a new instance of Buffer
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9117
- def _reduce_102(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9123
- def _reduce_103(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9129
- def _reduce_104(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9135
- def _reduce_105(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9141
- def _reduce_106(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9147
- def _reduce_107(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9153
- def _reduce_108(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9159
- def _reduce_109(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8479
- def _reduce_11(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9165
- def _reduce_110(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9175
- def _reduce_111(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9181
- def _reduce_112(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9191
- def _reduce_113(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9198
- def _reduce_114(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9205
- def _reduce_115(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9211
- def _reduce_116(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9217
- def _reduce_117(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9223
- def _reduce_118(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9229
- def _reduce_119(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8496
- def _reduce_12(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9235
- def _reduce_120(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9241
- def _reduce_121(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9247
- def _reduce_122(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9254
- def _reduce_123(val, _values, result); end
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#105
+ def initialize(name, first_line = T.unsafe(nil), source: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9261
- def _reduce_124(val, _values, result); end
+ # Convert a character index into the source to a column number.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param position [Integer]
+ # @return [Integer] column
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#242
+ def column_for_position(position); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9267
- def _reduce_125(val, _values, result); end
+ # Convert a character index into the source to a `[line, column]` tuple.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @param position [Integer]
+ # @return [[Integer, Integer]] `[line, column]`
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#217
+ def decompose_position(position); end
- # reduce 126 omitted
+ # First line of the buffer, 1 by default.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @return [Integer] first line
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9275
- def _reduce_127(val, _values, result); end
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#26
+ def first_line; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9281
- def _reduce_128(val, _values, result); end
+ # @api public
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#312
+ def freeze; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9287
- def _reduce_129(val, _values, result); end
+ # @api public
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#318
+ def inspect; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8502
- def _reduce_13(val, _values, result); end
+ # Number of last line in the buffer
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @return [Integer]
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#307
+ def last_line; end
- # reduce 134 omitted
+ # Convert a character index into the source to a line number.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param position [Integer]
+ # @return [Integer] line
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9303
- def _reduce_135(val, _values, result); end
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#231
+ def line_for_position(position); end
- # reduce 136 omitted
+ # Extract line `lineno` as a new `Range`, taking `first_line` into account.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @param lineno [Integer]
+ # @raise [IndexError] if `lineno` is out of bounds
+ # @return [Range]
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9311
- def _reduce_137(val, _values, result); end
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#284
+ def line_range(lineno); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9317
- def _reduce_138(val, _values, result); end
+ # Buffer name. If the buffer was created from a file, the name corresponds
+ # to relative path to the file.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @return [String] buffer name
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#26
+ def name; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9323
- def _reduce_139(val, _values, result); end
+ # Populate this buffer from a string without encoding autodetection.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @param input [String]
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if already populated
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#180
+ def raw_source=(input); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8508
- def _reduce_14(val, _values, result); end
+ # Populate this buffer from correspondingly named file.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @example
+ # Parser::Source::Buffer.new('foo/bar.rb').read
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if already populated
+ # @return [Buffer] self
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#131
+ def read; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8514
- def _reduce_15(val, _values, result); end
+ # @api public
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#194
+ def slice(start, length = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8520
- def _reduce_16(val, _values, result); end
+ # Source code contained in this buffer.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @raise [RuntimeError] if buffer is not populated yet
+ # @return [String] source code
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#145
+ def source; end
- # reduce 17 omitted
+ # Populate this buffer from a string with encoding autodetection.
+ # `input` is mutated if not frozen.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @param input [String]
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if already populated
+ # @raise [EncodingError] if `input` includes invalid byte sequence for the encoding
+ # @return [String]
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8528
- def _reduce_18(val, _values, result); end
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#162
+ def source=(input); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8534
- def _reduce_19(val, _values, result); end
+ # Extract line `lineno` from source, taking `first_line` into account.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @param lineno [Integer]
+ # @raise [IndexError] if `lineno` is out of bounds
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#273
+ def source_line(lineno); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8426
- def _reduce_2(val, _values, result); end
+ # Return an `Array` of source code lines.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @return [Array]
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#252
+ def source_lines; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8540
- def _reduce_20(val, _values, result); end
+ # @api public
+ # @return [Range] A range covering the whole source
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#298
+ def source_range; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8546
- def _reduce_21(val, _values, result); end
+ private
- # reduce 210 omitted
+ # @api public
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9471
- def _reduce_211(val, _values, result); end
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#348
+ def bsearch(line_begins, position); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9477
- def _reduce_212(val, _values, result); end
+ # @api public
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#325
+ def line_begins; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9483
- def _reduce_213(val, _values, result); end
+ # @api public
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#339
+ def line_index_for_position(position); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9492
- def _reduce_214(val, _values, result); end
+ class << self
+ # Try to recognize encoding of `string` as Ruby would, i.e. by looking for
+ # magic encoding comment or UTF-8 BOM. `string` can be in any encoding.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @param string [String]
+ # @return [String, nil] encoding name, if recognized
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#51
+ def recognize_encoding(string); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9501
- def _reduce_215(val, _values, result); end
+ # Recognize encoding of `input` and process it so it could be lexed.
+ #
+ # * If `input` does not contain BOM or magic encoding comment, it is
+ # kept in the original encoding.
+ # * If the detected encoding is binary, `input` is kept in binary.
+ # * Otherwise, `input` is re-encoded into UTF-8 and returned as a
+ # new string.
+ #
+ # This method mutates the encoding of `input`, but not its content.
+ #
+ # @api public
+ # @param input [String]
+ # @raise [EncodingError]
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#90
+ def reencode_string(input); end
+ end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9510
- def _reduce_216(val, _values, result); end
+# @api private
+# source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#31
+Parser::Source::Buffer::ENCODING_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9519
- def _reduce_217(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9527
- def _reduce_218(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9535
- def _reduce_219(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8554
- def _reduce_22(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9541
- def _reduce_220(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9547
- def _reduce_221(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9553
- def _reduce_222(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9559
- def _reduce_223(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9565
- def _reduce_224(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9571
- def _reduce_225(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9577
- def _reduce_226(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9583
- def _reduce_227(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9589
- def _reduce_228(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9595
- def _reduce_229(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8562
- def _reduce_23(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9601
- def _reduce_230(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9607
- def _reduce_231(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9613
- def _reduce_232(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9621
- def _reduce_233(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9627
- def _reduce_234(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9633
- def _reduce_235(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9639
- def _reduce_236(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9645
- def _reduce_237(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9651
- def _reduce_238(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8568
- def _reduce_24(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 239 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9659
- def _reduce_240(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9665
- def _reduce_241(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9671
- def _reduce_242(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9677
- def _reduce_243(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9683
- def _reduce_244(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9689
- def _reduce_245(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9695
- def _reduce_246(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9701
- def _reduce_247(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9707
- def _reduce_248(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9713
- def _reduce_249(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8574
- def _reduce_25(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9719
- def _reduce_250(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9725
- def _reduce_251(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9731
- def _reduce_252(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9738
- def _reduce_253(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9745
- def _reduce_254(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9759
- def _reduce_255(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9779
- def _reduce_256(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9793
- def _reduce_257(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8581
- def _reduce_26(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 262 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9823
- def _reduce_263(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9829
- def _reduce_264(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 267 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9841
- def _reduce_268(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9847
- def _reduce_269(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8588
- def _reduce_27(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 270 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9855
- def _reduce_271(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9865
- def _reduce_272(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9871
- def _reduce_273(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9881
- def _reduce_274(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9891
- def _reduce_275(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 276 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9899
- def _reduce_277(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8594
- def _reduce_28(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 279 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9909
- def _reduce_280(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9915
- def _reduce_281(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9921
- def _reduce_282(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9927
- def _reduce_283(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9933
- def _reduce_284(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9940
- def _reduce_285(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9948
- def _reduce_286(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9954
- def _reduce_287(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9981
- def _reduce_288(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10002
- def _reduce_289(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8600
- def _reduce_29(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10008
- def _reduce_290(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10018
- def _reduce_291(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10024
- def _reduce_292(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10030
- def _reduce_293(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10036
- def _reduce_294(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10042
- def _reduce_295(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10052
- def _reduce_296(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10058
- def _reduce_297(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10064
- def _reduce_298(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10074
- def _reduce_299(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8435
- def _reduce_3(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8610
- def _reduce_30(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 300 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10082
- def _reduce_301(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10088
- def _reduce_302(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10094
- def _reduce_303(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 313 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10120
- def _reduce_314(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10126
- def _reduce_315(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10132
- def _reduce_316(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10140
- def _reduce_317(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10146
- def _reduce_318(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10152
- def _reduce_319(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 31 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8618
- def _reduce_32(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10158
- def _reduce_320(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10164
- def _reduce_321(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10170
- def _reduce_322(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10176
- def _reduce_323(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10182
- def _reduce_324(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10188
- def _reduce_325(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10194
- def _reduce_326(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10200
- def _reduce_327(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10206
- def _reduce_328(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10212
- def _reduce_329(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8624
- def _reduce_33(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10218
- def _reduce_330(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10224
- def _reduce_331(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10232
- def _reduce_332(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10238
- def _reduce_333(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10244
- def _reduce_334(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 335 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10256
- def _reduce_336(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 337 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10266
- def _reduce_338(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10275
- def _reduce_339(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8631
- def _reduce_34(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10284
- def _reduce_340(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10290
- def _reduce_341(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10296
- def _reduce_342(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10306
- def _reduce_343(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10316
- def _reduce_344(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10326
- def _reduce_345(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10332
- def _reduce_346(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10339
- def _reduce_347(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10355
- def _reduce_348(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10363
- def _reduce_349(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8642
- def _reduce_35(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10375
- def _reduce_350(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10382
- def _reduce_351(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10396
- def _reduce_352(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10408
- def _reduce_353(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10420
- def _reduce_354(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10426
- def _reduce_355(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10432
- def _reduce_356(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10438
- def _reduce_357(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 358 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10446
- def _reduce_359(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10452
- def _reduce_360(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10458
- def _reduce_361(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10465
- def _reduce_362(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 364 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10477
- def _reduce_365(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 368 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10489
- def _reduce_369(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 36 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8650
- def _reduce_37(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 370 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10502
- def _reduce_371(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 373 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10512
- def _reduce_374(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10518
- def _reduce_375(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10524
- def _reduce_376(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10530
- def _reduce_377(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 378 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10538
- def _reduce_379(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8656
- def _reduce_38(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10545
- def _reduce_380(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10553
- def _reduce_381(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10559
- def _reduce_382(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10565
- def _reduce_383(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10571
- def _reduce_384(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 386 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10581
- def _reduce_387(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10587
- def _reduce_388(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10593
- def _reduce_389(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8662
- def _reduce_39(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10599
- def _reduce_390(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10605
- def _reduce_391(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10611
- def _reduce_392(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10617
- def _reduce_393(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10623
- def _reduce_394(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 395 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10631
- def _reduce_396(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10640
- def _reduce_397(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10650
- def _reduce_398(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10658
- def _reduce_399(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8441
- def _reduce_4(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8671
- def _reduce_40(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10667
- def _reduce_400(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 401 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10677
- def _reduce_402(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10686
- def _reduce_403(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10696
- def _reduce_404(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10704
- def _reduce_405(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10713
- def _reduce_406(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10720
- def _reduce_407(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10728
- def _reduce_408(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10735
- def _reduce_409(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8680
- def _reduce_41(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 410 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10745
- def _reduce_411(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10751
- def _reduce_412(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10757
- def _reduce_413(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10766
- def _reduce_414(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10775
- def _reduce_415(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10781
- def _reduce_416(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10787
- def _reduce_417(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10793
- def _reduce_418(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10799
- def _reduce_419(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8689
- def _reduce_42(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 420 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10808
- def _reduce_421(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10817
- def _reduce_422(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10823
- def _reduce_423(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10839
- def _reduce_424(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10847
- def _reduce_425(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10857
- def _reduce_426(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10864
- def _reduce_427(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10871
- def _reduce_428(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10878
- def _reduce_429(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8697
- def _reduce_43(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10885
- def _reduce_430(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10892
- def _reduce_431(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10899
- def _reduce_432(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10907
- def _reduce_433(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10915
- def _reduce_434(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10927
- def _reduce_435(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10938
- def _reduce_436(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10946
- def _reduce_437(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10954
- def _reduce_438(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10962
- def _reduce_439(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8706
- def _reduce_44(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10968
- def _reduce_440(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10976
- def _reduce_441(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10984
- def _reduce_442(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10992
- def _reduce_443(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#10998
- def _reduce_444(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11004
- def _reduce_445(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11011
- def _reduce_446(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11018
- def _reduce_447(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11025
- def _reduce_448(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11032
- def _reduce_449(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8720
- def _reduce_45(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11039
- def _reduce_450(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11049
- def _reduce_451(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11056
- def _reduce_452(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11062
- def _reduce_453(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11073
- def _reduce_454(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11080
- def _reduce_455(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 456 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11088
- def _reduce_457(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11100
- def _reduce_458(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11108
- def _reduce_459(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8740
- def _reduce_46(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11115
- def _reduce_460(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 461 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11123
- def _reduce_462(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11129
- def _reduce_463(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11135
- def _reduce_464(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 465 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11143
- def _reduce_466(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11153
- def _reduce_467(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11159
- def _reduce_468(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11165
- def _reduce_469(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8754
- def _reduce_47(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11171
- def _reduce_470(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 471 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11179
- def _reduce_472(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 473 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11187
- def _reduce_474(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 475 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11195
- def _reduce_476(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11202
- def _reduce_477(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8774
- def _reduce_48(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 479 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11213
- def _reduce_480(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11221
- def _reduce_481(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11229
- def _reduce_482(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11237
- def _reduce_483(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11244
- def _reduce_484(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11252
- def _reduce_485(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11260
- def _reduce_486(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11268
- def _reduce_487(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11275
- def _reduce_488(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11281
- def _reduce_489(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11287
- def _reduce_490(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11293
- def _reduce_491(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11301
- def _reduce_492(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11309
- def _reduce_493(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11315
- def _reduce_494(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11321
- def _reduce_495(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11328
- def _reduce_496(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11334
- def _reduce_497(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11340
- def _reduce_498(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11346
- def _reduce_499(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8447
- def _reduce_5(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 49 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8782
- def _reduce_50(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11352
- def _reduce_500(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 501 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11360
- def _reduce_502(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11370
- def _reduce_503(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11380
- def _reduce_504(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11386
- def _reduce_505(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11392
- def _reduce_506(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11398
- def _reduce_507(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11404
- def _reduce_508(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11410
- def _reduce_509(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11416
- def _reduce_510(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 511 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11424
- def _reduce_512(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11430
- def _reduce_513(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11436
- def _reduce_514(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11442
- def _reduce_515(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11448
- def _reduce_516(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11454
- def _reduce_517(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11460
- def _reduce_518(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11466
- def _reduce_519(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11472
- def _reduce_520(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11478
- def _reduce_521(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11484
- def _reduce_522(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11490
- def _reduce_523(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11496
- def _reduce_524(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 525 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11504
- def _reduce_526(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 527 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11512
- def _reduce_528(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11518
- def _reduce_529(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 52 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8796
- def _reduce_53(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11524
- def _reduce_530(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11530
- def _reduce_531(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 534 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11542
- def _reduce_535(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11548
- def _reduce_536(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8802
- def _reduce_54(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 544 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11570
- def _reduce_545(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 546 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11578
- def _reduce_547(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11584
- def _reduce_548(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11596
- def _reduce_549(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8808
- def _reduce_55(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11603
- def _reduce_550(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11610
- def _reduce_551(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11616
- def _reduce_552(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11622
- def _reduce_553(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11628
- def _reduce_554(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11643
- def _reduce_555(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11649
- def _reduce_556(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 558 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11659
- def _reduce_559(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8814
- def _reduce_56(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 560 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11667
- def _reduce_561(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 564 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11679
- def _reduce_565(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11685
- def _reduce_566(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11691
- def _reduce_567(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11697
- def _reduce_568(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11704
- def _reduce_569(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8820
- def _reduce_57(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11711
- def _reduce_570(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11717
- def _reduce_571(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11724
- def _reduce_572(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11731
- def _reduce_573(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11737
- def _reduce_574(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11743
- def _reduce_575(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11749
- def _reduce_576(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11755
- def _reduce_577(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11761
- def _reduce_578(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11767
- def _reduce_579(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8832
- def _reduce_58(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11773
- def _reduce_580(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11779
- def _reduce_581(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11785
- def _reduce_582(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11791
- def _reduce_583(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11797
- def _reduce_584(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11803
- def _reduce_585(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11809
- def _reduce_586(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11815
- def _reduce_587(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11821
- def _reduce_588(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11827
- def _reduce_589(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8841
- def _reduce_59(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11833
- def _reduce_590(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11839
- def _reduce_591(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11845
- def _reduce_592(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11851
- def _reduce_593(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11857
- def _reduce_594(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11863
- def _reduce_595(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11870
- def _reduce_596(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11879
- def _reduce_597(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11885
- def _reduce_598(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11891
- def _reduce_599(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8453
- def _reduce_6(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8853
- def _reduce_60(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 602 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11903
- def _reduce_603(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11910
- def _reduce_604(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11917
- def _reduce_605(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11923
- def _reduce_606(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11934
- def _reduce_607(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11941
- def _reduce_608(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11948
- def _reduce_609(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11955
- def _reduce_610(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11962
- def _reduce_611(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11968
- def _reduce_612(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11974
- def _reduce_613(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11980
- def _reduce_614(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11986
- def _reduce_615(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 616 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#11994
- def _reduce_617(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12000
- def _reduce_618(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12006
- def _reduce_619(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12012
- def _reduce_620(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12018
- def _reduce_621(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12024
- def _reduce_622(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12030
- def _reduce_623(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12036
- def _reduce_624(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12042
- def _reduce_625(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12048
- def _reduce_626(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12054
- def _reduce_627(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12060
- def _reduce_628(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12066
- def _reduce_629(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 62 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8866
- def _reduce_63(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12072
- def _reduce_630(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12078
- def _reduce_631(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12084
- def _reduce_632(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 633 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12092
- def _reduce_634(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12099
- def _reduce_635(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 636 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12110
- def _reduce_637(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12118
- def _reduce_638(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12126
- def _reduce_639(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8872
- def _reduce_64(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12132
- def _reduce_640(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12138
- def _reduce_641(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12144
- def _reduce_642(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12150
- def _reduce_643(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12157
- def _reduce_644(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12163
- def _reduce_645(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12169
- def _reduce_646(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12178
- def _reduce_647(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12188
- def _reduce_648(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12196
- def _reduce_649(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8879
- def _reduce_65(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12205
- def _reduce_650(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12213
- def _reduce_651(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12222
- def _reduce_652(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12229
- def _reduce_653(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12237
- def _reduce_654(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12246
- def _reduce_655(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12253
- def _reduce_656(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12261
- def _reduce_657(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12268
- def _reduce_658(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12276
- def _reduce_659(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8889
- def _reduce_66(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12282
- def _reduce_660(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12288
- def _reduce_661(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12294
- def _reduce_662(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12300
- def _reduce_663(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12306
- def _reduce_664(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12312
- def _reduce_665(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 666 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12320
- def _reduce_667(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12330
- def _reduce_668(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12337
- def _reduce_669(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8895
- def _reduce_67(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12344
- def _reduce_670(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12350
- def _reduce_671(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12356
- def _reduce_672(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12362
- def _reduce_673(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12377
- def _reduce_674(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12385
- def _reduce_675(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12393
- def _reduce_676(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12400
- def _reduce_677(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12407
- def _reduce_678(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12413
- def _reduce_679(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8902
- def _reduce_68(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12419
- def _reduce_680(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12425
- def _reduce_681(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 683 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12435
- def _reduce_684(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12441
- def _reduce_685(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12449
- def _reduce_686(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12457
- def _reduce_687(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12465
- def _reduce_688(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12473
- def _reduce_689(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12479
- def _reduce_690(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12485
- def _reduce_691(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12491
- def _reduce_692(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 694 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12501
- def _reduce_695(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12509
- def _reduce_696(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 698 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12521
- def _reduce_699(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8459
- def _reduce_7(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12529
- def _reduce_700(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12537
- def _reduce_701(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12543
- def _reduce_702(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 703 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12551
- def _reduce_704(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12557
- def _reduce_705(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 706 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12565
- def _reduce_707(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12571
- def _reduce_708(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12577
- def _reduce_709(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12583
- def _reduce_710(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12589
- def _reduce_711(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12595
- def _reduce_712(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12601
- def _reduce_713(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12607
- def _reduce_714(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 71 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8914
- def _reduce_72(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 724 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12637
- def _reduce_725(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12643
- def _reduce_726(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8921
- def _reduce_73(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 730 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12657
- def _reduce_731(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12663
- def _reduce_732(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12669
- def _reduce_733(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 735 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12679
- def _reduce_736(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8928
- def _reduce_74(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 739 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12691
- def _reduce_740(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 75 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8937
- def _reduce_76(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8944
- def _reduce_77(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8955
- def _reduce_78(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8962
- def _reduce_79(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8973
- def _reduce_80(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8980
- def _reduce_81(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8991
- def _reduce_82(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8998
- def _reduce_83(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9005
- def _reduce_84(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9012
- def _reduce_85(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9019
- def _reduce_86(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9026
- def _reduce_87(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9032
- def _reduce_88(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9038
- def _reduce_89(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 8 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8467
- def _reduce_9(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9044
- def _reduce_90(val, _values, result); end
- # reduce 91 omitted
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9052
- def _reduce_92(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9059
- def _reduce_93(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9066
- def _reduce_94(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9074
- def _reduce_95(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9081
- def _reduce_96(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9089
- def _reduce_97(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9095
- def _reduce_98(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#9102
- def _reduce_99(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#12697
- def _reduce_none(val, _values, result); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#21
- def default_encoding; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#25
- def endless_method_name(name_t); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#38
- def local_pop; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#31
- def local_push; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#45
- def try_declare_numparam(node); end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#17
- def version; end
-# source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8008
-Parser::Ruby32::Racc_arg = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8413
-Parser::Ruby32::Racc_debug_parser = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), FalseClass)
-# source://parser//lib/parser/ruby32.rb#8024
-Parser::Ruby32::Racc_token_to_s_table = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# @api public
-# source://parser//lib/parser.rb#30
-module Parser::Source; end
-# A buffer with source code. {Buffer} contains the source code itself,
-# associated location information (name and first line), and takes care
-# of encoding.
-# A source buffer is immutable once populated.
-# @api public
-# source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#25
-class Parser::Source::Buffer
- # @api public
- # @return [Buffer] a new instance of Buffer
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#105
- def initialize(name, first_line = T.unsafe(nil), source: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Convert a character index into the source to a column number.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param position [Integer]
- # @return [Integer] column
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#242
- def column_for_position(position); end
- # Convert a character index into the source to a `[line, column]` tuple.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param position [Integer]
- # @return [[Integer, Integer]] `[line, column]`
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#217
- def decompose_position(position); end
- # First line of the buffer, 1 by default.
- #
- # @api public
- # @return [Integer] first line
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#26
- def first_line; end
- # @api public
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#312
- def freeze; end
- # @api public
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#318
- def inspect; end
- # Number of last line in the buffer
- #
- # @api public
- # @return [Integer]
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#307
- def last_line; end
- # Convert a character index into the source to a line number.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param position [Integer]
- # @return [Integer] line
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#231
- def line_for_position(position); end
- # Extract line `lineno` as a new `Range`, taking `first_line` into account.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param lineno [Integer]
- # @raise [IndexError] if `lineno` is out of bounds
- # @return [Range]
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#284
- def line_range(lineno); end
- # Buffer name. If the buffer was created from a file, the name corresponds
- # to relative path to the file.
- #
- # @api public
- # @return [String] buffer name
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#26
- def name; end
- # Populate this buffer from a string without encoding autodetection.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param input [String]
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if already populated
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#180
- def raw_source=(input); end
- # Populate this buffer from correspondingly named file.
- #
- # @api public
- # @example
- # Parser::Source::Buffer.new('foo/bar.rb').read
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if already populated
- # @return [Buffer] self
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#131
- def read; end
- # @api public
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#194
- def slice(start, length = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Source code contained in this buffer.
- #
- # @api public
- # @raise [RuntimeError] if buffer is not populated yet
- # @return [String] source code
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#145
- def source; end
- # Populate this buffer from a string with encoding autodetection.
- # `input` is mutated if not frozen.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param input [String]
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if already populated
- # @raise [EncodingError] if `input` includes invalid byte sequence for the encoding
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#162
- def source=(input); end
- # Extract line `lineno` from source, taking `first_line` into account.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param lineno [Integer]
- # @raise [IndexError] if `lineno` is out of bounds
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#273
- def source_line(lineno); end
- # Return an `Array` of source code lines.
- #
- # @api public
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#252
- def source_lines; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Range] A range covering the whole source
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#298
- def source_range; end
- private
- # @api public
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#348
- def bsearch(line_begins, position); end
- # @api public
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#325
- def line_begins; end
- # @api public
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#339
- def line_index_for_position(position); end
- class << self
- # Try to recognize encoding of `string` as Ruby would, i.e. by looking for
- # magic encoding comment or UTF-8 BOM. `string` can be in any encoding.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param string [String]
- # @return [String, nil] encoding name, if recognized
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#51
- def recognize_encoding(string); end
- # Recognize encoding of `input` and process it so it could be lexed.
- #
- # * If `input` does not contain BOM or magic encoding comment, it is
- # kept in the original encoding.
- # * If the detected encoding is binary, `input` is kept in binary.
- # * Otherwise, `input` is re-encoded into UTF-8 and returned as a
- # new string.
- #
- # This method mutates the encoding of `input`, but not its content.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param input [String]
- # @raise [EncodingError]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#90
- def reencode_string(input); end
- end
-# @api private
-# source://parser//lib/parser/source/buffer.rb#31
-Parser::Source::Buffer::ENCODING_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# A comment in the source code.
-# @api public
-# source://parser//lib/parser/source/comment.rb#17
-class Parser::Source::Comment
- # @api public
- # @param range [Parser::Source::Range]
- # @return [Comment] a new instance of Comment
- #
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/comment.rb#67
- def initialize(range); end
+# A comment in the source code.
+# @api public
+# source://parser//lib/parser/source/comment.rb#17
+class Parser::Source::Comment
+ # @api public
+ # @param range [Parser::Source::Range]
+ # @return [Comment] a new instance of Comment
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/comment.rb#67
+ def initialize(range); end
# Compares comments. Two comments are equal if they
# correspond to the same source range.
@@ -5452,7 +3656,7 @@ class Parser::Source::Comment::Associator
# source://parser//lib/parser/source/comment/associator.rb#115
def associate_by_identity; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/source/comment/associator.rb#103
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/source/comment/associator.rb#104
def associate_locations; end
# source://parser//lib/parser/source/comment/associator.rb#46
@@ -7020,10 +5224,10 @@ class Parser::StaticEnvironment
# source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#58
def declare_anonymous_blockarg; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#74
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#82
def declare_anonymous_kwrestarg; end
- # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#66
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#70
def declare_anonymous_restarg; end
# source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#50
@@ -7041,12 +5245,12 @@ class Parser::StaticEnvironment
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#78
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#86
def declared_anonymous_kwrestarg?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#70
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#74
def declared_anonymous_restarg?; end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -7056,7 +5260,7 @@ class Parser::StaticEnvironment
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#82
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#94
def empty?; end
# source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#27
@@ -7065,6 +5269,21 @@ class Parser::StaticEnvironment
# source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#20
def extend_static; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#66
+ def parent_has_anonymous_blockarg?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#90
+ def parent_has_anonymous_kwrestarg?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#78
+ def parent_has_anonymous_restarg?; end
# source://parser//lib/parser/static_environment.rb#15
def reset; end
@@ -7149,7 +5368,7 @@ end
# @api public
-# source://parser//lib/parser/tree_rewriter.rb#51
+# source://parser//lib/parser/tree_rewriter.rb#61
class Parser::TreeRewriter < ::Parser::AST::Processor
# Returns `true` if the specified node is an assignment node, returns false
# otherwise.
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry-byebug@3.10.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry-byebug@3.10.1.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index b8cb2231..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry-byebug@3.10.1.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1145 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `pry-byebug` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem pry-byebug`.
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#5
-module Byebug
- extend ::Byebug::Helpers::ReflectionHelper
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#31
- def displays; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#31
- def displays=(_arg0); end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#25
- def init_file; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#25
- def init_file=(_arg0); end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#41
- def mode; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#41
- def mode=(_arg0); end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#52
- def run_init_script; end
- private
- def add_catchpoint(_arg0); end
- def breakpoints; end
- def catchpoints; end
- def contexts; end
- def current_context; end
- def debug_load(*_arg0); end
- def lock; end
- def post_mortem=(_arg0); end
- def post_mortem?; end
- def raised_exception; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#102
- def rc_dirs; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#91
- def run_rc_file(rc_file); end
- def start; end
- def started?; end
- def stop; end
- def stoppable?; end
- def thread_context(_arg0); end
- def tracing=(_arg0); end
- def tracing?; end
- def unlock; end
- def verbose=(_arg0); end
- def verbose?; end
- class << self
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#25
- def actual_control_port; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#20
- def actual_port; end
- def add_catchpoint(_arg0); end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/attacher.rb#10
- def attach; end
- def breakpoints; end
- def catchpoints; end
- def contexts; end
- def current_context; end
- def debug_load(*_arg0); end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#76
- def handle_post_mortem; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#32
- def interrupt; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/core.rb#61
- def load_settings; end
- def lock; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#59
- def parse_host_and_port(host_port_spec); end
- def post_mortem=(_arg0); end
- def post_mortem?; end
- def raised_exception; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/attacher.rb#21
- def spawn(host = T.unsafe(nil), port = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- def start; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#55
- def start_client(host = T.unsafe(nil), port = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#48
- def start_control(host = T.unsafe(nil), port = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#39
- def start_server(host = T.unsafe(nil), port = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- def started?; end
- def stop; end
- def stoppable?; end
- def thread_context(_arg0); end
- def tracing=(_arg0); end
- def tracing?; end
- def unlock; end
- def verbose=(_arg0); end
- def verbose?; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#17
- def wait_connection; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#17
- def wait_connection=(_arg0); end
- private
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#66
- def client; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#76
- def control; end
- # source://byebug/11.1.3/lib/byebug/remote.rb#70
- def server; end
- end
-class Byebug::DebugThread < ::Thread
- class << self
- def inherited; end
- end
-# Extends raw byebug's processor.
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#9
-class Byebug::PryProcessor < ::Byebug::CommandProcessor
- # Called when a breakpoint is hit. Note that `at_line`` is called
- # inmediately after with the context's `stop_reason == :breakpoint`, so we
- # must not resume the pry instance here
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#80
- def at_breakpoint(breakpoint); end
- # Called when the debugger wants to stop at a regular line
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#64
- def at_line; end
- # Called when the debugger wants to stop right before a method return
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#71
- def at_return(_return_value); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def bold(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def output(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Set up a number of navigational commands to be performed by Byebug.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#45
- def perform(action, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#10
- def pry; end
- # Sets the attribute pry
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute pry to.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#10
- def pry=(_arg0); end
- # Wrap a Pry REPL to catch navigational commands and act on them.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#26
- def run(&_block); end
- private
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#93
- def n_hits(breakpoint); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#114
- def perform_backtrace(_options); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#142
- def perform_down(options); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#130
- def perform_finish(*_arg0); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#150
- def perform_frame(options); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#120
- def perform_next(options); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#125
- def perform_step(options); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#134
- def perform_up(options); end
- # Resume an existing Pry REPL at the paused point.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#102
- def resume_pry; end
- class << self
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/byebug/processors/pry_processor.rb#16
- def start; end
- end
-class Byebug::ThreadsTable; end
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#3
-class Pry
- extend ::Forwardable
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#81
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#212
- def add_sticky_local(name, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#35
- def backtrace; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#35
- def backtrace=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#32
- def binding_stack; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#32
- def binding_stack=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def color(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def color=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def commands(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def commands=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#145
- def complete(str); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#50
- def config; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#124
- def current_binding; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#124
- def current_context; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#33
- def custom_completions; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#33
- def custom_completions=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def editor(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def editor=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#255
- def eval(line, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#34
- def eval_string; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#34
- def eval_string=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#286
- def evaluate_ruby(code); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def exception_handler(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def exception_handler=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#394
- def exec_hook(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#42
- def exit_value; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def extra_sticky_locals(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def extra_sticky_locals=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def hooks(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def hooks=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#173
- def inject_local(name, value, binding); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#201
- def inject_sticky_locals!; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#45
- def input_ring; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#39
- def last_dir; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#39
- def last_dir=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#41
- def last_exception; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#418
- def last_exception=(exception); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#38
- def last_file; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#38
- def last_file=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#37
- def last_result; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#37
- def last_result=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#440
- def last_result_is_exception?; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#190
- def memory_size; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#195
- def memory_size=(size); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#538
- def output; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def output=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#48
- def output_ring; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#530
- def pager; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def pager=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#522
- def pop_prompt; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def print(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def print=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#325
- def process_command(val); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#360
- def process_command_safely(val); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#101
- def prompt; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#108
- def prompt=(new_prompt); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#131
- def push_binding(object); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#118
- def push_initial_binding(target = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#506
- def push_prompt(new_prompt); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#592
- def quiet?; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#582
- def raise_up(*args); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#586
- def raise_up!(*args); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#554
- def raise_up_common(force, *args); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#282
- def repl(target = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#231
- def reset_eval_string; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#375
- def run_command(val); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#453
- def select_prompt; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#409
- def set_last_result(result, code = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#447
- def should_print?; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#298
- def show_result(result); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#216
- def sticky_locals; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#36
- def suppress_output; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#36
- def suppress_output=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#428
- def update_input_history(code); end
- private
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#680
- def ensure_correct_encoding!(val); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#688
- def generate_prompt(prompt_proc, conf); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#598
- def handle_line(line, options); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#697
- def prompt_stack; end
- class << self
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/code.rb#12
- def Code(obj); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/method.rb#9
- def Method(obj); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#7
- def WrappedModule(obj); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#288
- def auto_resize!; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#341
- def binding_for(target); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#22
- def cli; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#22
- def cli=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def color(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def color=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def commands(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def commands=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#25
- def config; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#25
- def config=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#46
- def configure; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#374
- def critical_section; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#63
- def current; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#19
- def current_line; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#19
- def current_line=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#18
- def custom_completions; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#18
- def custom_completions=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def editor(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def editor=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#21
- def eval_path; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#21
- def eval_path=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def exception_handler(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def exception_handler=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def extra_sticky_locals(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def extra_sticky_locals=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#139
- def final_session_setup; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def history(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def history=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def hooks(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def hooks=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#369
- def in_critical_section?; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#332
- def init; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#251
- def initial_session?; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#129
- def initial_session_setup; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#24
- def last_internal_error; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#24
- def last_internal_error=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#20
- def line_buffer; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#20
- def line_buffer=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#69
- def load_file_at_toplevel(file); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#196
- def load_file_through_repl(file_name); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#245
- def load_history; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#77
- def load_rc_files; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#101
- def load_requires; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#109
- def load_traps; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#113
- def load_win32console; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#55
- def main; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def memory_size(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def memory_size=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def output(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def output=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def pager(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def pager=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def print(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def print=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def prompt(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def prompt=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#23
- def quiet; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#23
- def quiet=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#86
- def rc_files_to_load; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#94
- def real_path_to(file); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#320
- def reset_defaults; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#271
- def run_command(command_string, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#156
- def start(target = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#348
- def toplevel_binding; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#366
- def toplevel_binding=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/pry_class.rb#219
- def view_clip(obj, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#4
-module Pry::Byebug; end
-# Wrapper for Byebug.breakpoints that respects our Processor and has better
-# failure behavior. Acts as an Enumerable.
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#9
-module Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints
- extend ::Enumerable
- extend ::Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints
- # Adds a file breakpoint.
- #
- # @raise [ArgumentError]
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#63
- def add_file(file, line, expression = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Adds a method breakpoint.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#51
- def add_method(method, expression = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#44
- def breakpoints; end
- # Changes the conditional expression for a breakpoint.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#78
- def change(id, expression = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Deletes an existing breakpoint with the given ID.
- #
- # @raise [ArgumentError]
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#89
- def delete(id); end
- # Deletes all breakpoints.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#100
- def delete_all; end
- # Disables a breakpoint with the given ID.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#115
- def disable(id); end
- # Disables all breakpoints.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#122
- def disable_all; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#136
- def each(&block); end
- # Enables a disabled breakpoint with the given ID.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#108
- def enable(id); end
- # @raise [ArgumentError]
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#144
- def find_by_id(id); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#140
- def last; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#132
- def size; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#128
- def to_a; end
- private
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#153
- def change_status(id, enabled = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#159
- def validate_expression(exp); end
-# Breakpoint in a file:line location
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#16
-class Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints::FileBreakpoint < ::SimpleDelegator
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#17
- def source_code; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#21
- def to_s; end
-# Breakpoint in a Class#method location
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#29
-class Pry::Byebug::Breakpoints::MethodBreakpoint < ::SimpleDelegator
- # @return [MethodBreakpoint] a new instance of MethodBreakpoint
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#30
- def initialize(byebug_bp, method); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#35
- def source_code; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry/byebug/breakpoints.rb#39
- def to_s; end
-class Pry::REPL
- extend ::Forwardable
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#22
- def initialize(pry, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def output(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#9
- def pry; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#9
- def pry=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#36
- def start; end
- private
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#238
- def calculate_overhang(current_prompt, original_val, indented_val); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#206
- def coolline_available?; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#84
- def epilogue; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#127
- def handle_read_errors; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#196
- def input_readline(*args); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#218
- def piping?; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#47
- def prologue; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#93
- def read; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#170
- def read_line(current_prompt); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#202
- def readline_available?; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#66
- def repl; end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#225
- def set_readline_output; end
- class << self
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/pry_ext.rb#8
- def start(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/pry_ext.rb#8
- def start_with_pry_byebug(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry/0.14.1/lib/pry/repl.rb#14
- def start_without_pry_byebug(options); end
- end
-# Main container module for Pry-Byebug functionality
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/location.rb#3
-module PryByebug
- # Reference to currently running pry-remote server. Used by the processor.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/base.rb#10
- def current_remote_server; end
- # Reference to currently running pry-remote server. Used by the processor.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/base.rb#10
- def current_remote_server=(_arg0); end
- private
- # Ensures that a command is executed in a local file context.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/base.rb#25
- def check_file_context(target, msg = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Checks that a target binding is in a local file context.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/base.rb#17
- def file_context?(target); end
- class << self
- # Ensures that a command is executed in a local file context.
- #
- # @raise [Pry::CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/base.rb#25
- def check_file_context(target, msg = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Checks that a target binding is in a local file context.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/base.rb#17
- def file_context?(target); end
- end
-# Display the current stack
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/backtrace.rb#9
-class PryByebug::BacktraceCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/backtrace.rb#23
- def process; end
-# Add, show and remove breakpoints
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#12
-class PryByebug::BreakCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Location
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#50
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#62
- def process; end
- private
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#111
- def add_breakpoint(place, condition); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#93
- def new_breakpoint; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#102
- def option_to_method(option); end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#106
- def print_all; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#88
- def process_condition; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#78
- def process_delete; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#78
- def process_delete_all; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#78
- def process_disable; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#78
- def process_disable_all; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#78
- def process_enable; end
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/breakpoint.rb#84
- def process_show; end
-# Continue program execution until the next breakpoint
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/continue.rb#11
-class PryByebug::ContinueCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Location
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/continue.rb#31
- def process; end
-# Travel down the frame stack
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/down.rb#9
-class PryByebug::DownCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/down.rb#27
- def process; end
-# Exit pry REPL with Byebug.stop
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/exit_all.rb#9
-class PryByebug::ExitAllCommand < ::Pry::Command::ExitAll
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/exit_all.rb#10
- def process; end
-# Run until the end of current frame
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/finish.rb#9
-class PryByebug::FinishCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/finish.rb#20
- def process; end
-# Move to a specific frame in the callstack
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/frame.rb#9
-class PryByebug::FrameCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/frame.rb#27
- def process; end
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/location.rb#4
-module PryByebug::Helpers; end
-# Common helpers for breakpoint related commands
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/breakpoints.rb#10
-module PryByebug::Helpers::Breakpoints
- # Prints a message with bold font.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/breakpoints.rb#21
- def bold_puts(msg); end
- # Byebug's array of breakpoints.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/breakpoints.rb#14
- def breakpoints; end
- # Max width of breakpoints id column
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/breakpoints.rb#77
- def max_width; end
- # Prints a header for the breakpoint list.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/breakpoints.rb#63
- def print_breakpoints_header; end
- # Print out full information about a breakpoint.
- #
- # Includes surrounding code at that point.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/breakpoints.rb#30
- def print_full_breakpoint(breakpoint); end
- # Print out concise information about a breakpoint.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/breakpoints.rb#52
- def print_short_breakpoint(breakpoint); end
-# Compatibility helper to handle source location
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/location.rb#8
-module PryByebug::Helpers::Location
- private
- # Current file in the target binding. Used as the default breakpoint
- # location.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/location.rb#15
- def current_file(source = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # Current file in the target binding. Used as the default breakpoint
- # location.
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/location.rb#15
- def current_file(source = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# Helpers to help handling multiline inputs
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/multiline.rb#8
-module PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline
- # Returns true if we are in a multiline context and, as a side effect,
- # updates the partial evaluation string with the current input.
- #
- # Returns false otherwise
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/multiline.rb#15
- def check_multiline_context; end
-# Helpers to aid breaking out of the REPL loop
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/navigation.rb#8
-module PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation
- # Breaks out of the REPL loop and signals tracer
- #
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/helpers/navigation.rb#12
- def breakout_navigation(action, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# Run a number of lines and then stop again
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/next.rb#10
-class PryByebug::NextCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Multiline
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/next.rb#29
- def process; end
-# Run a number of Ruby statements and then stop again
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/step.rb#9
-class PryByebug::StepCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/step.rb#26
- def process; end
-# Travel up the frame stack
-# source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/up.rb#9
-class PryByebug::UpCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- include ::PryByebug::Helpers::Navigation
- # source://pry-byebug//lib/pry-byebug/commands/up.rb#27
- def process; end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry@0.14.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry@0.14.1.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 190bb31b..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/pry@0.14.1.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10078 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `pry` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem pry`.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/core_extensions.rb#115
-class BasicObject
- # Return a binding object for the receiver.
- #
- # The `self` of the binding is set to the current object, and it contains no
- # local variables.
- #
- # The default definee (http://yugui.jp/articles/846) is set such that new
- # methods defined will be added to the singleton class of the BasicObject.
- #
- # @return [Binding]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/core_extensions.rb#125
- def __binding__; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/core_extensions.rb#24
-class Object < ::BasicObject
- include ::Kernel
- include ::PP::ObjectMixin
- # Return a binding object for the receiver.
- #
- # The `self` of the binding is set to the current object, and it contains no
- # local variables.
- #
- # The default definee (http://yugui.jp/articles/846) is set such that:
- #
- # * If `self` is a class or module, then new methods created in the binding
- # will be defined in that class or module (as in `class Foo; end`).
- # * If `self` is a normal object, then new methods created in the binding will
- # be defined on its singleton class (as in `class << self; end`).
- # * If `self` doesn't have a real singleton class (i.e. it is a Fixnum, Float,
- # Symbol, nil, true, or false), then new methods will be created on the
- # object's class (as in `self.class.class_eval{ }`)
- #
- # Newly created constants, including classes and modules, will also be added
- # to the default definee.
- #
- # @return [Binding]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/core_extensions.rb#70
- def __binding__; end
- # Start a Pry REPL on self.
- #
- # If `self` is a Binding then that will be used to evaluate expressions;
- # otherwise a new binding will be created.
- #
- # @example With a binding
- # binding.pry
- # @example On any object
- # "dummy".pry
- # @example With options
- # def my_method
- # binding.pry :quiet => true
- # end
- # my_method()
- # @param object [Object] the object or binding to pry
- # (__deprecated__, use `object.pry`)
- # @param hash [Hash] the options hash
- # @see Pry.start
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/core_extensions.rb#43
- def pry(object = T.unsafe(nil), hash = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/version.rb#3
-class Pry
- extend ::Forwardable
- extend ::Pry::Forwardable
- # Create a new {Pry} instance.
- #
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @param options [Hash]
- # @return [Pry] a new instance of Pry
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#81
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Add a sticky local to this Pry instance.
- # A sticky local is a local that persists between all bindings in a session.
- #
- # @param name [Symbol] The name of the sticky local.
- # @yield The block that defines the content of the local. The local
- # will be refreshed at each tick of the repl loop.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#212
- def add_sticky_local(name, &block); end
- # Returns the value of attribute backtrace.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#35
- def backtrace; end
- # Sets the attribute backtrace
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute backtrace to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#35
- def backtrace=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute binding_stack.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#32
- def binding_stack; end
- # Sets the attribute binding_stack
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute binding_stack to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#32
- def binding_stack=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def color(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def color=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def commands(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def commands=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Generate completions.
- #
- # @param str [String] What the user has typed so far
- # @return [Array] Possible completions
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#145
- def complete(str); end
- # Returns the value of attribute config.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#50
- def config; end
- # The currently active `Binding`.
- #
- # @return [Binding] The currently active `Binding` for the session.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#124
- def current_binding; end
- # The currently active `Binding`.
- # support previous API
- #
- # @return [Binding] The currently active `Binding` for the session.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#124
- def current_context; end
- # Returns the value of attribute custom_completions.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#33
- def custom_completions; end
- # Sets the attribute custom_completions
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute custom_completions to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#33
- def custom_completions=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def editor(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def editor=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Pass a line of input to Pry.
- #
- # This is the equivalent of `Binding#eval` but with extra Pry!
- #
- # In particular:
- # 1. Pry commands will be executed immediately if the line matches.
- # 2. Partial lines of input will be queued up until a complete expression has
- # been accepted.
- # 3. Output is written to `#output` in pretty colours, not returned.
- #
- # Once this method has raised an exception or returned false, this instance
- # is no longer usable. {#exit_value} will return the session's breakout
- # value if applicable.
- #
- # @option options
- # @param line [String?] The line of input; `nil` if the user types ``
- # @param options [Hash] a customizable set of options
- # @raise [Exception] If the user uses the `raise-up` command, this method
- # will raise that exception.
- # @return [Boolean] Is Pry ready to accept more input?
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#255
- def eval(line, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute eval_string.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#34
- def eval_string; end
- # Sets the attribute eval_string
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute eval_string to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#34
- def eval_string=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#286
- def evaluate_ruby(code); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def exception_handler(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def exception_handler=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Execute the specified hook.
- # If executing a hook raises an exception, we log that and then continue sucessfully.
- # To debug such errors, use the global variable $pry_hook_error, which is set as a
- # result.
- #
- # @param name [Symbol] The hook name to execute
- # @param args [*Object] The arguments to pass to the hook
- # @return [Object, Exception] The return value of the hook or the exception raised
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#394
- def exec_hook(name, *args, &block); end
- # Returns the value of attribute exit_value.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#42
- def exit_value; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def extra_sticky_locals(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def extra_sticky_locals=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def hooks(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def hooks=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Injects a local variable into the provided binding.
- #
- # @param name [String] The name of the local to inject.
- # @param value [Object] The value to set the local to.
- # @param binding [Binding] The binding to set the local on.
- # @return [Object] The value the local was set to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#173
- def inject_local(name, value, binding); end
- # Inject all the sticky locals into the current binding.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#201
- def inject_sticky_locals!; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#45
- def input_ring; end
- # Returns the value of attribute last_dir.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#39
- def last_dir; end
- # Sets the attribute last_dir
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute last_dir to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#39
- def last_dir=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute last_exception.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#41
- def last_exception; end
- # Set the last exception for a session.
- #
- # @param exception [Exception] The last exception.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#418
- def last_exception=(exception); end
- # Returns the value of attribute last_file.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#38
- def last_file; end
- # Sets the attribute last_file
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute last_file to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#38
- def last_file=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute last_result.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#37
- def last_result; end
- # Sets the attribute last_result
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute last_result to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#37
- def last_result=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean] True if the last result is an exception that was raised,
- # as opposed to simply an instance of Exception (like the result of
- # Exception.new)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#440
- def last_result_is_exception?; end
- # @return [Integer] The maximum amount of objects remembered by the inp and
- # out arrays. Defaults to 100.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#190
- def memory_size; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#195
- def memory_size=(size); end
- # Returns an output device
- #
- # @example
- # pry_instance.output.puts "ohai!"
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#538
- def output; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def output=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#48
- def output_ring; end
- # Returns the currently configured pager
- #
- # @example
- # pry_instance.pager.page text
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#530
- def pager; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def pager=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Pops the current prompt off of the prompt stack. If the prompt you are
- # popping is the last prompt, it will not be popped. Use this to restore the
- # previous prompt.
- #
- # @example
- # pry = Pry.new(prompt: Pry::Prompt[:my_prompt1])
- # pry.push_prompt(Pry::Prompt[:my_prompt2])
- # pry.pop_prompt # => prompt2
- # pry.pop_prompt # => prompt1
- # pry.pop_prompt # => prompt1
- # @return [Pry::Prompt] the prompt being popped
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#522
- def pop_prompt; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def print(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def print=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # If the given line is a valid command, process it in the context of the
- # current `eval_string` and binding.
- #
- # @param val [String] The line to process.
- # @return [Boolean] `true` if `val` is a command, `false` otherwise
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#325
- def process_command(val); end
- # Same as process_command, but outputs exceptions to `#output` instead of
- # raising.
- #
- # @param val [String] The line to process.
- # @return [Boolean] `true` if `val` is a command, `false` otherwise
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#360
- def process_command_safely(val); end
- # This is the prompt at the top of the prompt stack.
- #
- # @return [Pry::Prompt] the current prompt
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#101
- def prompt; end
- # Sets the Pry prompt.
- #
- # @param new_prompt [Pry::Prompt]
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#108
- def prompt=(new_prompt); end
- # Push a binding for the given object onto the stack. If this instance is
- # currently stopped, mark it as usable again.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#131
- def push_binding(object); end
- # Initialize this instance by pushing its initial context into the binding
- # stack. If no target is given, start at the top level.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#118
- def push_initial_binding(target = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Pushes the current prompt onto a stack that it can be restored from later.
- # Use this if you wish to temporarily change the prompt.
- #
- # @example
- # push_prompt(Pry::Prompt[:my_prompt])
- # @param new_prompt [Pry::Prompt]
- # @return [Pry::Prompt] new_prompt
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#506
- def push_prompt(new_prompt); end
- # Convenience accessor for the `quiet` config key.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#592
- def quiet?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#582
- def raise_up(*args); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#586
- def raise_up!(*args); end
- # Raise an exception out of Pry.
- #
- # See Kernel#raise for documentation of parameters.
- # See rb_make_exception for the inbuilt implementation.
- #
- # This is necessary so that the raise-up command can tell the
- # difference between an exception the user has decided to raise,
- # and a mistake in specifying that exception.
- #
- # (i.e. raise-up RunThymeError.new should not be the same as
- # raise-up NameError, "unititialized constant RunThymeError")
- #
- # @raise [TypeError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#554
- def raise_up_common(force, *args); end
- # Potentially deprecated. Use `Pry::REPL.new(pry, :target => target).start`
- # (If nested sessions are going to exist, this method is fine, but a goal is
- # to come up with an alternative to nested sessions altogether.)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#282
- def repl(target = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Reset the current eval string. If the user has entered part of a multiline
- # expression, this discards that input.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#231
- def reset_eval_string; end
- # Run the specified command.
- #
- # @example
- # pry_instance.run_command("ls -m")
- # @param val [String] The command (and its params) to execute.
- # @return [Pry::Command::VOID_VALUE]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#375
- def run_command(val); end
- # Returns the appropriate prompt to use.
- #
- # @return [String] The prompt.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#453
- def select_prompt; end
- # Set the last result of an eval.
- # This method should not need to be invoked directly.
- #
- # @param result [Object] The result.
- # @param code [String] The code that was run.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#409
- def set_last_result(result, code = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Whether the print proc should be invoked.
- # Currently only invoked if the output is not suppressed.
- #
- # @return [Boolean] Whether the print proc should be invoked.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#447
- def should_print?; end
- # Output the result or pass to an exception handler (if result is an exception).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#298
- def show_result(result); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#216
- def sticky_locals; end
- # Returns the value of attribute suppress_output.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#36
- def suppress_output; end
- # Sets the attribute suppress_output
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute suppress_output to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#36
- def suppress_output=(_arg0); end
- # Update Pry's internal state after evalling code.
- # This method should not need to be invoked directly.
- #
- # @param code [String] The code we just eval'd
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#428
- def update_input_history(code); end
- private
- # Force `eval_string` into the encoding of `val`. [Issue #284]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#680
- def ensure_correct_encoding!(val); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#688
- def generate_prompt(prompt_proc, conf); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#598
- def handle_line(line, options); end
- # the array that the prompt stack is stored in
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#697
- def prompt_stack; end
- class << self
- # Convert the given object into an instance of `Pry::Code`, if it isn't
- # already one.
- #
- # @param obj [Code, Method, UnboundMethod, Proc, Pry::Method, String, Array, IO]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#12
- def Code(obj); end
- # If the given object is a `Pry::Method`, return it unaltered. If it's
- # anything else, return it wrapped in a `Pry::Method` instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#9
- def Method(obj); end
- # If the given object is a `Pry::WrappedModule`, return it unaltered. If it's
- # anything else, return it wrapped in a `Pry::WrappedModule` instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#7
- def WrappedModule(obj); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#288
- def auto_resize!; end
- # Return a `Binding` object for `target` or return `target` if it is
- # already a `Binding`.
- # In the case where `target` is top-level then return `TOPLEVEL_BINDING`
- #
- # @param target [Object] The object to get a `Binding` object for.
- # @return [Binding] The `Binding` object.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#341
- def binding_for(target); end
- # Returns the value of attribute cli.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#22
- def cli; end
- # Sets the attribute cli
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute cli to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#22
- def cli=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def color(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def color=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def commands(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def commands=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Returns the value of attribute config.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#25
- def config; end
- # Sets the attribute config
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute config to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#25
- def config=(_arg0); end
- # @example
- # Pry.configure do |config|
- # config.eager_load! # optional
- # config.input = # ..
- # config.foo = 2
- # end
- # @yield [config] Yields a block with {Pry.config} as its argument.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#46
- def configure; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#374
- def critical_section; end
- # @return [Pry::Config] Returns a value store for an instance of Pry running on the current thread.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#63
- def current; end
- # Returns the value of attribute current_line.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#19
- def current_line; end
- # Sets the attribute current_line
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute current_line to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#19
- def current_line=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute custom_completions.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#18
- def custom_completions; end
- # Sets the attribute custom_completions
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute custom_completions to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#18
- def custom_completions=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def editor(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def editor=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Returns the value of attribute eval_path.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#21
- def eval_path; end
- # Sets the attribute eval_path
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute eval_path to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#21
- def eval_path=(_arg0); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def exception_handler(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def exception_handler=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def extra_sticky_locals(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def extra_sticky_locals=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#139
- def final_session_setup; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def history(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def history=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def hooks(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def hooks=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#369
- def in_critical_section?; end
- # Basic initialization.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#332
- def init; end
- # @return [Boolean] Whether this is the first time a Pry session has
- # been started since loading the Pry class.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#251
- def initial_session?; end
- # Do basic setup for initial session including: loading pryrc, plugins,
- # requires, and history.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#129
- def initial_session_setup; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Returns the value of attribute last_internal_error.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#24
- def last_internal_error; end
- # Sets the attribute last_internal_error
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute last_internal_error to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#24
- def last_internal_error=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute line_buffer.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#20
- def line_buffer; end
- # Sets the attribute line_buffer
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute line_buffer to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#20
- def line_buffer=(_arg0); end
- # Load the given file in the context of `Pry.toplevel_binding`
- #
- # @param file [String] The unexpanded file path.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#69
- def load_file_at_toplevel(file); end
- # Execute the file through the REPL loop, non-interactively.
- #
- # @param file_name [String] File name to load through the REPL.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#196
- def load_file_through_repl(file_name); end
- # Load Readline history if required.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#245
- def load_history; end
- # Load RC files if appropriate This method can also be used to reload the
- # files if they have changed.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#77
- def load_rc_files; end
- # Load any Ruby files specified with the -r flag on the command line.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#101
- def load_requires; end
- # Trap interrupts on jruby, and make them behave like MRI so we can
- # catch them.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#109
- def load_traps; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#113
- def load_win32console; end
- # @return [main] returns the special instance of Object, "main".
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#55
- def main; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def memory_size(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def memory_size=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def output(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def output=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def pager(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def pager=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def print(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def print=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def prompt(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def prompt=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Returns the value of attribute quiet.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#23
- def quiet; end
- # Sets the attribute quiet
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute quiet to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#23
- def quiet=(_arg0); end
- # Load the local RC file (./.pryrc)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#86
- def rc_files_to_load; end
- # Expand a file to its canonical name (following symlinks as appropriate)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#94
- def real_path_to(file); end
- # Set all the configurable options back to their default values
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#320
- def reset_defaults; end
- # Run a Pry command from outside a session. The commands available are
- # those referenced by `Pry.config.commands` (the default command set).
- #
- # @example Run under Pry class, returning only public methods.
- # Pry.run_command "ls -m", :target => Pry
- # @example Run at top-level with no output.
- # Pry.run_command "ls"
- # @example Display command output.
- # Pry.run_command "ls -av", :show_output => true
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @param command_string [String] The Pry command (including arguments,
- # if any).
- # @param options [Hash] Optional named parameters.
- # @return [nil]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#271
- def run_command(command_string, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Start a Pry REPL.
- # This method also loads `pryrc` as necessary the first time it is invoked.
- #
- # @example
- # Pry.start(Object.new, :input => MyInput.new)
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @param target [Object, Binding] The receiver of the Pry session
- # @param options [Hash]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#156
- def start(target = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#348
- def toplevel_binding; end
- # Sets the attribute toplevel_binding
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute toplevel_binding to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#366
- def toplevel_binding=(_arg0); end
- # An inspector that clips the output to `max_length` chars.
- # In case of > `max_length` chars the `# notation is used.
- #
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @param obj [Object] The object to view.
- # @param options [Hash]
- # @return [String] The string representation of `obj`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#219
- def view_clip(obj, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# @return [Array] Code of the method used when implementing Pry's
-# __binding__, along with line indication to be used with instance_eval (and
-# friends).
-# @see Object#__binding__
-# source://pry//lib/pry/core_extensions.rb#9
-Pry::BINDING_METHOD_IMPL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/basic_object.rb#4
-class Pry::BasicObject < ::BasicObject
- include ::Kernel
-# source://pry//lib/pry/basic_object.rb#6
-Pry::BasicObject::Dir = Dir
-# source://pry//lib/pry/basic_object.rb#6
-Pry::BasicObject::ENV = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/basic_object.rb#6
-Pry::BasicObject::File = File
-# source://pry//lib/pry/basic_object.rb#6
-Pry::BasicObject::Kernel = Kernel
-# source://pry//lib/pry/basic_object.rb#6
-Pry::BasicObject::LoadError = LoadError
-# source://pry//lib/pry/basic_object.rb#6
-Pry::BasicObject::Pry = Pry
-# A super-class for Commands that are created with a single block.
-# This class ensures that the block is called with the correct number of
-# arguments and the right context.
-# Create subclasses using {Pry::CommandSet#command}.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/block_command.rb#10
-class Pry::BlockCommand < ::Pry::Command
- # Call the block that was registered with this command.
- #
- # @param args [Array] The arguments passed
- # @return [Object] The return value of the block
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/block_command.rb#14
- def call(*args); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/block_command.rb#18
- def help; end
-# Manage the processing of command line options
-# source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#7
-class Pry::CLI
- class << self
- # Add a block responsible for processing parsed options.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#39
- def add_option_processor(&block); end
- # Add another set of CLI options (a Pry::Slop block)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#24
- def add_options(&block); end
- # @return [Array] The input array of strings to process
- # as CLI options.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#21
- def input_args; end
- # @return [Array] The input array of strings to process
- # as CLI options.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#21
- def input_args=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Array] The Procs that process the parsed options. Plugins can
- # utilize this facility in order to add and process their own Pry
- # options.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#17
- def option_processors; end
- # @return [Array] The Procs that process the parsed options. Plugins can
- # utilize this facility in order to add and process their own Pry
- # options.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#17
- def option_processors=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Proc] The Proc defining the valid command line options.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#12
- def options; end
- # @return [Proc] The Proc defining the valid command line options.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#12
- def options=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#52
- def parse_options(args = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Clear `options` and `option_processors`
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#47
- def reset; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#90
- def start(opts); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/cli.rb#8
-class Pry::CLI::NoOptionsError < ::StandardError; end
-# A super-class of Commands with structure.
-# This class implements the bare-minimum functionality that a command should
-# have, namely a --help switch, and then delegates actual processing to its
-# subclasses.
-# Create subclasses using {Pry::CommandSet#create_command}, and override the
-# `options(opt)` method to set up an instance of Pry::Slop, and the `process`
-# method to actually run the command. If necessary, you can also override
-# `setup` which will be called before `options`, for example to require any
-# gems your command needs to run, or to set up state.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#15
-class Pry::ClassCommand < ::Pry::Command
- # Returns the value of attribute args.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#64
- def args; end
- # Sets the attribute args
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute args to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#64
- def args=(_arg0); end
- # Set up `opts` and `args`, and then call `process`.
- #
- # This method will display help if necessary.
- #
- # @param args [Array] The arguments passed
- # @return [Object] The return value of `process` or VOID_VALUE
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#72
- def call(*args); end
- # Generate shell completions
- #
- # @param search [String] The line typed so far
- # @return [Array] the words to complete
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#105
- def complete(search); end
- # Return the help generated by Pry::Slop for this command.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#87
- def help; end
- # A method to setup Pry::Slop so it can parse the options your command expects.
- #
- # method, as it may be called by Pry at any time for introspection reasons.
- # If you need to set up default values, use `setup` instead.
- #
- # @example
- # def options(opt)
- # opt.banner "Gists methods or classes"
- # opt.on(:c, :class, "gist a class") do
- # @action = :class
- # end
- # end
- # @note Please don't do anything side-effecty in the main part of this
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#171
- def options(opt); end
- # Returns the value of attribute opts.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#63
- def opts; end
- # Sets the attribute opts
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute opts to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#63
- def opts=(_arg0); end
- # The actual body of your command should go here.
- #
- # The `opts` mehod can be called to get the options that Pry::Slop has passed,
- # and `args` gives the remaining, unparsed arguments.
- #
- # The return value of this method is discarded unless the command was
- # created with `:keep_retval => true`, in which case it is returned to the
- # repl.
- #
- # @example
- # def process
- # if opts.present?(:class)
- # gist_class
- # else
- # gist_method
- # end
- # end
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#190
- def process; end
- # A method called just before `options(opt)` as part of `call`.
- #
- # This method can be used to set up any context your command needs to run,
- # for example requiring gems, or setting default values for options.
- #
- # @example
- # def setup
- # require 'gist'
- # @action = :method
- # end
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#121
- def setup; end
- # Return an instance of Pry::Slop that can parse either subcommands or the
- # options that this command accepts.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#93
- def slop; end
- # A method to setup Pry::Slop commands so it can parse the subcommands your
- # command expects. If you need to set up default values, use `setup`
- # instead.
- #
- # @example A minimal example
- # def subcommands(cmd)
- # cmd.command :download do |opt|
- # description 'Downloads a content from a server'
- #
- # opt.on :verbose, 'Use verbose output'
- #
- # run do |options, arguments|
- # ContentDownloader.download(options, arguments)
- # end
- # end
- # end
- # @example Define the invokation block anywhere you want
- # def subcommands(cmd)
- # cmd.command :download do |opt|
- # description 'Downloads a content from a server'
- #
- # opt.on :verbose, 'Use verbose output'
- # end
- # end
- #
- # def process
- # # Perform calculations...
- # opts.fetch_command(:download).run do |options, arguments|
- # ContentDownloader.download(options, arguments)
- # end
- # # More calculations...
- # end
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#156
- def subcommands(cmd); end
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#29
- def doc; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#37
- def file; end
- # Ensure that subclasses inherit the options, description and
- # match from a ClassCommand super class.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#19
- def inherited(klass); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#42
- def line; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#25
- def source; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#37
- def source_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#42
- def source_line; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#33
- def source_location; end
- private
- # The object used to extract the source for the command.
- #
- # This should be a `Pry::Method(block)` for a command made with `create_command`
- # and a `Pry::WrappedModule(self)` for a command that's a standard class.
- #
- # @return [Pry::WrappedModule, Pry::Method]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/class_command.rb#54
- def source_object; end
- end
-# `Pry::Code` is a class that encapsulates lines of source code and their
-# line numbers and formats them for terminal output. It can read from a file
-# or method definition or be instantiated with a `String` or an `Array`.
-# In general, the formatting methods in `Code` return a new `Code` object
-# which will format the text as specified when `#to_s` is called. This allows
-# arbitrary chaining of formatting methods without mutating the original
-# object.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#32
-class Pry::Code
- extend ::MethodSource::CodeHelpers
- # Instantiate a `Code` object containing code from the given `Array`,
- # `String`, or `IO`. The first line will be line 1 unless specified
- # otherwise. If you need non-contiguous line numbers, you can create an
- # empty `Code` object and then use `#push` to insert the lines.
- #
- # @param lines [Array, String, IO]
- # @param start_line [Integer?]
- # @param code_type [Symbol?]
- # @return [Code] a new instance of Code
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#87
- def initialize(lines = T.unsafe(nil), start_line = T.unsafe(nil), code_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Append the given line. +lineno+ is one more than the last existing
- # line, unless specified otherwise.
- #
- # @param line [String]
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#102
- def <<(line); end
- # Two `Code` objects are equal if they contain the same lines with the same
- # numbers. Otherwise, call `to_s` and `chomp` and compare as Strings.
- #
- # @param other [Code, Object]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#325
- def ==(other); end
- # Remove all lines except for the +lines+ after and excluding +lineno+.
- #
- # @param lineno [Integer]
- # @param lines [Integer]
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#195
- def after(lineno, lines = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Remove all lines except for the +lines+ on either side of and including
- # +lineno+.
- #
- # @param lineno [Integer]
- # @param lines [Integer]
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#182
- def around(lineno, lines = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Remove all lines except for the +lines+ up to and excluding +lineno+.
- #
- # @param lineno [Integer]
- # @param lines [Integer]
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#168
- def before(lineno, lines = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Remove all lines that aren't in the given range, expressed either as a
- # `Range` object or a first and last line number (inclusive). Negative
- # indices count from the end of the array of lines.
- #
- # @param start_line [Range, Integer]
- # @param end_line [Integer?]
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#135
- def between(start_line, end_line = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Symbol] The type of code stored in this wrapper.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#77
- def code_type; end
- # @return [Symbol] The type of code stored in this wrapper.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#77
- def code_type=(_arg0); end
- # Get the comment that describes the expression on the given line number.
- #
- # @param line_number [Integer] (1-based)
- # @return [String] the code.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#286
- def comment_describing(line_number); end
- # Get the multiline expression that starts on the given line number.
- #
- # @param line_number [Integer] (1-based)
- # @return [String] the code.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#294
- def expression_at(line_number, consume = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Remove all lines that don't match the given `pattern`.
- #
- # @param pattern [Regexp]
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#207
- def grep(pattern); end
- # @return [String] a (possibly highlighted) copy of the source code.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#263
- def highlighted; end
- # Return the number of lines stored.
- #
- # @return [Integer]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#316
- def length; end
- # @return [Integer] the number of digits in the last line.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#252
- def max_lineno_width; end
- # Forward any missing methods to the output of `#to_s`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#335
- def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end
- # Get the (approximate) Module.nesting at the give line number.
- #
- # @param line_number [Integer] line number starting from 1
- # @return [Array] a list of open modules.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#302
- def nesting_at(line_number); end
- # Writes a formatted representation (based on the configuration of the
- # object) to the given output, which must respond to `#<<`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#269
- def print_to_output(output, color = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Append the given line. +lineno+ is one more than the last existing
- # line, unless specified otherwise.
- #
- # @param line [String]
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#102
- def push(line); end
- # Return an unformatted String of the code.
- #
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#309
- def raw; end
- # Filter the lines using the given block.
- #
- # @return [Code]
- # @yield [LOC]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#122
- def reject(&block); end
- # Filter the lines using the given block.
- #
- # @return [Code]
- # @yield [LOC]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#112
- def select(&block); end
- # Take `num_lines` from `start_line`, forward or backwards.
- #
- # @param start_line [Integer]
- # @param num_lines [Integer]
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#150
- def take_lines(start_line, num_lines); end
- # @return [String] a formatted representation (based on the configuration of
- # the object).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#258
- def to_s; end
- # Format output with the specified number of spaces in front of every line,
- # unless `spaces` is falsy.
- #
- # @param spaces [Integer?]
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#244
- def with_indentation(spaces = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Format output with line numbers next to it, unless `y_n` is falsy.
- #
- # @param y_n [Boolean?]
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#221
- def with_line_numbers(y_n = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Format output with a marker next to the given +lineno+, unless +lineno+ is
- # falsy.
- #
- # @param lineno [Integer?]
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#232
- def with_marker(lineno = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- protected
- # An abstraction of the `dup.instance_eval` pattern used throughout this
- # class.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#361
- def alter(&block); end
- private
- # Check whether String responds to missing methods.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#345
- def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # Instantiate a `Code` object containing code loaded from a file or
- # Pry's line buffer.
- #
- # @param filename [String] The name of a file, or "(pry)".
- # @param code_type [Symbol] The type of code the file contains.
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#42
- def from_file(filename, code_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Instantiate a `Code` object containing code extracted from a
- # `::Method`, `UnboundMethod`, `Proc`, or `Pry::Method` object.
- #
- # @param meth [::Method, UnboundMethod, Proc, Pry::Method] The method
- # object.
- # @param start_line [Integer, nil] The line number to start on, or nil to
- # use the method's original line numbers.
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#55
- def from_method(meth, start_line = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Attempt to extract the source code for module (or class) `mod`.
- #
- # @param mod [Module, Class] The module (or class) of interest.
- # @param candidate_rank [Integer] The module candidate (by rank)
- # to use (see `Pry::WrappedModule::Candidate` for more information).
- # @param start_line [Integer, nil] The line number to start on, or nil to
- # use the method's original line numbers.
- # @return [Code]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code.rb#69
- def from_module(mod, candidate_rank = T.unsafe(nil), start_line = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# Represents a range of lines in a code listing.
-# @api private
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#8
-class Pry::Code::CodeRange
- # @api private
- # @param start_line [Integer]
- # @param end_line [Integer?]
- # @return [CodeRange] a new instance of CodeRange
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#11
- def initialize(start_line, end_line = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @api private
- # @param lines [Array]
- # @return [Range]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#19
- def indices_range(lines); end
- private
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#27
- def end_line; end
- # @api private
- # @return [Integer]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#57
- def find_end_index(lines); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Integer]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#50
- def find_start_index(lines); end
- # If `end_line` is equal to `nil`, then calculate it from the first
- # parameter, `start_line`. Otherwise, leave it as it is.
- #
- # @api private
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#32
- def force_set_end_line; end
- # Finds indices of `start_line` and `end_line` in the given Array of
- # +lines+.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param lines [Array]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#45
- def indices(lines); end
- # For example, if the range is 4..10, then `start_line` would be equal to
- # 4 and `end_line` to 10.
- #
- # @api private
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#66
- def set_end_line_from_range; end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_range.rb#25
- def start_line; end
-# Represents a line of code (which may, in fact, contain multiple lines if
-# the entirety was eval'd as a single unit following the `edit` command).
-# A line of code is a tuple, which consists of a line and a line number. A
-# `LOC` object's state (namely, the line parameter) can be changed via
-# instance methods. `Pry::Code` heavily uses this class.
-# @api private
-# @example
-# loc = LOC.new("def example\n :example\nend", 1)
-# puts loc.line
-# def example
-# :example
-# end
-# #=> nil
-# loc.indent(3)
-# loc.line #=> " def example\n :example\nend"
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#23
-class Pry::Code::LOC
- # @api private
- # @param line [String] The line of code.
- # @param lineno [Integer] The position of the +line+.
- # @return [LOC] a new instance of LOC
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#29
- def initialize(line, lineno); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#34
- def ==(other); end
- # Prepends the line number `lineno` to the `line`.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param max_width [Integer]
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#64
- def add_line_number(max_width = T.unsafe(nil), color = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Prepends a marker "=>" or an empty marker to the +line+.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param marker_lineno [Integer] If it is equal to the `lineno`, then
- # prepend a hashrocket. Otherwise, an empty marker.
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#81
- def add_marker(marker_lineno); end
- # Paints the `line` of code.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param code_type [Symbol]
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#56
- def colorize(code_type); end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#38
- def dup; end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#98
- def handle_multiline_entries_from_edit_command(line, max_width); end
- # Indents the `line` with +distance+ spaces.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param distance [Integer]
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#94
- def indent(distance); end
- # @api private
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#43
- def line; end
- # @api private
- # @return [Integer]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#48
- def lineno; end
- # @api private
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/loc.rb#25
- def tuple; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#6
-class Pry::CodeFile
- # @param filename [String] The name of a file with code to be detected
- # @param code_type [Symbol] The type of code the `filename` contains
- # @return [CodeFile] a new instance of CodeFile
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#41
- def initialize(filename, code_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [String] The code contained in the current `@filename`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#47
- def code; end
- # @return [Symbol] The type of code stored in this wrapper.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#37
- def code_type; end
- private
- # @raise [MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError] if the `filename` is not
- # readable for some reason.
- # @return [String] absolute path for the given `filename`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#64
- def abs_path; end
- # @return [Array] All the paths that contain code that Pry can use for its
- # API's. Skips directories.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#80
- def code_path; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#110
- def from_load_path; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#105
- def from_pry_init_pwd; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#100
- def from_pwd; end
- # @param path [String]
- # @return [Boolean] if the path, with or without the default ext,
- # is a readable file then `true`, otherwise `false`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#73
- def readable?(path); end
- # @param filename [String]
- # @param default [Symbol] (:unknown) the file type to assume if none could be
- # detected.
- # @return [Symbol, nil] The SyntaxHighlighter type of a file from its
- # extension, or `nil` if `:unknown`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#89
- def type_from_filename(filename, default = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#7
-Pry::CodeFile::DEFAULT_EXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# List of all supported languages.
-# @return [Hash]
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#11
-Pry::CodeFile::EXTENSIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#28
-Pry::CodeFile::FILES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# Store the current working directory. This allows show-source etc. to work if
-# your process has changed directory since boot. [Issue #675]
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code/code_file.rb#34
-Pry::CodeFile::INITIAL_PWD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This class is responsible for taking a string (identifying a
-# command/class/method/etc) and returning the relevant type of object.
-# For example, if the user looks up "show-source" then a
-# `Pry::Command` will be returned. Alternatively, if the user passes in "Pry#repl" then
-# a `Pry::Method` object will be returned.
-# The `CodeObject.lookup` method is responsible for 1. figuring out what kind of
-# object the user wants (applying precedence rules in doing so -- i.e methods
-# get precedence over commands with the same name) and 2. Returning
-# the appropriate object. If the user fails to provide a string
-# identifer for the object (i.e they pass in `nil` or "") then the
-# object looked up will be the 'current method' or 'current class'
-# associated with the Binding.
-# TODO: This class is a clusterfuck. We need a much more robust
-# concept of what a "Code Object" really is. Currently
-# commands/classes/candidates/methods and so on just share a very
-# ill-defined interface.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#22
-class Pry::CodeObject
- include ::Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers
- # @return [CodeObject] a new instance of CodeObject
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#82
- def initialize(str, pry_instance, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # TODO: just make it so find_command_by_match_or_listing doesn't raise?
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#94
- def command_lookup; end
- # lookup variables and constants and `self` that are not modules
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#118
- def default_lookup; end
- # when no paramter is given (i.e CodeObject.lookup(nil)), then we
- # lookup the 'current object' from the binding.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#102
- def empty_lookup; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#136
- def method_or_class_lookup; end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#79
- def pry_instance; end
- # Sets the attribute pry_instance
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute pry_instance to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#79
- def pry_instance=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute str.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#77
- def str; end
- # Sets the attribute str
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute str to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#77
- def str=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute super_level.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#80
- def super_level; end
- # Sets the attribute super_level
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute super_level to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#80
- def super_level=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute target.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#78
- def target; end
- # Sets the attribute target
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute target to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#78
- def target=(_arg0); end
- private
- # Returns true if `str` looks like a method, i.e Klass#method
- # We need to consider this case because method lookups should fall
- # through to the `method_or_class_lookup()` method but a
- # defined?() on a "Klass#method` string will see the `#` as a
- # comment and only evaluate the `Klass` part.
- #
- # @param str [String]
- # @return [Boolean] Whether the string looks like an instance method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#163
- def looks_like_an_instance_method?(str); end
- # grab the nth (`super_level`) super of `obj
- #
- # @param obj [Object]
- # @param super_level [Fixnum] How far up the super chain to ascend.
- # @raise [Pry::CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#188
- def lookup_super(obj, super_level); end
- # We use this method to decide whether code is safe to eval. Method's are
- # generally not, but everything else is.
- # TODO: is just checking != "method" enough??
- # TODO: see duplication of this method in Pry::WrappedModule
- #
- # @param str [String] The string to lookup
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#173
- def safe_to_evaluate?(str); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#152
- def sourcable_object?(obj); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#181
- def target_self; end
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#69
- def lookup(str, pry_instance, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#23
-module Pry::CodeObject::Helpers
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#30
- def c_method?; end
- # @note If a module defined by C was extended with a lot of methods written
- # in Ruby, this method would fail.
- # @return [Boolean] `true` if this module was defined by means of the C API,
- # `false` if it's a Ruby module.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#46
- def c_module?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#38
- def command?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#34
- def module_with_yard_docs?; end
- # we need this helper as some Pry::Method objects can wrap Procs
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/code_object.rb#26
- def real_method_object?; end
-# PP subclass for streaming inspect output in color.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/color_printer.rb#8
-class Pry::ColorPrinter < ::PP
- # source://pry//lib/pry/color_printer.rb#25
- def pp(object); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/color_printer.rb#37
- def text(str, max_width = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/color_printer.rb#49
- def highlight_object_literal(object_literal); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/color_printer.rb#55
- def inspect_object(object); end
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/color_printer.rb#11
- def default(_output, value, pry_instance); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/color_printer.rb#18
- def pp(obj, output = T.unsafe(nil), max_width = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# N.B. using a regular expresion here so that "raise-up 'foo'" does the right thing.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#11
-class Pry::Command
- include ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::Text
- extend ::Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers
- extend ::Pry::CodeObject::Helpers
- # Instantiate a command, in preparation for calling it.
- #
- # @param context [Hash] The runtime context to use with this command.
- # @return [Command] a new instance of Command
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#230
- def initialize(context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#292
- def _pry_; end
- # Sets the attribute pry_instance
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute pry_instance to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#217
- def _pry_=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute arg_string.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#213
- def arg_string; end
- # Sets the attribute arg_string
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute arg_string to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#213
- def arg_string=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#253
- def block; end
- # Returns the value of attribute captures.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#211
- def captures; end
- # Sets the attribute captures
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute captures to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#211
- def captures=(_arg0); end
- # Display a warning if a command collides with a local/method in
- # the current scope.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#329
- def check_for_command_collision(command_match, arg_string); end
- # The block we pass *into* a command so long as `:takes_block` is
- # not equal to `false`
- #
- # @example
- # my-command | do
- # puts "block content"
- # end
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#226
- def command_block; end
- # The block we pass *into* a command so long as `:takes_block` is
- # not equal to `false`
- #
- # @example
- # my-command | do
- # puts "block content"
- # end
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#226
- def command_block=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#261
- def command_name; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#257
- def command_options; end
- # Returns the value of attribute command_set.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#215
- def command_set; end
- # Sets the attribute command_set
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute command_set to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#215
- def command_set=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#284
- def commands; end
- # Generate completions for this command
- #
- # @param _search [String] The line typed so far
- # @return [Array] Completion words
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#411
- def complete(_search); end
- # Returns the value of attribute context.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#214
- def context; end
- # Sets the attribute context
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute context to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#214
- def context=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#249
- def description; end
- # Returns the value of attribute eval_string.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#212
- def eval_string; end
- # Sets the attribute eval_string
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute eval_string to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#212
- def eval_string=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute hooks.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#216
- def hooks; end
- # Sets the attribute hooks
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute hooks to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#216
- def hooks=(_arg0); end
- # Revaluate the string (str) and perform interpolation.
- #
- # @param str [String] The string to reevaluate with interpolation.
- # @return [String] The reevaluated string with interpolations
- # applied (if any).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#318
- def interpolate_string(str); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#245
- def match; end
- # Make those properties accessible to instances
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#241
- def name; end
- # Properties of one execution of a command (passed by {Pry#run_command} as a hash of
- # context and expanded in `#initialize`
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#209
- def output; end
- # Properties of one execution of a command (passed by {Pry#run_command} as a hash of
- # context and expanded in `#initialize`
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#209
- def output=(_arg0); end
- # Process a line that Command.matches? this command.
- #
- # @param line [String] The line to process
- # @return [Object, Command::VOID_VALUE]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#394
- def process_line(line); end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#217
- def pry_instance; end
- # Sets the attribute pry_instance
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute pry_instance to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#217
- def pry_instance=(_arg0); end
- # Run a command from another command.
- #
- # @example
- # run "show-input"
- # @example
- # run ".ls"
- # @example
- # run "amend-line", "5", 'puts "hello world"'
- # @param command_string [String] The string that invokes the command
- # @param args [Array] Further arguments to pass to the command
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#278
- def run(command_string, *args); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#265
- def source; end
- # @example
- # state.my_state = "my state" # this will not conflict with any
- # # `state.my_state` used in another command.
- # @return [Hash] Pry commands can store arbitrary state
- # here. This state persists between subsequent command invocations.
- # All state saved here is unique to the command, it does not
- # need to be namespaced.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#309
- def state; end
- # Returns the value of attribute target.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#210
- def target; end
- # Sets the attribute target
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute target to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#210
- def target=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Object] The value of `self` inside the `target` binding.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#298
- def target_self; end
- # Extract necessary information from a line that Command.matches? this
- # command.
- #
- # Returns an array of four elements:
- #
- # ```
- # [String] the portion of the line that matched with the Command match
- # [String] a string of all the arguments (i.e. everything but the match)
- # [Array] the captures caught by the command_regex
- # [Array] the arguments obtained by splitting the arg_string
- # ```
- #
- # @param val [String] The line of input
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#356
- def tokenize(val); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#288
- def void; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#485
- def after_hooks; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#481
- def before_hooks; end
- # Run the command with the given `args`.
- #
- # This is a public wrapper around `#call` which ensures all preconditions
- # are met.
- #
- # @param args [Array] The arguments to pass to this command.
- # @return [Object] The return value of the `#call` method, or
- # {Command::VOID_VALUE}.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#425
- def call_safely(*args); end
- # Run the `#call` method and all the registered hooks.
- #
- # @param args [Array] The arguments to `#call`
- # @return [Object] The return value from `#call`
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#492
- def call_with_hooks(*args); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#476
- def find_hooks(event); end
- # Normalize method arguments according to its arity.
- #
- # @param method [Integer]
- # @param args [Array]
- # @return [Array] a (possibly shorter) array of the arguments to pass
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#509
- def normalize_method_args(method, args); end
- # Pass a block argument to a command.
- #
- # @param arg_string [String] The arguments (as a string) passed to the command.
- # We inspect these for a '| do' or a '| {' and if we find it we use it
- # to start a block input sequence. Once we have a complete
- # block, we save it to an accessor that can be retrieved from the command context.
- # Note that if we find the '| do' or '| {' we delete this and the
- # elements following it from `arg_string`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#451
- def pass_block(arg_string); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#436
- def use_unpatched_symbol; end
- class << self
- # Define or get the command's banner
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#61
- def banner(arg = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#66
- def block; end
- # Sets the attribute block
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute block to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#30
- def block=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#109
- def command_name; end
- # Define or get the command's options
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#51
- def command_options(arg = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets the attribute command_options
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute command_options to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#32
- def command_options=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#165
- def command_regex; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#172
- def convert_to_regex(obj); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#89
- def default_options(match); end
- # Define or get the command's description
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#45
- def description(arg = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets the attribute description
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute description to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#31
- def description=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#75
- def doc; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#79
- def file; end
- # The group in which the command should be displayed in "help" output.
- # This is usually auto-generated from directory naming, but it can be
- # manually overridden if necessary.
- # Group should not be changed once it is initialized.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#185
- def group(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#105
- def inspect; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#84
- def line; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#35
- def match(arg = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets the attribute match
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute match to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#33
- def match=(_arg0); end
- # How well does this command match the given line?
- #
- # Higher scores are better because they imply that this command matches
- # the line more closely.
- #
- # The score is calculated by taking the number of characters at the start
- # of the string that are used only to identify the command, not as part of
- # the arguments.
- #
- # @example
- # /\.(.*)/.match_score(".foo") #=> 1
- # /\.*(.*)/.match_score("...foo") #=> 3
- # 'hi'.match_score("hi there") #=> 2
- # @param val [String] A line input at the REPL
- # @return [Fixnum]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#153
- def match_score(val); end
- # Should this command be called for the given line?
- #
- # @param val [String] A line input at the REPL
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#133
- def matches?(val); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#101
- def name; end
- # Define or get the command's options
- # backward compatibility
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#51
- def options(arg = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets the attribute command_options
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute command_options to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#32
- def options=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#70
- def source; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#79
- def source_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#84
- def source_line; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#202
- def state; end
- # Create a new command with the given properties.
- #
- # @param match [String, Regex] The thing that triggers this command
- # @param description [String] The description to appear in `help`
- # @param options [Hash] Behavioral options (see {Pry::CommandSet#command})
- # @param helpers [Module] A module of helper functions to be included.
- # @return [Class] (a subclass of {Pry::Command})
- # @yield optional, used for BlockCommands
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#120
- def subclass(match, description, options, helpers, &block); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::AmendLine < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#22
- def process; end
- private
- # @return [String] A new string with the amendments applied to it.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#33
- def amend_input; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#47
- def delete_from_array(array, range); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#51
- def insert_into_array(array, range); end
- # @return [Fixnum] The number of lines currently in `eval_string` (the
- # input buffer)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#62
- def line_count; end
- # The lines (or line) that will be modified by the `amend-line`.
- #
- # @return [Range, Fixnum] The lines or line.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#90
- def line_range; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#56
- def replace_in_array(array, range); end
- # Returns the (one-indexed) start and end lines given by the user.
- # The lines in this range will be affected by the `amend-line`.
- # Returns `nil` if no lines were specified by the user.
- #
- # @return [Array, nil]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#70
- def start_and_end_line_number; end
- # Takes two numbers that are 1-indexed, and returns a range (or
- # number) that is 0-indexed. 1-indexed means the first element is
- # indentified by 1 rather than by 0 (as is the case for Ruby arrays).
- #
- # @param start_line_number [Fixnum] One-indexed number.
- # @param end_line_number [Fixnum] One-indexed number.
- # @return [Range] The zero-indexed range.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/amend_line.rb#83
- def zero_indexed_range_from_one_indexed_numbers(start_line_number, end_line_number); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/bang.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Bang < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/bang.rb#16
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/bang_pry.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::BangPry < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/bang_pry.rb#14
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Cat < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat.rb#53
- def complete(search); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat.rb#57
- def load_path_completions; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat.rb#23
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat.rb#38
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/abstract_formatter.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter
- include ::Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/abstract_formatter.rb#26
- def between_lines; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/abstract_formatter.rb#18
- def code_type; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/abstract_formatter.rb#12
- def decorate(content); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/abstract_formatter.rb#22
- def use_line_numbers?; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Cat::ExceptionFormatter < ::Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter
- include ::Pry::Helpers::Text
- # @return [ExceptionFormatter] a new instance of ExceptionFormatter
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#12
- def initialize(exception, pry_instance, opts); end
- # Returns the value of attribute ex.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#7
- def ex; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#18
- def format; end
- # Returns the value of attribute opts.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#8
- def opts; end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#9
- def pry_instance; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#56
- def backtrace_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#37
- def backtrace_level; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#60
- def backtrace_line; end
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#64
- def check_for_errors; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#33
- def code_window_size; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#78
- def header; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#52
- def increment_backtrace_level; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb#71
- def start_and_end_line_for_code_window; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Cat::FileFormatter < ::Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter
- # @return [FileFormatter] a new instance of FileFormatter
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#11
- def initialize(file_with_embedded_line, pry_instance, opts); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#27
- def file_and_line; end
- # Returns the value of attribute file_with_embedded_line.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#7
- def file_with_embedded_line; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#22
- def format; end
- # Returns the value of attribute opts.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#8
- def opts; end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#9
- def pry_instance; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#55
- def code_type; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#43
- def code_window_size; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#47
- def decorate(content); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#59
- def detect_code_type_from_file(file_name); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#35
- def file_name; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb#39
- def line_number; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Cat::InputExpressionFormatter < ::Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter
- # @return [InputExpressionFormatter] a new instance of InputExpressionFormatter
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#10
- def initialize(input_expressions, opts); end
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#15
- def format; end
- # Returns the value of attribute input_expressions.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#7
- def input_expressions; end
- # Sets the attribute input_expressions
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute input_expressions to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#7
- def input_expressions=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute opts.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#8
- def opts; end
- # Sets the attribute opts
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute opts to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#8
- def opts=(_arg0); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#42
- def normalized_expression_range; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#37
- def numbered_input_items; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb#33
- def selected_input_items; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cd.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Cd < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/cd.rb#25
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/change_inspector.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ChangeInspector < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/change_inspector.rb#17
- def process(inspector); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/change_inspector.rb#28
- def inspector_map; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/change_prompt.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ChangePrompt < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/change_prompt.rb#16
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/change_prompt.rb#20
- def process(prompt); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/change_prompt.rb#38
- def change_prompt(prompt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/change_prompt.rb#30
- def list_prompts; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/clear_screen.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ClearScreen < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/clear_screen.rb#10
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::CodeCollector
- include ::Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers
- # @return [CodeCollector] a new instance of CodeCollector
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#23
- def initialize(args, opts, pry_instance); end
- # Returns the value of attribute args.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#8
- def args; end
- # The code object
- #
- # @return [Pry::WrappedModule, Pry::Method, Pry::Command]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#86
- def code_object; end
- # The content (i.e code/docs) for the selected object.
- # If the user provided a bare code object, it returns the source.
- # If the user provided the `-i` or `-o` switches, it returns the
- # selected input/output lines joined as a string. If the user used
- # `-d CODE_OBJECT` it returns the docs for that code object.
- #
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#60
- def content; end
- # The name of the explicitly given file (if any).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#13
- def file; end
- # The name of the explicitly given file (if any).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#13
- def file=(_arg0); end
- # The line range passed to `--lines`, converted to a 0-indexed range.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#123
- def line_range; end
- # Name of the object argument
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#128
- def obj_name; end
- # Returns the value of attribute opts.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#9
- def opts; end
- # The selected `pry_instance.input_ring` as a string, as specified by
- # the `-i` switch.
- #
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#116
- def pry_input_content; end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#10
- def pry_instance; end
- # The selected `pry_instance.output_ring` as a string, as specified by
- # the `-o` switch.
- #
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#104
- def pry_output_content; end
- # Given a string and a range, return the `range` lines of that
- # string.
- #
- # @param content [String]
- # @param range [Range, Fixnum]
- # @return [String] The string restricted to the given range
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#96
- def restrict_to_lines(content, range); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#134
- def bad_option_combination?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#153
- def code_object_doc; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#157
- def code_object_source_or_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#175
- def convert_to_range(range); end
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#171
- def could_not_locate(name); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#161
- def file_content; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#139
- def pry_array_content_as_string(array, ranges); end
- class << self
- # Add the `--lines`, `-o`, `-i`, `-s`, `-d` options.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#30
- def inject_options(opt); end
- # Returns the value of attribute input_expression_ranges.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#16
- def input_expression_ranges; end
- # Sets the attribute input_expression_ranges
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute input_expression_ranges to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#16
- def input_expression_ranges=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute output_result_ranges.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#17
- def output_result_ranges; end
- # Sets the attribute output_result_ranges
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute output_result_ranges to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/code_collector.rb#17
- def output_result_ranges=(_arg0); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/disable_pry.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::DisablePry < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/disable_pry.rb#23
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Edit < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#89
- def apply_runtime_patch; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#172
- def bad_option_combination?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#152
- def code_object; end
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#105
- def ensure_file_name_is_valid(file_name); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#119
- def file_and_line; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#115
- def file_and_line_for_current_exception; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#78
- def file_based_exception?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#135
- def file_edit; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#148
- def filename_argument; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#203
- def initial_temp_file_content; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#180
- def input_expression; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#195
- def never_reload?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#25
- def options(opt); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#168
- def patch_exception?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#163
- def previously_patched?(code_object); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#215
- def probably_a_file?(str); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#46
- def process; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#158
- def pry_method?(code_object); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#199
- def reload?(file_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#191
- def reloadable?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#69
- def repl_edit; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#64
- def repl_edit?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit.rb#82
- def runtime_patch?; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Edit::ExceptionPatcher
- # @return [ExceptionPatcher] a new instance of ExceptionPatcher
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb#11
- def initialize(pry_instance, state, exception_file_and_line); end
- # Returns the value of attribute file_and_line.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb#9
- def file_and_line; end
- # Sets the attribute file_and_line
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute file_and_line to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb#9
- def file_and_line=(_arg0); end
- # perform the patch
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb#18
- def perform_patch; end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb#7
- def pry_instance; end
- # Sets the attribute pry_instance
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute pry_instance to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb#7
- def pry_instance=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute state.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb#8
- def state; end
- # Sets the attribute state
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute state to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/exception_patcher.rb#8
- def state=(_arg0); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/file_and_line_locator.rb#6
-module Pry::Command::Edit::FileAndLineLocator
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/file_and_line_locator.rb#8
- def from_binding(target); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/file_and_line_locator.rb#16
- def from_code_object(code_object, filename_argument); end
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/file_and_line_locator.rb#24
- def from_exception(exception, backtrace_level); end
- # when file and line are passed as a single arg, e.g my_file.rb:30
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/edit/file_and_line_locator.rb#38
- def from_filename_argument(filename_argument); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/exit.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Exit < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/exit.rb#25
- def process; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/exit.rb#34
- def process_pop_and_return; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/exit_all.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ExitAll < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/exit_all.rb#18
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/exit_program.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ExitProgram < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/exit_program.rb#18
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::FindMethod < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- extend ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#31
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#36
- def process; end
- private
- # Return the matched lines of method source if `-c` is given or ""
- # if `-c` was not given
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#100
- def additional_info(header, method); end
- # Search for all methods who's implementation matches the given regex
- # within a namespace.
- #
- # @param namespace [Module] The namespace to search
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#186
- def content_search(namespace); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#108
- def matched_method_lines(header, method); end
- # Search for all methods with a name that matches the given regex
- # within a namespace.
- #
- # @param namespace [Module] The namespace to search
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#174
- def name_search(namespace); end
- # @return [Regexp] The pattern to search for.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#48
- def pattern; end
- # pretty-print a list of matching methods.
- #
- # @param matches [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#80
- def print_matches(matches); end
- # Print matched methods for a class
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#90
- def print_matches_for_class(klass, grouped); end
- # Run the given block against every constant in the provided namespace.
- #
- # @param klass [Module] The namespace in which to start the search.
- # @param done [Hash] The namespaces we've already visited (private)
- # @yieldparam klass Each class/module in the namespace.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#120
- def recurse_namespace(klass, done = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Gather all the methods in a namespace that pass the given block.
- #
- # @param namespace [Module] The namespace in which to search.
- # @return [Array]
- # @yieldparam method [Method] The method to test
- # @yieldreturn [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#150
- def search_all_methods(namespace); end
- # The class to search for methods.
- # We only search classes, so if the search object is an
- # instance, return its class. If no search object is given
- # search `target_self`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#67
- def search_class; end
- # Output the result of the search.
- #
- # @param matches [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/find_method.rb#55
- def show_search_results(matches); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/fix_indent.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::FixIndent < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/fix_indent.rb#15
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Help < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # Get a hash of available commands grouped by the "group" name.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#29
- def command_groups; end
- # Display help for an individual command.
- #
- # @param command [Pry::Command]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#125
- def display_command(command); end
- # Display help for a searched item, filtered by group
- #
- # @param search [String] The string to search for.
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#111
- def display_filtered_commands(search); end
- # Display help for a searched item, filtered first by group
- # and if that fails, filtered by command name.
- #
- # @param search [String] The string to search for.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#98
- def display_filtered_search_results(search); end
- # Display the index view, with headings and short descriptions per command.
- #
- # @param groups [Hash>]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#44
- def display_index(groups); end
- # Display help for an individual command or group.
- #
- # @param search [String] The string to search for.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#86
- def display_search(search); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#159
- def group_sort_key(group_name); end
- # Given a group name and an array of commands,
- # return the help string for those commands.
- #
- # @param name [String] The group name.
- # @param commands [Array]
- # @return [String] The generated help string.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#62
- def help_text_for_commands(name, commands); end
- # Clean search terms to make it easier to search group names
- #
- # @param key [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#155
- def normalize(key); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#33
- def process; end
- # Find a subset of a hash that matches the user's search term.
- #
- # If there's an exact match a Hash of one element will be returned,
- # otherwise a sub-Hash with every key that matches the search will
- # be returned.
- #
- # @param search [String] the search term
- # @param hash [Hash] the hash to search
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#137
- def search_hash(search, hash); end
- # Sort an array of commands by their `listing` name.
- #
- # @param commands [Array] The commands to sort
- # @return [Array] commands sorted by listing name.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#79
- def sorted_commands(commands); end
- # @param groups [Hash]
- # @return [Array] An array of sorted group names.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#71
- def sorted_group_names(groups); end
- # We only want to show commands that have descriptions, so that the
- # easter eggs don't show up.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/help.rb#20
- def visible_commands; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/hist.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Hist < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/hist.rb#25
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/hist.rb#43
- def process; end
- private
- # Checks +replay_sequence+ for the presence of neighboring replay calls.
- #
- # @example
- # [1] pry(main)> hist --show 46894
- # 46894: hist --replay 46675..46677
- # [2] pry(main)> hist --show 46675..46677
- # 46675: 1+1
- # 46676: a = 100
- # 46677: hist --tail
- # [3] pry(main)> hist --replay 46894
- # Error: Replay index 46894 points out to another replay call:
- # `hist -r 46675..46677`
- # [4] pry(main)>
- # @param replay_sequence [String] The sequence of commands to be replayed
- # (per saltum)
- # @raise [Pry::CommandError] If +replay_sequence+ contains another
- # "hist --replay" call
- # @return [Boolean] `false` if +replay_sequence+ does not contain another
- # "hist --replay" call
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/hist.rb#143
- def check_for_juxtaposed_replay(replay_sequence); end
- # Finds history depending on the given switch.
- #
- # @return [Pry::Code] if it finds `--all` (or `-a`) switch, returns all
- # entries in history. Without the switch returns only the entries from the
- # current Pry session.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/hist.rb#168
- def find_history; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/hist.rb#105
- def process_clear; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/hist.rb#78
- def process_display; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/hist.rb#110
- def process_replay; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/hist.rb#86
- def process_save; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/import_set.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ImportSet < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # TODO: resolve unused parameter.
- #
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/import_set.rb#17
- def process(_command_set_name); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/jump_to.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::JumpTo < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/jump_to.rb#14
- def process(break_level); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/list_inspectors.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ListInspectors < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/list_inspectors.rb#16
- def process; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/list_inspectors.rb#28
- def inspector_map; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/list_inspectors.rb#36
- def selected_inspector?(inspector); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/list_inspectors.rb#32
- def selected_text; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/jruby_hacks.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Ls < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # Exclude -q, -v and --grep because they,
- # don't specify what the user wants to see.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls.rb#85
- def no_user_opts?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls.rb#52
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls.rb#90
- def process; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls.rb#106
- def error_list; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls.rb#126
- def raise_errors_if_arguments_are_weird; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::Constants < ::Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter
- include ::Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable
- # @return [Constants] a new instance of Constants
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb#14
- def initialize(interrogatee, no_user_opts, opts, pry_instance); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb#23
- def correct_opts?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb#27
- def output_self; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb#39
- def format(mod, constants); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb#35
- def show_deprecated_constants?; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/constants.rb#7
-Pry::Command::Ls::Constants::DEPRECATED_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls.rb#6
-Pry::Command::Ls::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter
- # @return [Formatter] a new instance of Formatter
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#10
- def initialize(pry_instance); end
- # Sets the attribute grep
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute grep to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#7
- def grep=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#8
- def pry_instance; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#16
- def write_out; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#24
- def color(type, str); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#41
- def correct_opts?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#37
- def format_value(value); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#49
- def grep; end
- # Add a new section to the output.
- # Outputs nothing if the section would be empty.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#30
- def output_section(heading, body); end
- # @raise [NotImplementedError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/formatter.rb#45
- def output_self; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/globals.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::Globals < ::Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter
- # @return [Globals] a new instance of Globals
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/globals.rb#24
- def initialize(opts, pry_instance); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/globals.rb#29
- def output_self; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/globals.rb#36
- def format(globals); end
-# Taken from "puts global_variables.inspect".
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/globals.rb#8
-Pry::Command::Ls::Globals::BUILTIN_GLOBALS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# `$SAFE` and `$?` are thread-local, the exception stuff only works in a
-# rescue clause, everything else is basically a local variable with a `$`
-# in its name.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/globals.rb#19
-Pry::Command::Ls::Globals::PSEUDO_GLOBALS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/grep.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::Grep
- # @return [Grep] a new instance of Grep
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/grep.rb#7
- def initialize(grep_regexp); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/grep.rb#11
- def regexp; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/instance_vars.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::InstanceVars < ::Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter
- include ::Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable
- # @return [InstanceVars] a new instance of InstanceVars
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/instance_vars.rb#9
- def initialize(interrogatee, no_user_opts, opts, pry_instance); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/instance_vars.rb#16
- def correct_opts?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/instance_vars.rb#20
- def output_self; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/instance_vars.rb#34
- def format(type, vars); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/interrogatable.rb#6
-module Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/interrogatable.rb#13
- def interrogatee_mod; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/interrogatable.rb#9
- def interrogating_a_module?; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/jruby_hacks.rb#6
-module Pry::Command::Ls::JRubyHacks
- private
- # When removing jruby aliases, we want to keep the alias that is
- # "least rubbish" according to this metric.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/jruby_hacks.rb#40
- def rubbishness(name); end
- # JRuby creates lots of aliases for methods imported from java in an attempt
- # to make life easier for ruby programmers. (e.g. getFooBar becomes
- # get_foo_bar and foo_bar, and maybe foo_bar? if it returns a Boolean). The
- # full transformations are in the assignAliases method of:
- # https://github.com/jruby/jruby/blob/master/src/org/jruby/javasupport/JavaClass.java
- #
- # This has the unfortunate side-effect of making the output of ls even more
- # incredibly verbose than it normally would be for these objects; and so we
- # filter out all but the nicest of these aliases here.
- #
- # TODO: This is a little bit vague, better heuristics could be used.
- # JRuby also has a lot of scala-specific logic, which we don't copy.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/jruby_hacks.rb#21
- def trim_jruby_aliases(methods); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_names.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::LocalNames < ::Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter
- # @return [LocalNames] a new instance of LocalNames
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_names.rb#7
- def initialize(no_user_opts, args, pry_instance); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_names.rb#14
- def correct_opts?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_names.rb#18
- def output_self; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_names.rb#25
- def format(locals); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::LocalVars < ::Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter
- # @return [LocalVars] a new instance of LocalVars
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb#7
- def initialize(opts, pry_instance); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb#13
- def output_self; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb#34
- def colorized_assignment_style(lhs, rhs, desired_width = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/local_vars.rb#25
- def format(name_value_pairs); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::LsEntity
- # @return [LsEntity] a new instance of LsEntity
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#9
- def initialize(opts); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#18
- def entities_table; end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#7
- def pry_instance; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#32
- def constants; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#56
- def entities; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#28
- def globals; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#24
- def grep(entity); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#44
- def instance_vars; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#48
- def local_names; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#52
- def local_vars; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#36
- def methods; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/ls_entity.rb#40
- def self_methods; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/methods.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::Methods < ::Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter
- include ::Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable
- include ::Pry::Command::Ls::JRubyHacks
- include ::Pry::Command::Ls::MethodsHelper
- # @return [Methods] a new instance of Methods
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/methods.rb#10
- def initialize(interrogatee, no_user_opts, opts, pry_instance); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/methods.rb#22
- def output_self; end
- private
- # Get a lambda that can be used with `take_while` to prevent over-eager
- # traversal of the Object's ancestry graph.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/methods.rb#41
- def below_ceiling; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/methods.rb#35
- def correct_opts?; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/methods_helper.rb#6
-module Pry::Command::Ls::MethodsHelper
- include ::Pry::Command::Ls::JRubyHacks
- private
- # Get all the methods that we'll want to output.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/methods_helper.rb#12
- def all_methods(instance_methods = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/methods_helper.rb#34
- def format(methods); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/methods_helper.rb#26
- def resolution_order; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/self_methods.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::Ls::SelfMethods < ::Pry::Command::Ls::Formatter
- include ::Pry::Command::Ls::Interrogatable
- include ::Pry::Command::Ls::JRubyHacks
- include ::Pry::Command::Ls::MethodsHelper
- # @return [SelfMethods] a new instance of SelfMethods
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/self_methods.rb#10
- def initialize(interrogatee, no_user_opts, opts, pry_instance); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/self_methods.rb#18
- def output_self; end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ls/self_methods.rb#28
- def correct_opts?; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/nesting.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Nesting < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/nesting.rb#14
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Play < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#74
- def code_object; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#82
- def content; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#60
- def content_after_options; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#70
- def content_at_expression; end
- # The file to play from when no code object is specified.
- # e.g `play --lines 4..10`
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#92
- def default_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#102
- def file_content; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#29
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#48
- def perform_play; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#41
- def process; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#78
- def should_use_default_file?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/play.rb#53
- def show_input; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/pry_backtrace.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::PryBacktrace < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/pry_backtrace.rb#22
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/raise_up.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::RaiseUp < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/raise_up.rb#27
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/reload_code.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ReloadCode < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/reload_code.rb#20
- def process; end
- private
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/reload_code.rb#58
- def check_for_reloadability(code_object, identifier); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/reload_code.rb#32
- def current_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/reload_code.rb#42
- def reload_current_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/reload_code.rb#51
- def reload_object(identifier); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/reset.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Reset < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/reset.rb#14
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ri.rb#7
-class Pry::Command::Ri < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/ri.rb#21
- def process(spec); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/save_file.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::SaveFile < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/save_file.rb#50
- def display_content; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/save_file.rb#39
- def file_name; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/save_file.rb#56
- def mode; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/save_file.rb#21
- def options(opt); end
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/save_file.rb#28
- def process; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/save_file.rb#43
- def save_file; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ShellCommand < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb#21
- def process(cmd); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb#50
- def cd_path_env; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb#54
- def cd_path_exists?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb#36
- def parse_destination(dest); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb#58
- def path_from_cd_path(dest); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb#43
- def process_cd(dest); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_command.rb#68
- def special_case_path?(dest); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_mode.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ShellMode < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/shell_mode.rb#14
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ShowDoc < ::Pry::Command::ShowInfo
- include ::Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers
- # The docs for code_object prepared for display.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb#35
- def content_for(code_object); end
- # Return docs for the code_object, adjusting for whether the code_object
- # has yard docs available, in which case it returns those.
- # (note we only have to check yard docs for modules since they can
- # have multiple docs, but methods can only be doc'd once so we
- # dont need to check them)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb#64
- def docs_for(code_object); end
- # Which sections to include in the 'header', can toggle: :owner,
- # :signature and visibility.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb#76
- def header_options; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb#24
- def process; end
- # process the markup (if necessary) and apply colors
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb#44
- def render_doc_markup_for(code_object); end
- # figure out start line of docs by back-calculating based on
- # number of lines in the comment and the start line of the code_object
- #
- # @return [Fixnum] start line of docs
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_doc.rb#83
- def start_line_for(code_object); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ShowInfo < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- extend ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- # @return [ShowInfo] a new instance of ShowInfo
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#10
- def initialize(*_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#127
- def code_object_header(code_object, line_num); end
- # This method checks whether the `code_object` is a WrappedModule, if it
- # is, then it returns the first candidate (monkeypatch) with accessible
- # source (or docs). If `code_object` is not a WrappedModule (i.e a method
- # or a command) then the `code_object` itself is just returned.
- #
- # @raise [CommandError]
- # @return [Pry::WrappedModule, Pry::Method, Pry::Command]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#61
- def code_object_with_accessible_source(code_object); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#213
- def complete(input); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#77
- def content_and_header_for_code_object(code_object); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#81
- def content_and_headers_for_all_module_candidates(mod); end
- # takes into account possible yard docs, and returns yard_file / yard_line
- # Also adjusts for start line of comments (using start_line_for), which it
- # has to infer by subtracting number of lines of comment from start line
- # of code_object
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#205
- def file_and_line_for(code_object); end
- # Generate a header (meta-data information) for all the code
- # object types: methods, modules, commands, procs...
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#106
- def header(code_object); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#173
- def header_options; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#142
- def method_header(code_object, line_num); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#165
- def method_sections(code_object); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#151
- def module_header(code_object, line_num); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#100
- def no_definition_message; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#185
- def obj_name; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#16
- def options(opt); end
- # @raise [CommandError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#26
- def process; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#181
- def show_all_modules?(code_object); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#193
- def start_line_for(code_object); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#189
- def use_line_numbers?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_info.rb#73
- def valid_superclass?(code_object); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_input.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ShowInput < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_input.rb#15
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_source.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ShowSource < ::Pry::Command::ShowInfo
- include ::Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers
- # The source for code_object prepared for display.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_source.rb#48
- def content_for(code_object); end
- # Return docs for the code_object, adjusting for whether the code_object
- # has yard docs available, in which case it returns those.
- # (note we only have to check yard docs for modules since they can
- # have multiple docs, but methods can only be doc'd once so we
- # dont need to check them)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_source.rb#86
- def docs_for(code_object); end
- # Which sections to include in the 'header', can toggle: :owner,
- # :signature and visibility.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_source.rb#98
- def header_options; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_source.rb#31
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_source.rb#38
- def process; end
- # process the markup (if necessary) and apply colors
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_source.rb#66
- def render_doc_markup_for(code_object); end
- # figure out start line of docs by back-calculating based on
- # number of lines in the comment and the start line of the code_object
- #
- # @return [Fixnum] start line of docs
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/show_source.rb#105
- def start_line_for(code_object); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/stat.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Stat < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/stat.rb#19
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/stat.rb#23
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/switch_to.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::SwitchTo < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/switch_to.rb#14
- def process(selection); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/toggle_color.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::ToggleColor < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/toggle_color.rb#21
- def color_toggle; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/toggle_color.rb#16
- def process; end
-# represents a void return value for a command
-# source://pry//lib/pry/command.rb#20
-Pry::Command::VOID_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/pry_version.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Version < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/pry_version.rb#14
- def process; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::WatchExpression < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb#31
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb#42
- def process; end
- private
- # TODO: fix arguments.
- # https://github.com/pry/pry/commit/b031df2f2f5850ee6e9018f33d35f3485a9b0423
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb#93
- def add_expression(_arguments); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb#98
- def add_hook; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb#59
- def delete(index); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb#84
- def eval_and_print_changed(output); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb#55
- def expressions; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression.rb#69
- def list; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#6
-class Pry::Command::WatchExpression::Expression
- # @return [Expression] a new instance of Expression
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#9
- def initialize(pry_instance, target, source); end
- # Has the value of the expression changed?
- #
- # We use the pretty-printed string represenation to detect differences
- # as this avoids problems with dup (causes too many differences) and ==
- # (causes too few)
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#29
- def changed?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#15
- def eval!; end
- # Returns the value of attribute previous_value.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#7
- def previous_value; end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#7
- def pry_instance; end
- # Returns the value of attribute source.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#7
- def source; end
- # Returns the value of attribute target.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#7
- def target; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#20
- def to_s; end
- # Returns the value of attribute value.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#7
- def value; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/watch_expression/expression.rb#35
- def target_eval(target, source); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#7
-class Pry::Command::Whereami < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # @return [Whereami] a new instance of Whereami
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#8
- def initialize(*_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#83
- def bad_option_combination?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#63
- def code; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#77
- def code?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#88
- def location; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#55
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#92
- def process; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#44
- def setup; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#171
- def class_code; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#152
- def code_window; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#144
- def default_code; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#185
- def expand_path(filename); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#132
- def handle_internal_binding; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#124
- def marker; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#156
- def method_code; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#116
- def nothing_to_do?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#140
- def small_method?; end
- # This either returns the `target_self`
- # or it returns the class of `target_self` if `target_self` is not a class.
- #
- # @return [Pry::WrappedModule]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#165
- def target_class; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#128
- def top_level?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#120
- def use_line_numbers?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#180
- def valid_method?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#192
- def window_size; end
- class << self
- # Returns the value of attribute method_size_cutoff.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#15
- def method_size_cutoff; end
- # Sets the attribute method_size_cutoff
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute method_size_cutoff to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/whereami.rb#15
- def method_size_cutoff=(_arg0); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/wtf.rb#5
-class Pry::Command::Wtf < ::Pry::ClassCommand
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/wtf.rb#27
- def options(opt); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/wtf.rb#32
- def process; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/wtf.rb#64
- def format_backtrace(backtrace); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/wtf.rb#60
- def format_header(title, exception); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/wtf.rb#83
- def read_line(file, line); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/wtf.rb#76
- def trim_backtrace(backtrace); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/commands/wtf.rb#48
- def unwind_exceptions; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/commands/wtf.rb#25
-Pry::Command::Wtf::RUBY_FRAME_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# CommandErrors are caught by the REPL loop and displayed to the user. They
-# indicate an exceptional condition that's fatal to the current command.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#68
-class Pry::CommandError < ::StandardError; end
-# This class is used to create sets of commands. Commands can be imported from
-# different sets, aliased, removed, etc.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#12
-class Pry::CommandSet
- include ::Enumerable
- include ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- # @param imported_sets [Array] Sets which will be imported automatically
- # @return [CommandSet] a new instance of CommandSet
- # @yield Optional block run to define commands
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#20
- def initialize(*imported_sets, &block); end
- # Find a command that matches the given line
- #
- # @param pattern [String] The line that might be a command invocation
- # @return [Pry::Command, nil]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#275
- def [](pattern); end
- # Re-assign the command found at _pattern_ with _command_.
- #
- # @example
- # Pry.config.commands["help"] = MyHelpCommand
- # @param pattern [Regexp, String] The command to add or replace(found at _pattern_).
- # @param command [Pry::Command] The command to add.
- # @return [Pry::Command] Returns the new command (matched with "pattern".)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#298
- def []=(pattern, command); end
- # Add a command to set.
- #
- # @param command [Command] a subclass of Pry::Command.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#324
- def add_command(command); end
- # Aliases a command
- #
- # @example Creating an alias for `ls -M`
- # Pry.config.commands.alias_command "lM", "ls -M"
- # @example Pass explicit description (overriding default).
- # Pry.config.commands.alias_command "lM", "ls -M", :desc => "cutiepie"
- # @param match [String, Regex] The match of the alias (can be a regex).
- # @param action [String] The action to be performed (typically
- # another command).
- # @param options [Hash] The optional configuration parameters,
- # accepts the same as the `command` method, but also allows the
- # command description to be passed this way too as `:desc`
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#190
- def alias_command(match, action, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Defines a new Pry command.
- #
- # @example
- # MyCommands = Pry::CommandSet.new do
- # command "greet", "Greet somebody" do |name|
- # puts "Good afternoon #{name.capitalize}!"
- # end
- # end
- #
- # # From pry:
- # # pry(main)> pry_instance.commands = MyCommands
- # # pry(main)> greet john
- # # Good afternoon John!
- # # pry(main)> help greet
- # # Greet somebody
- # @example Regexp command
- # MyCommands = Pry::CommandSet.new do
- # command(
- # /number-(\d+)/, "number-N regex command", :listing => "number"
- # ) do |num, name|
- # puts "hello #{name}, nice number: #{num}"
- # end
- # end
- #
- # # From pry:
- # # pry(main)> pry_instance.commands = MyCommands
- # # pry(main)> number-10 john
- # # hello john, nice number: 10
- # # pry(main)> help number
- # # number-N regex command
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @param match [String, Regexp] The start of invocations of this command.
- # @param description [String] A description of the command.
- # @param options [Hash] The optional configuration parameters.
- # @yield The action to perform. The parameters in the block
- # determines the parameters the command will receive. All
- # parameters passed into the block will be strings. Successive
- # command parameters are separated by whitespace at the Pry prompt.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#78
- def block_command(match, description = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Defines a new Pry command.
- #
- # @example
- # MyCommands = Pry::CommandSet.new do
- # command "greet", "Greet somebody" do |name|
- # puts "Good afternoon #{name.capitalize}!"
- # end
- # end
- #
- # # From pry:
- # # pry(main)> pry_instance.commands = MyCommands
- # # pry(main)> greet john
- # # Good afternoon John!
- # # pry(main)> help greet
- # # Greet somebody
- # @example Regexp command
- # MyCommands = Pry::CommandSet.new do
- # command(
- # /number-(\d+)/, "number-N regex command", :listing => "number"
- # ) do |num, name|
- # puts "hello #{name}, nice number: #{num}"
- # end
- # end
- #
- # # From pry:
- # # pry(main)> pry_instance.commands = MyCommands
- # # pry(main)> number-10 john
- # # hello john, nice number: 10
- # # pry(main)> help number
- # # number-N regex command
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @param match [String, Regexp] The start of invocations of this command.
- # @param description [String] A description of the command.
- # @param options [Hash] The optional configuration parameters.
- # @yield The action to perform. The parameters in the block
- # determines the parameters the command will receive. All
- # parameters passed into the block will be strings. Successive
- # command parameters are separated by whitespace at the Pry prompt.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#78
- def command(match, description = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Generate completions for the user's search.
- #
- # @param search [String] The line to search for
- # @param context [Hash] The context to create the command with
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#365
- def complete(search, context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Defines a new Pry command class.
- #
- # @example
- # Pry::Commands.create_command "echo", "echo's the input", :shellwords => false do
- # def options(opt)
- # opt.banner "Usage: echo [-u | -d] "
- # opt.on :u, :upcase, "ensure the output is all upper-case"
- # opt.on :d, :downcase, "ensure the output is all lower-case"
- # end
- #
- # def process
- # if opts.present?(:u) && opts.present?(:d)
- # raise Pry::CommandError, "-u and -d makes no sense"
- # end
- # result = args.join(" ")
- # result.downcase! if opts.present?(:downcase)
- # result.upcase! if opts.present?(:upcase)
- # output.puts result
- # end
- # end
- # @param match [String, Regexp] The start of invocations of this command.
- # @param description [String] A description of the command.
- # @param options [Hash] The optional configuration parameters, see {#command}
- # @yield The class body's definition.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#117
- def create_command(match, description = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Removes some commands from the set
- #
- # @param searches [Array] the matches or listings of the commands
- # to remove
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#138
- def delete(*searches); end
- # Sets or gets the description for a command (replacing the old
- # description). Returns current description if no description
- # parameter provided.
- #
- # @example Setting
- # MyCommands = Pry::CommandSet.new do
- # desc "help", "help description"
- # end
- # @example Getting
- # Pry.config.commands.desc "amend-line"
- # @param search [String, Regexp] The command match.
- # @param description [String?] (nil) The command description.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#253
- def desc(search, description = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#131
- def each(&block); end
- # Find a command that matches the given line
- #
- # @param pattern [String] The line that might be a command invocation
- # @return [Pry::Command, nil]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#275
- def find_command(pattern); end
- # @param match_or_listing [String, Regexp] The match or listing of a command.
- # of the command to retrieve.
- # @return [Command] The command object matched.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#173
- def find_command_by_match_or_listing(match_or_listing); end
- # Find the command that the user might be trying to refer to.
- #
- # @param search [String] The user's search.
- # @return [Pry::Command?]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#331
- def find_command_for_help(search); end
- # Returns the value of attribute helper_module.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#15
- def helper_module; end
- # Imports all the commands from one or more sets.
- #
- # @param sets [Array] Command sets, all of the commands of which
- # will be imported.
- # @return [Pry::CommandSet] Returns the reciever (a command set).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#149
- def import(*sets); end
- # Imports some commands from a set
- #
- # @param set [CommandSet] Set to import commands from
- # @param matches [Array] Commands to import
- # @return [Pry::CommandSet] Returns the reciever (a command set).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#161
- def import_from(set, *matches); end
- # @return [Array] The list of commands provided by the command set.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#262
- def keys; end
- # @return [Array] The list of commands provided by the command set.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#262
- def list_commands; end
- # Process the given line to see whether it needs executing as a command.
- #
- # @param val [String] The line to execute
- # @param context [Hash] The context to execute the commands with
- # @return [CommandSet::Result]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#351
- def process_line(val, context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Rename a command. Accepts either match or listing for the search.
- #
- # @example Renaming the `ls` command and changing its description.
- # Pry.config.commands.rename "dir", "ls", :description => "DOS friendly ls"
- # @param new_match [String, Regexp] The new match for the command.
- # @param search [String, Regexp] The command's current match or listing.
- # @param options [Hash] The optional configuration parameters,
- # accepts the same as the `command` method, but also allows the
- # command description to be passed this way too.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#227
- def rename_command(new_match, search, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#267
- def to_h; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#267
- def to_hash; end
- # Is the given line a command invocation?
- #
- # @param val [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#343
- def valid_command?(val); end
- private
- # Defines helpers methods for this command sets.
- # Those helpers are only defined in this command set.
- #
- # @example
- # helpers do
- # def hello
- # puts "Hello!"
- # end
- #
- # include OtherModule
- # end
- # @yield A block defining helper methods
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#390
- def helpers(&block); end
-# CommandState is a data structure to hold per-command state.
-# Pry commands can store arbitrary state here. This state persists between
-# subsequent command invocations. All state saved here is unique to the
-# command.
-# @api private
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/command_state.rb#14
-class Pry::CommandState
- # @api private
- # @return [CommandState] a new instance of CommandState
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_state.rb#19
- def initialize; end
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_state.rb#27
- def reset(command_name); end
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_state.rb#23
- def state_for(command_name); end
- class << self
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_state.rb#15
- def default; end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry.rb#35
-Pry::Commands = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pry::CommandSet)
-# @api private
-# source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#4
-class Pry::Config
- extend ::Pry::Config::Attributable
- # @api private
- # @return [Config] a new instance of Config
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#154
- def initialize; end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#234
- def [](attr); end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#230
- def []=(attr, value); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def auto_indent; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def auto_indent=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean] whether or not display a warning when a command name
- # collides with a method/local in the current context.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def collision_warning; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def collision_warning=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def color; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def color=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Proc]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def command_completions; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def command_completions=(_arg0); end
- # A string that must precede all commands. For example, if is is
- # set to "%", the "cd" command must be invoked as "%cd").
- #
- # @api private
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def command_prefix; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def command_prefix=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Pry::CommandSet]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def commands; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def commands=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [#build_completion_proc] a completer to use
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def completer; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def completer=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#259
- def control_d_handler; end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#260
- def control_d_handler=(value); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def correct_indent; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def correct_indent=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Integer] The number of lines of context to show before and after
- # exceptions
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def default_window_size; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def default_window_size=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean] whether to disable edit-method's auto-reloading behavior
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def disable_auto_reload; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def disable_auto_reload=(_arg0); end
- # If it is a String, then that String is used as the shell
- # command to invoke the editor.
- #
- # If it responds to #call is callable then `file`, `line`, and `reloading`
- # are passed to it. `reloading` indicates whether Pry will be reloading code
- # after the shell command returns. All parameters are optional.
- #
- # @api private
- # @return [String, #call]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def editor; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def editor=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Proc] the printer for exceptions
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def exception_handler; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def exception_handler=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @deprecated
- # @return [Array] Exception that Pry shouldn't rescue
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def exception_whitelist; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def exception_whitelist=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [String] a line of code to execute in context before the session
- # starts
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def exec_string; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def exec_string=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Hash{Symbol=>Proc}]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def extra_sticky_locals; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def extra_sticky_locals=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Proc]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def file_completions; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def file_completions=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Pry::History]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def history; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def history=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def history_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def history_file=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def history_ignorelist; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def history_ignorelist=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def history_load; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def history_load=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def history_save; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def history_save=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Pry::Hooks]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def hooks; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def hooks=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [IO, #readline] he object from which Pry retrieves its lines of
- # input
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def input; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def input=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Hash]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def ls; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def ls=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Integer] how many input/output lines to keep in memory
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def memory_size; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def memory_size=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#226
- def merge(config_hash); end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#221
- def merge!(config_hash); end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#239
- def method_missing(method_name, *args, &_block); end
- # @api private
- # @return [IO, #puts] where Pry should output results provided by {input}
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def output; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def output=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def output_prefix; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def output_prefix=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def pager; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def pager=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Proc] the printer for Ruby expressions (not commands)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def print; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def print=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Pry::Prompt]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def prompt; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def prompt=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [String] The display name that is part of the prompt
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def prompt_name; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def prompt_name=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Array] the list of objects that are known to have a
- # 1-line #inspect output suitable for prompt
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def prompt_safe_contexts; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def prompt_safe_contexts=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean] suppresses whereami output on `binding.pry`
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def quiet; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def quiet=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [String]
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def rc_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def rc_file=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Array] Ruby files to be required
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def requires; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def requires=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean] whether the local ./.pryrc should be loaded
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def should_load_local_rc; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def should_load_local_rc=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean] whether the global ~/.pryrc should be loaded
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def should_load_rc; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def should_load_rc=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean] whether to load files specified with the -r flag
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def should_load_requires; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def should_load_requires=(_arg0); end
- # Whether Pry should trap SIGINT and cause it to raise an Interrupt
- # exception. This is only useful on JRuby, MRI does this for us.
- #
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def should_trap_interrupts; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def should_trap_interrupts=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Proc] The proc that runs system commands
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def system; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def system=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Array] Exception that Pry shouldn't rescue
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def unrescued_exceptions; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def unrescued_exceptions=(_arg0); end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean] displays a warning about experience improvement on
- # Windows
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#13
- def windows_console_warning; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#18
- def windows_console_warning=(_arg0); end
- private
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#303
- def default_rc_file; end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#254
- def initialize_dup(other); end
- # @api private
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#289
- def lazy_readline; end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config.rb#250
- def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_all = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# Attributable provides the ability to create "attribute"
-# accessors. Attribute accessors create a standard "attr_writer" and a
-# customised "attr_reader". This reader is Proc-aware (lazy).
-# @api private
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#11
-module Pry::Config::Attributable
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/attributable.rb#12
- def attribute(attr_name); end
-# LazyValue is a Proc (block) wrapper. It is meant to be used as a
-# configuration value. Subsequent `#call` calls always evaluate the given
-# block.
-# @api private
-# @example
-# num = 19
-# value = Pry::Config::LazyValue.new { num += 1 }
-# value.foo # => 20
-# value.foo # => 21
-# value.foo # => 22
-# @see Pry::Config::MemoizedValue
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/config/lazy_value.rb#19
-class Pry::Config::LazyValue
- # @api private
- # @return [LazyValue] a new instance of LazyValue
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/lazy_value.rb#20
- def initialize(&block); end
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/lazy_value.rb#24
- def call; end
-# MemoizedValue is a Proc (block) wrapper. It is meant to be used as a
-# configuration value. Subsequent `#call` calls return the same memoized
-# result.
-# @api private
-# @example
-# num = 19
-# value = Pry::Config::MemoizedValue.new { num += 1 }
-# value.call # => 20
-# value.call # => 20
-# value.call # => 20
-# @see Pry::Config::LazyValue
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/config/memoized_value.rb#19
-class Pry::Config::MemoizedValue
- # @api private
- # @return [MemoizedValue] a new instance of MemoizedValue
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/memoized_value.rb#20
- def initialize(&block); end
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/memoized_value.rb#26
- def call; end
-# Value holds a value for the given attribute and decides how it should
-# be read. Procs get called, other values are returned as is.
-# @api private
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/config/value.rb#10
-class Pry::Config::Value
- # @api private
- # @return [Value] a new instance of Value
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/value.rb#11
- def initialize(value); end
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/config/value.rb#15
- def call; end
-# @api private
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/control_d_handler.rb#6
-module Pry::ControlDHandler
- class << self
- # Deal with the ^D key being pressed. Different behaviour in different
- # cases:
- # 1. In an expression behave like `!` command.
- # 2. At top-level session behave like `exit` command.
- # 3. In a nested session behave like `cd ..`.
- #
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/control_d_handler.rb#12
- def default(pry_instance); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/pry_instance.rb#59
-Pry::EMPTY_COMPLETIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#6
-class Pry::Editor
- include ::Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers
- # @return [Editor] a new instance of Editor
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#27
- def initialize(pry_instance); end
- # Generate the string that's used to start the editor. This includes
- # all the flags we want as well as the file and line number we
- # want to open at.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#60
- def build_editor_invocation_string(file, line, blocking); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#31
- def edit_tempfile_with_content(initial_content, line = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#41
- def invoke_editor(file, line, blocking = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#25
- def pry_instance; end
- private
- # Some editors that run outside the terminal allow you to control whether or
- # not to block the process from which they were launched (in this case, Pry).
- # For those editors, return the flag that produces the desired behavior.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#100
- def blocking_flag_for_editor(blocking); end
- # Get the name of the binary that Pry.config.editor points to.
- #
- # This is useful for deciding which flags we pass to the editor as
- # we can just use the program's name and ignore any absolute paths.
- #
- # @example
- # Pry.config.editor="/home/conrad/bin/textmate -w"
- # editor_name
- # # => textmate
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#151
- def editor_name; end
- # Start the editor running, using the calculated invocation string
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#76
- def open_editor(editor_invocation); end
- # We need JRuby specific code here cos just shelling out using
- # system() appears to be pretty broken :/
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#89
- def open_editor_on_jruby(editor_invocation); end
- # Return the syntax for a given editor for starting the editor
- # and moving to a particular line within that file
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#115
- def start_line_syntax_for_editor(file_name, line_number); end
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/editor.rb#7
- def default; end
- end
-# Env is a helper module to work with environment variables.
-# @api private
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/env.rb#8
-module Pry::Env
- class << self
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/env.rb#9
- def [](key); end
- end
-# @api private
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/exception_handler.rb#6
-module Pry::ExceptionHandler
- class << self
- # Will only show the first line of the backtrace.
- #
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/exception_handler.rb#9
- def handle_exception(output, exception, _pry_instance); end
- private
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/exception_handler.rb#37
- def cause_text(cause); end
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/exception_handler.rb#32
- def exception_text(exception); end
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/exception_handler.rb#19
- def standard_error_text_for(exception); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/forwardable.rb#4
-module Pry::Forwardable
- include ::Forwardable
- # Since Ruby 2.4, Forwardable will print a warning when
- # calling a method that is private on a delegate, and
- # in the future it could be an error: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/12782#note-3
- #
- # That's why we revert to a custom implementation for delegating one
- # private method to another.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/forwardable.rb#16
- def def_private_delegators(target, *private_delegates); end
-# When we try to get a binding for an object, we try to define a method on
-# that Object's singleton class. This doesn't work for "frozen" Object's, and
-# the exception is just a vanilla RuntimeError.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#56
-module Pry::FrozenObjectException
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#57
- def ===(exception); end
- end
-# @return [Boolean] true if this Ruby supports safe levels and tainting,
-# to guard against using deprecated or unsupported features
-# source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#11
-Pry::HAS_SAFE_LEVEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), FalseClass)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#4
-module Pry::Helpers
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#27
- def tablify(things, line_length, pry_instance = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#5
- def tablify_or_one_line(heading, things, pry_instance = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#16
- def tablify_to_screen_width(things, options, pry_instance = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#5
-module Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- extend ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#43
- def colorize_code(code); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#27
- def find_command(name, set = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # formatting
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#54
- def heading(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#47
- def highlight(string, regexp, highlight_color = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#34
- def not_a_real_file?(file); end
- # Acts like send but ignores any methods defined below Object or Class in the
- # inheritance hierarchy.
- # This is required to introspect methods on objects like Net::HTTP::Get that
- # have overridden the `method` method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#22
- def safe_send(obj, method, *args, &block); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#8
- def silence_warnings; end
- # Send the given text through the best available pager (if Pry.config.pager is
- # enabled). Infers where to send the output if used as a mixin.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#62
- def stagger_output(text, _out = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/base_helpers.rb#38
- def use_ansi_codes?; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#7
-module Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers
- extend ::Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers
- extend ::Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#115
- def absolute_index_number(line_number, array_length); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#123
- def absolute_index_range(range_or_number, array_length); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#31
- def get_method_or_raise(method_name, context, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#21
- def internal_binding?(context); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#97
- def one_index_number(line_number); end
- # convert a 1-index range to a 0-indexed one
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#102
- def one_index_range(range); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#106
- def one_index_range_or_number(range_or_number); end
- # Restrict a string to the given range of lines (1-indexed)
- #
- # @param content [String] The string.
- # @param lines [Range, Integer] The line(s) to restrict it to.
- # @return [String] The resulting string.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#92
- def restrict_to_lines(content, lines); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#135
- def set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name, pry = T.unsafe(nil), ctx = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Open a temp file and yield it to the block, closing it after
- #
- # @return [String] The path of the temp file
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#14
- def temp_file(ext = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Remove any common leading whitespace from every line in `text`. This
- # can be used to make a HEREDOC line up with the left margin, without
- # sacrificing the indentation level of the source code.
- #
- # @example
- # opt.banner(unindent(<<-USAGE))
- # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
- # sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
- # "Ut enim ad minim veniam."
- # @param dirty_text [String] The text from which to remove indentation
- # @return [String] the text with indentation stripped
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/command_helpers.rb#68
- def unindent(dirty_text, left_padding = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# This class contains methods useful for extracting
-# documentation from methods and classes.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#7
-module Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers
- private
- # Given a string that makes up a comment in a source-code file parse out the content
- # that the user is intended to read. (i.e. without leading indentation, #-characters
- # or shebangs)
- #
- # @param comment [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#67
- def get_comment_content(comment); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#51
- def process_comment_markup(comment); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#15
- def process_rdoc(comment); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#45
- def process_yardoc(comment); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#30
- def process_yardoc_tag(comment, tag); end
- # @param code [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#57
- def strip_comments_from_c_code(code); end
- # @param text [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#79
- def strip_leading_whitespace(text); end
- class << self
- # Given a string that makes up a comment in a source-code file parse out the content
- # that the user is intended to read. (i.e. without leading indentation, #-characters
- # or shebangs)
- #
- # @param comment [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#67
- def get_comment_content(comment); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#51
- def process_comment_markup(comment); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#15
- def process_rdoc(comment); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#45
- def process_yardoc(comment); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#30
- def process_yardoc_tag(comment, tag); end
- # @param code [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#57
- def strip_comments_from_c_code(code); end
- # @param text [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#79
- def strip_leading_whitespace(text); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/documentation_helpers.rb#8
-Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers::YARD_TAGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/options_helpers.rb#5
-module Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers
- private
- # Get the method object parsed by the slop instance
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/options_helpers.rb#23
- def method_object; end
- # Add method options to the Pry::Slop instance
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/options_helpers.rb#9
- def method_options(opt); end
- class << self
- # Get the method object parsed by the slop instance
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/options_helpers.rb#23
- def method_object; end
- # Add method options to the Pry::Slop instance
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/options_helpers.rb#9
- def method_options(opt); end
- end
-# Contains methods for querying the platform that Pry is running on
-# @api public
-# @since v0.12.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#10
-module Pry::Helpers::Platform
- class << self
- # @api public
- # @return [Boolean]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#35
- def jruby?; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Boolean]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#40
- def jruby_19?; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Boolean]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#17
- def linux?; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Boolean]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#12
- def mac_osx?; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Boolean]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#45
- def mri?; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Boolean]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#50
- def mri_19?; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Boolean]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#55
- def mri_2?; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Boolean] true when Pry is running on Windows with ANSI support,
- # false otherwise
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#23
- def windows?; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Boolean]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/platform.rb#28
- def windows_ansi?; end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#35
-class Pry::Helpers::Table
- # @return [Table] a new instance of Table
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#37
- def initialize(items, args, pry_instance = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#81
- def ==(other); end
- # Returns the value of attribute column_count.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#36
- def column_count; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#68
- def column_count=(count); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#77
- def columns; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#73
- def fits_on_line?(line_length); end
- # Returns the value of attribute items.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#36
- def items; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#62
- def items=(items); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#47
- def rows_to_s(style = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#85
- def to_a; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#43
- def to_s; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#91
- def _max_width(things); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#95
- def _rebuild_colorless_cache; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#116
- def _recall_color_for(thing); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/table.rb#105
- def _recolumn; end
-# The methods defined on {Text} are available to custom commands via
-# {Pry::Command#text}.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#7
-module Pry::Helpers::Text
- extend ::Pry::Helpers::Text
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#23
- def black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def black_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def black_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def black_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def black_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def black_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def black_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def black_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def black_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def black_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#23
- def blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def blue_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def blue_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def blue_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def blue_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def blue_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def blue_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def blue_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def blue_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def blue_on_yellow(text); end
- # Returns _text_ as bold text for use on a terminal.
- #
- # @param text [String, #to_s]
- # @return [String] _text_
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#54
- def bold(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#27
- def bright_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_black_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_black_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_black_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_black_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_black_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_black_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_black_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_black_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_black_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#27
- def bright_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_blue_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_blue_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_blue_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_blue_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_blue_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_blue_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_blue_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_blue_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_blue_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#27
- def bright_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_cyan_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_cyan_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_cyan_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_cyan_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_cyan_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_cyan_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_cyan_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_cyan_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_cyan_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#27
- def bright_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_green_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_green_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_green_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_green_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_green_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_green_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_green_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_green_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_green_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#27
- def bright_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_magenta_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_magenta_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_magenta_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_magenta_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_magenta_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_magenta_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_magenta_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_magenta_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_magenta_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#27
- def bright_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_purple_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_purple_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_purple_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_purple_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_purple_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_purple_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_purple_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_purple_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_purple_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#27
- def bright_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_red_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_red_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_red_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_red_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_red_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_red_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_red_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_red_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_red_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#27
- def bright_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_white_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_white_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_white_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_white_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_white_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_white_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_white_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_white_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_white_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#27
- def bright_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_yellow_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_yellow_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_yellow_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_yellow_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_yellow_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_yellow_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_yellow_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_yellow_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#36
- def bright_yellow_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#23
- def cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def cyan_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def cyan_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def cyan_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def cyan_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def cyan_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def cyan_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def cyan_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def cyan_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def cyan_on_yellow(text); end
- # Returns `text` in the default foreground colour.
- # Use this instead of "black" or "white" when you mean absence of colour.
- #
- # @param text [String, #to_s]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#63
- def default(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#23
- def green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def green_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def green_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def green_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def green_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def green_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def green_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def green_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def green_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def green_on_yellow(text); end
- # Returns _text_ indented by _chars_ spaces.
- #
- # @param text [String]
- # @param chars [Fixnum]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#113
- def indent(text, chars); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#23
- def magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def magenta_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def magenta_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def magenta_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def magenta_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def magenta_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def magenta_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def magenta_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def magenta_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def magenta_on_yellow(text); end
- # @return [void]
- # @yield Yields a block with color turned off.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#73
- def no_color; end
- # @return [void]
- # @yield Yields a block with paging turned off.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#87
- def no_pager; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#23
- def purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def purple_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def purple_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def purple_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def purple_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def purple_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def purple_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def purple_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def purple_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def purple_on_yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#23
- def red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def red_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def red_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def red_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def red_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def red_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def red_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def red_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def red_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def red_on_yellow(text); end
- # Remove any color codes from _text_.
- #
- # @param text [String, #to_s]
- # @return [String] _text_ stripped of any color codes.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#46
- def strip_color(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#23
- def white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def white_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def white_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def white_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def white_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def white_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def white_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def white_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def white_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def white_on_yellow(text); end
- # Returns _text_ in a numbered list, beginning at _offset_.
- #
- # @param text [#each_line]
- # @param offset [Fixnum]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#100
- def with_line_numbers(text, offset, color = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#23
- def yellow(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def yellow_on_black(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def yellow_on_blue(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def yellow_on_cyan(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def yellow_on_green(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def yellow_on_magenta(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def yellow_on_purple(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def yellow_on_red(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def yellow_on_white(text); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#32
- def yellow_on_yellow(text); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/helpers/text.rb#10
-Pry::Helpers::Text::COLORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# The History class is responsible for maintaining the user's input history,
-# both internally and within Readline.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#6
-class Pry::History
- # @return [History] a new instance of History
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#29
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Add a line to the input history, ignoring blank and duplicate lines.
- #
- # @param line [String]
- # @return [String] The same line that was passed in
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#53
- def <<(line); end
- # Clear this session's history. This won't affect the contents of the
- # history file.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#74
- def clear; end
- # Filter the history with the histignore options
- #
- # @return [Array] An array containing all the lines that are not
- # included in the histignore.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#95
- def filter(history); end
- # @return [Integer] total number of lines, including original lines
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#27
- def history_line_count; end
- # Load the input history using `History.loader`.
- #
- # @return [Integer] The number of lines loaded
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#40
- def load; end
- # Returns the value of attribute loader.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#21
- def loader; end
- # Sets the attribute loader
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute loader to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#21
- def loader=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Fixnum] Number of lines in history when Pry first loaded.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#24
- def original_lines; end
- # Add a line to the input history, ignoring blank and duplicate lines.
- #
- # @param line [String]
- # @return [String] The same line that was passed in
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#53
- def push(line); end
- # Returns the value of attribute saver.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#21
- def saver; end
- # Sets the attribute saver
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute saver to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#21
- def saver=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Fixnum] The number of lines in history from just this session.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#81
- def session_line_count; end
- # Return an Array containing all stored history.
- #
- # @return [Array] An Array containing all lines of history loaded
- # or entered by the user in the current session.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#88
- def to_a; end
- private
- # The history file, opened for appending.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#127
- def history_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#143
- def history_file_path; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#147
- def invalid_readline_line?(line); end
- # The default loader. Yields lines from `Pry.config.history_file`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#113
- def read_from_file; end
- # The default saver. Appends the given line to `Pry.config.history_file`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#122
- def save_to_file(line); end
- # Check if the line match any option in the histignore
- # [Pry.config.history_ignorelist]
- #
- # @return [Boolean] a boolean that notifies if the line was found in the
- # histignore array.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#105
- def should_ignore?(line); end
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/history.rb#7
- def default_file; end
- end
-# Implements a hooks system for Pry. A hook is a callable that is associated
-# with an event. A number of events are currently provided by Pry, these
-# include: `:when_started`, `:before_session`, `:after_session`. A hook must
-# have a name, and is connected with an event by the `Pry::Hooks#add_hook`
-# method.
-# @example Adding a hook for the `:before_session` event.
-# Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:before_session, :say_hi) do
-# puts "hello"
-# end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#14
-class Pry::Hooks
- # @return [Hooks] a new instance of Hooks
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#25
- def initialize; end
- # Add a new hook to be executed for the `event_name` event.
- #
- # @param event_name [Symbol] The name of the event.
- # @param hook_name [Symbol] The name of the hook.
- # @param callable [#call] The callable.
- # @raise [ArgumentError]
- # @return [Pry:Hooks] The receiver.
- # @yield The block to use as the callable (if no `callable` provided).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#81
- def add_hook(event_name, hook_name, callable = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Clear all hooks functions for a given event.
- #
- # @param event_name [String] The name of the event.
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#165
- def clear_event_hooks(event_name); end
- # @param event_name [Symbol] The name of the event.
- # @param hook_name [Symbol] The name of the hook.
- # to delete.
- # @return [#call] The deleted hook.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#147
- def delete_hook(event_name, hook_name); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#39
- def errors; end
- # Execute the list of hooks for the `event_name` event.
- #
- # @param event_name [Symbol] The name of the event.
- # @param args [Array] The arguments to pass to each hook function.
- # @return [Object] The return value of the last executed hook.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#108
- def exec_hook(event_name, *args, &block); end
- # @param event_name [Symbol] The name of the event.
- # @param hook_name [Symbol] The name of the hook
- # @return [#call] a specific hook for a given event.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#128
- def get_hook(event_name, hook_name); end
- # `add_hook`/`delete_hook` for that.
- #
- # @note Modifying the returned hash does not alter the hooks, use
- # @param event_name [Symbol] The name of the event.
- # @return [Hash] The hash of hook names / hook functions.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#139
- def get_hooks(event_name); end
- # @param event_name [Symbol] The name of the event.
- # @return [Fixnum] The number of hook functions for `event_name`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#121
- def hook_count(event_name); end
- # @param event_name [Symbol] Name of the event.
- # @param hook_name [Symbol] Name of the hook.
- # @return [Boolean] Whether the hook by the name `hook_name`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#172
- def hook_exists?(event_name, hook_name); end
- # @example
- # hooks = Pry::Hooks.new.add_hook(:before_session, :say_hi) { puts "hi!" }
- # Pry::Hooks.new.merge(hooks)
- # @param other [Pry::Hooks] The `Pry::Hooks` instance to merge
- # @return [Pry::Hooks] a new `Pry::Hooks` instance containing a merge of the
- # contents of two `Pry:Hooks` instances.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#69
- def merge(other); end
- # Destructively merge the contents of two `Pry:Hooks` instances.
- #
- # @param other [Pry::Hooks] The `Pry::Hooks` instance to merge
- # @return [Pry:Hooks] The receiver.
- # @see #merge
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#48
- def merge!(other); end
- protected
- # Returns the value of attribute hooks.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#178
- def hooks; end
- private
- # Ensure that duplicates have their @hooks object.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#30
- def initialize_copy(_orig); end
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/hooks.rb#15
- def default; end
- end
-# Pry::Indent is a class that can be used to indent a number of lines
-# containing Ruby code similar as to how IRB does it (but better). The class
-# works by tokenizing a string using CodeRay and then looping over those
-# tokens. Based on the tokens in a line of code that line (or the next one)
-# will be indented or un-indented by correctly.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#11
-class Pry::Indent
- include ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- # @return [Indent] a new instance of Indent
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#104
- def initialize(pry_instance = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Return a string which, when printed, will rewrite the previous line with
- # the correct indentation. Mostly useful for fixing 'end'.
- #
- # @param prompt [String] The user's prompt
- # @param code [String] The code the user just typed in
- # @param overhang [Integer] The number of characters to erase afterwards (the
- # the difference in length between the old line and the new one)
- # @return [String] correctly indented line
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#393
- def correct_indentation(prompt, code, overhang = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Get the indentation for the start of the next line.
- #
- # This is what's used between the prompt and the cursor in pry.
- #
- # @return String The correct number of spaces
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#181
- def current_prefix; end
- # If the code just before an "if" or "while" token on a line looks like the
- # end of a statement, then we want to treat that "if" as a singleline, not
- # multiline statement.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#264
- def end_of_statement?(last_token, last_kind); end
- # Are we currently in the middle of a string literal.
- #
- # This is used to determine whether to re-indent a given line, we mustn't
- # re-indent within string literals because to do so would actually change
- # the value of the String!
- #
- # @return [Boolean] Boolean
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#275
- def in_string?; end
- # Indents a string and returns it. This string can either be a single line
- # or multiple ones.
- #
- # @example
- # str = <]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#376
- def module_nesting; end
- # All the open delimiters, in the order that they first appeared.
- #
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#312
- def open_delimiters; end
- # Return a string which restores the CodeRay string status to the correct value by
- # opening HEREDOCs and strings.
- #
- # @return String
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#320
- def open_delimiters_line; end
- # reset internal state
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#110
- def reset; end
- # @return [Array] The stack of open tokens.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#21
- def stack; end
- # Given a string of Ruby code, use CodeRay to export the tokens.
- #
- # @param string [String] The Ruby to lex
- # @return [Array] An Array of pairs of [token_value, token_type]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#283
- def tokenize(string); end
- # Update the internal state about what kind of strings are open.
- #
- # Most of the complication here comes from the fact that HEREDOCs can be
- # nested. For normal strings (which can't be nested) we assume that CodeRay
- # correctly pairs open-and-close delimiters so we don't bother checking what
- # they are.
- #
- # @param token [String] The token (of type :delimiter)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#297
- def track_delimiter(token); end
- # Update the internal state relating to module nesting.
- #
- # It's responsible for adding to the @module_nesting array, which looks
- # something like:
- #
- # [ ["class", "Foo"], ["module", "Bar::Baz"], ["class <<", "self"] ]
- #
- # A nil value in the @module_nesting array happens in two places: either
- # when @awaiting_class is true and we're still waiting for the string to
- # fill that space, or when a parse was rejected.
- #
- # At the moment this function is quite restricted about what formats it will
- # parse, for example we disallow expressions after the class keyword. This
- # could maybe be improved in the future.
- #
- # @param token [String] a token from Coderay
- # @param kind [Symbol] the kind of that token
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#341
- def track_module_nesting(token, kind); end
- # Update the internal state relating to module nesting on 'end'.
- #
- # If the current 'end' pairs up with a class or a module then we should
- # pop an array off of @module_nesting
- #
- # @param token [String] a token from Coderay
- # @param kind [Symbol] the kind of that token
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#366
- def track_module_nesting_end(token, kind = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # Clean the indentation of a fragment of ruby.
- #
- # @param str [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#82
- def indent(str); end
- # Get the module nesting at the given point in the given string.
- #
- # NOTE If the line specified contains a method definition, then the nesting
- # at the start of the method definition is used. Otherwise the nesting from
- # the end of the line is used.
- #
- # @param str [String] The ruby code to analyze
- # @param line_number [Fixnum] The line number (starting from 1)
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#95
- def nesting_at(str, line_number); end
- end
-# Collection of token types that should be ignored. Without this list
-# keywords such as "class" inside strings would cause the code to be
-# indented incorrectly.
-# :pre_constant and :preserved_constant are the CodeRay 0.9.8 and 1.0.0
-# classifications of "true", "false", and "nil".
-# source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#60
-Pry::Indent::IGNORE_TOKENS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Collection of tokens that should appear dedented even though they
-# don't affect the surrounding code.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#76
-Pry::Indent::MIDWAY_TOKENS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Hash containing all the tokens that should increase the indentation
-# level. The keys of this hash are open tokens, the values the matching
-# tokens that should prevent a line from being indented if they appear on
-# the same line.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#30
-Pry::Indent::OPEN_TOKENS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# Which tokens can be followed by an optional "do" keyword.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#52
-Pry::Indent::OPTIONAL_DO_TOKENS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Which tokens can either be open tokens, or appear as modifiers on
-# a single-line.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#49
-Pry::Indent::SINGLELINE_TOKENS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# The amount of spaces to insert for each indent level.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#24
-Pry::Indent::SPACES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Tokens that indicate the end of a statement (i.e. that, if they appear
-# directly before an "if" indicates that that if applies to the same line,
-# not the next line)
-# :reserved and :keywords are the CodeRay 0.9.8 and 1.0.0 respectively
-# classifications of "super", "next", "return", etc.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#69
-Pry::Indent::STATEMENT_END_TOKENS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Raised if {#module_nesting} would not work.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/indent.rb#15
-class Pry::Indent::UnparseableNestingError < ::StandardError; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#6
-class Pry::InputCompleter
- # @return [InputCompleter] a new instance of InputCompleter
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#42
- def initialize(input, pry = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # build_path seperates the input into two parts: path and input.
- # input is the partial string that should be completed
- # path is a proc that takes an input and builds a full path.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#240
- def build_path(input); end
- # Return a new completion proc for use by Readline.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#56
- def call(str, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#255
- def ignored_modules; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#229
- def select_message(path, receiver, message, candidates); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#8
-Pry::InputCompleter::ARRAY_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#15
-Pry::InputCompleter::CONSTANT_OR_METHOD_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#14
-Pry::InputCompleter::CONSTANT_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#17
-Pry::InputCompleter::GLOBALVARIABLE_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#16
-Pry::InputCompleter::HEX_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#7
-Pry::InputCompleter::NUMERIC_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#12
-Pry::InputCompleter::PROC_OR_HASH_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#11
-Pry::InputCompleter::REGEX_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#20
-Pry::InputCompleter::RESERVED_WORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#10
-Pry::InputCompleter::SYMBOL_METHOD_CALL_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#9
-Pry::InputCompleter::SYMBOL_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#13
-Pry::InputCompleter::TOPLEVEL_LOOKUP_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#18
-Pry::InputCompleter::VARIABLE_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_completer.rb#40
-Pry::InputCompleter::WORD_ESCAPE_STR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# There is one InputLock per input (such as STDIN) as two REPLs on the same
-# input makes things delirious. InputLock serializes accesses to the input so
-# that threads to not conflict with each other. The latest thread to request
-# ownership of the input wins.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#8
-class Pry::InputLock
- # @return [InputLock] a new instance of InputLock
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#29
- def initialize; end
- # Adds ourselves to the ownership list. The last one in the list may access
- # the input through interruptible_region().
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#38
- def __with_ownership; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#81
- def enter_interruptible_region; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#108
- def interruptible_region; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#95
- def leave_interruptible_region; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#75
- def with_ownership(&block); end
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#19
- def for(input); end
- # Returns the value of attribute global_lock.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#13
- def global_lock; end
- # Sets the attribute global_lock
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute global_lock to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#13
- def global_lock=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute input_locks.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#12
- def input_locks; end
- # Sets the attribute input_locks
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute input_locks to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#12
- def input_locks=(_arg0); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/input_lock.rb#9
-class Pry::InputLock::Interrupt < ::Exception; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/inspector.rb#4
-class Pry::Inspector; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/inspector.rb#5
-Pry::Inspector::MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/pry_class.rb#7
-Pry::LOCAL_RC_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#12
-class Pry::LastException < ::BasicObject
- # @return [LastException] a new instance of LastException
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#15
- def initialize(exception); end
- # Returns the value of attribute bt_index.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#13
- def bt_index; end
- # Sets the attribute bt_index
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute bt_index to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#13
- def bt_index=(_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#52
- def bt_source_location_for(index); end
- # @return [String] returns the path to a file for the current backtrace. see {#bt_index}.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#37
- def file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#57
- def inc_bt_index; end
- # @return [Fixnum] returns the line for the current backtrace. see {#bt_index}.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#43
- def line; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#21
- def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end
- # @return [Exception] returns the wrapped exception
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#48
- def wrapped_exception; end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/last_exception.rb#29
- def respond_to_missing?(name, include_all = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# This class wraps the normal `Method` and `UnboundMethod` classes
-# to provide extra functionality useful to Pry.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#20
-class Pry::Method
- include ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- include ::Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers
- include ::Pry::CodeObject::Helpers
- extend ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- extend ::Forwardable
- extend ::Pry::Forwardable
- # A new instance of `Pry::Method` wrapping the given `::Method`,
- # `UnboundMethod`, or `Proc`.
- #
- # @param method [::Method, UnboundMethod, Proc]
- # @param known_info [Hash] Can be used to pre-cache expensive to compute stuff.
- # @return [Pry::Method]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#263
- def initialize(method, known_info = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#483
- def ==(other); end
- # @return [Boolean] Is the method definitely an alias?
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#478
- def alias?; end
- # @return [Array] All known aliases for the method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#461
- def aliases; end
- # @return [Boolean] Whether the method is bound.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#446
- def bound_method?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#515
- def comment; end
- # @return [String, nil] The documentation for the method, or `nil` if it's
- # unavailable.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#329
- def doc; end
- # @return [Boolean] Was the method defined outside a source file?
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#436
- def dynamically_defined?; end
- # @param klass [Class]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#491
- def is_a?(klass); end
- # @param klass [Class]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#491
- def kind_of?(klass); end
- # Delegate any unknown calls to the wrapped method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#503
- def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end
- # Get the name of the method as a String, regardless of the underlying
- # Method#name type.
- #
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#272
- def name; end
- # Get the name of the method including the class on which it was defined.
- #
- # @example
- # method(:puts).method_name
- # => "Kernel.puts"
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#299
- def name_with_owner; end
- # @return [String, nil] The original name the method was defined under,
- # before any aliasing, or `nil` if it can't be determined.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#429
- def original_name; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def owner(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def parameters(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # @return [Boolean] Was the method defined within the Pry REPL?
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#456
- def pry_method?; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def receiver(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # Update the live copy of the method's source.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#314
- def redefine(source); end
- # @param method_name [String, Symbol]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#498
- def respond_to?(method_name, include_all = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [String] A representation of the method's signature, including its
- # name and parameters. Optional and "rest" parameters are marked with `*`
- # and block parameters with `&`. Keyword arguments are shown with `:`
- # If the parameter names are unavailable, they're given numbered names instead.
- # Paraphrased from `awesome_print` gem.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#391
- def signature; end
- # @return [Boolean] Whether the method is a singleton method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#451
- def singleton_method?; end
- # @return [String, nil] The source code of the method, or `nil` if it's unavailable.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#304
- def source; end
- # Can we get the source code for this method?
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#321
- def source?; end
- # @return [String, nil] The name of the file the method is defined in, or
- # `nil` if the filename is unavailable.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#348
- def source_file; end
- # @return [Fixnum, nil] The line of code in `source_file` which begins
- # the method's definition, or `nil` if that information is unavailable.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#361
- def source_line; end
- # @return [Range, nil] The range of lines in `source_file` which contain
- # the method's definition, or `nil` if that information is unavailable.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#367
- def source_range; end
- # @return [Symbol] The source type of the method. The options are
- # `:ruby` for Ruby methods or `:c` for methods written in C.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#342
- def source_type; end
- # @return [Pry::Method, nil] The wrapped method that is called when you
- # use "super" in the body of this method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#417
- def super(times = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean] Whether the method is unbound.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#441
- def unbound_method?; end
- # Is the method undefined? (aka `Disowned`)
- #
- # @return [Boolean] false
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#290
- def undefined?; end
- # @return [Symbol] The visibility of the method. May be `:public`,
- # `:protected`, or `:private`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#373
- def visibility; end
- # Get underlying object wrapped by this Pry::Method instance
- #
- # @return [Method, UnboundMethod, Proc]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#284
- def wrapped; end
- # Get the owner of the method as a Pry::Module
- #
- # @return [Pry::Module]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#278
- def wrapped_owner; end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#577
- def c_source; end
- # @param first_ln [String] The first line of a method definition.
- # @return [String, nil]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#563
- def method_name_from_first_line(first_ln); end
- # @raise [CommandError] when the method can't be found or `pry-doc` isn't installed.
- # @return [YARD::CodeObjects::MethodObject]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#523
- def pry_doc_info; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#511
- def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#582
- def ruby_source; end
- # @param ancestors [Class, Module] The ancestors to investigate
- # @return [Method] The unwrapped super-method
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#542
- def super_using_ancestors(ancestors, times = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # Get all of the instance methods of a `Class` or `Module`
- #
- # @param klass [Class, Module]
- # @param include_super [Boolean] Whether to include methods from ancestors.
- # @return [Array[Pry::Method]]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#161
- def all_from_class(klass, include_super = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Get all of the methods on an `Object`
- #
- # @param obj [Object]
- # @param include_super [Boolean] indicates whether or not to include methods from ancestors.
- # @return [Array[Pry::Method]]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#184
- def all_from_obj(obj, include_super = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Given a `Binding`, try to extract the `::Method` it originated from and
- # use it to instantiate a `Pry::Method`. Return `nil` if this isn't
- # possible.
- #
- # @param binding [Binding]
- # @return [Pry::Method, nil]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#77
- def from_binding(binding); end
- # Given a `Class` or `Module` and the name of a method, try to
- # instantiate a `Pry::Method` containing the instance method of
- # that name. Return `nil` if no such method exists.
- #
- # @param klass [Class, Module]
- # @param name [String]
- # @param target [Binding] The binding where the method is looked up.
- # @return [Pry::Method, nil]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#136
- def from_class(klass, name, target = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Given a `Class` or `Module` and the name of a method, try to
- # instantiate a `Pry::Method` containing the instance method of
- # that name. Return `nil` if no such method exists.
- #
- # @param klass [Class, Module]
- # @param name [String]
- # @param target [Binding] The binding where the method is looked up.
- # @return [Pry::Method, nil]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#136
- def from_module(klass, name, target = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Given an object and the name of a method, try to instantiate
- # a `Pry::Method` containing the method of that name bound to
- # that object. Return `nil` if no such method exists.
- #
- # @param obj [Object]
- # @param name [String]
- # @param target [Binding] The binding where the method is looked up.
- # @return [Pry::Method, nil]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#151
- def from_obj(obj, name, target = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Given a string representing a method name and optionally a binding to
- # search in, find and return the requested method wrapped in a
- # `Pry::Method` instance.
- #
- # @option options
- # @option options
- # @param name [String] The name of the method to retrieve.
- # @param target [Binding] The context in which to search for the method.
- # @param options [Hash]
- # @return [Pry::Method, nil] A `Pry::Method` instance containing the
- # requested method, or `nil` if name is `nil` or no method could be
- # located matching the parameters.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#43
- def from_str(name, target = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#227
- def instance_method_definition?(name, definition_line); end
- # Get every `Class` and `Module`, in order, that will be checked when looking
- # for methods on instances of the given `Class` or `Module`.
- # This does not treat singleton classes of classes specially.
- #
- # @param klass [Class, Module]
- # @return [Array[Class, Module]]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#210
- def instance_resolution_order(klass); end
- # In order to support 2.0 Refinements we need to look up methods
- # inside the relevant Binding.
- #
- # @param obj [Object] The owner/receiver of the method.
- # @param method_name [Symbol] The name of the method.
- # @param method_type [Symbol] The type of method: :method or :instance_method
- # @param target [Binding] The binding where the method is looked up.
- # @return [Method, UnboundMethod] The 'refined' method object.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#114
- def lookup_method_via_binding(obj, method_name, method_type, target = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#215
- def method_definition?(name, definition_line); end
- # Get every `Class` and `Module`, in order, that will be checked when looking
- # for an instance method to call on this object.
- #
- # @param obj [Object]
- # @return [Array[Class, Module]]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#192
- def resolution_order(obj); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#247
- def singleton_class_of(obj); end
- # Get the singleton classes of superclasses that could define methods on
- # the given class object, and any modules they include.
- # If a module is included at multiple points in the ancestry, only
- # the lowest copy will be returned.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#238
- def singleton_class_resolution_order(klass); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method.rb#220
- def singleton_method_definition?(name, definition_line); end
- end
-# A Disowned Method is one that's been removed from the class on which it was defined.
-# e.g.
-# class C
-# def foo
-# C.send(:undefine_method, :foo)
-# Pry::Method.from_binding(binding)
-# end
-# end
-# In this case we assume that the "owner" is the singleton class of the receiver.
-# This occurs mainly in Sinatra applications.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/method/disowned.rb#18
-class Pry::Method::Disowned < ::Pry::Method
- # Create a new Disowned method.
- #
- # @param receiver [Object]
- # @param method_name [String]
- # @return [Disowned] a new instance of Disowned
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/disowned.rb#25
- def initialize(receiver, method_name); end
- # Raise a more useful error message instead of trying to forward to nil.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/disowned.rb#52
- def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end
- # Returns the value of attribute name.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/disowned.rb#19
- def name; end
- # Get the hypothesized owner of the method.
- #
- # @return [Object]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/disowned.rb#46
- def owner; end
- # Returns the value of attribute receiver.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/disowned.rb#19
- def receiver; end
- # Can we get the source for this method?
- #
- # @return [Boolean] false
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/disowned.rb#39
- def source?; end
- # Is the method undefined? (aka `Disowned`)
- #
- # @return [Boolean] true
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/disowned.rb#33
- def undefined?; end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/disowned.rb#62
- def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#5
-class Pry::Method::Patcher
- # @return [Patcher] a new instance of Patcher
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#12
- def initialize(method); end
- # Returns the value of attribute method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#6
- def method; end
- # Sets the attribute method
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute method to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#6
- def method=(_arg0); end
- # perform the patch
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#21
- def patch_in_ram(source); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#38
- def cache_key; end
- # Update the definition line so that it can be eval'd directly on the Method's
- # owner instead of from the original context.
- #
- # In particular this takes `def self.foo` and turns it into `def foo` so that we
- # don't end up creating the method on the singleton class of the singleton class
- # by accident.
- #
- # This is necessarily done by String manipulation because we can't find out what
- # syntax is needed for the argument list by ruby-level introspection.
- #
- # @param line [String] The original definition line. e.g. def self.foo(bar, baz=1)
- # @return [String] The new definition line. e.g. def foo(bar, baz=1)
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#78
- def definition_for_owner(line); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#33
- def redefine(source); end
- # Run some code ensuring that at the end target#meth_name will not have changed.
- #
- # When we're redefining aliased methods we will overwrite the method at the
- # unaliased name (so that super continues to work). By wrapping that code in a
- # transation we make that not happen, which means that alias_method_chains, etc.
- # continue to work.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#49
- def with_method_transaction; end
- # Apply wrap_for_owner and wrap_for_nesting successively to `source`
- #
- # @param source [String]
- # @return [String] The wrapped source.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#91
- def wrap(source); end
- # Update the new source code to have the correct Module.nesting.
- #
- # This method uses syntactic analysis of the original source file to determine
- # the new nesting, so that we can tell the difference between:
- #
- # class A; def self.b; end; end
- # class << A; def b; end; end
- #
- # The resulting code should be evaluated in the TOPLEVEL_BINDING.
- #
- # @param source [String] The source to wrap.
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#122
- def wrap_for_nesting(source); end
- # Update the source code so that when it has the right owner when eval'd.
- #
- # This (combined with definition_for_owner) is backup for the case that
- # wrap_for_nesting fails, to ensure that the method will stil be defined in
- # the correct place.
- #
- # @param source [String] The source to wrap
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#103
- def wrap_for_owner(source); end
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/patcher.rb#16
- def code_for(filename); end
- end
-# This class is responsible for locating the *real* `Pry::Method`
-# object captured by a binding.
-# Given a `Binding` from inside a method and a 'seed' Pry::Method object,
-# there are primarily two situations where the seed method doesn't match
-# the Binding:
-# 1. The Pry::Method is from a subclass
-# 2. The Pry::Method represents a method of the same name while the original
-# was renamed to something else. For 1. we search vertically up the
-# inheritance chain, and for 2. we search laterally along the object's
-# method table.
-# When we locate the method that matches the Binding we wrap it in
-# Pry::Method and return it, or return nil if we fail.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#19
-class Pry::Method::WeirdMethodLocator
- # @param method [Pry::Method] The seed method.
- # @param target [Binding] The Binding that captures the method
- # we want to locate.
- # @return [WeirdMethodLocator] a new instance of WeirdMethodLocator
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#55
- def initialize(method, target); end
- # @return [Pry::Method, nil] The Pry::Method that matches the
- # given binding.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#62
- def find_method; end
- # @return [Boolean] Whether the Pry::Method is unrecoverable
- # This usually happens when the method captured by the Binding
- # has been subsequently deleted.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#69
- def lost_method?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#49
- def method; end
- # Sets the attribute method
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute method to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#49
- def method=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute target.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#50
- def target; end
- # Sets the attribute target
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute target to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#50
- def target=(_arg0); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#215
- def all_methods_for(obj); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#167
- def expanded_source_location(source_location); end
- # it's possible in some cases that the method we find by this approach is
- # a sub-method of the one we're currently in, consider:
- #
- # class A; def b; binding.pry; end; end
- # class B < A; def b; super; end; end
- #
- # Given that we can normally find the source_range of methods, and that we
- # know which __FILE__ and __LINE__ the binding is at, we can hope to
- # disambiguate these cases.
- #
- # This obviously won't work if the source is unavaiable for some reason,
- # or if both methods have the same __FILE__ and __LINE__.
- #
- # @return [Pry::Method, nil] The Pry::Method representing the
- # superclass method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#131
- def find_method_in_superclass; end
- # This is the case where the name of a method has changed
- # (via alias_method) so we locate the Method object for the
- # renamed method.
- #
- # @return [Pry::Method, nil] The Pry::Method representing the
- # renamed method
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#156
- def find_renamed_method; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#197
- def index_to_line_number(index); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#206
- def lines_for_file(file); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#80
- def normal_method?(method); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#106
- def pry_file?; end
- # Use static analysis to locate the start of the method definition.
- # We have the `__FILE__` and `__LINE__` from the binding and the
- # original name of the method so we search up until we find a
- # def/define_method, etc defining a method of the appropriate name.
- #
- # @return [Array] The `source_location` of the
- # renamed method
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#184
- def renamed_method_source_location; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#75
- def skip_superclass_search?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#88
- def target_file; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#98
- def target_line; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#84
- def target_self; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#202
- def valid_file?(file); end
- class << self
- # Whether the given method object matches the associated binding.
- # If the method object does not match the binding, then it's
- # most likely not the method captured by the binding, and we
- # must commence a search.
- #
- # @param method [Pry::Method]
- # @param binding [Binding]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#29
- def normal_method?(method, binding); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/method/weird_method_locator.rb#44
- def weird_method?(method, binding); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#69
-class Pry::MethodNotFound < ::Pry::CommandError; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#4
-class Pry::NoCommandError < ::StandardError
- # @return [NoCommandError] a new instance of NoCommandError
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#5
- def initialize(match, owner); end
-# `ObjectPath` implements the resolution of "object paths", which are strings
-# that are similar to filesystem paths but meant for traversing Ruby objects.
-# Examples of valid object paths include:
-# x
-# @foo/@bar
-# "string"/upcase
-# Pry/Method
-# Object paths are mostly relevant in the context of the `cd` command.
-# @see https://github.com/pry/pry/wiki/State-navigation
-# source://pry//lib/pry/object_path.rb#17
-class Pry::ObjectPath
- # @param path_string [String] The object path expressed as a string.
- # @param current_stack [Array] The current state of the binding
- # stack.
- # @return [ObjectPath] a new instance of ObjectPath
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/object_path.rb#23
- def initialize(path_string, current_stack); end
- # @return [Array] a new stack resulting from applying the given
- # path to the current stack.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/object_path.rb#30
- def resolve; end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/object_path.rb#74
- def complete?(segment); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/object_path.rb#78
- def handle_failure(context, err); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/object_path.rb#18
-Pry::ObjectPath::SPECIAL_TERMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# indicates obsolete API
-# source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#72
-class Pry::ObsoleteError < ::StandardError; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#4
-class Pry::Output
- # @return [Output] a new instance of Output
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#10
- def initialize(pry_instance); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#28
- def <<(*objs); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#53
- def decolorize_maybe(str); end
- # Return a screen height or the default if that fails.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#74
- def height; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#41
- def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#28
- def print(*objs); end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#8
- def pry_instance; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#15
- def puts(*objs); end
- # @return [Array] a pair of [rows, columns] which gives the size of
- # the window. If the window size cannot be determined, the default value.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#61
- def size; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#37
- def tty?; end
- # Return a screen width or the default if that fails.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#69
- def width; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#28
- def write(*objs); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#80
- def actual_screen_size; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#125
- def ansicon_env_size; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#109
- def env_size; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#92
- def io_console_size; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#132
- def nonzero_column?(size); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#114
- def readline_size; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#49
- def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# @return [Array] default terminal screen size [rows, cols]
-# source://pry//lib/pry/output.rb#6
-Pry::Output::DEFAULT_SIZE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#7
-class Pry::Pager
- # @return [Pager] a new instance of Pager
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#13
- def initialize(pry_instance); end
- # Yields a pager object (`NullPager`, `SimplePager`, or `SystemPager`).
- # All pagers accept output with `#puts`, `#print`, `#write`, and `#<<`.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#33
- def open; end
- # Send the given text through the best available pager (if
- # `Pry.config.pager` is enabled). If you want to send text through in
- # chunks as you generate it, use `open` to get a writable object
- # instead.
- #
- # @param text [String] Text to run through a pager.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#25
- def page(text); end
- # Returns the value of attribute pry_instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#11
- def pry_instance; end
- private
- # Return an instance of the "best" available pager class --
- # `SystemPager` if possible, `SimplePager` if `SystemPager` isn't
- # available, and `NullPager` if the user has disabled paging. All
- # pagers accept output with `#puts`, `#print`, `#write`, and `#<<`. You
- # must call `#close` when you're done writing output to a pager, and
- # you must rescue `Pry::Pager::StopPaging`. These requirements can be
- # avoided by using `.open` instead.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#56
- def best_available; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#43
- def enabled?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute output.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#47
- def output; end
-# `NullPager` is a "pager" that actually just prints all output as it
-# comes in. Used when `Pry.config.pager` is false.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#68
-class Pry::Pager::NullPager
- # @return [NullPager] a new instance of NullPager
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#69
- def initialize(out); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#77
- def <<(str); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#86
- def close; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#77
- def print(str); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#73
- def puts(str); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#82
- def write(str); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#90
- def height; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#94
- def width; end
-# `PageTracker` tracks output to determine whether it's likely to take
-# up a whole page. This doesn't need to be super precise, but we can
-# use it for `SimplePager` and to avoid invoking the system pager
-# unnecessarily.
-# One simplifying assumption is that we don't need `#page?` to return
-# `true` on the basis of an incomplete line. Long lines should be
-# counted as multiple lines, but we don't have to transition from
-# `false` to `true` until we see a newline.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#213
-class Pry::Pager::PageTracker
- # @return [PageTracker] a new instance of PageTracker
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#214
- def initialize(rows, cols); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#231
- def page?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#220
- def record(str); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#235
- def reset; end
- private
- # Approximation of the printable length of a given line, without the
- # newline and without ANSI color codes.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#244
- def line_length(line); end
-# `SimplePager` is a straightforward pure-Ruby pager. We use it on
-# JRuby and when we can't find a usable external pager.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#101
-class Pry::Pager::SimplePager < ::Pry::Pager::NullPager
- # @return [SimplePager] a new instance of SimplePager
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#102
- def initialize(*_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#107
- def write(str); end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#8
-class Pry::Pager::StopPaging < ::StandardError; end
-# `SystemPager` buffers output until we're pretty sure it's at least a
-# page long, then invokes an external pager and starts streaming output
-# to it. If `#close` is called before then, it just prints out the
-# buffered content.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#129
-class Pry::Pager::SystemPager < ::Pry::Pager::NullPager
- # @return [SystemPager] a new instance of SystemPager
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#161
- def initialize(*_arg0); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#181
- def close; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#168
- def write(str); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#195
- def invoked_pager?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#199
- def pager; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#191
- def write_to_pager(text); end
- class << self
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#142
- def available?; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/pager.rb#130
- def default_pager; end
- end
-# Prompt represents the Pry prompt, which can be used with Readline-like
-# libraries. It defines a few default prompts (default prompt, simple prompt,
-# etc) and also provides an API for adding and implementing custom prompts.
-# @api public
-# @example Registering a new Pry prompt
-# Pry::Prompt.add(
-# :ipython,
-# 'IPython-like prompt', [':', '...:']
-# ) do |_context, _nesting, pry_instance, sep|
-# sep == ':' ? "In [#{pry_instance.input_ring.count}]: " : ' ...: '
-# end
-# # Produces:
-# # In [3]: def foo
-# # ...: puts 'foo'
-# # ...: end
-# # => :foo
-# # In [4]:
-# @example Manually instantiating the Prompt class
-# prompt_procs = [
-# proc { '#{rand(1)}>" },
-# proc { "#{('a'..'z').to_a.sample}*" }
-# ]
-# prompt = Pry::Prompt.new(
-# :random,
-# 'Random number or letter prompt.',
-# prompt_procs
-# )
-# prompt.wait_proc.call(...) #=>
-# prompt.incomplete_proc.call(...)
-# @since v0.11.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#38
-class Pry::Prompt
- # @api public
- # @param name [String]
- # @param description [String]
- # @param prompt_procs [Array]
- # @return [Prompt] a new instance of Prompt
- # @since v0.11.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#117
- def initialize(name, description, prompt_procs); end
- # @api public
- # @deprecated Use a `Pry::Prompt` instance directly
- # @since v0.11.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#135
- def [](key); end
- # @api public
- # @return [String]
- # @since v0.11.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#108
- def description; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Proc] the proc which builds the prompt when in the middle of an
- # expression such as open method, etc. (`*`)
- # @since v0.11.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#130
- def incomplete_proc; end
- # @api public
- # @return [String]
- # @since v0.11.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#105
- def name; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Array] the array of procs that hold
- # `[wait_proc, incomplete_proc]`
- # @since v0.11.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#112
- def prompt_procs; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Proc] the proc which builds the wait prompt (`>`)
- # @since v0.11.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#124
- def wait_proc; end
- class << self
- # Retrieves a prompt.
- #
- # @api public
- # @example
- # Prompt[:my_prompt]
- # @param name [Symbol] The name of the prompt you want to access
- # @return [Hash{Symbol=>Object}]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#52
- def [](name); end
- # Adds a new prompt to the prompt hash.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param name [Symbol]
- # @param description [String]
- # @param separators [Array] The separators to differentiate
- # between prompt modes (default mode and class/method definition mode).
- # The Array *must* have a size of 2.
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if the size of `separators` is not 2
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if `prompt_name` is already occupied
- # @return [nil]
- # @since v0.12.0
- # @yield [context, nesting, pry_instance, sep]
- # @yieldparam context [Object] the context where Pry is currently in
- # @yieldparam nesting [Integer] whether the context is nested
- # @yieldparam pry_instance [Pry] the Pry instance
- # @yieldparam separator [String] separator string
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#79
- def add(name, description = T.unsafe(nil), separators = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @api public
- # @note Use this for read-only operations
- # @return [Hash{Symbol=>Hash}] the duplicate of the internal prompts hash
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/prompt.rb#59
- def all; end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#4
-class Pry::REPL
- extend ::Forwardable
- extend ::Pry::Forwardable
- # Create an instance of {REPL} wrapping the given {Pry}.
- #
- # @option options
- # @param pry [Pry] The instance of {Pry} that this {REPL} will control.
- # @param options [Hash] Options for this {REPL} instance.
- # @return [REPL] a new instance of REPL
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#22
- def initialize(pry, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def input(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def output(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # @return [Pry] The instance of {Pry} that the user is controlling.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#9
- def pry; end
- # @return [Pry] The instance of {Pry} that the user is controlling.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#9
- def pry=(_arg0); end
- # Start the read-eval-print loop.
- #
- # @raise [Exception] If the session throws `:raise_up`, raise the exception
- # thrown with it.
- # @return [Object?] If the session throws `:breakout`, return the value
- # thrown with it.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#36
- def start; end
- private
- # Calculates correct overhang for current line. Supports vi Readline
- # mode and its indicators such as "(ins)" or "(cmd)".
- #
- # @note This doesn't calculate overhang for Readline's emacs mode with an
- # indicator because emacs is the default mode and it doesn't use
- # indicators in 99% of cases.
- # @return [Integer]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#238
- def calculate_overhang(current_prompt, original_val, indented_val); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#206
- def coolline_available?; end
- # Clean up after the repl session.
- #
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#84
- def epilogue; end
- # Manage switching of input objects on encountering `EOFError`s.
- #
- # @return [Object] Whatever the given block returns.
- # @return [:no_more_input] Indicates that no more input can be read.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#127
- def handle_read_errors; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#196
- def input_readline(*args); end
- # If `$stdout` is not a tty, it's probably a pipe.
- #
- # @example
- # # `piping?` returns `false`
- # % pry
- # [1] pry(main)
- #
- # # `piping?` returns `true`
- # % pry | tee log
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#218
- def piping?; end
- # Set up the repl session.
- #
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#47
- def prologue; end
- # Read a line of input from the user.
- #
- # @return [String] The line entered by the user.
- # @return [nil] On ``.
- # @return [:control_c] On ``.
- # @return [:no_more_input] On EOF.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#93
- def read; end
- # Returns the next line of input to be sent to the {Pry} instance.
- #
- # @param current_prompt [String] The prompt to use for input.
- # @return [String?] The next line of input, or `nil` on .
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#170
- def read_line(current_prompt); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#202
- def readline_available?; end
- # The actual read-eval-print loop.
- #
- # The {REPL} instance is responsible for reading and looping, whereas the
- # {Pry} instance is responsible for evaluating user input and printing
- # return values and command output.
- #
- # @raise [Exception] If the session throws `:raise_up`, raise the exception
- # thrown with it.
- # @return [Object?] If the session throws `:breakout`, return the value
- # thrown with it.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#66
- def repl; end
- # @return [void]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#225
- def set_readline_output; end
- class << self
- # Instantiate a new {Pry} instance with the given options, then start a
- # {REPL} instance wrapping it.
- #
- # @option options
- # @param options [Hash] a customizable set of options
- #
- # source://pry-byebug/3.10.1/lib/pry-byebug/pry_ext.rb#8
- def start(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry-byebug/3.10.1/lib/pry-byebug/pry_ext.rb#8
- def start_with_pry_byebug(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl.rb#14
- def start_without_pry_byebug(options); end
- end
-# A class to manage the loading of files through the REPL loop.
-# This is an interesting trick as it processes your file as if it
-# was user input in an interactive session. As a result, all Pry
-# commands are available, and they are executed non-interactively. Furthermore
-# the session becomes interactive when the repl loop processes a
-# 'make-interactive' command in the file. The session also becomes
-# interactive when an exception is encountered, enabling you to fix
-# the error before returning to non-interactive processing with the
-# 'make-non-interactive' command.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/repl_file_loader.rb#14
-class Pry::REPLFileLoader
- # @return [REPLFileLoader] a new instance of REPLFileLoader
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl_file_loader.rb#15
- def initialize(file_name); end
- # Define a few extra commands useful for flipping back & forth
- # between interactive/non-interactive modes
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl_file_loader.rb#59
- def define_additional_commands; end
- # Switch to interactive mode, i.e take input from the user
- # and use the regular print and exception handlers.
- #
- # @param pry_instance [Pry] the Pry instance to make interactive.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl_file_loader.rb#26
- def interactive_mode(pry_instance); end
- # Actually load the file through the REPL by setting file content
- # as the REPL input stream.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl_file_loader.rb#75
- def load; end
- # Switch to non-interactive mode. Essentially
- # this means there is no result output
- # and that the session becomes interactive when an exception is encountered.
- #
- # @param pry_instance [Pry] the Pry instance to make non-interactive.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/repl_file_loader.rb#37
- def non_interactive_mode(pry_instance, content); end
-# As a REPL, we often want to catch any unexpected exceptions that may have
-# been raised; however we don't want to go overboard and prevent the user
-# from exiting Pry when they want to.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#7
-module Pry::RescuableException
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#8
- def ===(exception); end
- end
-# Wraps the return result of process_commands, indicates if the
-# result IS a command and what kind of command (e.g void)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#397
-class Pry::Result
- # @return [Result] a new instance of Result
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#400
- def initialize(is_command, retval = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Is the result a command?
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#407
- def command?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute retval.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#398
- def retval; end
- # Is the result a command and if it is, is it a void command?
- # (one that does not return a value)
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/command_set.rb#414
- def void_command?; end
-# A ring is a thread-safe fixed-capacity array to which you can only add
-# elements. Older entries are overwritten as you add new elements, so that the
-# ring can never contain more than `max_size` elemens.
-# @api public
-# @example
-# ring = Pry::Ring.new(3)
-# ring << 1 << 2 << 3
-# ring.to_a #=> [1, 2, 3]
-# ring << 4
-# ring.to_a #=> [2, 3, 4]
-# ring[0] #=> 2
-# ring[-1] #=> 4
-# ring.clear
-# ring[0] #=> nil
-# @since v0.12.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#22
-class Pry::Ring
- # @api public
- # @param max_size [Integer] Maximum buffer size. The buffer will start
- # overwriting elements once its reaches its maximum capacity
- # @return [Ring] a new instance of Ring
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#33
- def initialize(max_size); end
- # Push `value` to the current index.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param value [Object]
- # @return [self]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#43
- def <<(value); end
- # Read the value stored at `index`.
- #
- # @api public
- # @param index [Integer, Range] The element (if Integer) or elements
- # (if Range) associated with `index`
- # @return [Object, Array, nil] element(s) at `index`, `nil` if none
- # exist
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#57
- def [](index); end
- # Clear the buffer and reset count.
- #
- # @api public
- # @return [void]
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#75
- def clear; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Integer] how many objects were added during the lifetime of the
- # ring
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#28
- def count; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Integer] maximum buffer size
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#24
- def max_size; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Integer] how many objects were added during the lifetime of the
- # ring
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#28
- def size; end
- # @api public
- # @return [Array] the buffer as unwinded array
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#67
- def to_a; end
- private
- # @api public
- # @since v0.12.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/ring.rb#84
- def transpose_buffer_tail; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#5
-class Pry::Slop
- include ::Enumerable
- # Create a new instance of Slop and optionally build options via a block.
- #
- # config - A Hash of configuration options.
- # block - An optional block used to specify options.
- #
- # @return [Slop] a new instance of Slop
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#127
- def initialize(config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Fetch an options argument value.
- #
- # key - The Symbol or String option short or long flag.
- #
- # Returns the Object value for this option, or nil.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#278
- def [](key); end
- # Add a callback.
- #
- # label - The Symbol identifier to attach this callback.
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#398
- def add_callback(label, &block); end
- # Get or set the banner.
- #
- # banner - The String to set the banner.
- #
- # Returns the banner String.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#168
- def banner(banner = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Set the banner.
- #
- # banner - The String to set the banner.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#159
- def banner=(banner); end
- # Add a new command.
- #
- # command - The Symbol or String used to identify this command.
- # options - A Hash of configuration options (see Slop::new)
- #
- # Returns a new instance of Slop mapped to this command.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#196
- def command(command, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # The Hash of configuration options for this Slop instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#118
- def config; end
- # Get or set the description (used for commands).
- #
- # desc - The String to set the description.
- #
- # Returns the description String.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#185
- def description(desc = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Set the description (used for commands).
- #
- # desc - The String to set the description.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#176
- def description=(desc); end
- # Enumerable interface. Yields each Slop::Option.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#297
- def each(&block); end
- # Fetch a Slop object associated with this command.
- #
- # command - The String or Symbol name of the command.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # opts.command :foo do
- # on :v, :verbose, 'Enable verbose mode'
- # end
- #
- # # ruby run.rb foo -v
- # opts.fetch_command(:foo).verbose? #=> true
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#389
- def fetch_command(command); end
- # Fetch a Slop::Option object.
- #
- # key - The Symbol or String option key.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # opts.on(:foo, 'Something fooey', :argument => :optional)
- # opt = opts.fetch_option(:foo)
- # opt.class #=> Slop::Option
- # opt.accepts_optional_argument? #=> true
- #
- # Returns an Option or nil if none were found.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#373
- def fetch_option(key); end
- # Fetch an options argument value.
- #
- # key - The Symbol or String option short or long flag.
- #
- # Returns the Object value for this option, or nil.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#278
- def get(key); end
- # Print a handy Slop help string.
- #
- # Returns the banner followed by available option help strings.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#416
- def help; end
- # Fetch a list of options which were missing from the parsed list.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # opts = Slop.new do
- # on :n, :name=
- # on :p, :password=
- # end
- #
- # opts.parse %w[ --name Lee ]
- # opts.missing #=> ['password']
- #
- # Returns an Array of Strings representing missing options.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#357
- def missing; end
- # Add an Option.
- #
- # objects - An Array with an optional Hash as the last element.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # on '-u', '--username=', 'Your username'
- # on :v, :verbose, 'Enable verbose mode'
- #
- # Returns the created instance of Slop::Option.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#265
- def on(*objects, &block); end
- # Add an Option.
- #
- # objects - An Array with an optional Hash as the last element.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # on '-u', '--username=', 'Your username'
- # on :v, :verbose, 'Enable verbose mode'
- #
- # Returns the created instance of Slop::Option.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#265
- def opt(*objects, &block); end
- # Add an Option.
- #
- # objects - An Array with an optional Hash as the last element.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # on '-u', '--username=', 'Your username'
- # on :v, :verbose, 'Enable verbose mode'
- #
- # Returns the created instance of Slop::Option.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#265
- def option(*objects, &block); end
- # The Array of Slop::Option objects tied to this Slop instance.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#121
- def options; end
- # Parse a list of items, executing and gathering options along the way.
- #
- # items - The Array of items to extract options from (default: ARGV).
- # block - An optional block which when used will yield non options.
- #
- # Returns an Array of original items.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#206
- def parse(items = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Parse a list of items, executing and gathering options along the way.
- # unlike parse() this method will remove any options and option arguments
- # from the original Array.
- #
- # items - The Array of items to extract options from (default: ARGV).
- # block - An optional block which when used will yield non options.
- #
- # Returns an Array of original items with options removed.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#219
- def parse!(items = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Check for an options presence.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # opts.parse %w( --foo )
- # opts.present?(:foo) #=> true
- # opts.present?(:bar) #=> false
- #
- # Returns true if all of the keys are present in the parsed arguments.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#333
- def present?(*keys); end
- # Specify code to be executed when these options are parsed.
- #
- # callable - An object responding to a call method.
- #
- # yields - The instance of Slop parsing these options
- # An Array of unparsed arguments
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # Slop.parse do
- # on :v, :verbose
- #
- # run do |opts, args|
- # puts "Arguments: #{args.inspect}" if opts.verbose?
- # end
- # end
- #
- # @raise [ArgumentError]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#317
- def run(callable = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Add string separators between options.
- #
- # text - The String text to print.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#405
- def separator(text); end
- # Is strict mode enabled?
- #
- # Returns true if strict mode is enabled, false otherwise.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#152
- def strict?; end
- # Returns a new Hash with option flags as keys and option values as values.
- #
- # include_commands - If true, merge options from all sub-commands.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#287
- def to_h(include_commands = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns a new Hash with option flags as keys and option values as values.
- #
- # include_commands - If true, merge options from all sub-commands.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#287
- def to_hash(include_commands = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Print a handy Slop help string.
- #
- # Returns the banner followed by available option help strings.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#416
- def to_s; end
- private
- # Autocreate an option on the fly. See the :autocreate Slop config option.
- #
- # items - The Array of items we're parsing.
- # index - The current Integer index for the item we're processing.
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#590
- def autocreate(items, index); end
- # Build an option from a list of objects.
- #
- # objects - An Array of objects used to build this option.
- #
- # Returns a new instance of Slop::Option.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#606
- def build_option(objects, &block); end
- # Remove any leading -- characters from a string.
- #
- # object - The Object we want to cast to a String and clean.
- #
- # Returns the newly cleaned String with leading -- characters removed.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#659
- def clean(object); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#663
- def commands_to_help; end
- # Execute a `-abc` type option where a, b and c are all options. This
- # method is only executed if the multiple_switches argument is true.
- #
- # option - The first Option object.
- # argument - The argument to this option. (Split into multiple Options).
- # index - The index of the current item being processed.
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#552
- def execute_multiple_switches(option, argument, index); end
- # Execute an option, firing off callbacks and assigning arguments.
- #
- # option - The Slop::Option object found by #process_item.
- # argument - The argument Object to assign to this option.
- # index - The current Integer index of the object we're processing.
- # item - The optional String item we're processing.
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#519
- def execute_option(option, argument, index, item = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Extract the long flag from an item.
- #
- # objects - The Array of objects passed from #build_option.
- # config - The Hash of configuration options built in #build_option.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#644
- def extract_long_flag(objects, config); end
- # Extract an option from a flag.
- #
- # flag - The flag key used to extract an option.
- #
- # Returns an Array of [option, argument].
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#567
- def extract_option(flag); end
- # Extract the short flag from an item.
- #
- # objects - The Array of objects passed from #build_option.
- # config - The Hash of configuration options built in #build_option.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#626
- def extract_short_flag(objects, config); end
- # Convenience method for present?(:option).
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # opts.parse %( --verbose )
- # opts.verbose? #=> true
- # opts.other? #=> false
- #
- # Returns true if this option is present. If this method does not end
- # with a ? character it will instead call super().
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#454
- def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end
- # Process a list item, figure out if it's an option, execute any
- # callbacks, assign any option arguments, and do some sanity checks.
- #
- # items - The Array of items to process.
- # index - The current Integer index of the item we want to process.
- # block - An optional block which when passed will yield non options.
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#472
- def process_item(items, index, &block); end
- # Override this method so we can check if an option? method exists.
- #
- # Returns true if this option key exists in our list of options.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#340
- def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_all = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # Build a Slop object from a option specification.
- #
- # This allows you to design your options via a simple String rather
- # than programatically. Do note though that with this method, you're
- # unable to pass any advanced options to the on() method when creating
- # options.
- #
- # string - The optspec String
- # config - A Hash of configuration options to pass to Slop.new
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # opts = Slop.optspec(<<-SPEC)
- # ruby foo.rb [options]
- # ---
- # n,name= Your name
- # a,age= Your age
- # A,auth Sign in with auth
- # p,passcode= Your secret pass code
- # SPEC
- #
- # opts.fetch_option(:name).description #=> "Your name"
- #
- # Returns a new instance of Slop.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#97
- def optspec(string, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # items - The Array of items to extract options from (default: ARGV).
- # config - The Hash of configuration options to send to Slop.new().
- # block - An optional block used to add options.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # Slop.parse(ARGV, :help => true) do
- # on '-n', '--name', 'Your username', :argument => true
- # end
- #
- # Returns a new instance of Slop.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#54
- def parse(items = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # items - The Array of items to extract options from (default: ARGV).
- # config - The Hash of configuration options to send to Slop.new().
- # block - An optional block used to add options.
- #
- # Returns a new instance of Slop.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#63
- def parse!(items = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#5
-class Pry::Slop::Commands
- include ::Enumerable
- # Create a new instance of Slop::Commands and optionally build
- # Slop instances via a block. Any configuration options used in
- # this method will be the default configuration options sent to
- # each Slop object created.
- #
- # config - An optional configuration Hash.
- # block - Optional block used to define commands.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # commands = Slop::Commands.new do
- # on :new do
- # on '-o', '--outdir=', 'The output directory'
- # on '-v', '--verbose', 'Enable verbose mode'
- # end
- #
- # on :generate do
- # on '--assets', 'Generate assets', :default => true
- # end
- #
- # global do
- # on '-D', '--debug', 'Enable debug mode', :default => false
- # end
- # end
- #
- # commands[:new].class #=> Slop
- # commands.parse
- #
- # @return [Commands] a new instance of Commands
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#39
- def initialize(config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Fetch the instance of Slop tied to a command.
- #
- # key - The String or Symbol key used to locate this command.
- #
- # Returns the Slop instance if this key is found, nil otherwise.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#100
- def [](key); end
- # Returns the value of attribute arguments.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#8
- def arguments; end
- # Optionally set the banner for this command help output.
- #
- # banner - The String text to set the banner.
- #
- # Returns the String banner if one is set.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#59
- def banner(banner = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets the attribute banner
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute banner to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#9
- def banner=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute commands.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#8
- def commands; end
- # Returns the value of attribute config.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#8
- def config; end
- # Add a Slop instance used when no other commands exist.
- #
- # config - A Hash of configuration options to pass to Slop.
- # block - An optional block used to pass options to Slop.
- #
- # Returns the newly created Slop instance mapped to default.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#81
- def default(config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Enumerable interface.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#119
- def each(&block); end
- # Fetch the instance of Slop tied to a command.
- #
- # key - The String or Symbol key used to locate this command.
- #
- # Returns the Slop instance if this key is found, nil otherwise.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#100
- def get(key); end
- # Add a global Slop instance.
- #
- # config - A Hash of configuration options to pass to Slop.
- # block - An optional block used to pass options to Slop.
- #
- # Returns the newly created Slop instance mapped to global.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#91
- def global(config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Returns the help String.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#158
- def help; end
- # Returns the inspection String.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#170
- def inspect; end
- # Add a Slop instance for a specific command.
- #
- # command - A String or Symbol key used to identify this command.
- # config - A Hash of configuration options to pass to Slop.
- # block - An optional block used to pass options to Slop.
- #
- # Returns the newly created Slop instance mapped to command.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#71
- def on(command, config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Parse a list of items.
- #
- # items - The Array of items to parse.
- #
- # Returns the original Array of items.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#128
- def parse(items = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Parse a list of items, removing any options or option arguments found.
- #
- # items - The Array of items to parse.
- #
- # Returns the original Array of items with options removed.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#138
- def parse!(items = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Check for a command presence.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # cmds.parse %w( foo )
- # cmds.present?(:foo) #=> true
- # cmds.present?(:bar) #=> false
- #
- # Returns true if the given key is present in the parsed arguments.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#114
- def present?(key); end
- # Returns a nested Hash with Slop options and values. See Slop#to_hash.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#153
- def to_hash; end
- # Returns the help String.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#158
- def to_s; end
- private
- # Returns nothing.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#177
- def execute_arguments!(items); end
- # Returns nothing.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/commands.rb#183
- def execute_global_opts!(items); end
-# Returns a default Hash of configuration options this Slop instance uses.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#30
-Pry::Slop::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# The main Error class, all Exception classes inherit from this class.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#12
-class Pry::Slop::Error < ::StandardError; end
-# Raised when an argument does not match its intended match constraint.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#21
-class Pry::Slop::InvalidArgumentError < ::Pry::Slop::Error; end
-# Raised when an invalid command is found and the strict flag is enabled.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#27
-class Pry::Slop::InvalidCommandError < ::Pry::Slop::Error; end
-# Raised when an invalid option is found and the strict flag is enabled.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#24
-class Pry::Slop::InvalidOptionError < ::Pry::Slop::Error; end
-# Raised when an option argument is expected but none are given.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#15
-class Pry::Slop::MissingArgumentError < ::Pry::Slop::Error; end
-# Raised when an option is expected/required but not present.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#18
-class Pry::Slop::MissingOptionError < ::Pry::Slop::Error; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#5
-class Pry::Slop::Option
- # Incapsulate internal option information, mainly used to store
- # option specific configuration data, most of the meat of this
- # class is found in the #value method.
- #
- # slop - The instance of Slop tied to this Option.
- # short - The String or Symbol short flag.
- # long - The String or Symbol long flag.
- # description - The String description text.
- # config - A Hash of configuration options.
- # block - An optional block used as a callback.
- #
- # @return [Option] a new instance of Option
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#35
- def initialize(slop, short, long, description, config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Returns true if this option accepts an optional argument.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#72
- def accepts_optional_argument?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute argument_in_value.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#23
- def argument_in_value; end
- # Sets the attribute argument_in_value
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute argument_in_value to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#23
- def argument_in_value=(_arg0); end
- # Call this options callback if one exists, and it responds to call().
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#84
- def call(*objects); end
- # Returns the value of attribute config.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#22
- def config; end
- # Returns the value of attribute count.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#23
- def count; end
- # Sets the attribute count
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute count to.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#23
- def count=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute description.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#22
- def description; end
- # Returns true if this option expects an argument.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#67
- def expects_argument?; end
- # Returns the help String for this option.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#124
- def help; end
- # Returns the String inspection text.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#143
- def inspect; end
- # Returns the String flag of this option. Preferring the long flag.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#77
- def key; end
- # Returns the value of attribute long.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#22
- def long; end
- # Returns the value of attribute short.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#22
- def short; end
- # Returns the help String for this option.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#124
- def to_s; end
- # Returns the value of attribute types.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#22
- def types; end
- # Fetch the argument value for this option.
- #
- # Returns the Object once any type conversions have taken place.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#108
- def value; end
- # Set the new argument value for this option.
- #
- # We use this setter method to handle concatenating lists. That is,
- # when an array type is specified and used more than once, values from
- # both options will be grouped together and flattened into a single array.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#93
- def value=(new_value); end
- private
- # Convert an object to a Float if possible.
- #
- # value - The Object we want to convert to a float.
- #
- # Returns the Float value if possible to convert, else a zero.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#173
- def value_to_float(value); end
- # Convert an object to an Integer if possible.
- #
- # value - The Object we want to convert to an integer.
- #
- # Returns the Integer value if possible to convert, else a zero.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#156
- def value_to_integer(value); end
- # Convert an object to a Range if possible.
- #
- # value - The Object we want to convert to a range.
- #
- # Returns the Range value if one could be found, else the original object.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#190
- def value_to_range(value); end
-# The default Hash of configuration options this class uses.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop/option.rb#7
-Pry::Slop::Option::DEFAULT_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://pry//lib/pry/slop.rb#9
-Pry::Slop::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# @api private
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/syntax_highlighter.rb#8
-class Pry::SyntaxHighlighter
- class << self
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/syntax_highlighter.rb#9
- def highlight(code, language = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/syntax_highlighter.rb#17
- def keyword_token_color; end
- # Sets comment token to blue (black by default), so it's more legible.
- #
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/syntax_highlighter.rb#22
- def overwrite_coderay_comment_token!; end
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/syntax_highlighter.rb#13
- def tokenize(code, language = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# @api private
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/system_command_handler.rb#6
-module Pry::SystemCommandHandler
- class << self
- # @api private
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/system_command_handler.rb#8
- def default(output, command, _pry_instance); end
- end
-# Catches SecurityErrors if $SAFE is set
-# source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#28
-module Pry::TooSafeException
- class << self
- # source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#29
- def ===(exception); end
- end
-# An Exception Tag (cf. Exceptional Ruby) that instructs Pry to show the error
-# in a more user-friendly manner. This should be used when the exception
-# happens within Pry itself as a direct consequence of the user typing
-# something wrong.
-# This allows us to distinguish between the user typing:
-# pry(main)> def )
-# SyntaxError: unexpected )
-# pry(main)> method_that_evals("def )")
-# SyntaxError: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected ')'
-# from ./a.rb:2 in `eval'
-# source://pry//lib/pry/exceptions.rb#51
-module Pry::UserError; end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/version.rb#4
-Pry::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# @api private
-# @since v0.13.0
-# source://pry//lib/pry/warning.rb#6
-module Pry::Warning
- class << self
- # Prints a warning message with exact file and line location, similar to how
- # Ruby's -W prints warnings.
- #
- # @api private
- # @param message [String]
- # @return [void]
- # @since v0.13.0
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/warning.rb#12
- def warn(message); end
- end
-# source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#16
-class Pry::WrappedModule
- include ::Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers
- include ::Pry::CodeObject::Helpers
- # @param mod [Module]
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if the argument is not a `Module`
- # @return [WrappedModule] a new instance of WrappedModule
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#56
- def initialize(mod); end
- # Return a candidate for this module of specified rank. A `rank`
- # of 0 is equivalent to the 'primary candidate', which is the
- # module definition with the highest number of methods. A `rank`
- # of 1 is the module definition with the second highest number of
- # methods, and so on. Module candidates are necessary as modules
- # can be reopened multiple times and in multiple places in Ruby,
- # the candidate API gives you access to the module definition
- # representing each of those reopenings.
- #
- # @param rank [Fixnum]
- # @raise [Pry::CommandError] If the `rank` is out of range. That
- # is greater than `number_of_candidates - 1`.
- # @return [Pry::WrappedModule::Candidate]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#239
- def candidate(rank); end
- # @note On JRuby 1.9 and higher, in certain conditions, this method chucks
- # away its ability to be quick (when there are lots of monkey patches,
- # like in Rails). However, it should be efficient enough on other rubies.
- # @return [Enumerator, Array] on JRuby 1.9 and higher returns Array, on
- # other rubies returns Enumerator
- # @see https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/525
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#255
- def candidates; end
- # Is this strictly a class?
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#126
- def class?; end
- # Returns an array of the names of the constants accessible in the wrapped
- # module. This avoids the problem of accidentally calling the singleton
- # method `Module.constants`.
- #
- # @param inherit [Boolean] Include the names of constants from included
- # modules?
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#76
- def constants(inherit = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns documentation for the module.
- # This documentation is for the primary candidate, if
- # you would like documentation for other candidates use
- # `WrappedModule#candidate` to select the candidate you're
- # interested in.
- #
- # @raise [Pry::CommandError] If documentation cannot be found.
- # @return [String] The documentation for the module.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#195
- def doc; end
- # @return [String, nil] The associated file for the module (i.e
- # the primary candidate: highest ranked monkeypatch).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#176
- def file; end
- # @return [Fixnum, nil] The associated line for the module (i.e
- # the primary candidate: highest ranked monkeypatch).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#183
- def line; end
- # Forward method invocations to the wrapped module
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#150
- def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end
- # The prefix that would appear before methods defined on this class.
- #
- # i.e. the "String." or "String#" in String.new and String#initialize.
- #
- # @return String
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#85
- def method_prefix; end
- # Is this strictly a module? (does not match classes)
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#120
- def module?; end
- # The name of the Module if it has one, otherwise #.
- #
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#100
- def nonblank_name; end
- # @return [Fixnum] The number of candidate definitions for the
- # current module.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#245
- def number_of_candidates; end
- # Is this a singleton class?
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#110
- def singleton_class?; end
- # Get the instance associated with this singleton class.
- #
- # @raise ArgumentError: tried to get instance of non singleton class
- # @return [Object]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#135
- def singleton_instance; end
- # Returns the source for the module.
- # This source is for the primary candidate, if
- # you would like source for other candidates use
- # `WrappedModule#candidate` to select the candidate you're
- # interested in.
- #
- # @raise [Pry::CommandError] If source cannot be found.
- # @return [String] The source for the module.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#206
- def source; end
- # @return [String, nil] The associated file for the module (i.e
- # the primary candidate: highest ranked monkeypatch).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#176
- def source_file; end
- # @return [Fixnum, nil] The associated line for the module (i.e
- # the primary candidate: highest ranked monkeypatch).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#183
- def source_line; end
- # Retrieve the source location of a module. Return value is in same
- # format as Method#source_location. If the source location
- # cannot be found this method returns `nil`.
- #
- # @return [Array, nil] The source location of the
- # module (or class), or `nil` if no source location found.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#168
- def source_location; end
- # @param times [Fixnum] How far to travel up the ancestor chain.
- # @return [Pry::WrappedModule, nil] The wrapped module that is the
- # superclass.
- # When `self` is a `Module` then return the
- # nth ancestor, otherwise (in the case of classes) return the
- # nth ancestor that is a class.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#275
- def super(times = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute wrapped.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#20
- def wrapped; end
- # @return [String] Return the YARD docs for this module.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#223
- def yard_doc; end
- # @return [Boolean] Whether YARD docs are available for this module.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#265
- def yard_docs?; end
- # @return [String] Return the associated file for the
- # module from YARD, if one exists.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#212
- def yard_file; end
- # @return [Fixnum] Return the associated line for the
- # module from YARD, if one exists.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#218
- def yard_line; end
- private
- # Return all methods (instance methods and class methods) for a
- # given module.
- #
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#352
- def all_methods_for(mod); end
- # We only want methods that have a non-nil `source_location`. We also
- # skip some spooky internal methods.
- #
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#334
- def all_relevant_methods_for(mod); end
- # A helper method.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#315
- def all_source_locations_by_popularity; end
- # memoized lines for file
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#376
- def lines_for_file(file); end
- # @return [Array>] The array of `Pry::Method` objects,
- # there are two associated with each candidate. The first is the 'base
- # method' for a candidate and it serves as the start point for
- # the search in uncovering the module definition. The second is
- # the last method defined for that candidate and it is used to
- # speed up source code extraction.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#307
- def method_candidates; end
- # Detect methods that are defined with `def_delegator` from the Forwardable
- # module. We want to reject these methods as they screw up module
- # extraction since the `source_location` for such methods points at forwardable.rb
- # TODO: make this more robust as valid user-defined files called
- # forwardable.rb are also skipped.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#371
- def method_defined_by_forwardable_module?(method); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#356
- def nested_module?(parent, name); end
- # @return [Pry::WrappedModule::Candidate] The candidate with the
- # highest rank, that is the 'monkey patch' of this module with the
- # highest number of methods, which contains a source code line that
- # defines the module. It is considered the 'canonical' definition
- # for the module. In the absense of a suitable candidate, the
- # candidate of rank 0 will be returned, or a CommandError raised if
- # there are no candidates at all.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#297
- def primary_candidate; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#158
- def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # Convert a string to a module.
- #
- # @example
- # Pry::WrappedModule.from_str("Pry::Code")
- # @param mod_name [String]
- # @param target [Binding] The binding where the lookup takes place.
- # @return [Module, nil] The module or `nil` (if conversion failed).
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#29
- def from_str(mod_name, target = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # We use this method to decide whether code is safe to eval. Method's are
- # generally not, but everything else is.
- # TODO: is just checking != "method" enough??
- # TODO: see duplication of this method in Pry::CodeObject
- #
- # @param str [String] The string to lookup.
- # @param target [Binding] Where the lookup takes place.
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module.rb#45
- def safe_to_evaluate?(str, target); end
- end
-# This class represents a single candidate for a module/class definition.
-# It provides access to the source, documentation, line and file
-# for a monkeypatch (reopening) of a class/module.
-# source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#8
-class Pry::WrappedModule::Candidate
- include ::Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers
- include ::Pry::CodeObject::Helpers
- extend ::Forwardable
- extend ::Pry::Forwardable
- # @param wrapper [Pry::WrappedModule] The associated
- # `Pry::WrappedModule` instance that owns the candidates.
- # @param rank [Fixnum] The rank of the candidate to
- # retrieve. Passing 0 returns 'primary candidate' (the candidate with largest
- # number of methods), passing 1 retrieves candidate with
- # second largest number of methods, and so on, up to
- # `Pry::WrappedModule#number_of_candidates() - 1`
- # @raise [Pry::CommandError] If `rank` is out of bounds.
- # @return [Candidate] a new instance of Candidate
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#38
- def initialize(wrapper, rank); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def class?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # @raise [Pry::CommandError] If documentation cannot be found.
- # @return [String] The documentation for the candidate.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#70
- def doc; end
- # @return [String] The file where the module definition is located.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#14
- def file; end
- # @return [Fixnum] The line where the module definition is located.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#18
- def line; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def module?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def nonblank_name(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def number_of_candidates(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # @raise [Pry::CommandError] If source code cannot be found.
- # @return [String] The source for the candidate, i.e the
- # complete module/class definition.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#59
- def source; end
- # @return [String] The file where the module definition is located.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#14
- def source_file; end
- # @return [Fixnum] The line where the module definition is located.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#18
- def source_line; end
- # @return [Array, nil] A `[String, Fixnum]` pair representing the
- # source location (file and line) for the candidate or `nil`
- # if no source location found.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#79
- def source_location; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def wrapped(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- private
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#104
- def class_regexes; end
- # Locate the first line of the module definition.
- #
- # @param file [String] The file that contains the module
- # definition (somewhere).
- # @param line [Fixnum] The module definition should appear
- # before this line (if it exists).
- # @return [Fixnum] The line where the module is defined. This
- # line number is one-indexed.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#99
- def first_line_of_module_definition(file, line); end
- # This method is used by `Candidate#source_location` as a
- # starting point for the search for the candidate's definition.
- #
- # @return [Array] The source location of the base method used to
- # calculate the source location of the candidate.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#115
- def first_method_source_location; end
- # @return [Array] The source location of the last method in this
- # candidate's module definition.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#121
- def last_method_source_location; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/forwardable.rb#18
- def lines_for_file(*a, &b); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/forwardable.rb#18
- def method_candidates(*a, &b); end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/forwardable.rb#18
- def name(*a, &b); end
- # Return the number of lines between the start of the class definition and
- # the start of the last method. We use this value so we can quickly grab
- # these lines from the file (without having to check each intervening line
- # for validity, which is expensive) speeding up source extraction.
- #
- # @return [Integer] number of lines.
- #
- # source://pry//lib/pry/wrapped_module/candidate.rb#131
- def number_of_lines_in_first_chunk; end
- # source://pry//lib/pry/forwardable.rb#18
- def yard_docs?(*a, &b); end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rainbow@3.1.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rainbow@3.1.1.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 87f4c33e..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rainbow@3.1.1.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rainbow` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rainbow`.
-class Object < ::BasicObject
- include ::Kernel
- include ::PP::ObjectMixin
- private
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/global.rb#23
- def Rainbow(string); end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/string_utils.rb#3
-module Rainbow
- class << self
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/global.rb#10
- def enabled; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/global.rb#14
- def enabled=(value); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/global.rb#6
- def global; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow.rb#6
- def new; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/global.rb#18
- def uncolor(string); end
- end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#4
-class Rainbow::Color
- # Returns the value of attribute ground.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#5
- def ground; end
- class << self
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#7
- def build(ground, values); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#40
- def parse_hex_color(hex); end
- end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#54
-class Rainbow::Color::Indexed < ::Rainbow::Color
- # @return [Indexed] a new instance of Indexed
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#57
- def initialize(ground, num); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#62
- def codes; end
- # Returns the value of attribute num.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#55
- def num; end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#69
-class Rainbow::Color::Named < ::Rainbow::Color::Indexed
- # @return [Named] a new instance of Named
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#90
- def initialize(ground, name); end
- class << self
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#82
- def color_names; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#86
- def valid_names; end
- end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#70
-Rainbow::Color::Named::NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#100
-class Rainbow::Color::RGB < ::Rainbow::Color::Indexed
- # @return [RGB] a new instance of RGB
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#107
- def initialize(ground, *values); end
- # Returns the value of attribute b.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#101
- def b; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#116
- def codes; end
- # Returns the value of attribute g.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#101
- def g; end
- # Returns the value of attribute r.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#101
- def r; end
- private
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#122
- def code_from_rgb; end
- class << self
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#103
- def to_ansi_domain(value); end
- end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#129
-class Rainbow::Color::X11Named < ::Rainbow::Color::RGB
- include ::Rainbow::X11ColorNames
- # @return [X11Named] a new instance of X11Named
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#140
- def initialize(ground, name); end
- class << self
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#132
- def color_names; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/color.rb#136
- def valid_names; end
- end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#4
-class Rainbow::NullPresenter < ::String
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#9
- def background(*_values); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#9
- def bg(*_values); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#49
- def black; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#33
- def blink; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#65
- def blue; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#17
- def bold; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#17
- def bright; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#5
- def color(*_values); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#45
- def cross_out; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#73
- def cyan; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#21
- def dark; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#21
- def faint; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#5
- def fg(*_values); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#5
- def foreground(*_values); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#57
- def green; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#41
- def hide; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#37
- def inverse; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#25
- def italic; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#69
- def magenta; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#81
- def method_missing(method_name, *args); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#53
- def red; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#13
- def reset; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#45
- def strike; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#29
- def underline; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#77
- def white; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#61
- def yellow; end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/null_presenter.rb#89
- def respond_to_missing?(method_name, *args); end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#8
-class Rainbow::Presenter < ::String
- # Sets background color of this text.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#30
- def background(*values); end
- # Sets background color of this text.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#30
- def bg(*values); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#92
- def black; end
- # Turns on blinking attribute for this text (not well supported by terminal
- # emulators).
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#72
- def blink; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#108
- def blue; end
- # Turns on bright/bold for this text.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#45
- def bold; end
- # Turns on bright/bold for this text.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#45
- def bright; end
- # Sets color of this text.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#22
- def color(*values); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#86
- def cross_out; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#116
- def cyan; end
- # Turns on faint/dark for this text (not well supported by terminal
- # emulators).
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#53
- def dark; end
- # Turns on faint/dark for this text (not well supported by terminal
- # emulators).
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#53
- def faint; end
- # Sets color of this text.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#22
- def fg(*values); end
- # Sets color of this text.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#22
- def foreground(*values); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#100
- def green; end
- # Hides this text (set its color to the same as background).
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#82
- def hide; end
- # Inverses current foreground/background colors.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#77
- def inverse; end
- # Turns on italic style for this text (not well supported by terminal
- # emulators).
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#61
- def italic; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#112
- def magenta; end
- # We take care of X11 color method call here.
- # Such as #aqua, #ghostwhite.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#126
- def method_missing(method_name, *args); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#96
- def red; end
- # Resets terminal to default colors/backgrounds.
- #
- # It shouldn't be needed to use this method because all methods
- # append terminal reset code to end of string.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#40
- def reset; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#86
- def strike; end
- # Turns on underline decoration for this text.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#66
- def underline; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#120
- def white; end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#104
- def yellow; end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#134
- def respond_to_missing?(method_name, *args); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#140
- def wrap_with_sgr(codes); end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/presenter.rb#9
-Rainbow::Presenter::TERM_EFFECTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/string_utils.rb#4
-class Rainbow::StringUtils
- class << self
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/string_utils.rb#17
- def uncolor(string); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/string_utils.rb#5
- def wrap_with_sgr(string, codes); end
- end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/wrapper.rb#7
-class Rainbow::Wrapper
- # @return [Wrapper] a new instance of Wrapper
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/wrapper.rb#10
- def initialize(enabled = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute enabled.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/wrapper.rb#8
- def enabled; end
- # Sets the attribute enabled
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute enabled to.
- #
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/wrapper.rb#8
- def enabled=(_arg0); end
- # source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/wrapper.rb#14
- def wrap(string); end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/x11_color_names.rb#4
-module Rainbow::X11ColorNames; end
-# source://rainbow//lib/rainbow/x11_color_names.rb#5
-Rainbow::X11ColorNames::NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rake@13.0.6.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rake@13.1.0.rbi
similarity index 96%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/rake@13.0.6.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/rake@13.1.0.rbi
index 0202f06d..f1286717 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rake@13.0.6.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rake@13.1.0.rbi
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ module FileUtils
# Example:
# ruby %{-pe '$_.upcase!' ['a', 'b', 'c']
- # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#128
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#126
def split_all(path); end
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ module FileUtils
# source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#61
def create_shell_runner(cmd); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#86
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#84
def set_verbose_option(options); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#73
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#71
def sh_show_command(cmd); end
-# source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#108
+# source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#106
FileUtils::LN_SUPPORTED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Path to the currently running Ruby program
@@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ class Rake::Application
# Add a file to the list of files to be imported.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#777
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#801
def add_import(fn); end
# Add a loader to handle imported files ending in the extension
# +ext+.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#139
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#161
def add_loader(ext, loader); end
# Collect the list of tasks on the command line. If no tasks are
@@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ class Rake::Application
# recognised command-line options, which OptionParser.parse will
# have taken care of already.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#758
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#782
def collect_command_line_tasks(args); end
# Default task name ("default").
# (May be overridden by subclasses)
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#772
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#796
def default_task_name; end
# Warn about deprecated usage.
@@ -227,75 +227,75 @@ class Rake::Application
# Example:
# Rake.application.deprecate("import", "Rake.import", caller.first)
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#258
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#282
def deprecate(old_usage, new_usage, call_site); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#222
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#244
def display_cause_details(ex); end
# Display the error message that caused the exception.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#206
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#228
def display_error_message(ex); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#245
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#269
def display_exception_backtrace(ex); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#214
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#236
def display_exception_details(ex); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#229
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#251
def display_exception_details_seen; end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#237
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#259
def display_exception_message_details(ex); end
# Display the tasks and prerequisites
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#381
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#405
def display_prerequisites; end
# Display the tasks and comments.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#298
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#322
def display_tasks_and_comments; end
# Calculate the dynamic width of the
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#349
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#373
def dynamic_width; end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#353
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#377
def dynamic_width_stty; end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#357
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#381
def dynamic_width_tput; end
# Exit the program because of an unhandled exception.
# (may be overridden by subclasses)
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#201
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#223
def exit_because_of_exception(ex); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#678
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#702
def find_rakefile_location; end
# Read and handle the command line options. Returns the command line
# arguments that we didn't understand, which should (in theory) be just
# task names and env vars.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#644
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#668
def handle_options(argv); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#233
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#255
def has_cause?(ex); end
# True if one of the files in RAKEFILES is in the current directory.
# If a match is found, it is copied into @rakefile.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#274
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#298
def have_rakefile; end
# Initialize the command line parameters and app name.
@@ -305,17 +305,17 @@ class Rake::Application
# Invokes a task with arguments that are extracted from +task_string+
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#157
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#179
def invoke_task(task_string); end
# Load the pending list of imported files.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#782
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#806
def load_imports; end
# Find the rakefile and then load it and any pending imports.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#102
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#124
def load_rakefile; end
# The name of the application (typically 'rake')
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ class Rake::Application
# Application options from the command line
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#145
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#167
def options; end
# The original directory where rake was invoked.
@@ -333,16 +333,16 @@ class Rake::Application
# source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#27
def original_dir; end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#163
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#185
def parse_task_string(string); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#690
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#714
def print_rakefile_directory(location); end
# Similar to the regular Ruby +require+ command, but will check
# for *.rake files in addition to *.rb files.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#664
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#688
def rake_require(file_name, paths = T.unsafe(nil), loaded = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Name of the actual rakefile used.
@@ -350,10 +350,10 @@ class Rake::Application
# source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#30
def rakefile; end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#798
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#822
def rakefile_location(backtrace = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#695
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#719
def raw_load_rakefile; end
# Run the Rake application. The run method performs the following
@@ -372,26 +372,26 @@ class Rake::Application
# Run the given block with the thread startup and shutdown.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#122
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#144
def run_with_threads; end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#807
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#831
def set_default_options; end
# Provide standard exception handling for the given block.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#185
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#207
def standard_exception_handling; end
# A list of all the standard options used in rake, suitable for
# passing to OptionParser.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#402
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#426
def standard_rake_options; end
# The directory path containing the system wide rakefiles.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#727
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#751
def system_dir; end
# Number of columns on the terminal
@@ -404,17 +404,17 @@ class Rake::Application
# source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#33
def terminal_columns=(_arg0); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#337
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#361
def terminal_width; end
# Return the thread pool used for multithreaded processing.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#150
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#172
def thread_pool; end
# Run the top level tasks of a Rake application.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#109
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#131
def top_level; end
# List of the top level task names (task names from the command line).
@@ -422,10 +422,10 @@ class Rake::Application
# source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#36
def top_level_tasks; end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#388
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#412
def trace(*strings); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#370
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#394
def truncate(string, width); end
# We will truncate output if we are outputting to a TTY or if we've been
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ class Rake::Application
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#293
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#317
def truncate_output?; end
# Override the detected TTY output state (mostly for testing)
@@ -445,41 +445,44 @@ class Rake::Application
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#287
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#311
def tty_output?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#361
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#385
def unix?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#366
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#390
def windows?; end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#721
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#745
def glob(path, &block); end
# Does the exception have a task invocation chain?
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#267
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#291
def has_chain?(exception); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#620
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#102
+ def load_debug_at_stop_feature; end
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#644
def select_tasks_to_show(options, show_tasks, value); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#627
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#651
def select_trace_output(options, trace_option, value); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#393
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#417
def sort_options(options); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#744
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/application.rb#768
def standard_system_dir; end
@@ -591,7 +594,7 @@ module Rake::DSL
# Example:
# desc "Run the Unit Tests"
- # task test: [:build]
+ # task test: [:build] do
# # ... run tests
# end
@@ -745,7 +748,7 @@ module Rake::DSL
# source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils_ext.rb#34
def rmtree(*args, **options, &block); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#100
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#98
def ruby(*args, **options, &block); end
# Declare a rule for auto-tasks.
@@ -758,7 +761,7 @@ module Rake::DSL
# source://rake//lib/rake/dsl_definition.rb#151
def rule(*args, &block); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#112
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#110
def safe_ln(*args, **options); end
# source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils_ext.rb#34
@@ -767,7 +770,7 @@ module Rake::DSL
# source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#43
def sh(*cmd, &block); end
- # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#128
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils.rb#126
def split_all(path); end
# source://rake//lib/rake/file_utils_ext.rb#34
@@ -1580,7 +1583,7 @@ class Rake::FileTask < ::Rake::Task
# Time stamp for file task.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/file_task.rb#21
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/file_task.rb#25
def timestamp; end
@@ -1589,14 +1592,14 @@ class Rake::FileTask < ::Rake::Task
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rake//lib/rake/file_task.rb#32
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/file_task.rb#36
def out_of_date?(stamp); end
class << self
# Apply the scope to the task name according to the rules for this kind
# of task. File based tasks ignore the scope when creating the name.
- # source://rake//lib/rake/file_task.rb#49
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/file_task.rb#53
def scope_name(scope, task_name); end
@@ -2854,14 +2857,14 @@ class Rake::ThreadHistoryDisplay
def threads; end
-# source://rake//lib/rake/thread_pool.rb#7
+# source://rake//lib/rake/thread_pool.rb#8
class Rake::ThreadPool
# Creates a ThreadPool object. The +thread_count+ parameter is the size
# of the pool.
# @return [ThreadPool] a new instance of ThreadPool
- # source://rake//lib/rake/thread_pool.rb#11
+ # source://rake//lib/rake/thread_pool.rb#12
def initialize(thread_count); end
# Creates a future executed by the +ThreadPool+.
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rbi@0.0.16.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rbi@0.0.16.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index d777547f..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rbi@0.0.16.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3008 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rbi` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rbi`.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi.rb#7
-module RBI; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#129
-class RBI::ASTVisitor
- abstract!
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/private/abstract/declare.rb#37
- def initialize(*args, **_arg1, &blk); end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#141
- sig { abstract.params(node: T.nilable(::AST::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#136
- sig { params(nodes: T::Array[::AST::Node]).void }
- def visit_all(nodes); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#151
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::String) }
- def parse_expr(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#146
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::String) }
- def parse_name(node); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#960
-class RBI::Arg < ::RBI::Node
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#972
- sig { params(value: ::String, loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc)).void }
- def initialize(value, loc: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#978
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#611
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#983
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#964
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def value; end
-# Attributes
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#341
-class RBI::Attr < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- abstract!
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#366
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::Symbol,
- names: T::Array[::Symbol],
- visibility: ::RBI::Visibility,
- sigs: T::Array[::RBI::Sig],
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment]
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, names, visibility: T.unsafe(nil), sigs: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#346
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#406
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#374
- sig { abstract.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def fully_qualified_names; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#109
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#413
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def merge_with(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#348
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Symbol]) }
- def names; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#348
- def names=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#373
- sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
- def oneline?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#354
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Sig]) }
- def sigs; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#351
- sig { returns(::RBI::Visibility) }
- def visibility; end
- # @return [Visibility]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#351
- def visibility=(_arg0); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#377
-class RBI::AttrAccessor < ::RBI::Attr
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#391
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::Symbol,
- names: ::Symbol,
- visibility: ::RBI::Visibility,
- sigs: T::Array[::RBI::Sig],
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::AttrAccessor).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, *names, visibility: T.unsafe(nil), sigs: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#444
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#397
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def fully_qualified_names; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#403
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#409
-class RBI::AttrReader < ::RBI::Attr
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#423
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::Symbol,
- names: ::Symbol,
- visibility: ::RBI::Visibility,
- sigs: T::Array[::RBI::Sig],
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::AttrReader).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, *names, visibility: T.unsafe(nil), sigs: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#426
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#429
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def fully_qualified_names; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#435
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#441
-class RBI::AttrWriter < ::RBI::Attr
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#455
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::Symbol,
- names: ::Symbol,
- visibility: ::RBI::Visibility,
- sigs: T::Array[::RBI::Sig],
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::AttrWriter).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, *names, visibility: T.unsafe(nil), sigs: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#435
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#461
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def fully_qualified_names; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#467
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# An arbitrary blank line that can be added both in trees and comments
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#70
-class RBI::BlankLine < ::RBI::Comment
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#74
- sig { params(loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc)).void }
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#215
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#733
-class RBI::BlockParam < ::RBI::Param
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#744
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::BlockParam).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#755
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#541
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#546
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer, last: T::Boolean).void }
- def print_comment_leading_space(v, last:); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#750
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#213
-class RBI::Class < ::RBI::Scope
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#231
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- superclass_name: T.nilable(::String),
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Class).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, superclass_name: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#370
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#239
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def fully_qualified_name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#217
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#217
- def name=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#282
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def print_header(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#220
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def superclass_name; end
- # @return [String, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#220
- def superclass_name=(_arg0); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#50
-class RBI::Comment < ::RBI::Node
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#57
- sig { params(text: ::String, loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc)).void }
- def initialize(text, loc: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#63
- sig { params(other: ::Object).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#195
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#54
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def text; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#54
- def text=(_arg0); end
-# A tree showing incompatibles nodes
-# Is rendered as a merge conflict between `left` and` right`:
-# ~~~rb
-# class Foo
-# <<<<<<< left
-# def m1; end
-# def m2(a); end
-# =======
-# def m1(a); end
-# def m2; end
-# >>>>>>> right
-# end
-# ~~~
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#578
-class RBI::ConflictTree < ::RBI::Tree
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#585
- sig { params(left_name: ::String, right_name: ::String).void }
- def initialize(left_name: T.unsafe(nil), right_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#596
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#582
- sig { returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def left; end
- # @return [Tree]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#582
- def right; end
-# Consts
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#305
-class RBI::Const < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#320
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- value: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Const).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, value, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#333
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#397
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#328
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def fully_qualified_name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#99
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#309
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#334
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#309
- def value; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#600
-class RBI::ConstBuilder < ::RBI::ASTVisitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#615
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#612
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def names; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#612
- def names=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#621
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::AST::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- class << self
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#604
- sig { params(node: T.nilable(::AST::Node)).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def visit(node); end
- end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi.rb#8
-class RBI::Error < ::StandardError; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#808
-class RBI::Extend < ::RBI::Mixin
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#820
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- names: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Extend).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, *names, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#492
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#139
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#826
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#133
-class RBI::File
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#152
- sig do
- params(
- strictness: T.nilable(::String),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(file: ::RBI::File).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(strictness: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#160
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def <<(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#104
- sig { params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#143
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Comment]) }
- def comments; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#143
- def comments=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#165
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def empty?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#128
- sig do
- params(
- out: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO),
- indent: ::Integer,
- print_locs: T::Boolean,
- max_line_length: T.nilable(::Integer)
- ).void
- end
- def print(out: T.unsafe(nil), indent: T.unsafe(nil), print_locs: T.unsafe(nil), max_line_length: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#137
- sig { returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def root; end
- # @return [Tree]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#137
- def root=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#140
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def strictness; end
- # @return [String, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#140
- def strictness=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#134
- sig { params(indent: ::Integer, print_locs: T::Boolean, max_line_length: T.nilable(::Integer)).returns(::String) }
- def string(indent: T.unsafe(nil), print_locs: T.unsafe(nil), max_line_length: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#5
-class RBI::Formatter
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#24
- sig do
- params(
- add_sig_templates: T::Boolean,
- group_nodes: T::Boolean,
- max_line_length: T.nilable(::Integer),
- nest_singleton_methods: T::Boolean,
- nest_non_public_methods: T::Boolean,
- sort_nodes: T::Boolean
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(add_sig_templates: T.unsafe(nil), group_nodes: T.unsafe(nil), max_line_length: T.unsafe(nil), nest_singleton_methods: T.unsafe(nil), nest_non_public_methods: T.unsafe(nil), sort_nodes: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def add_sig_templates; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- def add_sig_templates=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#53
- sig { params(file: ::RBI::File).void }
- def format_file(file); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#58
- sig { params(tree: ::RBI::Tree).void }
- def format_tree(tree); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- def group_nodes; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- def group_nodes=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#12
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::Integer)) }
- def max_line_length; end
- # @return [Integer, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#12
- def max_line_length=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- def nest_non_public_methods; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- def nest_non_public_methods=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- def nest_singleton_methods; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- def nest_singleton_methods=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#41
- sig { params(file: ::RBI::File).returns(::String) }
- def print_file(file); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#47
- sig { params(tree: ::RBI::Tree).returns(::String) }
- def print_tree(tree); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- def sort_nodes; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/formatter.rb#9
- def sort_nodes=(_arg0); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/group_nodes.rb#88
-class RBI::Group < ::RBI::Tree
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/group_nodes.rb#95
- sig { params(kind: ::RBI::Group::Kind).void }
- def initialize(kind); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#836
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/group_nodes.rb#92
- sig { returns(::RBI::Group::Kind) }
- def kind; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/group_nodes.rb#100
-class RBI::Group::Kind < ::T::Enum
- enums do
- Mixins = new
- RequiredAncestors = new
- Helpers = new
- TypeMembers = new
- MixesInClassMethods = new
- Sends = new
- Attrs = new
- TStructFields = new
- TEnums = new
- Inits = new
- Methods = new
- SingletonClasses = new
- Consts = new
- end
-# Sorbet's misc.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1285
-class RBI::Helper < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1299
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Helper).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#823
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#510
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#169
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1289
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1306
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#785
-class RBI::Include < ::RBI::Mixin
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#797
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- names: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Include).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, *names, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#483
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#129
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#803
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#5
-class RBI::Index < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#17
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#28
- sig { params(id: ::String).returns(T::Array[::RBI::Node]) }
- def [](id); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#33
- sig { params(nodes: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def index(*nodes); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#23
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def keys; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#38
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#55
- sig { params(node: T.all(::RBI::Indexable, ::RBI::Node)).void }
- def index_node(node); end
- class << self
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#10
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).returns(::RBI::Index) }
- def index(*node); end
- end
-# A Node that can be refered to by a unique ID inside an index
-# @abstract Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#70
-module RBI::Indexable
- interface!
- # Unique IDs that refer to this node.
- #
- # Some nodes can have multiple ids, for example an attribute accessor matches the ID of the
- # getter and the setter.
- #
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#81
- sig { abstract.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#988
-class RBI::KwArg < ::RBI::Arg
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1001
- sig { params(keyword: ::String, value: ::String, loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc)).void }
- def initialize(keyword, value, loc: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1007
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#620
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#992
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def keyword; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1012
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#674
-class RBI::KwOptParam < ::RBI::Param
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#689
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- value: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::KwOptParam).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, value, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#701
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#511
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#516
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer, last: T::Boolean).void }
- def print_comment_leading_space(v, last:); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#696
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#678
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def value; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#647
-class RBI::KwParam < ::RBI::Param
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#658
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::KwParam).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#669
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#496
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#501
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer, last: T::Boolean).void }
- def print_comment_leading_space(v, last:); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#664
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#706
-class RBI::KwRestParam < ::RBI::Param
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#717
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::KwRestParam).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#728
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#526
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#531
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer, last: T::Boolean).void }
- def print_comment_leading_space(v, last:); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#723
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/loc.rb#5
-class RBI::Loc
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/loc.rb#23
- sig do
- params(
- file: T.nilable(::String),
- begin_line: T.nilable(::Integer),
- end_line: T.nilable(::Integer),
- begin_column: T.nilable(::Integer),
- end_column: T.nilable(::Integer)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(file: T.unsafe(nil), begin_line: T.unsafe(nil), end_line: T.unsafe(nil), begin_column: T.unsafe(nil), end_column: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Integer, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/loc.rb#12
- def begin_column; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/loc.rb#12
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::Integer)) }
- def begin_line; end
- # @return [Integer, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/loc.rb#12
- def end_column; end
- # @return [Integer, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/loc.rb#12
- def end_line; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/loc.rb#9
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def file; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/loc.rb#37
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def source; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/loc.rb#32
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#707
- sig { params(file: ::String, ast_loc: T.any(::Parser::Source::Map, ::Parser::Source::Range)).returns(::RBI::Loc) }
- def from_ast_loc(file, ast_loc); end
- end
-# A tree that _might_ contain conflicts
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#324
-class RBI::MergeTree < ::RBI::Tree
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#338
- sig do
- params(
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- conflicts: T::Array[::RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Conflict],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Tree).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), conflicts: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#328
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Conflict]) }
- def conflicts; end
-# Methods and args
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#475
-class RBI::Method < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#505
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- params: T::Array[::RBI::Param],
- is_singleton: T::Boolean,
- visibility: ::RBI::Visibility,
- sigs: T::Array[::RBI::Sig],
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Method).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, params: T.unsafe(nil), is_singleton: T.unsafe(nil), visibility: T.unsafe(nil), sigs: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#525
- sig { params(param: ::RBI::Param).void }
- def <<(param); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#382
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#453
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#530
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def fully_qualified_name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#119
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#435
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def inline_params?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#485
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def is_singleton; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#485
- def is_singleton=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#461
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def merge_with(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#479
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#479
- def name=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#430
- sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
- def oneline?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#482
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Param]) }
- def params; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#491
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Sig]) }
- def sigs; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#491
- def sigs=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#539
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#488
- sig { returns(::RBI::Visibility) }
- def visibility; end
- # @return [Visibility]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#488
- def visibility=(_arg0); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1345
-class RBI::MixesInClassMethods < ::RBI::Mixin
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1357
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- names: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::MixesInClassMethods).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, *names, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#501
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#149
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1363
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# Mixins
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#762
-class RBI::Mixin < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- abstract!
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#779
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- names: T::Array[::String],
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment]
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, names, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#556
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#474
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#769
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def names; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#769
- def names=(_arg0); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#186
-class RBI::Module < ::RBI::Scope
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#200
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Module).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#379
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#207
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def fully_qualified_name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#190
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#190
- def name=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#268
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def print_header(v); end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#5
-class RBI::Node
- abstract!
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#18
- sig { params(loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc)).void }
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#145
- sig { abstract.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # Can `self` and `_other` be merged into a single definition?
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#283
- sig { params(_other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(_other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#24
- sig { void }
- def detach; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/group_nodes.rb#48
- sig { returns(::RBI::Group::Kind) }
- def group_kind; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#15
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::RBI::Loc)) }
- def loc; end
- # @return [Loc, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#15
- def loc=(_arg0); end
- # Merge `self` and `other` into a single definition
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#289
- sig { params(other: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def merge_with(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#177
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def oneline?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#292
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::RBI::ConflictTree)) }
- def parent_conflict_tree; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#43
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::RBI::Scope)) }
- def parent_scope; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#12
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::RBI::Tree)) }
- def parent_tree; end
- # @return [Tree, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#12
- def parent_tree=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#155
- sig do
- params(
- out: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO),
- indent: ::Integer,
- print_locs: T::Boolean,
- max_line_length: T.nilable(::Integer)
- ).void
- end
- def print(out: T.unsafe(nil), indent: T.unsafe(nil), print_locs: T.unsafe(nil), max_line_length: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#168
- sig { params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def print_blank_line_before(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#32
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def replace(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#161
- sig { params(indent: ::Integer, print_locs: T::Boolean, max_line_length: T.nilable(::Integer)).returns(::String) }
- def string(indent: T.unsafe(nil), print_locs: T.unsafe(nil), max_line_length: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#79
-class RBI::NodeWithComments < ::RBI::Node
- abstract!
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#89
- sig { params(loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc), comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment]).void }
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#95
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def annotations; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#86
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Comment]) }
- def comments; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#86
- def comments=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#306
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def merge_with(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#186
- sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
- def oneline?; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#593
-class RBI::OptParam < ::RBI::Param
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#608
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- value: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::OptParam).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, value, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#615
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#466
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#471
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer, last: T::Boolean).void }
- def print_comment_leading_space(v, last:); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#597
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def value; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#544
-class RBI::Param < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- abstract!
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#560
- sig { params(name: ::String, loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc), comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment]).void }
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#444
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#457
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def comments_lines; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#551
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#449
- sig { params(v: ::RBI::Printer, last: T::Boolean).void }
- def print_comment_leading_space(v, last:); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#566
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#7
-class RBI::ParseError < ::StandardError
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#14
- sig { params(message: ::String, location: ::RBI::Loc).void }
- def initialize(message, location); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#11
- sig { returns(::RBI::Loc) }
- def location; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#53
-class RBI::Parser
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#64
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#97
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def parse_file(path); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#86
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def parse_string(string); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#104
- sig { params(content: ::String, file: ::String).returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def parse(content, file:); end
- class << self
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#75
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def parse_file(path); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#80
- sig { params(paths: T::Array[::String]).returns(T::Array[::RBI::Tree]) }
- def parse_files(paths); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#70
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def parse_string(string); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#91
- sig { params(strings: T::Array[::String]).returns(T::Array[::RBI::Tree]) }
- def parse_strings(strings); end
- end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#5
-class RBI::Printer < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#28
- sig do
- params(
- out: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO),
- indent: ::Integer,
- print_locs: T::Boolean,
- max_line_length: T.nilable(::Integer)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(out: T.unsafe(nil), indent: T.unsafe(nil), print_locs: T.unsafe(nil), max_line_length: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#15
- sig { returns(::Integer) }
- def current_indent; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#46
- sig { void }
- def dedent; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#9
- def in_visibility_group; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#9
- def in_visibility_group=(_arg0); end
- # Printing
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#41
- sig { void }
- def indent; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#18
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::Integer)) }
- def max_line_length; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#12
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::RBI::Node)) }
- def previous_node; end
- # Print a string without indentation nor `\n` at the end.
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#52
- sig { params(string: ::String).void }
- def print(string); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#9
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def print_locs; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#9
- def print_locs=(_arg0); end
- # Print a string with indentation and `\n` at the end.
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#72
- sig { params(string: ::String).void }
- def printl(string); end
- # Print a string without indentation but with a `\n` at the end.
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#58
- sig { params(string: T.nilable(::String)).void }
- def printn(string = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Print a string with indentation but without a `\n` at the end.
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#65
- sig { params(string: T.nilable(::String)).void }
- def printt(string = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#83
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#89
- sig { override.params(nodes: T::Array[::RBI::Node]).void }
- def visit_all(nodes); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#78
- sig { params(file: ::RBI::File).void }
- def visit_file(file); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#901
-class RBI::Private < ::RBI::Visibility
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#911
- sig do
- params(
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Private).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#885
-class RBI::Protected < ::RBI::Visibility
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#895
- sig do
- params(
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Protected).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#869
-class RBI::Public < ::RBI::Visibility
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#879
- sig do
- params(
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Public).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#571
-class RBI::ReqParam < ::RBI::Param
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#582
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::ReqParam).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#588
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1368
-class RBI::RequiresAncestor < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1381
- sig { params(name: ::String, loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc), comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment]).void }
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#868
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#159
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1372
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1387
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#620
-class RBI::RestParam < ::RBI::Param
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#631
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::RestParam).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#642
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#481
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#486
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer, last: T::Boolean).void }
- def print_comment_leading_space(v, last:); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#637
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/add_sig_templates.rb#5
-module RBI::Rewriters; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/add_sig_templates.rb#6
-class RBI::Rewriters::AddSigTemplates < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/add_sig_templates.rb#10
- sig { params(with_todo_comment: T::Boolean).void }
- def initialize(with_todo_comment: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/add_sig_templates.rb#16
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/add_sig_templates.rb#30
- sig { params(attr: ::RBI::Attr).void }
- def add_attr_sig(attr); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/add_sig_templates.rb#45
- sig { params(method: ::RBI::Method).void }
- def add_method_sig(method); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/add_sig_templates.rb#56
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::NodeWithComments).void }
- def add_todo_comment(node); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/annotate.rb#6
-class RBI::Rewriters::Annotate < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/annotate.rb#10
- sig { params(annotation: ::String, annotate_scopes: T::Boolean, annotate_properties: T::Boolean).void }
- def initialize(annotation, annotate_scopes: T.unsafe(nil), annotate_properties: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/annotate.rb#18
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/annotate.rb#31
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::NodeWithComments).void }
- def annotate_node(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/annotate.rb#37
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def root?(node); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/deannotate.rb#6
-class RBI::Rewriters::Deannotate < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/deannotate.rb#10
- sig { params(annotation: ::String).void }
- def initialize(annotation); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/deannotate.rb#16
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/deannotate.rb#27
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::NodeWithComments).void }
- def deannotate_node(node); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/group_nodes.rb#6
-class RBI::Rewriters::GroupNodes < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/group_nodes.rb#10
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
-# Merge two RBI trees together
-# Be this `Tree`:
-# ~~~rb
-# class Foo
-# attr_accessor :a
-# def m; end
-# C = 10
-# end
-# ~~~
-# Merged with this one:
-# ~~~rb
-# class Foo
-# attr_reader :a
-# def m(x); end
-# C = 10
-# end
-# ~~~
-# Compatible definitions are merged together while incompatible definitions are moved into a `ConflictTree`:
-# ~~~rb
-# class Foo
-# <<<<<<< left
-# attr_accessor :a
-# def m; end
-# =======
-# attr_reader :a
-# def m(x); end
-# >>>>>>> right
-# C = 10
-# end
-# ~~~
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#39
-class RBI::Rewriters::Merge
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#66
- sig { params(left_name: ::String, right_name: ::String, keep: ::RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Keep).void }
- def initialize(left_name: T.unsafe(nil), right_name: T.unsafe(nil), keep: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#75
- sig { params(tree: ::RBI::Tree).void }
- def merge(tree); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#63
- sig { returns(::RBI::MergeTree) }
- def tree; end
- class << self
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#51
- sig do
- params(
- left: ::RBI::Tree,
- right: ::RBI::Tree,
- left_name: ::String,
- right_name: ::String,
- keep: ::RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Keep
- ).returns(::RBI::MergeTree)
- end
- def merge_trees(left, right, left_name: T.unsafe(nil), right_name: T.unsafe(nil), keep: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# Used for logging / error displaying purpose
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#82
-class RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Conflict < ::T::Struct
- const :left, ::RBI::Node
- const :right, ::RBI::Node
- const :left_name, ::String
- const :right_name, ::String
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#91
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# Merge adjacent conflict trees
-# Transform this:
-# ~~~rb
-# class Foo
-# <<<<<<< left
-# def m1; end
-# =======
-# def m1(a); end
-# >>>>>>> right
-# <<<<<<< left
-# def m2(a); end
-# =======
-# def m2; end
-# >>>>>>> right
-# end
-# ~~~
-# Into this:
-# ~~~rb
-# class Foo
-# <<<<<<< left
-# def m1; end
-# def m2(a); end
-# =======
-# def m1(a); end
-# def m2; end
-# >>>>>>> right
-# end
-# ~~~
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#241
-class RBI::Rewriters::Merge::ConflictTreeMerger < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#243
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#248
- sig { override.params(nodes: T::Array[::RBI::Node]).void }
- def visit_all(nodes); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#269
- sig { params(left: ::RBI::Tree, right: ::RBI::Tree).void }
- def merge_conflict_trees(left, right); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#42
-class RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Keep < ::T::Enum
- enums do
- NONE = new
- LEFT = new
- RIGHT = new
- end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#96
-class RBI::Rewriters::Merge::TreeMerger < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#103
- sig do
- params(
- output: ::RBI::Tree,
- left_name: ::String,
- right_name: ::String,
- keep: ::RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Keep
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(output, left_name: T.unsafe(nil), right_name: T.unsafe(nil), keep: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#100
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Conflict]) }
- def conflicts; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#115
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#164
- sig { returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def current_scope; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#181
- sig { params(left: ::RBI::Scope, right: ::RBI::Scope).void }
- def make_conflict_scope(left, right); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#188
- sig { params(left: ::RBI::Node, right: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def make_conflict_tree(left, right); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#169
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).returns(T.nilable(::RBI::Node)) }
- def previous_definition(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#200
- sig { params(left: ::RBI::Scope, right: ::RBI::Scope).returns(::RBI::Scope) }
- def replace_scope_header(left, right); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_non_public_methods.rb#6
-class RBI::Rewriters::NestNonPublicMethods < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_non_public_methods.rb#10
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_singleton_methods.rb#6
-class RBI::Rewriters::NestSingletonMethods < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_singleton_methods.rb#10
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
-# Remove all definitions existing in the index from the current tree
-# Let's create an `Index` from two different `Tree`s:
-# ~~~rb
-# tree1 = Parse.parse_string(<<~RBI)
-# class Foo
-# def foo; end
-# end
-# RBI
-# tree2 = Parse.parse_string(<<~RBI)
-# FOO = 10
-# RBI
-# index = Index.index(tree1, tree2)
-# ~~~
-# We can use `RemoveKnownDefinitions` to remove the definitions found in the `index` from the `Tree` to clean:
-# ~~~rb
-# tree_to_clean = Parser.parse_string(<<~RBI)
-# class Foo
-# def foo; end
-# def bar; end
-# end
-# FOO = 10
-# BAR = 42
-# RBI
-# cleaned_tree, operations = RemoveKnownDefinitions.remove(tree_to_clean, index)
-# assert_equal(<<~RBI, cleaned_tree)
-# class Foo
-# def bar; end
-# end
-# BAR = 42
-# RBI
-# assert_equal(<<~OPERATIONS, operations.join("\n"))
-# Deleted ::Foo#foo at -:2:2-2-16 (duplicate from -:2:2-2:16)
-# Deleted ::FOO at -:5:0-5:8 (duplicate from -:1:0-1:8)
-# ~~~
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#48
-class RBI::Rewriters::RemoveKnownDefinitions < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#67
- sig { params(index: ::RBI::Index).void }
- def initialize(index); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#64
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Rewriters::RemoveKnownDefinitions::Operation]) }
- def operations; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#79
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#74
- sig { params(nodes: T::Array[::RBI::Node]).void }
- def visit_all(nodes); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#107
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node, previous: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def can_delete_node?(node, previous); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#125
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node, previous: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def delete_node(node, previous); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#98
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Indexable).returns(T.nilable(::RBI::Node)) }
- def previous_definition_for(node); end
- class << self
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#57
- sig do
- params(
- tree: ::RBI::Tree,
- index: ::RBI::Index
- ).returns([::RBI::Tree, T::Array[::RBI::Rewriters::RemoveKnownDefinitions::Operation]])
- end
- def remove(tree, index); end
- end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#130
-class RBI::Rewriters::RemoveKnownDefinitions::Operation < ::T::Struct
- const :deleted_node, ::RBI::Node
- const :duplicate_of, ::RBI::Node
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/remove_known_definitions.rb#137
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/sort_nodes.rb#6
-class RBI::Rewriters::SortNodes < ::RBI::Visitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/sort_nodes.rb#10
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/sort_nodes.rb#61
- sig { params(kind: ::RBI::Group::Kind).returns(::Integer) }
- def group_rank(kind); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/sort_nodes.rb#82
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def node_name(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/sort_nodes.rb#33
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).returns(::Integer) }
- def node_rank(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/sort_nodes.rb#94
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def sort_node_names!(node); end
-# Scopes
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#172
-class RBI::Scope < ::RBI::Tree
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- abstract!
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/private/abstract/declare.rb#37
- def initialize(*args, **_arg1, &blk); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#240
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # Duplicate `self` scope without its body
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#350
- sig { returns(T.self_type) }
- def dup_empty; end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#178
- sig { abstract.returns(::String) }
- def fully_qualified_name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#89
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#254
- sig { params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def print_body(v); end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#251
- sig { abstract.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def print_header(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#181
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# A conflict between two scope headers
-# Is rendered as a merge conflict between `left` and` right` for scope definitions:
-# ~~~rb
-# <<<<<<< left
-# class Foo
-# =======
-# module Foo
-# >>>>>>> right
-# def m1; end
-# end
-# ~~~
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#617
-class RBI::ScopeConflict < ::RBI::Tree
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#631
- sig { params(left: ::RBI::Scope, right: ::RBI::Scope, left_name: ::String, right_name: ::String).void }
- def initialize(left:, right:, left_name: T.unsafe(nil), right_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#640
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#621
- sig { returns(::RBI::Scope) }
- def left; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#656
- sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
- def oneline?; end
- # @return [Scope]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#621
- def right; end
-# Sends
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#919
-class RBI::Send < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#937
- sig do
- params(
- method: ::String,
- args: T::Array[::RBI::Arg],
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Send).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(method, args = T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#945
- sig { params(arg: ::RBI::Arg).void }
- def <<(arg); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#950
- sig { params(other: T.nilable(::Object)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#590
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#926
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Arg]) }
- def args; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#519
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#179
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#923
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def method; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#955
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# Sorbet's sigs
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1019
-class RBI::Sig < ::RBI::Node
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1051
- sig do
- params(
- params: T::Array[::RBI::SigParam],
- return_type: T.nilable(::String),
- is_abstract: T::Boolean,
- is_override: T::Boolean,
- is_overridable: T::Boolean,
- is_final: T::Boolean,
- type_params: T::Array[::String],
- checked: T.nilable(::Symbol),
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Sig).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(params: T.unsafe(nil), return_type: T.unsafe(nil), is_abstract: T.unsafe(nil), is_override: T.unsafe(nil), is_overridable: T.unsafe(nil), is_final: T.unsafe(nil), type_params: T.unsafe(nil), checked: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1076
- sig { params(param: ::RBI::SigParam).void }
- def <<(param); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1081
- sig { params(other: ::Object).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#631
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1035
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::Symbol)) }
- def checked; end
- # @return [Symbol, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1035
- def checked=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#654
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def inline_params?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1029
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def is_abstract; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1029
- def is_abstract=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1029
- def is_final; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1029
- def is_final=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1029
- def is_overridable; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1029
- def is_overridable=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1029
- def is_override; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1029
- def is_override=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#649
- sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
- def oneline?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1023
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::SigParam]) }
- def params; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1026
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def return_type; end
- # @return [String, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1026
- def return_type=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1032
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def type_params; end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#696
- sig { params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def print_as_block(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#672
- sig { params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def print_as_line(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#661
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def sig_modifiers; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#635
-class RBI::SigBuilder < ::RBI::ASTVisitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#649
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#646
- sig { returns(::RBI::Sig) }
- def current; end
- # @return [Sig]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#646
- def current=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#655
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::AST::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#664
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).void }
- def visit_send(node); end
- class << self
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#639
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::Sig) }
- def build(node); end
- end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1089
-class RBI::SigParam < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1104
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- type: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::SigParam).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, type, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1112
- sig { params(other: ::Object).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#749
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#762
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def comments_lines; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1093
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#754
- sig { params(v: ::RBI::Printer, last: T::Boolean).void }
- def print_comment_leading_space(v, last:); end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1093
- def type; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#245
-class RBI::SingletonClass < ::RBI::Scope
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#255
- sig do
- params(
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::SingletonClass).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#261
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def fully_qualified_name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#319
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def print_header(v); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#266
-class RBI::Struct < ::RBI::Scope
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#288
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- members: T::Array[::Symbol],
- keyword_init: T::Boolean,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(struct: ::RBI::Struct).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, members: T.unsafe(nil), keyword_init: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#388
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#297
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def fully_qualified_name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#276
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def keyword_init; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#276
- def keyword_init=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#273
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Symbol]) }
- def members; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#273
- def members=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#270
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#270
- def name=(_arg0); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#298
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def print_header(v); end
-# Sorbet's T::Enum
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1230
-class RBI::TEnum < ::RBI::Class
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1241
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(klass: ::RBI::TEnum).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1247
-class RBI::TEnumBlock < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1261
- sig do
- params(
- names: T::Array[::String],
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::TEnumBlock).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(names = T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1273
- sig { params(name: ::String).void }
- def <<(name); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#793
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1268
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def empty?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#209
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#546
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def merge_with(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1251
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def names; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1278
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# Sorbet's T::Struct
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1119
-class RBI::TStruct < ::RBI::Class
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1130
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(klass: ::RBI::TStruct).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1168
-class RBI::TStructConst < ::RBI::TStructField
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1181
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- type: ::String,
- default: T.nilable(::String),
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::TStructConst).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, type, default: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#537
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1187
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def fully_qualified_names; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#189
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1193
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1136
-class RBI::TStructField < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- abstract!
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1157
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- type: ::String,
- default: T.nilable(::String),
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment]
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, type, default: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#771
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#528
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1146
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def default; end
- # @return [String, nil]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1146
- def default=(_arg0); end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1165
- sig { abstract.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def fully_qualified_names; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1143
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1143
- def name=(_arg0); end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1143
- def type; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1143
- def type=(_arg0); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1198
-class RBI::TStructProp < ::RBI::TStructField
- include ::RBI::Indexable
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1211
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- type: ::String,
- default: T.nilable(::String),
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::TStructProp).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, type, default: T.unsafe(nil), loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#559
- sig { override.params(other: ::RBI::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compatible_with?(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1217
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def fully_qualified_names; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#199
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def index_ids; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1223
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#102
-class RBI::Tree < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#115
- sig do
- params(
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Tree).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#122
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def <<(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#224
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/add_sig_templates.rb#66
- sig { params(with_todo_comment: T::Boolean).void }
- def add_sig_templates!(with_todo_comment: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/annotate.rb#48
- sig { params(annotation: ::String, annotate_scopes: T::Boolean, annotate_properties: T::Boolean).void }
- def annotate!(annotation, annotate_scopes: T.unsafe(nil), annotate_properties: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#38
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- superclass_name: T.nilable(::String),
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(scope: ::RBI::Scope).void)
- ).returns(::RBI::Scope)
- end
- def create_class(name, superclass_name: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#45
- sig { params(name: ::String, value: ::String).void }
- def create_constant(name, value:); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#55
- sig { params(name: ::String).void }
- def create_extend(name); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#50
- sig { params(name: ::String).void }
- def create_include(name); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#89
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- parameters: T::Array[::RBI::TypedParam],
- return_type: ::String,
- class_method: T::Boolean,
- visibility: ::RBI::Visibility,
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment]
- ).void
- end
- def create_method(name, parameters: T.unsafe(nil), return_type: T.unsafe(nil), class_method: T.unsafe(nil), visibility: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#60
- sig { params(name: ::String).void }
- def create_mixes_in_class_methods(name); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#25
- sig { params(name: ::String, block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(scope: ::RBI::Scope).void)).returns(::RBI::Scope) }
- def create_module(name, &block); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#9
- sig { params(constant: ::Module, block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(scope: ::RBI::Scope).void)).returns(::RBI::Scope) }
- def create_path(constant, &block); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#74
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- type: ::String,
- variance: ::Symbol,
- fixed: T.nilable(::String),
- upper: T.nilable(::String),
- lower: T.nilable(::String)
- ).void
- end
- def create_type_variable(name, type:, variance: T.unsafe(nil), fixed: T.unsafe(nil), upper: T.unsafe(nil), lower: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/deannotate.rb#40
- sig { params(annotation: ::String).void }
- def deannotate!(annotation); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#128
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def empty?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/group_nodes.rb#38
- sig { void }
- def group_nodes!; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/index.rb#64
- sig { returns(::RBI::Index) }
- def index; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#318
- sig do
- params(
- other: ::RBI::Tree,
- left_name: ::String,
- right_name: ::String,
- keep: ::RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Keep
- ).returns(::RBI::MergeTree)
- end
- def merge(other, left_name: T.unsafe(nil), right_name: T.unsafe(nil), keep: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_non_public_methods.rb#45
- sig { void }
- def nest_non_public_methods!; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_singleton_methods.rb#35
- sig { void }
- def nest_singleton_methods!; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#106
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Node]) }
- def nodes; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#231
- sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
- def oneline?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/sort_nodes.rb#107
- sig { void }
- def sort_nodes!; end
- private
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#116
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).returns(::RBI::Node) }
- def create_node(node); end
- # source://tapioca/0.11.4/lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#111
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::String, ::RBI::Node]) }
- def nodes_cache; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#156
-class RBI::TreeBuilder < ::RBI::ASTVisitor
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#172
- sig do
- params(
- file: ::String,
- comments: T::Array[::Parser::Source::Comment],
- nodes_comments_assoc: T::Hash[::Parser::Source::Map, T::Array[::Parser::Source::Comment]]
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(file:, comments: T.unsafe(nil), nodes_comments_assoc: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#163
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::AST::Node)) }
- def last_node; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#187
- sig { void }
- def post_process; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#160
- sig { returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def tree; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#193
- sig { override.params(node: T.nilable(::Object)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- private
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#546
- sig { void }
- def assoc_dangling_comments; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#527
- sig { returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def current_scope; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#532
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Sig]) }
- def current_sigs; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#539
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Comment]) }
- def current_sigs_comments; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#516
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(T::Array[::RBI::Comment]) }
- def node_comments(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#511
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::Loc) }
- def node_loc(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#402
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(T.nilable(::RBI::Node)) }
- def parse_block(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#249
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::Node) }
- def parse_const_assign(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#263
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::Method) }
- def parse_def(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#486
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::TEnumBlock) }
- def parse_enum(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#290
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::Param) }
- def parse_param(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#503
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::RequiresAncestor) }
- def parse_requires_ancestor(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#229
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::Scope) }
- def parse_scope(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#318
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(T.nilable(::RBI::Node)) }
- def parse_send(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#385
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(T::Array[::RBI::Arg]) }
- def parse_send_args(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#479
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::Sig) }
- def parse_sig(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#424
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(::RBI::Struct) }
- def parse_struct(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#463
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns([::String, ::String, T.nilable(::String)]) }
- def parse_tstruct_prop(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#564
- sig { void }
- def separate_header_comments; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#586
- sig { void }
- def set_root_tree_loc; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#418
- sig { params(node: ::AST::Node).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def struct_definition?(node); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1311
-class RBI::TypeMember < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1326
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- value: ::String,
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::TypeMember).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(name, value, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#810
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1334
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def fully_qualified_name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1315
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1340
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#1315
- def value; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#20
-class RBI::UnexpectedParserError < ::StandardError
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#27
- sig { params(parent_exception: ::Exception, last_location: ::RBI::Loc).void }
- def initialize(parent_exception, last_location); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#24
- sig { returns(::RBI::Loc) }
- def last_location; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/parser.rb#34
- sig { params(io: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO)).void }
- def print_debug(io: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/version.rb#5
-RBI::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Visibility
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#833
-class RBI::Visibility < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- abstract!
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#843
- sig { params(visibility: ::Symbol, loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc), comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment]).void }
- def initialize(visibility, loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#849
- sig { params(other: ::RBI::Visibility).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#577
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#864
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def private?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#859
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def protected?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#854
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def public?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/model.rb#840
- sig { returns(::Symbol) }
- def visibility; end
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_non_public_methods.rb#51
-class RBI::VisibilityGroup < ::RBI::Tree
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_non_public_methods.rb#58
- sig { params(visibility: ::RBI::Visibility).void }
- def initialize(visibility); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#846
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/printer.rb#859
- sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
- def oneline?; end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_non_public_methods.rb#55
- sig { returns(::RBI::Visibility) }
- def visibility; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://rbi//lib/rbi/visitor.rb#5
-class RBI::Visitor
- abstract!
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/private/abstract/declare.rb#37
- def initialize(*args, **_arg1, &blk); end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/visitor.rb#12
- sig { abstract.params(node: T.nilable(::RBI::Node)).void }
- def visit(node); end
- # source://rbi//lib/rbi/visitor.rb#15
- sig { params(nodes: T::Array[::RBI::Node]).void }
- def visit_all(nodes); end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/redcarpet@3.6.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/redcarpet@3.6.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a546be1..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/redcarpet@3.6.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `redcarpet` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem redcarpet`.
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#71
-Markdown = RedcarpetCompat
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#4
-module Redcarpet; end
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#7
-class Redcarpet::Markdown
- def render(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute renderer.
- #
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#8
- def renderer; end
- class << self
- def new(*_arg0); end
- end
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#11
-module Redcarpet::Render; end
-class Redcarpet::Render::Base
- def initialize; end
-class Redcarpet::Render::HTML < ::Redcarpet::Render::Base
- def initialize(*_arg0); end
-class Redcarpet::Render::HTML_TOC < ::Redcarpet::Render::Base
- def initialize(*_arg0); end
-# A renderer object you can use to deal with users' input. It
-# enables +escape_html+ and +safe_links_only+ by default.
-# The +block_code+ callback is also overriden not to include
-# the lang's class as the user can basically specify anything
-# with the vanilla one.
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#31
-class Redcarpet::Render::Safe < ::Redcarpet::Render::HTML
- # @return [Safe] a new instance of Safe
- #
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#32
- def initialize(extensions = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#39
- def block_code(code, lang); end
- private
- # TODO: This is far from ideal to have such method as we
- # are duplicating existing code from Houdini. This method
- # should be defined at the C level.
- #
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#50
- def html_escape(string); end
-# HTML + SmartyPants renderer
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#21
-class Redcarpet::Render::SmartyHTML < ::Redcarpet::Render::HTML
- include ::Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants
-# SmartyPants Mixin module
-# Implements SmartyPants.postprocess, which
-# performs smartypants replacements on the HTML file,
-# once it has been fully rendered.
-# To add SmartyPants postprocessing to your custom
-# renderers, just mixin the module `include SmartyPants`
-# You can also use this as a standalone SmartyPants
-# implementation.
-# Example:
-# # Mixin
-# class CoolRenderer < HTML
-# include SmartyPants
-# # more code here
-# end
-# # Standalone
-# Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants.render("you're")
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#85
-module Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants
- extend ::Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants
- def postprocess(_arg0); end
- class << self
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#87
- def render(text); end
- end
-# XHTML Renderer
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#14
-class Redcarpet::Render::XHTML < ::Redcarpet::Render::HTML
- # @return [XHTML] a new instance of XHTML
- #
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#15
- def initialize(extensions = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet.rb#5
-Redcarpet::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Creates an instance of Redcarpet with the RedCloth API.
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#2
-class RedcarpetCompat
- # @return [RedcarpetCompat] a new instance of RedcarpetCompat
- #
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#5
- def initialize(text, *exts); end
- # Returns the value of attribute text.
- #
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#3
- def text; end
- # Sets the attribute text
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute text to.
- #
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#3
- def text=(_arg0); end
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#12
- def to_html(*_dummy); end
- private
- # Turns a list of symbols into a hash of symbol => true .
- #
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#66
- def list_to_truthy_hash(list); end
- # Returns two hashes, the extensions and renderer options
- # given the extension list
- #
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#59
- def parse_extensions_and_renderer_options(exts); end
- # source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#47
- def rename_extensions(exts); end
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#18
-RedcarpetCompat::EXTENSION_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://redcarpet//lib/redcarpet/compat.rb#44
-RedcarpetCompat::RENDERER_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser@2.7.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser@2.9.0.rbi
similarity index 86%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser@2.7.0.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser@2.9.0.rbi
index 9229c675..a53e6e1e 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser@2.7.0.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/regexp_parser@2.9.0.rbi
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/alternation.rb#6
Regexp::Expression::Alternation::OPERAND = Regexp::Expression::Alternative
-# A sequence of expressions, used by Alternation as one of its alternative.
+# A sequence of expressions, used by Alternation as one of its alternatives.
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/alternation.rb#3
class Regexp::Expression::Alternative < ::Regexp::Expression::Sequence
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ end
class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::NonWordBoundary < ::Regexp::Expression::Anchor::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#17
def human_name; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/negative.rb#13
+ def negative?; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/anchor.rb#13
@@ -102,77 +105,86 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Anchor::WordBoundary < ::Regexp::Expression::Anchor::B
def human_name; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#86
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#64
module Regexp::Expression::Assertion; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#87
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#65
class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::Group::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#148
def match_length; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#89
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#67
class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Lookahead < ::Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#19
def human_name; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#92
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#70
class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Lookbehind < ::Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#20
def human_name; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#90
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#68
class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::NegativeLookahead < ::Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#21
def human_name; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/negative.rb#14
+ def negative?; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#93
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#71
class Regexp::Expression::Assertion::NegativeLookbehind < ::Regexp::Expression::Assertion::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#22
def human_name; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/negative.rb#15
+ def negative?; end
-# TODO: unify name with token :backref, one way or the other, in v3.0.0
+# alias for symmetry between token symbol and Expression class name
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#3
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#74
+Regexp::Expression::Backref = Regexp::Expression::Backreference
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#2
module Regexp::Expression::Backreference; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#4
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#3
class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#155
def match_length; end
# Returns the value of attribute referenced_expression.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#5
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#4
def referenced_expression; end
# Sets the attribute referenced_expression
# @param value the value to set the attribute referenced_expression to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#5
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#4
def referenced_expression=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#24
- def referential?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#7
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#6
def initialize_copy(orig); end
+ class << self
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#140
+ def referential?; end
+ end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#39
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#34
class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Name < ::Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Base
# @return [Name] a new instance of Name
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#43
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#38
def initialize(token, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#23
@@ -180,39 +192,39 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Name < ::Regexp::Expression::Backrefere
# Returns the value of attribute name.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#40
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#35
def name; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#40
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#35
def reference; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#55
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#50
class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NameCall < ::Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Name
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#24
def human_name; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#67
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#62
class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NameRecursionLevel < ::Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Name
# @return [NameRecursionLevel] a new instance of NameRecursionLevel
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#70
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#65
def initialize(token, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute recursion_level.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#68
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#63
def recursion_level; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#29
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#24
class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Number < ::Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Base
# @return [Number] a new instance of Number
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#33
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#28
def initialize(token, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#25
@@ -220,52 +232,52 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Number < ::Regexp::Expression::Backrefe
# Returns the value of attribute number.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#30
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#25
def number; end
# Returns the value of attribute number.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#30
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#25
def reference; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#54
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#49
class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberCall < ::Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Number
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#27
def human_name; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#56
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#51
class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberCallRelative < ::Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberRelative
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#28
def human_name; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#58
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#53
class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberRecursionLevel < ::Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberRelative
# @return [NumberRecursionLevel] a new instance of NumberRecursionLevel
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#61
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#56
def initialize(token, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute recursion_level.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#59
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#54
def recursion_level; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#49
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#44
class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberRelative < ::Regexp::Expression::Backreference::Number
# Returns the value of attribute effective_number.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#50
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#45
def effective_number; end
# Sets the attribute effective_number
# @param value the value to set the attribute effective_number to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#50
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#45
def effective_number=(_arg0); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#26
@@ -273,7 +285,7 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Backreference::NumberRelative < ::Regexp::Expression::
# Returns the value of attribute effective_number.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#50
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/backreference.rb#45
def reference; end
@@ -300,7 +312,7 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/options.rb#25
def ascii_classes?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#67
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#60
def attributes; end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -314,6 +326,12 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
def conditional_level=(_arg0); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def custom_to_s_handling; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def custom_to_s_handling=(_arg0); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/options.rb#20
@@ -336,7 +354,7 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#54
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#47
def greedy?; end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -351,7 +369,7 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#58
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#51
def lazy?; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
@@ -383,7 +401,7 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/options.rb#3
def multiline?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#13
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#14
def nesting_level; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
@@ -392,28 +410,40 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
def options=(_arg0); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def parent; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def parent=(_arg0); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#63
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#56
def possessive?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#13
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def pre_quantifier_decorations; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def pre_quantifier_decorations=(_arg0); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#14
def quantifier; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#24
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#17
def quantify(*args); end
# Deprecated. Prefer `#repetitions` which has a more uniform interface.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#33
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#26
def quantity; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#58
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#51
def reluctant?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#38
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#31
def repetitions; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
@@ -506,10 +536,10 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
def text=(_arg0); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#67
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#60
def to_h; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#16
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#9
def to_re(format = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
@@ -540,28 +570,23 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/options.rb#30
def unicode_classes?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#21
def unquantified_clone; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/options.rb#14
def x?; end
- private
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/base.rb#9
- def initialize_copy(orig); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#2
class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpression
# @return [CharacterSet] a new instance of CharacterSet
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#9
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#6
def initialize(token, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#19
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#16
def close; end
# Returns the value of attribute closed.
@@ -584,14 +609,9 @@ class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpression
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#98
def match_length; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#15
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#12
def negate; end
- # Returns the value of attribute negative.
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#3
- def negated?; end
# Returns the value of attribute negative.
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#3
@@ -604,12 +624,10 @@ class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpression
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#3
def negative=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute negative.
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#3
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/negative.rb#16
def negative?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#23
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#15
def parts; end
@@ -636,12 +654,12 @@ Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet::Intersection::OPERAND = Regexp::Expression::Ch
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set/range.rb#3
class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet::Range < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpression
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set/range.rb#9
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set/range.rb#8
def <<(exp); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set/range.rb#15
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set/range.rb#14
def complete?; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#31
@@ -650,12 +668,9 @@ class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet::Range < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpress
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#98
def match_length; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set/range.rb#19
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#16
def parts; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set/range.rb#4
- def starts_at; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set/range.rb#4
def ts; end
@@ -673,6 +688,9 @@ end
class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#98
def match_length; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/negative.rb#17
+ def negative?; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_type.rb#6
@@ -709,12 +727,17 @@ class Regexp::Expression::CharacterType::Word < ::Regexp::Expression::CharacterT
class Regexp::Expression::Comment < ::Regexp::Expression::FreeSpace
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#33
def human_name; end
+ class << self
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#130
+ def comment?; end
+ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#2
module Regexp::Expression::Conditional; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#29
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#25
class Regexp::Expression::Conditional::Branch < ::Regexp::Expression::Sequence
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#34
def human_name; end
@@ -746,39 +769,39 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Conditional::Condition < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#10
def referenced_expression=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#24
- def referential?; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#19
def initialize_copy(orig); end
+ class << self
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#141
+ def referential?; end
+ end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#31
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#27
class Regexp::Expression::Conditional::Expression < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpression
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#34
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#30
def <<(exp); end
# @raise [TooManyBranches]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#38
- def add_sequence(active_opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#34
+ def add_sequence(active_opts = T.unsafe(nil), params = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @raise [TooManyBranches]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#38
- def branch(active_opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#34
+ def branch(active_opts = T.unsafe(nil), params = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#54
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#50
def branches; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#50
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#46
def condition; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#45
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#41
def condition=(exp); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#36
@@ -787,33 +810,33 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Conditional::Expression < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexp
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#131
def match_length; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#66
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#17
def parts; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#58
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#54
def reference; end
# Returns the value of attribute referenced_expression.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#32
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#28
def referenced_expression; end
# Sets the attribute referenced_expression
# @param value the value to set the attribute referenced_expression to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#32
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#28
def referenced_expression=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#62
- def referential?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#70
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#58
def initialize_copy(orig); end
+ class << self
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#142
+ def referential?; end
+ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/conditional.rb#3
@@ -824,117 +847,120 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Conditional::TooManyBranches < ::Regexp::Parser::Error
def initialize; end
-# TODO: unify naming with Token::Escape, one way or the other, in v3.0.0
+# alias for symmetry between Token::* and Expression::*
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#3
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#101
+Regexp::Expression::Escape = Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#2
module Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#64
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#63
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AbstractMetaControlSequence < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#65
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#64
def char; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#71
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#70
def control_sequence_to_s(control_sequence); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#76
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#75
def meta_char_to_codepoint(meta_char); end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#28
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#27
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AsciiEscape < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#29
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#28
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Backspace < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#4
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#3
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#10
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#9
def char; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#5
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#4
def codepoint; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#98
def match_length; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#30
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#29
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Bell < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#38
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#37
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Codepoint < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#40
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#39
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::CodepointList < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base
# @raise [NoMethodError]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#41
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#40
def char; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#49
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#48
def chars; end
# @raise [NoMethodError]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#45
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#44
def codepoint; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#53
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#52
def codepoints; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#164
def match_length; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#82
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#81
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Control < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AbstractMetaControlSequence
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#83
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#82
def codepoint; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#31
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#30
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::FormFeed < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#37
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#36
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Hex < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#22
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#21
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Literal < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#23
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#22
def char; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#88
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#87
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Meta < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AbstractMetaControlSequence
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#89
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#88
def codepoint; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#94
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#93
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::MetaControl < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::AbstractMetaControlSequence
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#95
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#94
def codepoint; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#32
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#31
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Newline < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#58
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#57
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Octal < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#59
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#58
def char; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#33
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#32
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Return < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#34
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#33
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Tab < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#35
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/escape_sequence.rb#34
class Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::VerticalTab < ::Regexp::Expression::EscapeSequence::Base; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/free_space.rb#2
@@ -946,6 +972,11 @@ class Regexp::Expression::FreeSpace < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/free_space.rb#3
def quantify(*_args); end
+ class << self
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#135
+ def decorative?; end
+ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#2
@@ -954,87 +985,80 @@ module Regexp::Expression::Group; end
# Special case. Absence group can match 0.. chars, irrespective of content.
# TODO: in theory, they *can* exclude match lengths with `.`: `(?~.{3})`
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#34
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#19
class Regexp::Expression::Group::Absence < ::Regexp::Expression::Group::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#172
def match_length; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#35
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#20
class Regexp::Expression::Group::Atomic < ::Regexp::Expression::Group::Base; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#3
class Regexp::Expression::Group::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpression
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#8
- def capturing?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#10
- def comment?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#4
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#18
def parts; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#55
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#40
class Regexp::Expression::Group::Capture < ::Regexp::Expression::Group::Base
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#59
- def capturing?; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#37
def human_name; end
# Returns the value of attribute number.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#56
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#41
def identifier; end
# Returns the value of attribute number.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#56
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#41
def number; end
# Sets the attribute number
# @param value the value to set the attribute number to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#56
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#41
def number=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute number_at_level.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#56
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#41
def number_at_level; end
# Sets the attribute number_at_level
# @param value the value to set the attribute number_at_level to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#56
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#41
def number_at_level=(_arg0); end
+ class << self
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#126
+ def capturing?; end
+ end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#77
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#60
class Regexp::Expression::Group::Comment < ::Regexp::Expression::Group::Base
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#82
- def comment?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#78
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#20
def parts; end
+ class << self
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#131
+ def comment?; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#136
+ def decorative?; end
+ end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#62
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#45
class Regexp::Expression::Group::Named < ::Regexp::Expression::Group::Capture
# @return [Named] a new instance of Named
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#66
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#49
def initialize(token, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#38
@@ -1042,66 +1066,66 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Group::Named < ::Regexp::Expression::Group::Capture
# Returns the value of attribute name.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#63
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#46
def identifier; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#63
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#46
def name; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#71
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#54
def initialize_copy(orig); end
# TODO: should split off OptionsSwitch in v3.0.0. Maybe even make it no
# longer inherit from Group because it is effectively a terminal expression.
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#38
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#23
class Regexp::Expression::Group::Options < ::Regexp::Expression::Group::Base
# Returns the value of attribute option_changes.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#39
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#24
def option_changes; end
# Sets the attribute option_changes
# @param value the value to set the attribute option_changes to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#39
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#24
def option_changes=(_arg0); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#46
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#31
def quantify(*args); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#41
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#26
def initialize_copy(orig); end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#13
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#6
class Regexp::Expression::Group::Passive < ::Regexp::Expression::Group::Base
# @return [Passive] a new instance of Passive
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#16
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#9
def initialize(*_arg0); end
# Sets the attribute implicit
# @param value the value to set the attribute implicit to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#14
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#7
def implicit=(_arg0); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#29
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#14
def implicit?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/group.rb#21
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#19
def parts; end
@@ -1132,20 +1156,34 @@ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#85
Regexp::Expression::MatchLength = Regexp::MatchLength
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/posix_class.rb#10
+Regexp::Expression::Nonposixclass = Regexp::Expression::PosixClass
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#118
+Regexp::Expression::Nonproperty = Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/posix_class.rb#2
class Regexp::Expression::PosixClass < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#98
def match_length; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/posix_class.rb#7
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/posix_class.rb#3
def name; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/posix_class.rb#3
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/negative.rb#18
def negative?; end
+# alias for symmetry between token symbol and Expression class name
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/posix_class.rb#9
+Regexp::Expression::Posixclass = Regexp::Expression::PosixClass
+# alias for symmetry between token symbol and Expression class name
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#117
+Regexp::Expression::Property = Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty
# TODO: in v3.0.0, maybe put Shared back into Base, and inherit from Base and
# call super in #initialize, but raise in #quantifier= and #quantify,
# or introduce an Expression::Quantifiable intermediate class.
@@ -1158,7 +1196,7 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Quantifier
# @return [Quantifier] a new instance of Quantifier
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#13
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#11
def initialize(*args); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
@@ -1167,10 +1205,16 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Quantifier
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
def conditional_level=(_arg0); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#35
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def custom_to_s_handling; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def custom_to_s_handling=(_arg0); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#31
def greedy?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#35
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#31
def lazy?; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
@@ -1179,22 +1223,16 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Quantifier
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
def level=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute max.
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#11
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#42
def max; end
- # Returns the value of attribute min.
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#11
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#38
def min; end
- # Returns the value of attribute mode.
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#11
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#46
def mode; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#13
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#14
def nesting_level; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
@@ -1203,13 +1241,25 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Quantifier
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
def options=(_arg0); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#35
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def parent; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def parent=(_arg0); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#31
def possessive?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#13
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def pre_quantifier_decorations; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
+ def pre_quantifier_decorations=(_arg0); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#14
def quantifier; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#35
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#31
def reluctant?; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
@@ -1230,7 +1280,7 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Quantifier
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
def text=(_arg0); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#23
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#19
def to_h; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
@@ -1253,11 +1303,11 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Quantifier
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#44
- def deprecated_old_init(token, text, min, max, mode = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#52
+ def deprecated_old_init(token, text, _min, _max, _mode = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#59
- def minmax; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#64
+ def derived_data; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/quantifier.rb#9
@@ -1284,12 +1334,9 @@ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence.rb#8
class Regexp::Expression::Sequence < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpression
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence.rb#27
- def quantify(*args); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence.rb#22
- def starts_at; end
+ def quantify(token, *args); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence.rb#22
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence.rb#23
def ts; end
class << self
@@ -1302,11 +1349,11 @@ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence_operation.rb#3
class Regexp::Expression::SequenceOperation < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpression
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence_operation.rb#13
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence_operation.rb#12
def <<(exp); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence_operation.rb#17
- def add_sequence(active_opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence_operation.rb#16
+ def add_sequence(active_opts = T.unsafe(nil), params = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#5
def operands; end
@@ -1314,45 +1361,68 @@ class Regexp::Expression::SequenceOperation < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpressio
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#9
def operator; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence_operation.rb#21
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#22
def parts; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#5
def sequences; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence_operation.rb#8
- def starts_at; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/sequence_operation.rb#8
def ts; end
+# alias for symmetry between token symbol and Expression class name
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/character_set.rb#22
+Regexp::Expression::Set = Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#2
module Regexp::Expression::Shared
mixes_in_class_methods ::Regexp::Expression::Shared::ClassMethods
# Deep-compare two expressions for equality.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#98
+ # When changing the conditions, please make sure to update
+ # #pretty_print_instance_variables so that it includes all relevant values.
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#101
def ==(other); end
# Deep-compare two expressions for equality.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#98
+ # When changing the conditions, please make sure to update
+ # #pretty_print_instance_variables so that it includes all relevant values.
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#101
def ===(other); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#42
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#51
def base_length; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#75
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#124
+ def capturing?; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#96
def coded_offset; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#128
+ def comment?; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#133
+ def decorative?; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#47
+ def ends_at(include_quantifier = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Deep-compare two expressions for equality.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#98
+ # When changing the conditions, please make sure to update
+ # #pretty_print_instance_variables so that it includes all relevant values.
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#101
def eql?(other); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#46
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#55
def full_length; end
# default implementation, e.g. "atomic group", "hex escape", "word type", ..
@@ -1360,6 +1430,9 @@ module Regexp::Expression::Shared
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#4
def human_name; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/printing.rb#3
+ def inspect; end
# Test if this expression has the given test_token, and optionally a given
# test_type.
@@ -1383,10 +1456,22 @@ module Regexp::Expression::Shared
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#36
def is?(test_token, test_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#87
+ # not an alias so as to respect overrides of #negative?
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/negative.rb#8
+ def negated?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/negative.rb#3
+ def negative?; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#100
def nesting_level=(lvl); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#71
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#92
def offset; end
# Test if this expression matches an entry in the given scope spec.
@@ -1430,43 +1515,80 @@ module Regexp::Expression::Shared
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#67
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#111
def optional?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#55
+ # default implementation
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#4
def parts; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#84
+ def pre_quantifier_decoration(expression_format = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # Make pretty-print work despite #inspect implementation.
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/printing.rb#12
+ def pretty_print(q); end
+ # Called by pretty_print (ruby/pp) and #inspect.
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/printing.rb#17
+ def pretty_print_instance_variables; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#63
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#115
def quantified?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#93
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#106
def quantifier=(qtf); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#59
- def quantifier_affix(expression_format); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#88
+ def quantifier_affix(expression_format = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#83
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#138
def referential?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#38
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#43
def starts_at; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#79
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#120
def terminal?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#50
+ # #to_s reproduces the original source, as an unparser would.
+ #
+ # It takes an optional format argument.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # lit = Regexp::Parser.parse(/a +/x)[0]
+ #
+ # lit.to_s # => 'a+' # default; with quantifier
+ # lit.to_s(:full) # => 'a+' # default; with quantifier
+ # lit.to_s(:base) # => 'a' # without quantifier
+ # lit.to_s(:original) # => 'a +' # with quantifier AND intermittent decorations
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#72
def to_s(format = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#50
+ # #to_s reproduces the original source, as an unparser would.
+ #
+ # It takes an optional format argument.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # lit = Regexp::Parser.parse(/a +/x)[0]
+ #
+ # lit.to_s # => 'a+' # default; with quantifier
+ # lit.to_s(:full) # => 'a+' # default; with quantifier
+ # lit.to_s(:base) # => 'a' # without quantifier
+ # lit.to_s(:original) # => 'a +' # with quantifier AND intermittent decorations
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#72
def to_str(format = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/construct.rb#39
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/construct.rb#37
def token_class; end
# Test if this expression has the given test_type, which can be either
@@ -1485,12 +1607,15 @@ module Regexp::Expression::Shared
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#17
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#18
def init_from_token_and_options(token, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#31
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#32
def initialize_copy(orig); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#10
+ def intersperse(expressions, separator); end
class << self
# @private
@@ -1503,6 +1628,12 @@ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/shared.rb#3
module Regexp::Expression::Shared::ClassMethods
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#125
+ def capturing?; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#129
+ def comment?; end
# Convenience method to init a valid Expression without a Regexp::Token
# @raise [ArgumentError]
@@ -1513,6 +1644,15 @@ module Regexp::Expression::Shared::ClassMethods
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/construct.rb#15
def construct_defaults; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#134
+ def decorative?; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#139
+ def referential?; end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#121
+ def terminal?; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/construct.rb#25
def token_class; end
@@ -1526,28 +1666,30 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Subexpression < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#7
def initialize(token, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#18
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#20
def <<(exp); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def [](*args, &block); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def at(*args, &block); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#34
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#33
def dig(*indices); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def each(*args, &block); end
- # Iterates over the expressions of this expression as an array, passing
- # the expression and its index within its parent to the given block.
+ # Traverses the expression, passing each recursive child to the
+ # given block.
+ # If the block takes two arguments, the indices of the children within
+ # their parents are also passed to it.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#39
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#8
def each_expression(include_self = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def empty?(*args, &block); end
# Returns the value of attribute expressions.
@@ -1562,35 +1704,38 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Subexpression < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#5
def expressions=(_arg0); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#50
+ def extract_quantifier_target(quantifier_description); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def fetch(*args, &block); end
# Returns a new array with the results of calling the given block once
# for every expression. If a block is not given, returns an array with
# each expression and its level index as an array.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#53
- def flat_map(include_self = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#56
+ def flat_map(include_self = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def index(*args, &block); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#118
def inner_match_length; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def join(*args, &block); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def last(*args, &block); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def length(*args, &block); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#111
def match_length; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#44
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/parts.rb#21
def parts; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/strfregexp.rb#102
@@ -1599,15 +1744,10 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Subexpression < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/strfregexp.rb#102
def strfregexp_tree(format = T.unsafe(nil), include_self = T.unsafe(nil), separator = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#40
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#39
def te; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#55
- def terminal?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#48
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#43
def to_h; end
# Traverses the subexpression (depth-first, pre-order) and calls the given
@@ -1623,10 +1763,10 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Subexpression < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# Returns self.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#16
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#32
def traverse(include_self = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#28
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#27
def values_at(*args, &block); end
# Traverses the subexpression (depth-first, pre-order) and calls the given
@@ -1642,9 +1782,17 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Subexpression < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# Returns self.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#16
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#32
def walk(include_self = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
+ protected
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#66
+ def each_expression_with_index(&block); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/traverse.rb#73
+ def each_expression_without_index(&block); end
# Override base method to clone the expressions as well.
@@ -1652,266 +1800,267 @@ class Regexp::Expression::Subexpression < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#13
def initialize_copy(orig); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/subexpression.rb#61
- def intersperse(expressions, separator); end
+ class << self
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/tests.rb#122
+ def terminal?; end
+ end
-# TODO: unify name with token :property, one way or the other, in v3.0.0
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#3
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#2
module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#113
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#108
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Age < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#18
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#13
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Alnum < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#19
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#14
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Alpha < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#36
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#31
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Any < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#20
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#15
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Ascii < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#37
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#32
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Assigned < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#4
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#3
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/match_length.rb#98
def match_length; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#9
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#4
def name; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#5
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/negative.rb#19
def negative?; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#13
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#8
def shortcut; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#21
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#16
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Blank < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#117
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#109
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Block < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#22
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#17
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Cntrl < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#102
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#97
module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#105
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#100
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Any < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#103
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#98
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#106
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#101
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Control < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#107
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#102
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Format < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#109
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#104
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::PrivateUse < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#108
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#103
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Surrogate < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#110
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#105
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Unassigned < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Codepoint::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#114
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#110
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Derived < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#23
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#18
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Digit < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#115
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#111
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Emoji < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#24
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#112
+class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Enumerated < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#19
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Graph < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#39
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#34
module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#42
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#37
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Any < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#40
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#35
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#43
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#38
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Cased < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#45
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#40
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Lowercase < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#47
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#42
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Modifier < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#48
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#43
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Other < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#46
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#41
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Titlecase < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#44
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#39
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Uppercase < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Letter::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#25
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#20
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Lower < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#51
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#46
module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#54
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#49
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Any < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#52
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#47
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#55
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#50
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Combining < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#58
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#53
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Enclosing < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#56
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#51
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Nonspacing < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#57
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#52
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Spacing < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Mark::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#34
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#29
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Newline < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#61
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#56
module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#64
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#59
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Any < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#62
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#57
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#65
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#60
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Decimal < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#66
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#61
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Letter < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#67
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#62
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Other < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Number::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#26
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#21
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Print < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#27
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#22
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punct < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#70
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#65
module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#73
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#68
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Any < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#71
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#66
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#77
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#72
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Close < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#74
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#69
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Connector < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#75
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#70
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Dash < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#79
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#74
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Final < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#78
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#73
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Initial < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#76
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#71
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Open < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#80
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#75
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Other < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Punctuation::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#116
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#113
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Script < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#83
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#78
module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#86
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#81
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Any < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#84
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#79
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#88
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#83
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Line < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#89
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#84
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Paragraph < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#87
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#82
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Space < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Separator::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#28
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#23
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Space < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#92
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#87
module Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#95
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#90
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Any < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#93
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#88
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#97
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#92
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Currency < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#96
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#91
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Math < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#98
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#93
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Modifier < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#99
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#94
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Other < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Symbol::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#29
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#24
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Upper < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#30
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#25
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Word < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#32
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#27
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::XPosixPunct < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#31
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/unicode_property.rb#26
class Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Xdigit < ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty::Base; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/free_space.rb#10
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/free_space.rb#11
class Regexp::Expression::WhiteSpace < ::Regexp::Expression::FreeSpace
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/methods/human_name.rb#42
def human_name; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/free_space.rb#11
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/expression/classes/free_space.rb#12
def merge(exp); end
@@ -1949,13 +2098,13 @@ class Regexp::Lexer
# to the last codepoint, e.g. /\u{61 62 63}{3}/ =~ 'abccc'
# c.f. #break_literal.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/lexer.rb#135
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/lexer.rb#143
def break_codepoint_list(token); end
# called by scan to break a literal run that is longer than one character
# into two separate tokens when it is followed by a quantifier
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/lexer.rb#115
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/lexer.rb#123
def break_literal(token); end
# Returns the value of attribute collect_tokens.
@@ -1982,10 +2131,10 @@ class Regexp::Lexer
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/lexer.rb#87
def conditional_nesting=(_arg0); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/lexer.rb#102
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/lexer.rb#106
def descend(type, token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/lexer.rb#154
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/lexer.rb#162
def merge_condition(current, last); end
# Returns the value of attribute nesting.
@@ -2204,7 +2353,6 @@ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/version.rb#2
class Regexp::Parser
include ::Regexp::Expression
- include ::Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#25
def parse(input, syntax = T.unsafe(nil), options: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
@@ -2283,25 +2431,25 @@ class Regexp::Parser
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#60
def extract_options(input, options); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#347
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#349
def free_space(token); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#114
def group(token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#511
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#509
def increase_group_level(exp); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#549
def intersection(token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#362
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#360
def keep(token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#366
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#364
def literal(token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#370
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#368
def meta(token); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#534
@@ -2340,7 +2488,7 @@ class Regexp::Parser
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#165
def open_group(token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#529
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#527
def open_set(token); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#130
@@ -2361,13 +2509,13 @@ class Regexp::Parser
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#76
def parse_token(token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#392
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#390
def posixclass(token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#399
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#397
def property(token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#480
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#479
def quantifier(token); end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#542
@@ -2385,10 +2533,10 @@ class Regexp::Parser
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#56
def root=(_arg0); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#381
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#379
def sequence_operation(klass, token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#517
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#515
def set(token); end
# Returns the value of attribute switching_options.
@@ -2429,7 +2577,10 @@ Regexp::Parser::MOD_FLAGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#7
class Regexp::Parser::ParserError < ::Regexp::Parser::Error; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#397
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#394
+Regexp::Parser::UP = Regexp::Expression::UnicodeProperty
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#395
Regexp::Parser::UPTokens = Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/parser.rb#15
@@ -2451,26 +2602,26 @@ end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/version.rb#3
Regexp::Parser::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#13
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/scanner_error.rb#3
class Regexp::Scanner
# Emits an array with the details of the scanned pattern
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2591
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2406
def emit(type, token, text); end
# only public for #||= to work on ruby <= 2.5
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2616
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2431
def literal_run; end
# only public for #||= to work on ruby <= 2.5
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2616
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2431
def literal_run=(_arg0); end
# @raise [PrematureEndError]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#84
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#24
def scan(input_object, options: T.unsafe(nil), collect_tokens: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
@@ -2478,174 +2629,168 @@ class Regexp::Scanner
# Appends one or more characters to the literal buffer, to be emitted later
# by a call to emit_literal.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2653
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2468
def append_literal(data, ts, te); end
# Returns the value of attribute block.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def block; end
# Sets the attribute block
# @param value the value to set the attribute block to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def block=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute char_pos.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def char_pos; end
# Sets the attribute char_pos
# @param value the value to set the attribute char_pos to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def char_pos=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute collect_tokens.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def collect_tokens; end
# Sets the attribute collect_tokens
# @param value the value to set the attribute collect_tokens to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def collect_tokens=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute conditional_stack.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def conditional_stack; end
# Sets the attribute conditional_stack
# @param value the value to set the attribute conditional_stack to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def conditional_stack=(_arg0); end
# Copy from ts to te from data as text
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2647
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2462
def copy(data, ts, te); end
# Emits the literal run collected by calls to the append_literal method.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2658
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2473
def emit_literal; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2693
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2508
def emit_meta_control_sequence(data, ts, te, token); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2664
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2479
def emit_options(text); end
# Returns the value of attribute free_spacing.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def free_spacing; end
# Sets the attribute free_spacing
# @param value the value to set the attribute free_spacing to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def free_spacing=(_arg0); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2626
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2441
def free_spacing?(input_object, options); end
# Returns the value of attribute group_depth.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def group_depth; end
# Sets the attribute group_depth
# @param value the value to set the attribute group_depth to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def group_depth=(_arg0); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2638
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2453
def in_group?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2642
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2457
def in_set?; end
# Returns the value of attribute prev_token.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def prev_token; end
# Sets the attribute prev_token
# @param value the value to set the attribute prev_token to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def prev_token=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute set_depth.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def set_depth; end
# Sets the attribute set_depth
# @param value the value to set the attribute set_depth to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def set_depth=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute spacing_stack.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def spacing_stack; end
# Sets the attribute spacing_stack
# @param value the value to set the attribute spacing_stack to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def spacing_stack=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute tokens.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def tokens; end
# Sets the attribute tokens
# @param value the value to set the attribute tokens to.
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2620
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2435
def tokens=(_arg0); end
- # Centralizes and unifies the handling of validation related
- # errors.
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2702
- def validation_error(type, what, reason = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2577
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2392
def long_prop_map; end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2581
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2396
def parse_prop_map(name); end
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2585
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2400
def posix_classes; end
# Scans the given regular expression text, or Regexp object and collects the
@@ -2655,100 +2800,105 @@ class Regexp::Scanner
# This method may raise errors if a syntax error is encountered.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#80
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#20
def scan(input_object, options: T.unsafe(nil), collect_tokens: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# lazy-load property maps when first needed
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2573
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#2388
def short_prop_map; end
# Invalid back reference. Used for name a number refs/calls.
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#54
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#44
class Regexp::Scanner::InvalidBackrefError < ::Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError
# @return [InvalidBackrefError] a new instance of InvalidBackrefError
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#55
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#45
def initialize(what, reason); end
# Invalid group. Used for named groups.
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#39
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#29
class Regexp::Scanner::InvalidGroupError < ::Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError
# @return [InvalidGroupError] a new instance of InvalidGroupError
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#40
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#30
def initialize(what, reason); end
# Invalid groupOption. Used for inline options.
# TODO: should become InvalidGroupOptionError in v3.0.0 for consistency
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#47
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#37
class Regexp::Scanner::InvalidGroupOption < ::Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError
# @return [InvalidGroupOption] a new instance of InvalidGroupOption
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#48
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#38
def initialize(option, text); end
# Invalid sequence format. Used for escape sequences, mainly.
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#32
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#22
class Regexp::Scanner::InvalidSequenceError < ::Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError
# @return [InvalidSequenceError] a new instance of InvalidSequenceError
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#33
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#23
def initialize(what = T.unsafe(nil), where = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Unexpected end of pattern
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#25
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/premature_end_error.rb#3
class Regexp::Scanner::PrematureEndError < ::Regexp::Scanner::ScannerError
# @return [PrematureEndError] a new instance of PrematureEndError
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#26
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/premature_end_error.rb#4
def initialize(where = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# General scanner error (catch all)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#15
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/scanner_error.rb#5
class Regexp::Scanner::ScannerError < ::Regexp::Parser::Error; end
# The POSIX class name was not recognized by the scanner.
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#68
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#58
class Regexp::Scanner::UnknownPosixClassError < ::Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError
# @return [UnknownPosixClassError] a new instance of UnknownPosixClassError
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#69
- def initialize(text); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#59
+ def initialize(text, _); end
# The property name was not recognized by the scanner.
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#61
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#51
class Regexp::Scanner::UnknownUnicodePropertyError < ::Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError
# @return [UnknownUnicodePropertyError] a new instance of UnknownUnicodePropertyError
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#62
- def initialize(name); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#52
+ def initialize(name, _); end
# Base for all scanner validation errors
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#18
-class Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError < ::Regexp::Parser::Error
- # @return [ValidationError] a new instance of ValidationError
- #
- # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner.rb#19
- def initialize(reason); end
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#4
+class Regexp::Scanner::ValidationError < ::Regexp::Scanner::ScannerError
+ class << self
+ # Centralizes and unifies the handling of validation related errors.
+ #
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#5
+ def for(type, problem, reason = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/scanner/errors/validation_error.rb#9
+ def types; end
+ end
# After loading all the tokens the map is full. Extract all tokens and types
@@ -2919,7 +3069,7 @@ class Regexp::Syntax::Base
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/versions.rb#8
-Regexp::Syntax::CURRENT = Regexp::Syntax::V3_2_0
+Regexp::Syntax::CURRENT = Regexp::Syntax::V3_1_0
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/version_lookup.rb#6
class Regexp::Syntax::InvalidVersionNameError < ::Regexp::Syntax::SyntaxError
@@ -2946,6 +3096,17 @@ module Regexp::Syntax::Token; end
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token.rb#42
Regexp::Syntax::Token::All = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# alias for symmetry between Token::* and Expression::*
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#15
+module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Alternation; end
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#16
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::Alternation::All = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#17
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::Alternation::Type = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/anchor.rb#3
module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Anchor; end
@@ -2982,6 +3143,11 @@ Regexp::Syntax::Token::Assertion::Lookbehind = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/assertion.rb#8
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Assertion::Type = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
+# alias for symmetry between token symbol and Expression class name
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/backreference.rb#31
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::Backref = Regexp::Syntax::Token::Backreference
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/backreference.rb#3
module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Backreference; end
@@ -3066,38 +3232,41 @@ Regexp::Syntax::Token::Conditional::Separator = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/conditional.rb#11
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Conditional::Type = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
-# TODO: unify naming with RE::EscapeSequence, one way or the other, in v3.0.0
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#4
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#3
module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#9
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#8
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape::ASCII = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#25
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#24
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape::All = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#5
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#4
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape::Basic = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#7
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#6
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape::Control = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#21
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#20
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape::Hex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#14
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#13
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape::Meta = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#23
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#22
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape::Octal = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#26
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#25
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape::Type = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#12
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#11
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape::Unicode = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# alias for symmetry between Token::* and Expression::*
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/escape.rb#31
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::EscapeSequence = Regexp::Syntax::Token::Escape
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token.rb#11
module Regexp::Syntax::Token::FreeSpace; end
@@ -3167,16 +3336,19 @@ Regexp::Syntax::Token::Map = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#3
module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Meta; end
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#7
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#8
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Meta::All = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#5
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::Meta::Alternation = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#4
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Meta::Basic = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#5
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#6
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Meta::Extended = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#8
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/meta.rb#9
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Meta::Type = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/posix_class.rb#3
@@ -3197,6 +3369,11 @@ Regexp::Syntax::Token::PosixClass::Standard = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/posix_class.rb#10
Regexp::Syntax::Token::PosixClass::Type = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
+# alias for symmetry between token symbol and Token module name
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#749
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::Property = Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/quantifier.rb#3
module Regexp::Syntax::Token::Quantifier; end
@@ -3230,6 +3407,11 @@ Regexp::Syntax::Token::Quantifier::Type = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/quantifier.rb#28
Regexp::Syntax::Token::Quantifier::V1_8_6 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# alias for symmetry between token symbol and Token module name
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/character_set.rb#14
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::Set = Regexp::Syntax::Token::CharacterSet
# Type is the same as Backreference so keeping it here, for now.
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/backreference.rb#20
@@ -3286,7 +3468,7 @@ Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Age_V3_1_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#62
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Age_V3_2_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#708
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#739
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::All = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#13
@@ -3337,19 +3519,28 @@ Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Derived_V2_4_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Ar
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#129
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Derived_V2_5_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#693
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#724
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Emoji = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#685
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#694
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Emoji_V2_5_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#711
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#702
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Emoji_V2_6_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#722
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Enumerated = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#706
+Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Enumerated_V2_4_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#742
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::NonType = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#11
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::POSIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#330
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#332
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Script = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#135
@@ -3385,76 +3576,76 @@ Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Script_V3_1_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Arr
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#322
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Script_V3_2_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#710
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#741
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::Type = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#683
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#692
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#332
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#334
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V1_9_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#431
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#433
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V2_0_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#559
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#561
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V2_2_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#594
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#596
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V2_3_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#607
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#609
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V2_4_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#621
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#623
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V2_5_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#631
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#633
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V2_6_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#645
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#647
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V2_6_2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#657
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#659
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V3_1_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#668
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#670
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::UnicodeBlock_V3_2_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#695
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#726
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V1_9_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#696
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#727
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V1_9_3 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#697
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#728
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V2_0_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#698
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#729
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V2_2_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#699
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#730
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V2_3_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#700
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#731
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V2_4_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#701
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#732
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V2_5_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#702
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#733
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V2_6_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#703
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#734
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V2_6_2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#704
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#735
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V2_6_3 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#705
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#736
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V3_1_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#706
+# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/token/unicode_property.rb#737
Regexp::Syntax::Token::UnicodeProperty::V3_2_0 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://regexp_parser//lib/regexp_parser/syntax/version_lookup.rb#12
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rexml@3.2.5.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rexml@3.2.5.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index a94e5671..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rexml@3.2.5.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4717 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rexml` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rexml`.
-# This class needs:
-# * Documentation
-# * Work! Not all types of attlists are intelligently parsed, so we just
-# spew back out what we get in. This works, but it would be better if
-# we formatted the output ourselves.
-# AttlistDecls provide *just* enough support to allow namespace
-# declarations. If you need some sort of generalized support, or have an
-# interesting idea about how to map the hideous, terrible design of DTD
-# AttlistDecls onto an intuitive Ruby interface, let me know. I'm desperate
-# for anything to make DTDs more palateable.
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/attlistdecl.rb#18
-class REXML::AttlistDecl < ::REXML::Child
- include ::Enumerable
- # Create an AttlistDecl, pulling the information from a Source. Notice
- # that this isn't very convenient; to create an AttlistDecl, you basically
- # have to format it yourself, and then have the initializer parse it.
- # Sorry, but for the foreseeable future, DTD support in REXML is pretty
- # weak on convenience. Have I mentioned how much I hate DTDs?
- #
- # @return [AttlistDecl] a new instance of AttlistDecl
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attlistdecl.rb#29
- def initialize(source); end
- # Access the attlist attribute/value pairs.
- # value = attlist_decl[ attribute_name ]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attlistdecl.rb#38
- def [](key); end
- # Iterate over the key/value pairs:
- # attlist_decl.each { |attribute_name, attribute_value| ... }
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attlistdecl.rb#50
- def each(&block); end
- # What is this? Got me.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attlistdecl.rb#22
- def element_name; end
- # Whether an attlist declaration includes the given attribute definition
- # if attlist_decl.include? "xmlns:foobar"
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attlistdecl.rb#44
- def include?(key); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attlistdecl.rb#59
- def node_type; end
- # Write out exactly what we got in.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attlistdecl.rb#55
- def write(out, indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# Defines an Element Attribute; IE, a attribute=value pair, as in:
-# . Attributes can be in their own
-# namespaces. General users of REXML will not interact with the
-# Attribute class much.
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#10
-class REXML::Attribute
- include ::REXML::Node
- include ::REXML::XMLTokens
- include ::REXML::Namespace
- # Constructor.
- # FIXME: The parser doesn't catch illegal characters in attributes
- #
- # first::
- # Either: an Attribute, which this new attribute will become a
- # clone of; or a String, which is the name of this attribute
- # second::
- # If +first+ is an Attribute, then this may be an Element, or nil.
- # If nil, then the Element parent of this attribute is the parent
- # of the +first+ Attribute. If the first argument is a String,
- # then this must also be a String, and is the content of the attribute.
- # If this is the content, it must be fully normalized (contain no
- # illegal characters).
- # parent::
- # Ignored unless +first+ is a String; otherwise, may be the Element
- # parent of this attribute, or nil.
- #
- #
- # Attribute.new( attribute_to_clone )
- # Attribute.new( attribute_to_clone, parent_element )
- # Attribute.new( "attr", "attr_value" )
- # Attribute.new( "attr", "attr_value", parent_element )
- #
- # @return [Attribute] a new instance of Attribute
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#45
- def initialize(first, second = T.unsafe(nil), parent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns true if other is an Attribute and has the same name and value,
- # false otherwise.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#109
- def ==(other); end
- # Returns a copy of this attribute
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#158
- def clone; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#132
- def doctype; end
- # The element to which this attribute belongs
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#15
- def element; end
- # Sets the element of which this object is an attribute. Normally, this
- # is not directly called.
- #
- # Returns this attribute
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#166
- def element=(element); end
- # Creates (and returns) a hash from both the name and value
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#114
- def hash; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#192
- def inspect; end
- # Returns the namespace URL, if defined, or nil otherwise
- #
- # e = Element.new("el")
- # e.add_namespace("ns", "http://url")
- # e.add_attribute("ns:a", "b")
- # e.add_attribute("nsx:a", "c")
- # e.attribute("ns:a").namespace # => "http://url"
- # e.attribute("nsx:a").namespace # => nil
- #
- # This method always returns "" for no namespace attribute. Because
- # the default namespace doesn't apply to attribute names.
- #
- # From https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/#uniqAttrs
- #
- # > the default namespace does not apply to attribute names
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new("el")
- # e.add_namespace("", "http://example.com/")
- # e.namespace # => "http://example.com/"
- # e.add_attribute("a", "b")
- # e.attribute("a").namespace # => ""
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#98
- def namespace(arg = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#188
- def node_type; end
- # The normalized value of this attribute. That is, the attribute with
- # entities intact.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#18
- def normalized=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the namespace of the attribute.
- #
- # e = Element.new( "elns:myelement" )
- # e.add_attribute( "nsa:a", "aval" )
- # e.add_attribute( "b", "bval" )
- # e.attributes.get_attribute( "a" ).prefix # -> "nsa"
- # e.attributes.get_attribute( "b" ).prefix # -> ""
- # a = Attribute.new( "x", "y" )
- # a.prefix # -> ""
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#73
- def prefix; end
- # Removes this Attribute from the tree, and returns true if successful
- #
- # This method is usually not called directly.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#179
- def remove; end
- # Returns the attribute value, with entities replaced
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#140
- def to_s; end
- # Returns this attribute out as XML source, expanding the name
- #
- # a = Attribute.new( "x", "y" )
- # a.to_string # -> "x='y'"
- # b = Attribute.new( "ns:x", "y" )
- # b.to_string # -> "ns:x='y'"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#124
- def to_string; end
- # Returns the UNNORMALIZED value of this attribute. That is, entities
- # have been expanded to their values
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#150
- def value; end
- # Writes this attribute (EG, puts 'key="value"' to the output)
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#184
- def write(output, indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/attribute.rb#198
- def xpath; end
-# A class that defines the set of Attributes of an Element and provides
-# operations for accessing elements in that set.
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2141
-class REXML::Attributes < ::Hash
- # :call-seq:
- # new(element)
- #
- # Creates and returns a new \REXML::Attributes object.
- # The element given by argument +element+ is stored,
- # but its own attributes are not modified:
- #
- # ele = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # attrs = REXML::Attributes.new(ele)
- # attrs.object_id == ele.attributes.object_id # => false
- #
- # Other instance methods in class \REXML::Attributes may refer to:
- #
- # - +element.document+.
- # - +element.prefix+.
- # - +element.expanded_name+.
- #
- # @return [Attributes] a new instance of Attributes
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2160
- def initialize(element); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add(attribute) -> attribute
- #
- # Adds attribute +attribute+, replacing the previous
- # attribute of the same name if it exists;
- # returns +attribute+:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # attrs = ele.attributes
- # attrs # => {"att"=>{"foo"=>foo:att='1', "bar"=>bar:att='2', ""=>att='<'}}
- # attrs.add(REXML::Attribute.new('foo:att', '2')) # => foo:att='2'
- # attrs.add(REXML::Attribute.new('baz', '3')) # => baz='3'
- # attrs.include?('baz') # => true
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2537
- def <<(attribute); end
- # :call-seq:
- # [name] -> attribute_value or nil
- #
- # Returns the value for the attribute given by +name+,
- # if it exists; otherwise +nil+.
- # The value returned is the unnormalized attribute value,
- # with entities expanded:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # ele.attributes['att'] # => "<"
- # ele.attributes['bar:att'] # => "2"
- # ele.attributes['nosuch'] # => nil
- #
- # Related: get_attribute (returns an \Attribute object).
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2185
- def [](name); end
- # :call-seq:
- # [name] = value -> value
- #
- # When +value+ is non-+nil+,
- # assigns that to the attribute for the given +name+,
- # overwriting the previous value if it exists:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # attrs = ele.attributes
- # attrs['foo:att'] = '2' # => "2"
- # attrs['baz:att'] = '3' # => "3"
- #
- # When +value+ is +nil+, deletes the attribute if it exists:
- #
- # attrs['baz:att'] = nil
- # attrs.include?('baz:att') # => false
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2369
- def []=(name, value); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add(attribute) -> attribute
- #
- # Adds attribute +attribute+, replacing the previous
- # attribute of the same name if it exists;
- # returns +attribute+:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # attrs = ele.attributes
- # attrs # => {"att"=>{"foo"=>foo:att='1', "bar"=>bar:att='2', ""=>att='<'}}
- # attrs.add(REXML::Attribute.new('foo:att', '2')) # => foo:att='2'
- # attrs.add(REXML::Attribute.new('baz', '3')) # => baz='3'
- # attrs.include?('baz') # => true
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2537
- def add(attribute); end
- # :call-seq:
- # delete(name) -> element
- # delete(attribute) -> element
- #
- # Removes a specified attribute if it exists;
- # returns the attributes' element.
- #
- # When string argument +name+ is given,
- # removes the attribute of that name if it exists:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # attrs = ele.attributes
- # attrs.delete('foo:att') # =>
- # attrs.delete('foo:att') # =>
- #
- # When attribute argument +attribute+ is given,
- # removes that attribute if it exists:
- #
- # attr = REXML::Attribute.new('bar:att', '2')
- # attrs.delete(attr) # => # =>
- # attrs.delete(attr) # => # =>
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2490
- def delete(attribute); end
- # :call-seq:
- # delete_all(name) -> array_of_removed_attributes
- #
- # Removes all attributes matching the given +name+;
- # returns an array of the removed attributes:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # attrs = ele.attributes
- # attrs.delete_all('att') # => [att='<']
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2559
- def delete_all(name); end
- # :call-seq:
- # each {|expanded_name, value| ... }
- #
- # Calls the given block with each expanded-name/value pair:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # ele.attributes.each do |expanded_name, value|
- # p [expanded_name, value]
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ["foo:att", "1"]
- # ["bar:att", "2"]
- # ["att", "<"]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2287
- def each; end
- # :call-seq:
- # each_attribute {|attr| ... }
- #
- # Calls the given block with each \REXML::Attribute object:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # ele.attributes.each_attribute do |attr|
- # p [attr.class, attr]
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # [REXML::Attribute, foo:att='1']
- # [REXML::Attribute, bar:att='2']
- # [REXML::Attribute, att='<']
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2254
- def each_attribute; end
- # :call-seq:
- # get_attribute(name) -> attribute_object or nil
- #
- # Returns the \REXML::Attribute object for the given +name+:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # attrs = ele.attributes
- # attrs.get_attribute('foo:att') # => foo:att='1'
- # attrs.get_attribute('foo:att').class # => REXML::Attribute
- # attrs.get_attribute('bar:att') # => bar:att='2'
- # attrs.get_attribute('att') # => att='<'
- # attrs.get_attribute('nosuch') # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2313
- def get_attribute(name); end
- # :call-seq:
- # get_attribute_ns(namespace, name)
- #
- # Returns the \REXML::Attribute object among the attributes
- # that matches the given +namespace+ and +name+:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # attrs = ele.attributes
- # attrs.get_attribute_ns('http://foo', 'att') # => foo:att='1'
- # attrs.get_attribute_ns('http://foo', 'nosuch') # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2585
- def get_attribute_ns(namespace, name); end
- # :call-seq:
- # length
- #
- # Returns the count of attributes:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # ele.attributes.length # => 3
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2225
- def length; end
- # :call-seq:
- # namespaces
- #
- # Returns a hash of name/value pairs for the namespaces:
- #
- # xml_string = ' '
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # d.root.attributes.namespaces # => {"xmlns"=>"foo", "x"=>"bar", "y"=>"twee"}
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2446
- def namespaces; end
- # :call-seq:
- # prefixes -> array_of_prefix_strings
- #
- # Returns an array of prefix strings in the attributes.
- # The array does not include the default
- # namespace declaration, if one exists.
- #
- # xml_string = ' '
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # d.root.attributes.prefixes # => ["x", "y"]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2421
- def prefixes; end
- # :call-seq:
- # length
- #
- # Returns the count of attributes:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # ele.attributes.length # => 3
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2225
- def size; end
- # :call-seq:
- # to_a -> array_of_attribute_objects
- #
- # Returns an array of \REXML::Attribute objects representing
- # the attributes:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ele = d.root.elements['//ele'] # =>
- # attrs = ele.attributes.to_a # => [foo:att='1', bar:att='2', att='<']
- # attrs.first.class # => REXML::Attribute
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2207
- def to_a; end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/cdata.rb#5
-class REXML::CData < ::REXML::Text
- # Constructor. CData is data between
- #
- # _Examples_
- # CData.new( source )
- # CData.new( "Here is some CDATA" )
- # CData.new( "Some unprocessed data", respect_whitespace_TF, parent_element )
- #
- # @return [CData] a new instance of CData
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/cdata.rb#16
- def initialize(first, whitespace = T.unsafe(nil), parent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Make a copy of this object
- #
- # _Examples_
- # c = CData.new( "Some text" )
- # d = c.clone
- # d.to_s # -> "Some text"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/cdata.rb#26
- def clone; end
- # Returns the content of this CData object
- #
- # _Examples_
- # c = CData.new( "Some text" )
- # c.to_s # -> "Some text"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/cdata.rb#35
- def to_s; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/cdata.rb#39
- def value; end
- # See the rexml/formatters package
- #
- # Generates XML output of this object
- #
- # output::
- # Where to write the string. Defaults to $stdout
- # indent::
- # The amount to indent this node by
- # transitive::
- # Ignored
- # ie_hack::
- # Ignored
- #
- # _Examples_
- # c = CData.new( " Some text " )
- # c.write( $stdout ) #->
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/cdata.rb#60
- def write(output = T.unsafe(nil), indent = T.unsafe(nil), transitive = T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# A Child object is something contained by a parent, and this class
-# contains methods to support that. Most user code will not use this
-# class directly.
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#9
-class REXML::Child
- include ::REXML::Node
- # Constructor. Any inheritors of this class should call super to make
- # sure this method is called.
- # parent::
- # if supplied, the parent of this child will be set to the
- # supplied value, and self will be added to the parent
- #
- # @return [Child] a new instance of Child
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#18
- def initialize(parent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # This doesn't yet handle encodings
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#91
- def bytes; end
- # Returns:: the document this child belongs to, or nil if this child
- # belongs to no document
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#85
- def document; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/node.rb#11
- def next_sibling; end
- # Sets the next sibling of this child. This can be used to insert a child
- # after some other child.
- # a = Element.new("a")
- # b = a.add_element("b")
- # c = Element.new("c")
- # b.next_sibling = c
- # # =>
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#68
- def next_sibling=(other); end
- # The Parent of this object
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#11
- def parent; end
- # Sets the parent of this child to the supplied argument.
- #
- # other::
- # Must be a Parent object. If this object is the same object as the
- # existing parent of this child, no action is taken. Otherwise, this
- # child is removed from the current parent (if one exists), and is added
- # to the new parent.
- # Returns:: The parent added
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#52
- def parent=(other); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/node.rb#17
- def previous_sibling; end
- # Sets the previous sibling of this child. This can be used to insert a
- # child before some other child.
- # a = Element.new("a")
- # b = a.add_element("b")
- # c = Element.new("c")
- # b.previous_sibling = c
- # # =>
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#79
- def previous_sibling=(other); end
- # Removes this child from the parent.
- #
- # Returns:: self
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#37
- def remove; end
- # Replaces this object with another object. Basically, calls
- # Parent.replace_child
- #
- # Returns:: self
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/child.rb#29
- def replace_with(child); end
-# Represents an XML comment; that is, text between \
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#7
-class REXML::Comment < ::REXML::Child
- include ::Comparable
- # Constructor. The first argument can be one of three types:
- # argument. If Comment, the argument is duplicated. If
- # Source, the argument is scanned for a comment.
- # should be nil, not supplied, or a Parent to be set as the parent
- # of this object
- #
- # @param first If String, the contents of this comment are set to the
- # @param second If the first argument is a Source, this argument
- # @return [Comment] a new instance of Comment
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#24
- def initialize(first, second = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Compares this Comment to another; the contents of the comment are used
- # in the comparison.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#63
- def <=>(other); end
- # Compares this Comment to another; the contents of the comment are used
- # in the comparison.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#70
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#33
- def clone; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#75
- def node_type; end
- # The content text
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#14
- def string; end
- # The content text
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#14
- def string=(_arg0); end
- # The content text
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#14
- def to_s; end
- # See REXML::Formatters
- #
- # output::
- # Where to write the string
- # indent::
- # An integer. If -1, no indenting will be used; otherwise, the
- # indentation will be this number of spaces, and children will be
- # indented an additional amount.
- # transitive::
- # Ignored by this class. The contents of comments are never modified.
- # ie_hack::
- # Needed for conformity to the child API, but not used by this class.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/comment.rb#50
- def write(output, indent = T.unsafe(nil), transitive = T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#11
-module REXML::DClonable; end
-# This is an abstract class. You never use this directly; it serves as a
-# parent class for the specific declarations.
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#242
-class REXML::Declaration < ::REXML::Child
- # @return [Declaration] a new instance of Declaration
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#243
- def initialize(src); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#248
- def to_s; end
- # See REXML::Formatters
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#255
- def write(output, indent); end
-# Represents an XML DOCTYPE declaration; that is, the contents of . DOCTYPES can be used to declare the DTD of a document, as well as
-# being used to declare entities used in the document.
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#51
-class REXML::DocType < ::REXML::Parent
- include ::REXML::XMLTokens
- # Constructor
- #
- # dt = DocType.new( 'foo', '-//I/Hate/External/IDs' )
- # #
- # dt = DocType.new( doctype_to_clone )
- # # Incomplete. Shallow clone of doctype
- #
- # +Note+ that the constructor:
- #
- # Doctype.new( Source.new( "" ) )
- #
- # is _deprecated_. Do not use it. It will probably disappear.
- #
- # @return [DocType] a new instance of DocType
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#80
- def initialize(first, parent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#185
- def add(child); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#125
- def attribute_of(element, attribute); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#115
- def attributes_of(element); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#135
- def clone; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#173
- def context; end
- # name is the name of the doctype
- # external_id is the referenced DTD, if given
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#66
- def entities; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#181
- def entity(name); end
- # name is the name of the doctype
- # external_id is the referenced DTD, if given
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#66
- def external_id; end
- # name is the name of the doctype
- # external_id is the referenced DTD, if given
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#66
- def name; end
- # name is the name of the doctype
- # external_id is the referenced DTD, if given
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#66
- def namespaces; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#111
- def node_type; end
- # Retrieves a named notation. Only notations declared in the internal
- # DTD subset can be retrieved.
- #
- # Method contributed by Henrik Martensson
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#229
- def notation(name); end
- # This method returns a list of notations that have been declared in the
- # _internal_ DTD subset. Notations in the external DTD subset are not
- # listed.
- #
- # Method contributed by Henrik Martensson
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#221
- def notations; end
- # This method retrieves the public identifier identifying the document's
- # DTD.
- #
- # Method contributed by Henrik Martensson
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#195
- def public; end
- # This method retrieves the system identifier identifying the document's DTD
- #
- # Method contributed by Henrik Martensson
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#207
- def system; end
- # output::
- # Where to write the string
- # indent::
- # An integer. If -1, no indentation will be used; otherwise, the
- # indentation will be this number of spaces, and children will be
- # indented an additional amount.
- # transitive::
- # Ignored
- # ie_hack::
- # Ignored
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#149
- def write(output, indent = T.unsafe(nil), transitive = T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# Represents an XML document.
-# A document may have:
-# - A single child that may be accessed via method #root.
-# - An XML declaration.
-# - A document type.
-# - Processing instructions.
-# == In a Hurry?
-# If you're somewhat familiar with XML
-# and have a particular task in mind,
-# you may want to see the
-# {tasks pages}[../doc/rexml/tasks/tocs/master_toc_rdoc.html],
-# and in particular, the
-# {tasks page for documents}[../doc/rexml/tasks/tocs/document_toc_rdoc.html].
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#35
-class REXML::Document < ::REXML::Element
- # :call-seq:
- # new(string = nil, context = {}) -> new_document
- # new(io_stream = nil, context = {}) -> new_document
- # new(document = nil, context = {}) -> new_document
- #
- # Returns a new \REXML::Document object.
- #
- # When no arguments are given,
- # returns an empty document:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new
- # d.to_s # => ""
- #
- # When argument +string+ is given, it must be a string
- # containing a valid XML document:
- #
- # xml_string = 'Foo Bar '
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # d.to_s # => "Foo Bar "
- #
- # When argument +io_stream+ is given, it must be an \IO object
- # that is opened for reading, and when read must return a valid XML document:
- #
- # File.write('t.xml', xml_string)
- # d = File.open('t.xml', 'r') do |io|
- # REXML::Document.new(io)
- # end
- # d.to_s # => "Foo Bar "
- #
- # When argument +document+ is given, it must be an existing
- # document object, whose context and attributes (but not chidren)
- # are cloned into the new document:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # d.children # => [ ... >]
- # d.context = {raw: :all, compress_whitespace: :all}
- # d.add_attributes({'bar' => 0, 'baz' => 1})
- # d1 = REXML::Document.new(d)
- # d1.children # => []
- # d1.context # => {:raw=>:all, :compress_whitespace=>:all}
- # d1.attributes # => {"bar"=>bar='0', "baz"=>baz='1'}
- #
- # When argument +context+ is given, it must be a hash
- # containing context entries for the document;
- # see {Element Context}[../doc/rexml/context_rdoc.html]:
- #
- # context = {raw: :all, compress_whitespace: :all}
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string, context)
- # d.context # => {:raw=>:all, :compress_whitespace=>:all}
- #
- # @return [Document] a new instance of Document
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#92
- def initialize(source = T.unsafe(nil), context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add(xml_decl) -> self
- # add(doc_type) -> self
- # add(object) -> self
- #
- # Adds an object to the document; returns +self+.
- #
- # When argument +xml_decl+ is given,
- # it must be an REXML::XMLDecl object,
- # which becomes the XML declaration for the document,
- # replacing the previous XML declaration if any:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new
- # d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
- # d.add(REXML::XMLDecl.new('2.0'))
- # d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
- #
- # When argument +doc_type+ is given,
- # it must be an REXML::DocType object,
- # which becomes the document type for the document,
- # replacing the previous document type, if any:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new
- # d.doctype.to_s # => ""
- # d.add(REXML::DocType.new('foo'))
- # d.doctype.to_s # => ""
- #
- # When argument +object+ (not an REXML::XMLDecl or REXML::DocType object)
- # is given it is added as the last child:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new
- # d.add(REXML::Element.new('foo'))
- # d.to_s # => " "
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#170
- def <<(child); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add(xml_decl) -> self
- # add(doc_type) -> self
- # add(object) -> self
- #
- # Adds an object to the document; returns +self+.
- #
- # When argument +xml_decl+ is given,
- # it must be an REXML::XMLDecl object,
- # which becomes the XML declaration for the document,
- # replacing the previous XML declaration if any:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new
- # d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
- # d.add(REXML::XMLDecl.new('2.0'))
- # d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
- #
- # When argument +doc_type+ is given,
- # it must be an REXML::DocType object,
- # which becomes the document type for the document,
- # replacing the previous document type, if any:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new
- # d.doctype.to_s # => ""
- # d.add(REXML::DocType.new('foo'))
- # d.doctype.to_s # => ""
- #
- # When argument +object+ (not an REXML::XMLDecl or REXML::DocType object)
- # is given it is added as the last child:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new
- # d.add(REXML::Element.new('foo'))
- # d.to_s # => " "
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#170
- def add(child); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add_element(name_or_element = nil, attributes = nil) -> new_element
- #
- # Adds an element to the document by calling REXML::Element.add_element:
- #
- # REXML::Element.add_element(name_or_element, attributes)
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#209
- def add_element(arg = T.unsafe(nil), arg2 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # clone -> new_document
- #
- # Returns the new document resulting from executing
- # Document.new(self) . See Document.new.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#120
- def clone; end
- # :call-seq:
- # doctype -> doc_type or nil
- #
- # Returns the DocType object for the document, if it exists, otherwise +nil+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.doctype.class # => REXML::DocType
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.doctype.class # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#241
- def doctype; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#442
- def document; end
- # :call-seq:
- # encoding -> encoding_string
- #
- # Returns the XMLDecl encoding of the document,
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.encoding # => "UTF-16"
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.encoding # => "UTF-8"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#290
- def encoding; end
- # Returns the value of attribute entity_expansion_count.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#433
- def entity_expansion_count; end
- # :call-seq:
- # expanded_name -> empty_string
- #
- # Returns an empty string.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#129
- def expanded_name; end
- # :call-seq:
- # expanded_name -> empty_string
- #
- # Returns an empty string.
- # d = doc_type
- # d ? d.name : "UNDEFINED"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#129
- def name; end
- # :call-seq:
- # node_type -> :document
- #
- # Returns the symbol +:document+.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#110
- def node_type; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#435
- def record_entity_expansion; end
- # :call-seq:
- # root -> root_element or nil
- #
- # Returns the root element of the document, if it exists, otherwise +nil+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(' ')
- # d.root # =>
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.root # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#225
- def root; end
- # :call-seq:
- # stand_alone?
- #
- # Returns the XMLDecl standalone value of the document as a string,
- # if it has been set, otherwise the default standalone value:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.stand_alone? # => "yes"
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.stand_alone? # => nil
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#305
- def stand_alone?; end
- # :call-seq:
- # version -> version_string
- #
- # Returns the XMLDecl version of this document as a string,
- # if it has been set, otherwise the default version:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.version # => "2.0"
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.version # => "1.0"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#275
- def version; end
- # :call-seq:
- # doc.write(output=$stdout, indent=-1, transtive=false, ie_hack=false, encoding=nil)
- # doc.write(options={:output => $stdout, :indent => -1, :transtive => false, :ie_hack => false, :encoding => nil})
- #
- # Write the XML tree out, optionally with indent. This writes out the
- # entire XML document, including XML declarations, doctype declarations,
- # and processing instructions (if any are given).
- #
- # A controversial point is whether Document should always write the XML
- # declaration () whether or not one is given by the
- # user (or source document). REXML does not write one if one was not
- # specified, because it adds unnecessary bandwidth to applications such
- # as XML-RPC.
- #
- # Accept Nth argument style and options Hash style as argument.
- # The recommended style is options Hash style for one or more
- # arguments case.
- #
- # _Examples_
- # Document.new(" ").write
- #
- # output = ""
- # Document.new(" ").write(output)
- #
- # output = ""
- # Document.new(" ").write(:output => output, :indent => 2)
- #
- # See also the classes in the rexml/formatters package for the proper way
- # to change the default formatting of XML output.
- #
- # _Examples_
- #
- # output = ""
- # tr = Transitive.new
- # tr.write(Document.new(" "), output)
- #
- # output::
- # output an object which supports '<< string'; this is where the
- # document will be written.
- # indent::
- # An integer. If -1, no indenting will be used; otherwise, the
- # indentation will be twice this number of spaces, and children will be
- # indented an additional amount. For a value of 3, every item will be
- # indented 3 more levels, or 6 more spaces (2 * 3). Defaults to -1
- # transitive::
- # If transitive is true and indent is >= 0, then the output will be
- # pretty-printed in such a way that the added whitespace does not affect
- # the absolute *value* of the document -- that is, it leaves the value
- # and number of Text nodes in the document unchanged.
- # ie_hack::
- # This hack inserts a space before the /> on empty tags to address
- # a limitation of Internet Explorer. Defaults to false
- # Encoding name as String. Change output encoding to specified encoding
- # instead of encoding in XML declaration.
- # Defaults to nil. It means encoding in XML declaration is used.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#365
- def write(*arguments); end
- # :call-seq:
- # xml_decl -> xml_decl
- #
- # Returns the XMLDecl object for the document, if it exists,
- # otherwise the default XMLDecl object:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.xml_decl.class # => REXML::XMLDecl
- # d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.xml_decl.class # => REXML::XMLDecl
- # d.xml_decl.to_s # => ""
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#258
- def xml_decl; end
- private
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#447
- def build(source); end
- class << self
- # Get the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10000.
- #
- # Deprecated. Use REXML::Security.entity_expansion_limit= instead.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#415
- def entity_expansion_limit; end
- # Set the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10000.
- #
- # Deprecated. Use REXML::Security.entity_expansion_limit= instead.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#408
- def entity_expansion_limit=(val); end
- # Get the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10240.
- #
- # Deprecated. Use REXML::Security.entity_expansion_text_limit instead.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#429
- def entity_expansion_text_limit; end
- # Set the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10240.
- #
- # Deprecated. Use REXML::Security.entity_expansion_text_limit= instead.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#422
- def entity_expansion_text_limit=(val); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/document.rb#401
- def parse_stream(source, listener); end
- end
-# An \REXML::Element object represents an XML element.
-# An element:
-# - Has a name (string).
-# - May have a parent (another element).
-# - Has zero or more children
-# (other elements, text, CDATA, processing instructions, and comments).
-# - Has zero or more siblings
-# (other elements, text, CDATA, processing instructions, and comments).
-# - Has zero or more named attributes.
-# == In a Hurry?
-# If you're somewhat familiar with XML
-# and have a particular task in mind,
-# you may want to see the
-# {tasks pages}[../doc/rexml/tasks/tocs/master_toc_rdoc.html],
-# and in particular, the
-# {tasks page for elements}[../doc/rexml/tasks/tocs/element_toc_rdoc.html].
-# === Name
-# An element has a name, which is initially set when the element is created:
-# e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
-# e.name # => "foo"
-# The name may be changed:
-# e.name = 'bar'
-# e.name # => "bar"
-# === \Parent
-# An element may have a parent.
-# Its parent may be assigned explicitly when the element is created:
-# e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
-# e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar', e0)
-# e1.parent # => ... >
-# Note: the representation of an element always shows the element's name.
-# If the element has children, the representation indicates that
-# by including an ellipsis (... ).
-# The parent may be assigned explicitly at any time:
-# e2 = REXML::Element.new('baz')
-# e1.parent = e2
-# e1.parent # =>
-# When an element is added as a child, its parent is set automatically:
-# e1.add_element(e0)
-# e0.parent # => ... >
-# For an element that has no parent, method +parent+ returns +nil+.
-# === Children
-# An element has zero or more children.
-# The children are an ordered collection
-# of all objects whose parent is the element itself.
-# The children may include any combination of elements, text, comments,
-# processing instructions, and CDATA.
-# (This example keeps things clean by controlling whitespace
-# via a +context+ setting.)
-# xml_string = <<-EOT
-# text 0
-# text 1
-# EOT
-# context = {ignore_whitespace_nodes: :all, compress_whitespace: :all}
-# d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string, context)
-# root = d.root
-# root.children.size # => 10
-# root.each {|child| p "#{child.class}: #{child}" }
-# Output:
-# "REXML::Element: "
-# "REXML::Text: \n text 0\n "
-# "REXML::Comment: comment 0"
-# "REXML::Instruction: "
-# "REXML::CData: cdata 0"
-# "REXML::Element: "
-# "REXML::Text: \n text 1\n "
-# "REXML::Comment: comment 1"
-# "REXML::Instruction: "
-# "REXML::CData: cdata 1"
-# A child may be added using inherited methods
-# Parent#insert_before or Parent#insert_after:
-# xml_string = ' '
-# d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
-# root = d.root
-# c = d.root[1] # =>
-# root.insert_before(c, REXML::Element.new('b'))
-# root.to_a # => [ , , , ]
-# A child may be replaced using Parent#replace_child:
-# root.replace_child(c, REXML::Element.new('x'))
-# root.to_a # => [ , , , ]
-# A child may be removed using Parent#delete:
-# x = root[2] # =>
-# root.delete(x)
-# root.to_a # => [ , , ]
-# === Siblings
-# An element has zero or more siblings,
-# which are the other children of the element's parent.
-# In the example above, element +ele_1+ is between a CDATA sibling
-# and a text sibling:
-# ele_1 = root[5] # =>
-# ele_1.previous_sibling # => "cdata 0"
-# ele_1.next_sibling # => "\n text 1\n "
-# === \Attributes
-# An element has zero or more named attributes.
-# A new element has no attributes:
-# e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
-# e.attributes # => {}
-# Attributes may be added:
-# e.add_attribute('bar', 'baz')
-# e.add_attribute('bat', 'bam')
-# e.attributes.size # => 2
-# e['bar'] # => "baz"
-# e['bat'] # => "bam"
-# An existing attribute may be modified:
-# e.add_attribute('bar', 'bad')
-# e.attributes.size # => 2
-# e['bar'] # => "bad"
-# An existing attribute may be deleted:
-# e.delete_attribute('bar')
-# e.attributes.size # => 1
-# e['bar'] # => nil
-# == What's Here
-# To begin with, what's elsewhere?
-# \Class \REXML::Element inherits from its ancestor classes:
-# - REXML::Child
-# - REXML::Parent
-# \REXML::Element itself and its ancestors also include modules:
-# - {Enumerable}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Enumerable.html]
-# - REXML::Namespace
-# - REXML::Node
-# - REXML::XMLTokens
-# === Methods for Creating an \Element
-# ::new:: Returns a new empty element.
-# #clone:: Returns a clone of another element.
-# === Methods for Attributes
-# {[attribute_name]}[#method-i-5B-5D]:: Returns an attribute value.
-# #add_attribute:: Adds a new attribute.
-# #add_attributes:: Adds multiple new attributes.
-# #attribute:: Returns the attribute value for a given name and optional namespace.
-# #delete_attribute:: Removes an attribute.
-# === Methods for Children
-# {[index]}[#method-i-5B-5D]:: Returns the child at the given offset.
-# #add_element:: Adds an element as the last child.
-# #delete_element:: Deletes a child element.
-# #each_element:: Calls the given block with each child element.
-# #each_element_with_attribute:: Calls the given block with each child element
-# that meets given criteria,
-# which can include the attribute name.
-# #each_element_with_text:: Calls the given block with each child element
-# that meets given criteria,
-# which can include text.
-# #get_elements:: Returns an array of element children that match a given xpath.
-# === Methods for \Text Children
-# #add_text:: Adds a text node to the element.
-# #get_text:: Returns a text node that meets specified criteria.
-# #text:: Returns the text string from the first node that meets specified criteria.
-# #texts:: Returns an array of the text children of the element.
-# #text=:: Adds, removes, or replaces the first text child of the element
-# === Methods for Other Children
-# #cdatas:: Returns an array of the cdata children of the element.
-# #comments:: Returns an array of the comment children of the element.
-# #instructions:: Returns an array of the instruction children of the element.
-# === Methods for Namespaces
-# #add_namespace:: Adds a namespace to the element.
-# #delete_namespace:: Removes a namespace from the element.
-# #namespace:: Returns the string namespace URI for the element.
-# #namespaces:: Returns a hash of all defined namespaces in the element.
-# #prefixes:: Returns an array of the string prefixes (names)
-# of all defined namespaces in the element
-# === Methods for Querying
-# #document:: Returns the document, if any, that the element belongs to.
-# #root:: Returns the most distant element (not document) ancestor of the element.
-# #root_node:: Returns the most distant ancestor of the element.
-# #xpath:: Returns the string xpath to the element
-# relative to the most distant parent
-# #has_attributes?:: Returns whether the element has attributes.
-# #has_elements?:: Returns whether the element has elements.
-# #has_text?:: Returns whether the element has text.
-# #next_element:: Returns the next sibling that is an element.
-# #previous_element:: Returns the previous sibling that is an element.
-# #raw:: Returns whether raw mode is set for the element.
-# #whitespace:: Returns whether whitespace is respected for the element.
-# #ignore_whitespace_nodes:: Returns whether whitespace nodes
-# are to be ignored for the element.
-# #node_type:: Returns symbol :element .
-# === One More Method
-# #inspect:: Returns a string representation of the element.
-# === Accessors
-# #elements:: Returns the REXML::Elements object for the element.
-# #attributes:: Returns the REXML::Attributes object for the element.
-# #context:: Returns or sets the context hash for the element.
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#279
-class REXML::Element < ::REXML::Parent
- include ::REXML::XMLTokens
- include ::REXML::Namespace
- # :call-seq:
- # Element.new(name = 'UNDEFINED', parent = nil, context = nil) -> new_element
- # Element.new(element, parent = nil, context = nil) -> new_element
- #
- # Returns a new \REXML::Element object.
- #
- # When no arguments are given,
- # returns an element with name 'UNDEFINED' :
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new # =>
- # e.class # => REXML::Element
- # e.name # => "UNDEFINED"
- #
- # When only argument +name+ is given,
- # returns an element of the given name:
- #
- # REXML::Element.new('foo') # =>
- #
- # When only argument +element+ is given, it must be an \REXML::Element object;
- # returns a shallow copy of the given element:
- #
- # e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e1 = REXML::Element.new(e0) # =>
- #
- # When argument +parent+ is also given, it must be an REXML::Parent object:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new('foo', REXML::Parent.new)
- # e.parent # => # ]>
- #
- # When argument +context+ is also given, it must be a hash
- # representing the context for the element;
- # see {Element Context}[../doc/rexml/context_rdoc.html]:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new('foo', nil, {raw: :all})
- # e.context # => {:raw=>:all}
- #
- # @return [Element] a new instance of Element
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#327
- def initialize(arg = T.unsafe(nil), parent = T.unsafe(nil), context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # [index] -> object
- # [attr_name] -> attr_value
- # [attr_sym] -> attr_value
- #
- # With integer argument +index+ given,
- # returns the child at offset +index+, or +nil+ if none:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new '> text more '
- # root = d.root
- # (0..root.size).each do |index|
- # node = root[index]
- # p "#{index}: #{node} (#{node.class})"
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # "0: (REXML::Element)"
- # "1: text (REXML::Text)"
- # "2: (REXML::Element)"
- # "3: more (REXML::Text)"
- # "4: (REXML::Element)"
- # "5: (NilClass)"
- #
- # With string argument +attr_name+ given,
- # returns the string value for the given attribute name if it exists,
- # otherwise +nil+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(' ')
- # root = d.root
- # root['attr'] # => "value"
- # root['nosuch'] # => nil
- #
- # With symbol argument +attr_sym+ given,
- # returns [attr_sym.to_s] :
- #
- # root[:attr] # => "value"
- # root[:nosuch] # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1245
- def [](name_or_index); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add_attribute(name, value) -> value
- # add_attribute(attribute) -> attribute
- #
- # Adds an attribute to this element, overwriting any existing attribute
- # by the same name.
- #
- # With string argument +name+ and object +value+ are given,
- # adds the attribute created with that name and value:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new
- # e.add_attribute('attr', 'value') # => "value"
- # e['attr'] # => "value"
- # e.add_attribute('attr', 'VALUE') # => "VALUE"
- # e['attr'] # => "VALUE"
- #
- # With only attribute object +attribute+ given,
- # adds the given attribute:
- #
- # a = REXML::Attribute.new('attr', 'value')
- # e.add_attribute(a) # => attr='value'
- # e['attr'] # => "value"
- # a = REXML::Attribute.new('attr', 'VALUE')
- # e.add_attribute(a) # => attr='VALUE'
- # e['attr'] # => "VALUE"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1349
- def add_attribute(key, value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add_attributes(hash) -> hash
- # add_attributes(array)
- #
- # Adds zero or more attributes to the element;
- # returns the argument.
- #
- # If hash argument +hash+ is given,
- # each key must be a string;
- # adds each attribute created with the key/value pair:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new
- # h = {'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat'}
- # e.add_attributes(h)
- #
- # If argument +array+ is given,
- # each array member must be a 2-element array [name, value];
- # each name must be a string:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new
- # a = [['foo' => 'bar'], ['baz' => 'bat']]
- # e.add_attributes(a)
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1380
- def add_attributes(hash); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add_element(name, attributes = nil) -> new_element
- # add_element(element, attributes = nil) -> element
- #
- # Adds a child element, optionally setting attributes
- # on the added element; returns the added element.
- #
- # With string argument +name+, creates a new element with that name
- # and adds the new element as a child:
- #
- # e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e0.add_element('bar')
- # e0[0] # =>
- #
- #
- # With argument +name+ and hash argument +attributes+,
- # sets attributes on the new element:
- #
- # e0.add_element('baz', {'bat' => '0', 'bam' => '1'})
- # e0[1] # =>
- #
- # With element argument +element+, adds that element as a child:
- #
- # e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar')
- # e0.add_element(e1)
- # e0[0] # =>
- #
- # With argument +element+ and hash argument +attributes+,
- # sets attributes on the added element:
- #
- # e0.add_element(e1, {'bat' => '0', 'bam' => '1'})
- # e0[1] # =>
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#731
- def add_element(element, attrs = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add_namespace(prefix, uri = nil) -> self
- #
- # Adds a namespace to the element; returns +self+.
- #
- # With the single argument +prefix+,
- # adds a namespace using the given +prefix+ and the namespace URI:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e.add_namespace('bar')
- # e.namespaces # => {"xmlns"=>"bar"}
- #
- # With both arguments +prefix+ and +uri+ given,
- # adds a namespace using both arguments:
- #
- # e.add_namespace('baz', 'bat')
- # e.namespaces # => {"xmlns"=>"bar", "baz"=>"bat"}
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#654
- def add_namespace(prefix, uri = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add_text(string) -> nil
- # add_text(text_node) -> self
- #
- # Adds text to the element.
- #
- # When string argument +string+ is given, returns +nil+.
- #
- # If the element has no child text node,
- # creates a \REXML::Text object using the string,
- # honoring the current settings for whitespace and raw,
- # then adds that node to the element:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(' ')
- # a = d.root
- # a.add_text('foo')
- # a.to_a # => [ , "foo"]
- #
- # If the element has child text nodes,
- # appends the string to the _last_ text node:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new('foo bar ')
- # a = d.root
- # a.add_text('baz')
- # a.to_a # => ["foo", , "barbaz"]
- # a.add_text('baz')
- # a.to_a # => ["foo", , "barbazbaz"]
- #
- # When text node argument +text_node+ is given,
- # appends the node as the last text node in the element;
- # returns +self+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new('foo bar ')
- # a = d.root
- # a.add_text(REXML::Text.new('baz'))
- # a.to_a # => ["foo", , "bar", "baz"]
- # a.add_text(REXML::Text.new('baz'))
- # a.to_a # => ["foo", , "bar", "baz", "baz"]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1146
- def add_text(text); end
- # :call-seq:
- # attribute(name, namespace = nil)
- #
- # Returns the string value for the given attribute name.
- #
- # With only argument +name+ given,
- # returns the value of the named attribute if it exists, otherwise +nil+:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # root = d.root
- # a = root[1] # =>
- # a.attribute('attr') # => attr='value'
- # a.attribute('nope') # => nil
- #
- # With arguments +name+ and +namespace+ given,
- # returns the value of the named attribute if it exists, otherwise +nil+:
- #
- # xml_string = " "
- # document = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # document.root.attribute("x") # => x='x'
- # document.root.attribute("x", "a") # => a:x='a:x'
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1286
- def attribute(name, namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Mechanisms for accessing attributes and child elements of this
- # element.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#286
- def attributes; end
- # :call-seq:
- # cdatas -> array_of_cdata_children
- #
- # Returns a frozen array of the REXML::CData children of the element:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # cds = d.root.cdatas # => ["foo", "bar"]
- # cds.frozen? # => true
- # cds.map {|cd| cd.class } # => [REXML::CData, REXML::CData]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1424
- def cdatas; end
- # :call-seq:
- # clone -> new_element
- #
- # Returns a shallow copy of the element, containing the name and attributes,
- # but not the parent or children:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e.add_attributes({'bar' => 0, 'baz' => 1})
- # e.clone # =>
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#391
- def clone; end
- # :call-seq:
- # comments -> array_of_comment_children
- #
- # Returns a frozen array of the REXML::Comment children of the element:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # cs = d.root.comments
- # cs.frozen? # => true
- # cs.map {|c| c.class } # => [REXML::Comment, REXML::Comment]
- # cs.map {|c| c.to_s } # => ["foo", "bar"]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1445
- def comments; end
- # The context holds information about the processing environment, such as
- # whitespace handling.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#289
- def context; end
- # The context holds information about the processing environment, such as
- # whitespace handling.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#289
- def context=(_arg0); end
- # :call-seq:
- # delete_attribute(name) -> removed_attribute or nil
- #
- # Removes a named attribute if it exists;
- # returns the removed attribute if found, otherwise +nil+:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e.add_attribute('bar', 'baz')
- # e.delete_attribute('bar') # =>
- # e.delete_attribute('bar') # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1399
- def delete_attribute(key); end
- # :call-seq:
- # delete_element(index) -> removed_element or nil
- # delete_element(element) -> removed_element or nil
- # delete_element(xpath) -> removed_element or nil
- #
- # Deletes a child element.
- #
- # When 1-based integer argument +index+ is given,
- # removes and returns the child element at that offset if it exists;
- # indexing does not include text nodes;
- # returns +nil+ if the element does not exist:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new ' text '
- # a = d.root # => ... >
- # a.delete_element(1) # =>
- # a.delete_element(1) # =>
- # a.delete_element(1) # => nil
- #
- # When element argument +element+ is given,
- # removes and returns that child element if it exists,
- # otherwise returns +nil+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new ' text '
- # a = d.root # => ... >
- # c = a[2] # =>
- # a.delete_element(c) # =>
- # a.delete_element(c) # => nil
- #
- # When xpath argument +xpath+ is given,
- # removes and returns the element at xpath if it exists,
- # otherwise returns +nil+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new ' text '
- # a = d.root # => ... >
- # a.delete_element('//c') # =>
- # a.delete_element('//c') # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#777
- def delete_element(element); end
- # :call-seq:
- # delete_namespace(namespace = 'xmlns') -> self
- #
- # Removes a namespace from the element.
- #
- # With no argument, removes the default namespace:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new " "
- # d.to_s # => " "
- # d.root.delete_namespace # =>
- # d.to_s # => " "
- #
- # With argument +namespace+, removes the specified namespace:
- #
- # d.root.delete_namespace('foo')
- # d.to_s # => " "
- #
- # Does nothing if no such namespace is found:
- #
- # d.root.delete_namespace('nosuch')
- # d.to_s # => " "
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#686
- def delete_namespace(namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # document -> document or nil
- #
- # If the element is part of a document, returns that document:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(' ')
- # top_element = d.first
- # child = top_element.first
- # top_element.document == d # => true
- # child.document == d # => true
- #
- # If the element is not part of a document, returns +nil+:
- #
- # REXML::Element.new.document # => nil
- #
- # For a document, returns +self+:
- #
- # d.document == d # => true
- #
- # Related: #root, #root_node.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#478
- def document; end
- # :call-seq:
- # each_element {|e| ... }
- #
- # Calls the given block with each child element:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new 'b b d '
- # a = d.root
- # a.each_element {|e| p e }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ... >
- # ... >
- # ... >
- #
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#929
- def each_element(xpath = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # :call-seq:
- # each_element_with_attribute(attr_name, value = nil, max = 0, xpath = nil) {|e| ... }
- #
- # Calls the given block with each child element that meets given criteria.
- #
- # When only string argument +attr_name+ is given,
- # calls the block with each child element that has that attribute:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new ' '
- # a = d.root
- # a.each_element_with_attribute('id') {|e| p e }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # With argument +attr_name+ and string argument +value+ given,
- # calls the block with each child element that has that attribute
- # with that value:
- #
- # a.each_element_with_attribute('id', '1') {|e| p e }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # With arguments +attr_name+, +value+, and integer argument +max+ given,
- # calls the block with at most +max+ child elements:
- #
- # a.each_element_with_attribute('id', '1', 1) {|e| p e }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- #
- #
- # With all arguments given, including +xpath+,
- # calls the block with only those child elements
- # that meet the first three criteria,
- # and also match the given +xpath+:
- #
- # a.each_element_with_attribute('id', '1', 2, '//d') {|e| p e }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- #
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#846
- def each_element_with_attribute(key, value = T.unsafe(nil), max = T.unsafe(nil), name = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # :call-seq:
- # each_element_with_text(text = nil, max = 0, xpath = nil) {|e| ... }
- #
- # Calls the given block with each child element that meets given criteria.
- #
- # With no arguments, calls the block with each child element that has text:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new 'b b d '
- # a = d.root
- # a.each_element_with_text {|e| p e }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ... >
- # ... >
- # ... >
- #
- # With the single string argument +text+,
- # calls the block with each element that has exactly that text:
- #
- # a.each_element_with_text('b') {|e| p e }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ... >
- # ... >
- #
- # With argument +text+ and integer argument +max+,
- # calls the block with at most +max+ elements:
- #
- # a.each_element_with_text('b', 1) {|e| p e }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ... >
- #
- # With all arguments given, including +xpath+,
- # calls the block with only those child elements
- # that meet the first two criteria,
- # and also match the given +xpath+:
- #
- # a.each_element_with_text('b', 2, '//c') {|e| p e }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ... >
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#903
- def each_element_with_text(text = T.unsafe(nil), max = T.unsafe(nil), name = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # Mechanisms for accessing attributes and child elements of this
- # element.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#286
- def elements; end
- # :call-seq:
- # get_elements(xpath)
- #
- # Returns an array of the elements that match the given +xpath+:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # d.root.get_elements('//a') # => [ ... >, ]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#948
- def get_elements(xpath); end
- # :call-seq:
- # get_text(xpath = nil) -> text_node or nil
- #
- # Returns the first text node child in a specified element, if it exists,
- # +nil+ otherwise.
- #
- # With no argument, returns the first text node from +self+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new "some text this is bold! more text
- # d.root.get_text.class # => REXML::Text
- # d.root.get_text # => "some text "
- #
- # With argument +xpath+, returns the first text node from the element
- # that matches +xpath+:
- #
- # d.root.get_text(1) # => "this is bold!"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1052
- def get_text(path = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # has_attributes? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true+ if the element has attributes, +false+ otherwise:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(' ')
- # a, b = *d.root
- # a.has_attributes? # => true
- # b.has_attributes? # => false
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1319
- def has_attributes?; end
- # :call-seq:
- # has_elements?
- #
- # Returns +true+ if the element has one or more element children,
- # +false+ otherwise:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new ' text '
- # a = d.root # => ... >
- # a.has_elements? # => true
- # b = a[0] # =>
- # b.has_elements? # => false
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#793
- def has_elements?; end
- # :call-seq:
- # has_text? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true if the element has one or more text noded,
- # +false+ otherwise:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new ' text '
- # a = d.root
- # a.has_text? # => true
- # b = a[0]
- # b.has_text? # => false
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1001
- def has_text?; end
- # :call-seq:
- # ignore_whitespace_nodes
- #
- # Returns +true+ if whitespace nodes are ignored for the element.
- #
- # See {Element Context}[../doc/rexml/context_rdoc.html].
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#516
- def ignore_whitespace_nodes; end
- # :call-seq:
- # inspect -> string
- #
- # Returns a string representation of the element.
- #
- # For an element with no attributes and no children, shows the element name:
- #
- # REXML::Element.new.inspect # => " "
- #
- # Shows attributes, if any:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e.add_attributes({'bar' => 0, 'baz' => 1})
- # e.inspect # => " "
- #
- # Shows an ellipsis (... ), if there are child elements:
- #
- # e.add_element(REXML::Element.new('bar'))
- # e.add_element(REXML::Element.new('baz'))
- # e.inspect # => " ... >"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#366
- def inspect; end
- # :call-seq:
- # instructions -> array_of_instruction_children
- #
- # Returns a frozen array of the REXML::Instruction children of the element:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # is = d.root.instructions
- # is.frozen? # => true
- # is.map {|i| i.class } # => [REXML::Instruction, REXML::Instruction]
- # is.map {|i| i.to_s } # => ["", ""]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1466
- def instructions; end
- # :call-seq:
- # namespace(prefix = nil) -> string_uri or nil
- #
- # Returns the string namespace URI for the element,
- # possibly deriving from one of its ancestors.
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # b = d.elements['//b']
- # b.namespace # => "1"
- # b.namespace('y') # => "2"
- # b.namespace('nosuch') # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#621
- def namespace(prefix = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # namespaces -> array_of_namespace_names
- #
- # Returns a hash of all defined namespaces
- # in the element and its ancestors:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # d.elements['//a'].namespaces # => {"x"=>"1", "y"=>"2"}
- # d.elements['//b'].namespaces # => {"x"=>"1", "y"=>"2"}
- # d.elements['//c'].namespaces # => {"x"=>"1", "y"=>"2", "z"=>"3"}
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#594
- def namespaces; end
- # :call-seq:
- # next_element
- #
- # Returns the next sibling that is an element if it exists,
- # +niL+ otherwise:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new ' text '
- # d.root.elements['b'].next_element #->
- # d.root.elements['c'].next_element #-> nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#962
- def next_element; end
- # :call-seq:
- # node_type -> :element
- #
- # Returns symbol :element :
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(' ')
- # a = d.root # =>
- # a.node_type # => :element
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1167
- def node_type; end
- # :call-seq:
- # prefixes -> array_of_namespace_prefixes
- #
- # Returns an array of the string prefixes (names) of all defined namespaces
- # in the element and its ancestors:
- #
- # xml_string = <<-EOT
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # EOT
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string, {compress_whitespace: :all})
- # d.elements['//a'].prefixes # => ["x", "y"]
- # d.elements['//b'].prefixes # => ["x", "y"]
- # d.elements['//c'].prefixes # => ["x", "y", "z"]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#568
- def prefixes; end
- # :call-seq:
- # previous_element
- #
- # Returns the previous sibling that is an element if it exists,
- # +niL+ otherwise:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new ' text '
- # d.root.elements['c'].previous_element #->
- # d.root.elements['b'].previous_element #-> nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#978
- def previous_element; end
- # :call-seq:
- # raw
- #
- # Returns +true+ if raw mode is set for the element.
- #
- # See {Element Context}[../doc/rexml/context_rdoc.html].
- #
- # The evaluation is tested against +expanded_name+, and so is namespace
- # sensitive.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#536
- def raw; end
- # :call-seq:
- # root -> element
- #
- # Returns the most distant _element_ (not document) ancestor of the element:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(' ')
- # top_element = d.first
- # child = top_element.first
- # top_element.root == top_element # => true
- # child.root == top_element # => true
- #
- # For a document, returns the topmost element:
- #
- # d.root == top_element # => true
- #
- # Related: #root_node, #document.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#451
- def root; end
- # :call-seq:
- # root_node -> document or element
- #
- # Returns the most distant ancestor of +self+.
- #
- # When the element is part of a document,
- # returns the root node of the document.
- # Note that the root node is different from the document element;
- # in this example +a+ is document element and the root node is its parent:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(' ')
- # top_element = d.first # => ... >
- # child = top_element.first # => ... >
- # d.root_node == d # => true
- # top_element.root_node == d # => true
- # child.root_node == d # => true
- #
- # When the element is not part of a document, but does have ancestor elements,
- # returns the most distant ancestor element:
- #
- # e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar')
- # e1.parent = e0
- # e2 = REXML::Element.new('baz')
- # e2.parent = e1
- # e2.root_node == e0 # => true
- #
- # When the element has no ancestor elements,
- # returns +self+:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e.root_node == e # => true
- #
- # Related: #root, #document.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#430
- def root_node; end
- # :call-seq:
- # text(xpath = nil) -> text_string or nil
- #
- # Returns the text string from the first text node child
- # in a specified element, if it exists, # +nil+ otherwise.
- #
- # With no argument, returns the text from the first text node in +self+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new " some text this is bold! more text
- # d.root.text.class # => String
- # d.root.text # => "some text "
- #
- # With argument +xpath+, returns text from the the first text node
- # in the element that matches +xpath+:
- #
- # d.root.text(1) # => "this is bold!"
- #
- # Note that an element may have multiple text nodes,
- # possibly separated by other non-text children, as above.
- # Even so, the returned value is the string text from the first such node.
- #
- # Note also that the text note is retrieved by method get_text,
- # and so is always normalized text.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1029
- def text(path = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # text = string -> string
- # text = nil -> nil
- #
- # Adds, replaces, or removes the first text node child in the element.
- #
- # With string argument +string+,
- # creates a new \REXML::Text node containing that string,
- # honoring the current settings for whitespace and row,
- # then places the node as the first text child in the element;
- # returns +string+.
- #
- # If the element has no text child, the text node is added:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new ' '
- # d.root.text = 'foo' #-> ' foo '
- #
- # If the element has a text child, it is replaced:
- #
- # d.root.text = 'bar' #-> ' bar '
- #
- # With argument +nil+, removes the first text child:
- #
- # d.root.text = nil #-> ' '
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1088
- def text=(text); end
- # :call-seq:
- # texts -> array_of_text_children
- #
- # Returns a frozen array of the REXML::Text children of the element:
- #
- # xml_string = ' text more '
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # ts = d.root.texts
- # ts.frozen? # => true
- # ts.map {|t| t.class } # => [REXML::Text, REXML::Text]
- # ts.map {|t| t.to_s } # => ["text", "more"]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1482
- def texts; end
- # :call-seq:
- # whitespace
- #
- # Returns +true+ if whitespace is respected for this element,
- # +false+ otherwise.
- #
- # See {Element Context}[../doc/rexml/context_rdoc.html].
- #
- # The evaluation is tested against the element's +expanded_name+,
- # and so is namespace-sensitive.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#493
- def whitespace; end
- # See REXML::Formatters
- #
- # Writes out this element, and recursively, all children.
- # output::
- # output an object which supports '<< string'; this is where the
- # document will be written.
- # indent::
- # An integer. If -1, no indenting will be used; otherwise, the
- # indentation will be this number of spaces, and children will be
- # indented an additional amount. Defaults to -1
- # transitive::
- # If transitive is true and indent is >= 0, then the output will be
- # pretty-printed in such a way that the added whitespace does not affect
- # the parse tree of the document
- # ie_hack::
- # This hack inserts a space before the /> on empty tags to address
- # a limitation of Internet Explorer. Defaults to false
- #
- # out = ''
- # doc.write( out ) #-> doc is written to the string 'out'
- # doc.write( $stdout ) #-> doc written to the console
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1508
- def write(output = T.unsafe(nil), indent = T.unsafe(nil), transitive = T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # xpath -> string_xpath
- #
- # Returns the string xpath to the element
- # relative to the most distant parent:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(' ')
- # a = d.root # => ... >
- # b = a[0] # => ... >
- # c = b[0] # =>
- # d.xpath # => ""
- # a.xpath # => "/a"
- # b.xpath # => "/a/b"
- # c.xpath # => "/a/b/c"
- #
- # If there is no parent, returns the expanded name of the element:
- #
- # e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e.xpath # => "foo"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1191
- def xpath; end
- private
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1525
- def __to_xpath_helper(node); end
- # A private helper method
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1540
- def each_with_something(test, max = T.unsafe(nil), name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#261
-class REXML::ElementDecl < ::REXML::Declaration
- # @return [ElementDecl] a new instance of ElementDecl
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#262
- def initialize(src); end
-# A class which provides filtering of children for Elements, and
-# XPath search support. You are expected to only encounter this class as
-# the element.elements object. Therefore, you are
-# _not_ expected to instantiate this yourself.
-# xml_string = <<-EOT
-# Everyday Italian
-# Giada De Laurentiis
-# 2005
-# 30.00
-# Harry Potter
-# J K. Rowling
-# 2005
-# 29.99
-# XQuery Kick Start
-# James McGovern
-# Per Bothner
-# Kurt Cagle
-# James Linn
-# Vaidyanathan Nagarajan
-# 2003
-# 49.99
-# Learning XML
-# Erik T. Ray
-# 2003
-# 39.95
-# EOT
-# d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
-# elements = d.root.elements
-# elements # => # ... >>
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1595
-class REXML::Elements
- include ::Enumerable
- # :call-seq:
- # new(parent) -> new_elements_object
- #
- # Returns a new \Elements object with the given +parent+.
- # Does _not_ assign parent.elements = self :
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # eles = REXML::Elements.new(d.root)
- # eles # => # ... >>
- # eles == d.root.elements # => false
- #
- # @return [Elements] a new instance of Elements
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1608
- def initialize(parent); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add -> new_element
- # add(name) -> new_element
- # add(element) -> element
- #
- # Adds an element; returns the element added.
- #
- # With no argument, creates and adds a new element.
- # The new element has:
- #
- # - No name.
- # - \Parent from the \Elements object.
- # - Context from the that parent.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # parent = elements.parent # => ... >
- # parent.context = {raw: :all}
- # elements.size # => 4
- # new_element = elements.add # => >
- # elements.size # => 5
- # new_element.name # => nil
- # new_element.parent # => ... >
- # new_element.context # => {:raw=>:all}
- #
- # With string argument +name+, creates and adds a new element.
- # The new element has:
- #
- # - Name +name+.
- # - \Parent from the \Elements object.
- # - Context from the that parent.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # parent = elements.parent # => ... >
- # parent.context = {raw: :all}
- # elements.size # => 4
- # new_element = elements.add('foo') # =>
- # elements.size # => 5
- # new_element.name # => "foo"
- # new_element.parent # => ... >
- # new_element.context # => {:raw=>:all}
- #
- # With argument +element+,
- # creates and adds a clone of the given +element+.
- # The new element has name, parent, and context from the given +element+.
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # elements.size # => 4
- # e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar', e0, {raw: :all})
- # element = elements.add(e1) # =>
- # elements.size # => 5
- # element.name # => "bar"
- # element.parent # => ... >
- # element.context # => {:raw=>:all}
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1925
- def <<(element = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # elements[index] -> element or nil
- # elements[xpath] -> element or nil
- # elements[n, name] -> element or nil
- #
- # Returns the first \Element object selected by the arguments,
- # if any found, or +nil+ if none found.
- #
- # Notes:
- # - The +index+ is 1-based, not 0-based, so that:
- # - The first element has index 1
- # - The _nth_ element has index +n+.
- # - The selection ignores non-\Element nodes.
- #
- # When the single argument +index+ is given,
- # returns the element given by the index, if any; otherwise, +nil+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # eles = d.root.elements
- # eles # => # ... >>
- # eles[1] # => ... >
- # eles.size # => 4
- # eles[4] # => ... >
- # eles[5] # => nil
- #
- # The node at this index is not an \Element, and so is not returned:
- #
- # eles = d.root.first.first # => ... >
- # eles.to_a # => ["Everyday Italian"]
- # eles[1] # => nil
- #
- # When the single argument +xpath+ is given,
- # returns the first element found via that +xpath+, if any; otherwise, +nil+:
- #
- # eles = d.root.elements # => # ... >>
- # eles['/bookstore'] # => ... >
- # eles['//book'] # => ... >
- # eles['//book [@category="children"]'] # => ... >
- # eles['/nosuch'] # => nil
- # eles['//nosuch'] # => nil
- # eles['//book [@category="nosuch"]'] # => nil
- # eles['.'] # => ... >
- # eles['..'].class # => REXML::Document
- #
- # With arguments +n+ and +name+ given,
- # returns the _nth_ found element that has the given +name+,
- # or +nil+ if there is no such _nth_ element:
- #
- # eles = d.root.elements # => # ... >>
- # eles[1, 'book'] # => ... >
- # eles[4, 'book'] # => ... >
- # eles[5, 'book'] # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1680
- def [](index, name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # elements[] = index, replacement_element -> replacement_element or nil
- #
- # Replaces or adds an element.
- #
- # When eles[index] exists, replaces it with +replacement_element+
- # and returns +replacement_element+:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # eles = d.root.elements # => # ... >>
- # eles[1] # => ... >
- # eles[1] = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # eles[1] # =>
- #
- # Does nothing (or raises an exception)
- # if +replacement_element+ is not an \Element:
- # eles[2] # => ... >
- # eles[2] = REXML::Text.new('bar')
- # eles[2] # => ... >
- #
- # When eles[index] does not exist,
- # adds +replacement_element+ to the element and returns
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # eles = d.root.elements # => # ... >>
- # eles.size # => 4
- # eles[50] = REXML::Element.new('foo') # =>
- # eles.size # => 5
- # eles[5] # =>
- #
- # Does nothing (or raises an exception)
- # if +replacement_element+ is not an \Element:
- #
- # eles[50] = REXML::Text.new('bar') # => "bar"
- # eles.size # => 5
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1735
- def []=(index, element); end
- # :call-seq:
- # add -> new_element
- # add(name) -> new_element
- # add(element) -> element
- #
- # Adds an element; returns the element added.
- #
- # With no argument, creates and adds a new element.
- # The new element has:
- #
- # - No name.
- # - \Parent from the \Elements object.
- # - Context from the that parent.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # parent = elements.parent # => ... >
- # parent.context = {raw: :all}
- # elements.size # => 4
- # new_element = elements.add # => >
- # elements.size # => 5
- # new_element.name # => nil
- # new_element.parent # => ... >
- # new_element.context # => {:raw=>:all}
- #
- # With string argument +name+, creates and adds a new element.
- # The new element has:
- #
- # - Name +name+.
- # - \Parent from the \Elements object.
- # - Context from the that parent.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # parent = elements.parent # => ... >
- # parent.context = {raw: :all}
- # elements.size # => 4
- # new_element = elements.add('foo') # =>
- # elements.size # => 5
- # new_element.name # => "foo"
- # new_element.parent # => ... >
- # new_element.context # => {:raw=>:all}
- #
- # With argument +element+,
- # creates and adds a clone of the given +element+.
- # The new element has name, parent, and context from the given +element+.
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # elements.size # => 4
- # e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
- # e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar', e0, {raw: :all})
- # element = elements.add(e1) # =>
- # elements.size # => 5
- # element.name # => "bar"
- # element.parent # => ... >
- # element.context # => {:raw=>:all}
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1925
- def add(element = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # collect(xpath = nil) {|element| ... } -> array
- #
- # Iterates over the elements; returns the array of block return values.
- #
- # With no argument, iterates over all elements:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # elements.collect {|element| element.size } # => [9, 9, 17, 9]
- #
- # With argument +xpath+, iterates over elements that match
- # the given +xpath+:
- #
- # xpath = '//book [@category="web"]'
- # elements.collect(xpath) {|element| element.size } # => [17, 9]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1988
- def collect(xpath = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # delete(index) -> removed_element or nil
- # delete(element) -> removed_element or nil
- # delete(xpath) -> removed_element or nil
- #
- # Removes an element; returns the removed element, or +nil+ if none removed.
- #
- # With integer argument +index+ given,
- # removes the child element at that offset:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # elements.size # => 4
- # elements[2] # => ... >
- # elements.delete(2) # => ... >
- # elements.size # => 3
- # elements[2] # => ... >
- # elements.delete(50) # => nil
- #
- # With element argument +element+ given,
- # removes that child element:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # ele_1, ele_2, ele_3, ele_4 = *elements
- # elements.size # => 4
- # elements[2] # => ... >
- # elements.delete(ele_2) # => ... >
- # elements.size # => 3
- # elements[2] # => ... >
- # elements.delete(ele_2) # => nil
- #
- # With string argument +xpath+ given,
- # removes the first element found via that xpath:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # elements.delete('//book') # => ... >
- # elements.delete('//book [@category="children"]') # => ... >
- # elements.delete('//nosuch') # => nil
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1825
- def delete(element); end
- # :call-seq:
- # delete_all(xpath)
- #
- # Removes all elements found via the given +xpath+;
- # returns the array of removed elements, if any, else +nil+.
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # elements.size # => 4
- # deleted_elements = elements.delete_all('//book [@category="web"]')
- # deleted_elements.size # => 2
- # elements.size # => 2
- # deleted_elements = elements.delete_all('//book')
- # deleted_elements.size # => 2
- # elements.size # => 0
- # elements.delete_all('//book') # => []
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1851
- def delete_all(xpath); end
- # :call-seq:
- # each(xpath = nil) {|element| ... } -> self
- #
- # Iterates over the elements.
- #
- # With no argument, calls the block with each element:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # elements.each {|element| p element }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ... >
- # ... >
- # ... >
- # ... >
- #
- # With argument +xpath+, calls the block with each element
- # that matches the given +xpath+:
- #
- # elements.each('//book [@category="web"]') {|element| p element }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ... >
- # ... >
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1967
- def each(xpath = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # empty? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true+ if there are no children, +false+ otherwise.
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new('')
- # d.elements.empty? # => true
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # d.elements.empty? # => false
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1755
- def empty?; end
- # :call-seq:
- # index(element)
- #
- # Returns the 1-based index of the given +element+, if found;
- # otherwise, returns -1:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # ele_1, ele_2, ele_3, ele_4 = *elements
- # elements.index(ele_4) # => 4
- # elements.delete(ele_3)
- # elements.index(ele_4) # => 3
- # elements.index(ele_3) # => -1
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1773
- def index(element); end
- # :call-seq:
- # inject(xpath = nil, initial = nil) -> object
- #
- # Calls the block with elements; returns the last block return value.
- #
- # With no argument, iterates over the elements, calling the block
- # elements.size - 1 times.
- #
- # - The first call passes the first and second elements.
- # - The second call passes the first block return value and the third element.
- # - The third call passes the second block return value and the fourth element.
- # - And so on.
- #
- # In this example, the block returns the passed element,
- # which is then the object argument to the next call:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # elements.inject do |object, element|
- # p [elements.index(object), elements.index(element)]
- # element
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # [1, 2]
- # [2, 3]
- # [3, 4]
- #
- # With the single argument +xpath+, calls the block only with
- # elements matching that xpath:
- #
- # elements.inject('//book [@category="web"]') do |object, element|
- # p [elements.index(object), elements.index(element)]
- # element
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # [3, 4]
- #
- # With argument +xpath+ given as +nil+
- # and argument +initial+ also given,
- # calls the block once for each element.
- #
- # - The first call passes the +initial+ and the first element.
- # - The second call passes the first block return value and the second element.
- # - The third call passes the second block return value and the third element.
- # - And so on.
- #
- # In this example, the first object index is -1
- #
- # elements.inject(nil, 'Initial') do |object, element|
- # p [elements.index(object), elements.index(element)]
- # element
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # [-1, 1]
- # [1, 2]
- # [2, 3]
- # [3, 4]
- #
- # In this form the passed object can be used as an accumulator:
- #
- # elements.inject(nil, 0) do |total, element|
- # total += element.size
- # end # => 44
- #
- # With both arguments +xpath+ and +initial+ are given,
- # calls the block only with elements matching that xpath:
- #
- # elements.inject('//book [@category="web"]', 0) do |total, element|
- # total += element.size
- # end # => 26
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2073
- def inject(xpath = T.unsafe(nil), initial = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # :call-seq:
- # parent
- #
- # Returns the parent element cited in creating the \Elements object.
- # This element is also the default starting point for searching
- # in the \Elements object.
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
- # elements = REXML::Elements.new(d.root)
- # elements.parent == d.root # => true
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#1623
- def parent; end
- # :call-seq:
- # size -> integer
- #
- # Returns the count of \Element children:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new 'sean elliott russell '
- # d.root.elements.size # => 3 # Three elements.
- # d.root.size # => 6 # Three elements plus three text nodes..
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2097
- def size; end
- # :call-seq:
- # to_a(xpath = nil) -> array_of_elements
- #
- # Returns an array of element children (not including non-element children).
- #
- # With no argument, returns an array of all element children:
- #
- # d = REXML::Document.new 'sean elliott '
- # elements = d.root.elements
- # elements.to_a # => [ , ] # Omits non-element children.
- # children = d.root.children
- # children # => ["sean", , "elliott", ] # Includes non-element children.
- #
- # With argument +xpath+, returns an array of element children
- # that match the xpath:
- #
- # elements.to_a('//c') # => [ ]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2121
- def to_a(xpath = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # Private helper class. Removes quotes from quoted strings
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/element.rb#2129
- def literalize(name); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/encoding.rb#4
-module REXML::Encoding
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/encoding.rb#29
- def decode(string); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/encoding.rb#25
- def encode(string); end
- # ID ---> Encoding name
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/encoding.rb#6
- def encoding; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/encoding.rb#7
- def encoding=(encoding); end
- private
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/encoding.rb#34
- def find_encoding(name); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#7
-class REXML::Entity < ::REXML::Child
- include ::REXML::XMLTokens
- # Create a new entity. Simple entities can be constructed by passing a
- # name, value to the constructor; this creates a generic, plain entity
- # reference. For anything more complicated, you have to pass a Source to
- # the constructor with the entity definition, or use the accessor methods.
- # +WARNING+: There is no validation of entity state except when the entity
- # is read from a stream. If you start poking around with the accessors,
- # you can easily create a non-conformant Entity.
- #
- # e = Entity.new( 'amp', '&' )
- #
- # @return [Entity] a new instance of Entity
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#33
- def initialize(stream, value = T.unsafe(nil), parent = T.unsafe(nil), reference = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute external.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#22
- def external; end
- # Returns the value of attribute name.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#22
- def name; end
- # Returns the value of attribute ndata.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#22
- def ndata; end
- # Returns the value of this entity unprocessed -- raw. This is the
- # normalized value; that is, with all %ent; and &ent; entities intact
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#85
- def normalized; end
- # Returns the value of attribute pubid.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#22
- def pubid; end
- # Returns the value of attribute ref.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#22
- def ref; end
- # Returns this entity as a string. See write().
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#119
- def to_s; end
- # Evaluates to the unnormalized value of this entity; that is, replacing
- # all entities -- both %ent; and &ent; entities. This differs from
- # +value()+ in that +value+ only replaces %ent; entities.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#73
- def unnormalized; end
- # Returns the value of this entity. At the moment, only internal entities
- # are processed. If the value contains internal references (IE,
- # %blah;), those are replaced with their values. IE, if the doctype
- # contains:
- #
- #
- # then:
- # doctype.entity('yada').value #-> "nanoo bar nanoo"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#134
- def value; end
- # Write out a fully formed, correct entity definition (assuming the Entity
- # object itself is valid.)
- #
- # out::
- # An object implementing << to which the entity will be
- # output
- # indent::
- # *DEPRECATED* and ignored
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#97
- def write(out, indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # Evaluates whether the given string matches an entity definition,
- # returning true if so, and false otherwise.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/entity.rb#66
- def matches?(string); end
- end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#267
-class REXML::ExternalEntity < ::REXML::Child
- # @return [ExternalEntity] a new instance of ExternalEntity
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#268
- def initialize(src); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#272
- def to_s; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#275
- def write(output, indent); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb#5
-class REXML::Formatters::Default
- # Prints out the XML document with no formatting -- except if ie_hack is
- # set.
- #
- # ie_hack::
- # If set to true, then inserts whitespace before the close of an empty
- # tag, so that IE's bad XML parser doesn't choke.
- #
- # @return [Default] a new instance of Default
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb#12
- def initialize(ie_hack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Writes the node to some output.
- #
- # node::
- # The node to write
- # output::
- # A class implementing << . Pass in an Output object to
- # change the output encoding.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb#23
- def write(node, output); end
- protected
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb#98
- def write_cdata(node, output); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb#92
- def write_comment(node, output); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb#61
- def write_document(node, output); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb#65
- def write_element(node, output); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb#104
- def write_instruction(node, output); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb#88
- def write_text(node, output); end
-# Pretty-prints an XML document. This destroys whitespace in text nodes
-# and will insert carriage returns and indentations.
-# TODO: Add an option to print attributes on new lines
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#10
-class REXML::Formatters::Pretty < ::REXML::Formatters::Default
- # Create a new pretty printer.
- #
- # output::
- # An object implementing '<<(String)', to which the output will be written.
- # indentation::
- # An integer greater than 0. The indentation of each level will be
- # this number of spaces. If this is < 1, the behavior of this object
- # is undefined. Defaults to 2.
- # ie_hack::
- # If true, the printer will insert whitespace before closing empty
- # tags, thereby allowing Internet Explorer's XML parser to
- # function. Defaults to false.
- #
- # @return [Pretty] a new instance of Pretty
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#30
- def initialize(indentation = T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # If compact is set to true, then the formatter will attempt to use as
- # little space as possible
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#14
- def compact; end
- # If compact is set to true, then the formatter will attempt to use as
- # little space as possible
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#14
- def compact=(_arg0); end
- # The width of a page. Used for formatting text
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#16
- def width; end
- # The width of a page. Used for formatting text
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#16
- def width=(_arg0); end
- protected
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#102
- def write_cdata(node, output); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#97
- def write_comment(node, output); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#107
- def write_document(node, output); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#39
- def write_element(node, output); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#88
- def write_text(node, output); end
- private
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#124
- def indent_text(string, level = T.unsafe(nil), style = T.unsafe(nil), indentfirstline = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb#129
- def wrap(string, width); end
-# A Source that wraps an IO. See the Source class for method
-# documentation
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#159
-class REXML::IOSource < ::REXML::Source
- # block_size has been deprecated
- #
- # @return [IOSource] a new instance of IOSource
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#163
- def initialize(arg, block_size = T.unsafe(nil), encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#215
- def consume(pattern); end
- # @return the current line in the source
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#244
- def current_line; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#235
- def empty?; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#219
- def match(pattern, cons = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#239
- def position; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#207
- def read; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#184
- def scan(pattern, cons = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#286
- def encoding_updated; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#266
- def readline; end
-# Represents an XML Instruction; IE, ... ?>
-# TODO: Add parent arg (3rd arg) to constructor
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#9
-class REXML::Instruction < ::REXML::Child
- # Constructs a new Instruction
- # the target of this instruction is set to this. If an Instruction,
- # then the Instruction is shallowly cloned (target and content are
- # copied).
- # be a Parent if the target argument is a Source. Otherwise, this
- # String is set as the content of this instruction.
- #
- # @param target can be one of a number of things. If String, then
- # @param content Must be either a String, or a Parent. Can only
- # @return [Instruction] a new instance of Instruction
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#25
- def initialize(target, content = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # of the other matches the target and content of this object.
- #
- # @return true if other is an Instruction, and the content and target
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#65
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#44
- def clone; end
- # target is the "name" of the Instruction; IE, the "tag" in
- # content is everything else.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#15
- def content; end
- # target is the "name" of the Instruction; IE, the "tag" in
- # content is everything else.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#15
- def content=(_arg0); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#75
- def inspect; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#71
- def node_type; end
- # target is the "name" of the Instruction; IE, the "tag" in
- # content is everything else.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#15
- def target; end
- # target is the "name" of the Instruction; IE, the "tag" in
- # content is everything else.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#15
- def target=(_arg0); end
- # See the rexml/formatters package
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/instruction.rb#51
- def write(writer, indent = T.unsafe(nil), transitive = T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#280
-class REXML::NotationDecl < ::REXML::Child
- # @return [NotationDecl] a new instance of NotationDecl
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#282
- def initialize(name, middle, pub, sys); end
- # This method retrieves the name of the notation.
- #
- # Method contributed by Henrik Martensson
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#307
- def name; end
- # Returns the value of attribute public.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#281
- def public; end
- # Sets the attribute public
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute public to.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#281
- def public=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute system.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#281
- def system; end
- # Sets the attribute system
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute system to.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#281
- def system=(_arg0); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#290
- def to_s; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#300
- def write(output, indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/output.rb#5
-class REXML::Output
- include ::REXML::Encoding
- # @return [Output] a new instance of Output
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/output.rb#10
- def initialize(real_IO, encd = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/output.rb#22
- def <<(content); end
- # Returns the value of attribute encoding.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/output.rb#8
- def encoding; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/output.rb#26
- def to_s; end
-# A parent has children, and has methods for accessing them. The Parent
-# class is never encountered except as the superclass for some other
-# object.
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#8
-class REXML::Parent < ::REXML::Child
- include ::Enumerable
- # Constructor
- #
- # @param parent if supplied, will be set as the parent of this object
- # @return [Parent] a new instance of Parent
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#13
- def initialize(parent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#18
- def <<(object); end
- # Fetches a child at a given index
- #
- # @param index the Integer index of the child to fetch
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#57
- def [](index); end
- # Set an index entry. See Array.[]=
- #
- # @param index the index of the element to set
- # @param opt either the object to set, or an Integer length
- # @param child if opt is an Integer, this is the child to set
- # @return the parent (self)
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#70
- def []=(*args); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#18
- def add(object); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#115
- def children; end
- # Deeply clones this object. This creates a complete duplicate of this
- # Parent, including all descendants.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#148
- def deep_clone; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#32
- def delete(object); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#47
- def delete_at(index); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#43
- def delete_if(&block); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#39
- def each(&block); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#39
- def each_child(&block); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#51
- def each_index(&block); end
- # Fetches the index of a given child
- # of this parent.
- #
- # @param child the child to get the index of
- # @return the index of the child, or nil if the object is not a child
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#123
- def index(child); end
- # Inserts an child after another child
- # child2 will be inserted after child1 in the child list of the parent.
- # If an xpath, child2 will be inserted after the first child to match
- # the xpath.
- #
- # @param child1 this is either an xpath or an Element. If an Element,
- # @param child2 the child to insert
- # @return the parent (self)
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#102
- def insert_after(child1, child2); end
- # Inserts an child before another child
- # child2 will be inserted before child1 in the child list of the parent.
- # If an xpath, child2 will be inserted before the first child to match
- # the xpath.
- #
- # @param child1 this is either an xpath or an Element. If an Element,
- # @param child2 the child to insert
- # @return the parent (self)
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#82
- def insert_before(child1, child2); end
- # @return the number of children of this parent
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#130
- def length; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#162
- def parent?; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#18
- def push(object); end
- # Replaces one child with another, making sure the nodelist is correct
- # Child)
- #
- # @param to_replace the child to replace (must be a Child)
- # @param replacement the child to insert into the nodelist (must be a
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#140
- def replace_child(to_replace, replacement); end
- # @return the number of children of this parent
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#130
- def size; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#115
- def to_a; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parent.rb#27
- def unshift(object); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#3
-class REXML::ParseException < ::RuntimeError
- # @return [ParseException] a new instance of ParseException
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#6
- def initialize(message, source = T.unsafe(nil), parser = T.unsafe(nil), exception = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#48
- def context; end
- # Returns the value of attribute continued_exception.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#4
- def continued_exception; end
- # Sets the attribute continued_exception
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute continued_exception to.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#4
- def continued_exception=(_arg0); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#43
- def line; end
- # Returns the value of attribute parser.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#4
- def parser; end
- # Sets the attribute parser
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute parser to.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#4
- def parser=(_arg0); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#38
- def position; end
- # Returns the value of attribute source.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#4
- def source; end
- # Sets the attribute source
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute source to.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#4
- def source=(_arg0); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parseexception.rb#13
- def to_s; end
-# = Using the Pull Parser
-# This API is experimental, and subject to change.
-# parser = PullParser.new( "text txet " )
-# while parser.has_next?
-# res = parser.next
-# puts res[1]['att'] if res.start_tag? and res[0] == 'b'
-# end
-# See the PullEvent class for information on the content of the results.
-# The data is identical to the arguments passed for the various events to
-# the StreamListener API.
-# Notice that:
-# parser = PullParser.new( "BAD DOCUMENT" )
-# while parser.has_next?
-# res = parser.next
-# raise res[1] if res.error?
-# end
-# Nat Price gave me some good ideas for the API.
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#29
-class REXML::Parsers::BaseParser
- # @return [BaseParser] a new instance of BaseParser
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#115
- def initialize(source); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#120
- def add_listener(listener); end
- # Returns true if there are no more events
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#146
- def empty?; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#438
- def entity(reference, entities); end
- # Returns true if there are more events. Synonymous with !empty?
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#151
- def has_next?; end
- # Escapes all possible entities
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#449
- def normalize(input, entities = T.unsafe(nil), entity_filter = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Peek at the +depth+ event in the stack. The first element on the stack
- # is at depth 0. If +depth+ is -1, will parse to the end of the input
- # stream and return the last event, which is always :end_document.
- # Be aware that this causes the stream to be parsed up to the +depth+
- # event, so you can effectively pre-parse the entire document (pull the
- # entire thing into memory) using this method.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#167
- def peek(depth = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#136
- def position; end
- # Returns the next event. This is a +PullEvent+ object.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#182
- def pull; end
- # Returns the value of attribute source.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#124
- def source; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#126
- def stream=(source); end
- # Unescapes all possible entities
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#465
- def unnormalize(string, entities = T.unsafe(nil), filter = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Push an event back on the head of the stream. This method
- # has (theoretically) infinite depth.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#157
- def unshift(token); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#495
- def need_source_encoding_update?(xml_declaration_encoding); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#589
- def parse_attributes(prefixes, curr_ns); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#514
- def parse_id(base_error_message, accept_external_id:, accept_public_id:); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#542
- def parse_id_invalid_details(accept_external_id:, accept_public_id:); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#501
- def parse_name(base_error_message); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#580
- def process_instruction; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#190
- def pull_event; end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#102
-REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::EXTERNAL_ID_PUBLIC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#103
-REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::EXTERNAL_ID_SYSTEM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#104
-REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::PUBLIC_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#38
-REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::QNAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb#37
-REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::QNAME_STR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb#6
-class REXML::Parsers::StreamParser
- # @return [StreamParser] a new instance of StreamParser
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb#7
- def initialize(source, listener); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb#13
- def add_listener(listener); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb#17
- def parse; end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb#7
-class REXML::Parsers::TreeParser
- # @return [TreeParser] a new instance of TreeParser
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb#8
- def initialize(source, build_context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb#13
- def add_listener(listener); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb#17
- def parse; end
-# You don't want to use this class. Really. Use XPath, which is a wrapper
-# for this class. Believe me. You don't want to poke around in here.
-# There is strange, dark magic at work in this code. Beware. Go back! Go
-# back while you still can!
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#11
-class REXML::Parsers::XPathParser
- include ::REXML::XMLTokens
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#41
- def abbreviate(path); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#99
- def expand(path); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#15
- def namespaces=(namespaces); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#20
- def parse(path); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#35
- def predicate(path); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#138
- def predicate_to_string(path, &block); end
- private
- # | AdditiveExpr ('+' | '-') MultiplicativeExpr
- # | MultiplicativeExpr
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#455
- def AdditiveExpr(path, parsed); end
- # | AndExpr S 'and' S EqualityExpr
- # | EqualityExpr
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#388
- def AndExpr(path, parsed); end
- # | EqualityExpr ('=' | '!=') RelationalExpr
- # | RelationalExpr
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#407
- def EqualityExpr(path, parsed); end
- # | FilterExpr Predicate
- # | PrimaryExpr
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#558
- def FilterExpr(path, parsed); end
- # | FUNCTION_NAME '(' ( expr ( ',' expr )* )? ')'
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#613
- def FunctionCall(rest, parsed); end
- # LocationPath
- # | RelativeLocationPath
- # | '/' RelativeLocationPath?
- # | '//' RelativeLocationPath
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#193
- def LocationPath(path, parsed); end
- # | MultiplicativeExpr ('*' | S ('div' | 'mod') S) UnaryExpr
- # | UnaryExpr
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#478
- def MultiplicativeExpr(path, parsed); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#293
- def NodeTest(path, parsed); end
- # | OrExpr S 'or' S AndExpr
- # | AndExpr
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#369
- def OrExpr(path, parsed); end
- # | LocationPath
- # | FilterExpr ('/' | '//') RelativeLocationPath
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#540
- def PathExpr(path, parsed); end
- # Filters the supplied nodeset on the predicate(s)
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#345
- def Predicate(path, parsed); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#576
- def PrimaryExpr(path, parsed); end
- # | RelationalExpr ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') AdditiveExpr
- # | AdditiveExpr
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#430
- def RelationalExpr(path, parsed); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#217
- def RelativeLocationPath(path, parsed); end
- # | '-' UnaryExpr
- # | UnionExpr
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#503
- def UnaryExpr(path, parsed); end
- # | UnionExpr '|' PathExpr
- # | PathExpr
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#521
- def UnionExpr(path, parsed); end
- # get_group( '[foo]bar' ) -> ['bar', '[foo]']
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#626
- def get_group(string); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#644
- def parse_args(string); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#289
-REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::LOCAL_NAME_WILDCARD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Returns a 1-1 map of the nodeset
-# The contents of the resulting array are either:
-# true/false, if a positive match
-# String, if a name match
-# NodeTest
-# | ('*' | NCNAME ':' '*' | QNAME) NameTest
-# | '*' ':' NCNAME NameTest since XPath 2.0
-# | NODE_TYPE '(' ')' NodeType
-# | PI '(' LITERAL ')' PI
-# | '[' expr ']' Predicate
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb#288
-REXML::Parsers::XPathParser::PREFIX_WILDCARD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#10
-class REXML::ReferenceWriter
- # @return [ReferenceWriter] a new instance of ReferenceWriter
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#11
- def initialize(id_type, public_id_literal, system_literal, context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/doctype.rb#25
- def write(output); end
-# A Source can be searched for patterns, and wraps buffers and other
-# objects and provides consumption of text
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#31
-class REXML::Source
- include ::REXML::Encoding
- # Constructor
- # value, overriding all encoding detection
- #
- # @param arg must be a String, and should be a valid XML document
- # @param encoding if non-null, sets the encoding of the source to this
- # @return [Source] a new instance of Source
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#43
- def initialize(arg, encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # The current buffer (what we're going to read next)
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#34
- def buffer; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#87
- def consume(pattern); end
- # @return the current line in the source
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#117
- def current_line; end
- # @return [Boolean] true if the Source is exhausted
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#108
- def empty?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute encoding.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#37
- def encoding; end
- # Inherited from Encoding
- # Overridden to support optimized en/decoding
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#56
- def encoding=(enc); end
- # The line number of the last consumed text
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#36
- def line; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#101
- def match(pattern, cons = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#91
- def match_to(char, pattern); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#95
- def match_to_consume(char, pattern); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#112
- def position; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#84
- def read; end
- # Scans the source for a given pattern. Note, that this is not your
- # usual scan() method. For one thing, the pattern argument has some
- # requirements; for another, the source can be consumed. You can easily
- # confuse this method. Originally, the patterns were easier
- # to construct and this method more robust, because this method
- # generated search regexps on the fly; however, this was
- # computationally expensive and slowed down the entire REXML package
- # considerably, since this is by far the most commonly called method.
- # /^\s*(#{your pattern, with no groups})(.*)/. The first group
- # will be returned; the second group is used if the consume flag is
- # set.
- # everything after it in the Source.
- # pattern is not found.
- #
- # @param pattern must be a Regexp, and must be in the form of
- # @param consume if true, the pattern returned will be consumed, leaving
- # @return the pattern, if found, or nil if the Source is empty or the
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#77
- def scan(pattern, cons = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#125
- def detect_encoding; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/source.rb#146
- def encoding_updated; end
-# Represents text nodes in an XML document
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#11
-class REXML::Text < ::REXML::Child
- include ::Comparable
- # Constructor
- # +arg+ if a String, the content is set to the String. If a Text,
- # the object is shallowly cloned.
- #
- # +respect_whitespace+ (boolean, false) if true, whitespace is
- # respected
- #
- # +parent+ (nil) if this is a Parent object, the parent
- # will be set to this.
- #
- # +raw+ (nil) This argument can be given three values.
- # If true, then the value of used to construct this object is expected to
- # contain no unescaped XML markup, and REXML will not change the text. If
- # this value is false, the string may contain any characters, and REXML will
- # escape any and all defined entities whose values are contained in the
- # text. If this value is nil (the default), then the raw value of the
- # parent will be used as the raw value for this node. If there is no raw
- # value for the parent, and no value is supplied, the default is false.
- # Use this field if you have entities defined for some text, and you don't
- # want REXML to escape that text in output.
- # Text.new( "<&", false, nil, false ) #-> "<&"
- # Text.new( "<&", false, nil, false ) #-> "<&"
- # Text.new( "<&", false, nil, true ) #-> Parse exception
- # Text.new( "<&", false, nil, true ) #-> "<&"
- # # Assume that the entity "s" is defined to be "sean"
- # # and that the entity "r" is defined to be "russell"
- # Text.new( "sean russell" ) #-> "&s; &r;"
- # Text.new( "sean russell", false, nil, true ) #-> "sean russell"
- #
- # +entity_filter+ (nil) This can be an array of entities to match in the
- # supplied text. This argument is only useful if +raw+ is set to false.
- # Text.new( "sean russell", false, nil, false, ["s"] ) #-> "&s; russell"
- # Text.new( "sean russell", false, nil, true, ["s"] ) #-> "sean russell"
- # In the last example, the +entity_filter+ argument is ignored.
- #
- # +illegal+ INTERNAL USE ONLY
- #
- # @return [Text] a new instance of Text
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#94
- def initialize(arg, respect_whitespace = T.unsafe(nil), parent = T.unsafe(nil), raw = T.unsafe(nil), entity_filter = T.unsafe(nil), illegal = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Appends text to this text node. The text is appended in the +raw+ mode
- # of this text node.
- #
- # +returns+ the text itself to enable method chain like
- # 'text << "XXX" << "YYY"'.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#194
- def <<(to_append); end
- # +other+ a String or a Text
- # +returns+ the result of (to_s <=> arg.to_s)
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#203
- def <=>(other); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#184
- def clone; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#207
- def doctype; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#179
- def empty?; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#278
- def indent_text(string, level = T.unsafe(nil), style = T.unsafe(nil), indentfirstline = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#233
- def inspect; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#175
- def node_type; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#125
- def parent=(parent); end
- # If +raw+ is true, then REXML leaves the value alone
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#21
- def raw; end
- # If +raw+ is true, then REXML leaves the value alone
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#21
- def raw=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the string value of this text node. This string is always
- # escaped, meaning that it is a valid XML text node string, and all
- # entities that can be escaped, have been inserted. This method respects
- # the entity filter set in the constructor.
- #
- # # Assume that the entity "s" is defined to be "sean", and that the
- # # entity "r" is defined to be "russell"
- # t = Text.new( "< & sean russell", false, nil, false, ['s'] )
- # t.to_s #-> "< & &s; russell"
- # t = Text.new( "< & &s; russell", false, nil, false )
- # t.to_s #-> "< & &s; russell"
- # u = Text.new( "sean russell", false, nil, true )
- # u.to_s #-> "sean russell"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#228
- def to_s; end
- # Returns the string value of this text. This is the text without
- # entities, as it might be used programmatically, or printed to the
- # console. This ignores the 'raw' attribute setting, and any
- # entity_filter.
- #
- # # Assume that the entity "s" is defined to be "sean", and that the
- # # entity "r" is defined to be "russell"
- # t = Text.new( "< & sean russell", false, nil, false, ['s'] )
- # t.value #-> "< & sean russell"
- # t = Text.new( "< & &s; russell", false, nil, false )
- # t.value #-> "< & sean russell"
- # u = Text.new( "sean russell", false, nil, true )
- # u.value #-> "sean russell"
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#250
- def value; end
- # Sets the contents of this text node. This expects the text to be
- # unnormalized. It returns self.
- #
- # e = Element.new( "a" )
- # e.add_text( "foo" ) # foo
- # e[0].value = "bar" # bar
- # e[0].value = "" # <a>
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#261
- def value=(val); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#267
- def wrap(string, width, addnewline = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # See REXML::Formatters
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#293
- def write(writer, indent = T.unsafe(nil), transitive = T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Writes out text, substituting special characters beforehand.
- # +out+ A String, IO, or any other object supporting <<( String )
- # +input+ the text to substitute and the write out
- #
- # z=utf8.unpack("U*")
- # ascOut=""
- # z.each{|r|
- # if r < 0x100
- # ascOut.concat(r.chr)
- # else
- # ascOut.concat(sprintf("%x;", r))
- # end
- # }
- # puts ascOut
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#325
- def write_with_substitution(out, input); end
- # This probably won't work properly
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#305
- def xpath; end
- private
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#338
- def clear_cache; end
- class << self
- # check for illegal characters
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#131
- def check(string, pattern, doctype); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#405
- def expand(ref, doctype, filter); end
- # Escapes all possible entities
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#370
- def normalize(input, doctype = T.unsafe(nil), entity_filter = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Reads text, substituting entities
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#344
- def read_with_substitution(input, illegal = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Unescapes all possible entities
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/text.rb#392
- def unnormalize(string, doctype = T.unsafe(nil), filter = T.unsafe(nil), illegal = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/undefinednamespaceexception.rb#4
-class REXML::UndefinedNamespaceException < ::REXML::ParseException
- # @return [UndefinedNamespaceException] a new instance of UndefinedNamespaceException
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/undefinednamespaceexception.rb#5
- def initialize(prefix, source, parser); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/validation/validationexception.rb#4
-class REXML::Validation::ValidationException < ::RuntimeError
- # @return [ValidationException] a new instance of ValidationException
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/validation/validationexception.rb#5
- def initialize(msg); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#8
-class REXML::XMLDecl < ::REXML::Child
- include ::REXML::Encoding
- # @return [XMLDecl] a new instance of XMLDecl
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#20
- def initialize(version = T.unsafe(nil), encoding = T.unsafe(nil), standalone = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#56
- def ==(other); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#39
- def clone; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#102
- def dowrite; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#76
- def encoding=(enc); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#106
- def inspect; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#69
- def node_type; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#98
- def nowrite; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/encoding.rb#7
- def old_enc=(encoding); end
- # Returns the value of attribute standalone.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#17
- def stand_alone?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute standalone.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#17
- def standalone; end
- # Sets the attribute standalone
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute standalone to.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#17
- def standalone=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute version.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#17
- def version; end
- # Sets the attribute version
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute version to.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#17
- def version=(_arg0); end
- # indent::
- # Ignored. There must be no whitespace before an XML declaration
- # transitive::
- # Ignored
- # ie_hack::
- # Ignored
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#49
- def write(writer, indent = T.unsafe(nil), transitive = T.unsafe(nil), ie_hack = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute writeencoding.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#18
- def writeencoding; end
- # Returns the value of attribute writethis.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#18
- def writethis; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#63
- def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone); end
- private
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#111
- def content(enc); end
- class << self
- # Only use this if you do not want the XML declaration to be written;
- # this object is ignored by the XML writer. Otherwise, instantiate your
- # own XMLDecl and add it to the document.
- #
- # Note that XML 1.1 documents *must* include an XML declaration
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb#92
- def default; end
- end
-# @private
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#959
-class REXML::XPathNode
- # @return [XPathNode] a new instance of XPathNode
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#961
- def initialize(node, context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute context.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#960
- def context; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#970
- def position; end
- # Returns the value of attribute raw_node.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#960
- def raw_node; end
-# You don't want to use this class. Really. Use XPath, which is a wrapper
-# for this class. Believe me. You don't want to poke around in here.
-# There is strange, dark magic at work in this code. Beware. Go back! Go
-# back while you still can!
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#54
-class REXML::XPathParser
- include ::REXML::XMLTokens
- # @return [XPathParser] a new instance of XPathParser
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#60
- def initialize(strict: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#94
- def []=(variable_name, value); end
- # Performs a depth-first (document order) XPath search, and returns the
- # first match. This is the fastest, lightest way to return a single result.
- #
- # FIXME: This method is incomplete!
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#103
- def first(path_stack, node); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#84
- def get_first(path, nodeset); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#139
- def match(path_stack, nodeset); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#69
- def namespaces=(namespaces = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#79
- def parse(path, nodeset); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#89
- def predicate(path, nodeset); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#74
- def variables=(vars = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#775
- def child(nodeset); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#916
- def compare(a, operator, b); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#678
- def descendant(nodeset, include_self); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#689
- def descendant_recursive(raw_node, new_nodeset, new_nodes, include_self); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#938
- def each_unnode(nodeset); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#637
- def enter(tag, *args); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#815
- def equality_relational_compare(set1, op, set2); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#591
- def evaluate_predicate(expression, nodesets); end
- # Expr takes a stack of path elements and a set of nodes (either a Parent
- # or an Array and returns an Array of matching nodes
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#175
- def expr(path_stack, nodeset, context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#582
- def filter_nodeset(nodeset); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#745
- def following(node); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#756
- def following_node_of(node); end
- # Returns a String namespace for a node, given a prefix
- # The rules are:
- #
- # 1. Use the supplied namespace mapping first.
- # 2. If no mapping was supplied, use the context node to look up the namespace
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#163
- def get_namespace(node, prefix); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#642
- def leave(tag, *args); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#763
- def next_sibling_node(node); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#477
- def node_test(path_stack, nodesets, any_type: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#802
- def norm(b); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#890
- def normalize_compare_values(a, operator, b); end
- # Builds a nodeset of all of the preceding nodes of the supplied node,
- # in reverse document order
- # preceding:: includes every element in the document that precedes this node,
- # except for ancestors
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#708
- def preceding(node); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#730
- def preceding_node_of(node); end
- # Reorders an array of nodes so that they are in document order
- # It tries to do this efficiently.
- #
- # FIXME: I need to get rid of this, but the issue is that most of the XPath
- # interpreter functions as a filter, which means that we lose context going
- # in and out of function calls. If I knew what the index of the nodes was,
- # I wouldn't have to do this. Maybe add a document IDX for each node?
- # Problems with mutable documents. Or, rewrite everything.
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#655
- def sort(array_of_nodes, order); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#441
- def step(path_stack, any_type: T.unsafe(nil), order: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#154
- def strict?; end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#630
- def trace(*args); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#950
- def unnode(nodeset); end
- # source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#877
- def value_type(value); end
-# source://rexml//lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb#58
-REXML::XPathParser::DEBUG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), FalseClass)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core@3.12.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core@3.13.0.rbi
similarity index 94%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core@3.12.0.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core@3.13.0.rbi
index 9a0c1c4e..bbbfd9f4 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core@3.12.0.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-core@3.13.0.rbi
@@ -4,16 +4,6 @@
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rspec-core` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rspec-core`.
-module ERB::Escape
- private
- def html_escape(_arg0); end
- class << self
- def html_escape(_arg0); end
- end
# Namespace for all core RSpec code.
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/version.rb#1
@@ -407,7 +397,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @return [Configuration] a new instance of Configuration
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#509
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#528
def initialize; end
# Adds a formatter to the set RSpec will use for this run.
@@ -424,7 +414,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# the configured `output_stream` (`$stdout`, by default) will be used.
# @see RSpec::Core::Formatters::Protocol
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#975
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#996
def add_formatter(formatter, output = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Adds a custom setting to the RSpec.configuration object.
@@ -453,7 +443,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @overload add_setting
# @param opts [Hash] a customizable set of options
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#638
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#659
def add_setting(name, opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Defines a `after` hook. See {Hooks#after} for full docs.
@@ -467,7 +457,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #before
# @see #prepend_before
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2004
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2025
def after(scope = T.unsafe(nil), *meta, &block); end
# Creates a method that defines an example group with the provided
@@ -497,7 +487,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #alias_example_to
# @see #expose_dsl_globally=
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1188
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1209
def alias_example_group_to(new_name, *args); end
# Creates a method that delegates to `example` including the submitted
@@ -532,7 +522,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @param name [String] example name alias
# @param args [Array, Hash] metadata for the generated example
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1156
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1177
def alias_example_to(name, *args); end
# Define an alias for it_should_behave_like that allows different
@@ -561,7 +551,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# in RSpec to define `it_should_behave_like` (for backward
# compatibility), but we also add docs for that method.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1219
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1240
def alias_it_behaves_like_to(new_name, report_label = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Define an alias for it_should_behave_like that allows different
@@ -590,7 +580,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# in RSpec to define `it_should_behave_like` (for backward
# compatibility), but we also add docs for that method.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1219
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1240
def alias_it_should_behave_like_to(new_name, report_label = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Adds `block` to the end of the list of `after` blocks in the same
@@ -608,7 +598,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #before
# @see #prepend_before
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2034
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2055
def append_after(scope = T.unsafe(nil), *meta, &block); end
# Defines a `before` hook. See {Hooks#before} for full docs.
@@ -622,20 +612,20 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #after
# @see #append_after
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1949
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1970
def append_before(scope = T.unsafe(nil), *meta, &block); end
# @private
# @raise [SystemStackError]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1914
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1935
def apply_derived_metadata_to(metadata); end
# Registers `block` as an `around` hook.
# See {Hooks#around} for full `around` hook docs.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2052
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2073
def around(scope = T.unsafe(nil), *meta, &block); end
# Regexps used to exclude lines from backtraces.
@@ -652,19 +642,19 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @return [Array]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#676
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#697
def backtrace_exclusion_patterns; end
# Set regular expressions used to exclude lines in backtrace.
- # @param patterns [Array] set backtrace_formatter exlusion_patterns
+ # @param patterns [Array] set backtrace_formatter exclusion_patterns
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#682
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#703
def backtrace_exclusion_patterns=(patterns); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#503
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#522
def backtrace_formatter; end
# Regexps used to include lines in backtraces.
@@ -678,14 +668,14 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @return [Array]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#695
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#716
def backtrace_inclusion_patterns; end
# Set regular expressions used to include lines in backtrace.
# @attr patterns [Array] set backtrace_formatter inclusion_patterns
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#701
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#722
def backtrace_inclusion_patterns=(patterns); end
# Defines a `before` hook. See {Hooks#before} for full docs.
@@ -699,7 +689,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #after
# @see #append_after
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1949
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1970
def before(scope = T.unsafe(nil), *meta, &block); end
# Determines which bisect runner implementation gets used to run subsets
@@ -721,15 +711,15 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# loaded via `--require`.
# @return [Symbol]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#480
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#499
def bisect_runner; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#481
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#500
def bisect_runner=(value); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2098
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2119
def bisect_runner_class; end
# Enables color output if the output is a TTY. As of RSpec 3.6, this is
@@ -743,7 +733,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see color_mode
# @see color_enabled?
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#901
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#922
def color; end
# Toggle output color.
@@ -752,7 +742,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# rely on the fact that TTYs will display color by default, or set
# {:color_mode} to :on to display color on a non-TTY output.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#939
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#960
def color=(_arg0); end
# Check if color is enabled for a particular output.
@@ -761,7 +751,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# `output_stream`
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#922
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#943
def color_enabled?(output = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# The mode for determining whether to display output in color. One of:
@@ -774,12 +764,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @return [Boolean]
# @see color_enabled?
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#914
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#935
def color_mode; end
# Set the color mode.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#932
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#953
def color_mode=(_arg0); end
# Used internally to extend the singleton class of a single example's
@@ -787,12 +777,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1556
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1577
def configure_example(example, example_hooks); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1596
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1617
def configure_expectation_framework; end
# Used internally to extend a group with modules using `include`, `prepend` and/or
@@ -800,12 +790,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1544
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1565
def configure_group(group); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1590
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1611
def configure_mock_framework; end
# The default output color. Defaults to `:white` but can be set to one of
@@ -832,7 +822,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# The formatter that will be used if no formatter has been set.
# Defaults to 'progress'.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#982
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1003
def default_formatter; end
# Sets a fallback formatter to use if none other has been set.
@@ -843,7 +833,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# rspec.default_formatter = 'doc'
# end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#993
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1014
def default_formatter=(value); end
# Path to use if no path is provided to the `rspec` command (default:
@@ -888,7 +878,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @yieldparam metadata [Hash] original metadata hash from an example or
# group. Mutate this in your block as needed.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1873
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1894
def define_derived_metadata(*filters, &block); end
# Determines where deprecation warnings are printed.
@@ -929,7 +919,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1854
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1875
def disable_monkey_patching; end
# Enables zero monkey patching mode for RSpec. It removes monkey
@@ -964,15 +954,15 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# if the user is using those (either explicitly or implicitly
# by not setting `mock_with` or `expect_with` to anything else).
# @note If the user uses this options with `mock_with :mocha`
- # (or similiar) they will still have monkey patching active
+ # (or similar) they will still have monkey patching active
# in their test environment from mocha.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1846
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1867
def disable_monkey_patching!; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1854
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1875
def disable_monkey_patching=(_arg0); end
# Run examples over DRb (default: `false`). RSpec doesn't supply the DRb
@@ -1084,7 +1074,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# Returns the `exclusion_filter`. If none has been set, returns an empty
# hash.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1348
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1369
def exclusion_filter; end
# Clears and reassigns the `exclusion_filter`. Set to `nil` if you don't
@@ -1095,7 +1085,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# This overrides any exclusion filters/tags set on the command line or in
# configuration files.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1341
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1362
def exclusion_filter=(filter); end
# Sets the expectation framework module(s) to be included in each example
@@ -1122,17 +1112,17 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# custom_config.custom_setting = true
# end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#837
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#858
def expect_with(*frameworks); end
# Delegates to expect_with(framework).
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#810
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#831
def expectation_framework=(framework); end
# Returns the configured expectation framework adapter module(s)
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#798
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#819
def expectation_frameworks; end
# Exposes the current running example via the named
@@ -1157,7 +1147,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# end
# @param method_name [Symbol] the name of the helper method
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1784
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1805
def expose_current_running_example_as(method_name); end
# Use this to expose the core RSpec DSL via `Module` and the `main`
@@ -1214,7 +1204,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #include
# @see #prepend
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1494
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1515
def extend(mod, *filters); end
# If specified, indicates the number of failures required before cleaning
@@ -1286,25 +1276,25 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1062
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1083
def files_or_directories_to_run=(*files); end
# The spec files RSpec will run.
# @return [Array] specified files about to run
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1075
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1096
def files_to_run; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#497
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#516
def files_to_run=(_arg0); end
# Returns the `inclusion_filter`. If none has been set, returns an empty
# hash.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1292
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1313
def filter; end
# Clears and reassigns the `inclusion_filter`. Set to `nil` if you don't
@@ -1315,7 +1305,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# This overrides any inclusion filters/tags set on the command line or in
# configuration files.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1283
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1304
def filter=(filter); end
# Adds {#backtrace_exclusion_patterns} that will filter lines from
@@ -1333,17 +1323,17 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# :path option, this will not filter it.
# @param gem_names [Array] Names of the gems to filter
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#721
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#742
def filter_gems_from_backtrace(*gem_names); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#499
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#518
def filter_manager; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#499
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#518
def filter_manager=(_arg0); end
# Adds key/value pairs to the `inclusion_filter`. If `args`
@@ -1377,7 +1367,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# filter_run_including :foo # same as filter_run_including :foo => true
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1254
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1275
def filter_run(*args); end
# Adds key/value pairs to the `exclusion_filter`. If `args`
@@ -1411,7 +1401,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# filter_run_excluding :foo # same as filter_run_excluding :foo => true
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1328
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1349
def filter_run_excluding(*args); end
# Adds key/value pairs to the `inclusion_filter`. If `args`
@@ -1445,7 +1435,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# filter_run_including :foo # same as filter_run_including :foo => true
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1254
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1275
def filter_run_including(*args); end
# Applies the provided filter only if any of examples match, in constrast
@@ -1458,7 +1448,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# (as in `fdescribe`, `fcontext` and `fit`) since those are aliases for
# `describe`/`context`/`it` with `:focus` metadata.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1270
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1291
def filter_run_when_matching(*args); end
# Color used when a pending example is fixed. Defaults to `:blue` but can
@@ -1486,7 +1476,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#571
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#592
def force(hash); end
# Formats the docstring output using the block provided.
@@ -1498,12 +1488,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# config.format_docstrings { |s| s.strip }
# end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1635
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1656
def format_docstrings(&block); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1640
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1661
def format_docstrings_block; end
# Adds a formatter to the set RSpec will use for this run.
@@ -1520,12 +1510,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# the configured `output_stream` (`$stdout`, by default) will be used.
# @see RSpec::Core::Formatters::Protocol
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#975
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#996
def formatter=(formatter, output = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1008
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1029
def formatter_loader; end
# Returns a duplicate of the formatters currently loaded in
@@ -1535,33 +1525,42 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @return [Array] the formatters currently loaded
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1003
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1024
def formatters; end
# Toggle full backtrace.
# @attr true_or_false [Boolean] toggle full backtrace display
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#887
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#908
def full_backtrace=(true_or_false); end
# Check if full backtrace is enabled.
# @return [Boolean] is full backtrace enabled
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#881
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#902
def full_backtrace?; end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#66
+ def full_cause_backtrace; end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#89
+ def full_cause_backtrace=(_arg0); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#78
+ def full_cause_backtrace?; end
# @return [Array] full description filter
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#956
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#977
def full_description; end
# Run examples matching on `description` in all files to run.
# @param description [String, Regexp] the pattern to filter on
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#951
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#972
def full_description=(description); end
# Holds the various registered hooks. Here we use a FilterableItemRepository
@@ -1570,12 +1569,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2082
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2103
def hooks; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1581
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1602
def in_project_source_dir_regex; end
# Tells RSpec to include `mod` in example groups. Methods defined in
@@ -1629,7 +1628,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #extend
# @see #prepend
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1404
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1425
def include(mod, *filters); end
# Tells RSpec to include the named shared example group in example groups.
@@ -1672,13 +1671,13 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# example.
# @see #include
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1451
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1472
def include_context(shared_group_name, *filters); end
# Returns the `inclusion_filter`. If none has been set, returns an empty
# hash.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1292
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1313
def inclusion_filter; end
# Clears and reassigns the `inclusion_filter`. Set to `nil` if you don't
@@ -1689,12 +1688,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# This overrides any inclusion filters/tags set on the command line or in
# configuration files.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1283
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1304
def inclusion_filter=(filter); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1080
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1101
def last_run_statuses; end
# Returns dirs that have been prepended to the load path by the `-I`
@@ -1707,28 +1706,28 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#942
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#963
def libs=(libs); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1604
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1625
def load_spec_files; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#503
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#522
def loaded_spec_files; end
- # Maximum count of failed source lines to display in the failure reports.
- # (default `10`).
+ # Maximum count of failed source lines to display in the failure reports
+ # (defaults to `10`).
# return [Integer]
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#66
def max_displayed_failure_line_count; end
- # Maximum count of failed source lines to display in the failure reports.
- # (default `10`).
+ # Maximum count of failed source lines to display in the failure reports
+ # (defaults to `10`).
# return [Integer]
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#89
@@ -1741,12 +1740,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @return [Symbol]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#648
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#669
def mock_framework; end
# Delegates to mock_framework=(framework).
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#660
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#681
def mock_framework=(framework); end
# Sets the mock framework adapter module.
@@ -1779,19 +1778,19 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# mod_config.custom_setting = true
# end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#765
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#786
def mock_with(framework); end
# Invokes block before defining an example group
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2087
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2108
def on_example_group_definition(&block); end
# Returns an array of blocks to call before defining an example group
# @api private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2093
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2114
def on_example_group_definition_callbacks; end
# Indicates if the `--only-failures` (or `--next-failure`) flag is being used.
@@ -1817,15 +1816,15 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #register_ordering
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1647
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1668
def order=(*args, &block); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#503
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#522
def ordering_manager; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1647
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1668
def ordering_registry(*args, &block); end
# Determines where RSpec will send its output.
@@ -1878,6 +1877,31 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#78
def pending_color?; end
+ # Format the output for pending examples. Can be set to:
+ # - :full (default) - pending examples appear similarly to failures
+ # - :no_backtrace - same as above, but with no backtrace
+ # - :skip - do not show the section at all
+ # return [Symbol]
+ #
+ # @raise [ArgumentError]
+ #
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#66
+ def pending_failure_output; end
+ # Format the output for pending examples. Can be set to:
+ # - :full (default) - pending examples appear similarly to failures
+ # - :no_backtrace - same as above, but with no backtrace
+ # - :skip - do not show the section at all
+ # return [Symbol]
+ #
+ # @raise [ArgumentError]
+ #
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#473
+ def pending_failure_output=(mode); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#78
+ def pending_failure_output?; end
# Tells RSpec to prepend example groups with `mod`. Methods defined in
# `mod` are exposed to examples (not example groups). Use `filters` to
# constrain the groups in which to prepend the module.
@@ -1910,7 +1934,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #include
# @see #extend
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1533
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1554
def prepend(mod, *filters); end
# Defines a `after` hook. See {Hooks#after} for full docs.
@@ -1924,7 +1948,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #before
# @see #prepend_before
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2004
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2025
def prepend_after(scope = T.unsafe(nil), *meta, &block); end
# Adds `block` to the start of the list of `before` blocks in the same
@@ -1942,7 +1966,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @see #after
# @see #append_after
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1979
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2000
def prepend_before(scope = T.unsafe(nil), *meta, &block); end
# Defaults `profile_examples` to 10 examples when `@profile_examples` is
@@ -1950,7 +1974,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @api private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1052
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1073
def profile_examples; end
# Report the times for the slowest examples (default: `false`).
@@ -2002,7 +2026,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# rspec.raise_errors_for_deprecations!
# end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1806
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1827
def raise_errors_for_deprecations!; end
# Turns warnings into errors. This can be useful when
@@ -2014,7 +2038,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# rspec.raise_on_warning = true
# end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1754
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1775
def raise_on_warning=(value); end
# Registers a named ordering strategy that can later be
@@ -2056,12 +2080,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @yieldparam list [Array, Array] The examples or groups to order
# @yieldreturn [Array, Array] The re-ordered examples or groups
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1647
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1668
def register_ordering(*args, &block); end
# @return [RSpec::Core::Reporter] the currently configured reporter
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1035
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1056
def reporter; end
# Indicates files configured to be required.
@@ -2073,22 +2097,22 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1573
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1594
def requires=(paths); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#580
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#601
def reset; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#593
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#614
def reset_filters; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#586
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#607
def reset_reporter; end
# Run all examples if none match the configured filters
@@ -2124,15 +2148,15 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# We recommend, actually, that you use the command line approach so you
# don't accidentally leave the seed encoded.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1647
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1668
def seed(*args, &block); end
# Sets the seed value and sets the default global ordering to random.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1647
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1668
def seed=(*args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1647
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1668
def seed_used?(*args, &block); end
# Configures how RSpec treats metadata passed as part of a shared example
@@ -2200,7 +2224,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1117
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1138
def spec_files_with_failures; end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#66
@@ -2214,12 +2238,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#501
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#520
def static_config_filter_manager; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#501
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#520
def static_config_filter_manager=(_arg0); end
# Color to use to indicate success. Defaults to `:green` but can be set
@@ -2278,12 +2302,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# Set Ruby warnings on or off.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1734
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1755
def warnings=(value); end
# @return [Boolean] Whether or not ruby warnings are enabled.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1739
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1760
def warnings?; end
# Defines a callback that runs after the first example with matching
@@ -2305,22 +2329,22 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# end
# end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1896
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1917
def when_first_matching_example_defined(*filters); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2064
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2085
def with_suite_hooks; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#499
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#518
def world; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#499
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#518
def world=(_arg0); end
@@ -2329,111 +2353,111 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2220
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2248
def absolute_pattern?(pattern); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2321
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2349
def add_hook_to_existing_matching_groups(meta, scope, &block); end
# @raise [MustBeConfiguredBeforeExampleGroupsError]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2260
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2288
def assert_no_example_groups_defined(config_option); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2310
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2338
def clear_values_derived_from_example_status_persistence_file_path; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2242
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2270
def command; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2286
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2314
def conditionally_disable_expectations_monkey_patching; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2277
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2305
def conditionally_disable_mocks_monkey_patching; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2315
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2343
def configure_group_with(group, module_list, application_method); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2250
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2278
def define_built_in_hooks; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2373
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2401
def define_mixed_in_module(mod, filters, mod_list, config_method, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2225
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2253
def extract_location(path); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2202
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2230
def file_glob_from(path, pattern); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2191
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2219
def gather_directories(path); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2170
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2198
def get_files_to_run(paths); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2197
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2225
def get_matching_files(path, pattern); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2137
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2165
def handle_suite_hook(scope, meta); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2116
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2137
def load_file_handling_errors(method, file); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2343
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2371
def metadata_applies_to_group?(meta, group); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2335
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2363
def on_existing_matching_groups(meta); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2273
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2301
def output_to_tty?(output = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2269
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2297
def output_wrapper; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2182
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2210
def paths_to_check(paths); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2187
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2215
def pattern_might_load_specs_from_vendored_dirs?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2296
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2324
def rspec_expectations_loaded?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2292
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2320
def rspec_mocks_loaded?; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2152
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2180
def run_suite_hooks(hook_description, hooks); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2358
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2386
def safe_extend(mod, host); end
# :nocov:
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2354
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2382
def safe_include(mod, host); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2348
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2376
def safe_prepend(mod, host); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2300
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2328
def update_pattern_attr(name, value); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2246
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#2274
def value_for(key); end
class << self
@@ -2469,14 +2493,14 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1645
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1666
def delegate_to_ordering_manager(*methods); end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1625
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1646
RSpec::Core::Configuration::DEFAULT_FORMATTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
# This buffer is used to capture all messages sent to the reporter during
@@ -2486,33 +2510,33 @@ RSpec::Core::Configuration::DEFAULT_FORMATTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1018
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1039
class RSpec::Core::Configuration::DeprecationReporterBuffer
# @return [DeprecationReporterBuffer] a new instance of DeprecationReporterBuffer
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1019
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1040
def initialize; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1023
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1044
def deprecation(*args); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1027
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1048
def play_onto(reporter); end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1794
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1815
module RSpec::Core::Configuration::ExposeCurrentExample; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1105
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1126
RSpec::Core::Configuration::FAILED_STATUS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#728
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#749
RSpec::Core::Configuration::MOCKING_ADAPTERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# @private
@@ -2522,17 +2546,17 @@ class RSpec::Core::Configuration::MustBeConfiguredBeforeExampleGroupsError < ::S
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1108
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1129
RSpec::Core::Configuration::PASSED_STATUS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1111
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1132
RSpec::Core::Configuration::PENDING_STATUS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1744
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1765
RSpec::Core::Configuration::RAISE_ERROR_WARNING_NOTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
# Module that holds `attr_reader` declarations. It's in a separate
@@ -2590,6 +2614,9 @@ module RSpec::Core::Configuration::Readers
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#63
def fixed_color; end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#63
+ def full_cause_backtrace; end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#63
def libs; end
@@ -2608,6 +2635,9 @@ module RSpec::Core::Configuration::Readers
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#63
def pending_color; end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#63
+ def pending_failure_output; end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#63
def project_source_dirs; end
@@ -2638,12 +2668,12 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1102
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1123
RSpec::Core::Configuration::UNKNOWN_STATUS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1114
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb#1135
RSpec::Core::Configuration::VALID_STATUSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Responsible for utilizing externally provided configuration options,
@@ -2687,22 +2717,22 @@ class RSpec::Core::ConfigurationOptions
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#169
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#173
def args_from_options_file(path); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#138
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#142
def command_line_options; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#142
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#146
def custom_options; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#183
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#188
def custom_options_file; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#129
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#133
def env_options; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#121
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#125
def file_options; end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -2710,28 +2740,28 @@ class RSpec::Core::ConfigurationOptions
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#66
def force?(key); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#154
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#158
def global_options; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#195
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#200
def global_options_file; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#206
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#211
def home_options_file_path; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#117
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#121
def load_formatters_into(config); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#146
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#150
def local_options; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#191
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#196
def local_options_file; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#175
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#180
def options_file_as_erb_string(path); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#158
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#162
def options_from(path); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#70
@@ -2740,25 +2770,25 @@ class RSpec::Core::ConfigurationOptions
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#44
def organize_options; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#163
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#167
def parse_args_ignoring_files_or_dirs_to_run(args, source); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#109
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#113
def process_options_into(config); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#150
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#154
def project_options; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#187
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#192
def project_options_file; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#222
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#227
def resolve_xdg_config_home; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#199
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#204
def xdg_options_file_if_exists; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#215
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/configuration_options.rb#220
def xdg_options_file_path; end
@@ -4308,7 +4338,7 @@ end
# were loaded but not executed (due to filtering, `--fail-fast`
# or whatever) should have a `:status` of `UNKNOWN_STATUS`.
-# This willl produce a new list that:
+# This will produce a new list that:
# - Will be missing examples from previous runs that we know for sure
# no longer exist.
# - Will have the latest known status for any examples that either
@@ -4648,7 +4678,7 @@ end
# This is ideal for use by a example or example group, which may
# be updated multiple times with globally configured hooks, etc,
-# but will not be queried frequently by other examples or examle
+# but will not be queried frequently by other examples or example
# groups.
# @private
@@ -5319,7 +5349,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#16
def initialize(exception, example, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#73
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#78
def colorized_formatted_backtrace(colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#33
@@ -5348,10 +5378,10 @@ class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#45
def formatted_cause(exception); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#79
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#84
def fully_formatted(failure_number, colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#84
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#89
def fully_formatted_lines(failure_number, colorizer); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#29
@@ -5359,7 +5389,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#207
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#224
def add_shared_group_lines(lines, colorizer); end
# Returns the value of attribute backtrace_formatter.
@@ -5374,27 +5404,27 @@ class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter
# for 1.8.7
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#265
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#282
def encoded_description(description); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#115
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#120
def encoded_string(string); end
# :nocov:
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#111
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#116
def encoding_of(string); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#275
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#292
def exception_backtrace; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#145
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#150
def exception_class_name(exception = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#185
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#202
def exception_lines; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#178
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#194
def exception_message_string(exception); end
# Returns the value of attribute extra_detail_formatter.
@@ -5402,25 +5432,25 @@ class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#12
def extra_detail_formatter; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#196
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#213
def extra_failure_lines; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#151
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#156
def failure_lines; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#165
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#170
def failure_slash_error_lines; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#99
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#104
def final_exception(exception, previous = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#241
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#258
def find_failed_line; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#256
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#273
def formatted_message_and_backtrace(colorizer); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#129
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#134
def indent_lines(lines, failure_number); end
# Returns the value of attribute message_color.
@@ -5428,7 +5458,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#12
def message_color; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#217
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#234
def read_failed_lines; end
@@ -5439,49 +5469,49 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#284
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#301
class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter::Factory
# @return [Factory] a new instance of Factory
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#291
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#308
def initialize(example); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#285
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#302
def build; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#342
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#363
def multiple_exception_summarizer(exception, prior_detail_formatter, color); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#338
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#359
def multiple_exceptions_error?(exception); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#301
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#318
def options; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#305
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#322
def pending_options; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#363
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#384
def sub_failure_list_formatter(exception, message_color); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#322
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#343
def with_multiple_error_options_as_needed(exception, options); end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#396
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#417
class RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter::Factory::CommonBacktraceTruncater
# @return [CommonBacktraceTruncater] a new instance of CommonBacktraceTruncater
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#397
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#418
def initialize(parent); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#401
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#422
def with_truncated_backtrace(child); end
@@ -5490,17 +5520,17 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#389
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#410
module RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter::Factory::EmptyBacktraceFormatter
class << self
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#390
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#411
def format_backtrace(*_arg0); end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#421
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#442
RSpec::Core::Formatters::ExceptionPresenter::PENDING_DETAIL_FORMATTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
# @private
@@ -5689,7 +5719,6 @@ end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/html_printer.rb#7
class RSpec::Core::Formatters::HtmlPrinter
- include ::ERB::Escape
include ::ERB::Util
# @return [HtmlPrinter] a new instance of HtmlPrinter
@@ -5763,20 +5792,20 @@ class RSpec::Core::Formatters::JsonFormatter < ::RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFo
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#13
def initialize(output); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#55
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#56
def close(_notification); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#59
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#60
def dump_profile(profile); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#78
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#79
def dump_profile_slowest_example_groups(profile); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#66
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#67
def dump_profile_slowest_examples(profile); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#24
@@ -5790,15 +5819,15 @@ class RSpec::Core::Formatters::JsonFormatter < ::RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseFo
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#11
def output_hash; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#50
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#51
def seed(notification); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#35
- def stop(notification); end
+ def stop(group_notification); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#87
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/json_formatter.rb#88
def format_example(example); end
@@ -8129,57 +8158,57 @@ end
# individual spec has multiple exceptions, such as one in the `it` block
# and one in an `after` block.
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#431
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#457
class RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError < ::StandardError
include ::RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError::InterfaceTag
# @param exceptions [Array] The initial list of exceptions.
# @return [MultipleExceptionError] a new instance of MultipleExceptionError
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#492
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#513
def initialize(*exceptions); end
# @return [nil] Provided only for interface compatibility with
# `RSpec::Expectations::MultipleExpectationsNotMetError`.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#489
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#510
def aggregation_block_label; end
# @return [Hash] Metadata used by RSpec for formatting purposes.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#485
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#506
def aggregation_metadata; end
# @return [Array] The list of failures and other exceptions, combined.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#482
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#503
def all_exceptions; end
# return [String] A description of the failure/error counts.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#517
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#538
def exception_count_description; end
# @return [Array] The list of failures.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#476
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#497
def failures; end
# @note RSpec does not actually use this -- instead it formats each exception
# individually.
# @return [String] Combines all the exception messages into a single string.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#507
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#528
def message; end
# @return [Array] The list of other errors.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#479
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#500
def other_errors; end
# @return [String] A summary of the failure, including the block label and a count of failures.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#512
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#533
def summary; end
@@ -8190,14 +8219,14 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#437
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#458
module RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError::InterfaceTag
# Appends the provided exception to the list.
# @param exception [Exception] Exception to append to the list.
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#441
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#462
def add(exception); end
class << self
@@ -8207,7 +8236,7 @@ module RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError::InterfaceTag
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#467
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb#488
def for(ex); end
@@ -8222,7 +8251,7 @@ module RSpec::Core::Notifications; end
# other registered listeners, it creates attributes based on supplied hash
# of options.
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#510
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#516
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::CustomNotification < ::Struct
class << self
# Build a custom notification based on the supplied option key / values.
@@ -8230,7 +8259,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::CustomNotification < ::Struct
# @param options [Hash] A hash of method / value pairs to create on this notification
# @return [CustomNotification]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#515
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#517
def for(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
@@ -8246,7 +8275,7 @@ end
# @attr call_site [String] An optional call site from which the deprecation
# was issued
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#491
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#493
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::DeprecationNotification < ::Struct
# An optional call site from which the deprecation
# was issued
@@ -8303,7 +8332,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::DeprecationNotification < ::Struct
# @api
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#497
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#499
def from_hash(data); end
def inspect; end
@@ -8419,7 +8448,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::ExamplesNotification
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#134
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#136
def format_examples(examples); end
@@ -8436,11 +8465,11 @@ end
# end
# @see ExampleNotification
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#154
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#156
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::FailedExampleNotification < ::RSpec::Core::Notifications::ExampleNotification
# @return [FailedExampleNotification] a new instance of FailedExampleNotification
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#211
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#213
def initialize(example, exception_presenter = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the failures colorized formatted backtrace.
@@ -8448,7 +8477,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::FailedExampleNotification < ::RSpec::Core::Not
# @param colorizer [#wrap] An object to colorize the message_lines by
# @return [Array] the examples colorized backtrace lines
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#193
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#195
def colorized_formatted_backtrace(colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the message generated for this failure colorized line by line.
@@ -8456,48 +8485,44 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::FailedExampleNotification < ::RSpec::Core::Not
# @param colorizer [#wrap] An object to colorize the message_lines by
# @return [Array] The example failure message colorized
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#178
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#180
def colorized_message_lines(colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [String] The example description
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#163
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#165
def description; end
# @return [Exception] The example failure
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#158
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#160
def exception; end
# Returns the failures formatted backtrace.
# @return [Array] the examples backtrace lines
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#185
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#187
def formatted_backtrace; end
# @return [String] The failure information fully formatted in the way that
# RSpec's built-in formatters emit.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#199
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#201
def fully_formatted(failure_number, colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Array] The failure information fully formatted in the way that
# RSpec's built-in formatters emit, split by line.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#205
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#207
def fully_formatted_lines(failure_number, colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the message generated for this failure line by line.
# @return [Array] The example failure message
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#170
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#172
def message_lines; end
- class << self
- def new(*_arg0); end
- end
# The `GroupNotification` represents notifications sent by the reporter
@@ -8511,7 +8536,7 @@ end
# puts "Hey I started #{notification.group.description}"
# end
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#256
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#258
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::GroupNotification < ::Struct
# the current group
@@ -8538,7 +8563,7 @@ end
# @attr message [String] the message
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#262
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#264
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::MessageNotification < ::Struct
# the message
@@ -8578,17 +8603,17 @@ end
# `NullNotification` represents a placeholder value for notifications that
# currently require no information, but we may wish to extend in future.
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#504
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#506
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::NullNotification; end
# @deprecated Use {FailedExampleNotification} instead.
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#221
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#223
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::PendingExampleFailedAsExpectedNotification < ::RSpec::Core::Notifications::FailedExampleNotification; end
# @deprecated Use {FailedExampleNotification} instead.
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#218
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#220
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::PendingExampleFixedNotification < ::RSpec::Core::Notifications::FailedExampleNotification; end
# The `ProfileNotification` holds information about the results of running a
@@ -8600,57 +8625,57 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::PendingExampleFixedNotification < ::RSpec::Cor
# @attr number_of_examples [Fixnum] the number of examples to profile
# @attr example_groups [Array] example groups run
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#427
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#429
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::ProfileNotification
# @return [ProfileNotification] a new instance of ProfileNotification
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#428
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#430
def initialize(duration, examples, number_of_examples, example_groups); end
# the time taken (in seconds) to run the suite
# @return [Float] the current value of duration
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#434
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#436
def duration; end
# the examples run
# @return [Array] the current value of examples
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#434
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#436
def examples; end
# the number of examples to profile
# @return [Fixnum] the current value of number_of_examples
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#434
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#436
def number_of_examples; end
# @return [String] the percentage of total time taken
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#453
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#455
def percentage; end
# @return [Float] the time taken (in seconds) to run the slowest examples
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#445
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#447
def slow_duration; end
# @return [Array] the slowest examples
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#437
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#439
def slowest_examples; end
# @return [Array] the slowest example groups
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#462
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#464
def slowest_groups; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#468
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#470
def calculate_slowest_groups; end
@@ -8660,12 +8685,12 @@ end
# @attr seed [Fixnum] the seed used to randomize ordering
# @attr used [Boolean] whether the seed has been used or not
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#269
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#271
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SeedNotification < ::Struct
# @return [String] The seed information fully formatted in the way that
# RSpec's built-in formatters emit.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#280
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#282
def fully_formatted; end
# the seed used to randomize ordering
@@ -8682,7 +8707,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SeedNotification < ::Struct
# @api
# @return [Boolean] has the seed been used?
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#273
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#275
def seed_used?; end
# whether the seed has been used or not
@@ -8713,17 +8738,13 @@ end
# @attr example [RSpec::Core::Example] the current example
# @see ExampleNotification
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#228
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#230
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SkippedExampleNotification < ::RSpec::Core::Notifications::ExampleNotification
# @return [String] The pending detail fully formatted in the way that
# RSpec's built-in formatters emit.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#233
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#235
def fully_formatted(pending_number, colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- def new(*_arg0); end
- end
# The `StartNotification` represents a notification sent by the reporter
@@ -8783,7 +8804,7 @@ end
# have occurred processing
# the spec suite
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#298
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#300
class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SummaryNotification < ::Struct
include ::RSpec::Core::ShellEscape
@@ -8794,7 +8815,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SummaryNotification < ::Struct
# specific colors.
# @return [String] A colorized summary line.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#362
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#364
def colorized_rerun_commands(colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Wraps the results line with colors based on the configured
@@ -8806,7 +8827,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SummaryNotification < ::Struct
# specific colors.
# @return [String] A colorized results line.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#345
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#347
def colorized_totals_line(colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# the time taken (in seconds) to run the suite
@@ -8838,7 +8859,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SummaryNotification < ::Struct
# @api
# @return [Fixnum] the number of examples run
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#304
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#306
def example_count; end
# the examples run
@@ -8866,25 +8887,25 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SummaryNotification < ::Struct
# @api
# @return [Fixnum] the number of failed examples
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#310
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#312
def failure_count; end
# @return [String] a formatted version of the time it took to run the
# suite
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#372
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#374
def formatted_duration; end
# @return [String] a formatted version of the time it took to boot RSpec
# and load the spec files
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#378
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#380
def formatted_load_time; end
# @return [String] The summary information fully formatted in the way that
# RSpec's built-in formatters emit.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#384
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#386
def fully_formatted(colorizer = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# the number of seconds taken to boot RSpec
@@ -8903,7 +8924,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SummaryNotification < ::Struct
# @api
# @return [Fixnum] the number of pending examples
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#316
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#318
def pending_count; end
# the pending examples
@@ -8920,15 +8941,15 @@ class RSpec::Core::Notifications::SummaryNotification < ::Struct
# @api
# @return [String] A line summarising the result totals of the spec run.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#322
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#324
def totals_line; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#406
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#408
def duplicate_rerun_locations; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#400
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/notifications.rb#402
def rerun_argument_for(example); end
class << self
@@ -8965,38 +8986,38 @@ module RSpec::Core::Ordering; end
# the APIs provided by `RSpec::Core::Configuration` instead.
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#116
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#144
class RSpec::Core::Ordering::ConfigurationManager
# @return [ConfigurationManager] a new instance of ConfigurationManager
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#119
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#147
def initialize; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#151
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#190
def force(hash); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#136
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#164
def order=(type); end
# Returns the value of attribute ordering_registry.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#117
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#145
def ordering_registry; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#162
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#201
def register_ordering(name, strategy = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute seed.
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#117
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#145
def seed; end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#130
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#158
def seed=(seed); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#126
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#154
def seed_used?; end
@@ -9015,6 +9036,29 @@ class RSpec::Core::Ordering::Custom
def order(list); end
+# A strategy which delays looking up the ordering until needed
+# @private
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#83
+class RSpec::Core::Ordering::Delayed
+ # @return [Delayed] a new instance of Delayed
+ #
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#84
+ def initialize(registry, name); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#89
+ def order(list); end
+ private
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#99
+ def lookup_strategy; end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#95
+ def strategy; end
# The default global ordering (defined order).
# @private
@@ -9073,22 +9117,27 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#83
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#107
class RSpec::Core::Ordering::Registry
# @return [Registry] a new instance of Registry
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#84
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#108
def initialize(configuration); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#98
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#122
def fetch(name, &fallback); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#102
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#126
+ def has_strategy?(name); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#130
def register(sym, strategy); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#106
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/ordering.rb#134
def used_random_seed?; end
@@ -9114,12 +9163,21 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def autoclose?(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def beep(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def binmode(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def binmode?(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def check_winsize_changed(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def clear_screen(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def close(*args, &block); end
@@ -9138,6 +9196,36 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def closed?(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def console_mode(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def console_mode=(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def cooked(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def cooked!(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def cursor(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def cursor=(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def cursor_down(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def cursor_left(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def cursor_right(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def cursor_up(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def each(*args, &block); end
@@ -9153,12 +9241,24 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def each_line(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def echo=(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def echo?(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def eof(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def eof?(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def erase_line(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def erase_screen(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def external_encoding(*args, &block); end
@@ -9183,9 +9283,24 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def getc(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def getch(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def getpass(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def gets(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def goto(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def goto_column(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def iflush(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def inspect(*args, &block); end
@@ -9195,6 +9310,9 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def ioctl(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def ioflush(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def isatty(*args, &block); end
@@ -9207,9 +9325,15 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#17
def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def noecho(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def nread(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def oflush(*args, &block); end
# @private
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#6
@@ -9235,6 +9359,9 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def pread(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def pressed?(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def print(*args, &block); end
@@ -9250,6 +9377,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def pwrite(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def raw(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def raw!(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def read(*args, &block); end
@@ -9285,6 +9418,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def rewind(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def scroll_backward(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def scroll_forward(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def seek(*args, &block); end
@@ -9315,12 +9454,6 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def tell(*args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
- def timeout(*args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
- def timeout=(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def to_i(*args, &block); end
@@ -9348,6 +9481,12 @@ class RSpec::Core::OutputWrapper
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def wait_writable(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def winsize(*args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
+ def winsize=(*args, &block); end
# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/output_wrapper.rb#23
def write(*args, &block); end
@@ -9828,7 +9967,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Reporter
# Registers a listener to a list of notifications. The reporter will send
# notification of events to all registered listeners.
- # @param listener [Object] An obect that wishes to be notified of reporter
+ # @param listener [Object] An object that wishes to be notified of reporter
# events
# @param notifications [Array] Array of symbols represents the events a
# listener wishes to subscribe too
@@ -9959,7 +10098,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Runner
# @private
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/runner.rb#190
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/runner.rb#194
def exit_code(examples_passed = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @attr_reader
@@ -10002,7 +10141,7 @@ class RSpec::Core::Runner
- # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/runner.rb#199
+ # source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/runner.rb#203
def persist_example_statuses; end
class << self
@@ -10477,7 +10616,7 @@ end
# eval'd when the `SharedExampleGroupModule` instance is included in an example
# group.
-# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#9
+# source://rspec-core//lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#10
class RSpec::Core::SharedExampleGroupModule < ::Module
# @return [SharedExampleGroupModule] a new instance of SharedExampleGroupModule
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations@3.12.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations@3.13.0.rbi
similarity index 95%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations@3.12.0.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations@3.13.0.rbi
index 73f74496..8d33d8e4 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations@3.12.0.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-expectations@3.13.0.rbi
@@ -10,70 +10,70 @@
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/english_phrasing.rb#1
module RSpec
class << self
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#70
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#70
def clear_examples; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#85
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#85
def configuration; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
def configuration=(_arg0); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#97
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#97
def configure; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#194
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#194
def const_missing(name); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def context(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#122
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#122
def current_example; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#128
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#128
def current_example=(example); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#154
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#154
def current_scope; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#134
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#134
def current_scope=(scope); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def describe(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def example_group(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def fcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def fdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#58
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#58
def reset; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_context(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_examples(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_examples_for(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#160
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#160
def world; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
def world=(_arg0); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def xcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def xdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end
@@ -796,10 +796,10 @@ module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::UndefinedValue; end
class RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator
# @return [FailureAggregator] a new instance of FailureAggregator
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#73
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#90
def initialize(block_label, metadata); end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#7
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#22
def aggregate; end
# Returns the value of attribute block_label.
@@ -810,10 +810,10 @@ class RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator
# This method is defined to satisfy the callable interface
# expected by `RSpec::Support.with_failure_notifier`.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#44
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#59
def call(failure, options); end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#34
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#49
def failures; end
# Returns the value of attribute metadata.
@@ -821,20 +821,36 @@ class RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#5
def metadata; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#38
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#53
def other_errors; end
# Using `caller` performs better (and is simpler) than `raise` on most Rubies.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#68
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#85
def assign_backtrace(failure); end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#79
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#96
def notify_aggregated_failures; end
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#20
+RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator::AGGREGATED_FAILURE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator::AggregatedFailure)
+# @private
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#8
+class RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator::AggregatedFailure
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#15
+ def inspect; end
+# @private
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#10
+RSpec::Expectations::FailureAggregator::AggregatedFailure::MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# RSpec 3.0 was released with the class name misspelled. For SemVer compatibility,
# we will provide this misspelled alias until 4.0.
@@ -922,88 +938,88 @@ end
class RSpec::Expectations::MultipleExpectationsNotMetError < ::RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError
# @return [MultipleExpectationsNotMetError] a new instance of MultipleExpectationsNotMetError
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#136
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#153
def initialize(failure_aggregator); end
# @return [String] The user-assigned label for the aggregation block.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#111
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#128
def aggregation_block_label; end
# @return [Hash] The metadata hash passed to `aggregate_failures`.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#116
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#133
def aggregation_metadata; end
# @return [Array] The list of expectation failures and other exceptions, combined.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#108
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#125
def all_exceptions; end
# return [String] A description of the failure/error counts.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#127
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#144
def exception_count_description; end
# @return [Array] The list of expectation failures.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#98
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#115
def failures; end
# @return [String] The fully formatted exception message.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#93
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#110
def message; end
# @return [Array] The list of other exceptions.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#103
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#120
def other_errors; end
# @return [String] A summary of the failure, including the block label and a count of failures.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#121
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#138
def summary; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#168
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#185
def backtrace_line(line); end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#141
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#158
def block_description; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#150
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#167
def enumerated(exceptions, index_offset); end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#180
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#197
def enumerated_errors; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#176
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#193
def enumerated_failures; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#158
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#175
def exclusion_patterns; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#164
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#181
def format_backtrace(backtrace); end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#195
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#212
def indentation; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#186
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#203
def indented(failure_message, index); end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#207
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#224
def index_label(index); end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#199
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#216
def longest_index_label_width; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#146
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#163
def pluralize(noun, count); end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#203
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/expectations/failure_aggregator.rb#220
def width_of_label(index); end
@@ -1536,7 +1552,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# @param message [Symbol] the message to send the receiver
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_block_changing(*args, &block); end
+ def a_block_changing(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# With no arg, passes if the block outputs `to_stdout` or `to_stderr`.
# With a string, passes if the block outputs that specific string `to_stdout` or `to_stderr`.
@@ -1569,7 +1585,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# are thus significantly (~30x) slower than `to_stdout` and `to_stderr`.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_block_outputting(*args, &block); end
+ def a_block_outputting(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# With no args, matches if any error is raised.
# With a named error, matches only if that specific error is raised.
@@ -1589,7 +1605,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect { do_something_risky }.not_to raise_error
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_block_raising(*args, &block); end
+ def a_block_raising(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given no argument, matches if a proc throws any Symbol.
@@ -1608,7 +1624,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect { do_something_risky }.not_to throw_symbol(:that_was_risky, 'culprit')
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_block_throwing(*args, &block); end
+ def a_block_throwing(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if the method called in the expect block yields, regardless
# of whether or not arguments are yielded.
@@ -1620,7 +1636,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# the method-under-test as a block.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_block_yielding_control(*args, &block); end
+ def a_block_yielding_control(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Designed for use with methods that repeatedly yield (such as
# iterators). Passes if the method called in the expect block yields
@@ -1638,7 +1654,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# the method-under-test as a block.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_block_yielding_successive_args(*args, &block); end
+ def a_block_yielding_successive_args(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given no arguments, matches if the method called in the expect
# block yields with arguments (regardless of what they are or how
@@ -1665,7 +1681,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# multiple times.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_block_yielding_with_args(*args, &block); end
+ def a_block_yielding_with_args(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if the method called in the expect block yields with
# no arguments. Fails if it does not yield, or yields with arguments.
@@ -1680,7 +1696,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# multiple times.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_block_yielding_with_no_args(*args, &block); end
+ def a_block_yielding_with_no_args(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual contains all of the expected regardless of order.
# This works for collections. Pass in multiple args and it will only
@@ -1694,7 +1710,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# @see #match_array
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_collection_containing_exactly(*args, &block); end
+ def a_collection_containing_exactly(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Matches if the actual value ends with the expected value(s). In the case
# of a string, matches against the last `expected.length` characters of the
@@ -1707,7 +1723,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect([0, 2, 3, 4, 4]).to end_with 3, 4
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_collection_ending_with(*args, &block); end
+ def a_collection_ending_with(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual includes expected. This works for
# collections and Strings. You can also pass in multiple args
@@ -1728,7 +1744,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(:a => 1, :b => 2).not_to include(:a => 2)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_collection_including(*args, &block); end
+ def a_collection_including(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Matches if the actual value starts with the expected value(s). In the
# case of a string, matches against the first `expected.length` characters
@@ -1741,17 +1757,17 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect([0, 2, 3, 4, 4]).to start_with 0, 1
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_collection_starting_with(*args, &block); end
+ def a_collection_starting_with(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual is falsey (false or nil)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_falsey_value(*args, &block); end
+ def a_falsey_value(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual is falsey (false or nil)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_falsy_value(*args, &block); end
+ def a_falsy_value(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual includes expected. This works for
# collections and Strings. You can also pass in multiple args
@@ -1772,7 +1788,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(:a => 1, :b => 2).not_to include(:a => 2)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_hash_including(*args, &block); end
+ def a_hash_including(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual.kind_of?(expected)
@@ -1782,12 +1798,12 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(5).not_to be_a_kind_of(Float)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_kind_of(*args, &block); end
+ def a_kind_of(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual is nil
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_nil_value(*args, &block); end
+ def a_nil_value(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual covers expected. This works for
# Ranges. You can also pass in multiple args
@@ -1803,7 +1819,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(1..10).not_to cover(5) # fails
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_range_covering(*args, &block); end
+ def a_range_covering(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Matches if the actual value ends with the expected value(s). In the case
# of a string, matches against the last `expected.length` characters of the
@@ -1816,7 +1832,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect([0, 2, 3, 4, 4]).to end_with 3, 4
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_string_ending_with(*args, &block); end
+ def a_string_ending_with(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual includes expected. This works for
# collections and Strings. You can also pass in multiple args
@@ -1837,7 +1853,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(:a => 1, :b => 2).not_to include(:a => 2)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_string_including(*args, &block); end
+ def a_string_including(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given a `Regexp` or `String`, passes if `actual.match(pattern)`
# Given an arbitrary nested data structure (e.g. arrays and hashes),
@@ -1870,7 +1886,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# `match` could not be used there), but is no longer needed in 3.x.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_string_matching(*args, &block); end
+ def a_string_matching(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Matches if the actual value starts with the expected value(s). In the
# case of a string, matches against the first `expected.length` characters
@@ -1883,12 +1899,12 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect([0, 2, 3, 4, 4]).to start_with 0, 1
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_string_starting_with(*args, &block); end
+ def a_string_starting_with(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual is truthy (anything but false or nil)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_truthy_value(*args, &block); end
+ def a_truthy_value(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given true, false, or nil, will pass if actual value is true, false or
# nil (respectively). Given no args means the caller should satisfy an if
@@ -1912,7 +1928,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(actual).not_to be_[arbitrary_predicate](*args)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_value(*args, &block); end
+ def a_value(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual.between?(min, max). Works with any Comparable object,
# including String, Symbol, Time, or Numeric (Fixnum, Bignum, Integer,
@@ -1927,7 +1943,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(10).not_to be_between(1, 10).exclusive
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_value_between(*args, &block); end
+ def a_value_between(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual == expected +/- delta
@@ -1936,7 +1952,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(result).not_to be_within(0.5).of(3.0)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def a_value_within(*args, &block); end
+ def a_value_within(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Allows multiple expectations in the provided block to fail, and then
# aggregates them into a single exception, rather than aborting on the
@@ -1990,7 +2006,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# An alternate form of `contain_exactly` that accepts
# the expected contents as a single array arg rather
- # that splatted out as individual items.
+ # than splatted out as individual items.
# @example
# expect(results).to contain_exactly(1, 2)
@@ -1999,7 +2015,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# @see #contain_exactly
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_array_matching(*args, &block); end
+ def an_array_matching(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual.instance_of?(expected)
@@ -2009,7 +2025,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(5).not_to be_an_instance_of(Float)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_instance_of(*args, &block); end
+ def an_instance_of(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual == expected .
@@ -2021,7 +2037,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(5).not_to eq(3)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_object_eq_to(*args, &block); end
+ def an_object_eq_to(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if `actual.eql?(expected)`
@@ -2033,7 +2049,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(5).not_to eql(3)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_object_eql_to(*args, &block); end
+ def an_object_eql_to(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual.equal?(expected) (object identity).
@@ -2045,7 +2061,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect("5").not_to equal("5") # Strings that look the same are not the same object
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_object_equal_to(*args, &block); end
+ def an_object_equal_to(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if `actual.exist?` or `actual.exists?`
@@ -2053,7 +2069,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(File).to exist("path/to/file")
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_object_existing(*args, &block); end
+ def an_object_existing(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual's attribute values match the expected attributes hash.
# This works no matter how you define your attribute readers.
@@ -2069,7 +2085,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# @note It will fail if actual doesn't respond to any of the expected attributes.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_object_having_attributes(*args, &block); end
+ def an_object_having_attributes(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given a `Regexp` or `String`, passes if `actual.match(pattern)`
# Given an arbitrary nested data structure (e.g. arrays and hashes),
@@ -2102,7 +2118,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# `match` could not be used there), but is no longer needed in 3.x.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_object_matching(*args, &block); end
+ def an_object_matching(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Matches if the target object responds to all of the names
# provided. Names can be Strings or Symbols.
@@ -2111,7 +2127,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect("string").to respond_to(:length)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_object_responding_to(*args, &block); end
+ def an_object_responding_to(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if the submitted block returns true. Yields target to the
# block.
@@ -2129,7 +2145,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# @param description [String] optional description to be used for this matcher.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def an_object_satisfying(*args, &block); end
+ def an_object_satisfying(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given true, false, or nil, will pass if actual value is true, false or
# nil (respectively). Given no args means the caller should satisfy an if
@@ -2208,7 +2224,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# Passes if actual is falsey (false or nil)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def be_falsy(*args, &block); end
+ def be_falsy(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual.instance_of?(expected)
@@ -2415,7 +2431,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# @param message [Symbol] the message to send the receiver
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def changing(*args, &block); end
+ def changing(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual contains all of the expected regardless of order.
# This works for collections. Pass in multiple args and it will only
@@ -2443,7 +2459,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# @see #match_array
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def containing_exactly(*args, &block); end
+ def containing_exactly(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual covers expected. This works for
# Ranges. You can also pass in multiple args
@@ -2475,7 +2491,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(1..10).not_to cover(5) # fails
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def covering(*args, &block); end
+ def covering(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Matches if the actual value ends with the expected value(s). In the case
# of a string, matches against the last `expected.length` characters of the
@@ -2501,7 +2517,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect([0, 2, 3, 4, 4]).to end_with 3, 4
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def ending_with(*args, &block); end
+ def ending_with(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual == expected .
@@ -2525,7 +2541,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(5).not_to eq(3)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def eq_to(*args, &block); end
+ def eq_to(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if `actual.eql?(expected)`
@@ -2549,7 +2565,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(5).not_to eql(3)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def eql_to(*args, &block); end
+ def eql_to(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual.equal?(expected) (object identity).
@@ -2573,7 +2589,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect("5").not_to equal("5") # Strings that look the same are not the same object
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def equal_to(*args, &block); end
+ def equal_to(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if `actual.exist?` or `actual.exists?`
@@ -2589,7 +2605,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(File).to exist("path/to/file")
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def existing(*args, &block); end
+ def existing(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Supports `expect(actual).to matcher` syntax by wrapping `actual` in an
# `ExpectationTarget`.
@@ -2634,7 +2650,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# @note It will fail if actual doesn't respond to any of the expected attributes.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def having_attributes(*args, &block); end
+ def having_attributes(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual includes expected. This works for
# collections and Strings. You can also pass in multiple args
@@ -2676,7 +2692,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(:a => 1, :b => 2).not_to include(:a => 2)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def including(*args, &block); end
+ def including(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given a `Regexp` or `String`, passes if `actual.match(pattern)`
# Given an arbitrary nested data structure (e.g. arrays and hashes),
@@ -2713,7 +2729,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# An alternate form of `contain_exactly` that accepts
# the expected contents as a single array arg rather
- # that splatted out as individual items.
+ # than splatted out as individual items.
# @example
# expect(results).to contain_exactly(1, 2)
@@ -2755,7 +2771,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# `match` could not be used there), but is no longer needed in 3.x.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def match_regex(*args, &block); end
+ def match_regex(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given a `Regexp` or `String`, passes if `actual.match(pattern)`
# Given an arbitrary nested data structure (e.g. arrays and hashes),
@@ -2788,7 +2804,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# `match` could not be used there), but is no longer needed in 3.x.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def matching(*args, &block); end
+ def matching(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# With no arg, passes if the block outputs `to_stdout` or `to_stderr`.
# With a string, passes if the block outputs that specific string `to_stdout` or `to_stderr`.
@@ -2881,7 +2897,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect { do_something_risky }.not_to raise_error
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def raising(*args, &block); end
+ def raising(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Matches if the target object responds to all of the names
# provided. Names can be Strings or Symbols.
@@ -2899,7 +2915,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect("string").to respond_to(:length)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def responding_to(*args, &block); end
+ def responding_to(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if the submitted block returns true. Yields target to the
# block.
@@ -2935,7 +2951,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# @param description [String] optional description to be used for this matcher.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def satisfying(*args, &block); end
+ def satisfying(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Matches if the actual value starts with the expected value(s). In the
# case of a string, matches against the first `expected.length` characters
@@ -2961,7 +2977,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect([0, 2, 3, 4, 4]).to start_with 0, 1
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def starting_with(*args, &block); end
+ def starting_with(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given no argument, matches if a proc throws any Symbol.
@@ -2999,7 +3015,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect { do_something_risky }.not_to throw_symbol(:that_was_risky, 'culprit')
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def throwing(*args, &block); end
+ def throwing(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if actual == expected +/- delta
@@ -3008,7 +3024,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# expect(result).not_to be_within(0.5).of(3.0)
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def within(*args, &block); end
+ def within(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if the method called in the expect block yields, regardless
# of whether or not arguments are yielded.
@@ -3092,7 +3108,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# the method-under-test as a block.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def yielding_control(*args, &block); end
+ def yielding_control(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Designed for use with methods that repeatedly yield (such as
# iterators). Passes if the method called in the expect block yields
@@ -3110,7 +3126,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# the method-under-test as a block.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def yielding_successive_args(*args, &block); end
+ def yielding_successive_args(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Given no arguments, matches if the method called in the expect
# block yields with arguments (regardless of what they are or how
@@ -3137,7 +3153,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# multiple times.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def yielding_with_args(*args, &block); end
+ def yielding_with_args(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Passes if the method called in the expect block yields with
# no arguments. Fails if it does not yield, or yields with arguments.
@@ -3152,7 +3168,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers
# multiple times.
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#38
- def yielding_with_no_args(*args, &block); end
+ def yielding_with_no_args(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
@@ -3301,7 +3317,7 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/aliased_matcher.rb#64
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/aliased_matcher.rb#65
class RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcherWithOperatorSupport < ::RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcher; end
# @private
@@ -3332,7 +3348,7 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::AliasedNegatedMatcher < ::RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcher
# by going through the effort of defining a negated matcher.
# However, if the override didn't actually change anything, then we
- # should return the opposite failure message instead -- the overriden
+ # should return the opposite failure message instead -- the overridden
# message is going to be confusing if we return it as-is, as it represents
# the non-negated failure message for a negated match (or vice versa).
@@ -3346,6 +3362,18 @@ RSpec::Matchers::AliasedNegatedMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages = RSpec::Matchers
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers.rb#957
RSpec::Matchers::BE_PREDICATE_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
+# Provides a base class with as little methods as possible, so that
+# most methods can be delegated via `method_missing`.
+# On Ruby 2.0+ BasicObject could be used for this purpose, but it
+# introduce some extra complexity with constant resolution, so the
+# BlankSlate pattern was prefered.
+# @private
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#10
+class RSpec::Matchers::BaseDelegator; end
# Container module for all built-in matchers. The matcher classes are here
# (rather than directly under `RSpec::Matchers`) in order to prevent name
# collisions, since `RSpec::Matchers` gets included into the user's namespace.
@@ -3362,7 +3390,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn; end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/all.rb#7
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/all.rb#8
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::All < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [All] a new instance of All
@@ -3456,6 +3484,7 @@ end
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
include ::RSpec::Matchers::Composable
include ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::HashFormatting
+ include ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::StringEncodingFormatting
include ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages
# @api private
@@ -3602,7 +3631,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#166
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#207
module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages
# Provides a good generic failure message. Based on `description`.
# When subclassing, if you are not satisfied with this failure message
@@ -3611,7 +3640,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages
# @api private
# @return [String]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#172
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#213
def failure_message; end
# Provides a good generic negative failure message. Based on `description`.
@@ -3621,7 +3650,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages
# @api private
# @return [String]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#181
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#222
def failure_message_when_negated; end
class << self
@@ -3629,7 +3658,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages
# @private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#186
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#227
def has_default_failure_messages?(matcher); end
@@ -3674,6 +3703,46 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::HashFormatting
+# @api private
+# @private
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#165
+module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::StringEncodingFormatting
+ private
+ # Formats a String's encoding as a human readable string
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param _value [String]
+ # @return [nil] nil as the curent Ruby version does not support String encoding
+ #
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#188
+ def format_encoding(value); end
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Boolean] False always as the curent Ruby version does not support String encoding
+ #
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#171
+ def string_encoding_differs?; end
+ class << self
+ # Formats a String's encoding as a human readable string
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param _value [String]
+ # @return [nil] nil as the curent Ruby version does not support String encoding
+ #
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#188
+ def format_encoding(value); end
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Boolean] False always as the curent Ruby version does not support String encoding
+ #
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/base_matcher.rb#171
+ def string_encoding_differs?; end
+ end
# Used to detect when no arg is passed to `initialize`.
# `nil` cannot be used because it's a valid value to pass.
@@ -3758,7 +3827,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/be_instance_of.rb#7
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/be_instance_of.rb#9
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeAnInstanceOf < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [String]
@@ -3902,7 +3971,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/be.rb#30
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/be.rb#32
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeFalsey < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [String]
@@ -3951,7 +4020,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/be.rb#53
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/be.rb#55
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeNil < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [String]
@@ -3978,7 +4047,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/has.rb#137
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/has.rb#138
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BePredicate < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::DynamicPredicate
@@ -4019,7 +4088,7 @@ RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BePredicate::REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/be.rb#7
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/be.rb#9
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BeTruthy < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [String]
@@ -4152,7 +4221,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/change.rb#7
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/change.rb#9
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Change < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [Change] a new instance of Change
@@ -4470,7 +4539,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/compound.rb#6
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/compound.rb#7
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [Compound] a new instance of Compound
@@ -4505,7 +4574,7 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatch
def evaluator; end
# @api private
- # @return [RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs]
+ # @return [RSpec::Matchers::MultiMatcherDiff]
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/compound.rb#55
def expected; end
@@ -4609,7 +4678,7 @@ end
# @api public
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/compound.rb#242
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/compound.rb#244
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::And < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound
# @api private
# @return [String]
@@ -4718,7 +4787,7 @@ end
# @api public
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/compound.rb#269
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/compound.rb#271
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound::Or < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Compound
# @api private
# @return [String]
@@ -4763,7 +4832,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/contain_exactly.rb#8
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/contain_exactly.rb#10
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::ContainExactly < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [String]
@@ -5361,18 +5430,18 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#7
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#9
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eq < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [String]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#22
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#26
def description; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#28
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#32
def diffable?; end
# @api private
@@ -5384,14 +5453,14 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eq < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [String]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#16
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#20
def failure_message_when_negated; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#34
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eq.rb#38
def match(expected, actual); end
@@ -5400,12 +5469,12 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eql.rb#7
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eql.rb#9
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eql < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eql.rb#22
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eql.rb#26
def diffable?; end
# @api private
@@ -5417,14 +5486,14 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Eql < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [String]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eql.rb#16
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eql.rb#20
def failure_message_when_negated; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eql.rb#28
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/eql.rb#32
def match(expected, actual); end
@@ -5433,7 +5502,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/equal.rb#7
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/equal.rb#9
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Equal < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -5535,7 +5604,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/exist.rb#43
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/exist.rb#45
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Exist::ExistenceTest < ::Struct
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -5583,7 +5652,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/has.rb#125
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/has.rb#126
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Has < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::DynamicPredicate
@@ -5603,7 +5672,7 @@ RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Has::REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/have_attributes.rb#7
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/have_attributes.rb#8
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::HaveAttributes < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [HaveAttributes] a new instance of HaveAttributes
@@ -5767,7 +5836,7 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Include < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatche
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#160
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#167
def actual_collection_includes?(expected_item); end
# @api private
@@ -5809,23 +5878,23 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Include < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatche
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#200
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#207
def convert_to_hash?(obj); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#174
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#181
def count_enumerable(expected_item); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#179
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#186
def count_inclusions; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#191
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/include.rb#198
def diff_would_wrongly_highlight_matched_item?; end
# @api private
@@ -6645,7 +6714,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/change.rb#181
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/change.rb#182
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::SpecificValuesChange < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @return [SpecificValuesChange] a new instance of SpecificValuesChange
@@ -7192,7 +7261,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb#149
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/built_in/yield.rb#150
class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::YieldWithNoArgs < ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher
# @api private
# @private
@@ -7348,7 +7417,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::Composable
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/composable.rb#142
def should_enumerate?(item); end
- # Transforms the given data structue (typically a hash or array)
+ # Transforms the given data structure (typically a hash or array)
# into a new data structure that, when `#inspect` is called on it,
# will provide descriptions of any contained matchers rather than
# the normal `#inspect` output.
@@ -7420,7 +7489,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::Composable
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/composable.rb#142
def should_enumerate?(item); end
- # Transforms the given data structue (typically a hash or array)
+ # Transforms the given data structure (typically a hash or array)
# into a new data structure that, when `#inspect` is called on it,
# will provide descriptions of any contained matchers rather than
# the normal `#inspect` output.
@@ -7488,7 +7557,7 @@ end
# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#6
module RSpec::Matchers::DSL
- # Defines a matcher alias. The returned matcher's `description` will be overriden
+ # Defines a matcher alias. The returned matcher's `description` will be overridden
# to reflect the phrasing of the new name, which will be used in failure messages
# when passed as an argument to another matcher in a composed matcher expression.
@@ -7508,7 +7577,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL
# @param new_name [Symbol] the new name for the matcher
# @param options [Hash] options for the aliased matcher
# @see RSpec::Matchers
- # @yield [String] optional block that, when given, is used to define the overriden
+ # @yield [String] optional block that, when given, is used to define the overridden
# logic. The yielded arg is the original description or failure message. If no
# block is provided, a default override is used based on the old and new names.
@@ -7524,11 +7593,11 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL
# When args are passed to your matcher, they will be yielded here,
# usually representing the expected value(s).
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#72
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#73
def define(name, &declarations); end
# Defines a negated matcher. The returned matcher's `description` and `failure_message`
- # will be overriden to reflect the phrasing of the new name, and the match logic will
+ # will be overridden to reflect the phrasing of the new name, and the match logic will
# be based on the original matcher but negated.
# @example
@@ -7538,11 +7607,11 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL
# @param negated_name [Symbol] the name for the negated matcher
# @param base_name [Symbol] the name of the original matcher that will be negated
# @see RSpec::Matchers
- # @yield [String] optional block that, when given, is used to define the overriden
+ # @yield [String] optional block that, when given, is used to define the overridden
# logic. The yielded arg is the original description or failure message. If no
# block is provided, a default override is used based on the old and new names.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#60
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#61
def define_negated_matcher(negated_name, base_name, &description_override); end
# Defines a custom matcher.
@@ -7554,14 +7623,14 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL
# When args are passed to your matcher, they will be yielded here,
# usually representing the expected value(s).
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#72
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#73
def matcher(name, &declarations); end
# :nocov:
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#83
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#84
def warn_about_block_args(name, declarations); end
@@ -7570,13 +7639,13 @@ end
# override any of these using the {RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros Macros} methods
# from within an `RSpec::Matchers.define` block.
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#384
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#385
module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::DefaultImplementations
include ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages
# The default description.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#394
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#395
def description; end
# Used internally by objects returns by `should` and `should_not`.
@@ -7584,14 +7653,14 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::DefaultImplementations
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#389
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#390
def diffable?; end
# Most matchers do not expect call stack jumps.
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#411
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#412
def expects_call_stack_jump?; end
# Matchers do not support block expectations by default. You
@@ -7599,24 +7668,24 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::DefaultImplementations
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#402
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#403
def supports_block_expectations?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#406
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#407
def supports_value_expectations?; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#417
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#418
def chained_method_clause_sentences; end
# Contains the methods that are available from within the
# `RSpec::Matchers.define` DSL for creating custom matchers.
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#103
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#104
module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# Convenience for defining methods on this matcher to create a fluent
# interface. The trick about fluent interfaces is that each method must
@@ -7646,7 +7715,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# expect(minor).to have_errors_on(:age).with("Not old enough to participate")
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#297
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#298
def chain(method_name, *attr_names, &definition); end
# Customize the description to use for one-liners. Only use this when
@@ -7663,16 +7732,16 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# end
# @yield [Object] actual the actual object (i.e. the value wrapped by `expect`)
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#252
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#253
def description(&definition); end
# Tells the matcher to diff the actual and expected values in the failure
# message.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#258
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#259
def diffable; end
- # Customizes the failure messsage to use when this matcher is
+ # Customizes the failure message to use when this matcher is
# asked to positively match. Only use this when the message
# generated by default doesn't suit your needs.
@@ -7687,10 +7756,10 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# end
# @yield [Object] actual the actual object (i.e. the value wrapped by `expect`)
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#215
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#216
def failure_message(&definition); end
- # Customize the failure messsage to use when this matcher is asked
+ # Customize the failure message to use when this matcher is asked
# to negatively match. Only use this when the message generated by
# default doesn't suit your needs.
@@ -7705,7 +7774,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# end
# @yield [Object] actual the actual object (i.e. the value wrapped by `expect`)
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#234
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#235
def failure_message_when_negated(&definition); end
# Stores the block that is used to determine whether this matcher passes
@@ -7734,7 +7803,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# @param options [Hash] for defining the behavior of the match block.
# @yield [Object] actual the actual value (i.e. the value wrapped by `expect`)
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#130
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#131
def match(options = T.unsafe(nil), &match_block); end
# Use this instead of `match` when the block will raise an exception
@@ -7751,7 +7820,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# expect(email_validator).to accept_as_valid("person@company.com")
# @yield [Object] actual the actual object (i.e. the value wrapped by `expect`)
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#187
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#188
def match_unless_raises(expected_exception = T.unsafe(nil), &match_block); end
# Use this to define the block for a negative expectation (`expect(...).not_to`)
@@ -7767,7 +7836,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# @param options [Hash] for defining the behavior of the match block.
# @yield [Object] actual the actual value (i.e. the value wrapped by `expect`)
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#159
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#160
def match_when_negated(options = T.unsafe(nil), &match_block); end
# Declares that the matcher can be used in a block expectation.
@@ -7775,12 +7844,12 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# expectation without declaring this.
# (e.g. `expect { do_something }.to matcher`).
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#266
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#267
def supports_block_expectations; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#311
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#312
def assign_attributes(attr_names); end
# Does the following:
@@ -7788,7 +7857,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# - Defines the named method using a user-provided block
# in @user_method_defs, which is included as an ancestor
# in the singleton class in which we eval the `define` block.
- # - Defines an overriden definition for the same method
+ # - Defines an overridden definition for the same method
# usign the provided `our_def` block.
# - Provides a default `our_def` block for the common case
# of needing to call the user's definition with `@actual`
@@ -7801,7 +7870,7 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros
# (e.g. assigning `@actual`, rescueing errors, etc) and
# can `super` to the user's definition.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#345
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#346
def define_user_override(method_name, user_def, &our_def); end
@@ -7809,32 +7878,32 @@ end
# @deprecated Use the methods from {Macros} instead.
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#353
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#354
module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros::Deprecated
# @deprecated Use {Macros#failure_message} instead.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#367
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#368
def failure_message_for_should(&definition); end
# @deprecated Use {Macros#failure_message_when_negated} instead.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#373
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#374
def failure_message_for_should_not(&definition); end
# @deprecated Use {Macros#match} instead.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#355
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#356
def match_for_should(&definition); end
# @deprecated Use {Macros#match_when_negated} instead.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#361
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#362
def match_for_should_not(&definition); end
# @private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#145
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#146
RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros::RAISE_NOTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
# The class used for custom matchers. The block passed to
@@ -7842,7 +7911,7 @@ RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros::RAISE_NOTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
# of the singleton class of an instance, and will have the
# {RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros Macros} methods available.
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#432
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#433
class RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher
include ::RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages
include ::RSpec::Matchers::DSL::DefaultImplementations
@@ -7854,18 +7923,18 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher
# @api private
# @return [Matcher] a new instance of Matcher
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#461
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#462
def initialize(name, declarations, matcher_execution_context, *expected, &block_arg); end
# Exposes the value being matched against -- generally the object
# object wrapped by `expect`.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#448
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#449
def actual; end
# The block parameter used in the expectation
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#455
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#456
def block_arg; end
# Provides the expected value. This will return an array if
@@ -7874,7 +7943,7 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher
# @see #expected_as_array
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#481
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#482
def expected; end
# Returns the expected value as an an array. This exists primarily
@@ -7883,30 +7952,30 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher
# @see #expected
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#493
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#494
def expected_as_array; end
# Adds the name (rather than a cryptic hex number)
# so we can identify an instance of
# the matcher in error messages (e.g. for `NoMethodError`)
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#498
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#499
def inspect; end
# The name of the matcher.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#458
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#459
def name; end
# Exposes the exception raised during the matching by `match_unless_raises`.
# Could be useful to extract details for a failure message.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#452
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#453
def rescued_exception; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#521
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#522
def actual_arg_for(block); end
# Takes care of forwarding unhandled messages to the
@@ -7916,7 +7985,7 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher
# Rails' test helper methods, but it's also a useful
# feature in its own right.
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#531
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#532
def method_missing(method, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
# Indicates that this matcher responds to messages
@@ -7925,7 +7994,7 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#506
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/dsl.rb#507
def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end
@@ -7963,17 +8032,52 @@ module RSpec::Matchers::EnglishPhrasing
-# Handles list of expected values when there is a need to render
-# multiple diffs. Also can handle one value.
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers.rb#958
+RSpec::Matchers::HAS_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
+# Provides the necessary plumbing to wrap a matcher with a decorator.
+# @private
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#31
+class RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator < ::RSpec::Matchers::BaseDelegator
+ include ::RSpec::Matchers::Composable
+ # @return [MatcherDelegator] a new instance of MatcherDelegator
+ #
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#35
+ def initialize(base_matcher); end
+ # Returns the value of attribute base_matcher.
+ #
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#33
+ def base_matcher; end
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#39
+ def method_missing(*args, &block); end
+ private
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#55
+ def initialize_copy(other); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#44
+ def respond_to_missing?(name, include_all = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+# Handles list of expected and actual value pairs when there is a need
+# to render multiple diffs. Also can handle one pair.
# @api private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#6
-class RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#6
+class RSpec::Matchers::MultiMatcherDiff
# @api private
- # @return [ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs] a new instance of ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs
+ # @return [MultiMatcherDiff] a new instance of MultiMatcherDiff
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#16
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#16
def initialize(expected_list); end
# Returns message with diff(s) appended for provided differ
@@ -7982,51 +8086,51 @@ class RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs
# @api private
# @param message [String] original failure message
# @param differ [Proc]
- # @param actual [Any] value
# @return [String]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#47
- def message_with_diff(message, differ, actual); end
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#47
+ def message_with_diff(message, differ); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#68
- def diffs(differ, actual); end
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#68
+ def diffs(differ); end
class << self
# Wraps provided matcher list in instance of
- # ExpectedForMultipleDiffs.
+ # MultiMatcherDiff.
# @api private
# @param matchers [Array] list of matchers to wrap
- # @return [RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs]
+ # @return [RSpec::Matchers::MultiMatcherDiff]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#36
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#37
def for_many_matchers(matchers); end
# Wraps provided expected value in instance of
- # ExpectedForMultipleDiffs. If provided value is already an
- # ExpectedForMultipleDiffs then it just returns it.
+ # MultiMatcherDiff. If provided value is already an
+ # MultiMatcherDiff then it just returns it.
# @api private
# @param expected [Any] value to be wrapped
- # @return [RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs]
+ # @param actual [Any] value
+ # @return [RSpec::Matchers::MultiMatcherDiff]
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#26
- def from(expected); end
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#27
+ def from(expected, actual); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#58
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#58
def diff_label_for(matcher); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#62
+ # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#62
def truncated(description); end
@@ -8037,48 +8141,13 @@ end
# @api private
# @private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#10
-RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs::DEFAULT_DIFF_LABEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#10
+RSpec::Matchers::MultiMatcherDiff::DEFAULT_DIFF_LABEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Maximum readable matcher description length
# @api private
# @private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/expecteds_for_multiple_diffs.rb#14
-RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs::DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers.rb#958
-RSpec::Matchers::HAS_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Provides the necessary plumbing to wrap a matcher with a decorator.
-# @private
-# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#5
-class RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator
- include ::RSpec::Matchers::Composable
- # @return [MatcherDelegator] a new instance of MatcherDelegator
- #
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#9
- def initialize(base_matcher); end
- # Returns the value of attribute base_matcher.
- #
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#7
- def base_matcher; end
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#13
- def method_missing(*args, &block); end
- private
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#29
- def initialize_copy(other); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/matcher_delegator.rb#18
- def respond_to_missing?(name, include_all = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+# source://rspec-expectations//lib/rspec/matchers/multi_matcher_diff.rb#14
+RSpec::Matchers::MultiMatcherDiff::DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-mocks@3.12.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-mocks@3.13.0.rbi
similarity index 92%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-mocks@3.12.0.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-mocks@3.13.0.rbi
index dd116fb2..b2e1d98e 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-mocks@3.12.0.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-mocks@3.13.0.rbi
@@ -10,70 +10,70 @@
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/instance_method_stasher.rb#1
module RSpec
class << self
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#70
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#70
def clear_examples; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#85
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#85
def configuration; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
def configuration=(_arg0); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#97
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#97
def configure; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#194
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#194
def const_missing(name); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def context(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#122
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#122
def current_example; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#128
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#128
def current_example=(example); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#154
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#154
def current_scope; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#134
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#134
def current_scope=(scope); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def describe(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def example_group(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def fcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def fdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#58
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#58
def reset; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_context(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_examples(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_examples_for(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#160
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#160
def world; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
def world=(_arg0); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def xcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def xdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ module RSpec::Mocks
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#376
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#386
def error_generator; end
# Sets a message expectation on `subject`.
@@ -543,21 +543,21 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/proxy.rb#94
-class RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::FluentInterfaceProxy
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/proxy.rb#103
+class RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::FluentInterfaceProxy < ::BasicObject
# @return [FluentInterfaceProxy] a new instance of FluentInterfaceProxy
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/proxy.rb#95
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/proxy.rb#104
def initialize(targets); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/proxy.rb#109
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/proxy.rb#118
def method_missing(*args, &block); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/proxy.rb#100
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/proxy.rb#109
def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::PositiveExpectationChain::ExpectationInvocationOrder
# This proxy sits in front of the recorder and delegates both to it
# and to the `RSpec::Mocks::Proxy` for each already mocked or stubbed
-# instance of the class, in order to propogates changes to the instances.
+# instance of the class, in order to propagates changes to the instances.
# Note that unlike `RSpec::Mocks::Proxy`, this proxy class is stateless
# and is not persisted in `RSpec::Mocks.space`.
@@ -815,46 +815,46 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::Recorder
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#280
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#282
def allow_no_prepended_module_definition_of(method_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#159
- def ancestor_is_an_observer?(method_name); end
+ def ancestor_is_an_observer?(ancestor, method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#233
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#235
def backup_method!(method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#267
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#269
def mark_invoked!(method_name); end
# @yield [args.first, args]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#176
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#178
def normalize_chain(*args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#247
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#249
def observe!(method_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#243
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#245
def public_protected_or_private_method_defined?(method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#181
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#183
def received_expected_message!(method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#227
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#229
def remove_dummy_method!(method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#187
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#189
def restore_method!(method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#195
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#197
def restore_original_method!(method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#168
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/recorder.rb#166
def super_class_observers_for(method_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/stub_chain.rb#5
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/any_instance/stub_chain.rb#6
class RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::StubChain < ::RSpec::Mocks::AnyInstance::Chain
# @private
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -1005,15 +1005,15 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentListMatcher
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_list_matcher.rb#79
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_list_matcher.rb#81
def resolve_expected_args_based_on(actual_args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_list_matcher.rb#98
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_list_matcher.rb#100
def ensure_expected_args_valid!; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_list_matcher.rb#90
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_list_matcher.rb#92
def replace_any_args_with_splat_of_anything(before_count, actual_args_count); end
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_list_matcher.rb#112
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_list_matcher.rb#114
RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentListMatcher::MATCH_ALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentListMatcher)
# ArgumentMatchers are placeholders that you can include in message
@@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
# @example
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(kind_of(Thing))
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#111
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#121
def a_kind_of(klass); end
# Matches if `arg.instance_of?(klass)`
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
# @example
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(instance_of(Thing))
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#101
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#111
def an_instance_of(klass); end
# Acts like an arg splat, matching any number of args at any point in an arg list.
@@ -1072,6 +1072,15 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#34
def anything; end
+ # Matches an array that excludes the specified items.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # expect(object).to receive(:message).with(array_excluding(1,2,3))
+ # expect(object).to receive(:message).with(array_excluding([1,2,3]))
+ #
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#100
+ def array_excluding(*args); end
# Matches an array that includes the specified items at least once.
# Ignores duplicates and additional values
@@ -1079,7 +1088,7 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(array_including(1,2,3))
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(array_including([1,2,3]))
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#80
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#90
def array_including(*args); end
# Matches a boolean value.
@@ -1106,7 +1115,7 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(hash_excluding(:key))
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(hash_excluding(:key, :key2 => :val2))
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#91
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#80
def hash_excluding(*args); end
# Matches a hash that includes the specified key(s) or key/value pairs.
@@ -1127,7 +1136,7 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(hash_excluding(:key))
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(hash_excluding(:key, :key2 => :val2))
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#91
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#80
def hash_not_including(*args); end
# Matches if `arg.instance_of?(klass)`
@@ -1135,7 +1144,7 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
# @example
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(instance_of(Thing))
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#101
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#111
def instance_of(klass); end
# Matches if `arg.kind_of?(klass)`
@@ -1143,7 +1152,7 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
# @example
# expect(object).to receive(:message).with(kind_of(Thing))
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#111
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#121
def kind_of(klass); end
# Matches no arguments.
@@ -1157,171 +1166,192 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers
class << self
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#118
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#128
def anythingize_lonely_keys(*args); end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#149
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#159
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgMatcher < ::RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::SingletonMatcher
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#150
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#160
def ===(_other); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#154
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#164
def description; end
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#137
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#147
RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgMatcher::INSTANCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgMatcher)
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#142
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#152
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgsMatcher < ::RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::SingletonMatcher
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#143
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#153
def description; end
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#137
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#147
RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgsMatcher::INSTANCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgsMatcher)
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#232
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#274
+class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::ArrayExcludingMatcher
+ # @return [ArrayExcludingMatcher] a new instance of ArrayExcludingMatcher
+ #
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#275
+ def initialize(unexpected); end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#279
+ def ===(actual); end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#292
+ def description; end
+ private
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#298
+ def formatted_unexpected_values; end
+# @private
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#242
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::ArrayIncludingMatcher
# @return [ArrayIncludingMatcher] a new instance of ArrayIncludingMatcher
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#233
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#243
def initialize(expected); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#237
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#247
def ===(actual); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#248
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#260
def description; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#254
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#266
def formatted_expected_values; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#178
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#188
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::BaseHashMatcher
# @return [BaseHashMatcher] a new instance of BaseHashMatcher
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#179
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#189
def initialize(expected); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#183
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#193
def ===(predicate, actual); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#191
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#201
def description(name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#197
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#207
def formatted_expected_hash; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#167
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#177
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::BooleanMatcher < ::RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::SingletonMatcher
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#168
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#178
def ===(value); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#172
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#182
def description; end
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#137
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#147
RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::BooleanMatcher::INSTANCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::BooleanMatcher)
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#262
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#306
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::DuckTypeMatcher
# @return [DuckTypeMatcher] a new instance of DuckTypeMatcher
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#263
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#307
def initialize(*methods_to_respond_to); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#267
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#311
def ===(value); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#271
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#315
def description; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#221
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#231
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::HashExcludingMatcher < ::RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::BaseHashMatcher
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#222
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#232
def ===(actual); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#226
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#236
def description; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#210
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#220
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::HashIncludingMatcher < ::RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::BaseHashMatcher
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#211
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#221
def ===(actual); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#215
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#225
def description; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#277
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#321
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::InstanceOf
# @return [InstanceOf] a new instance of InstanceOf
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#278
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#322
def initialize(klass); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#282
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#326
def ===(actual); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#286
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#330
def description; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#292
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#336
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::KindOf
# @return [KindOf] a new instance of KindOf
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#293
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#337
def initialize(klass); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#297
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#341
def ===(actual); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#301
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#345
def description; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#160
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#170
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::NoArgsMatcher < ::RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::SingletonMatcher
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#161
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#171
def description; end
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#137
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#147
RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::NoArgsMatcher::INSTANCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::NoArgsMatcher)
# Intended to be subclassed by stateless, immutable argument matchers.
@@ -1334,17 +1364,13 @@ RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::NoArgsMatcher::INSTANCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), R
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#133
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#143
class RSpec::Mocks::ArgumentMatchers::SingletonMatcher
class << self
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#136
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/argument_matchers.rb#146
def inherited(subklass); end
- private
- def new(*_arg0); end
@@ -1404,7 +1430,7 @@ RSpec::Mocks::ClassNewMethodReference::CLASS_NEW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundM
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#117
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#119
class RSpec::Mocks::ClassVerifyingDouble < ::Module
include ::RSpec::Mocks::TestDouble
include ::RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingDouble
@@ -1727,7 +1753,7 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Constant
# Queries rspec-mocks to find out information about the named constant.
# @param name [String] the name of the constant
- # @return [Constant] an object contaning information about the named
+ # @return [Constant] an object containing information about the named
# constant.
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/mutate_const.rb#86
@@ -2122,19 +2148,19 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::ErrorGenerator
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#318
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#328
def __raise(message, backtrace_line = T.unsafe(nil), source_id = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#346
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#356
def arg_list(args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#356
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#366
def count_message(count, expectation_count_type = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#292
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#302
def diff_message(expected_args, actual_args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#314
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#324
def differ; end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#268
@@ -2143,39 +2169,39 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::ErrorGenerator
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#257
def expected_part_of_expectation_error(expected_received_count, expectation_count_type, argument_list_matcher); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#341
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#351
def format_args(args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#350
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#360
def format_received_args(args_for_multiple_calls); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#370
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#380
def group_count(index, args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#366
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#376
def grouped_args(args); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#310
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#320
def list_of_exactly_one_string?(args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#337
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#347
def notify(*args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#332
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#342
def prepend_to_backtrace(exception, line); end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#250
def received_part_of_expectation_error(actual_received_count, args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#362
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#372
def times(count); end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#264
def unexpected_arguments_message(expected_args_string, actual_args_string); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#302
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/error_generator.rb#312
def unpack_string_args(formatted_expected_args, actual_args); end
@@ -2526,7 +2552,7 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/message_chain.rb#61
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/message_chain.rb#62
class RSpec::Mocks::ExpectChain < ::RSpec::Mocks::MessageChain
@@ -2727,12 +2753,12 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#69
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#71
class RSpec::Mocks::InstanceVerifyingDouble
include ::RSpec::Mocks::TestDouble
include ::RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingDouble
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#73
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#75
def __build_mock_proxy(order_group); end
@@ -2815,14 +2841,14 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Matchers::HaveReceived
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/have_received.rb#44
def failure_message_when_negated; end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/have_received.rb#19
+ def matcher_name; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/have_received.rb#23
def matches?(subject, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/have_received.rb#19
- def name; end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/have_received.rb#53
def once(*args); end
@@ -2921,31 +2947,31 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Matchers::Receive
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#10
def initialize(message, block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def and_call_original(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def and_invoke(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def and_raise(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def and_return(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def and_throw(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def and_wrap_original(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def and_yield(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def at_least(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def at_most(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#20
@@ -2954,22 +2980,25 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Matchers::Receive
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#30
def does_not_match?(subject, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def exactly(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#24
- def matches?(subject, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
+ def inspect(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#16
- def name; end
+ def matcher_name; end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#24
+ def matches?(subject, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def never(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def once(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def ordered(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#41
@@ -2990,39 +3019,42 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Matchers::Receive
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#30
def setup_negative_expectation(subject, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def thrice(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def time(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def times(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
+ def to_s(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def twice(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#62
def with(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#70
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#71
def describable; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#107
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#108
def move_block_to_last_customization(block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#90
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#91
def setup_any_instance_method_substitute(subject, method, block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#95
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#96
def setup_method_substitute(host, method, block, *args); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#85
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#86
def setup_mock_proxy_method_substitute(subject, method, block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#74
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#75
def warn_if_any_instance(expression, subject); end
@@ -3031,18 +3063,18 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#118
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#119
class RSpec::Mocks::Matchers::Receive::DefaultDescribable
# @return [DefaultDescribable] a new instance of DefaultDescribable
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#119
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#120
def initialize(message); end
# This is much simpler for the `any_instance` case than what the
# user may want, but I'm not up for putting a bunch of effort
# into full descriptions for `any_instance` expectations at this point :(.
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#126
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive.rb#127
def description_for(verb); end
@@ -3083,12 +3115,12 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Matchers::ReceiveMessageChain
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_message_chain.rb#53
def does_not_match?(*_args); end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_message_chain.rb#23
+ def matcher_name; end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_message_chain.rb#48
def matches?(subject, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_message_chain.rb#23
- def name; end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_message_chain.rb#31
def setup_allowance(subject, &block); end
@@ -3137,12 +3169,12 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Matchers::ReceiveMessages
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_messages.rb#29
def does_not_match?(_subject); end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_messages.rb#13
+ def matcher_name; end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_messages.rb#21
def matches?(subject); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_messages.rb#13
- def name; end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/matchers/receive_messages.rb#36
def setup_allowance(subject); end
@@ -3722,22 +3754,22 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::MethodDouble
# @private
# @return [MethodDouble] a new instance of MethodDouble
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#9
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#12
def initialize(object, method_name, proxy); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#191
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#216
def add_default_stub(*args, &implementation); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#141
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#166
def add_expectation(error_generator, expectation_ordering, expected_from, opts, &implementation); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#177
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#202
def add_simple_expectation(method_name, response, error_generator, backtrace_line); end
# A simple stub can only return a concrete value for a message, and
@@ -3749,37 +3781,37 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::MethodDouble
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#172
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#197
def add_simple_stub(method_name, response); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#156
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#181
def add_stub(error_generator, expectation_ordering, expected_from, opts = T.unsafe(nil), &implementation); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#150
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#175
def build_expectation(error_generator, expectation_ordering); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#127
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#152
def clear; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#51
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#61
def configure_method; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#58
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#68
def define_proxy_method; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#6
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#9
def expectations; end
# The type of message expectation to create has been extracted to its own
@@ -3787,30 +3819,35 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::MethodDouble
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#136
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#161
def message_expectation_class; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#6
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#41
+ def method_missing_block; end
+ # @private
+ #
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#9
def method_name; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#6
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#9
def method_stasher; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#6
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#9
def object; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#46
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#56
def object_singleton_class; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#21
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#24
def original_implementation_callable; end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#34
@@ -3821,85 +3858,90 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::MethodDouble
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#79
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#97
def proxy_method_invoked(_obj, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#208
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#233
def raise_method_not_stubbed_error; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#197
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#222
def remove_stub; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#203
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#228
def remove_stub_if_present; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#121
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#146
def reset; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#85
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#103
def restore_original_method; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#108
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#133
def restore_original_visibility; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#21
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#24
def save_original_implementation_callable!; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#182
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#207
def setup_simple_method_double(method_name, response, collection, error_generator = T.unsafe(nil), backtrace_line = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#97
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#122
def show_frozen_warning; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#6
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#9
def stubs; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#116
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#141
def verify; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#41
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#51
def visibility; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#230
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#255
def definition_target; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#250
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#275
def new_rspec_prepended_module; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#268
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#293
def remove_method_from_definition_target; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#234
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#259
def usable_rspec_prepended_module; end
+# @private TODO: drop in favor of FrozenError in ruby 2.5+
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#6
+RSpec::Mocks::MethodDouble::FROZEN_ERROR_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# We subclass `Module` in order to be able to easily detect our prepended module.
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#228
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/method_double.rb#253
class RSpec::Mocks::MethodDouble::RSpecPrependedModule < ::Module; end
# Represents a method on an object that may or may not be defined.
@@ -4142,7 +4184,7 @@ RSpec::Mocks::ObjectReference::MODULE_NAME_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Unbound
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#108
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#110
class RSpec::Mocks::ObjectVerifyingDouble
include ::RSpec::Mocks::TestDouble
include ::RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingDouble
@@ -4154,17 +4196,17 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#85
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#87
module RSpec::Mocks::ObjectVerifyingDoubleMethods
include ::RSpec::Mocks::TestDouble
include ::RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingDouble
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#89
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#91
def as_stubbed_const(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#96
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#98
def __build_mock_proxy(order_group); end
@@ -4239,7 +4281,7 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::OutsideOfExampleError < ::StandardError; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#464
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#459
class RSpec::Mocks::PartialClassDoubleProxy < ::RSpec::Mocks::PartialDoubleProxy
include ::RSpec::Mocks::PartialClassDoubleProxyMethods
@@ -4251,9 +4293,9 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#388
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#383
module RSpec::Mocks::PartialClassDoubleProxyMethods
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#389
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#384
def initialize(source_space, *args); end
# Consider this situation:
@@ -4277,54 +4319,54 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::PartialClassDoubleProxyMethods
# That's what this method (together with `original_unbound_method_handle_from_ancestor_for`)
# does.
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#414
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#409
def original_method_handle_for(message); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#442
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#437
def method_double_from_ancestor_for(message); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#437
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#432
def original_unbound_method_handle_from_ancestor_for(message); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#452
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#447
def superclass_proxy; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#325
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#320
class RSpec::Mocks::PartialDoubleProxy < ::RSpec::Mocks::Proxy
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#339
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#334
def add_simple_expectation(method_name, response, location); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#345
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#340
def add_simple_stub(method_name, response); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#362
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#357
def message_received(message, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#326
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#321
def original_method_handle_for(message); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#357
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#352
def reset; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#351
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#346
def visibility_for(method_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#372
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#367
def any_instance_class_recorder_observing_method?(klass, method_name); end
@@ -4340,22 +4382,22 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Proxy
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#74
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#68
def add_message_expectation(method_name, opts = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#88
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#82
def add_simple_expectation(method_name, response, location); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#149
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#143
def add_simple_stub(method_name, response); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#143
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#137
def add_stub(method_name, opts = T.unsafe(nil), &implementation); end
# Tells the object to ignore any messages that aren't explicitly set as
@@ -4363,17 +4405,17 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Proxy
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#61
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#55
def as_null_object; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#93
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#87
def build_expectation(method_name); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#126
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#120
def check_for_unexpected_arguments(expectation); end
# @private
@@ -4390,121 +4432,121 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::Proxy
# @private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#190
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#184
def has_negative_expectation?(message); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#203
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#198
def message_received(message, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#183
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#177
def messages_arg_list; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#268
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#263
def method_double_if_exists_for_message(message); end
# @private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#54
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#48
def null_object?; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#51
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#45
def object; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#67
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#61
def original_method_handle_for(_message); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#262
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#257
def prepended_modules_of_singleton_class; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#241
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#236
def raise_missing_default_stub_error(expectation, args_for_multiple_calls); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#236
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#231
def raise_unexpected_message_error(method_name, args); end
# @private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#176
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#170
def received_message?(method_name, *args, &block); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#195
- def record_message_received(message, *args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#189
+ def record_message_received(message, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#154
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#148
def remove_stub(method_name); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#159
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#153
def remove_stub_if_present(method_name); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#103
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#97
def replay_received_message_on(expectation, &block); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#169
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#163
def reset; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#164
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#158
def verify; end
# @private
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#246
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#241
def visibility_for(_method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#285
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#280
def find_almost_matching_expectation(method_name, *args, **_arg2); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#309
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#304
def find_almost_matching_stub(method_name, *args, **_arg2); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#292
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#287
def find_best_matching_expectation_for(method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#278
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#273
def find_matching_expectation(method_name, *args, **_arg2); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#304
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#299
def find_matching_method_stub(method_name, *args, **_arg2); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#274
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#269
def method_double_for(message); end
class << self
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#252
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#247
def prepended_modules_of(klass); end
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#71
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#65
RSpec::Mocks::Proxy::DEFAULT_MESSAGE_EXPECTATION_OPTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# @private
@@ -4558,55 +4600,55 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#469
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#464
class RSpec::Mocks::ProxyForNil < ::RSpec::Mocks::PartialDoubleProxy
# @return [ProxyForNil] a new instance of ProxyForNil
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#470
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#465
def initialize(order_group); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#478
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#473
def add_message_expectation(method_name, opts = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#483
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#478
def add_stub(method_name, opts = T.unsafe(nil), &implementation); end
# Returns the value of attribute disallow_expectations.
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#475
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#470
def disallow_expectations; end
# Sets the attribute disallow_expectations
# @param value the value to set the attribute disallow_expectations to.
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#475
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#470
def disallow_expectations=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute warn_about_expectations.
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#476
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#471
def warn_about_expectations; end
# Sets the attribute warn_about_expectations
# @param value the value to set the attribute warn_about_expectations to.
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#476
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#471
def warn_about_expectations=(_arg0); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#520
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#515
def raise_error(method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#490
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#485
def set_expectation_behavior; end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#515
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#510
def warn(method_name); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#504
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#499
def warn_or_raise!(method_name); end
@@ -5040,9 +5082,9 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#316
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#311
class RSpec::Mocks::TestDoubleProxy < ::RSpec::Mocks::Proxy
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#317
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/proxy.rb#312
def reset; end
@@ -5055,11 +5097,11 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::UnsupportedMatcherError < ::StandardError; end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#6
module RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingDouble
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#51
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#53
def initialize(doubled_module, *args); end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#39
- def __send__(name, *args, &block); end
+ def __send__(name, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#20
def method_missing(message, *args, &block); end
@@ -5069,8 +5111,8 @@ module RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingDouble
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#7
def respond_to?(message, include_private = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#47
- def send(name, *args, &block); end
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_double.rb#48
+ def send(name, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
# @private
@@ -5084,11 +5126,11 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingDoubleNotDefinedError < ::StandardError; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#214
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#215
class RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingExistingClassNewMethodDouble < ::RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingExistingMethodDouble
# @yield [Support::MethodSignature.new(object.instance_method(:initialize))]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#215
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#216
def with_signature; end
@@ -5100,25 +5142,25 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#179
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#180
class RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingExistingMethodDouble < ::RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingMethodDouble
# @return [VerifyingExistingMethodDouble] a new instance of VerifyingExistingMethodDouble
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#180
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#181
def initialize(object, method_name, proxy); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#194
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#195
def unimplemented?; end
# @yield [Support::MethodSignature.new(original_implementation_callable)]
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#190
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#191
def with_signature; end
class << self
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#198
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#199
def for(object, method_name, proxy); end
@@ -5129,7 +5171,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_message_expectation.rb#9
+# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_message_expectation.rb#17
class RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingMessageExpectation < ::RSpec::Mocks::MessageExpectation
# @api private
# @return [VerifyingMessageExpectation] a new instance of VerifyingMessageExpectation
@@ -5198,9 +5240,9 @@ class RSpec::Mocks::VerifyingMethodDouble < ::RSpec::Mocks::MethodDouble
def message_expectation_class; end
# source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#159
- def proxy_method_invoked(obj, *args, &block); end
+ def proxy_method_invoked(obj, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
- # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#164
+ # source://rspec-mocks//lib/rspec/mocks/verifying_proxy.rb#165
def validate_arguments!(actual_args); end
@@ -5232,7 +5274,7 @@ end
# A verifying proxy mostly acts like a normal proxy, except that it
# contains extra logic to try and determine the validity of any expectation
# set on it. This includes whether or not methods have been defined and the
-# validatiy of arguments on method calls.
+# validity of arguments on method calls.
# In all other ways this behaves like a normal proxy. It only adds the
# verification behaviour to specific methods then delegates to the parent
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support@3.12.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support@3.13.0.rbi
similarity index 83%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support@3.12.0.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support@3.13.0.rbi
index aa45b63a..a19567e6 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support@3.12.0.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec-support@3.13.0.rbi
@@ -4,75 +4,75 @@
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rspec-support` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rspec-support`.
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#1
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#3
module RSpec
extend ::RSpec::Support::Warnings
class << self
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#70
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#70
def clear_examples; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#85
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#85
def configuration; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
def configuration=(_arg0); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#97
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#97
def configure; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#194
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#194
def const_missing(name); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def context(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#122
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#122
def current_example; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#128
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#128
def current_example=(example); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#154
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#154
def current_scope; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#134
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#134
def current_scope=(scope); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def describe(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def example_group(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def fcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def fdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#58
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#58
def reset; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_context(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_examples(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_examples_for(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#160
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#160
def world; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
def world=(_arg0); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def xcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def xdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end
@@ -82,18 +82,18 @@ end
# the code using the library, which is far more useful than the particular
# internal method that raised an error.
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#8
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#10
class RSpec::CallerFilter
class << self
# Earlier rubies do not support the two argument form of `caller`. This
# fallback is logically the same, but slower.
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#47
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#49
def first_non_rspec_line(skip_frames = T.unsafe(nil), increment = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#18
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#20
RSpec::CallerFilter::ADDITIONAL_TOP_LEVEL_FILES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb isn't actually part of rspec (obviously) but we want
@@ -103,23 +103,23 @@ RSpec::CallerFilter::ADDITIONAL_TOP_LEVEL_FILES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# file, but it depends on if rubygems is loaded or not. We don't want to have to deal
# with this complexity in our `RSpec.deprecate` calls, so we ignore it here.
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#28
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#30
RSpec::CallerFilter::IGNORE_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#20
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#22
RSpec::CallerFilter::LIB_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#9
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/caller_filter.rb#11
RSpec::CallerFilter::RSPEC_LIBS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#2
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#4
module RSpec::Support
class << self
# Used internally to get a class of a given object, even if it does not respond to #class.
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#84
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#86
def class_of(object); end
# Defines a helper method that is optimized to require files from the
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ module RSpec::Support
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#14
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#16
def define_optimized_require_for_rspec(lib, &require_relative); end
# Remove a previously registered matcher. Useful for cleaning up after
@@ -142,36 +142,36 @@ module RSpec::Support
# @private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#22
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#24
def deregister_matcher_definition(&block); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#105
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#113
def failure_notifier; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#97
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#105
def failure_notifier=(callable); end
# @private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#27
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#29
def is_a_matcher?(object); end
# @private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#4
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#6
def matcher_definitions; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#52
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#54
def method_handle_for(object, method_name); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#118
def notify_failure(failure, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Used internally to break cyclic dependency between mocks, expectations,
@@ -181,50 +181,51 @@ module RSpec::Support
# @private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#14
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#16
def register_matcher_definition(&block); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#23
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#25
def require_rspec_core(f); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#23
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#25
+ def require_rspec_mocks(f); end
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#25
def require_rspec_support(f); end
# gives a string representation of an object for use in RSpec descriptions
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#34
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/matcher_definition.rb#36
def rspec_description_for_object(object); end
- # A single thread local variable so we don't excessively pollute that namespace.
- #
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#92
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#95
def thread_local_data; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#132
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#140
def warning_notifier; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#125
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#133
def warning_notifier=(_arg0); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#115
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#123
def with_failure_notifier(callable); end
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#137
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#145
module RSpec::Support::AllExceptionsExceptOnesWeMustNotRescue
class << self
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#142
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#150
def ===(exception); end
@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ end
# These exceptions are dangerous to rescue as rescuing them
# would interfere with things we should not interfere with.
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#140
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#148
RSpec::Support::AllExceptionsExceptOnesWeMustNotRescue::AVOID_RESCUING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Deals with the slightly different semantics of block arguments.
@@ -245,144 +246,144 @@ RSpec::Support::AllExceptionsExceptOnesWeMustNotRescue::AVOID_RESCUING = T.let(T
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#266
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#268
class RSpec::Support::BlockSignature < ::RSpec::Support::MethodSignature
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#268
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#270
def classify_parameters; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#4
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#6
class RSpec::Support::ComparableVersion
include ::Comparable
# @return [ComparableVersion] a new instance of ComparableVersion
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#9
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#11
def initialize(string); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#13
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#15
def <=>(other); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#35
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#37
def segments; end
# Returns the value of attribute string.
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#7
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/comparable_version.rb#9
def string; end
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#102
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#110
RSpec::Support::DEFAULT_FAILURE_NOTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#129
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#137
RSpec::Support::DEFAULT_WARNING_NOTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#10
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#12
class RSpec::Support::Differ
# @return [Differ] a new instance of Differ
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#67
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#69
def initialize(opts = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#63
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#65
def color?; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#11
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#13
def diff(actual, expected); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#57
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#59
def diff_as_object(actual, expected); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#28
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#30
def diff_as_string(actual, expected); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#128
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#130
def add_old_hunk_to_hunk(hunk, oldhunk); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#124
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#126
def add_to_output(output, string); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#78
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#80
def all_strings?(*args); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#82
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#84
def any_multiline_strings?(*args); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#153
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#155
def blue(text); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#115
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#117
def build_hunks(actual, expected); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#90
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#92
def coerce_to_string(string_or_array); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#141
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#143
def color(text, color_code); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#161
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#163
def color_diff(diff); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#95
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#97
def diffably_stringify(array); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#119
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#121
def finalize_output(output, final_line); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#137
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#139
def format_type; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#149
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#151
def green(text); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#202
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#204
def handle_encoding_errors(actual, expected); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#192
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#194
def hash_to_string(hash); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#106
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#108
def multiline?(string); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#86
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#88
def no_numbers?(*args); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#74
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#76
def no_procs?(*args); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#157
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#159
def normal(text); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#178
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#180
def object_to_string(object); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#145
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#147
def red(text); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#132
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/differ.rb#134
def safely_flatten(array); end
@@ -391,14 +392,14 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#9
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#11
class RSpec::Support::DirectoryMaker
class << self
# Implements nested directory construction
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#13
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#15
def mkdir_p(path); end
@@ -406,65 +407,65 @@ class RSpec::Support::DirectoryMaker
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#55
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#57
def directory_exists?(dirname); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#50
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#52
def generate_path(stack, part); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#47
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/directory_maker.rb#49
def generate_stack(path); end
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#4
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#6
class RSpec::Support::EncodedString
# @return [EncodedString] a new instance of EncodedString
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#14
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#16
def initialize(string, encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#26
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#28
def <<(string); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#23
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#25
def ==(*args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#23
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#25
def empty?(*args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#23
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#25
def encoding(*args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#23
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#25
def eql?(*args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#23
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#25
def lines(*args, &block); end
# Returns the value of attribute source_encoding.
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#19
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#21
def source_encoding; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#39
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#41
def split(regex_or_string); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#44
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#46
def to_s; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#44
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#46
def to_str; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#137
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#139
def detect_source_encoding(string); end
# Encoding Exceptions:
@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@ class RSpec::Support::EncodedString
# RangeError: out of char range
# e.g. the UTF-16LE emoji: 128169.chr
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#91
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#93
def matching_encoding(string); end
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/8711118/879854
@@ -514,11 +515,11 @@ class RSpec::Support::EncodedString
# with invalid encoding, which is a pretty good proxy
# for the invalid byte sequence that causes an ArgumentError
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#122
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#124
def remove_invalid_bytes(string); end
class << self
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#141
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#143
def pick_encoding(source_a, source_b); end
@@ -527,50 +528,79 @@ end
# U+FFFD ("\xEF\xBF\xBD"), for Unicode encoding forms, else
# ? ("\x3F")
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#12
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#14
RSpec::Support::EncodedString::REPLACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#7
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#9
RSpec::Support::EncodedString::US_ASCII = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Reduce allocations by storing constants.
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#6
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/encoded_string.rb#8
RSpec::Support::EncodedString::UTF_8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Provides a means to fuzzy-match between two arbitrary objects.
+# Understands array/hash nesting. Uses `===` or `==` to
+# perform the matching.
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/fuzzy_matcher.rb#8
+module RSpec::Support::FuzzyMatcher
+ class << self
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/fuzzy_matcher.rb#10
+ def values_match?(expected, actual); end
+ private
+ # @private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/fuzzy_matcher.rb#29
+ def arrays_match?(expected_list, actual_list); end
+ # @private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/fuzzy_matcher.rb#38
+ def hashes_match?(expected_hash, actual_hash); end
+ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#7
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#9
class RSpec::Support::HunkGenerator
# @return [HunkGenerator] a new instance of HunkGenerator
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#8
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#10
def initialize(actual, expected); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#13
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#15
def hunks; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#30
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#32
def actual_lines; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#34
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#36
def build_hunk(piece); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#44
def context_lines; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#22
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#24
def diffs; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#26
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/hunk_generator.rb#28
def expected_lines; end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#38
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support.rb#40
RSpec::Support::KERNEL_METHOD_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
# Allows matchers to be used instead of providing keyword arguments. In
@@ -578,11 +608,11 @@ RSpec::Support::KERNEL_METHOD_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#391
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#395
class RSpec::Support::LooseSignatureVerifier < ::RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureVerifier
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#394
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#398
def split_args(*args); end
@@ -595,30 +625,30 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#411
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#415
class RSpec::Support::LooseSignatureVerifier::SignatureWithKeywordArgumentsMatcher
# @return [SignatureWithKeywordArgumentsMatcher] a new instance of SignatureWithKeywordArgumentsMatcher
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#412
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#416
def initialize(signature); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#432
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#436
def has_kw_args_in?(args); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#420
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#424
def invalid_kw_args_from(_kw_args); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#416
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#420
def missing_kw_args_from(_kw_args); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#424
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#428
def non_kw_args_arity_description; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#428
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#432
def valid_non_kw_args?(*args); end
@@ -627,22 +657,22 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#11
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#13
class RSpec::Support::MethodSignature
# @return [MethodSignature] a new instance of MethodSignature
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#14
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#16
def initialize(method); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#96
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#98
def arbitrary_kw_args?; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#36
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#38
def classify_arity(arity = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#104
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#106
def classify_parameters; end
# Without considering what the last arg is, could it
@@ -650,10 +680,10 @@ class RSpec::Support::MethodSignature
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#90
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#92
def could_contain_kw_args?(args); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#49
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#51
def description; end
# If the last argument is Hash, Ruby will treat only symbol keys as keyword arguments
@@ -661,42 +691,42 @@ class RSpec::Support::MethodSignature
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#82
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#84
def has_kw_args_in?(args); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#75
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#77
def invalid_kw_args_from(given_kw_args); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#12
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#14
def max_non_kw_args; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#12
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#14
def min_non_kw_args; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#71
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#73
def missing_kw_args_from(given_kw_args); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#21
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#23
def non_kw_args_arity_description; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#12
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#14
def optional_kw_args; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#12
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#14
def required_kw_args; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#100
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#102
def unlimited_args?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#29
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#31
def valid_non_kw_args?(positional_arg_count, optional_max_arg_count = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#160
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#162
RSpec::Support::MethodSignature::INFINITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Float)
# Encapsulates expectations about the number of arguments and
@@ -704,70 +734,70 @@ RSpec::Support::MethodSignature::INFINITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Float)
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#217
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#219
class RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureExpectation
# @api private
# @return [MethodSignatureExpectation] a new instance of MethodSignatureExpectation
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#218
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#220
def initialize; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#245
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#247
def empty?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#229
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#231
def expect_arbitrary_keywords; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#229
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#231
def expect_arbitrary_keywords=(_arg0); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#229
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#231
def expect_unlimited_arguments; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#229
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#231
def expect_unlimited_arguments=(_arg0); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#227
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#229
def keywords; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#252
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#254
def keywords=(values); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#227
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#229
def max_count; end
# @api private
# @raise [ArgumentError]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#231
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#233
def max_count=(number); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#227
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#229
def min_count; end
# @api private
# @raise [ArgumentError]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#238
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#240
def min_count=(number); end
@@ -775,48 +805,48 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#278
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#280
class RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureVerifier
# @api private
# @return [MethodSignatureVerifier] a new instance of MethodSignatureVerifier
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#281
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#283
def initialize(signature, args = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#324
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#326
def error_message; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#279
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#281
def kw_args; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#279
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#281
def max_non_kw_args; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#279
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#281
def min_non_kw_args; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#279
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#281
def non_kw_args; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#316
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#318
def valid?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#288
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#290
def with_expectation(expectation); end
@@ -824,82 +854,82 @@ class RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureVerifier
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#355
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#357
def arbitrary_kw_args?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#351
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#353
def invalid_kw_args; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#347
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#349
def missing_kw_args; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#363
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#365
def split_args(*args); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#359
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#361
def unlimited_args?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#343
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#345
def valid_non_kw_args?; end
# On 1.9 and up, this is in core, so we just use the real one
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#63
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#67
class RSpec::Support::Mutex < ::Thread::Mutex
class << self
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#68
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#70
def new; end
# If you mock Mutex.new you break our usage of Mutex, so
-# instead we capture the original method to return Mutexs.
+# instead we capture the original method to return Mutexes.
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#66
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#68
RSpec::Support::Mutex::NEW_MUTEX_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Method)
# Provides query methods for different OS or OS features.
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#9
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#11
module RSpec::Support::OS
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#12
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#14
def windows?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#16
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#18
def windows_file_path?; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#12
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#14
def windows?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#16
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#18
def windows_file_path?; end
@@ -909,37 +939,37 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#8
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#10
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter
# @api private
# @return [ObjectFormatter] a new instance of ObjectFormatter
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#27
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#29
def initialize(max_formatted_output_length = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#32
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#34
def format(object); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#11
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#13
def max_formatted_output_length; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#11
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#13
def max_formatted_output_length=(_arg0); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#68
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#70
def prepare_array(array); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#92
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#94
def prepare_element(element); end
# Prepares the provided object to be formatted by wrapping it as needed
@@ -954,28 +984,28 @@ class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#56
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#58
def prepare_for_inspection(object); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#74
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#76
def prepare_hash(input_hash); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#111
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#113
def recursive_structure?(object); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#84
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#86
def sort_hash_keys(input_hash); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#104
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#106
def with_entering_structure(structure); end
@@ -987,7 +1017,7 @@ class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#266
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#268
def truncate_string(str, start_index, end_index); end
class << self
@@ -996,24 +1026,24 @@ class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#15
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#17
def default_instance; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#19
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#21
def format(object); end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#23
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#25
def prepare_for_inspection(object); end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#125
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#127
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector < ::Struct
# Returns the value of attribute formatter
@@ -1029,7 +1059,7 @@ class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector < ::Struct
# @api private
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#130
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#132
def inspect; end
# Returns the value of attribute object
@@ -1045,7 +1075,7 @@ class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector < ::Struct
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#134
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#136
def pretty_print(pp); end
class << self
@@ -1055,7 +1085,7 @@ class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector < ::Struct
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#126
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#128
def can_inspect?(_object); end
def inspect; end
@@ -1067,106 +1097,106 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#175
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#177
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BigDecimalInspector < ::RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#180
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#182
def inspect; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#176
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#178
def can_inspect?(object); end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#157
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#159
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::DateTimeInspector < ::RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector
# ActiveSupport sometimes overrides inspect. If `ActiveSupport` is
# defined use a custom format string that includes more time precision.
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#166
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#168
def inspect; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#160
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#162
def can_inspect?(object); end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#158
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#160
RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::DateTimeInspector::FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#222
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#224
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::DelegatorInspector < ::RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#227
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#229
def inspect; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#223
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#225
def can_inspect?(object); end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#185
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#187
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::DescribableMatcherInspector < ::RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#190
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#192
def inspect; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#186
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#188
def can_inspect?(object); end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#9
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#11
RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::ELLIPSIS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#245
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#247
RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::INSPECTOR_CLASSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#115
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#117
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::InspectableItem < ::Struct
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#116
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#118
def inspect; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#120
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#122
def pretty_print(pp); end
# Returns the value of attribute text
@@ -1191,109 +1221,109 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#232
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#234
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::InspectableObjectInspector < ::RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#240
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#242
def inspect; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#233
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#235
def can_inspect?(object); end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#139
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#141
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::TimeInspector < ::RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector
# for 1.8.7
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#147
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#149
def inspect; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#142
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#144
def can_inspect?(object); end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#140
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#142
RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::TimeInspector::FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#195
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#197
class RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::UninspectableObjectInspector < ::RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::BaseInspector
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#205
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#207
def inspect; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#209
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#211
def klass; end
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/2818916
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#214
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#216
def native_object_id; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#198
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#200
def can_inspect?(object); end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#196
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/object_formatter.rb#198
RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter::UninspectableObjectInspector::OBJECT_ID_FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Provides recursive constant lookup methods useful for
# constant stubbing.
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#5
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#7
module RSpec::Support::RecursiveConstMethods
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#43
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#45
def const_defined_on?(mod, const_name); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#51
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#53
def constants_defined_on(mod); end
# @raise [NameError]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#47
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#49
def get_const_defined_on(mod, const_name); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#71
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#73
def normalize_const_name(const_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#62
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#64
def recursive_const_defined?(const_name); end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#56
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/recursive_const_methods.rb#58
def recursive_const_get(const_name); end
@@ -1309,22 +1339,22 @@ end
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#14
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#16
class RSpec::Support::ReentrantMutex
# @return [ReentrantMutex] a new instance of ReentrantMutex
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#15
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#17
def initialize; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#21
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#23
def synchronize; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#33
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#35
def enter; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#38
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/reentrant_mutex.rb#40
def exit; end
@@ -1332,85 +1362,85 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#24
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#26
module RSpec::Support::Ruby
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#27
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#29
def jruby?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#35
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#37
def jruby_9000?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#31
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#33
def jruby_version; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#47
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#49
def mri?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#43
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#45
def non_mri?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#39
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#41
def rbx?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#51
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#53
def truffleruby?; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#27
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#29
def jruby?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#35
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#37
def jruby_9000?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#31
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#33
def jruby_version; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#47
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#49
def mri?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#43
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#45
def non_mri?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#39
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#41
def rbx?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#51
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#53
def truffleruby?; end
@@ -1420,18 +1450,18 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#60
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#62
module RSpec::Support::RubyFeatures
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#83
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#85
def caller_locations_supported?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#132
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#155
def distincts_kw_args_from_positional_hash?; end
# On JRuby 1.7 `--1.8` mode, `Process.respond_to?(:fork)` returns true,
@@ -1444,131 +1474,151 @@ module RSpec::Support::RubyFeatures
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#74
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#76
def fork_supported?; end
+ # https://rubyreferences.github.io/rubychanges/3.0.html#keyword-arguments-are-now-fully-separated-from-positional-arguments
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#111
+ def kw_arg_separation?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#137
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#160
def kw_args_supported?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#193
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#216
def module_prepends_supported?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#189
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#212
def module_refinement_supported?; end
# @api private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#79
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#81
def optional_and_splat_args_supported?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#141
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#164
def required_kw_args_supported?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#123
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#146
def ripper_supported?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#88
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#90
def supports_exception_cause?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#145
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#168
def supports_rebinding_module_methods?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#98
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#104
+ def supports_syntax_suggest?; end
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#121
def supports_taint?; end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#83
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#85
def caller_locations_supported?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#132
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#155
def distincts_kw_args_from_positional_hash?; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#74
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#76
def fork_supported?; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#137
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#111
+ def kw_arg_separation?; end
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#160
def kw_args_supported?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#193
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#216
def module_prepends_supported?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#189
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#212
def module_refinement_supported?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#79
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#81
def optional_and_splat_args_supported?; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#141
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#164
def required_kw_args_supported?; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#123
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#146
def ripper_supported?; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#88
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#90
def supports_exception_cause?; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#145
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#168
def supports_rebinding_module_methods?; end
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#98
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#104
+ def supports_syntax_suggest?; end
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/ruby_features.rb#121
def supports_taint?; end
-# Figures out wether a given method can accept various arguments.
+# Figures out whether a given method can accept various arguments.
# Surprisingly non-trivial.
# @private
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#385
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/method_signature_verifier.rb#389
RSpec::Support::StrictSignatureVerifier = RSpec::Support::MethodSignatureVerifier
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/version.rb#3
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/version.rb#5
module RSpec::Support::Version; end
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/version.rb#4
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/version.rb#6
RSpec::Support::Version::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#6
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#8
module RSpec::Support::Warnings
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#7
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#9
def deprecate(deprecated, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Used internally to print deprecation warnings
@@ -1576,36 +1626,36 @@ module RSpec::Support::Warnings
# @private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#15
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#17
def warn_deprecation(message, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Used internally to print longer warnings
# @private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#29
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#31
def warn_with(message, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Used internally to print warnings
# @private
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#22
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/warnings.rb#24
def warning(text, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/with_keywords_when_needed.rb#5
+# source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/with_keywords_when_needed.rb#7
module RSpec::Support::WithKeywordsWhenNeeded
# Remove this in RSpec 4 in favour of explicitly passed in kwargs where
# this is used. Works around a warning in Ruby 2.7
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/with_keywords_when_needed.rb#15
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/with_keywords_when_needed.rb#17
def class_exec(klass, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
class << self
- # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/with_keywords_when_needed.rb#15
+ # source://rspec-support//lib/rspec/support/with_keywords_when_needed.rb#17
def class_exec(klass, *args, **_arg2, &block); end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec@3.12.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec@3.13.0.rbi
similarity index 51%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec@3.12.0.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec@3.13.0.rbi
index 851ab775..d5f82b03 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec@3.12.0.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rspec@3.13.0.rbi
@@ -7,70 +7,70 @@
# source://rspec//lib/rspec/version.rb#1
module RSpec
class << self
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#70
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#70
def clear_examples; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#85
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#85
def configuration; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
def configuration=(_arg0); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#97
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#97
def configure; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#194
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#194
def const_missing(name); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def context(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#122
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#122
def current_example; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#128
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#128
def current_example=(example); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#154
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#154
def current_scope; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#134
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#134
def current_scope=(scope); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def describe(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def example_group(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def fcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def fdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#58
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#58
def reset; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_context(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_examples(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/shared_example_group.rb#110
def shared_examples_for(name, *args, &block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#160
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#160
def world; end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core.rb#49
def world=(_arg0); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def xcontext(*args, &example_group_block); end
- # source://rspec-core/3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
+ # source://rspec-core/3.13.0/lib/rspec/core/dsl.rb#42
def xdescribe(*args, &example_group_block); end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-ast@1.28.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-ast@1.30.0.rbi
similarity index 94%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-ast@1.28.0.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-ast@1.30.0.rbi
index 851e4bea..24d5bf30 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-ast@1.28.0.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-ast@1.30.0.rbi
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ end
# node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods available
# to all `alias` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/alias_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/alias_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::AliasNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# Returns the new identifier as specified by the `alias`.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ end
# This will be used in place of a plain node when the builder constructs
# the AST, making its methods available to all assignment nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/and_asgn_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/and_asgn_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::AndAsgnNode < ::RuboCop::AST::OpAsgnNode
# The operator being used for assignment as a symbol.
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ end
# This will be used in place of a plain node when the builder constructs
# the AST, making its methods available to all `arg` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/arg_node.rb#9
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/arg_node.rb#12
class RuboCop::AST::ArgNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# Checks whether the argument has a default value
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ RuboCop::AST::ArrayNode::PERCENT_LITERAL_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# This will be used in place of a plain node when the builder constructs
# the AST, making its methods available to all assignment nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/asgn_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/asgn_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::AsgnNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# The expression being assigned to the variable.
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class RuboCop::AST::BlockNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# @return [Array]
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#42
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#60
def argument_list; end
# The arguments of this block.
@@ -285,63 +285,81 @@ class RuboCop::AST::BlockNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# @return [Array]
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#30
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#48
def arguments; end
# Checks whether this block takes any arguments.
# @return [Boolean] whether this `block` node takes any arguments
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#67
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#85
def arguments?; end
# The body of this block.
# @return [Node, nil] the body of the `block` node or `nil`
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#71
def body; end
# Checks whether the `block` literal is delimited by curly braces.
# @return [Boolean] whether the `block` literal is enclosed in braces
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#74
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#92
def braces?; end
# The closing delimiter for this `block` literal.
# @return [String] the closing delimiter for the `block` literal
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#120
def closing_delimiter; end
# The delimiters for this `block` literal.
# @return [Array] the delimiters for the `block` literal
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#106
def delimiters; end
+ # A shorthand for getting the first argument of this block.
+ # Equivalent to `arguments.first`.
+ #
+ # @return [Node, nil] the first argument of this block,
+ # or `nil` if there are no arguments
+ #
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#29
+ def first_argument; end
# Checks whether the `block` literal is delimited by `do`-`end` keywords.
# @return [Boolean] whether the `block` literal is enclosed in `do`-`end`
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#99
def keywords?; end
# Checks whether this `block` literal belongs to a lambda.
# @return [Boolean] whether the `block` literal belongs to a lambda
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#143
def lambda?; end
+ # A shorthand for getting the last argument of this block.
+ # Equivalent to `arguments.last`.
+ #
+ # @return [Node, nil] the last argument of this block,
+ # or `nil` if there are no arguments
+ #
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#38
+ def last_argument; end
# The name of the dispatched method as a symbol.
# @return [Symbol] the name of the dispatched method
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#60
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#78
def method_name; end
# Checks whether this is a multiline block. This is overridden here
@@ -349,14 +367,14 @@ class RuboCop::AST::BlockNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# @return [Boolean] whether the `block` literal is on a several lines
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#118
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#136
def multiline?; end
# The opening delimiter for this `block` literal.
# @return [String] the opening delimiter for the `block` literal
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#113
def opening_delimiter; end
# The `send` node associated with this block.
@@ -371,21 +389,21 @@ class RuboCop::AST::BlockNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# @return [Boolean] whether the `block` literal is on a single line
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#110
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#128
def single_line?; end
# Checks whether this node body is a void context.
# @return [Boolean] whether the `block` node body is a void context
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#132
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#150
def void_context?; end
# Numbered arguments of this `numblock`.
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#139
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/block_node.rb#157
def numbered_arguments; end
@@ -549,7 +567,7 @@ end
# This will be used in place of a plain node when the builder constructs
# the AST, making its methods available to all assignment nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/casgn_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/casgn_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::CasgnNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# The expression being assigned to the variable.
@@ -577,7 +595,7 @@ end
# node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods available
# to all `class` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/class_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/class_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::ClassNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# The body of this `class` node.
@@ -607,409 +625,409 @@ end
module RuboCop::AST::CollectionNode
extend ::Forwardable
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def &(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def *(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def +(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def -(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def <<(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def [](*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def []=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def all?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def any?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def append(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def assoc(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def at(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def bsearch(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def bsearch_index(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def chain(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def chunk(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def chunk_while(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def clear(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def collect(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def collect!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def collect_concat(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def combination(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def compact(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def compact!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def concat(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def count(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def cycle(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def deconstruct(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def delete(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def delete_at(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def delete_if(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def detect(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def difference(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def dig(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def drop(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def drop_while(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def each(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def each_cons(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def each_entry(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def each_index(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def each_slice(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def each_with_index(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def each_with_object(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def empty?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def entries(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def fetch(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def fill(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def filter(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def filter!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def filter_map(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def find(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def find_all(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def find_index(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def first(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def flat_map(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def flatten(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def flatten!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def grep(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def grep_v(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def group_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def include?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def index(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def inject(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def insert(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def intersect?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def intersection(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def join(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def keep_if(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def last(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def lazy(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def length(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def map(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def map!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def max(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def max_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def member?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def min(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def min_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def minmax(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def minmax_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def none?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def one?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def pack(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def partition(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def permutation(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def place(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def pop(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def prepend(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def product(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def push(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def rassoc(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def reduce(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def reject(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def reject!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def repeated_combination(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def repeated_permutation(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def replace(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def reverse(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def reverse!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def reverse_each(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def rindex(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def rotate(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def rotate!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def sample(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def select(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def select!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def shelljoin(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def shift(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def shuffle(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def shuffle!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def size(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def slice(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def slice!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def slice_after(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def slice_before(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def slice_when(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def sort(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def sort!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def sort_by(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def sort_by!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def sum(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def take(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def take_while(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def tally(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def to_ary(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def to_h(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def to_set(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def transpose(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def union(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def uniq(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def uniq!(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def unshift(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def values_at(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def zip(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def |(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
@@ -1059,7 +1077,7 @@ end
# A node extension for `const` nodes.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/const_node.rb#6
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/const_node.rb#7
class RuboCop::AST::ConstNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# @return [Boolean] if the constant starts with `::` (aka s(:cbase))
@@ -1284,7 +1302,7 @@ end
# node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods available
# to all `ensure` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/ensure_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/ensure_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::EnsureNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# Returns the body of the `ensure` clause.
@@ -1338,7 +1356,7 @@ end
# node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods available
# to all `for` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/for_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/for_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::ForNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# Returns the body of the `for` loop.
@@ -1521,7 +1539,7 @@ end
# node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods available
# to all `hash` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/hash_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/hash_node.rb#14
class RuboCop::AST::HashNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# Checks whether the `hash` literal is delimited by curly braces.
@@ -1716,7 +1734,7 @@ class RuboCop::AST::IfNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/if_node.rb#80
def modifier_form?; end
- # Chacks whether the `if` node has nested `if` nodes in any of its
+ # Checks whether the `if` node has nested `if` nodes in any of its
# branches.
# @note This performs a shallow search.
@@ -1753,7 +1771,7 @@ end
# node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods available
# to all `in` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/in_pattern_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/in_pattern_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::InPatternNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# Returns the body of the `in` node.
@@ -2033,10 +2051,10 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the dispatched method is an access modifier
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#64
def access_modifier?; end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#262
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#273
def adjacent_def_modifier?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Checks whether this node is an arithmetic operation
@@ -2044,14 +2062,14 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the dispatched method is an arithmetic
# operation
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#164
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#175
def arithmetic_operation?; end
# Checks whether the dispatched method is a setter method.
# @return [Boolean] whether the dispatched method is a setter
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#96
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#107
def assignment?; end
# Checks whether the dispatched method is a bare access modifier that
@@ -2060,10 +2078,10 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the dispatched method is a bare
# access modifier
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#73
def bare_access_modifier?; end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#267
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#278
def bare_access_modifier_declaration?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Checks whether this is a binary operation.
@@ -2073,14 +2091,14 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# foo + bar
# @return [Boolean] whether this method is a binary operation
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#237
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#248
def binary_operation?; end
# Whether this method dispatch has an explicit block.
# @return [Boolean] whether the dispatched method has a block
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#156
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#167
def block_literal?; end
# The `block` or `numblock` node associated with this method dispatch, if any.
@@ -2088,7 +2106,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [BlockNode, nil] the `block` or `numblock` node associated with this method
# call or `nil`
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#35
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#46
def block_node; end
# Checks whether the name of the dispatched method matches the argument
@@ -2097,7 +2115,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @param name [Symbol, String] the method name to check for
# @return [Boolean] whether the method name matches the argument
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#100
def command?(name); end
# Checks whether the *explicit* receiver of this method dispatch is a
@@ -2106,7 +2124,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the receiver of this method dispatch
# is a `const` node
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#141
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#152
def const_receiver?; end
# Checks if this node is part of a chain of `def` or `defs` modifiers.
@@ -2118,7 +2136,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# private def foo; end
# @return [Node | nil] returns the `def|defs` node this is a modifier for,
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#188
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#199
def def_modifier(node = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Checks if this node is part of a chain of `def` or `defs` modifiers.
@@ -2130,7 +2148,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# private def foo; end
# @return [Boolean] whether the `def|defs` node is a modifier or not.
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#187
def def_modifier?(node = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Checks whether the dispatched method uses a dot to connect the
@@ -2141,7 +2159,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the method was called with a connecting dot
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#119
def dot?; end
# Checks whether the dispatched method uses a double colon to connect the
@@ -2149,7 +2167,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the method was called with a connecting dot
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#127
def double_colon?; end
# Checks whether the method dispatch is the implicit form of `#call`,
@@ -2157,10 +2175,10 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the method is the implicit form of `#call`
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#149
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#160
def implicit_call?; end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#246
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#257
def in_macro_scope?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Checks whether this is a lambda. Some versions of parser parses
@@ -2168,7 +2186,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether this method is a lambda
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#202
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#213
def lambda?; end
# Checks whether this is a lambda literal (stabby lambda.)
@@ -2178,7 +2196,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# -> (foo) { bar }
# @return [Boolean] whether this method is a lambda literal
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#213
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#224
def lambda_literal?; end
# Checks whether the dispatched method is a macro method. A macro method
@@ -2188,7 +2206,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @note This does not include DSLs that use nested blocks, like RSpec
# @return [Boolean] whether the dispatched method is a macro method
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#57
def macro?; end
# The name of the dispatched method as a symbol.
@@ -2204,10 +2222,10 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the dispatched method is a non-bare
# access modifier
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#82
def non_bare_access_modifier?; end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#272
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#283
def non_bare_access_modifier_declaration?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# The receiving node of the method dispatch.
@@ -2222,22 +2240,29 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the method was called with a connecting dot
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#135
def safe_navigation?; end
+ # The source range for the method name or keyword that dispatches this call.
+ #
+ # @return [Parser::Source::Range] the source range for the method name or keyword
+ #
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#34
+ def selector; end
# Checks whether the *explicit* receiver of this method dispatch is
# `self`.
# @return [Boolean] whether the receiver of this method dispatch is `self`
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#132
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#143
def self_receiver?; end
# Checks whether the dispatched method is a setter method.
# @return [Boolean] whether the dispatched method is a setter
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#96
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#107
def setter_method?; end
# Checks whether the dispatched method is a bare `private` or `protected`
@@ -2246,7 +2271,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# @return [Boolean] whether the dispatched method is a bare
# `private` or `protected` access modifier
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#80
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#91
def special_modifier?; end
# Checks whether this is a unary operation.
@@ -2256,7 +2281,7 @@ module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode
# -foo
# @return [Boolean] whether this method is a unary operation
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#224
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/mixin/method_dispatch_node.rb#235
def unary_operation?; end
@@ -2463,7 +2488,7 @@ end
# plain node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods
# available to all `module` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/module_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/module_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::ModuleNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# The body of this `module` node.
@@ -3502,7 +3527,7 @@ class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern.rb#73
def ast; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def captures(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern.rb#111
@@ -3531,7 +3556,7 @@ class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern.rb#73
def match_code; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def named_parameters(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Returns the value of attribute pattern.
@@ -3539,7 +3564,7 @@ class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern.rb#73
def pattern; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def positional_parameters(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern.rb#95
@@ -3652,7 +3677,7 @@ class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/compiler.rb#15
def initialize; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def bind(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# Returns the value of attribute binding.
@@ -3789,14 +3814,14 @@ end
# Variant of the Compiler with tracing information for nodes
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/compiler/debug.rb#10
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/compiler/debug.rb#12
class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::Debug < ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler
# @return [Debug] a new instance of Debug
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/compiler/debug.rb#123
def initialize; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def comments(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/compiler/debug.rb#128
@@ -3810,7 +3835,7 @@ class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::Debug < ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/compiler/debug.rb#132
def parser; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def tokens(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
@@ -4165,9 +4190,6 @@ class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::SequenceSubcompiler < ::RuboCop::AST:
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/compiler/subcompiler.rb#20
- def compile(node); end
# Compilation helpers
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/compiler/sequence_subcompiler.rb#165
@@ -4677,9 +4699,9 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::AnyOrder::ARITIES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Node class for `$something`
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/node.rb#97
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/node.rb#98
class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::Capture < ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def arity(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -4693,7 +4715,7 @@ class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::Capture < ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::No
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/node.rb#105
def nb_captures; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def rest?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
@@ -4807,7 +4829,7 @@ end
# Doc on how this fits in the compiling process:
# /docs/modules/ROOT/pages/node_pattern.adoc
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#12
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#13
class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Parser < ::Racc::Parser
extend ::Forwardable
@@ -4816,140 +4838,140 @@ class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Parser < ::Racc::Parser
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.rb#19
def initialize(builder = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#333
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#335
def _reduce_10(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#337
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#339
def _reduce_11(val, _values); end
# reduce 12 omitted
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#343
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#345
def _reduce_13(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#347
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#349
def _reduce_14(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#351
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#353
def _reduce_15(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#355
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#357
def _reduce_16(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#359
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#361
def _reduce_17(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#363
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#365
def _reduce_18(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#367
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#369
def _reduce_19(val, _values); end
# reduce 1 omitted
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#301
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#303
def _reduce_2(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#371
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#373
def _reduce_20(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#375
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#377
def _reduce_21(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#379
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#381
def _reduce_22(val, _values); end
# reduce 24 omitted
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#387
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#389
def _reduce_25(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#393
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#395
def _reduce_26(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#305
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#307
def _reduce_3(val, _values); end
# reduce 32 omitted
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#413
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#415
def _reduce_33(val, _values); end
# reduce 36 omitted
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#423
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#425
def _reduce_37(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#427
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#429
def _reduce_38(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#431
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#433
def _reduce_39(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#309
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#311
def _reduce_4(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#435
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#437
def _reduce_40(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#439
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#441
def _reduce_41(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#443
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#445
def _reduce_42(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#447
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#449
def _reduce_43(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#451
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#453
def _reduce_44(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#455
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#457
def _reduce_45(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#459
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#461
def _reduce_46(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#313
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#315
def _reduce_5(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#317
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#319
def _reduce_6(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#321
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#323
def _reduce_7(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#325
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#327
def _reduce_8(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#329
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#331
def _reduce_9(val, _values); end
- # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#463
+ # source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#465
def _reduce_none(val, _values); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def emit_atom(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def emit_call(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def emit_capture(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def emit_list(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def emit_unary_op(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def emit_union(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.rb#40
def inspect; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def next_token(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# (Similar API to `parser` gem)
@@ -4985,15 +5007,15 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Parser::Lexer = RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Lexer
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#227
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Parser::Racc_arg = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#293
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#295
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Parser::Racc_debug_parser = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), FalseClass)
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#243
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/parser.racc.rb#244
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Parser::Racc_token_to_s_table = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Overrides Parser to use `WithMeta` variants and provide additional methods
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/with_meta.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/with_meta.rb#9
class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Parser::WithMeta < ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Parser
# Returns the value of attribute comments.
@@ -5109,6 +5131,9 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ABSTRACT_OVERRIDE_OVERRIDABLE_ETC = T.let(T
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ALL_ANY_CLASS_OF_ETC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ALL_CONTEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5116,10 +5141,10 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ALL_CONTEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_AND_RETURN_AND_RAISE_AND_THROW_ETC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
-RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ANY_ALL_NORETURN_ETC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ANY_EMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
-RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ANY_EMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ANY_EMPTY_NONE_ETC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ASSERT_EQUAL_REFUTE_EQUAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5133,9 +5158,6 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ATTR_READER_ATTR_WRITER_ATTR_ACCESSOR_ATTR
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_BACKGROUND_SCENARIO_XSCENARIO_ETC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
-RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_BEFORE_AFTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_BE_EQ_EQL_EQUAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5187,6 +5209,9 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_DEFINE_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_DEFINE_METHOD_DEFINE_SINGLETON_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_DESCRIBE_CONTEXT_FEATURE_ETC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_DOUBLE_SPY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5223,6 +5248,9 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_EXPECT_ALLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_FACTORYGIRL_FACTORYBOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_FACTORY_TRAIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_FILETEST_FILE_DIR_SHELL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5232,6 +5260,9 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_FILE_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_FILE_FILETEST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_FILE_TEMPFILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_FILE_TEMPFILE_STRINGIO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5295,6 +5326,9 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_MAP_COLLECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_MATCH_MATCH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_MATCH_MATCH_ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_MATCH__MATCH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5323,7 +5357,7 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_PIPELINE_PIPELINE_R_PIPELINE_RW_ETC = T.let
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_PRESENT_ANY_BLANK_EMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
-RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_PRIVATE_PROTECTED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_PRIVATE_PROTECTED_PRIVATE_CLASS_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_PRIVATE_PROTECTED_PUBLIC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5368,11 +5402,14 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_RECEIVE_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_CHAIN = T.let(T.uns
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_REDUCE_INJECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
-RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_REJECT_REJECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_REJECT_DELETE_IF_REJECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_REQUIRE_REQUIRE_RELATIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SELECT_FILTER_FIND_ALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SELECT_FILTER_FIND_ALL_REJECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5382,9 +5419,15 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SELECT_SELECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SEND_PUBLIC_SEND___SEND__ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SEND___SEND__ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SHOULD_SHOULD_NOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SIG_HELPERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SKIP_PENDING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5392,7 +5435,7 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SKIP_PENDING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SORT_BY_SORT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
-RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SORT_MIN_MAX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SORT_SORT_MIN_ETC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SPAWN_SYSTEM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5406,15 +5449,27 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_START_WITH_END_WITH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_START_WITH_STARTS_WITH_END_WITH_ENDS_WITH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_STATUS_CODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_STRUCT_CLASS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_STRUCT_IMMUTABLESTRUCT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_STRUCT_IMMUTABLESTRUCT_INEXACTSTRUCT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_SUCC_PRED_NEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_TASK_NAMESPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_TEXT_EXACT_TEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_TO_ENUM_ENUM_FOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5430,9 +5485,6 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_TO_TO_NOT_NOT_TO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_TRUE_FALSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
-RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_TYPE_TEMPLATE_TYPE_MEMBER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_ZERO_POSITIVE_NEGATIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5457,9 +5509,6 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET__GLOB = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET___ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
-RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET___10 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET___2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5496,6 +5545,9 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET___METHOD_____CALLEE__ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET____ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET____2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET____ETC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5505,6 +5557,9 @@ RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET____ETC_2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET____ETC_3 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
+RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET____ETC_4 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node_pattern/sets.rb#10
RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets::SET_____2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
@@ -5533,7 +5588,7 @@ RuboCop::AST::NumericNode::SIGN_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# This will be used in place of a plain node when the builder constructs
# the AST, making its methods available to all assignment nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/op_asgn_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/op_asgn_node.rb#9
class RuboCop::AST::OpAsgnNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# @return [AsgnNode] the assignment node
@@ -5566,7 +5621,7 @@ end
# This will be used in place of a plain node when the builder constructs
# the AST, making its methods available to all assignment nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/or_asgn_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/or_asgn_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::OrAsgnNode < ::RuboCop::AST::OpAsgnNode
# The operator being used for assignment as a symbol.
@@ -5834,7 +5889,7 @@ RuboCop::AST::PredicateOperatorNode::SEMANTIC_OR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# This will be used in place of a plain node when the builder constructs
# the AST, making its methods available to all `arg` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/procarg0_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/procarg0_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::Procarg0Node < ::RuboCop::AST::ArgNode
# Returns the name of an argument.
@@ -6171,7 +6226,7 @@ RuboCop::AST::RegexpNode::OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# plain node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods
# available to all `resbody` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/resbody_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/resbody_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::ResbodyNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# Returns the body of the `rescue` clause.
@@ -6206,7 +6261,7 @@ end
# plain node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods
# available to all `rescue` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/rescue_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/rescue_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::RescueNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# Returns the body of the rescue node.
@@ -6278,7 +6333,7 @@ RuboCop::AST::RuboCopCompatibility::INCOMPATIBLE_COPS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Has
# plain node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods
# available to all `sclass` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/self_class_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/self_class_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::SelfClassNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# The body of this `sclass` node.
@@ -7025,7 +7080,7 @@ RuboCop::AST::Version::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# node when the builder constructs the AST, making its methods available
# to all `when` nodes within RuboCop.
-# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/when_node.rb#8
+# source://rubocop-ast//lib/rubocop/ast/node/when_node.rb#11
class RuboCop::AST::WhenNode < ::RuboCop::AST::Node
# Returns the body of the `when` node.
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-capybara@2.17.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-capybara@2.17.1.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index c3bfc36b..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-capybara@2.17.1.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,774 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rubocop-capybara` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rubocop-capybara`.
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#3
-module RuboCop; end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#4
-module RuboCop::Cop; end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#5
-module RuboCop::Cop::Capybara; end
-# Help methods for capybara.
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CapybaraHelp
- private
- # @example
- # common_attributes?('a[focused]') # => true
- # common_attributes?('button[focused][visible]') # => true
- # common_attributes?('table[id=some-id]') # => true
- # common_attributes?('h1[invalid]') # => false
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#60
- def common_attributes?(selector); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @param option [Symbol]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#124
- def include_option?(node, option); end
- # @example
- # replaceable_attributes?('table[id=some-id]') # => true
- # replaceable_attributes?('a[focused]') # => false
- # @param attrs [Array]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#69
- def replaceable_attributes?(attrs); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @param element [String]
- # @param attrs [Array]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#107
- def replaceable_element?(node, element, attrs); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @param locator [String]
- # @param element [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#44
- def replaceable_option?(node, locator, element); end
- # @param pseudo_class [String]
- # @param locator [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#84
- def replaceable_pseudo_class?(pseudo_class, locator); end
- # @param locator [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#95
- def replaceable_pseudo_class_not?(locator); end
- # @param locator [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#75
- def replaceable_pseudo_classes?(locator); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @param attrs [Array]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#117
- def replaceable_to_link?(node, attrs); end
- class << self
- # @example
- # common_attributes?('a[focused]') # => true
- # common_attributes?('button[focused][visible]') # => true
- # common_attributes?('table[id=some-id]') # => true
- # common_attributes?('h1[invalid]') # => false
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#60
- def common_attributes?(selector); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @param option [Symbol]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#124
- def include_option?(node, option); end
- # @example
- # replaceable_attributes?('table[id=some-id]') # => true
- # replaceable_attributes?('a[focused]') # => false
- # @param attrs [Array]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#69
- def replaceable_attributes?(attrs); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @param element [String]
- # @param attrs [Array]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#107
- def replaceable_element?(node, element, attrs); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @param locator [String]
- # @param element [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#44
- def replaceable_option?(node, locator, element); end
- # @param pseudo_class [String]
- # @param locator [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#84
- def replaceable_pseudo_class?(pseudo_class, locator); end
- # @param locator [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#95
- def replaceable_pseudo_class_not?(locator); end
- # @param locator [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#75
- def replaceable_pseudo_classes?(locator); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @param attrs [Array]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#117
- def replaceable_to_link?(node, attrs); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#8
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CapybaraHelp::COMMON_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#11
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CapybaraHelp::SPECIFIC_OPTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/capybara_help.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CapybaraHelp::SPECIFIC_PSEUDO_CLASSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Helps parsing css selector.
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CssSelector
- private
- # @example
- # attribute?('[attribute]') # => true
- # attribute?('attribute') # => false
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#47
- def attribute?(selector); end
- # @example
- # attributes('a[foo-bar_baz]') # => {"foo-bar_baz=>nil}
- # attributes('button[foo][bar=baz]') # => {"foo"=>nil, "bar"=>"'baz'"}
- # attributes('table[foo=bar]') # => {"foo"=>"'bar'"}
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#57
- def attributes(selector); end
- # @example
- # classes('#some-id') # => []
- # classes('.some-cls') # => ['some-cls']
- # classes('#some-id.some-cls') # => ['some-cls']
- # classes('#some-id.cls1.cls2') # => ['cls1', 'cls2']
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#38
- def classes(selector); end
- # @example
- # id('#some-id') # => some-id
- # id('.some-cls') # => nil
- # id('#some-id.cls') # => some-id
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#16
- def id(selector); end
- # @example
- # id?('#some-id') # => true
- # id?('.some-cls') # => false
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#27
- def id?(selector); end
- # @example
- # multiple_selectors?('a.cls b#id') # => true
- # multiple_selectors?('a.cls') # => false
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#87
- def multiple_selectors?(selector); end
- # @example
- # normalize_value('true') # => true
- # normalize_value('false') # => false
- # normalize_value(nil) # => nil
- # normalize_value("foo") # => "'foo'"
- # @param value [String]
- # @return [Boolean, String]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#99
- def normalize_value(value); end
- # @example
- # pseudo_classes('button:not([disabled])') # => ['not()']
- # pseudo_classes('a:enabled:not([valid])') # => ['enabled', 'not()']
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#73
- def pseudo_classes(selector); end
- class << self
- # @example
- # attribute?('[attribute]') # => true
- # attribute?('attribute') # => false
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#47
- def attribute?(selector); end
- # @example
- # attributes('a[foo-bar_baz]') # => {"foo-bar_baz=>nil}
- # attributes('button[foo][bar=baz]') # => {"foo"=>nil, "bar"=>"'baz'"}
- # attributes('table[foo=bar]') # => {"foo"=>"'bar'"}
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#57
- def attributes(selector); end
- # @example
- # classes('#some-id') # => []
- # classes('.some-cls') # => ['some-cls']
- # classes('#some-id.some-cls') # => ['some-cls']
- # classes('#some-id.cls1.cls2') # => ['cls1', 'cls2']
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#38
- def classes(selector); end
- # @example
- # id('#some-id') # => some-id
- # id('.some-cls') # => nil
- # id('#some-id.cls') # => some-id
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#16
- def id(selector); end
- # @example
- # id?('#some-id') # => true
- # id?('.some-cls') # => false
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#27
- def id?(selector); end
- # @example
- # multiple_selectors?('a.cls b#id') # => true
- # multiple_selectors?('a.cls') # => false
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#87
- def multiple_selectors?(selector); end
- # @example
- # normalize_value('true') # => true
- # normalize_value('false') # => false
- # normalize_value(nil) # => nil
- # normalize_value("foo") # => "'foo'"
- # @param value [String]
- # @return [Boolean, String]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#99
- def normalize_value(value); end
- # @example
- # pseudo_classes('button:not([disabled])') # => ['not()']
- # pseudo_classes('a:enabled:not([valid])') # => ['enabled', 'not()']
- # @param selector [String]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/mixin/css_selector.rb#73
- def pseudo_classes(selector); end
- end
-# Checks that no expectations are set on Capybara's `current_path`.
-# The
-# https://www.rubydoc.info/github/teamcapybara/capybara/main/Capybara/RSpecMatchers#have_current_path-instance_method[`have_current_path` matcher]
-# should be used on `page` to set expectations on Capybara's
-# current path, since it uses
-# https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/blob/main/README.md#asynchronous-javascript-ajax-and-friends[Capybara's waiting functionality]
-# which ensures that preceding actions (like `click_link`) have
-# completed.
-# This cop does not support autocorrection in some cases.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(current_path).to eq('/callback')
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
-# # bad (does not support autocorrection)
-# expect(page.current_path).to match(variable)
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#31
-class RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CurrentPathExpectation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # Supported matchers: eq(...) / match(/regexp/) / match('regexp')
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#47
- def as_is_matcher(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#41
- def expectation_set_on_current_path(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#64
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#54
- def regexp_node_matcher(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # `have_current_path` with no options will include the querystring
- # while `page.current_path` does not.
- # This ensures the option `ignore_query: true` is added
- # except when the expectation is a regexp or string
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#118
- def add_ignore_query_options(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#76
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#100
- def convert_regexp_node_to_literal(corrector, matcher_node, regexp_node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#106
- def regexp_node_to_regexp_expr(regexp_node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#87
- def rewrite_expectation(corrector, node, to_symbol, matcher_node); end
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#60
- def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
- end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CurrentPathExpectation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CurrentPathExpectation::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for usage of deprecated style methods.
-# @example when using `assert_style`
-# # bad
-# page.find(:css, '#first').assert_style(display: 'block')
-# # good
-# page.find(:css, '#first').assert_matches_style(display: 'block')
-# @example when using `has_style?`
-# # bad
-# expect(page.find(:css, 'first')
-# .has_style?(display: 'block')).to be true
-# # good
-# expect(page.find(:css, 'first')
-# .matches_style?(display: 'block')).to be true
-# @example when using `have_style`
-# # bad
-# expect(page).to have_style(display: 'block')
-# # good
-# expect(page).to match_style(display: 'block')
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/match_style.rb#31
-class RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::MatchStyle < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/match_style.rb#42
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/match_style.rb#52
- def message(node); end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/match_style.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::MatchStyle::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/match_style.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::MatchStyle::PREFERRED_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/match_style.rb#35
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::MatchStyle::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Enforces use of `have_no_*` or `not_to` for negated expectations.
-# @example EnforcedStyle: not_to (default)
-# # bad
-# expect(page).to have_no_selector
-# expect(page).to have_no_css('a')
-# # good
-# expect(page).not_to have_selector
-# expect(page).not_to have_css('a')
-# @example EnforcedStyle: have_no
-# # bad
-# expect(page).not_to have_selector
-# expect(page).not_to have_css('a')
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_no_selector
-# expect(page).to have_no_css('a')
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::NegationMatcher < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#50
- def have_no?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#44
- def not_to?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#55
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#78
- def message(matcher); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#69
- def offense?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#74
- def offense_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#93
- def replaced_matcher(matcher); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#84
- def replaced_runner; end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::NegationMatcher::CAPYBARA_MATCHERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::NegationMatcher::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::NegationMatcher::NEGATIVE_MATCHERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::NegationMatcher::POSITIVE_MATCHERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#41
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::NegationMatcher::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# Checks for there is a more specific actions offered by Capybara.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# find('a').click
-# find('button.cls').click
-# find('a', exact_text: 'foo').click
-# find('div button').click
-# # good
-# click_link
-# click_button(class: 'cls')
-# click_link(exact_text: 'foo')
-# find('div').click_button
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#22
-class RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificActions < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#31
- def click_on_selector(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#35
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#87
- def good_action(action); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#73
- def last_selector(arg); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#81
- def message(action, selector); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#77
- def offense_range(node, receiver); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#57
- def replaceable?(node, arg, action); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#63
- def replaceable_attributes?(selector); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#53
- def specific_action(selector); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#69
- def supported_selector?(selector); end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificActions::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificActions::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_actions.rb#25
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificActions::SPECIFIC_ACTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# Checks if there is a more specific finder offered by Capybara.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# find('#some-id')
-# find('[visible][id=some-id]')
-# # good
-# find_by_id('some-id')
-# find_by_id('some-id', visible: true)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#17
-class RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificFinders < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#31
- def class_options(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#26
- def find_argument(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#35
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#89
- def append_options(classes, options); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#63
- def attribute?(arg); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#79
- def autocorrect_classes(corrector, node, classes); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#116
- def end_pos(node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#94
- def keyword_argument_class(classes); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#112
- def offense_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#47
- def on_attr(node, arg); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#55
- def on_id(node, arg); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#68
- def register_offense(node, id, classes = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#99
- def replaced_arguments(arg, id); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#104
- def to_options(attrs); end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#22
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificFinders::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_finders.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificFinders::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for there is a more specific matcher offered by Capybara.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(page).to have_selector('button')
-# expect(page).to have_no_selector('button.cls')
-# expect(page).to have_css('button')
-# expect(page).to have_no_css('a.cls', href: 'http://example.com')
-# expect(page).to have_css('table.cls')
-# expect(page).to have_css('select')
-# expect(page).to have_css('input', exact_text: 'foo')
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_button
-# expect(page).to have_no_button(class: 'cls')
-# expect(page).to have_button
-# expect(page).to have_no_link('foo', class: 'cls', href: 'http://example.com')
-# expect(page).to have_table(class: 'cls')
-# expect(page).to have_select
-# expect(page).to have_field('foo')
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#28
-class RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificMatcher < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#41
- def first_argument(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#45
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#80
- def good_matcher(node, matcher); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#74
- def message(node, matcher); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#62
- def replaceable?(node, arg, matcher); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#68
- def replaceable_attributes?(selector); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#57
- def specific_matcher(arg); end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificMatcher::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificMatcher::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificMatcher::SPECIFIC_MATCHER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# Checks for boolean visibility in Capybara finders.
-# Capybara lets you find elements that match a certain visibility using
-# the `:visible` option. `:visible` accepts both boolean and symbols as
-# values, however using booleans can have unwanted effects. `visible:
-# false` does not find just invisible elements, but both visible and
-# invisible elements. For expressiveness and clarity, use one of the
-# symbol values, `:all`, `:hidden` or `:visible`.
-# https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/capybara/Capybara%2FNode%2FFinders:all[the documentation].
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(page).to have_selector('.foo', visible: false)
-# expect(page).to have_css('.foo', visible: true)
-# expect(page).to have_link('my link', visible: false)
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_selector('.foo', visible: :visible)
-# expect(page).to have_css('.foo', visible: :all)
-# expect(page).to have_link('my link', visible: :hidden)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#28
-class RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::VisibilityMatcher < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#58
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#54
- def visible_false?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#49
- def visible_true?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#65
- def capybara_matcher?(method_name); end
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::VisibilityMatcher::CAPYBARA_MATCHER_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::VisibilityMatcher::MSG_FALSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::VisibilityMatcher::MSG_TRUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-capybara//lib/rubocop/cop/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#46
-RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::VisibilityMatcher::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-packaging@0.5.2.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-packaging@0.5.2.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a9d6123..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-packaging@0.5.2.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rubocop-packaging` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rubocop-packaging`.
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/version.rb#3
-module RuboCop; end
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#6
-module RuboCop::Cop; end
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::Packaging; end
-# This cop flags the `require "bundler/setup"` calls if they're
-# made from inside the tests directory.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# require "foo"
-# require "bundler/setup"
-# # good
-# require "foo"
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::Packaging::BundlerSetupInTests < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Packaging::LibHelperModule
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # Called from on_send, this method helps to autocorrect
- # the offenses flagged by this cop.
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#57
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#29
- def bundler_setup?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # This method is called from inside `#def_node_matcher`.
- # It flags an offense if the `require "bundler/setup"`
- # call is made from the tests directory.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#66
- def bundler_setup_in_test_dir?(str); end
- # This method determines if the call is made *from* the tests directory.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#71
- def falls_in_test_dir?; end
- # Extended from the Base class.
- # More about the `#on_new_investigation` method can be found here:
- # https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/blob/343f62e4555be0470326f47af219689e21c61a37/lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb
- #
- # Processing of the AST happens here.
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#39
- def on_new_investigation; end
- # Extended from AST::Traversal.
- # More about the `#on_send` method can be found here:
- # https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop-ast/blob/08d0f49a47af1e9a30a6d8f67533ba793c843d67/lib/rubocop/ast/traversal.rb#L112
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#47
- def on_send(node); end
-# This is the message that will be displayed when RuboCop::Packaging finds
-# an offense of using `require "bundler/setup"` in the tests directory.
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/bundler_setup_in_tests.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::Packaging::BundlerSetupInTests::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop flags the usage of `git ls-files` in gemspec
-# and suggests to use a plain Ruby alternative, like `Dir`,
-# `Dir.glob`, or `Rake::FileList` instead.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
-# spec.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n")
-# end
-# # good
-# Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
-# spec.files = Dir["lib/**/*", "LICENSE", "README.md"]
-# end
-# # bad
-# Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
-# spec.files = Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(__dir__)) do
-# `git ls-files -z`.split("\\x0").reject { |f| f.match(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) }
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# require "rake/file_list"
-# Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
-# spec.files = Rake::FileList["**/*"].exclude(*File.read(".gitignore").split)
-# end
-# # bad
-# Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
-# spec.files = `git ls-files -- lib/`.split("\n")
-# spec.executables = `git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map{ |f| File.basename(f) }
-# end
-# # good
-# Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
-# spec.files = Dir.glob("lib/**/*")
-# spec.executables = Dir.glob("bin/*").map{ |f| File.basename(f) }
-# end
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/gemspec_git.rb#48
-class RuboCop::Cop::Packaging::GemspecGit < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # Extended from the Cop class.
- # More about the `#investigate` method can be found here:
- # https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/blob/59543c8e2b66bff249de131fa9105f3eb11e9edb/lib/rubocop/cop/cop.rb#L13-L25
- #
- # Processing of the AST happens here.
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/gemspec_git.rb#70
- def on_new_investigation; end
- # This method is called from inside `#def_node_search`.
- # It is used to find strings which start with "git".
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/gemspec_git.rb#83
- def starts_with_git?(str); end
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/gemspec_git.rb#56
- def xstr(param0); end
-# This is the message that will be displayed when RuboCop finds an
-# offense of using `git ls-files`.
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/gemspec_git.rb#51
-RuboCop::Cop::Packaging::GemspecGit::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop flags the `require` calls, from anywhere mapping to
-# the "lib" directory, except originating from lib/.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# require "../lib/foo/bar"
-# # good
-# require "foo/bar"
-# # bad
-# require File.expand_path("../../lib/foo", __FILE__)
-# # good
-# require "foo"
-# # bad
-# require File.expand_path("../../../lib/foo/bar/baz/qux", __dir__)
-# # good
-# require "foo/bar/baz/qux"
-# # bad
-# require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../lib/baz/qux"
-# # good
-# require "baz/qux"
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_hardcoding_lib.rb#37
-class RuboCop::Cop::Packaging::RequireHardcodingLib < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Packaging::LibHelperModule
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # This method is called from inside `#def_node_matcher`.
- # It flags an offense if the `require` call is made from
- # anywhere except the "lib" directory.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_hardcoding_lib.rb#85
- def falls_in_lib?(str); end
- # This method is called from inside `#def_node_matcher`.
- # It flags an offense if the `require` call (using the __FILE__
- # arguement) is made from anywhere except the "lib" directory.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_hardcoding_lib.rb#93
- def falls_in_lib_using_file?(str); end
- # This method preprends a "." to the string that starts with "/".
- # And then determines if that call is made to "lib/".
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_hardcoding_lib.rb#100
- def falls_in_lib_with_file_dirname_plus_str?(str); end
- # Called from on_send, this method helps to replace
- # the "bad" require call with the "good" one.
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_hardcoding_lib.rb#77
- def good_require_call; end
- # Extended from the Base class.
- # More about the `#on_new_investigation` method can be found here:
- # https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/blob/343f62e4555be0470326f47af219689e21c61a37/lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb
- #
- # Processing of the AST happens here.
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_hardcoding_lib.rb#59
- def on_new_investigation; end
- # Extended from AST::Traversal.
- # More about the `#on_send` method can be found here:
- # https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop-ast/blob/08d0f49a47af1e9a30a6d8f67533ba793c843d67/lib/rubocop/ast/traversal.rb#L112
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_hardcoding_lib.rb#67
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_hardcoding_lib.rb#46
- def require?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# This is the message that will be displayed when RuboCop::Packaging
-# finds an offense of using `require` with relative path to lib.
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_hardcoding_lib.rb#43
-RuboCop::Cop::Packaging::RequireHardcodingLib::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop flags the `require_relative` calls, from anywhere
-# mapping to the "lib" directory, except originating from lib/ or
-# the gemspec file, and suggests to use `require` instead.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# require_relative "lib/foo"
-# # good
-# require "foo"
-# # bad
-# require_relative "../../lib/foo/bar"
-# # good
-# require "foo/bar"
-# # good
-# require_relative "foo/bar/bax"
-# require_relative "baz/qux"
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_relative_hardcoding_lib.rb#30
-class RuboCop::Cop::Packaging::RequireRelativeHardcodingLib < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Packaging::LibHelperModule
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # This method is called from inside `#def_node_matcher`.
- # It flags an offense if the `require_relative` call is made
- # from anywhere except the "lib" directory.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_relative_hardcoding_lib.rb#75
- def falls_in_lib?(str); end
- # Called from on_send, this method helps to replace the
- # "bad" require_relative call with the "good" one.
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_relative_hardcoding_lib.rb#67
- def good_require_call; end
- # Extended from the Base class.
- # More about the `#on_new_investigation` method can be found here:
- # https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/blob/343f62e4555be0470326f47af219689e21c61a37/lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb
- #
- # Processing of the AST happens here.
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_relative_hardcoding_lib.rb#49
- def on_new_investigation; end
- # Extended from AST::Traversal.
- # More about the `#on_send` method can be found here:
- # https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop-ast/blob/08d0f49a47af1e9a30a6d8f67533ba793c843d67/lib/rubocop/ast/traversal.rb#L112
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_relative_hardcoding_lib.rb#57
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_relative_hardcoding_lib.rb#39
- def require_relative(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# This is the message that will be displayed when RuboCop finds an
-# offense of using `require_relative` with relative path to lib.
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/cop/packaging/require_relative_hardcoding_lib.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Packaging::RequireRelativeHardcodingLib::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# RuboCop Packaging project namespace
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/version.rb#4
-module RuboCop::Packaging; end
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging.rb#10
-RuboCop::Packaging::CONFIG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging.rb#9
-RuboCop::Packaging::CONFIG_DEFAULT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# Because RuboCop doesn't yet support plugins, we have to monkey patch in a
-# bit of our configuration.
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/inject.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Packaging::Inject
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/inject.rb#8
- def defaults!; end
- end
-# This helper module extracts the methods which can be used
-# in other cop classes.
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/lib_helper_module.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Packaging::LibHelperModule
- # This method determines if that call is made *from* the "lib" directory.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/lib_helper_module.rb#25
- def inspected_file_falls_in_lib?; end
- # This method determines if that call is made *from* the "gemspec" file.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/lib_helper_module.rb#30
- def inspected_file_is_gemspec?; end
- # This method determines if the inspected file is not in lib/ or
- # isn't a gemspec file.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/lib_helper_module.rb#36
- def inspected_file_is_not_in_lib_or_gemspec?; end
- # For determining the root directory of the project.
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/lib_helper_module.rb#9
- def root_dir; end
- # This method determines if the calls are made to the "lib" directory.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/lib_helper_module.rb#14
- def target_falls_in_lib?(str); end
- # This method determines if the calls (using the __FILE__ argument)
- # are made to the "lib" directory.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/lib_helper_module.rb#20
- def target_falls_in_lib_using_file?(str); end
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging.rb#8
-RuboCop::Packaging::PROJECT_ROOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# source://rubocop-packaging//lib/rubocop/packaging/version.rb#5
-RuboCop::Packaging::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-performance@1.17.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-performance@1.17.1.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index d1d07cd3..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-performance@1.17.1.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3036 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rubocop-performance` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rubocop-performance`.
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance.rb#3
-module RuboCop; end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#4
-module RuboCop::Cop; end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/ancestors_include.rb#5
-module RuboCop::Cop::Performance; end
-# Identifies usages of `ancestors.include?` and change them to use `<=` instead.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# A.ancestors.include?(B)
-# # good
-# A <= B
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/ancestors_include.rb#19
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::AncestorsInclude < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/ancestors_include.rb#26
- def ancestors_include_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/ancestors_include.rb#30
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/ancestors_include.rb#43
- def range(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/ancestors_include.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::AncestorsInclude::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/ancestors_include.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::AncestorsInclude::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where slicing arrays with semi-infinite ranges
-# can be replaced by `Array#take` and `Array#drop`.
-# This cop was created due to a mistake in microbenchmark and hence is disabled by default.
-# Refer https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop-performance/pull/175#issuecomment-731892717
-# @example
-# # bad
-# array[..2]
-# array[...2]
-# array[2..]
-# array[2...]
-# array.slice(..2)
-# # good
-# array.take(3)
-# array.take(2)
-# array.drop(2)
-# array.drop(2)
-# array.take(3)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/array_semi_infinite_range_slice.rb#29
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ArraySemiInfiniteRangeSlice < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/array_semi_infinite_range_slice.rb#45
- def endless_range?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/array_semi_infinite_range_slice.rb#41
- def endless_range_slice?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/array_semi_infinite_range_slice.rb#52
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/array_semi_infinite_range_slice.rb#65
- def correction(receiver, range_node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/array_semi_infinite_range_slice.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ArraySemiInfiniteRangeSlice::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/array_semi_infinite_range_slice.rb#39
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ArraySemiInfiniteRangeSlice::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/array_semi_infinite_range_slice.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ArraySemiInfiniteRangeSlice::SLICE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# Identifies places where numeric argument to BigDecimal should be
-# converted to string. Initializing from String is faster
-# than from Numeric for BigDecimal.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# BigDecimal(1, 2)
-# 4.to_d(6)
-# BigDecimal(1.2, 3, exception: true)
-# 4.5.to_d(6, exception: true)
-# # good
-# BigDecimal('1', 2)
-# BigDecimal('4', 6)
-# BigDecimal('1.2', 3, exception: true)
-# BigDecimal('4.5', 6, exception: true)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/big_decimal_with_numeric_argument.rb#23
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::BigDecimalWithNumericArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/big_decimal_with_numeric_argument.rb#29
- def big_decimal_with_numeric_argument?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/big_decimal_with_numeric_argument.rb#37
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/big_decimal_with_numeric_argument.rb#33
- def to_d?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/big_decimal_with_numeric_argument.rb#26
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::BigDecimalWithNumericArgument::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/big_decimal_with_numeric_argument.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::BigDecimalWithNumericArgument::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# In Ruby 2.7, `UnboundMethod#bind_call` has been added.
-# This cop identifies places where `bind(obj).call(args, ...)`
-# can be replaced by `bind_call(obj, args, ...)`.
-# The `bind_call(obj, args, ...)` method is faster than
-# `bind(obj).call(args, ...)`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# umethod.bind(obj).call(foo, bar)
-# umethod.bind(obj).(foo, bar)
-# # good
-# umethod.bind_call(obj, foo, bar)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/bind_call.rb#22
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::BindCall < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/bind_call.rb#32
- def bind_with_call_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/bind_call.rb#40
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/bind_call.rb#71
- def build_call_args(call_args_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/bind_call.rb#64
- def correction_range(receiver, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/bind_call.rb#58
- def message(bind_arg, call_args); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/bind_call.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::BindCall::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/bind_call.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::BindCall::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies unnecessary use of a `block_given?` where explicit check
-# of block argument would suffice.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# def method(&block)
-# do_something if block_given?
-# end
-# # good
-# def method(&block)
-# do_something if block
-# end
-# # good - block is reassigned
-# def method(&block)
-# block ||= -> { do_something }
-# warn "Using default ..." unless block_given?
-# # ...
-# end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/block_given_with_explicit_block.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::BlockGivenWithExplicitBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/block_given_with_explicit_block.rb#35
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/block_given_with_explicit_block.rb#33
- def reassigns_block_arg?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/block_given_with_explicit_block.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::BlockGivenWithExplicitBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/block_given_with_explicit_block.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::BlockGivenWithExplicitBlock::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where `caller[n]` can be replaced by `caller(n..n).first`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# caller[1]
-# caller.first
-# caller_locations[1]
-# caller_locations.first
-# # good
-# caller(2..2).first
-# caller(1..1).first
-# caller_locations(2..2).first
-# caller_locations(1..1).first
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/caller.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Caller < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/caller.rb#33
- def caller_with_scope_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/caller.rb#40
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/caller.rb#26
- def slow_caller?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/caller.rb#61
- def int_value(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/caller.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Caller::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/caller.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Caller::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Reordering `when` conditions with a splat to the end
-# of the `when` branches can improve performance.
-# Ruby has to allocate memory for the splat expansion every time
-# that the `case` `when` statement is run. Since Ruby does not support
-# fall through inside of `case` `when`, like some other languages do,
-# the order of the `when` branches should not matter. By placing any
-# splat expansions at the end of the list of `when` branches we will
-# reduce the number of times that memory has to be allocated for
-# the expansion. The exception to this is if multiple of your `when`
-# conditions can be true for any given condition. A likely scenario for
-# this defining a higher level when condition to override a condition
-# that is inside of the splat expansion.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# case foo
-# when *condition
-# bar
-# when baz
-# foobar
-# end
-# case foo
-# when *[1, 2, 3, 4]
-# bar
-# when 5
-# baz
-# end
-# # good
-# case foo
-# when baz
-# foobar
-# when *condition
-# bar
-# end
-# case foo
-# when 1, 2, 3, 4
-# bar
-# when 5
-# baz
-# end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#58
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CaseWhenSplat < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::Alignment
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#66
- def on_case(case_node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#83
- def autocorrect(corrector, when_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#140
- def indent_for(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#100
- def inline_fix_branch(corrector, when_node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#164
- def needs_reorder?(when_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#136
- def new_branch_without_then(node, new_condition); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#132
- def new_condition_with_then(node, new_condition); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#158
- def non_splat?(condition); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#91
- def range(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#107
- def reorder_condition(corrector, when_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#116
- def reordering_correction(when_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#95
- def replacement(conditions); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#144
- def splat_offenses(when_conditions); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#126
- def when_branch_range(when_node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#64
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CaseWhenSplat::ARRAY_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/case_when_splat.rb#63
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CaseWhenSplat::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Identifies places where a case-insensitive string comparison
-# can better be implemented using `casecmp`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# str.downcase == 'abc'
-# str.upcase.eql? 'ABC'
-# 'abc' == str.downcase
-# 'ABC'.eql? str.upcase
-# str.downcase == str.downcase
-# # good
-# str.casecmp('ABC').zero?
-# 'abc'.casecmp(str).zero?
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#24
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Casecmp < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#45
- def downcase_downcase(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#31
- def downcase_eq(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#38
- def eq_downcase(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#52
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#84
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, replacement); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#88
- def build_good_method(method, arg, variable); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#67
- def take_method_apart(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Casecmp::CASE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Casecmp::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/casecmp.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Casecmp::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies usages of `array.compact.flatten.map { |x| x.downcase }`.
-# Each of these methods (`compact`, `flatten`, `map`) will generate a new intermediate array
-# that is promptly thrown away. Instead it is faster to mutate when we know it's safe.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# array = ["a", "b", "c"]
-# array.compact.flatten.map { |x| x.downcase }
-# # good
-# array = ["a", "b", "c"]
-# array.compact!
-# array.flatten!
-# array.map! { |x| x.downcase }
-# array
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/chain_array_allocation.rb#21
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ChainArrayAllocation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/chain_array_allocation.rb#54
- def chain_array_allocation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/chain_array_allocation.rb#62
- def on_send(node); end
-# These methods ALWAYS return a new array
-# after they're called it's safe to mutate the resulting array
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/chain_array_allocation.rb#37
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ChainArrayAllocation::ALWAYS_RETURNS_NEW_ARRAY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# These methods have a mutation alternative. For example :collect
-# can be called as :collect!
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/chain_array_allocation.rb#45
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ChainArrayAllocation::HAS_MUTATION_ALTERNATIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/chain_array_allocation.rb#50
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ChainArrayAllocation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/chain_array_allocation.rb#48
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ChainArrayAllocation::RETURNS_NEW_ARRAY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# These methods return a new array only when called without a block.
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/chain_array_allocation.rb#33
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ChainArrayAllocation::RETURNS_NEW_ARRAY_WHEN_NO_BLOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# These methods return a new array but only sometimes. They must be
-# called with an argument. For example:
-# [1,2].first # => 1
-# [1,2].first(1) # => [1]
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/chain_array_allocation.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ChainArrayAllocation::RETURN_NEW_ARRAY_WHEN_ARGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# Identifies places where Array and Hash literals are used within loops.
-# It is better to extract them into a local variable or constant
-# to avoid unnecessary allocations on each iteration.
-# You can set the minimum number of elements to consider
-# an offense with `MinSize`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# users.select do |user|
-# %i[superadmin admin].include?(user.role)
-# end
-# # good
-# admin_roles = %i[superadmin admin]
-# users.select do |user|
-# admin_roles.include?(user.role)
-# end
-# # good
-# ADMIN_ROLES = %i[superadmin admin]
-# ...
-# users.select do |user|
-# ADMIN_ROLES.include?(user.role)
-# end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#34
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CollectionLiteralInLoop < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#74
- def enumerable_loop?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#68
- def kernel_loop?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#80
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#90
- def check_literal?(node, method); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#128
- def enumerable_method?(method_name); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#110
- def keyword_loop?(type); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#120
- def literal_class(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#106
- def loop?(ancestor, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#132
- def min_size; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#114
- def node_within_enumerable_loop?(node, ancestor); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#97
- def nonmutable_method_of_array_or_hash?(node, method); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#102
- def parent_is_loop?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#56
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CollectionLiteralInLoop::ARRAY_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#41
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CollectionLiteralInLoop::ENUMERABLE_METHOD_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#66
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CollectionLiteralInLoop::HASH_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#39
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CollectionLiteralInLoop::LOOP_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#35
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CollectionLiteralInLoop::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#42
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CollectionLiteralInLoop::NONMUTATING_ARRAY_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#58
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CollectionLiteralInLoop::NONMUTATING_HASH_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/collection_literal_in_loop.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CollectionLiteralInLoop::POST_CONDITION_LOOP_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where `sort { |a, b| a.foo <=> b.foo }`
-# can be replaced by `sort_by(&:foo)`.
-# This cop also checks `max` and `min` methods.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# array.sort { |a, b| a.foo <=> b.foo }
-# array.max { |a, b| a.foo <=> b.foo }
-# array.min { |a, b| a.foo <=> b.foo }
-# array.sort { |a, b| a[:foo] <=> b[:foo] }
-# # good
-# array.sort_by(&:foo)
-# array.sort_by { |v| v.foo }
-# array.sort_by do |var|
-# var.foo
-# end
-# array.max_by(&:foo)
-# array.min_by(&:foo)
-# array.sort_by { |a| a[:foo] }
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/compare_with_block.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CompareWithBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/compare_with_block.rb#34
- def compare?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/compare_with_block.rb#48
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/compare_with_block.rb#41
- def replaceable_body?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1, param2); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/compare_with_block.rb#105
- def compare_range(send, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/compare_with_block.rb#84
- def message(send, method, var_a, var_b, args); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/compare_with_block.rb#69
- def slow_compare?(method, args_a, args_b); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/compare_with_block.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::CompareWithBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Identifies places where `Concurrent.monotonic_time`
-# can be replaced by `Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# Concurrent.monotonic_time
-# # good
-# Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/concurrent_monotonic_time.rb#17
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ConcurrentMonotonicTime < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/concurrent_monotonic_time.rb#23
- def concurrent_monotonic_time?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/concurrent_monotonic_time.rb#28
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/concurrent_monotonic_time.rb#20
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ConcurrentMonotonicTime::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/concurrent_monotonic_time.rb#21
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ConcurrentMonotonicTime::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Finds regular expressions with dynamic components that are all constants.
-# Ruby allocates a new Regexp object every time it executes a code containing such
-# a regular expression. It is more efficient to extract it into a constant,
-# memoize it, or add an `/o` option to perform `#{}` interpolation only once and
-# reuse that Regexp object.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# def tokens(pattern)
-# pattern.scan(TOKEN).reject { |token| token.match?(/\A#{SEPARATORS}\Z/) }
-# end
-# # good
-# def tokens(pattern)
-# pattern.scan(TOKEN).reject { |token| token.match?(ALL_SEPARATORS) }
-# end
-# # good
-# def tokens(pattern)
-# pattern.scan(TOKEN).reject { |token| token.match?(/\A#{SEPARATORS}\Z/o) }
-# end
-# # good
-# def separators
-# @separators ||= /\A#{SEPARATORS}\Z/
-# end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/constant_regexp.rb#36
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ConstantRegexp < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/constant_regexp.rb#41
- def on_regexp(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/constant_regexp.rb#55
- def regexp_escape?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/constant_regexp.rb#60
- def include_interpolated_const?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/constant_regexp.rb#51
- def within_allowed_assignment?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/constant_regexp.rb#39
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ConstantRegexp::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Identifies usages of `count` on an `Enumerable` that
-# follow calls to `select`, `find_all`, `filter` or `reject`. Querying logic can instead be
-# passed to the `count` call.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# [1, 2, 3].select { |e| e > 2 }.size
-# [1, 2, 3].reject { |e| e > 2 }.size
-# [1, 2, 3].select { |e| e > 2 }.length
-# [1, 2, 3].reject { |e| e > 2 }.length
-# [1, 2, 3].select { |e| e > 2 }.count { |e| e.odd? }
-# [1, 2, 3].reject { |e| e > 2 }.count { |e| e.even? }
-# array.select(&:value).count
-# # good
-# [1, 2, 3].count { |e| e > 2 }
-# [1, 2, 3].count { |e| e < 2 }
-# [1, 2, 3].count { |e| e > 2 && e.odd? }
-# [1, 2, 3].count { |e| e < 2 && e.even? }
-# Model.select('field AS field_one').count
-# Model.select(:value).count
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#49
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Count < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#56
- def count_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#63
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#79
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, selector_node, selector); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#89
- def eligible_node?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#132
- def negate_block_pass_as_inline_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#111
- def negate_block_pass_reject(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#118
- def negate_block_reject(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#128
- def negate_expression(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#103
- def negate_reject(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#93
- def source_starting_at(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#53
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Count::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/count.rb#54
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Count::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# In Ruby 2.5, `String#delete_prefix` has been added.
-# This cop identifies places where `gsub(/\Aprefix/, '')` and `sub(/\Aprefix/, '')`
-# can be replaced by `delete_prefix('prefix')`.
-# This cop has `SafeMultiline` configuration option that `true` by default because
-# `^prefix` is unsafe as it will behave incompatible with `delete_prefix`
-# for receiver is multiline string.
-# The `delete_prefix('prefix')` method is faster than `gsub(/\Aprefix/, '')`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# str.gsub(/\Aprefix/, '')
-# str.gsub!(/\Aprefix/, '')
-# str.sub(/\Aprefix/, '')
-# str.sub!(/\Aprefix/, '')
-# # good
-# str.delete_prefix('prefix')
-# str.delete_prefix!('prefix')
-# @example SafeMultiline: true (default)
-# # good
-# str.gsub(/^prefix/, '')
-# str.gsub!(/^prefix/, '')
-# str.sub(/^prefix/, '')
-# str.sub!(/^prefix/, '')
-# @example SafeMultiline: false
-# # bad
-# str.gsub(/^prefix/, '')
-# str.gsub!(/^prefix/, '')
-# str.sub(/^prefix/, '')
-# str.sub!(/^prefix/, '')
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_prefix.rb#49
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DeletePrefix < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RegexpMetacharacter
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_prefix.rb#66
- def delete_prefix_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_prefix.rb#70
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_prefix.rb#56
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DeletePrefix::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_prefix.rb#59
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DeletePrefix::PREFERRED_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_prefix.rb#57
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DeletePrefix::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# In Ruby 2.5, `String#delete_suffix` has been added.
-# This cop identifies places where `gsub(/suffix\z/, '')` and `sub(/suffix\z/, '')`
-# can be replaced by `delete_suffix('suffix')`.
-# This cop has `SafeMultiline` configuration option that `true` by default because
-# `suffix$` is unsafe as it will behave incompatible with `delete_suffix?`
-# for receiver is multiline string.
-# The `delete_suffix('suffix')` method is faster than `gsub(/suffix\z/, '')`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# str.gsub(/suffix\z/, '')
-# str.gsub!(/suffix\z/, '')
-# str.sub(/suffix\z/, '')
-# str.sub!(/suffix\z/, '')
-# # good
-# str.delete_suffix('suffix')
-# str.delete_suffix!('suffix')
-# @example SafeMultiline: true (default)
-# # good
-# str.gsub(/suffix$/, '')
-# str.gsub!(/suffix$/, '')
-# str.sub(/suffix$/, '')
-# str.sub!(/suffix$/, '')
-# @example SafeMultiline: false
-# # bad
-# str.gsub(/suffix$/, '')
-# str.gsub!(/suffix$/, '')
-# str.sub(/suffix$/, '')
-# str.sub!(/suffix$/, '')
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_suffix.rb#49
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DeleteSuffix < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RegexpMetacharacter
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_suffix.rb#66
- def delete_suffix_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_suffix.rb#70
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_suffix.rb#56
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DeleteSuffix::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_suffix.rb#59
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DeleteSuffix::PREFERRED_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/delete_suffix.rb#57
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DeleteSuffix::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies usages of `first`, `last`, `[0]` or `[-1]`
-# chained to `select`, `find_all` or `filter` and change them to use
-# `detect` instead.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# [].select { |item| true }.first
-# [].select { |item| true }.last
-# [].find_all { |item| true }.first
-# [].find_all { |item| true }.last
-# [].filter { |item| true }.first
-# [].filter { |item| true }.last
-# [].filter { |item| true }[0]
-# [].filter { |item| true }[-1]
-# # good
-# [].detect { |item| true }
-# [].reverse.detect { |item| true }
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#30
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Detect < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#41
- def detect_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#50
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#69
- def accept_first_call?(receiver, body); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#101
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, replacement); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#127
- def lazy?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#112
- def message_for_method(method, index); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#123
- def preferred_method; end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#78
- def register_offense(node, receiver, second_method, index); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#93
- def replacement(method, index); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#33
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Detect::CANDIDATE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#37
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Detect::INDEX_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Detect::INDEX_REVERSE_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#35
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Detect::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#39
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Detect::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/detect.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Detect::REVERSE_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for double `#start_with?` or `#end_with?` calls
-# separated by `||`. In some cases such calls can be replaced
-# with an single `#start_with?`/`#end_with?` call.
-# `IncludeActiveSupportAliases` configuration option is used to check for
-# `starts_with?` and `ends_with?`. These methods are defined by Active Support.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# str.start_with?("a") || str.start_with?(Some::CONST)
-# str.start_with?("a", "b") || str.start_with?("c")
-# str.end_with?(var1) || str.end_with?(var2)
-# # good
-# str.start_with?("a", Some::CONST)
-# str.start_with?("a", "b", "c")
-# str.end_with?(var1, var2)
-# @example IncludeActiveSupportAliases: false (default)
-# # good
-# str.starts_with?("a", "b") || str.starts_with?("c")
-# str.ends_with?(var1) || str.ends_with?(var2)
-# str.starts_with?("a", "b", "c")
-# str.ends_with?(var1, var2)
-# @example IncludeActiveSupportAliases: true
-# # bad
-# str.starts_with?("a", "b") || str.starts_with?("c")
-# str.ends_with?(var1) || str.ends_with?(var2)
-# # good
-# str.starts_with?("a", "b", "c")
-# str.ends_with?(var1, var2)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#41
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DoubleStartEndWith < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#96
- def check_with_active_support_aliases(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#46
- def on_or(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#90
- def two_start_end_with_calls(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#60
- def autocorrect(corrector, first_call_args, second_call_args, combined_args); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#86
- def check_for_active_support_aliases?; end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#82
- def combine_args(first_call_args, second_call_args); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#76
- def message(node, receiver, method, combined_args); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#68
- def process_source(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/double_start_end_with.rb#44
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::DoubleStartEndWith::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Identifies unnecessary use of a regex where `String#end_with?` would suffice.
-# This cop has `SafeMultiline` configuration option that `true` by default because
-# `end$` is unsafe as it will behave incompatible with `end_with?`
-# for receiver is multiline string.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# 'abc'.match?(/bc\Z/)
-# /bc\Z/.match?('abc')
-# 'abc' =~ /bc\Z/
-# /bc\Z/ =~ 'abc'
-# 'abc'.match(/bc\Z/)
-# /bc\Z/.match('abc')
-# # good
-# 'abc'.end_with?('bc')
-# @example SafeMultiline: true (default)
-# # good
-# 'abc'.match?(/bc$/)
-# /bc$/.match?('abc')
-# 'abc' =~ /bc$/
-# /bc$/ =~ 'abc'
-# 'abc'.match(/bc$/)
-# /bc$/.match('abc')
-# @example SafeMultiline: false
-# # bad
-# 'abc'.match?(/bc$/)
-# /bc$/.match?('abc')
-# 'abc' =~ /bc$/
-# /bc$/ =~ 'abc'
-# 'abc'.match(/bc$/)
-# /bc$/.match('abc')
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/end_with.rb#49
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::EndWith < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RegexpMetacharacter
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/end_with.rb#62
- def on_match_with_lvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/end_with.rb#62
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/end_with.rb#56
- def redundant_regex?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/end_with.rb#53
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::EndWith::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/end_with.rb#54
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::EndWith::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Do not compute the size of statically sized objects.
-# @example
-# # String methods
-# # bad
-# 'foo'.size
-# %q[bar].count
-# %(qux).length
-# # Symbol methods
-# # bad
-# :fred.size
-# :'baz'.length
-# # Array methods
-# # bad
-# [1, 2, thud].count
-# %W(1, 2, bar).size
-# # Hash methods
-# # bad
-# { a: corge, b: grault }.length
-# # good
-# foo.size
-# bar.count
-# qux.length
-# # good
-# :"#{fred}".size
-# CONST = :baz.length
-# # good
-# [1, 2, *thud].count
-# garply = [1, 2, 3]
-# garply.size
-# # good
-# { a: corge, **grault }.length
-# waldo = { a: corge, b: grault }
-# waldo.size
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#48
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::FixedSize < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#52
- def counter(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#56
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#72
- def allowed_argument?(arg); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#76
- def allowed_parent?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#68
- def allowed_variable?(var); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#86
- def contains_double_splat?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#80
- def contains_splat?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#92
- def non_string_argument?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#49
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::FixedSize::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/fixed_size.rb#50
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::FixedSize::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies usages of `map { ... }.flatten` and
-# change them to use `flat_map { ... }` instead.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# [1, 2, 3, 4].map { |e| [e, e] }.flatten(1)
-# [1, 2, 3, 4].collect { |e| [e, e] }.flatten(1)
-# # good
-# [1, 2, 3, 4].flat_map { |e| [e, e] }
-# [1, 2, 3, 4].map { |e| [e, e] }.flatten
-# [1, 2, 3, 4].collect { |e| [e, e] }.flatten
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#18
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::FlatMap < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#28
- def flat_map_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#39
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#72
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#52
- def offense_for_levels(node, map_node, first_method, flatten); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#58
- def offense_for_method(node, map_node, first_method, flatten); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#62
- def register_offense(node, map_node, first_method, flatten, message); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::FlatMap::FLATTEN_MULTIPLE_LEVELS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#22
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::FlatMap::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/flat_map.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::FlatMap::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for inefficient searching of keys and values within
-# hashes.
-# `Hash#keys.include?` is less efficient than `Hash#key?` because
-# the former allocates a new array and then performs an O(n) search
-# through that array, while `Hash#key?` does not allocate any array and
-# performs a faster O(1) search for the key.
-# `Hash#values.include?` is less efficient than `Hash#value?`. While they
-# both perform an O(n) search through all of the values, calling `values`
-# allocates a new array while using `value?` does not.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# { a: 1, b: 2 }.keys.include?(:a)
-# { a: 1, b: 2 }.keys.include?(:z)
-# h = { a: 1, b: 2 }; h.keys.include?(100)
-# # good
-# { a: 1, b: 2 }.key?(:a)
-# { a: 1, b: 2 }.has_key?(:z)
-# h = { a: 1, b: 2 }; h.key?(100)
-# # bad
-# { a: 1, b: 2 }.values.include?(2)
-# { a: 1, b: 2 }.values.include?('garbage')
-# h = { a: 1, b: 2 }; h.values.include?(nil)
-# # good
-# { a: 1, b: 2 }.value?(2)
-# { a: 1, b: 2 }.has_value?('garbage')
-# h = { a: 1, b: 2 }; h.value?(nil)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#42
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::InefficientHashSearch < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#47
- def inefficient_include?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#51
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#89
- def autocorrect_argument(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#93
- def autocorrect_hash_expression(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#73
- def autocorrect_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#80
- def current_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#69
- def message(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#84
- def use_long_method; end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/inefficient_hash_search.rb#45
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::InefficientHashSearch::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where inefficient `readlines` method
-# can be replaced by `each_line` to avoid fully loading file content into memory.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# File.readlines('testfile').each { |l| puts l }
-# IO.readlines('testfile', chomp: true).each { |l| puts l }
-# conn.readlines(10).map { |l| l.size }
-# file.readlines.find { |l| l.start_with?('#') }
-# file.readlines.each { |l| puts l }
-# # good
-# File.open('testfile', 'r').each_line { |l| puts l }
-# IO.open('testfile').each_line(chomp: true) { |l| puts l }
-# conn.each_line(10).map { |l| l.size }
-# file.each_line.find { |l| l.start_with?('#') }
-# file.each_line { |l| puts l }
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::IoReadlines < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#42
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#34
- def readlines_on_class?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#38
- def readlines_on_instance?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#58
- def autocorrect(corrector, enumerable_call, readlines_call, receiver); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#90
- def build_bad_method(enumerable_call); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#106
- def build_call_args(call_args_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#82
- def build_good_method(enumerable_call); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#94
- def correction_range(enumerable_call, readlines_call); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#76
- def offense_range(enumerable_call, readlines_call); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::IoReadlines::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/io_readlines.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::IoReadlines::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# In Ruby 2.7, `Enumerable#filter_map` has been added.
-# This cop identifies places where `map { ... }.compact` can be replaced by `filter_map`.
-# [source,ruby]
-# ----
-# [true, false, nil].compact #=> [true, false]
-# [true, false, nil].filter_map(&:itself) #=> [true]
-# ----
-# @example
-# # bad
-# ary.map(&:foo).compact
-# ary.collect(&:foo).compact
-# # good
-# ary.filter_map(&:foo)
-# ary.map(&:foo).compact!
-# ary.compact.map(&:foo)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#30
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::MapCompact < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#40
- def map_compact(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#53
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#93
- def compact_method_with_final_newline_range(compact_method_range); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#89
- def invoke_method_after_map_compact_on_same_line?(compact_node, chained_method); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#85
- def map_method_and_compact_method_on_same_line?(map_node, compact_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#67
- def remove_compact_method(corrector, map_node, compact_node, chained_method); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#81
- def use_dot?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#35
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::MapCompact::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/map_compact.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::MapCompact::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where methods are converted to blocks, with the
-# use of `&method`, and passed as arguments to method calls.
-# It is faster to replace those with explicit blocks, calling those methods inside.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# array.map(&method(:do_something))
-# [1, 2, 3].each(&out.method(:puts))
-# # good
-# array.map { |x| do_something(x) }
-# [1, 2, 3].each { |x| out.puts(x) }
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/method_object_as_block.rb#19
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::MethodObjectAsBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/method_object_as_block.rb#22
- def method_object_as_argument?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/method_object_as_block.rb#26
- def on_block_pass(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/method_object_as_block.rb#20
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::MethodObjectAsBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for `OpenStruct.new` calls.
-# Instantiation of an `OpenStruct` invalidates
-# Ruby global method cache as it causes dynamic method
-# definition during program runtime.
-# This could have an effect on performance,
-# especially in case of single-threaded
-# applications with multiple `OpenStruct` instantiations.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# class MyClass
-# def my_method
-# OpenStruct.new(my_key1: 'my_value1', my_key2: 'my_value2')
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# class MyClass
-# MyStruct = Struct.new(:my_key1, :my_key2)
-# def my_method
-# MyStruct.new('my_value1', 'my_value2')
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/open_struct.rb#34
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::OpenStruct < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/open_struct.rb#42
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/open_struct.rb#38
- def open_struct(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/open_struct.rb#35
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::OpenStruct::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/open_struct.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::OpenStruct::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies uses of `Range#include?` and `Range#member?`, which iterates over each
-# item in a `Range` to see if a specified item is there. In contrast,
-# `Range#cover?` simply compares the target item with the beginning and
-# end points of the `Range`. In a great majority of cases, this is what
-# is wanted.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# ('a'..'z').include?('b') # => true
-# ('a'..'z').member?('b') # => true
-# # good
-# ('a'..'z').cover?('b') # => true
-# # Example of a case where `Range#cover?` may not provide
-# # the desired result:
-# ('a'..'z').cover?('yellow') # => true
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/range_include.rb#28
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RangeInclude < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/range_include.rb#43
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/range_include.rb#39
- def range_include(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/range_include.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RangeInclude::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/range_include.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RangeInclude::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies the use of a `&block` parameter and `block.call`
-# where `yield` would do just as well.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# def method(&block)
-# block.call
-# end
-# def another(&func)
-# func.call 1, 2, 3
-# end
-# # good
-# def method
-# yield
-# end
-# def another
-# yield 1, 2, 3
-# end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#25
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantBlockCall < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#43
- def blockarg_assigned?(param0, param1); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#39
- def blockarg_calls(param0, param1); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#34
- def blockarg_def(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#47
- def on_def(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#47
- def on_defs(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#97
- def args_include_block_pass?(blockcall); end
- # offenses are registered on the `block.call` nodes
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#63
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#81
- def calls_to_report(argname, body); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#91
- def shadowed_block_argument?(body, block_argument_of_method_signature); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantBlockCall::CLOSE_PAREN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantBlockCall::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantBlockCall::OPEN_PAREN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantBlockCall::SPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_block_call.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantBlockCall::YIELD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for uses `Enumerable#all?`, `Enumerable#any?`, `Enumerable#one?`,
-# and `Enumerable#none?` are compared with `===` or similar methods in block.
-# By default, `Object#===` behaves the same as `Object#==`, but this
-# behavior is appropriately overridden in subclass. For example,
-# `Range#===` returns `true` when argument is within the range.
-# This cop has `AllowRegexpMatch` option and it is true by default because
-# `regexp.match?('string')` often used in block changes to the opposite result:
-# [source,ruby]
-# ----
-# [/pattern/].all? { |regexp| regexp.match?('pattern') } # => true
-# [/pattern/].all? { |regexp| regexp =~ 'pattern' } # => true
-# [/pattern/].all?('pattern') # => false
-# ----
-# @example
-# # bad
-# items.all? { |item| pattern === item }
-# items.all? { |item| item == other }
-# items.all? { |item| item.is_a?(Klass) }
-# items.all? { |item| item.kind_of?(Klass) }
-# # good
-# items.all?(pattern)
-# items.all?(Klass)
-# @example AllowRegexpMatch: true (default)
-# # good
-# items.all? { |item| item =~ pattern }
-# items.all? { |item| item.match?(pattern) }
-# @example AllowRegexpMatch: false
-# # bad
-# items.all? { |item| item =~ pattern }
-# items.all? { |item| item.match?(pattern) }
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#49
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#62
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#131
- def allow_regexp_match?; end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#104
- def new_argument(block_argument, block_body); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#127
- def offense_range(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#82
- def one_block_argument?(block_arguments); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#94
- def same_block_argument_and_is_a_argument?(block_body, block_argument); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#118
- def use_block_argument_in_method_argument_of_operand?(block_argument, operand); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#86
- def use_equality_comparison_block?(block_body); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#58
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock::COMPARISON_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#60
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock::IS_A_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#55
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#59
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock::REGEXP_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_equality_comparison_block.rb#57
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantEqualityComparisonBlock::TARGET_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies the use of `Regexp#match` or `String#match`, which
-# returns `#`/`nil`. The return value of `=~` is an integral
-# index/`nil` and is more performant.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# do_something if str.match(/regex/)
-# while regex.match('str')
-# do_something
-# end
-# # good
-# method(str =~ /regex/)
-# return value unless regex =~ 'str'
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_match.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantMatch < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_match.rb#28
- def match_call?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_match.rb#37
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_match.rb#33
- def only_truthiness_matters?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_match.rb#49
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_match.rb#55
- def autocorrectable?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_match.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantMatch::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_match.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantMatch::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where `Hash#merge!` can be replaced by `Hash#[]=`.
-# You can set the maximum number of key-value pairs to consider
-# an offense with `MaxKeyValuePairs`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# hash.merge!(a: 1)
-# hash.merge!({'key' => 'value'})
-# # good
-# hash[:a] = 1
-# hash['key'] = 'value'
-# @example MaxKeyValuePairs: 2 (default)
-# # bad
-# hash.merge!(a: 1, b: 2)
-# # good
-# hash[:a] = 1
-# hash[:b] = 2
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#30
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantMerge < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::Alignment
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#48
- def modifier_flow_control?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#52
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#44
- def redundant_merge_candidate(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#106
- def correct_multiple_elements(corrector, node, parent, new_source); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#118
- def correct_single_element(corrector, node, new_source); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#79
- def each_redundant_merge(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#98
- def kwsplat_used?(pairs); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#144
- def leading_spaces(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#148
- def max_key_value_pairs; end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#71
- def message(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#87
- def non_redundant_merge?(node, receiver, pairs); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#94
- def non_redundant_pairs?(receiver, pairs); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#102
- def non_redundant_value_used?(receiver, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#132
- def rewrite_with_modifier(node, parent, new_source); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#122
- def to_assignments(receiver, pairs); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantMerge::AREF_ASGN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# A utility class for checking the use of values within an
-# `each_with_object` call.
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#154
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantMerge::EachWithObjectInspector
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # @return [EachWithObjectInspector] a new instance of EachWithObjectInspector
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#157
- def initialize(node, receiver); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#188
- def each_with_object_node(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#162
- def value_used?; end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#172
- def eligible_receiver?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute node.
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#170
- def node; end
- # Returns the value of attribute receiver.
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#170
- def receiver; end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#176
- def second_argument; end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#183
- def unwind(receiver); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#35
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantMerge::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantMerge::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_merge.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantMerge::WITH_MODIFIER_CORRECTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Identifies places where `sort { |a, b| a <=> b }` can be replaced with `sort`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# array.sort { |a, b| a <=> b }
-# # good
-# array.sort
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_sort_block.rb#15
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantSortBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::SortBlock
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_sort_block.rb#21
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_sort_block.rb#29
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_sort_block.rb#40
- def register_offense(send, node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_sort_block.rb#19
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantSortBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Identifies places where `split` argument can be replaced from
-# a deterministic regexp to a string.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# 'a,b,c'.split(/,/)
-# # good
-# 'a,b,c'.split(',')
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_split_regexp_argument.rb#15
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantSplitRegexpArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_split_regexp_argument.rb#27
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_split_regexp_argument.rb#23
- def split_call_with_regexp?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_split_regexp_argument.rb#41
- def determinist_regexp?(regexp_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_split_regexp_argument.rb#45
- def replacement(regexp_node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_split_regexp_argument.rb#20
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantSplitRegexpArgument::DETERMINISTIC_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_split_regexp_argument.rb#18
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantSplitRegexpArgument::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_split_regexp_argument.rb#19
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantSplitRegexpArgument::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_split_regexp_argument.rb#21
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantSplitRegexpArgument::STR_SPECIAL_CHARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for redundant `String#chars`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# str.chars[0..2]
-# str.chars.slice(0..2)
-# str.chars.last
-# # good
-# str[0..2].chars
-# # bad
-# str.chars.first
-# str.chars.first(2)
-# # good
-# str[0]
-# str[0...2].chars
-# str[-1]
-# # bad
-# str.chars.take(2)
-# str.chars.length
-# str.chars.size
-# str.chars.empty?
-# # good
-# str[0...2].chars
-# str.length
-# str.size
-# str.empty?
-# # For example, if the receiver is an empty string, it will be incompatible.
-# # If a negative value is specified for the receiver, `nil` is returned.
-# str.chars.last(2) # Incompatible with `str[-2..-1].chars`.
-# str.chars.drop(2) # Incompatible with `str[2..-1].chars`.
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#43
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantStringChars < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#54
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#50
- def redundant_chars_call?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#112
- def build_bad_method(method, args); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#125
- def build_call_args(call_args_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#85
- def build_good_method(method, args); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#100
- def build_good_method_for_brackets_or_first_method(method, args); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#79
- def build_message(method, args); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#75
- def correction_range(receiver, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#71
- def offense_range(receiver, node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#47
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantStringChars::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/redundant_string_chars.rb#48
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RedundantStringChars::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# In Ruby 2.4, `String#match?`, `Regexp#match?`, and `Symbol#match?`
-# have been added. The methods are faster than `match`.
-# Because the methods avoid creating a `MatchData` object or saving
-# backref.
-# So, when `MatchData` is not used, use `match?` instead of `match`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# def foo
-# if x =~ /re/
-# do_something
-# end
-# end
-# # bad
-# def foo
-# if x !~ /re/
-# do_something
-# end
-# end
-# # bad
-# def foo
-# if x.match(/re/)
-# do_something
-# end
-# end
-# # bad
-# def foo
-# if /re/ === x
-# do_something
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# def foo
-# if x.match?(/re/)
-# do_something
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# def foo
-# if !x.match?(/re/)
-# do_something
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# def foo
-# if x =~ /re/
-# do_something(Regexp.last_match)
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# def foo
-# if x.match(/re/)
-# do_something($~)
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# def foo
-# if /re/ === x
-# do_something($~)
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#75
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RegexpMatch < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#125
- def last_matches(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#86
- def match_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#122
- def match_node?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#97
- def match_operator?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#101
- def match_threequals?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#93
- def match_with_int_arg_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#105
- def match_with_lvasgn?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#138
- def on_case(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#134
- def on_if(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#123
- def search_match_nodes(param0); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#161
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#150
- def check_condition(cond); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#246
- def correct_operator(corrector, recv, arg, oper = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#271
- def correction_range(recv, arg); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#217
- def find_last_match(body, range, scope_root); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#177
- def last_match_used?(match_node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#242
- def match_gvar?(sym); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#173
- def message(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#213
- def modifier_form?(match_node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#199
- def next_match_pos(body, match_node_pos, scope_root); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#186
- def range_to_search_for_last_matches(match_node, body, scope_root); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#255
- def replace_with_match_predicate_method(corrector, recv, arg, op_range); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#224
- def scope_body(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#236
- def scope_root(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#266
- def swap_receiver_and_arg(corrector, recv, arg); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#112
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RegexpMatch::MATCH_NODE_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#84
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RegexpMatch::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Constants are included in this list because it is unlikely that
-# someone will store `nil` as a constant and then use it for comparison
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/regexp_match.rb#83
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::RegexpMatch::TYPES_IMPLEMENTING_MATCH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies usages of `reverse.each` and change them to use `reverse_each` instead.
-# If the return value is used, it will not be detected because the result will be different.
-# [source,ruby]
-# ----
-# [1, 2, 3].reverse.each {} #=> [3, 2, 1]
-# [1, 2, 3].reverse_each {} #=> [1, 2, 3]
-# ----
-# @example
-# # bad
-# items.reverse.each
-# # good
-# items.reverse_each
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_each.rb#22
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ReverseEach < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_each.rb#33
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_each.rb#29
- def reverse_each?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_each.rb#53
- def offense_range(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_each.rb#47
- def use_return_value?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_each.rb#26
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ReverseEach::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_each.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ReverseEach::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where `reverse.first(n)` and `reverse.first`
-# can be replaced by `last(n).reverse` and `last`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# array.reverse.first(5)
-# array.reverse.first
-# # good
-# array.last(5).reverse
-# array.last
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_first.rb#19
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ReverseFirst < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_first.rb#30
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_first.rb#26
- def reverse_first_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_first.rb#63
- def build_bad_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_first.rb#55
- def build_good_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_first.rb#49
- def build_message(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_first.rb#45
- def correction_range(receiver, node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_first.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ReverseFirst::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/reverse_first.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::ReverseFirst::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# In Ruby 2.7, `Enumerable#filter_map` has been added.
-# This cop identifies places where `select.map` can be replaced by `filter_map`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# ary.select(&:foo).map(&:bar)
-# ary.filter(&:foo).map(&:bar)
-# # good
-# ary.filter_map { |o| o.bar if o.foo }
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/select_map.rb#18
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::SelectMap < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/select_map.rb#27
- def bad_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/select_map.rb#31
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/select_map.rb#44
- def map_method_candidate(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/select_map.rb#54
- def offense_range(node, map_method); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/select_map.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::SelectMap::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/select_map.rb#25
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::SelectMap::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies usages of `count` on an `Array` and `Hash` and change them to `size`.
-# TODO: Add advanced detection of variables that could
-# have been assigned to an array or a hash.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# [1, 2, 3].count
-# (1..3).to_a.count
-# Array[*1..3].count
-# Array(1..3).count
-# # bad
-# {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}.count
-# [[:foo, :bar], [1, 2]].to_h.count
-# Hash[*('a'..'z')].count
-# Hash(key: :value).count
-# # good
-# [1, 2, 3].size
-# (1..3).to_a.size
-# Array[*1..3].size
-# Array(1..3).size
-# # good
-# {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}.size
-# [[:foo, :bar], [1, 2]].to_h.size
-# Hash[*('a'..'z')].size
-# Hash(key: :value).size
-# # good
-# [1, 2, 3].count { |e| e > 2 }
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/size.rb#37
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Size < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/size.rb#43
- def array?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/size.rb#61
- def count?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/size.rb#52
- def hash?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/size.rb#65
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/size.rb#40
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Size::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/size.rb#41
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Size::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where `sort { |a, b| b <=> a }`
-# can be replaced by a faster `sort.reverse`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# array.sort { |a, b| b <=> a }
-# # good
-# array.sort.reverse
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sort_reverse.rb#16
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::SortReverse < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::SortBlock
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sort_reverse.rb#22
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sort_reverse.rb#30
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sort_reverse.rb#42
- def register_offense(send, node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sort_reverse.rb#20
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::SortReverse::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Identifies places where `gsub(/a+/, 'a')` and `gsub!(/a+/, 'a')`
-# can be replaced by `squeeze('a')` and `squeeze!('a')`.
-# The `squeeze('a')` method is faster than `gsub(/a+/, 'a')`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# str.gsub(/a+/, 'a')
-# str.gsub!(/a+/, 'a')
-# # good
-# str.squeeze('a')
-# str.squeeze!('a')
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/squeeze.rb#21
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Squeeze < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/squeeze.rb#38
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/squeeze.rb#29
- def squeeze_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/squeeze.rb#58
- def repeating_literal?(regex_str); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/squeeze.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Squeeze::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/squeeze.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Squeeze::PREFERRED_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/squeeze.rb#25
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Squeeze::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies unnecessary use of a regex where `String#start_with?` would suffice.
-# This cop has `SafeMultiline` configuration option that `true` by default because
-# `^start` is unsafe as it will behave incompatible with `start_with?`
-# for receiver is multiline string.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# 'abc'.match?(/\Aab/)
-# /\Aab/.match?('abc')
-# 'abc' =~ /\Aab/
-# /\Aab/ =~ 'abc'
-# 'abc'.match(/\Aab/)
-# /\Aab/.match('abc')
-# # good
-# 'abc'.start_with?('ab')
-# @example SafeMultiline: true (default)
-# # good
-# 'abc'.match?(/^ab/)
-# /^ab/.match?('abc')
-# 'abc' =~ /^ab/
-# /^ab/ =~ 'abc'
-# 'abc'.match(/^ab/)
-# /^ab/.match('abc')
-# @example SafeMultiline: false
-# # bad
-# 'abc'.match?(/^ab/)
-# /^ab/.match?('abc')
-# 'abc' =~ /^ab/
-# /^ab/ =~ 'abc'
-# 'abc'.match(/^ab/)
-# /^ab/.match('abc')
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/start_with.rb#49
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StartWith < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RegexpMetacharacter
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/start_with.rb#62
- def on_match_with_lvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/start_with.rb#62
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/start_with.rb#56
- def redundant_regex?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/start_with.rb#53
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StartWith::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/start_with.rb#54
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StartWith::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where string identifier argument can be replaced
-# by symbol identifier argument.
-# It prevents the redundancy of the internal string-to-symbol conversion.
-# This cop targets methods that take identifier (e.g. method name) argument
-# and the following examples are parts of it.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# send('do_something')
-# attr_accessor 'do_something'
-# instance_variable_get('@ivar')
-# # good
-# send(:do_something)
-# attr_accessor :do_something
-# instance_variable_get(:@ivar)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_identifier_argument.rb#25
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringIdentifierArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_identifier_argument.rb#48
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_identifier_argument.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringIdentifierArgument::COMMAND_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_identifier_argument.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringIdentifierArgument::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# NOTE: `attr` method is not included in this list as it can cause false positives in Nokogiri API.
-# And `attr` may not be used because `Style/Attr` registers an offense.
-# https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop-performance/issues/278
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_identifier_argument.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringIdentifierArgument::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies unnecessary use of a regex where `String#include?` would suffice.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# str.match?(/ab/)
-# /ab/.match?(str)
-# str =~ /ab/
-# /ab/ =~ str
-# str.match(/ab/)
-# /ab/.match(str)
-# # good
-# str.include?('ab')
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_include.rb#22
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringInclude < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_include.rb#34
- def on_match_with_lvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_include.rb#34
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_include.rb#28
- def redundant_regex?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_include.rb#53
- def literal?(regex_str); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_include.rb#25
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringInclude::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_include.rb#26
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringInclude::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where `gsub` can be replaced by `tr` or `delete`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# 'abc'.gsub('b', 'd')
-# 'abc'.gsub('a', '')
-# 'abc'.gsub(/a/, 'd')
-# 'abc'.gsub!('a', 'd')
-# # good
-# 'abc'.gsub(/.*/, 'a')
-# 'abc'.gsub(/a+/, 'd')
-# 'abc'.tr('b', 'd')
-# 'a b c'.delete(' ')
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringReplacement < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#37
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#31
- def string_replacement?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#83
- def accept_first_param?(first_param); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#78
- def accept_second_param?(second_param); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#59
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#99
- def first_source(first_param); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#142
- def message(node, first_source, second_source); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#148
- def method_suffix(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#48
- def offense(node, first_param, second_param); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#128
- def range(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#152
- def remove_second_param(corrector, node, first_param); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#69
- def replace_method(corrector, node, first_source, second_source, first_param); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#132
- def replacement_method(node, first_source, second_source); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#117
- def source_from_regex_constructor(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#110
- def source_from_regex_literal(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringReplacement::BANG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringReplacement::DELETE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#26
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringReplacement::DETERMINISTIC_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringReplacement::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#25
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringReplacement::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/string_replacement.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::StringReplacement::TR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Identifies places where custom code finding the sum of elements
-# in some Enumerable object can be replaced by `Enumerable#sum` method.
-# @example OnlySumOrWithInitialValue: false (default)
-# # bad
-# [1, 2, 3].inject(:+) # Autocorrections for cases without initial value are unsafe
-# [1, 2, 3].inject(&:+) # and will only be performed when using the `-A` option.
-# [1, 2, 3].reduce { |acc, elem| acc + elem } # They can be prohibited completely using `SafeAutoCorrect: true`.
-# [1, 2, 3].reduce(10, :+)
-# [1, 2, 3].map { |elem| elem ** 2 }.sum
-# [1, 2, 3].collect(&:count).sum(10)
-# # good
-# [1, 2, 3].sum
-# [1, 2, 3].sum(10)
-# [1, 2, 3].sum { |elem| elem ** 2 }
-# [1, 2, 3].sum(10, &:count)
-# @example OnlySumOrWithInitialValue: true
-# # bad
-# [1, 2, 3].reduce(10, :+)
-# [1, 2, 3].map { |elem| elem ** 2 }.sum
-# [1, 2, 3].collect(&:count).sum(10)
-# # good
-# [1, 2, 3].sum(10)
-# [1, 2, 3].sum { |elem| elem ** 2 }
-# [1, 2, 3].sum(10, &:count)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#70
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Sum < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#102
- def acc_plus_elem?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1, param2); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#102
- def elem_plus_acc?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1, param2); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#114
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#107
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#82
- def sum_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#86
- def sum_map_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#95
- def sum_with_block_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#159
- def array_literal?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#164
- def autocorrect(corrector, init, range); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#172
- def autocorrect_sum_map(corrector, sum, map, init); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#248
- def build_block_bad_method(method, init, var_acc, var_elem, body); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#215
- def build_block_message(send, init, var_acc, var_elem, body); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#221
- def build_good_method(init, block_pass = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#234
- def build_method_bad_method(init, method, operation); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#197
- def build_method_message(node, method, init, operation); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#208
- def build_sum_map_message(method, init); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#154
- def empty_array_literal?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#129
- def handle_sum_candidate(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#142
- def handle_sum_map_candidate(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#259
- def method_call_with_args_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#193
- def sum_block_range(send, node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#189
- def sum_map_range(map, sum); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#185
- def sum_method_range(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#77
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Sum::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#78
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Sum::MSG_IF_NO_INIT_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/sum.rb#80
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::Sum::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for .times.map calls.
-# In most cases such calls can be replaced
-# with an explicit array creation.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# 9.times.map do |i|
-# i.to_s
-# end
-# # good
-# Array.new(9) do |i|
-# i.to_s
-# end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#32
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::TimesMap < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#43
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#43
- def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#39
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#69
- def times_map_call(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#50
- def check(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#60
- def message(map_or_collect, count); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#35
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::TimesMap::MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::TimesMap::MESSAGE_ONLY_IF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/times_map.rb#37
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::TimesMap::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# In Ruby 2.3 or later, use unary plus operator to unfreeze a string
-# literal instead of `String#dup` and `String.new`.
-# Unary plus operator is faster than `String#dup`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# ''.dup
-# "something".dup
-# String.new
-# String.new('')
-# String.new('something')
-# # good
-# +'something'
-# +''
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/unfreeze_string.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::UnfreezeString < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/unfreeze_string.rb#33
- def dup_string?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/unfreeze_string.rb#44
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/unfreeze_string.rb#37
- def string_new?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/unfreeze_string.rb#57
- def string_value(node); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/unfreeze_string.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::UnfreezeString::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/unfreeze_string.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::UnfreezeString::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where `URI::Parser.new` can be replaced by `URI::DEFAULT_PARSER`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# URI::Parser.new
-# # good
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/uri_default_parser.rb#15
-class RuboCop::Cop::Performance::UriDefaultParser < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/uri_default_parser.rb#27
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/uri_default_parser.rb#21
- def uri_parser_new?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/uri_default_parser.rb#18
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::UriDefaultParser::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/performance/uri_default_parser.rb#19
-RuboCop::Cop::Performance::UriDefaultParser::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Common functionality for handling regexp metacharacters.
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#6
-module RuboCop::Cop::RegexpMetacharacter
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#63
- def drop_end_metacharacter(regexp_string); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#55
- def drop_start_metacharacter(regexp_string); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#15
- def literal_at_end?(regexp); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#41
- def literal_at_end_with_backslash_z?(regex_str); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#48
- def literal_at_end_with_dollar?(regex_str); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#9
- def literal_at_start?(regexp); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#21
- def literal_at_start_with_backslash_a?(regex_str); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#31
- def literal_at_start_with_caret?(regex_str); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/regexp_metacharacter.rb#71
- def safe_multiline?; end
-# Common functionality for cops checking `Enumerable#sort` blocks.
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/sort_block.rb#6
-module RuboCop::Cop::SortBlock
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/sort_block.rb#24
- def replaceable_body?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1, param2); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/sort_block.rb#10
- def sort_with_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/sort_block.rb#17
- def sort_with_numblock?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/sort_block.rb#30
- def sort_range(send, node); end
-# RuboCop Performance project namespace
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance.rb#5
-module RuboCop::Performance; end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance.rb#8
-RuboCop::Performance::CONFIG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance.rb#7
-RuboCop::Performance::CONFIG_DEFAULT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# Because RuboCop doesn't yet support plugins, we have to monkey patch in a
-# bit of our configuration.
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance/inject.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Performance::Inject
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance/inject.rb#8
- def defaults!; end
- end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance.rb#6
-RuboCop::Performance::PROJECT_ROOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# This module holds the RuboCop Performance version information.
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance/version.rb#6
-module RuboCop::Performance::Version
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance/version.rb#9
- def document_version; end
- end
-# source://rubocop-performance//lib/rubocop/performance/version.rb#7
-RuboCop::Performance::Version::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-rake@0.6.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-rake@0.6.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 0799707a..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-rake@0.6.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rubocop-rake` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rubocop-rake`.
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/rake/version.rb#3
-module RuboCop; end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/class_definition.rb#4
-module RuboCop::Cop; end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/class_definition.rb#5
-module RuboCop::Cop::Rake; end
-# This cop detects class or module definition in a task or namespace,
-# because it is defined to the top level.
-# It is confusing because the scope looks in the task or namespace,
-# but actually it is defined to the top level.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# task :foo do
-# class C
-# end
-# end
-# # bad
-# namespace :foo do
-# module M
-# end
-# end
-# # good - It is also defined to the top level,
-# # but it looks expected behavior.
-# class C
-# end
-# task :foo do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/class_definition_in_task.rb#31
-class RuboCop::Cop::Rake::ClassDefinitionInTask < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/class_definition_in_task.rb#34
- def on_class(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/class_definition_in_task.rb#34
- def on_module(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/class_definition_in_task.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::Rake::ClassDefinitionInTask::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Rake task definition should have a description with `desc` method.
-# It is useful as a documentation of task. And Rake does not display
-# task that does not have `desc` by `rake -T`.
-# Note: This cop does not require description for the default task,
-# because the default task is executed with `rake` without command.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# task :do_something
-# # bad
-# task :do_something do
-# end
-# # good
-# desc 'Do something'
-# task :do_something
-# # good
-# desc 'Do something'
-# task :do_something do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/desc.rb#30
-class RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Desc < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::OnTask
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/desc.rb#40
- def on_task(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/desc.rb#36
- def prerequisites(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/desc.rb#76
- def can_insert_desc_to?(parent); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/desc.rb#62
- def parent_and_task(task_node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/desc.rb#50
- def task_with_desc?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/desc.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Desc::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# If namespaces are defined with the same name, Rake executes the both namespaces
-# in definition order.
-# It is redundant. You should squash them into one definition.
-# This cop detects it.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# namespace :foo do
-# task :bar do
-# end
-# end
-# namespace :foo do
-# task :hoge do
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# namespace :foo do
-# task :bar do
-# end
-# task :hoge do
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_namespace.rb#30
-class RuboCop::Cop::Rake::DuplicateNamespace < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::OnNamespace
- # @return [DuplicateNamespace] a new instance of DuplicateNamespace
- #
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_namespace.rb#35
- def initialize(*_arg0); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_namespace.rb#67
- def message_for_dup(previous:, current:, namespace:); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_namespace.rb#53
- def namespaces(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_namespace.rb#40
- def on_namespace(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_namespace.rb#76
- def source_location(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_namespace.rb#33
-RuboCop::Cop::Rake::DuplicateNamespace::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# If tasks are defined with the same name, Rake executes the both tasks
-# in definition order.
-# It is misleading sometimes. You should squash them into one definition.
-# This cop detects it.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# task :foo do
-# p 'foo 1'
-# end
-# task :foo do
-# p 'foo 2'
-# end
-# # good
-# task :foo do
-# p 'foo 1'
-# p 'foo 2'
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_task.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::Rake::DuplicateTask < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::OnTask
- # @return [DuplicateTask] a new instance of DuplicateTask
- #
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_task.rb#31
- def initialize(*_arg0); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_task.rb#66
- def message_for_dup(previous:, current:, task_name:); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_task.rb#52
- def namespaces(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_task.rb#36
- def on_task(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_task.rb#75
- def source_location(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/duplicate_task.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Rake::DuplicateTask::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/class_definition.rb#6
-module RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper; end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/class_definition.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::ClassDefinition
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::ClassDefinition
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/class_definition.rb#11
- def class_definition?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/class_definition.rb#22
- def in_class_definition?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/on_namespace.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::OnNamespace
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/on_namespace.rb#10
- def namespace?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/on_namespace.rb#14
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/on_task.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::OnTask
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/on_task.rb#14
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/on_task.rb#10
- def task?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/task_definition.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::TaskDefinition
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::TaskDefinition
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/task_definition.rb#19
- def in_task_or_namespace?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/task_definition.rb#11
- def task_or_namespace?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/task_name.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::TaskName
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Rake::Helper::TaskName
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/helper/task_name.rb#10
- def task_name(node); end
-# This cop detects method definition in a task or namespace,
-# because it is defined to the top level.
-# It is confusing because the scope looks in the task or namespace,
-# but actually it is defined to the top level.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# task :foo do
-# def helper_method
-# do_something
-# end
-# end
-# # bad
-# namespace :foo do
-# def helper_method
-# do_something
-# end
-# end
-# # good - It is also defined to the top level,
-# # but it looks expected behavior.
-# def helper_method
-# end
-# task :foo do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/method_definition_in_task.rb#33
-class RuboCop::Cop::Rake::MethodDefinitionInTask < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/method_definition_in_task.rb#36
- def on_def(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/method_definition_in_task.rb#36
- def on_defs(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/cop/rake/method_definition_in_task.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::Rake::MethodDefinitionInTask::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/rake/version.rb#4
-module RuboCop::Rake; end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/rake.rb#12
-RuboCop::Rake::CONFIG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/rake.rb#11
-RuboCop::Rake::CONFIG_DEFAULT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/rake.rb#8
-class RuboCop::Rake::Error < ::StandardError; end
-# Because RuboCop doesn't yet support plugins, we have to monkey patch in a
-# bit of our configuration.
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/rake/inject.rb#9
-module RuboCop::Rake::Inject
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/rake/inject.rb#10
- def defaults!; end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/rake.rb#10
-RuboCop::Rake::PROJECT_ROOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# source://rubocop-rake//lib/rubocop/rake/version.rb#5
-RuboCop::Rake::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-rspec@2.19.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-rspec@2.19.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 73140c18..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-rspec@2.19.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7727 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rubocop-rspec` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rubocop-rspec`.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec.rb#3
-module RuboCop; end
-class RuboCop::AST::Node < ::Parser::AST::Node
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Node
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/final_end_location.rb#4
-module RuboCop::Cop; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/final_end_location.rb#5
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec; end
-# Checks that left braces for adjacent single line lets are aligned.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# let(:foobar) { blahblah }
-# let(:baz) { bar }
-# let(:a) { b }
-# # good
-# let(:foobar) { blahblah }
-# let(:baz) { bar }
-# let(:a) { b }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#19
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AlignLeftLetBrace < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#28
- def on_new_investigation; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#43
- def token_aligner; end
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#24
- def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_left_let_brace.rb#22
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AlignLeftLetBrace::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that right braces for adjacent single line lets are aligned.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# let(:foobar) { blahblah }
-# let(:baz) { bar }
-# let(:a) { b }
-# # good
-# let(:foobar) { blahblah }
-# let(:baz) { bar }
-# let(:a) { b }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#19
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AlignRightLetBrace < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#28
- def on_new_investigation; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#43
- def token_aligner; end
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#24
- def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/align_right_let_brace.rb#22
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AlignRightLetBrace::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Check that instances are not being stubbed globally.
-# Prefer instance doubles over stubbing any instance of a class
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass do
-# before { allow_any_instance_of(MyClass).to receive(:foo) }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass do
-# let(:my_instance) { instance_double(MyClass) }
-# before do
-# allow(MyClass).to receive(:new).and_return(my_instance)
-# allow(my_instance).to receive(:foo)
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/any_instance.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AnyInstance < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/any_instance.rb#34
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/any_instance.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AnyInstance::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/any_instance.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AnyInstance::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks that around blocks actually run the test.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# around do
-# some_method
-# end
-# around do |test|
-# some_method
-# end
-# # good
-# around do |test|
-# some_method
-# test.call
-# end
-# around do |test|
-# some_method
-# test.run
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#29
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AroundBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#45
- def find_arg_usage(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#35
- def hook_block(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#40
- def hook_numblock(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#49
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#59
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#67
- def add_no_arg_offense(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#84
- def check_for_numblock(block); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#71
- def check_for_unused_proxy(block, proxy); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AroundBlock::MSG_NO_ARG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/around_block.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::AroundBlock::MSG_UNUSED_ARG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# @abstract parent class to RSpec cops
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/base.rb#7
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language::NodePattern
- # Set the config for dynamic DSL configuration-aware helpers
- # that have no other means of accessing the configuration.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/base.rb#20
- def on_new_investigation; end
- class << self
- # Invoke the original inherited hook so our cops are recognized
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/base.rb#14
- def inherited(subclass); end
- end
-# Check for expectations where `be` is used without argument.
-# The `be` matcher is too generic, as it pass on everything that is not
-# nil or false. If that is the exact intend, use `be_truthy`. In all other
-# cases it's better to specify what exactly is the expected value.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to be
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to be_truthy
-# expect(foo).to be 1.0
-# expect(foo).to be(true)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#21
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Be < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#27
- def be_without_args(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#31
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#22
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Be::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Be::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Check for expectations where `be(...)` can replace `eq(...)`.
-# The `be` matcher compares by identity while the `eq` matcher compares
-# using `==`. Booleans and nil can be compared by identity and therefore
-# the `be` matcher is preferable as it is a more strict test.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to eq(true)
-# expect(foo).to eq(false)
-# expect(foo).to eq(nil)
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to be(true)
-# expect(foo).to be(false)
-# expect(foo).to be(nil)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEq < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#33
- def eq_type_with_identity?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#37
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEq::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eq.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEq::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Check for expectations where `be(...)` can replace `eql(...)`.
-# The `be` matcher compares by identity while the `eql` matcher
-# compares using `eql?`. Integers, floats, booleans, symbols, and nil
-# can be compared by identity and therefore the `be` matcher is
-# preferable as it is a more strict test.
-# This cop only looks for instances of `expect(...).to eql(...)`. We
-# do not check `to_not` or `not_to` since `!eql?` is more strict
-# than `!equal?`. We also do not try to flag `eq` because if
-# `a == b`, and `b` is comparable by identity, `a` is still not
-# necessarily the same type as `b` since the `#==` operator can
-# coerce objects for comparison.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to eql(1)
-# expect(foo).to eql(1.0)
-# expect(foo).to eql(true)
-# expect(foo).to eql(false)
-# expect(foo).to eql(:bar)
-# expect(foo).to eql(nil)
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to be(1)
-# expect(foo).to be(1.0)
-# expect(foo).to be(true)
-# expect(foo).to be(false)
-# expect(foo).to be(:bar)
-# expect(foo).to be(nil)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#40
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEql < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#47
- def eql_type_with_identity(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#51
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#43
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEql::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_eql.rb#44
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeEql::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Ensures a consistent style is used when matching `nil`.
-# You can either use the more specific `be_nil` matcher, or the more
-# generic `be` matcher with a `nil` argument.
-# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: be_nil` (default)
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to be(nil)
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to be_nil
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: be`
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to be_nil
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to be(nil)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeNil < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#36
- def be_nil_matcher?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#41
- def nil_value_expectation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#45
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#64
- def check_be_nil_style(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#56
- def check_be_style(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeNil::BE_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeNil::BE_NIL_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/be_nil.rb#33
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeNil::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Check that before/after(:all) isn't being used.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# #
-# # Faster but risk of state leaking between examples
-# #
-# describe MyClass do
-# before(:all) { Widget.create }
-# after(:all) { Widget.delete_all }
-# end
-# # good
-# #
-# # Slower but examples are properly isolated
-# #
-# describe MyClass do
-# before(:each) { Widget.create }
-# after(:each) { Widget.delete_all }
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeforeAfterAll < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#36
- def before_or_after_all(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#40
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeforeAfterAll::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/before_after_all.rb#33
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::BeforeAfterAll::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#6
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara; end
-# Checks that no expectations are set on Capybara's `current_path`.
-# The
-# https://www.rubydoc.info/github/teamcapybara/capybara/master/Capybara/RSpecMatchers#have_current_path-instance_method[`have_current_path` matcher]
-# should be used on `page` to set expectations on Capybara's
-# current path, since it uses
-# https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/blob/master/README.md#asynchronous-javascript-ajax-and-friends[Capybara's waiting functionality]
-# which ensures that preceding actions (like `click_link`) have
-# completed.
-# This cop does not support autocorrection in some cases.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(current_path).to eq('/callback')
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
-# # bad (does not support autocorrection)
-# expect(page.current_path).to match(variable)
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::CurrentPathExpectation = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CurrentPathExpectation
-# Checks for consistent method usage in feature specs.
-# By default, the cop disables all Capybara-specific methods that have
-# the same native RSpec method (e.g. are just aliases). Some teams
-# however may prefer using some of the Capybara methods (like `feature`)
-# to make it obvious that the test uses Capybara, while still disable
-# the rest of the methods, like `given` (alias for `let`), `background`
-# (alias for `before`), etc. You can configure which of the methods to
-# be enabled by using the EnabledMethods configuration option.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# feature 'User logs in' do
-# given(:user) { User.new }
-# background do
-# visit new_session_path
-# end
-# scenario 'with OAuth' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# describe 'User logs in' do
-# let(:user) { User.new }
-# before do
-# visit new_session_path
-# end
-# it 'with OAuth' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#44
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::FeatureMethods < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#61
- def capybara_speak(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#66
- def feature_method(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#84
- def message(range); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#72
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#91
- def enabled?(method_name); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#95
- def enabled_methods; end
-# https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/blob/e283c1aeaa72441f5403963577e16333bf111a81/lib/capybara/rspec/features.rb#L31-L36
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#51
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::FeatureMethods::MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/feature_methods.rb#48
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::FeatureMethods::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for usage of deprecated style methods.
-# @example when using `assert_style`
-# # bad
-# page.find(:css, '#first').assert_style(display: 'block')
-# # good
-# page.find(:css, '#first').assert_matches_style(display: 'block')
-# @example when using `has_style?`
-# # bad
-# expect(page.find(:css, 'first')
-# .has_style?(display: 'block')).to be true
-# # good
-# expect(page.find(:css, 'first')
-# .matches_style?(display: 'block')).to be true
-# @example when using `have_style`
-# # bad
-# expect(page).to have_style(display: 'block')
-# # good
-# expect(page).to match_style(display: 'block')
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/match_style.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::MatchStyle = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::MatchStyle
-# Enforces use of `have_no_*` or `not_to` for negated expectations.
-# @example EnforcedStyle: not_to (default)
-# # bad
-# expect(page).to have_no_selector
-# expect(page).to have_no_css('a')
-# # good
-# expect(page).not_to have_selector
-# expect(page).not_to have_css('a')
-# @example EnforcedStyle: have_no
-# # bad
-# expect(page).not_to have_selector
-# expect(page).not_to have_css('a')
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_no_selector
-# expect(page).to have_no_css('a')
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/negation_matcher.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::NegationMatcher = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::NegationMatcher
-# Checks for there is a more specific actions offered by Capybara.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# find('a').click
-# find('button.cls').click
-# find('a', exact_text: 'foo').click
-# find('div button').click
-# # good
-# click_link
-# click_button(class: 'cls')
-# click_link(exact_text: 'foo')
-# find('div').click_button
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/specific_actions.rb#25
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::SpecificActions = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificActions
-# Checks if there is a more specific finder offered by Capybara.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# find('#some-id')
-# find('[visible][id=some-id]')
-# # good
-# find_by_id('some-id')
-# find_by_id('some-id', visible: true)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/specific_finders.rb#20
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::SpecificFinders = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificFinders
-# Checks for there is a more specific matcher offered by Capybara.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(page).to have_selector('button')
-# expect(page).to have_no_selector('button.cls')
-# expect(page).to have_css('button')
-# expect(page).to have_no_css('a.cls', href: 'http://example.com')
-# expect(page).to have_css('table.cls')
-# expect(page).to have_css('select')
-# expect(page).to have_css('input', exact_text: 'foo')
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_button
-# expect(page).to have_no_button(class: 'cls')
-# expect(page).to have_button
-# expect(page).to have_no_link('foo', class: 'cls', href: 'http://example.com')
-# expect(page).to have_table(class: 'cls')
-# expect(page).to have_select
-# expect(page).to have_field('foo')
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/specific_matcher.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::SpecificMatcher = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::SpecificMatcher
-# Checks for boolean visibility in Capybara finders.
-# Capybara lets you find elements that match a certain visibility
-# using the `:visible` option. `:visible` accepts both boolean and
-# symbols as values, however using booleans can have unwanted
-# effects. `visible: false` does not find just invisible elements,
-# but both visible and invisible elements. For expressiveness and
-# clarity, use one of the # symbol values, `:all`, `:hidden` or
-# `:visible`.
-# https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/capybara/Capybara%2FNode%2FFinders:all[the documentation].
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(page).to have_selector('.foo', visible: false)
-# expect(page).to have_css('.foo', visible: true)
-# expect(page).to have_link('my link', visible: false)
-# # good
-# expect(page).to have_selector('.foo', visible: :visible)
-# expect(page).to have_css('.foo', visible: :all)
-# expect(page).to have_link('my link', visible: :hidden)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/visibility_matcher.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Capybara::VisibilityMatcher = RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::VisibilityMatcher
-# Prefer negated matchers over `to change.by(0)`.
-# In the case of composite expectations, cop suggest using the
-# negation matchers of `RSpec::Matchers#change`.
-# By default the cop does not support autocorrect of
-# compound expectations, but if you set the
-# negated matcher for `change`, e.g. `not_change` with
-# the `NegatedMatcher` option, the cop will perform the autocorrection.
-# @example NegatedMatcher: ~ (default)
-# # bad
-# expect { run }.to change(Foo, :bar).by(0)
-# expect { run }.to change { Foo.bar }.by(0)
-# # bad - compound expectations (does not support autocorrection)
-# expect { run }
-# .to change(Foo, :bar).by(0)
-# .and change(Foo, :baz).by(0)
-# expect { run }
-# .to change { Foo.bar }.by(0)
-# .and change { Foo.baz }.by(0)
-# # good
-# expect { run }.not_to change(Foo, :bar)
-# expect { run }.not_to change { Foo.bar }
-# # good - compound expectations
-# define_negated_matcher :not_change, :change
-# expect { run }
-# .to not_change(Foo, :bar)
-# .and not_change(Foo, :baz)
-# expect { run }
-# .to not_change { Foo.bar }
-# .and not_change { Foo.baz }
-# @example NegatedMatcher: not_change
-# # bad (support autocorrection to good case)
-# expect { run }
-# .to change(Foo, :bar).by(0)
-# .and change(Foo, :baz).by(0)
-# expect { run }
-# .to change { Foo.bar }.by(0)
-# .and change { Foo.baz }.by(0)
-# # good
-# define_negated_matcher :not_change, :change
-# expect { run }
-# .to not_change(Foo, :bar)
-# .and not_change(Foo, :baz)
-# expect { run }
-# .to not_change { Foo.bar }
-# .and not_change { Foo.baz }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#60
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ChangeByZero < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#85
- def change_nodes(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#68
- def expect_change_with_arguments(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#75
- def expect_change_with_block(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#89
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#118
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#124
- def autocorrect_compound(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#101
- def check_offense(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#114
- def compound_expectations?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#138
- def message_compound; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#134
- def negated_matcher; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#142
- def preferred_method; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#62
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ChangeByZero::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#63
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ChangeByZero::MSG_COMPOUND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/change_by_zero.rb#65
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ChangeByZero::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Enforces consistent use of `be_a` or `be_kind_of`.
-# @example EnforcedStyle: be_a (default)
-# # bad
-# expect(object).to be_kind_of(String)
-# expect(object).to be_a_kind_of(String)
-# # good
-# expect(object).to be_a(String)
-# expect(object).to be_an(String)
-# @example EnforcedStyle: be_kind_of
-# # bad
-# expect(object).to be_a(String)
-# expect(object).to be_an(String)
-# # good
-# expect(object).to be_kind_of(String)
-# expect(object).to be_a_kind_of(String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#54
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#67
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#71
- def format_message(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#79
- def offending?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#87
- def preferred_method_name; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#83
- def preferred_method_name?(method_name); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#91
- def preferred_method_names; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::METHOD_NAMES_FOR_BE_A = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#37
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::METHOD_NAMES_FOR_KIND_OF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#42
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::PREFERRED_METHOD_NAME_BY_STYLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/class_check.rb#47
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ClassCheck::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Help methods for working with nodes containing comments.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::CommentsHelp
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#17
- def begin_pos_with_comment(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#32
- def buffer; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#27
- def end_line_position(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#10
- def source_range_with_comment(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/comments_help.rb#23
- def start_line_position(node); end
-# Prefer `match_array` when matching array values.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(*array1, *array2) }
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to match_array(array1 + array2) }
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(content, *array) }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#17
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContainExactly < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#23
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#33
- def autocorrect(node, corrector); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#20
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContainExactly::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/contain_exactly.rb#21
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContainExactly::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# `context` should not be used for specifying methods.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# context '#foo_bar' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# context '.foo_bar' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # good
-# describe '#foo_bar' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# describe '.foo_bar' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContextMethod < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#33
- def context_method(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#41
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#51
- def method_name?(description); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_method.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContextMethod::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that `context` docstring starts with an allowed prefix.
-# The default list of prefixes is minimal. Users are encouraged to tailor
-# the configuration to meet project needs. Other acceptable prefixes may
-# include `if`, `unless`, `for`, `before`, `after`, or `during`.
-# They may consist of multiple words if desired.
-# This cop can be customized allowed context description pattern
-# with `AllowedPatterns`. By default, there are no checking by pattern.
-# @example `Prefixes` configuration
-# # .rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/ContextWording:
-# # Prefixes:
-# # - when
-# # - with
-# # - without
-# # - if
-# # - unless
-# # - for
-# @example
-# # bad
-# context 'the display name not present' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # good
-# context 'when the display name is not present' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# @example `AllowedPatterns` configuration
-# # .rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/ContextWording:
-# # AllowedPatterns:
-# # - とき$
-# @example
-# # bad
-# context '条件を満たす' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # good
-# context '条件を満たすとき' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# @see http://www.betterspecs.org/#contexts
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#58
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContextWording < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#64
- def context_wording(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#68
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#79
- def allowed_patterns; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#87
- def bad_pattern?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#93
- def description(context); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#101
- def expect_patterns; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#83
- def prefix_regexes; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#111
- def prefixes; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/context_wording.rb#61
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ContextWording::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Check that the first argument to the top-level describe is a constant.
-# It can be configured to ignore strings when certain metadata is passed.
-# Ignores Rails and Aruba `type` metadata by default.
-# @example `IgnoredMetadata` configuration
-# # .rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/DescribeClass:
-# # IgnoredMetadata:
-# # type:
-# # - request
-# # - controller
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe 'Do something' do
-# end
-# # good
-# describe TestedClass do
-# subject { described_class }
-# end
-# describe 'TestedClass::VERSION' do
-# subject { Object.const_get(self.class.description) }
-# end
-# describe "A feature example", type: :feature do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#37
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeClass < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#44
- def example_group_with_ignored_metadata?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#49
- def not_a_const_described(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#58
- def on_top_level_group(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#54
- def sym_pair(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#79
- def ignored_metadata; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#68
- def ignored_metadata?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#74
- def string_constant?(described); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_class.rb#40
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeClass::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that the second argument to `describe` specifies a method.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass, 'do something' do
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass, '#my_instance_method' do
-# end
-# describe MyClass, '.my_class_method' do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeMethod < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#34
- def method_name?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#38
- def on_top_level_group(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#27
- def second_string_literal_argument(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#46
- def method_name_prefix?(description); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_method.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeMethod::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Avoid describing symbols.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe :my_method do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # good
-# describe '#my_method' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# @see https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/issues/1610
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeSymbol < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#25
- def describe_symbol?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#29
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#21
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeSymbol::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/describe_symbol.rb#22
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribeSymbol::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks that tests use `described_class`.
-# If the first argument of describe is a class, the class is exposed to
-# each example via described_class.
-# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` and `SkipBlocks`
-# options.
-# There's a known caveat with rspec-rails's `controller` helper that
-# runs its block in a different context, and `described_class` is not
-# available to it. `SkipBlocks` option excludes detection in all
-# non-RSpec related blocks.
-# To narrow down this setting to only a specific directory, it is
-# possible to use an overriding configuration file local to that
-# directory.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: described_class` (default)
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass do
-# subject { MyClass.do_something }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass do
-# subject { described_class.do_something }
-# end
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: explicit`
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass do
-# subject { described_class.do_something }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass do
-# subject { MyClass.do_something }
-# end
-# @example `SkipBlocks: true`
-# # spec/controllers/.rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/DescribedClass:
-# # SkipBlocks: true
-# # acceptable
-# describe MyConcern do
-# controller(ApplicationController) do
-# include MyConcern
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#57
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClass < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Namespace
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#66
- def common_instance_exec_closure?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#83
- def contains_described_class?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#78
- def described_constant(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#86
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#71
- def rspec_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#75
- def scope_changing_syntax?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#103
- def autocorrect(corrector, match); end
- # @example
- # # nil represents base constant
- # collapse_namespace([], [:C]) # => [:C]
- # collapse_namespace([:A, :B], [:C]) # => [:A, :B, :C]
- # collapse_namespace([:A, :B], [:B, :C]) # => [:A, :B, :C]
- # collapse_namespace([:A, :B], [nil, :C]) # => [nil, :C]
- # collapse_namespace([:A, :B], [nil, :B, :C]) # => [nil, :B, :C]
- # @param namespace [Array]
- # @param const [Array]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#179
- def collapse_namespace(namespace, const); end
- # @example
- # const_name(s(:const, nil, :C)) # => [:C]
- # const_name(s(:const, s(:const, nil, :M), :C)) # => [:M, :C]
- # const_name(s(:const, s(:cbase), :C)) # => [nil, :C]
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#196
- def const_name(node); end
- # @yield [node]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#113
- def find_usage(node, &block); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#164
- def full_const_name(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#123
- def message(offense); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#142
- def offensive?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#150
- def offensive_described_class?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#132
- def scope_change?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#138
- def skippable_block?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#62
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClass::DESCRIBED_CLASS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class.rb#63
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClass::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Avoid opening modules and defining specs within them.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# module MyModule
-# RSpec.describe MyClass do
-# # ...
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# RSpec.describe MyModule::MyClass do
-# # ...
-# end
-# @see https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop-rspec/issues/735
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class_module_wrapping.rb#22
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClassModuleWrapping < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class_module_wrapping.rb#26
- def find_rspec_blocks(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class_module_wrapping.rb#30
- def on_module(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/described_class_module_wrapping.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DescribedClassModuleWrapping::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Enforces custom RSpec dialects.
-# A dialect can be based on the following RSpec methods:
-# - describe, context, feature, example_group
-# - xdescribe, xcontext, xfeature
-# - fdescribe, fcontext, ffeature
-# - shared_examples, shared_examples_for, shared_context
-# - it, specify, example, scenario, its
-# - fit, fspecify, fexample, fscenario, focus
-# - xit, xspecify, xexample, xscenario, skip
-# - pending
-# - prepend_before, before, append_before,
-# - around
-# - prepend_after, after, append_after
-# - let, let!
-# - subject, subject!
-# - expect, is_expected, expect_any_instance_of
-# By default all of the RSpec methods and aliases are allowed. By setting
-# a config like:
-# RSpec/Dialect:
-# PreferredMethods:
-# context: describe
-# You can expect the following behavior:
-# @example
-# # bad
-# context 'display name presence' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # good
-# describe 'display name presence' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/dialect.rb#45
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Dialect < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::MethodPreference
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/dialect.rb#54
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/dialect.rb#52
- def rspec_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/dialect.rb#49
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Dialect::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Avoid duplicated metadata.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe 'Something', :a, :a
-# # good
-# describe 'Something', :a
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#14
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DuplicatedMetadata < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Metadata
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#22
- def on_metadata(symbols, _pairs); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#38
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#50
- def duplicated?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#30
- def on_metadata_symbol(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/duplicated_metadata.rb#20
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::DuplicatedMetadata::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks if an example group does not include any tests.
-# @example usage
-# # bad
-# describe Bacon do
-# let(:bacon) { Bacon.new(chunkiness) }
-# let(:chunkiness) { false }
-# context 'extra chunky' do # flagged by rubocop
-# let(:chunkiness) { true }
-# end
-# it 'is chunky' do
-# expect(bacon.chunky?).to be_truthy
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# describe Bacon do
-# let(:bacon) { Bacon.new(chunkiness) }
-# let(:chunkiness) { false }
-# it 'is chunky' do
-# expect(bacon.chunky?).to be_truthy
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# describe Bacon do
-# pending 'will add tests later'
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#38
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyExampleGroup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # Match example group blocks and yield their body
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # describe 'example group' do
- # it { is_expected.to be }
- # end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] example group body
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#55
- def example_group_body(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match examples, example groups and includes
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # it { is_expected.to fly }
- # describe('non-empty example groups too') { }
- # it_behaves_like 'an animal'
- # it_behaves_like('a cat') { let(:food) { 'milk' } }
- # it_has_root_access
- # skip
- # it 'will be implemented later'
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Array] matching nodes
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#73
- def example_or_group_or_include?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Matches examples defined in scopes where they could run
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # it { expect(myself).to be_run }
- # describe { it { i_run_as_well } }
- # @example source that does not match
- # before { it { whatever here won't run anyway } }
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Array] matching nodes
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#130
- def examples?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match examples or examples inside blocks
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # it { expect(drink).to be_cold }
- # context('when winter') { it { expect(drink).to be_hot } }
- # (1..5).each { |divisor| it { is_expected.to divide_by(divisor) } }
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Array] matching nodes
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#111
- def examples_directly_or_in_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match examples defined inside a block which is not a hook
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # %w(r g b).each do |color|
- # it { is_expected.to have_color(color) }
- # end
- # @example source that does not match
- # before do
- # it { is_expected.to fall_into_oblivion }
- # end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Array] matching nodes
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#97
- def examples_inside_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#137
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#163
- def conditionals_with_examples?(body); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#171
- def examples_in_branches?(condition_node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#152
- def offensive?(body); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#175
- def removed_range(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_example_group.rb#43
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyExampleGroup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for empty before and after hooks.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# before {}
-# after do; end
-# before(:all) do
-# end
-# after(:all) { }
-# # good
-# before { create_users }
-# after do
-# cleanup_users
-# end
-# before(:all) do
-# create_feed
-# end
-# after(:all) { cleanup_feed }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_hook.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyHook < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_hook.rb#33
- def empty_hook?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_hook.rb#37
- def on_block(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_hook.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyHook::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks if there is an empty line after example blocks.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# RSpec.describe Foo do
-# it 'does this' do
-# end
-# it 'does that' do
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# RSpec.describe Foo do
-# it 'does this' do
-# end
-# it 'does that' do
-# end
-# end
-# # fair - it's ok to have non-separated one-liners
-# RSpec.describe Foo do
-# it { one }
-# it { two }
-# end
-# @example with AllowConsecutiveOneLiners configuration
-# # rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExample:
-# # AllowConsecutiveOneLiners: false
-# # bad
-# RSpec.describe Foo do
-# it { one }
-# it { two }
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#43
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#49
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#64
- def allow_consecutive_one_liners?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#60
- def allowed_one_liner?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#68
- def consecutive_one_liner?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#72
- def next_one_line_example?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example.rb#47
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks if there is an empty line after example group blocks.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# RSpec.describe Foo do
-# describe '#bar' do
-# end
-# describe '#baz' do
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# RSpec.describe Foo do
-# describe '#bar' do
-# end
-# describe '#baz' do
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example_group.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterExampleGroup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example_group.rb#32
- def on_block(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_example_group.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterExampleGroup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks if there is an empty line after the last let block.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# let(:foo) { bar }
-# let(:something) { other }
-# it { does_something }
-# # good
-# let(:foo) { bar }
-# let(:something) { other }
-# it { does_something }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_final_let.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterFinalLet < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_final_let.rb#26
- def on_block(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_final_let.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterFinalLet::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks if there is an empty line after hook blocks.
-# `AllowConsecutiveOneLiners` configures whether adjacent
-# one-line definitions are considered an offense.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# before { do_something }
-# it { does_something }
-# # bad
-# after { do_something }
-# it { does_something }
-# # bad
-# around { |test| test.run }
-# it { does_something }
-# # good
-# after { do_something }
-# it { does_something }
-# # fair - it's ok to have non-separated one-liners hooks
-# around { |test| test.run }
-# after { do_something }
-# it { does_something }
-# @example with AllowConsecutiveOneLiners configuration
-# # rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/EmptyLineAfterHook:
-# # AllowConsecutiveOneLiners: false
-# # bad
-# around { |test| test.run }
-# after { do_something }
-# it { does_something }
-# # good
-# around { |test| test.run }
-# after { do_something }
-# it { does_something }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#53
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterHook < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#60
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#60
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#74
- def chained_single_line_hooks?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_hook.rb#58
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterHook::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks if there is an empty line after subject block.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# subject(:obj) { described_class }
-# let(:foo) { bar }
-# # good
-# subject(:obj) { described_class }
-# let(:foo) { bar }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_subject.rb#18
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterSubject < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_subject.rb#25
- def on_block(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/empty_line_after_subject.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineAfterSubject::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Helps determine the offending location if there is not an empty line
-# following the node. Allows comments to follow directly after
-# in the following cases.
-# - followed by empty line(s)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#11
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::EmptyLineSeparation
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#51
- def last_child?(node); end
- # @yield [offending_loc(enable_directive_line || final_end_line)]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#26
- def missing_separating_line(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#15
- def missing_separating_line_offense(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/empty_line_separation.rb#41
- def offending_loc(last_line); end
-# Checks for long examples.
-# A long example is usually more difficult to understand. Consider
-# extracting out some behavior, e.g. with a `let` block, or a helper
-# method.
-# You can set literals you want to fold with `CountAsOne`.
-# Available are: 'array', 'hash', and 'heredoc'. Each literal
-# will be counted as one line regardless of its actual size.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it do
-# service = described_class.new
-# more_setup
-# more_setup
-# result = service.call
-# expect(result).to be(true)
-# end
-# # good
-# it do
-# service = described_class.new
-# result = service.call
-# expect(result).to be(true)
-# end
-# @example CountAsOne: ['array', 'heredoc']
-# it do
-# array = [ # +1
-# 1,
-# 2
-# ]
-# hash = { # +3
-# key: 'value'
-# }
-# msg = <<~HEREDOC # +1
-# Heredoc
-# content.
-# end # 5 points
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_length.rb#51
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleLength < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::CodeLength
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_length.rb#56
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_length.rb#64
- def cop_label; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_length.rb#54
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleLength::LABEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for examples without a description.
-# RSpec allows for auto-generated example descriptions when there is no
-# description provided or the description is an empty one.
-# This cop removes empty descriptions.
-# It also defines whether auto-generated description is allowed, based
-# on the configured style.
-# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: always_allow` (default)
-# # bad
-# it('') { is_expected.to be_good }
-# it '' do
-# result = service.call
-# expect(result).to be(true)
-# end
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to be_good }
-# it do
-# result = service.call
-# expect(result).to be(true)
-# end
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: single_line_only`
-# # bad
-# it('') { is_expected.to be_good }
-# it do
-# result = service.call
-# expect(result).to be(true)
-# end
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to be_good }
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: disallow`
-# # bad
-# it { is_expected.to be_good }
-# it do
-# result = service.call
-# expect(result).to be(true)
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#51
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWithoutDescription < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#59
- def example_description(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#61
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#75
- def check_example_without_description(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#82
- def disallow_empty_description?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#56
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWithoutDescription::MSG_ADD_DESCRIPTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_without_description.rb#54
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWithoutDescription::MSG_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for common mistakes in example descriptions.
-# This cop will correct docstrings that begin with 'should' and 'it'.
-# This cop will also look for insufficient examples and call them out.
-# The autocorrect is experimental - use with care! It can be configured
-# with CustomTransform (e.g. have => has) and IgnoredWords (e.g. only).
-# Use the DisallowedExamples setting to prevent unclear or insufficient
-# descriptions. Please note that this config will not be treated as
-# case sensitive.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it 'should find nothing' do
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'finds nothing' do
-# end
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it 'it does things' do
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'does things' do
-# end
-# @example `DisallowedExamples: ['works']` (default)
-# # bad
-# it 'works' do
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'marks the task as done' do
-# end
-# @see http://betterspecs.org/#should
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#46
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#58
- def it_description(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#65
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#80
- def add_wording_offense(node, message); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#127
- def custom_transform; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#90
- def docstring(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#131
- def ignored_words; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#135
- def insufficient_docstring?(description_node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#139
- def insufficient_examples; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#144
- def preprocess(message); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#100
- def replacement_text(node); end
- # Recursive processing is required to process nested dstr nodes
- # that is the case for \-separated multiline strings with interpolation.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#116
- def text(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#55
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::IT_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#51
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::MSG_INSUFFICIENT_DESCRIPTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#50
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::MSG_IT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#49
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::MSG_SHOULD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/example_wording.rb#54
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExampleWording::SHOULD_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Checks for excessive whitespace in example descriptions.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it ' has excessive spacing ' do
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'has excessive spacing' do
-# end
-# @example
-# # bad
-# context ' when a condition is met ' do
-# end
-# # good
-# context 'when a condition is met' do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExcessiveDocstringSpacing < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#32
- def example_description(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#39
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @param text [String]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#67
- def add_whitespace_offense(node, text); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#76
- def docstring(node); end
- # @param text [String]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#54
- def excessive_whitespace?(text); end
- # @param text [String]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#61
- def strip_excessive_whitespace(text); end
- # Recursive processing is required to process nested dstr nodes
- # that is the case for \-separated multiline strings with interpolation.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#88
- def text(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/excessive_docstring_spacing.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExcessiveDocstringSpacing::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for `expect(...)` calls containing literal values.
-# Autocorrection is performed when the expected is not a literal.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(5).to eq(price)
-# expect(/foo/).to eq(pattern)
-# expect("John").to eq(name)
-# # good
-# expect(price).to eq(5)
-# expect(pattern).to eq(/foo/)
-# expect(name).to eq("John")
-# # bad (not supported autocorrection)
-# expect(false).to eq(true)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#24
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#56
- def expect_literal(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#67
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#90
- def complex_literal?(node); end
- # This is not implement using a NodePattern because it seems
- # to not be able to match against an explicit (nil) sexp
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#82
- def literal?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#86
- def simple_literal?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#95
- def swap(corrector, actual, expected); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#44
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::COMPLEX_LITERALS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::SIMPLE_LITERALS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_actual.rb#53
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectActual::SUPPORTED_MATCHERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for consistent style of change matcher.
-# Enforces either passing object and attribute as arguments to the matcher
-# or passing a block that reads the attribute value.
-# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: method_call` (default)
-# # bad
-# expect { run }.to change { Foo.bar }
-# expect { run }.to change { foo.baz }
-# # good
-# expect { run }.to change(Foo, :bar)
-# expect { run }.to change(foo, :baz)
-# # also good when there are arguments or chained method calls
-# expect { run }.to change { Foo.bar(:count) }
-# expect { run }.to change { user.reload.name }
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: block`
-# # bad
-# expect { run }.to change(Foo, :bar)
-# # good
-# expect { run }.to change { Foo.bar }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#32
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectChange < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#41
- def expect_change_with_arguments(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#46
- def expect_change_with_block(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#72
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#60
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectChange::MSG_BLOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#37
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectChange::MSG_CALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_change.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectChange::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Do not use `expect` in hooks such as `before`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# before do
-# expect(something).to eq 'foo'
-# end
-# # bad
-# after do
-# expect_any_instance_of(Something).to receive(:foo)
-# end
-# # good
-# it do
-# expect(something).to eq 'foo'
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#24
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectInHook < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#28
- def expectation(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#30
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#30
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#44
- def message(expect, hook); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_in_hook.rb#25
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectInHook::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for opportunities to use `expect { ... }.to output`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# $stdout = StringIO.new
-# my_app.print_report
-# $stdout = STDOUT
-# expect($stdout.string).to eq('Hello World')
-# # good
-# expect { my_app.print_report }.to output('Hello World').to_stdout
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_output.rb#18
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectOutput < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_output.rb#22
- def on_gvasgn(node); end
- private
- # Detect if we are inside the scope of a single example
- #
- # We want to encourage using `expect { ... }.to output` so
- # we only care about situations where you would replace with
- # an expectation. Therefore, assignments to stderr or stdout
- # within a `before(:all)` or otherwise outside of an example
- # don't matter.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_output.rb#43
- def inside_example_scope?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/expect_output.rb#19
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExpectOutput::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# A helper for `explicit` style
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#121
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExplicitHelper
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#182
- def predicate_matcher?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#191
- def predicate_matcher_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#135
- def allowed_explicit_matchers; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#139
- def check_explicit(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#215
- def corrector_explicit(corrector, to_node, actual, matcher, block_child); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#175
- def heredoc_argument?(matcher); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#209
- def message_explicit(matcher); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#222
- def move_predicate(corrector, actual, matcher, block_child); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#200
- def predicate_matcher_name?(name); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#162
- def replaceable_matcher?(matcher); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#252
- def replacement_matcher(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#234
- def to_predicate_method(matcher); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#171
- def uncorrectable_matcher?(node, matcher); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#127
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExplicitHelper::BUILT_IN_MATCHERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#125
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExplicitHelper::MSG_EXPLICIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#6
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot; end
-# Always declare attribute values as blocks.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# kind [:active, :rejected].sample
-# # good
-# kind { [:active, :rejected].sample }
-# # bad
-# closed_at 1.day.from_now
-# # good
-# closed_at { 1.day.from_now }
-# # bad
-# count 1
-# # good
-# count { 1 }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#28
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::AttributeDefinedStatically < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#86
- def association?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#39
- def factory_attributes(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#43
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#34
- def value_matcher(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#120
- def attribute_defining_method?(method_name); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#59
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#88
- def autocorrect_replacing_parens(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#95
- def autocorrect_without_parens(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#104
- def braces(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#67
- def offensive_receiver?(receiver, node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#81
- def proc?(attribute); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#73
- def receiver_matches_first_block_argument?(receiver, node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#116
- def reserved_method?(method_name); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#112
- def value_hash_without_braces?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/attribute_defined_statically.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::AttributeDefinedStatically::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Use a consistent style for parentheses in factory bot calls.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# create :user
-# build(:user)
-# create(:login)
-# create :login
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses` (default)
-# # good
-# create(:user)
-# create(:user)
-# create(:login)
-# build(:login)
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: omit_parentheses`
-# # good
-# create :user
-# build :user
-# create :login
-# create :login
-# # also good
-# # when method name and first argument are not on same line
-# create(
-# :user
-# )
-# build(
-# :user,
-# name: 'foo'
-# )
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#43
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::ConsistentParenthesesStyle < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#61
- def factory_call(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#68
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#103
- def ambiguous_without_parentheses?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#84
- def process_with_parentheses(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#94
- def process_without_parentheses(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#109
- def remove_parentheses(corrector, node); end
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#49
- def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#56
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::ConsistentParenthesesStyle::FACTORY_CALLS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#54
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::ConsistentParenthesesStyle::MSG_OMIT_PARENS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#53
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::ConsistentParenthesesStyle::MSG_REQUIRE_PARENS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/consistent_parentheses_style.rb#58
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::ConsistentParenthesesStyle::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# Checks for create_list usage.
-# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: create_list` (default)
-# # bad
-# 3.times { create :user }
-# # good
-# create_list :user, 3
-# # bad
-# 3.times { create :user, age: 18 }
-# # good - index is used to alter the created models attributes
-# 3.times { |n| create :user, age: n }
-# # good - contains a method call, may return different values
-# 3.times { create :user, age: rand }
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: n_times`
-# # bad
-# create_list :user, 3
-# # good
-# 3.times { create :user }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#34
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#64
- def arguments_include_method_call?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#44
- def array_new_or_n_times_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#55
- def block_with_arg_and_used?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#69
- def factory_call(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#74
- def factory_list_call(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#78
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#92
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#105
- def contains_only_factory?(node); end
-# :nodoc
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#114
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList::Corrector
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#117
- def build_options_string(options); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#121
- def format_method_call(node, method, arguments); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#129
- def format_receiver(receiver); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#174
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList::CreateListCorrector
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList::Corrector
- # @return [CreateListCorrector] a new instance of CreateListCorrector
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#177
- def initialize(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#181
- def call(corrector); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#204
- def build_arguments(node, count); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#213
- def call_replacement(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#195
- def call_with_block_replacement(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#226
- def count_from(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#236
- def format_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#244
- def format_multiline_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#252
- def format_singleline_block(node); end
- # Returns the value of attribute node.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#193
- def node; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#39
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList::MSG_CREATE_LIST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#40
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList::MSG_N_TIMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#41
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# :nodoc
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#137
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList::TimesCorrector
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::CreateList::Corrector
- # @return [TimesCorrector] a new instance of TimesCorrector
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#140
- def initialize(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#144
- def call(corrector); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#166
- def factory_call_block_source; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#153
- def generate_n_times_block(node); end
- # Returns the value of attribute node.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/create_list.rb#151
- def node; end
-# Use string value when setting the class attribute explicitly.
-# This cop would promote faster tests by lazy-loading of
-# application files. Also, this could help you suppress potential bugs
-# in combination with external libraries by avoiding a preload of
-# application files from the factory files.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# factory :foo, class: Foo do
-# end
-# # good
-# factory :foo, class: 'Foo' do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_class_name.rb#23
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryClassName < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_class_name.rb#32
- def class_name(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_class_name.rb#36
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_class_name.rb#49
- def allowed?(const_name); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_class_name.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryClassName::ALLOWED_CONSTANTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_class_name.rb#26
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryClassName::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_class_name.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryClassName::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for name style for argument of FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods.
-# @example EnforcedStyle: symbol (default)
-# # bad
-# create('user')
-# build "user", username: "NAME"
-# # good
-# create(:user)
-# build :user, username: "NAME"
-# @example EnforcedStyle: string
-# # bad
-# create(:user)
-# build :user, username: "NAME"
-# # good
-# create('user')
-# build "user", username: "NAME"
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryNameStyle < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#37
- def factory_call(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#44
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#60
- def offense_for_string_style?(name); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#56
- def offense_for_symbol_style?(name); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#64
- def register_offense(name, prefer); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#33
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryNameStyle::FACTORY_CALLS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryNameStyle::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/factory_name_style.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::FactoryNameStyle::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# Use shorthands from `FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods` in your specs.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# FactoryBot.create(:bar)
-# FactoryBot.build(:bar)
-# FactoryBot.attributes_for(:bar)
-# # good
-# create(:bar)
-# build(:bar)
-# attributes_for(:bar)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/syntax_methods.rb#49
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::SyntaxMethods < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/syntax_methods.rb#59
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/syntax_methods.rb#72
- def crime_scene(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/syntax_methods.rb#79
- def offense(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/syntax_methods.rb#55
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::SyntaxMethods::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/factory_bot/syntax_methods.rb#57
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FactoryBot::SyntaxMethods::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# Checks that spec file paths are consistent and well-formed.
-# By default, this checks that spec file paths are consistent with the
-# test subject and and enforces that it reflects the described
-# class/module and its optionally called out method.
-# With the configuration option `IgnoreMethods` the called out method will
-# be ignored when determining the enforced path.
-# With the configuration option `CustomTransform` modules or classes can
-# be specified that should not as usual be transformed from CamelCase to
-# snake_case (e.g. 'RuboCop' => 'rubocop' ).
-# With the configuration option `SpecSuffixOnly` test files will only
-# be checked to ensure they end in '_spec.rb'. This option disables
-# checking for consistency in the test subject or test methods.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# whatever_spec.rb # describe MyClass
-# # bad
-# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
-# # good
-# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass
-# # good
-# my_class_method_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
-# # good
-# my_class/method_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
-# @example when configuration is `IgnoreMethods: true`
-# # bad
-# whatever_spec.rb # describe MyClass
-# # good
-# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass
-# # good
-# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
-# @example when configuration is `SpecSuffixOnly: true`
-# # good
-# whatever_spec.rb # describe MyClass
-# # good
-# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass
-# # good
-# my_class_spec.rb # describe MyClass, '#method'
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#59
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FilePath < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Namespace
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#66
- def example_group(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#75
- def on_top_level_example_group(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#73
- def routing_metadata?(param0); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#136
- def camel_to_snake_case(string); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#143
- def custom_transform; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#85
- def ensure_correct_file_path(send_node, example_group, arguments); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#167
- def expanded_file_path; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#126
- def expected_path(constant); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#151
- def filename_ends_with?(pattern); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#147
- def ignore_methods?; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#119
- def name_pattern(method_name); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#101
- def pattern_for(example_group, arguments); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#115
- def pattern_for_spec_suffix_only; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#155
- def relevant_rubocop_rspec_file?(_file); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#97
- def routing_spec?(args); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#163
- def routing_spec_path?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#159
- def spec_suffix_only?; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/file_path.rb#63
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FilePath::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Helps find the true end location of nodes which might contain heredocs.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/final_end_location.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/final_end_location.rb#8
- def final_end_location(start_node); end
-# Checks if examples are focused.
-# This cop does not support autocorrection in some cases.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass, focus: true do
-# end
-# describe MyClass, :focus do
-# end
-# fdescribe MyClass do
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass do
-# end
-# # bad
-# fdescribe 'test' do; end
-# # good
-# describe 'test' do; end
-# # bad
-# fdescribe 'test' do; end
-# # good
-# describe 'test' do; end
-# # bad (does not support autocorrection)
-# focus 'test' do; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#40
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Focus < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#47
- def focusable_selector?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#64
- def focused_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#58
- def metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#68
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#95
- def correct_send(corrector, focus); end
- # @yield [node]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#82
- def focus_metadata(node, &block); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#88
- def with_surrounding(focus); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/focus.rb#44
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Focus::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks the arguments passed to `before`, `around`, and `after`.
-# This cop checks for consistent style when specifying RSpec
-# hooks which run for each example. There are three supported
-# styles: "implicit", "each", and "example." All styles have
-# the same behavior.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: implicit` (default)
-# # bad
-# before(:each) do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # bad
-# before(:example) do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # good
-# before do
-# # ...
-# end
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: each`
-# # bad
-# before(:example) do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # bad
-# before do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # good
-# before(:each) do
-# # ...
-# end
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: example`
-# # bad
-# before(:each) do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # bad
-# before do
-# # ...
-# end
-# # good
-# before(:example) do
-# # ...
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#61
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HookArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#78
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#78
- def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#69
- def scoped_hook(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#74
- def unscoped_hook(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#95
- def autocorrect(corrector, _node, method_send); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#102
- def check_implicit(method_send); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#116
- def explicit_message(scope); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#128
- def hook(node, &block); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#124
- def implicit_style?; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#66
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HookArgument::EXPLICIT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hook_argument.rb#65
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HookArgument::IMPLICIT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for before/around/after hooks that come after an example.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it 'checks what foo does' do
-# expect(foo).to be
-# end
-# before { prepare }
-# after { clean_up }
-# # good
-# before { prepare }
-# after { clean_up }
-# it 'checks what foo does' do
-# expect(foo).to be
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#25
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HooksBeforeExamples < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#31
- def example_or_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#41
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#41
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#73
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, first_example); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#55
- def check_hooks(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#69
- def find_first_example(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#51
- def multiline_block?(block); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/hooks_before_examples.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::HooksBeforeExamples::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for equality assertions with identical expressions on both sides.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(foo.bar).to eq(foo.bar)
-# expect(foo.bar).to eql(foo.bar)
-# # good
-# expect(foo.bar).to eq(2)
-# expect(foo.bar).to eql(2)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#17
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IdenticalEqualityAssertion < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#23
- def equality_check?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#29
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#18
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IdenticalEqualityAssertion::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/identical_equality_assertion.rb#20
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IdenticalEqualityAssertion::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Check that implicit block expectation syntax is not used.
-# Prefer using explicit block expectations.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# subject { -> { do_something } }
-# it { is_expected.to change(something).to(new_value) }
-# # good
-# it 'changes something to a new value' do
-# expect { do_something }.to change(something).to(new_value)
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitBlockExpectation < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#36
- def implicit_expect(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#25
- def lambda?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#33
- def lambda_subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#40
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#62
- def find_subject(block_node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#58
- def multi_statement_example_group?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#49
- def nearest_subject(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#21
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitBlockExpectation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_block_expectation.rb#22
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitBlockExpectation::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Check that a consistent implicit expectation style is used.
-# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
-# and supports the `--auto-gen-config` flag.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: is_expected` (default)
-# # bad
-# it { should be_truthy }
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to be_truthy }
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: should`
-# # bad
-# it { is_expected.to be_truthy }
-# # good
-# it { should be_truthy }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#25
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitExpect < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#34
- def implicit_expect(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#49
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#78
- def is_expected_range(source_map); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#69
- def offending_expect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#86
- def offense_message(offending_source); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#94
- def replacement_source(offending_source); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#47
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitExpect::ENFORCED_REPLACEMENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitExpect::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_expect.rb#31
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitExpect::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for usage of implicit subject (`is_expected` / `should`).
-# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: single_line_only` (default)
-# # bad
-# it do
-# is_expected.to be_truthy
-# end
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to be_truthy }
-# it do
-# expect(subject).to be_truthy
-# end
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: single_statement_only`
-# # bad
-# it do
-# foo = 1
-# is_expected.to be_truthy
-# end
-# # good
-# it do
-# foo = 1
-# expect(subject).to be_truthy
-# end
-# it do
-# is_expected.to be_truthy
-# end
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: disallow`
-# # bad
-# it { is_expected.to be_truthy }
-# # good
-# it { expect(subject).to be_truthy }
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: require_implicit`
-# # bad
-# it { expect(subject).to be_truthy }
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to be_truthy }
-# # bad
-# it do
-# expect(subject).to be_truthy
-# end
-# # good
-# it do
-# is_expected.to be_truthy
-# end
-# # good
-# it { expect(named_subject).to be_truthy }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#65
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitSubject < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#81
- def explicit_unnamed_subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#86
- def implicit_subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#90
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#100
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#159
- def example_of(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#135
- def implicit_subject_in_non_its?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#139
- def implicit_subject_in_non_its_and_non_single_line?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#143
- def implicit_subject_in_non_its_and_non_single_statement?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#122
- def invalid?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#147
- def its?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#113
- def message(_node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#151
- def single_line?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#155
- def single_statement?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#69
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitSubject::MSG_REQUIRE_EXPLICIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#71
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitSubject::MSG_REQUIRE_IMPLICIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/implicit_subject.rb#73
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ImplicitSubject::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# A helper for `inflected` style
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InflectedHelper
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#39
- def be_bool?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#44
- def be_boolthy?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#29
- def predicate_in_actual?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#48
- def boolean_matcher?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#16
- def check_inflected(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#60
- def message_inflected(predicate); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#56
- def predicate?(sym); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#85
- def remove_predicate(corrector, predicate); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#96
- def rewrite_matcher(corrector, predicate, matcher); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#67
- def to_predicate_matcher(name); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#107
- def true?(to_symbol, matcher); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#11
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InflectedHelper::MSG_INFLECTED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Helps you identify whether a given node
-# is within an example group or not.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/inside_example_group.rb#8
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/inside_example_group.rb#19
- def example_group_root?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/inside_example_group.rb#23
- def example_group_root_with_siblings?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/inside_example_group.rb#11
- def inside_example_group?(node); end
-# Checks for `instance_double` used with `have_received`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it do
-# foo = instance_double(Foo).as_null_object
-# expect(foo).to have_received(:bar)
-# end
-# # good
-# it do
-# foo = instance_spy(Foo)
-# expect(foo).to have_received(:bar)
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#21
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InstanceSpy < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#36
- def have_received_usage(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#28
- def null_double(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#45
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#61
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_spy.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InstanceSpy::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for instance variable usage in specs.
-# This cop can be configured with the option `AssignmentOnly` which
-# will configure the cop to only register offenses on instance
-# variable usage if the instance variable is also assigned within
-# the spec
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass do
-# before { @foo = [] }
-# it { expect(@foo).to be_empty }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass do
-# let(:foo) { [] }
-# it { expect(foo).to be_empty }
-# end
-# @example with AssignmentOnly configuration
-# # rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/InstanceVariable:
-# # AssignmentOnly: false
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass do
-# before { @foo = [] }
-# it { expect(@foo).to be_empty }
-# end
-# # allowed
-# describe MyClass do
-# it { expect(@foo).to be_empty }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass do
-# let(:foo) { [] }
-# it { expect(foo).to be_empty }
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#48
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InstanceVariable < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#60
- def custom_matcher?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#55
- def dynamic_class?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#71
- def ivar_assigned?(param0, param1); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#68
- def ivar_usage(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#73
- def on_top_level_group(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#90
- def assignment_only?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#84
- def valid_usage?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/instance_variable.rb#51
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InstanceVariable::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that only one `it_behaves_like` style is used.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: it_behaves_like` (default)
-# # bad
-# it_should_behave_like 'a foo'
-# # good
-# it_behaves_like 'a foo'
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: it_should_behave_like`
-# # bad
-# it_behaves_like 'a foo'
-# # good
-# it_should_behave_like 'a foo'
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#22
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ItBehavesLike < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#31
- def example_inclusion_offense(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#33
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#43
- def message(_node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#26
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ItBehavesLike::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/it_behaves_like.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ItBehavesLike::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Check that `all` matcher is used instead of iterating over an array.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it 'validates users' do
-# [user1, user2, user3].each { |user| expect(user).to be_valid }
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'validates users' do
-# expect([user1, user2, user3]).to all(be_valid)
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#19
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IteratedExpectation < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#24
- def each?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#33
- def each_numblock?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#40
- def expectation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#44
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#52
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#66
- def only_expectations?(body, arg); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#62
- def single_expectation?(body, arg); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/iterated_expectation.rb#20
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::IteratedExpectation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Enforce that subject is the first definition in the test.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# let(:params) { blah }
-# subject { described_class.new(params) }
-# before { do_something }
-# subject { described_class.new(params) }
-# it { expect_something }
-# subject { described_class.new(params) }
-# it { expect_something_else }
-# # good
-# subject { described_class.new(params) }
-# let(:params) { blah }
-# # good
-# subject { described_class.new(params) }
-# before { do_something }
-# # good
-# subject { described_class.new(params) }
-# it { expect_something }
-# it { expect_something_else }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#34
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeadingSubject < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#40
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#70
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, sibling); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#49
- def check_previous_nodes(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#76
- def offending?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#58
- def offending_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#66
- def parent(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leading_subject.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeadingSubject::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that no class, module, or constant is declared.
-# Constants, including classes and modules, when declared in a block
-# scope, are defined in global namespace, and leak between examples.
-# If several examples may define a `DummyClass`, instead of being a
-# blank slate class as it will be in the first example, subsequent
-# examples will be reopening it and modifying its behavior in
-# unpredictable ways.
-# Even worse when a class that exists in the codebase is reopened.
-# Anonymous classes are fine, since they don't result in global
-# namespace name clashes.
-# @example Constants leak between examples
-# # bad
-# describe SomeClass do
-# OtherClass = Struct.new
-# CONSTANT_HERE = 'I leak into global namespace'
-# end
-# # good
-# describe SomeClass do
-# before do
-# stub_const('OtherClass', Struct.new)
-# stub_const('CONSTANT_HERE', 'I only exist during this example')
-# end
-# end
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe SomeClass do
-# class FooClass < described_class
-# def double_that
-# some_base_method * 2
-# end
-# end
-# it { expect(FooClass.new.double_that).to eq(4) }
-# end
-# # good - anonymous class, no constant needs to be defined
-# describe SomeClass do
-# let(:foo_class) do
-# Class.new(described_class) do
-# def double_that
-# some_base_method * 2
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# it { expect(foo_class.new.double_that).to eq(4) }
-# end
-# # good - constant is stubbed
-# describe SomeClass do
-# before do
-# foo_class = Class.new(described_class) do
-# def do_something
-# end
-# end
-# stub_const('FooClass', foo_class)
-# end
-# it { expect(FooClass.new.double_that).to eq(4) }
-# end
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe SomeClass do
-# module SomeModule
-# class SomeClass
-# def do_something
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# describe SomeClass do
-# before do
-# foo_class = Class.new(described_class) do
-# def do_something
-# end
-# end
-# stub_const('SomeModule::SomeClass', foo_class)
-# end
-# end
-# @see https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/docs/mutating-constants
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#96
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeakyConstantDeclaration < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#101
- def on_casgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#107
- def on_class(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#113
- def on_module(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#121
- def inside_describe_block?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#98
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeakyConstantDeclaration::MSG_CLASS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#97
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeakyConstantDeclaration::MSG_CONST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/leaky_constant_declaration.rb#99
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LeakyConstantDeclaration::MSG_MODULE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for `let` definitions that come after an example.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# let(:foo) { bar }
-# it 'checks what foo does' do
-# expect(foo).to be
-# end
-# let(:some) { other }
-# it 'checks what some does' do
-# expect(some).to be
-# end
-# # good
-# let(:foo) { bar }
-# let(:some) { other }
-# it 'checks what foo does' do
-# expect(foo).to be
-# end
-# it 'checks what some does' do
-# expect(some).to be
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#33
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LetBeforeExamples < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#39
- def example_or_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#47
- def include_examples?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#54
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#89
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, first_example); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#70
- def check_let_declarations(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#62
- def example_group_with_include_examples?(body); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#85
- def find_first_example(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#66
- def multiline_block?(block); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_before_examples.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LetBeforeExamples::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks unreferenced `let!` calls being used for test setup.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# let!(:my_widget) { create(:widget) }
-# it 'counts widgets' do
-# expect(Widget.count).to eq(1)
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'counts widgets' do
-# create(:widget)
-# expect(Widget.count).to eq(1)
-# end
-# # good
-# before { create(:widget) }
-# it 'counts widgets' do
-# expect(Widget.count).to eq(1)
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#28
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LetSetup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#32
- def example_or_shared_group_or_including?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#40
- def let_bang(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#48
- def method_called?(param0, param1); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#50
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#66
- def child_let_bang(node, &block); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#60
- def unused_let_bang(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/let_setup.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LetSetup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Helper methods to location.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::LocationHelp
- private
- # @example
- # foo 1, 2
- # ^^^^^
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @return [Parser::Source::Range]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#15
- def arguments_with_whitespace(node); end
- # @example
- # foo { bar }
- # ^^^^^^^^
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @return [Parser::Source::Range]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#26
- def block_with_whitespace(node); end
- class << self
- # @example
- # foo 1, 2
- # ^^^^^
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @return [Parser::Source::Range]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#15
- def arguments_with_whitespace(node); end
- # @example
- # foo { bar }
- # ^^^^^^^^
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # @return [Parser::Source::Range]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/location_help.rb#26
- def block_with_whitespace(node); end
- end
-# Prefer `contain_exactly` when matching an array literal.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it { is_expected.to match_array([content1, content2]) }
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(content1, content2) }
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to match_array([content] + array) }
-# # good
-# it { is_expected.to match_array(%w(tremble in fear foolish mortals)) }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MatchArray < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#26
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MatchArray::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/match_array.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MatchArray::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Check that chains of messages are not being stubbed.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# allow(foo).to receive_message_chain(:bar, :baz).and_return(42)
-# # good
-# thing = Thing.new(baz: 42)
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar).and_return(thing)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_chain.rb#16
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageChain < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_chain.rb#20
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_chain.rb#17
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageChain::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_chain.rb#18
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageChain::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for consistent message expectation style.
-# This cop can be configured in your configuration using the
-# `EnforcedStyle` option and supports `--auto-gen-config`.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: allow` (default)
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
-# # good
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: expect`
-# # bad
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageExpectation < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#36
- def message_expectation(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#43
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#41
- def receive_message?(param0); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#56
- def preferred_style?(expectation); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageExpectation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#33
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageExpectation::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_expectation.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageExpectation::SUPPORTED_STYLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks that message expectations are set using spies.
-# This cop can be configured in your configuration using the
-# `EnforcedStyle` option and supports `--auto-gen-config`.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: have_received` (default)
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
-# do_something
-# # good
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar) # or use instance_spy
-# do_something
-# expect(foo).to have_received(:bar)
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: receive`
-# # bad
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
-# do_something
-# expect(foo).to have_received(:bar)
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
-# do_something
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#33
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#47
- def message_expectation(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#56
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#52
- def receive_message(param0); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#79
- def error_message(receiver); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#75
- def preferred_style?(expectation); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#69
- def receive_message_matcher(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies::MSG_HAVE_RECEIVED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies::MSG_RECEIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#44
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/message_spies.rb#42
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MessageSpies::SUPPORTED_STYLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Helper methods to find RSpec metadata.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Metadata
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#26
- def metadata_in_block(param0, param1); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#30
- def on_block(node); end
- # @raise [::NotImplementedError]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#43
- def on_metadata(_symbols, _pairs); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#30
- def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#21
- def rspec_configure(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/metadata.rb#13
- def rspec_metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# Checks that the first argument to an example group is not empty.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe do
-# end
-# RSpec.describe do
-# end
-# # good
-# describe TestedClass do
-# end
-# describe "A feature example" do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/missing_example_group_argument.rb#23
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MissingExampleGroupArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/missing_example_group_argument.rb#26
- def on_block(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/missing_example_group_argument.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MissingExampleGroupArgument::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for multiple top-level example groups.
-# Multiple descriptions for the same class or module should either
-# be nested or separated into different test files.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass, '.do_something' do
-# end
-# describe MyClass, '.do_something_else' do
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass do
-# describe '.do_something' do
-# end
-# describe '.do_something_else' do
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_describes.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleDescribes < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_describes.rb#31
- def on_top_level_group(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_describes.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleDescribes::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks if examples contain too many `expect` calls.
-# This cop is configurable using the `Max` option
-# and works with `--auto-gen-config`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe UserCreator do
-# it 'builds a user' do
-# expect(user.name).to eq("John")
-# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# describe UserCreator do
-# it 'sets the users name' do
-# expect(user.name).to eq("John")
-# end
-# it 'sets the users age' do
-# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
-# end
-# end
-# @example `aggregate_failures: true` (default)
-# # good - the cop ignores when RSpec aggregates failures
-# describe UserCreator do
-# it 'builds a user', :aggregate_failures do
-# expect(user.name).to eq("John")
-# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
-# end
-# end
-# @example `aggregate_failures: false`
-# # Detected as an offense
-# describe UserCreator do
-# it 'builds a user', aggregate_failures: false do
-# expect(user.name).to eq("John")
-# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
-# end
-# end
-# @example configuration
-# # .rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/MultipleExpectations:
-# # Max: 2
-# # not flagged by rubocop
-# describe UserCreator do
-# it 'builds a user' do
-# expect(user.name).to eq("John")
-# expect(user.age).to eq(22)
-# end
-# end
-# @see http://betterspecs.org/#single Single expectation test
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#64
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleExpectations < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableMax
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#73
- def aggregate_failures?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#84
- def aggregate_failures_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#81
- def expect?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#88
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#104
- def example_with_aggregate_failures?(example_node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#111
- def find_aggregate_failures(example_node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#116
- def find_expectation(node, &block); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#127
- def flag_example(node, expectation_count:); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#138
- def max_expectations; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#69
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleExpectations::ANYTHING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#67
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleExpectations::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_expectations.rb#70
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleExpectations::TRUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
-# Checks if example groups contain too many `let` and `subject` calls.
-# This cop is configurable using the `Max` option and the `AllowSubject`
-# which will configure the cop to only register offenses on calls to
-# `let` and not calls to `subject`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass do
-# let(:foo) { [] }
-# let(:bar) { [] }
-# let!(:baz) { [] }
-# let(:qux) { [] }
-# let(:quux) { [] }
-# let(:quuz) { {} }
-# end
-# describe MyClass do
-# let(:foo) { [] }
-# let(:bar) { [] }
-# let!(:baz) { [] }
-# context 'when stuff' do
-# let(:qux) { [] }
-# let(:quux) { [] }
-# let(:quuz) { {} }
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass do
-# let(:bar) { [] }
-# let!(:baz) { [] }
-# let(:qux) { [] }
-# let(:quux) { [] }
-# let(:quuz) { {} }
-# end
-# describe MyClass do
-# context 'when stuff' do
-# let(:foo) { [] }
-# let(:bar) { [] }
-# let!(:booger) { [] }
-# end
-# context 'when other stuff' do
-# let(:qux) { [] }
-# let(:quux) { [] }
-# let(:quuz) { {} }
-# end
-# end
-# @example when disabling AllowSubject configuration
-# # rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers:
-# # AllowSubject: false
-# # bad - `subject` counts towards memoized helpers
-# describe MyClass do
-# subject { {} }
-# let(:foo) { [] }
-# let(:bar) { [] }
-# let!(:baz) { [] }
-# let(:qux) { [] }
-# let(:quux) { [] }
-# end
-# @example with Max configuration
-# # rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers:
-# # Max: 1
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass do
-# let(:foo) { [] }
-# let(:bar) { [] }
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#84
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleMemoizedHelpers < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableMax
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#90
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#101
- def on_new_investigation; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#110
- def all_helpers(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#142
- def allow_subject?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute example_group_memoized_helpers.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#108
- def example_group_memoized_helpers; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#117
- def helpers(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#138
- def max; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#128
- def variable_nodes(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_memoized_helpers.rb#88
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleMemoizedHelpers::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks if an example group defines `subject` multiple times.
-# This cop does not support autocorrection in some cases.
-# The autocorrect behavior for this cop depends on the type of
-# duplication:
-# - If multiple named subjects are defined then this probably indicates
-# that the overwritten subjects (all subjects except the last
-# definition) are effectively being used to define helpers. In this
-# case they are replaced with `let`.
-# - If multiple unnamed subjects are defined though then this can *only*
-# be dead code and we remove the overwritten subject definitions.
-# - If subjects are defined with `subject!` then we don't autocorrect.
-# This is enough of an edge case that people can just move this to
-# a `before` hook on their own
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe Foo do
-# subject(:user) { User.new }
-# subject(:post) { Post.new }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe Foo do
-# let(:user) { User.new }
-# subject(:post) { Post.new }
-# end
-# # bad (does not support autocorrection)
-# describe Foo do
-# subject!(:user) { User.new }
-# subject!(:post) { Post.new }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe Foo do
-# before do
-# User.new
-# Post.new
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#51
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleSubjects < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#57
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#71
- def autocorrect(corrector, subject); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#81
- def named_subject?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#89
- def remove_autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#85
- def rename_autocorrect(corrector, node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/multiple_subjects.rb#55
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::MultipleSubjects::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for explicitly referenced test subjects.
-# RSpec lets you declare an "implicit subject" using `subject { ... }`
-# which allows for tests like `it { is_expected.to be_valid }`.
-# If you need to reference your test subject you should explicitly
-# name it using `subject(:your_subject_name) { ... }`. Your test subjects
-# should be the most important object in your tests so they deserve
-# a descriptive name.
-# This cop can be configured in your configuration using `EnforcedStyle`,
-# and `IgnoreSharedExamples` which will not report offenses for implicit
-# subjects in shared example groups.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: always` (default)
-# # bad
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# subject { described_class.new }
-# it 'is valid' do
-# expect(subject.valid?).to be(true)
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# subject(:user) { described_class.new }
-# it 'is valid' do
-# expect(user.valid?).to be(true)
-# end
-# end
-# # also good
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# subject(:user) { described_class.new }
-# it { is_expected.to be_valid }
-# end
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: named_only`
-# # bad
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# subject(:user) { described_class.new }
-# it 'is valid' do
-# expect(subject.valid?).to be(true)
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# subject(:user) { described_class.new }
-# it 'is valid' do
-# expect(user.valid?).to be(true)
-# end
-# end
-# # also good
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# subject { described_class.new }
-# it { is_expected.to be_valid }
-# end
-# # acceptable
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# subject { described_class.new }
-# it 'is valid' do
-# expect(subject.valid?).to be(true)
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#79
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NamedSubject < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#85
- def example_or_hook_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#97
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#90
- def shared_example?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#95
- def subject_usage(param0); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#120
- def allow_explicit_subject?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#124
- def always?; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#114
- def check_explicit_subject(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#147
- def find_subject(block_node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#109
- def ignored_shared_example?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#128
- def named_only?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#139
- def nearest_subject(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#133
- def subject_definition_is_named?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/named_subject.rb#82
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NamedSubject::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Helps to find namespace of the node.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/namespace.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Namespace
- private
- # @example
- # namespace(node) # => ['A', 'B', 'C']
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/namespace.rb#14
- def namespace(node); end
-# Checks for nested example groups.
-# This cop is configurable using the `Max` option
-# and supports `--auto-gen-config`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# context 'when using some feature' do
-# let(:some) { :various }
-# let(:feature) { :setup }
-# context 'when user is signed in' do # flagged by rubocop
-# let(:user) do
-# UserCreate.call(user_attributes)
-# end
-# let(:user_attributes) do
-# {
-# name: 'John',
-# age: 22,
-# role: role
-# }
-# end
-# context 'when user is an admin' do # flagged by rubocop
-# let(:role) { 'admin' }
-# it 'blah blah'
-# it 'yada yada'
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# context 'using some feature as an admin' do
-# let(:some) { :various }
-# let(:feature) { :setup }
-# let(:user) do
-# UserCreate.call(
-# name: 'John',
-# age: 22,
-# role: 'admin'
-# )
-# end
-# it 'blah blah'
-# it 'yada yada'
-# end
-# @example `Max: 3` (default)
-# # bad
-# describe Foo do
-# context 'foo' do
-# context 'bar' do
-# context 'baz' do # flagged by rubocop
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# @example `Max: 2`
-# # bad
-# describe Foo do
-# context 'foo' do
-# context 'bar' do # flagged by rubocop
-# context 'baz' do # flagged by rubocop
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# @example `AllowedGroups: [] (default)`
-# describe Foo do # <-- nested groups 1
-# context 'foo' do # <-- nested groups 2
-# context 'bar' do # <-- nested groups 3
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# @example `AllowedGroups: [path]`
-# describe Foo do # <-- nested groups 1
-# path '/foo' do # <-- nested groups 1 (not counted)
-# context 'bar' do # <-- nested groups 2
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#94
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NestedGroups < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableMax
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#106
- def on_top_level_group(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#156
- def allowed_groups; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#133
- def count_up_nesting?(node, example_group); end
- # @yield [node, nesting]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#118
- def find_nested_example_groups(node, nesting: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#143
- def max_nesting; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#147
- def max_nesting_config; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#139
- def message(nesting); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#100
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NestedGroups::DEPRECATED_MAX_KEY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#102
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NestedGroups::DEPRECATION_WARNING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/nested_groups.rb#98
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NestedGroups::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks if an example contains any expectation.
-# All RSpec's example and expectation methods are covered by default.
-# If you are using your own custom methods,
-# add the following configuration:
-# RSpec:
-# Language:
-# Examples:
-# Regular:
-# - custom_it
-# Expectations:
-# - custom_expect
-# This cop can be customized with an allowed expectation methods pattern
-# with an `AllowedPatterns` option. ^expect_ and ^assert_ are allowed
-# by default.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it do
-# a?
-# end
-# # good
-# it do
-# expect(a?).to be(true)
-# end
-# @example `AllowedPatterns` configuration
-# # .rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/NoExpectationExample:
-# # AllowedPatterns:
-# # - ^expect_
-# # - ^assert_
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it do
-# not_expect_something
-# end
-# # good
-# it do
-# expect_something
-# end
-# it do
-# assert_something
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#58
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NoExpectationExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#74
- def includes_expectation?(param0); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#84
- def includes_skip_example?(param0); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#89
- def on_block(node); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#89
- def on_numblock(node); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#67
- def regular_or_focused_example?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/no_expectation_example.rb#62
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NoExpectationExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for consistent method usage for negating expectations.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: not_to` (default)
-# # bad
-# it '...' do
-# expect(false).to_not be_true
-# end
-# # good
-# it '...' do
-# expect(false).not_to be_true
-# end
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: to_not`
-# # bad
-# it '...' do
-# expect(false).not_to be_true
-# end
-# # good
-# it '...' do
-# expect(false).to_not be_true
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#30
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NotToNot < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#38
- def not_to_not_offense(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#40
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#50
- def message(_node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NotToNot::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/not_to_not.rb#35
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::NotToNot::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks if there is a let/subject that overwrites an existing one.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# let(:foo) { bar }
-# let(:foo) { baz }
-# subject(:foo) { bar }
-# let(:foo) { baz }
-# let(:foo) { bar }
-# let!(:foo) { baz }
-# # good
-# subject(:test) { something }
-# let(:foo) { bar }
-# let(:baz) { baz }
-# let!(:other) { other }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#25
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::OverwritingSetup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#34
- def first_argument_name(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#36
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#29
- def setup?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#64
- def common_setup?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#49
- def find_duplicates(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/overwriting_setup.rb#26
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::OverwritingSetup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for any pending or skipped examples.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe MyClass do
-# it "should be true"
-# end
-# describe MyClass do
-# it "should be true", skip: true do
-# expect(1).to eq(2)
-# end
-# end
-# describe MyClass do
-# it "should be true" do
-# pending
-# end
-# end
-# describe MyClass do
-# xit "should be true" do
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# describe MyClass do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#35
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Pending < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#56
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#49
- def pending_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#41
- def skippable?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#64
- def skipped?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending.rb#38
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Pending::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for pending or skipped examples without reason.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# pending 'does something' do
-# end
-# # bad
-# it 'does something', :pending do
-# end
-# # bad
-# it 'does something' do
-# pending
-# end
-# # bad
-# xdescribe 'something' do
-# end
-# # bad
-# skip 'does something' do
-# end
-# # bad
-# it 'does something', :skip do
-# end
-# # bad
-# it 'does something' do
-# skip
-# end
-# # bad
-# it 'does something'
-# # good
-# it 'does something' do
-# pending 'reason'
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'does something' do
-# skip 'reason'
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'does something', pending: 'reason' do
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'does something', skip: 'reason' do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#59
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::PendingWithoutReason < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#77
- def metadata_without_reason?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#97
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#93
- def pending_step_without_reason?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#88
- def skipped_by_example_group_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#72
- def skipped_by_example_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#63
- def skipped_in_example?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#118
- def block_node_example_group?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#130
- def on_pending_by_metadata(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#142
- def on_skipped_by_example_group_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#136
- def on_skipped_by_example_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#124
- def on_skipped_by_in_example_method(node, _direct_parent); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#111
- def parent_node(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/pending_without_reason.rb#60
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::PendingWithoutReason::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Prefer using predicate matcher over using predicate method directly.
-# RSpec defines magic matchers for predicate methods.
-# This cop recommends to use the predicate matcher instead of using
-# predicate method directly.
-# @example Strict: true, EnforcedStyle: inflected (default)
-# # bad
-# expect(foo.something?).to be_truthy
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to be_something
-# # also good - It checks "true" strictly.
-# expect(foo.something?).to be(true)
-# @example Strict: false, EnforcedStyle: inflected
-# # bad
-# expect(foo.something?).to be_truthy
-# expect(foo.something?).to be(true)
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to be_something
-# @example Strict: true, EnforcedStyle: explicit
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to be_something
-# # good - the above code is rewritten to it by this cop
-# expect(foo.something?).to be(true)
-# # bad - no autocorrect
-# expect(foo)
-# .to be_something(<<~TEXT)
-# bar
-# # good
-# expect(foo.something?(<<~TEXT)).to be(true)
-# bar
-# @example Strict: false, EnforcedStyle: explicit
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to be_something
-# # good - the above code is rewritten to it by this cop
-# expect(foo.something?).to be_truthy
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#315
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::PredicateMatcher < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InflectedHelper
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ExplicitHelper
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#332
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#323
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/predicate_matcher.rb#321
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::PredicateMatcher::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#6
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails; end
-# Checks that tests use RSpec `before` hook over Rails `setup` method.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# setup do
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
-# end
-# # good
-# before do
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::AvoidSetupHook < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#32
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#26
- def setup_call(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/avoid_setup_hook.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::AvoidSetupHook::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that tests use `have_http_status` instead of equality matchers.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(response.status).to be(200)
-# # good
-# expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#16
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::HaveHttpStatus < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#27
- def match_status(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#37
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#19
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::HaveHttpStatus::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::HaveHttpStatus::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/have_http_status.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::HaveHttpStatus::RUNNERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# Identifies redundant spec type.
-# After setting up rspec-rails, you will have enabled
-# `config.infer_spec_type_from_file_location!` by default in
-# spec/rails_helper.rb. This cop works in conjunction with this config.
-# If you disable this config, disable this cop as well.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# # spec/models/user_spec.rb
-# RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
-# end
-# # good
-# # spec/models/user_spec.rb
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# end
-# # good
-# # spec/models/user_spec.rb
-# RSpec.describe User, type: :common do
-# end
-# @example `Inferences` configuration
-# # .rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/Rails/InferredSpecType:
-# # Inferences:
-# # services: service
-# # bad
-# # spec/services/user_spec.rb
-# RSpec.describe User, type: :service do
-# end
-# # good
-# # spec/services/user_spec.rb
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# end
-# # good
-# # spec/services/user_spec.rb
-# RSpec.describe User, type: :common do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#54
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::InferredSpecType < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
- # @return [RuboCop::AST::PairNode, nil]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#79
- def describe_with_type(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#60
- def on_block(node); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#60
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # @param corrector [RuboCop::AST::Corrector]
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#91
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::PairNode]
- # @return [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#111
- def detect_removable_node(node); end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#120
- def file_path; end
- # @return [Hash]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#138
- def inferences; end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::PairNode]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#126
- def inferred_type?(node); end
- # @return [Symbol, nil]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#131
- def inferred_type_from_file_path; end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Parser::Source::Range]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#97
- def remove_range(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/inferred_spec_type.rb#57
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::InferredSpecType::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Check if using Minitest matchers.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# assert_equal(a, b)
-# assert_equal a, b, "must be equal"
-# refute_equal(a, b)
-# # good
-# expect(a).to eq(b)
-# expect(a).to(eq(b), "must be equal")
-# expect(a).not_to eq(b)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertions < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#27
- def minitest_assertion(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#31
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#53
- def message(prefer); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#43
- def replacement(node, expected, actual, failure_message); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertions::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/minitest_assertions.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::MinitestAssertions::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Prefer to travel in `before` rather than `around`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# around do |example|
-# freeze_time do
-# example.run
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# before { freeze_time }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::TravelAround < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#39
- def extract_run_in_travel(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#48
- def match_around_each?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#55
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#55
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#70
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, run_node, around_node); end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode]
- # @return [RuboCop::AST::BlockNode, nil]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#83
- def extract_surrounding_around_block(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::TravelAround::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/rails/travel_around.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Rails::TravelAround::TRAVEL_METHOD_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# Check for `once` and `twice` receive counts matchers usage.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).exactly(1).times
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).exactly(2).times
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_least(1).times
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_least(2).times
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_most(1).times
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_most(2).times
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).once
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).twice
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_least(:once)
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_least(:twice)
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_most(:once)
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).at_most(:twice).times
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#25
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveCounts < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#40
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#33
- def receive_counts(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#38
- def stub?(param0); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#55
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, range); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#72
- def matcher_for(method, count); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#64
- def message_for(node, source); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#81
- def range(node, offending_node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveCounts::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_counts.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveCounts::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Prefer `not_to receive(...)` over `receive(...).never`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).never
-# # good
-# expect(foo).not_to receive(:bar)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#15
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveNever < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#21
- def method_on_stub?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#23
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#33
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#17
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveNever::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/receive_never.rb#18
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReceiveNever::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Remove redundant `around` hook.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# around do |example|
-# example.run
-# end
-# # good
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#16
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RedundantAround < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#43
- def match_redundant_around_hook_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#52
- def match_redundant_around_hook_send?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#23
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#23
- def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#32
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#63
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#19
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RedundantAround::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_around.rb#21
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RedundantAround::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Check for repeated description strings in example groups.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# it 'is valid' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# it 'is valid' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# it 'is valid when first and last name are present' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# it 'is valid when last name only is present' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# RSpec.describe User do
-# it 'is valid' do
-# # ...
-# end
-# it 'is valid', :flag do
-# # ...
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#42
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedDescription < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#45
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#88
- def example_signature(example); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#92
- def its_signature(example); end
- # Select examples in the current scope with repeated description strings
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#60
- def repeated_descriptions(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#74
- def repeated_its(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_description.rb#43
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedDescription::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Check for repeated examples within example groups.
-# @example
-# it 'is valid' do
-# expect(user).to be_valid
-# end
-# it 'validates the user' do
-# expect(user).to be_valid
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#18
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#21
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#41
- def example_signature(example); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#31
- def repeated_examples(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example.rb#19
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Check for repeated describe and context block body.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe 'cool feature x' do
-# it { cool_predicate }
-# end
-# describe 'cool feature y' do
-# it { cool_predicate }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe 'cool feature' do
-# it { cool_predicate }
-# end
-# describe 'another cool feature' do
-# it { another_predicate }
-# end
-# # good
-# context 'when case x', :tag do
-# it { cool_predicate }
-# end
-# context 'when case y' do
-# it { cool_predicate }
-# end
-# # good
-# context Array do
-# it { is_expected.to respond_to :each }
-# end
-# context Hash do
-# it { is_expected.to respond_to :each }
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#45
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExampleGroupBody < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#59
- def body(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#62
- def const_arg(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#56
- def metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#64
- def on_begin(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#51
- def several_example_groups?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#85
- def add_repeated_lines(groups); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#94
- def message(group, repeats); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#74
- def repeated_group_bodies(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#90
- def signature_keys(group); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_body.rb#48
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExampleGroupBody::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Check for repeated example group descriptions.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe 'cool feature' do
-# # example group
-# end
-# describe 'cool feature' do
-# # example group
-# end
-# # bad
-# context 'when case x' do
-# # example group
-# end
-# describe 'when case x' do
-# # example group
-# end
-# # good
-# describe 'cool feature' do
-# # example group
-# end
-# describe 'another cool feature' do
-# # example group
-# end
-# # good
-# context 'when case x' do
-# # example group
-# end
-# context 'when another case' do
-# # example group
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#45
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExampleGroupDescription < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#56
- def doc_string_and_metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#61
- def empty_description?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#63
- def on_begin(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#51
- def several_example_groups?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#85
- def add_repeated_lines(groups); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#90
- def message(group, repeats); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#73
- def repeated_group_descriptions(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_example_group_description.rb#48
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedExampleGroupDescription::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Check for repeated include of shared examples.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe 'foo' do
-# include_examples 'cool stuff'
-# include_examples 'cool stuff'
-# end
-# # bad
-# describe 'foo' do
-# it_behaves_like 'a cool', 'thing'
-# it_behaves_like 'a cool', 'thing'
-# end
-# # bad
-# context 'foo' do
-# it_should_behave_like 'a duck'
-# it_should_behave_like 'a duck'
-# end
-# # good
-# describe 'foo' do
-# include_examples 'cool stuff'
-# end
-# describe 'bar' do
-# include_examples 'cool stuff'
-# end
-# # good
-# describe 'foo' do
-# it_behaves_like 'a cool', 'thing'
-# it_behaves_like 'a cool', 'person'
-# end
-# # good
-# context 'foo' do
-# it_should_behave_like 'a duck'
-# it_should_behave_like 'a goose'
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#48
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedIncludeExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#58
- def include_examples?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#65
- def on_begin(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#53
- def several_include_examples?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#62
- def shared_examples_name(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#90
- def add_repeated_lines(items); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#85
- def literal_include_examples?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#99
- def message(item, repeats); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#75
- def repeated_include_examples(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#95
- def signature_keys(item); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/repeated_include_example.rb#49
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::RepeatedIncludeExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for consistent style of stub's return setting.
-# Enforces either `and_return` or block-style return in the cases
-# where the returned value is constant. Ignores dynamic returned values
-# are the result would be different
-# This cop can be configured using the `EnforcedStyle` option
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: and_return` (default)
-# # bad
-# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar) { "baz" }
-# expect(Foo).to receive(:bar) { "baz" }
-# # good
-# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return("baz")
-# expect(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return("baz")
-# # also good as the returned value is dynamic
-# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar) { bar.baz }
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: block`
-# # bad
-# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return("baz")
-# expect(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return("baz")
-# # good
-# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar) { "baz" }
-# expect(Foo).to receive(:bar) { "baz" }
-# # also good as the returned value is dynamic
-# allow(Foo).to receive(:bar).and_return(bar.baz)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#36
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#51
- def and_return_value(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#45
- def contains_stub?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#62
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#55
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#48
- def stub_with_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#71
- def check_and_return_call(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#81
- def check_block_body(block); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#90
- def dynamic?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#95
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::AndReturnCallCorrector
- # @return [AndReturnCallCorrector] a new instance of AndReturnCallCorrector
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#96
- def initialize(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#102
- def call(corrector); end
- private
- # Returns the value of attribute arg.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#111
- def arg; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#133
- def hash_without_braces?; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#113
- def heredoc?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute node.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#111
- def node; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#117
- def range; end
- # Returns the value of attribute receiver.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#111
- def receiver; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#125
- def replacement; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#139
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::BlockBodyCorrector
- # @return [BlockBodyCorrector] a new instance of BlockBodyCorrector
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#140
- def initialize(block); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#146
- def call(corrector); end
- private
- # Returns the value of attribute block.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#158
- def block; end
- # Returns the value of attribute body.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#158
- def body; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#160
- def heredoc?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute node.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#158
- def node; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#164
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::BlockBodyCorrector::NULL_BLOCK_BODY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T.untyped)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#40
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::MSG_AND_RETURN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#41
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::MSG_BLOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/return_from_stub.rb#42
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ReturnFromStub::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for let scattered across the example group.
-# Group lets together
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe Foo do
-# let(:foo) { 1 }
-# subject { Foo }
-# let(:bar) { 2 }
-# before { prepare }
-# let!(:baz) { 3 }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe Foo do
-# subject { Foo }
-# before { prepare }
-# let(:foo) { 1 }
-# let(:bar) { 2 }
-# let!(:baz) { 3 }
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_let.rb#29
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ScatteredLet < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_let.rb#34
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_let.rb#42
- def check_let_declarations(body); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_let.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ScatteredLet::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for setup scattered across multiple hooks in an example group.
-# Unify `before`, `after`, and `around` hooks when possible.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe Foo do
-# before { setup1 }
-# before { setup2 }
-# end
-# # good
-# describe Foo do
-# before do
-# setup1
-# setup2
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#25
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ScatteredSetup < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#29
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#59
- def lines_msg(numbers); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#46
- def repeated_hooks(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/scattered_setup.rb#26
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::ScatteredSetup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for proper shared_context and shared_examples usage.
-# If there are no examples defined, use shared_context.
-# If there is no setup defined, use shared_examples.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# RSpec.shared_context 'only examples here' do
-# it 'does x' do
-# end
-# it 'does y' do
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# RSpec.shared_examples 'only examples here' do
-# it 'does x' do
-# end
-# it 'does y' do
-# end
-# end
-# @example
-# # bad
-# RSpec.shared_examples 'only setup here' do
-# subject(:foo) { :bar }
-# let(:baz) { :bazz }
-# before do
-# something
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# RSpec.shared_context 'only setup here' do
-# subject(:foo) { :bar }
-# let(:baz) { :bazz }
-# before do
-# something
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#53
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedContext < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#65
- def context?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#60
- def examples?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#81
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#72
- def shared_context(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#77
- def shared_example(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#97
- def context_with_only_examples(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#101
- def examples_with_only_context(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#57
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedContext::MSG_CONTEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_context.rb#56
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedContext::MSG_EXAMPLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Enforces use of string to titleize shared examples.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it_behaves_like :foo_bar_baz
-# it_should_behave_like :foo_bar_baz
-# shared_examples :foo_bar_baz
-# shared_examples_for :foo_bar_baz
-# include_examples :foo_bar_baz
-# # good
-# it_behaves_like 'foo bar baz'
-# it_should_behave_like 'foo bar baz'
-# shared_examples 'foo bar baz'
-# shared_examples_for 'foo bar baz'
-# include_examples 'foo bar baz'
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#23
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedExamples < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#34
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#27
- def shared_examples(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#47
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedExamples::Checker
- # @return [Checker] a new instance of Checker
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#53
- def initialize(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#57
- def message; end
- # Returns the value of attribute node.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#51
- def node; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#61
- def preferred_style; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#68
- def symbol; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#72
- def wrap_with_single_quotes(string); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/shared_examples.rb#48
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SharedExamples::Checker::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that chains of messages contain more than one element.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# allow(foo).to receive_message_chain(:bar).and_return(42)
-# # good
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar).and_return(42)
-# # also good
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar, :baz)
-# allow(foo).to receive("bar.baz")
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#19
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SingleArgumentMessageChain < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#27
- def message_chain(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#34
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#32
- def single_key_hash?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#49
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, method, arg); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#77
- def autocorrect_array_arg(corrector, arg); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#69
- def autocorrect_hash_arg(corrector, arg); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#83
- def key_to_arg(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#88
- def replacement(method); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#65
- def single_element_array?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#55
- def valid_usage?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#22
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SingleArgumentMessageChain::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/single_argument_message_chain.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SingleArgumentMessageChain::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for passing a block to `skip` within examples.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# it 'does something' do
-# skip 'not yet implemented' do
-# do_something
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# it 'does something' do
-# skip 'not yet implemented'
-# do_something
-# end
-# # good - when outside example
-# skip 'not yet implemented' do
-# end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipBlockInsideExample < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#29
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#29
- def on_numblock(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#40
- def inside_example?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/skip_block_inside_example.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipBlockInsideExample::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Helps check offenses with variable definitions
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/skip_or_pending.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SkipOrPending
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # Match skip/pending statements inside a block (e.g. `context`)
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # context 'when color is blue' do
- # skip 'not implemented yet'
- # pending 'not implemented yet'
- # end
- # @example source that does not match
- # skip 'not implemented yet'
- # pending 'not implemented yet'
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Array] matching nodes
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/skip_or_pending.rb#33
- def skip_or_pending_inside_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/skip_or_pending.rb#11
- def skipped_in_metadata?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# Sort RSpec metadata alphabetically.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe 'Something', :b, :a
-# context 'Something', foo: 'bar', baz: true
-# it 'works', :b, :a, foo: 'bar', baz: true
-# # good
-# describe 'Something', :a, :b
-# context 'Something', baz: true, foo: 'bar'
-# it 'works', :a, :b, baz: true, foo: 'bar'
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#19
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SortMetadata < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Metadata
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#26
- def on_metadata(symbols, pairs); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#37
- def crime_scene(symbols, pairs); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#46
- def replacement(symbols, pairs); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#54
- def sort_pairs(pairs); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#58
- def sort_symbols(symbols); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#50
- def sorted?(symbols, pairs); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/sort_metadata.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SortMetadata::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that message expectations do not have a configured response.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).with(42).and_return("hello world")
-# # good (without spies)
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar).with(42).and_return("hello world")
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).with(42)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#16
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::StubbedMock < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#42
- def configured_response?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match expectation
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # is_expected.to be_in_the_bar
- # @example source that matches
- # expect(cocktail).to contain_exactly(:fresh_orange_juice, :campari)
- # @example source that matches
- # expect_any_instance_of(Officer).to be_alert
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] expectation, method name, matcher
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#61
- def expectation(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match matcher with a configured response in block-pass
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # receive(:foo, &canned)
- # @example source that matches
- # receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar, &canned)
- # @example source that matches
- # receive(:foo).with('bar', &canned)
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] matcher
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#129
- def matcher_with_blockpass(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match matcher with a configured response
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # receive(:foo).and_return('bar')
- # @example source that matches
- # receive(:lower).and_raise(SomeError)
- # @example source that matches
- # receive(:redirect).and_call_original
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] matcher
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#81
- def matcher_with_configured_response(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match matcher with a configured response defined as a hash
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # receive_messages(foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux')
- # @example source that matches
- # receive_message_chain(:foo, bar: 'baz')
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] matcher
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#108
- def matcher_with_hash(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match matcher with a return block
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # receive(:foo) { 'bar' }
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @yield [RuboCop::AST::Node] matcher
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#93
- def matcher_with_return_block(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match message expectation matcher
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # receive(:foo)
- # @example source that matches
- # receive_message_chain(:foo, :bar)
- # @example source that matches
- # receive(:foo).with('bar')
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @return [Array] matching nodes
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#34
- def message_expectation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#138
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#155
- def msg(method_name); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#144
- def on_expectation(expectation, method_name, matcher); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#161
- def replacement(method_name); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#17
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::StubbedMock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/stubbed_mock.rb#136
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::StubbedMock::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Ensure that subject is defined using subject helper.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# let(:subject) { foo }
-# let!(:subject) { foo }
-# subject(:subject) { foo }
-# subject!(:subject) { foo }
-# # bad
-# block = -> {}
-# let(:subject, &block)
-# # good
-# subject(:test_subject) { foo }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#22
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectDeclaration < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#27
- def offensive_subject_declaration?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#31
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#40
- def message_for(offense); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#23
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectDeclaration::MSG_LET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_declaration.rb#24
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectDeclaration::MSG_REDUNDANT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for stubbed test subjects.
-# Checks nested subject stubs for innermost subject definition
-# when subject is also defined in parent example groups.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# describe Article do
-# subject(:article) { Article.new }
-# it 'indicates that the author is unknown' do
-# allow(article).to receive(:author).and_return(nil)
-# expect(article.description).to include('by an unknown author')
-# end
-# end
-# # bad
-# describe Article do
-# subject(:foo) { Article.new }
-# context 'nested subject' do
-# subject(:article) { Article.new }
-# it 'indicates that the author is unknown' do
-# allow(article).to receive(:author).and_return(nil)
-# expect(article.description).to include('by an unknown author')
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# describe Article do
-# subject(:article) { Article.new(author: nil) }
-# it 'indicates that the author is unknown' do
-# expect(article.description).to include('by an unknown author')
-# end
-# end
-# @see https://robots.thoughtbot.com/don-t-stub-the-system-under-test
-# @see https://penelope.zone/2015/12/27/introducing-rspec-smells-and-where-to-find-them.html#smell-1-stubjec
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#50
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectStub < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
- # Find a memoized helper
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#80
- def let?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Match `allow` and `expect(...).to receive`
- #
- # @example source that matches
- # allow(foo).to receive(:bar)
- # allow(foo).to receive(:bar).with(1)
- # allow(foo).to receive(:bar).with(1).and_return(2)
- # expect(foo).to receive(:bar)
- # expect(foo).to receive(:bar).with(1)
- # expect(foo).to receive(:bar).with(1).and_return(2)
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#97
- def message_expectation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#109
- def message_expectation_matcher?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#115
- def on_top_level_group(node); end
- # Find a named or unnamed subject definition
- #
- # @example anonymous subject
- # subject?(parse('subject { foo }').ast) do |name|
- # name # => :subject
- # end
- # @example named subject
- # subject?(parse('subject(:thing) { foo }').ast) do |name|
- # name # => :thing
- # end
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node]
- # @yield [Symbol] subject name
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#71
- def subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#126
- def find_all_explicit(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#140
- def find_subject_expectations(node, subject_names = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/subject_stub.rb#53
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::SubjectStub::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Helper methods for top level example group cops
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::TopLevelGroup
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#10
- def on_new_investigation; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#19
- def top_level_groups; end
- private
- # Dummy methods to be overridden in the consumer
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#27
- def on_top_level_example_group(_node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#29
- def on_top_level_group(_node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#48
- def root_node; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#31
- def top_level_group?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/top_level_group.rb#35
- def top_level_nodes(node); end
-# Checks for a specified error in checking raised errors.
-# Enforces one of an Exception type, a string, or a regular
-# expression to match against the exception message as a parameter
-# to `raise_error`
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect {
-# raise StandardError.new('error')
-# }.to raise_error
-# # good
-# expect {
-# raise StandardError.new('error')
-# }.to raise_error(StandardError)
-# expect {
-# raise StandardError.new('error')
-# }.to raise_error('error')
-# expect {
-# raise StandardError.new('error')
-# }.to raise_error(/err/)
-# expect { do_something }.not_to raise_error
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#33
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::UnspecifiedException < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#38
- def empty_raise_error_or_exception(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#47
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#59
- def block_with_args?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#55
- def empty_exception_matcher?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#34
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::UnspecifiedException::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/unspecified_exception.rb#35
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::UnspecifiedException::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Helps check offenses with variable definitions
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/variable.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/variable.rb#14
- def variable_definition?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/variable.rb#11
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable::Helpers = RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Helpers
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/mixin/variable.rb#10
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable::Subjects = RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Subjects
-# Checks that memoized helpers names are symbols or strings.
-# @example EnforcedStyle: symbols (default)
-# # bad
-# subject('user') { create_user }
-# let('user_name') { 'Adam' }
-# # good
-# subject(:user) { create_user }
-# let(:user_name) { 'Adam' }
-# @example EnforcedStyle: strings
-# # bad
-# subject(:user) { create_user }
-# let(:user_name) { 'Adam' }
-# # good
-# subject('user') { create_user }
-# let('user_name') { 'Adam' }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VariableDefinition < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#34
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#51
- def correct_variable(variable); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#67
- def string?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#62
- def style_violation?(variable); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#71
- def symbol?(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_definition.rb#32
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VariableDefinition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that memoized helper names use the configured style.
-# Variables can be excluded from checking using the `AllowedPatterns`
-# option.
-# @example EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)
-# # bad
-# subject(:userName1) { 'Adam' }
-# let(:userName2) { 'Adam' }
-# # good
-# subject(:user_name_1) { 'Adam' }
-# let(:user_name_2) { 'Adam' }
-# @example EnforcedStyle: camelCase
-# # bad
-# subject(:user_name_1) { 'Adam' }
-# let(:user_name_2) { 'Adam' }
-# # good
-# subject(:userName1) { 'Adam' }
-# let(:userName2) { 'Adam' }
-# @example AllowedPatterns configuration
-# # rubocop.yml
-# # RSpec/VariableName:
-# # EnforcedStyle: snake_case
-# # AllowedPatterns:
-# # - ^userFood
-# @example
-# # okay because it matches the `^userFood` regex in `AllowedPatterns`
-# subject(:userFood_1) { 'spaghetti' }
-# let(:userFood_2) { 'fettuccine' }
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_name.rb#41
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VariableName < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableFormatting
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableNaming
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Variable
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::InsideExampleGroup
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_name.rb#49
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_name.rb#62
- def message(style); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/variable_name.rb#47
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VariableName::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for consistent verified double reference style.
-# Only investigates references that are one of the supported styles.
-# This cop can be configured in your configuration using the
-# `EnforcedStyle` option and supports `--auto-gen-config`.
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: constant` (default)
-# # bad
-# let(:foo) do
-# instance_double('ClassName', method_name: 'returned_value')
-# end
-# # good
-# let(:foo) do
-# instance_double(ClassName, method_name: 'returned_value')
-# end
-# @example `EnforcedStyle: string`
-# # bad
-# let(:foo) do
-# instance_double(ClassName, method_name: 'returned_value')
-# end
-# # good
-# let(:foo) do
-# instance_double('ClassName', method_name: 'returned_value')
-# end
-# @example Reference is not in the supported style list. No enforcement
-# # good
-# let(:foo) do
-# instance_double(@klass, method_name: 'returned_value')
-# end
-# @see https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/docs/verifying-doubles
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#43
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubleReference < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#74
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#66
- def verified_double(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#101
- def correct_style(violation); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#92
- def opposing_style?(class_reference); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#47
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubleReference::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#60
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubleReference::REFERENCE_TYPE_STYLES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_double_reference.rb#49
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubleReference::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# Prefer using verifying doubles over normal doubles.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# let(:foo) do
-# double(method_name: 'returned value')
-# end
-# # bad
-# let(:foo) do
-# double("ClassName", method_name: 'returned value')
-# end
-# # good
-# let(:foo) do
-# instance_double("ClassName", method_name: 'returned value')
-# end
-# @see https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/docs/verifying-doubles
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubles < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#35
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#31
- def unverified_double(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#46
- def symbol?(name); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#27
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubles::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/verified_doubles.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VerifiedDoubles::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks void `expect()`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# expect(something)
-# # good
-# expect(something).to be(1)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#15
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VoidExpect < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#21
- def expect?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#26
- def expect_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#36
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#30
- def on_send(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#44
- def check_expect(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#50
- def void?(expect); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#16
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VoidExpect::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/void_expect.rb#18
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::VoidExpect::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for calling a block within a stub.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# allow(foo).to receive(:bar) { |&block| block.call(1) }
-# # good
-# expect(foo).to receive(:bar).and_yield(1)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#15
-class RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Yield < ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#25
- def block_arg(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#28
- def block_call?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#22
- def method_on_stub?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#30
- def on_block(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#46
- def autocorrect(corrector, node, range); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#61
- def block_range(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#53
- def calling_block?(node, block); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#73
- def convert_block_to_yield(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#65
- def generate_replacement(node); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/yield.rb#19
-RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Yield::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-module RuboCop::Cop::Style; end
-class RuboCop::Cop::Style::TrailingCommaInArguments < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # source://rubocop/1.49.0/lib/rubocop/cop/style/trailing_comma_in_arguments.rb#95
- def on_csend(node); end
- # source://rubocop/1.49.0/lib/rubocop/cop/style/trailing_comma_in_arguments.rb#95
- def on_send(node); end
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop-rspec.rb#61
- def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
- end
-# RuboCop RSpec project namespace
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec.rb#5
-module RuboCop::RSpec; end
-# Shared behavior for aligning braces for single line lets
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#6
-class RuboCop::RSpec::AlignLetBrace
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
- include ::RuboCop::PathUtil
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::Util
- # @return [AlignLetBrace] a new instance of AlignLetBrace
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#10
- def initialize(root, token); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#21
- def indent_for(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#15
- def offending_tokens; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#43
- def adjacent_let_chunks; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#35
- def let_group_for(let); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#27
- def let_token(node); end
- # Returns the value of attribute root.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#60
- def root; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#53
- def single_line_lets; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#31
- def target_column_for(let); end
- # Returns the value of attribute token.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/align_let_brace.rb#60
- def token; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec.rb#7
-RuboCop::RSpec::CONFIG_DEFAULT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# Wrapper for RSpec DSL methods
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#6
-class RuboCop::RSpec::Concept
- include ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- extend ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language::NodePattern
- # @return [Concept] a new instance of Concept
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#11
- def initialize(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#15
- def ==(other); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#15
- def eql?(other); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#21
- def hash; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#25
- def to_node; end
- protected
- # Returns the value of attribute node.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/concept.rb#31
- def node; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#5
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Corrector; end
-# Helper methods to move a node
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#7
-class RuboCop::RSpec::Corrector::MoveNode
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::FinalEndLocation
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::CommentsHelp
- # @return [MoveNode] a new instance of MoveNode
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#14
- def initialize(node, corrector, processed_source); end
- # Returns the value of attribute corrector.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#12
- def corrector; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#27
- def move_after(other); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#20
- def move_before(other); end
- # Returns the value of attribute original.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#12
- def original; end
- # Returns the value of attribute processed_source.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#12
- def processed_source; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#40
- def node_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#44
- def node_range_with_surrounding_space(node); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/corrector/move_node.rb#36
- def source(node); end
-# Wrapper for RSpec examples
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#6
-class RuboCop::RSpec::Example < ::RuboCop::RSpec::Concept
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#28
- def definition; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#16
- def doc_string; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#8
- def extract_doc_string(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#14
- def extract_implementation(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#11
- def extract_metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#24
- def implementation; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example.rb#20
- def metadata; end
-# Wrapper for RSpec example groups
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#6
-class RuboCop::RSpec::ExampleGroup < ::RuboCop::RSpec::Concept
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#28
- def examples; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#34
- def hooks; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#20
- def lets; end
- # Detect if the node is an example group or shared example
- #
- # Selectors which indicate that we should stop searching
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#13
- def scope_change?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#24
- def subjects; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#56
- def find_all(node, predicate); end
- # Recursively search for predicate within the current scope
- #
- # Searches node and halts when a scope change is detected
- #
- # @param node [RuboCop::AST::Node] node to recursively search
- # @param predicate [Symbol] method to call with node as argument
- # @return [Array] discovered nodes
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/example_group.rb#50
- def find_all_in_scope(node, predicate); end
-# RuboCop FactoryBot project namespace
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot/language.rb#5
-module RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot.rb#55
- def attribute_defining_methods; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot.rb#59
- def reserved_methods; end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot.rb#7
-RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::ATTRIBUTE_DEFINING_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot.rb#30
-RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::DEFINITION_PROXY_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Contains node matchers for common FactoryBot DSL.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot/language.rb#7
-module RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot/language.rb#31
- def factory_bot?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot/language.rb#10
-RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::Language::METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot.rb#43
-RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::RESERVED_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/factory_bot.rb#15
-RuboCop::RSpec::FactoryBot::UNPROXIED_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Wrapper for RSpec hook
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#6
-class RuboCop::RSpec::Hook < ::RuboCop::RSpec::Concept
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#24
- def example?; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#8
- def extract_metadata(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#18
- def knowable_scope?; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#38
- def metadata; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#14
- def name; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#28
- def scope; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#74
- def scope_argument; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#70
- def scope_name; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#51
- def transform_metadata(meta); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#66
- def transform_true(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/hook.rb#47
- def valid_scope?(node); end
-# Because RuboCop doesn't yet support plugins, we have to monkey patch in a
-# bit of our configuration.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/inject.rb#7
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Inject
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/inject.rb#8
- def defaults!; end
- end
-# Contains node matchers for common RSpec DSL.
-# RSpec allows for configuring aliases for commonly used DSL elements, e.g.
-# example groups and hooks. It is possible to configure RuboCop RSpec to
-# be able to properly detect these elements in the `RSpec/Language` section
-# of the RuboCop YAML configuration file.
-# In addition to providing useful matchers, this class is responsible for
-# using the configured aliases.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#5
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language
- extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- extend ::RuboCop::RSpec::Language::NodePattern
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#50
- def example?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#29
- def example_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#45
- def example_group_with_body?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#26
- def explicit_rspec?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#53
- def hook?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#69
- def include?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#61
- def let?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#23
- def rspec?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#34
- def shared_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#38
- def spec_group?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#77
- def subject?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # Returns the value of attribute config.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#19
- def config; end
- # Sets the attribute config
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute config to.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#19
- def config=(_arg0); end
- end
-# This is used in Dialect and DescribeClass cops to detect RSpec blocks.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#205
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::ALL
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#206
- def all(element); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#79
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::ExampleGroups
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#81
- def all(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#91
- def focused(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#87
- def regular(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#95
- def skipped(element); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#101
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Examples
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#103
- def all(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#114
- def focused(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#122
- def pending(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#110
- def regular(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#118
- def skipped(element); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#128
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Expectations
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#129
- def all(element); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#134
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Helpers
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#135
- def all(element); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#146
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::HookScopes
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#148
- def all(element); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#147
-RuboCop::RSpec::Language::HookScopes::ALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#140
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Hooks
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#141
- def all(element); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#153
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Includes
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#155
- def all(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#164
- def context(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#160
- def examples(element); end
- end
-# Helper methods to detect RSpec DSL used with send and block
-# @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
-# Use `'(block (send nil? #Example.all ...) ...)'` instead of
-# `block_pattern('#Example.all')`
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#10
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::NodePattern
- # @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#30
- def block_or_numblock_pattern(string); end
- # @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#18
- def block_pattern(string); end
- # @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#24
- def numblock_pattern(string); end
- # @deprecated Prefer using Node Pattern directly
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#12
- def send_pattern(string); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language/node_pattern.rb#37
- def deprecation_warning(method); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#170
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Runners
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#173
- def all(element = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#171
-RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Runners::ALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#181
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::SharedGroups
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#183
- def all(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#192
- def context(element); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#188
- def examples(element); end
- end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#198
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Language::Subjects
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/language.rb#199
- def all(element); end
- end
-# RuboCop RSpec specific extensions of RuboCop::AST::Node
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/node.rb#6
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Node
- # In various cops we want to regard const as literal although it's not
- # strictly literal.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/node.rb#9
- def recursive_literal_or_const?; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec.rb#6
-RuboCop::RSpec::PROJECT_ROOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# Version information for the RSpec RuboCop plugin.
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/version.rb#6
-module RuboCop::RSpec::Version; end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/version.rb#7
-RuboCop::RSpec::Version::STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# RSpec example wording rewriter
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#6
-class RuboCop::RSpec::Wording
- # @return [Wording] a new instance of Wording
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#12
- def initialize(text, ignore:, replace:); end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#18
- def rewrite; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#72
- def append_suffix(word, suffix); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#57
- def ignored_word?(word); end
- # Returns the value of attribute ignores.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#31
- def ignores; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#43
- def remove_should_and_pluralize; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#33
- def replace_prefix(pattern, replacement); end
- # Returns the value of attribute replacements.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#31
- def replacements; end
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#61
- def substitute(word); end
- # Returns the value of attribute text.
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#31
- def text; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#39
- def uppercase?(word); end
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#9
-RuboCop::RSpec::Wording::ES_SUFFIX_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#10
-RuboCop::RSpec::Wording::IES_SUFFIX_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#8
-RuboCop::RSpec::Wording::SHOULDNT_BE_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-rspec//lib/rubocop/rspec/wording.rb#7
-RuboCop::RSpec::Wording::SHOULDNT_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-sorbet@0.7.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-sorbet@0.7.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 63d013ee..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop-sorbet@0.7.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1043 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `rubocop-sorbet` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem rubocop-sorbet`.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/sorbet/version.rb#2
-module RuboCop; end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#6
-module RuboCop::Cop; end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#7
-module RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet; end
-# This cop disallows using `.override(allow_incompatible: true)`.
-# Using `allow_incompatible` suggests a violation of the Liskov
-# Substitution Principle, meaning that a subclass is not a valid
-# subtype of it's superclass. This Cop prevents these design smells
-# from occurring.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# sig.override(allow_incompatible: true)
-# # good
-# sig.override
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/allow_incompatible_override.rb#21
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::AllowIncompatibleOverride < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/allow_incompatible_override.rb#35
- def allow_incompatible?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/allow_incompatible_override.rb#39
- def allow_incompatible_override?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/allow_incompatible_override.rb#31
- def not_nil?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/allow_incompatible_override.rb#48
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/allow_incompatible_override.rb#22
- def sig?(param0); end
-# This cop disallows binding the return value of `T.any`, `T.all`, `T.enum`
-# to a constant directly. To bind the value, one must use `T.type_alias`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# FooOrBar = T.any(Foo, Bar)
-# # good
-# FooOrBar = T.type_alias { T.any(Foo, Bar) }
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#18
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::BindingConstantWithoutTypeAlias < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#116
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#19
- def binding_unaliased_type?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#51
- def dynamic_type_creation_with_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#66
- def generic_parameter_decl_block_call?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#60
- def generic_parameter_decl_call?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#72
- def method_needing_aliasing_on_t?(param0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#85
- def not_dynamic_type_creation_with_block?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#89
- def not_generic_parameter_decl?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#93
- def not_nil?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#81
- def not_t_let?(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#97
- def on_casgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#41
- def t_let?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#32
- def using_deprecated_type_alias_syntax?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/binding_constants_without_type_alias.rb#23
- def using_type_alias?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# This cop ensures that callback conditionals are bound to the right type
-# so that they are type checked properly.
-# Auto-correction is unsafe because other libraries define similar style callbacks as Rails, but don't always need
-# binding to the attached class. Auto-correcting those usages can lead to false positives and auto-correction
-# introduces new typing errors.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# class Post < ApplicationRecord
-# before_create :do_it, if: -> { should_do_it? }
-# def should_do_it?
-# true
-# end
-# end
-# # good
-# class Post < ApplicationRecord
-# before_create :do_it, if: -> {
-# T.bind(self, Post)
-# should_do_it?
-# }
-# def should_do_it?
-# true
-# end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/callback_conditionals_binding.rb#35
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::CallbackConditionalsBinding < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/callback_conditionals_binding.rb#47
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/callback_conditionals_binding.rb#99
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/callback_conditionals_binding.rb#36
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::CallbackConditionalsBinding::CALLBACKS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# This cop disallows the usage of `checked(true)`. This usage could cause
-# confusion; it could lead some people to believe that a method would be checked
-# even if runtime checks have not been enabled on the class or globally.
-# Additionally, in the event where checks are enabled, `checked(true)` would
-# be redundant; only `checked(false)` or `soft` would change the behaviour.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# sig { void.checked(true) }
-# # good
-# sig { void }
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/checked_true_in_signature.rb#22
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::CheckedTrueInSignature < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SignatureCop
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/checked_true_in_signature.rb#25
- def offending_node(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/checked_true_in_signature.rb#36
- def on_signature(node); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/checked_true_in_signature.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::CheckedTrueInSignature::MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop disallows the calls that are used to get constants fom Strings
-# such as +constantize+, +const_get+, and +constants+.
-# The goal of this cop is to make the code easier to statically analyze,
-# more IDE-friendly, and more predictable. It leads to code that clearly
-# expresses which values the constant can have.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# class_name.constantize
-# # bad
-# constants.detect { |c| c.name == "User" }
-# # bad
-# const_get(class_name)
-# # good
-# case class_name
-# when "User"
-# User
-# else
-# raise ArgumentError
-# end
-# # good
-# { "User" => User }.fetch(class_name)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/constants_from_strings.rb#36
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ConstantsFromStrings < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/constants_from_strings.rb#37
- def constant_from_string?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/constants_from_strings.rb#41
- def on_send(node); end
-# This cop checks for blank lines after signatures.
-# It also suggests an autocorrect
-# @example
-# # bad
-# sig { void }
-# def foo; end
-# # good
-# sig { void }
-# def foo; end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/empty_line_after_sig.rb#23
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EmptyLineAfterSig < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SignatureCop
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/empty_line_after_sig.rb#33
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/empty_line_after_sig.rb#26
- def on_signature(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/empty_line_after_sig.rb#48
- def next_method(node); end
-# This cop checks that the Sorbet sigil comes as the first magic comment in the file.
-# The expected order for magic comments is: (en)?coding, typed, warn_indent then frozen_string_literal.
-# For example, the following bad ordering:
-# ```ruby
-# class Foo; end
-# ```
-# Will be corrected as:
-# ```ruby
-# class Foo; end
-# ```
-# Only `(en)?coding`, `typed`, `warn_indent` and `frozen_string_literal` magic comments are considered,
-# other comments or magic comments are left in the same place.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#30
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EnforceSigilOrder < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ValidSigil
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#42
- def autocorrect(_node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#33
- def investigate(processed_source); end
- protected
- # checks
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#91
- def check_magic_comments_order(tokens); end
- # Get all the tokens in `processed_source` that match `MAGIC_REGEX`
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#83
- def extract_magic_comments(processed_source); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#67
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EnforceSigilOrder::CODING_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#69
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EnforceSigilOrder::FROZEN_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#68
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EnforceSigilOrder::INDENT_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#78
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EnforceSigilOrder::MAGIC_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_sigil_order.rb#71
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EnforceSigilOrder::PREFERRED_ORDER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# This cop checks that every method definition and attribute accessor has a Sorbet signature.
-# It also suggest an autocorrect with placeholders so the following code:
-# ```
-# def foo(a, b, c); end
-# ```
-# Will be corrected as:
-# ```
-# sig { params(a: T.untyped, b: T.untyped, c: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped)
-# def foo(a, b, c); end
-# ```
-# You can configure the placeholders used by changing the following options:
-# * `ParameterTypePlaceholder`: placeholders used for parameter types (default: 'T.untyped')
-# * `ReturnTypePlaceholder`: placeholders used for return types (default: 'T.untyped')
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#29
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EnforceSignatures < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SignatureCop
- # @return [EnforceSignatures] a new instance of EnforceSignatures
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#30
- def initialize(config = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#35
- def accessor?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#55
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#39
- def on_def(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#43
- def on_defs(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#47
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#51
- def on_signature(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#74
- def scope(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#82
- def check_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#93
- def param_type_placeholder; end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#97
- def return_type_placeholder; end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#101
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EnforceSignatures::SigSuggestion
- # @return [SigSuggestion] a new instance of SigSuggestion
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#104
- def initialize(indent, param_placeholder, return_placeholder); end
- # Returns the value of attribute params.
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#102
- def params; end
- # Sets the attribute params
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute params to.
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#102
- def params=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute returns.
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#102
- def returns; end
- # Sets the attribute returns
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute returns to.
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#102
- def returns=(_arg0); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#112
- def to_autocorrect; end
- private
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#124
- def generate_params; end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/enforce_signatures.rb#135
- def generate_return; end
-# This cop checks that there is only one Sorbet sigil in a given file
-# For example, the following class with two sigils
-# ```ruby
-# class Foo; end
-# ```
-# Will be corrected as:
-# ```ruby
-# class Foo; end
-# ```
-# Other comments or magic comments are left in place.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_single_sigil.rb#26
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::EnforceSingleSigil < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ValidSigil
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_single_sigil.rb#39
- def autocorrect(_node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_single_sigil.rb#29
- def investigate(processed_source); end
- protected
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/enforce_single_sigil.rb#55
- def extract_all_sigils(processed_source); end
-# This cop makes the Sorbet `false` sigil mandatory in all files.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/false_sigil.rb#10
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::FalseSigil < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::HasSigil
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/false_sigil.rb#11
- def minimum_strictness; end
-# This cop ensures RBI shims do not include a call to extend T::Sig
-# or to extend T::Helpers
-# @example
-# # bad
-# module SomeModule
-# extend T::Sig
-# extend T::Helpers
-# sig { returns(String) }
-# def foo; end
-# end
-# # good
-# module SomeModule
-# sig { returns(String) }
-# def foo; end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_extend_t_sig_helpers_in_shims.rb#25
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidExtendTSigHelpersInShims < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_extend_t_sig_helpers_in_shims.rb#39
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_extend_t_sig_helpers_in_shims.rb#35
- def extend_t_helpers?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_extend_t_sig_helpers_in_shims.rb#31
- def extend_t_sig?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_extend_t_sig_helpers_in_shims.rb#47
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_extend_t_sig_helpers_in_shims.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidExtendTSigHelpersInShims::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_extend_t_sig_helpers_in_shims.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidExtendTSigHelpersInShims::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_include_const_literal.rb#29
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidIncludeConstLiteral < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # @return [ForbidIncludeConstLiteral] a new instance of ForbidIncludeConstLiteral
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_include_const_literal.rb#40
- def initialize(*_arg0); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_include_const_literal.rb#56
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_include_const_literal.rb#34
- def not_lit_const_include?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_include_const_literal.rb#45
- def on_send(node); end
- # Returns the value of attribute used_names.
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_include_const_literal.rb#32
- def used_names; end
- # Sets the attribute used_names
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute used_names to.
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_include_const_literal.rb#32
- def used_names=(_arg0); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_include_const_literal.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidIncludeConstLiteral::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop makes sure that RBI files are always located under the defined allowed paths.
-# Options:
-# * `AllowedPaths`: A list of the paths where RBI files are allowed (default: ["rbi/**", "sorbet/rbi/**"])
-# @example
-# # bad
-# # lib/some_file.rbi
-# # other_file.rbi
-# # good
-# # rbi/external_interface.rbi
-# # sorbet/rbi/some_file.rbi
-# # sorbet/rbi/any/path/for/file.rbi
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_rbi_outside_of_allowed_paths.rb#23
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidRBIOutsideOfAllowedPaths < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_rbi_outside_of_allowed_paths.rb#26
- def investigate(processed_source); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/forbid_rbi_outside_of_allowed_paths.rb#58
- def allowed_paths; end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_superclass_const_literal.rb#27
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidSuperclassConstLiteral < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_superclass_const_literal.rb#30
- def not_lit_const_superclass?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_superclass_const_literal.rb#38
- def on_class(node); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_superclass_const_literal.rb#28
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidSuperclassConstLiteral::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop disallows using `T.unsafe` anywhere.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# T.unsafe(foo)
-# # good
-# foo
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_t_unsafe.rb#17
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidTUnsafe < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_t_unsafe.rb#20
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_t_unsafe.rb#18
- def t_unsafe?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# This cop disallows using `T.untyped` anywhere.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# sig { params(my_argument: T.untyped).void }
-# def foo(my_argument); end
-# # good
-# sig { params(my_argument: String).void }
-# def foo(my_argument); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_t_untyped.rb#20
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidTUntyped < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_t_untyped.rb#23
- def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_t_untyped.rb#21
- def t_untyped?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# This cop disallows use of `T.untyped` or `T.nilable(T.untyped)`
-# as a prop type for `T::Struct` or `T::ImmutableStruct`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# class SomeClass < T::Struct
-# const :foo, T.untyped
-# prop :bar, T.nilable(T.untyped)
-# end
-# # good
-# class SomeClass < T::Struct
-# const :foo, Integer
-# prop :bar, T.nilable(String)
-# end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_untyped_struct_props.rb#25
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidUntypedStructProps < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_untyped_struct_props.rb#52
- def on_class(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_untyped_struct_props.rb#44
- def subclass_of_t_struct?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_untyped_struct_props.rb#32
- def t_immutable_struct(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_untyped_struct_props.rb#40
- def t_nilable_untyped(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_untyped_struct_props.rb#28
- def t_struct(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_untyped_struct_props.rb#36
- def t_untyped(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_untyped_struct_props.rb#48
- def untyped_props(param0); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/forbid_untyped_struct_props.rb#26
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ForbidUntypedStructProps::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop makes the Sorbet typed sigil mandatory in all files.
-# Options:
-# * `SuggestedStrictness`: Sorbet strictness level suggested in offense messages (default: 'false')
-# * `MinimumStrictness`: If set, make offense if the strictness level in the file is below this one
-# If a `MinimumStrictness` level is specified, it will be used in offense messages and autocorrect.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/has_sigil.rb#17
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::HasSigil < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ValidSigil
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/has_sigil.rb#20
- def require_sigil_on_all_files?; end
-# This cop makes the Sorbet `ignore` sigil mandatory in all files.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/ignore_sigil.rb#10
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::IgnoreSigil < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::HasSigil
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/ignore_sigil.rb#11
- def minimum_strictness; end
-# This cop checks for the ordering of keyword arguments required by
-# sorbet-runtime. The ordering requires that all keyword arguments
-# are at the end of the parameters list, and all keyword arguments
-# with a default value must be after those without default values.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# sig { params(a: Integer, b: String).void }
-# def foo(a: 1, b:); end
-# # good
-# sig { params(b: String, a: Integer).void }
-# def foo(b:, a: 1); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/keyword_argument_ordering.rb#23
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::KeywordArgumentOrdering < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SignatureCop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/keyword_argument_ordering.rb#24
- def on_signature(node); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/keyword_argument_ordering.rb#34
- def check_order_for_kwoptargs(parameters); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/mutable_constant_sorbet_aware_behaviour.rb#8
-module RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::MutableConstantSorbetAwareBehaviour
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/mutable_constant_sorbet_aware_behaviour.rb#15
- def on_assignment(value); end
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/mutable_constant_sorbet_aware_behaviour.rb#9
- def prepended(base); end
- end
-# This cop ensures one ancestor per requires_ancestor line
-# rather than chaining them as a comma-separated list.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# module SomeModule
-# requires_ancestor Kernel, Minitest::Assertions
-# end
-# # good
-# module SomeModule
-# requires_ancestor Kernel
-# requires_ancestor Minitest::Assertions
-# end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#24
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::OneAncestorPerLine < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#35
- def abstract?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#51
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#31
- def more_than_one_ancestor(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#45
- def on_class(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#39
- def on_module(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#27
- def requires_ancestors(param0); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#67
- def new_ra_line(indent_count); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#61
- def process_node(node); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/one_ancestor_per_line.rb#25
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::OneAncestorPerLine::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Forbids the use of redundant `extend T::Sig`. Only for use in
-# applications that monkey patch `Module.include(T::Sig)` globally,
-# which would make it redundant.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# class Example
-# extend T::Sig
-# sig { void }
-# def no_op; end
-# end
-# # good
-# class Example
-# sig { void }
-# def no_op; end
-# end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/redundant_extend_t_sig.rb#28
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::RedundantExtendTSig < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/redundant_extend_t_sig.rb#42
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/redundant_extend_t_sig.rb#32
- def extend_t_sig?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/redundant_extend_t_sig.rb#36
- def on_send(node); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/redundant_extend_t_sig.rb#29
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::RedundantExtendTSig::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/redundant_extend_t_sig.rb#30
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::RedundantExtendTSig::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_build_order.rb#15
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SignatureBuildOrder < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SignatureCop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_build_order.rb#54
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_build_order.rb#34
- def on_signature(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_build_order.rb#30
- def root_call(param0); end
- private
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_build_order.rb#96
- def call_chain(sig_child_node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_build_order.rb#92
- def can_autocorrect?; end
- # This method exists to reparse the current node with modern features enabled.
- # Modern features include "index send" emitting, which is necessary to unparse
- # "index sends" (i.e. `[]` calls) back to index accessors (i.e. as `foo[bar]``).
- # Otherwise, we would get the unparsed node as `foo.[](bar)`.
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_build_order.rb#83
- def node_reparsed_with_modern_features(node); end
-# Create a subclass of AST Builder that has modern features turned on
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_build_order.rb#72
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SignatureBuildOrder::ModernBuilder < ::RuboCop::AST::Builder; end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_build_order.rb#16
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SignatureBuildOrder::ORDER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# Abstract cop specific to Sorbet signatures
-# You can subclass it to use the `on_signature` trigger and the `signature?` node matcher.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_cop.rb#11
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SignatureCop < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_cop.rb#30
- def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_cop.rb#34
- def on_signature(_); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_cop.rb#14
- def signature?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_cop.rb#22
- def with_runtime?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/signatures/signature_cop.rb#26
- def without_runtime?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# This cop ensures empty class/module definitions in RBI files are
-# done on a single line rather than being split across multiple lines.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# module SomeModule
-# end
-# # good
-# module SomeModule; end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/single_line_rbi_class_module_definitions.rb#17
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SingleLineRbiClassModuleDefinitions < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/single_line_rbi_class_module_definitions.rb#28
- def autocorrect(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/single_line_rbi_class_module_definitions.rb#24
- def on_class(node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/single_line_rbi_class_module_definitions.rb#20
- def on_module(node); end
- protected
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/single_line_rbi_class_module_definitions.rb#34
- def convert_newlines(source); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/single_line_rbi_class_module_definitions.rb#38
- def process_node(node); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/rbi/single_line_rbi_class_module_definitions.rb#18
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::SingleLineRbiClassModuleDefinitions::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop makes the Sorbet `strict` sigil mandatory in all files.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/strict_sigil.rb#10
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::StrictSigil < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::HasSigil
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/strict_sigil.rb#11
- def minimum_strictness; end
-# This cop makes the Sorbet `strong` sigil mandatory in all files.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/strong_sigil.rb#10
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::StrongSigil < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::HasSigil
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/strong_sigil.rb#11
- def minimum_strictness; end
-# This cop makes the Sorbet `true` sigil mandatory in all files.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/true_sigil.rb#10
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::TrueSigil < ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::HasSigil
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/true_sigil.rb#11
- def minimum_strictness; end
-# This cop ensures all constants used as `T.type_alias` are using CamelCase.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# FOO_OR_BAR = T.type_alias { T.any(Foo, Bar) }
-# # good
-# FooOrBar = T.type_alias { T.any(Foo, Bar) }
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/type_alias_name.rb#17
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::TypeAliasName < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/type_alias_name.rb#20
- def casgn_type_alias?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/type_alias_name.rb#32
- def on_casgn(node); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/type_alias_name.rb#18
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::TypeAliasName::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop checks that every Ruby file contains a valid Sorbet sigil.
-# Adapted from: https://gist.github.com/clarkdave/85aca4e16f33fd52aceb6a0a29936e52
-# Options:
-# * `RequireSigilOnAllFiles`: make offense if the Sorbet typed is not found in the file (default: false)
-# * `SuggestedStrictness`: Sorbet strictness level suggested in offense messages (default: 'false')
-# * `MinimumStrictness`: If set, make offense if the strictness level in the file is below this one
-# If a `MinimumStrictness` level is specified, it will be used in offense messages and autocorrect.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#18
-class RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ValidSigil < ::RuboCop::Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#33
- def autocorrect(_node); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#21
- def investigate(processed_source); end
- protected
- # checks
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#68
- def check_sigil_present(sigil); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#125
- def check_strictness_level(sigil, strictness); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#103
- def check_strictness_not_empty(sigil, strictness); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#114
- def check_strictness_valid(sigil, strictness); end
- # extraction
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#56
- def extract_sigil(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#62
- def extract_strictness(sigil); end
- # Default is `nil`
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#155
- def minimum_strictness; end
- # Default is `false`
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#144
- def require_sigil_on_all_files?; end
- # Default is `'false'`
- #
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#149
- def suggested_strictness; end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#84
- def suggested_strictness_level(minimum_strictness, suggested_strictness); end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#52
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ValidSigil::SIGIL_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/sigils/valid_sigil.rb#51
-RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::ValidSigil::STRICTNESS_LEVELS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-module RuboCop::Cop::Style; end
-class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MutableConstant < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::Sorbet::MutableConstantSorbetAwareBehaviour
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/sorbet/version.rb#3
-module RuboCop::Sorbet; end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/sorbet.rb#11
-RuboCop::Sorbet::CONFIG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/sorbet.rb#10
-RuboCop::Sorbet::CONFIG_DEFAULT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/sorbet.rb#7
-class RuboCop::Sorbet::Error < ::StandardError; end
-# Because RuboCop doesn't yet support plugins, we have to monkey patch in a
-# bit of our configuration.
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/sorbet/inject.rb#9
-module RuboCop::Sorbet::Inject
- class << self
- # source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/sorbet/inject.rb#10
- def defaults!; end
- end
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/sorbet.rb#9
-RuboCop::Sorbet::PROJECT_ROOT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# source://rubocop-sorbet//lib/rubocop/sorbet/version.rb#4
-RuboCop::Sorbet::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.49.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.60.2.rbi
similarity index 91%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.49.0.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.60.2.rbi
index c4dc58ae..66ca14b8 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.49.0.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/rubocop@1.60.2.rbi
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ class Regexp::Expression::CharacterSet < ::Regexp::Expression::Subexpression
include ::RuboCop::Ext::RegexpParser::Expression::CharacterSet
+class Regexp::Expression::Quantifier
+ include ::RuboCop::Ext::RegexpParser::Expression::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#3
module RuboCop; end
@@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ class RuboCop::CLI
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli.rb#152
def act_on_options; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli.rb#186
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli.rb#189
def apply_default_formatter; end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli.rb#121
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ class RuboCop::CLI
# @raise [Finished]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli.rb#177
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli.rb#178
def handle_exiting_options; end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli.rb#140
@@ -162,77 +166,77 @@ end
class RuboCop::CLI::Command::AutoGenerateConfig < ::RuboCop::CLI::Command::Base
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#21
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#22
def run; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#97
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#98
def add_formatter; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#105
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#106
def add_inheritance_from_auto_generated_file(config_file); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#102
def execute_runner; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#126
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#127
def existing_configuration(config_file); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#59
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#60
def line_length_cop(config); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#47
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#48
def line_length_enabled?(config); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#55
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#56
def max_line_length(config); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#30
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#31
def maybe_run_line_length_cop; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#148
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#153
def options_config_in_root?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#63
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#64
def options_has_only_flag?; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#139
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#144
def relative_path_to_todo_from_options_config; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#91
def reset_config_and_auto_gen_file; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#82
def run_all_cops(line_length_contents); end
# Do an initial run with only Layout/LineLength so that cops that
@@ -241,23 +245,23 @@ class RuboCop::CLI::Command::AutoGenerateConfig < ::RuboCop::CLI::Command::Base
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#71
def run_line_length_cop; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#51
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#52
def same_max_line_length?(config1, config2); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#42
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#43
def skip_line_length_cop(reason); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#132
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#133
def write_config_file(file_name, file_string, rubocop_yml_contents); end
@@ -268,29 +272,34 @@ RuboCop::CLI::Command::AutoGenerateConfig::AUTO_GENERATED_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#14
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#15
RuboCop::CLI::Command::AutoGenerateConfig::PHASE_1 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#18
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#19
RuboCop::CLI::Command::AutoGenerateConfig::PHASE_1_DISABLED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#17
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#18
RuboCop::CLI::Command::AutoGenerateConfig::PHASE_1_OVERRIDDEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#19
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#20
RuboCop::CLI::Command::AutoGenerateConfig::PHASE_1_SKIPPED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#15
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#16
RuboCop::CLI::Command::AutoGenerateConfig::PHASE_2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#13
+RuboCop::CLI::Command::AutoGenerateConfig::PLACEHOLDER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/auto_generate_config.rb#12
@@ -412,6 +421,18 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/init_dotfile.rb#9
RuboCop::CLI::Command::InitDotfile::DOTFILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Start Language Server Protocol of RuboCop.
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/lsp.rb#10
+class RuboCop::CLI::Command::Lsp < ::RuboCop::CLI::Command::Base
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/lsp.rb#13
+ def run; end
# Shows the given cops, or all cops by default, and their configurations
# for the current directory.
@@ -506,7 +527,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/suggest_extensions.rb#11
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cli/command/suggest_extensions.rb#12
class RuboCop::CLI::Command::SuggestExtensions < ::RuboCop::CLI::Command::Base
# @api private
@@ -736,7 +757,7 @@ class RuboCop::CommentConfig
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/comment_config.rb#63
def comment_only_line?(line_number); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def config(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/comment_config.rb#51
@@ -760,7 +781,7 @@ class RuboCop::CommentConfig
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/comment_config.rb#30
def processed_source; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def registry(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
@@ -925,7 +946,7 @@ end
# during a run of the rubocop program, if files in several
# directories are inspected.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#14
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#12
class RuboCop::Config
include ::RuboCop::PathUtil
include ::RuboCop::FileFinder
@@ -933,26 +954,26 @@ class RuboCop::Config
# @return [Config] a new instance of Config
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#32
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#30
def initialize(hash = T.unsafe(nil), loaded_path = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def [](*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def []=(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#172
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#170
def active_support_extensions_enabled?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#96
def add_excludes_from_higher_level(highest_config); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#195
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#193
def allowed_camel_case_file?(file); end
# Paths specified in configuration files starting with .rubocop are
@@ -961,67 +982,67 @@ class RuboCop::Config
# config/default.yml, for example, are not relative to RuboCop's config
# directory since that wouldn't work.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#239
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#237
def base_dir_for_path_parameters; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#264
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#262
def bundler_lock_file_path; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#51
def check; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean] whether config for this badge has 'Include' or 'Exclude' keys
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#144
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#142
def clusivity_config_for_badge?(badge); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def delete(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#110
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#108
def deprecation_check; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def dig(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#164
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#162
def disabled_new_cops?; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def each(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def each_key(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#166
def enabled_new_cops?; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def fetch(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#217
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#215
def file_to_exclude?(file); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#174
def file_to_include?(file); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#160
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#158
def for_all_cops; end
# Note: the 'Enabled' attribute is same as that returned by `for_cop`
# @return [Config] for the given cop merged with that of its department (if any)
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#128
def for_badge(badge); end
# Note: the 'Enabled' attribute is calculated according to the department's
@@ -1029,7 +1050,7 @@ class RuboCop::Config
# @return [Config] for the given cop / cop name.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#122
def for_cop(cop); end
# Note: the 'Enabled' attribute will be present only if specified
@@ -1037,49 +1058,52 @@ class RuboCop::Config
# @return [Config] for the given department name.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#155
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#153
def for_department(department_name); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#285
+ def inspect; end
# True if this is a config file that is shipped with RuboCop
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#76
def internal?; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def key?(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def keys(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#49
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#47
def loaded_features; end
# Returns the value of attribute loaded_path.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#22
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#20
def loaded_path; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#81
def make_excludes_absolute; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def map(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def merge(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#230
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#228
def path_relative_to_config(path); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#226
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#224
def patterns_to_exclude; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#222
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#220
def patterns_to_include; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#275
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#273
def pending_cops; end
# Returns true if there's a chance that an Include pattern matches hidden
@@ -1087,65 +1111,65 @@ class RuboCop::Config
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#209
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#207
def possibly_include_hidden?; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def replace(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#71
def signature; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#260
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#258
def smart_loaded_path; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#249
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#247
def target_rails_version; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def target_ruby_version(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def to_h(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def to_hash(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#69
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#67
def to_s; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def transform_values(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def validate(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#60
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#58
def validate_after_resolution; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#318
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#320
def department_of(qualified_cop_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#306
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#308
def enable_cop?(qualified_cop_name, cop_options); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#293
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#295
def read_rails_version_from_bundler_lock_file; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#289
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#291
def target_rails_version_from_bundler_lock_file; end
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#24
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#22
def create(hash, path, check: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#19
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#17
class RuboCop::Config::CopConfig < ::Struct
# Returns the value of attribute metadata
@@ -1178,7 +1202,7 @@ class RuboCop::Config::CopConfig < ::Struct
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#21
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config.rb#19
RuboCop::Config::DEFAULT_RAILS_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Float)
# This class has methods related to finding configuration path.
@@ -1263,12 +1287,12 @@ RuboCop::ConfigFinder::XDG_CONFIG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# during a run of the rubocop program, if files in several
# directories are inspected.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#18
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#17
class RuboCop::ConfigLoader
extend ::RuboCop::FileFinder
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#137
def add_excludes_from_files(config, config_file); end
# Used to add features that were required inside a config or from
@@ -1276,13 +1300,13 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoader
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#199
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#198
def add_loaded_features(loaded_features); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#80
def add_missing_namespaces(path, hash); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#34
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#41
def clear_options; end
# Returns the path of .rubocop.yml searching upwards in the
@@ -1291,128 +1315,128 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoader
# user's home directory is checked. If there's no .rubocop.yml
# there either, the path to the default file is returned.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#97
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#104
def configuration_file_for(target_dir); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#108
def configuration_from_file(config_file, check: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute debug.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def debug; end
# Sets the attribute debug
# @param value the value to set the attribute debug to.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def debug=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute debug.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def debug?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#140
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#147
def default_configuration; end
# Sets the attribute default_configuration
# @param value the value to set the attribute default_configuration to.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#28
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#35
def default_configuration=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute disable_pending_cops.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def disable_pending_cops; end
# Sets the attribute disable_pending_cops
# @param value the value to set the attribute disable_pending_cops to.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def disable_pending_cops=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute enable_pending_cops.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def enable_pending_cops; end
# Sets the attribute enable_pending_cops
# @param value the value to set the attribute enable_pending_cops to.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def enable_pending_cops=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute ignore_parent_exclusion.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def ignore_parent_exclusion; end
# Sets the attribute ignore_parent_exclusion
# @param value the value to set the attribute ignore_parent_exclusion to.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def ignore_parent_exclusion=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute ignore_parent_exclusion.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def ignore_parent_exclusion?; end
# Returns the value of attribute ignore_unrecognized_cops.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def ignore_unrecognized_cops; end
# Sets the attribute ignore_unrecognized_cops
# @param value the value to set the attribute ignore_unrecognized_cops to.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#33
def ignore_unrecognized_cops=(_arg0); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#148
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#155
def inject_defaults!(project_root); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#40
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#47
def load_file(file, check: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @raise [TypeError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#60
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#67
def load_yaml_configuration(absolute_path); end
# Returns the value of attribute loaded_features.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#29
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#36
def loaded_features; end
# Return a recursive merge of two hashes. That is, a normal hash merge,
# with the addition that any value that is a hash, and occurs in both
# arguments, will also be merged. And so on.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#95
def merge(base_hash, derived_hash); end
# Merges the given configuration with the default one.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#192
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#191
def merge_with_default(config, config_file, unset_nil: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#121
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#128
def pending_cops_only_qualified(pending_cops); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#132
def possible_new_cops?(config); end
# Returns the path RuboCop inferred as the root of the project. No file
@@ -1420,48 +1444,48 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoader
# @deprecated Use `RuboCop::ConfigFinder.project_root` instead.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#166
def project_root; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#175
def warn_on_pending_cops(pending_cops); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#184
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#183
def warn_pending_cop(cop); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#213
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#212
def check_duplication(yaml_code, absolute_path); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#205
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#204
def file_path(file); end
# Read the specified file, or exit with a friendly, concise message on
# stderr. Care is taken to use the standard OS exit code for a "file not
# found" error.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#233
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#232
def read_file(absolute_path); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#209
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#208
def resolver; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#239
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#238
def yaml_safe_load(yaml_code, filename); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#249
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#248
def yaml_safe_load!(yaml_code, filename); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#21
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#20
RuboCop::ConfigLoader::DEFAULT_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#19
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#18
RuboCop::ConfigLoader::DOTFILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#20
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#19
RuboCop::ConfigLoader::RUBOCOP_HOME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# A help class for ConfigLoader that handles configuration resolution.
@@ -1478,7 +1502,7 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoaderResolver
# @api private
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#45
- def fix_include_paths(base_config_path, hash, key, value); end
+ def fix_include_paths(base_config_path, hash, path, key, value); end
# Return a recursive merge of two hashes. That is, a normal hash merge,
# with the addition that any value that is a hash, and occurs in both
@@ -1487,7 +1511,7 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoaderResolver
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#99
def merge(base_hash, derived_hash, **opts); end
# Merges the given configuration with the default one. If
@@ -1498,7 +1522,7 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoaderResolver
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#74
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#75
def merge_with_default(config, config_file, unset_nil:); end
# An `Enabled: true` setting in user configuration for a cop overrides an
@@ -1506,7 +1530,7 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoaderResolver
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#118
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#119
def override_department_setting_for_cops(base_hash, derived_hash); end
# If a cop was previously explicitly enabled, but then superseded by the
@@ -1514,7 +1538,7 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoaderResolver
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#135
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#136
def override_enabled_for_disabled_departments(base_hash, derived_hash); end
# @api private
@@ -1524,7 +1548,7 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoaderResolver
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#55
def resolve_inheritance_from_gems(hash); end
# @api private
@@ -1536,85 +1560,85 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigLoaderResolver
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#207
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#208
def base_configs(path, inherit_from, file); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#175
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#176
def determine_inherit_mode(hash, key); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#151
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#152
def disabled?(hash, department); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#155
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#156
def duplicate_setting?(base_hash, derived_hash, key, inherited_file); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#267
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#268
def gem_config_path(gem_name, relative_config_path); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#245
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#246
def handle_disabled_by_default(config, new_default_configuration); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#219
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#220
def inherited_file(path, inherit_from, file); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#203
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#204
def merge_hashes?(base_hash, derived_hash, key); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#240
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#241
def remote_file?(uri); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#195
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#196
def should_merge?(mode, key); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#199
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#200
def should_override?(mode, key); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#181
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#182
def should_union?(derived_hash, base_hash, root_mode, key); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#263
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#264
def transform(config, &block); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#164
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb#165
def warn_on_duplicate_setting(base_hash, derived_hash, key, **opts); end
# Raised when a RuboCop configuration file is not found.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#10
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_loader.rb#9
class RuboCop::ConfigNotFoundError < ::RuboCop::Error; end
# This class handles obsolete configuration.
@@ -1626,23 +1650,23 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion
# @api private
# @return [ConfigObsoletion] a new instance of ConfigObsoletion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#35
def initialize(config); end
# @api private
# @raise [ValidationError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#41
def reject_obsolete!; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#19
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#21
def rules; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#19
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#21
def warnings; end
@@ -1651,7 +1675,7 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#69
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#72
def load_cop_rules(rules); end
# Parameter rules may apply to multiple cops and multiple parameters
@@ -1660,7 +1684,7 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#85
def load_parameter_rules(rules); end
# Default rules for obsoletions are in config/obsoletion.yml
@@ -1668,28 +1692,28 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#50
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#52
def load_rules; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#98
def obsoletions; end
class << self
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#22
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#24
def files; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#22
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#24
def files=(_arg0); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#24
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#26
def legacy_cop_names; end
@@ -1842,6 +1866,11 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion::ExtractedCop < ::RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion::Cop
def feature_loaded?; end
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#18
+RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion::LOAD_RULES_CACHE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# @api private
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb#14
@@ -1896,22 +1925,28 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion::ParameterRule < ::RuboCop::ConfigObsoletion::Ru
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion/parameter_rule.rb#31
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion/parameter_rule.rb#39
def alternative; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion/parameter_rule.rb#35
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion/parameter_rule.rb#43
def alternatives; end
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion/parameter_rule.rb#31
+ def applies_to_current_ruby_version?; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion/parameter_rule.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion/parameter_rule.rb#47
def reason; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion/parameter_rule.rb#43
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion/parameter_rule.rb#51
def severity; end
@@ -2172,25 +2207,25 @@ end
# Handles validation of configuration, for example cop names, parameter
# names, and Ruby versions.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#8
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#6
class RuboCop::ConfigValidator
extend ::Forwardable
# @return [ConfigValidator] a new instance of ConfigValidator
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#27
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#25
def initialize(config); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def for_all_cops(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def smart_loaded_path(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#63
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#61
def target_ruby_version; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#31
def validate; end
# Validations that should only be run after all config resolving has
@@ -2199,100 +2234,100 @@ class RuboCop::ConfigValidator
# chain has been loaded so that only the final value is validated, and
# any obsolete but overridden values are ignored.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#59
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#57
def validate_after_resolution; end
# @raise [ValidationError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#67
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#65
def validate_section_presence(name); end
# @raise [ValidationError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#104
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#102
def alert_about_unrecognized_cops(invalid_cop_names); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#253
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#251
def check_cop_config_value(hash, parent = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#77
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#75
def check_obsoletions; end
# @raise [ValidationError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#82
def check_target_ruby; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#195
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#193
def each_invalid_parameter(cop_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#120
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#118
def list_unknown_cops(invalid_cop_names); end
# FIXME: Handling colors in exception messages like this is ugly.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#266
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#264
def msg_not_boolean(parent, key, value); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#242
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#240
def reject_conflicting_safe_settings; end
# @raise [ValidationError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#233
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#231
def reject_mutually_exclusive_defaults; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#142
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#140
def suggestion(name); end
# Returns the value of attribute target_ruby.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#73
def target_ruby; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#207
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#205
def validate_enforced_styles(valid_cop_names); end
# @raise [ValidationError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#169
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#167
def validate_new_cops_parameter; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#180
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#178
def validate_parameter_names(valid_cop_names); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#227
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#225
def validate_support_and_has_list(name, formats, valid); end
# @raise [ValidationError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#158
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#156
def validate_syntax_cop; end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#12
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#10
RuboCop::ConfigValidator::COMMON_PARAMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#22
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#20
RuboCop::ConfigValidator::CONFIG_CHECK_DEPARTMENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#21
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#19
RuboCop::ConfigValidator::CONFIG_CHECK_KEYS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#14
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#12
RuboCop::ConfigValidator::INTERNAL_PARAMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#18
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/config_validator.rb#16
RuboCop::ConfigValidator::NEW_COPS_VALUES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/util.rb#4
@@ -2508,6 +2543,22 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
def matches_ignored_pattern?(line); end
+# This module encapsulates the ability to allow certain receivers in a cop.
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/allowed_receivers.rb#6
+module RuboCop::Cop::AllowedReceivers
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/allowed_receivers.rb#7
+ def allowed_receiver?(receiver); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/allowed_receivers.rb#29
+ def allowed_receivers; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/allowed_receivers.rb#13
+ def receiver_name(receiver); end
# Error raised when an unqualified cop name is used that could
# refer to two or more cops under different departments
@@ -2700,25 +2751,25 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::AutocorrectLogic
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#46
def disable_offense(offense_range); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#113
def disable_offense_at_end_of_line(range, eol_comment); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#115
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#117
def disable_offense_before_and_after(range_by_lines); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#56
def disable_offense_with_eol_or_surround_comment(range); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#107
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#109
def max_line_length; end
# Expand the given range to include all of any lines it covers. Does not
# include newline at end of the last line.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#97
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#99
def range_by_lines(range); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#90
def range_of_first_line(range); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/autocorrect_logic.rb#67
@@ -2914,6 +2965,9 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#205
def external_dependency_checksum; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#308
+ def inspect; end
# Gets called if no message is specified when calling `add_offense` or
# `add_global_offense`
# Cops are discouraged to override this; instead pass your message directly
@@ -2977,83 +3031,91 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#432
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#436
def annotate(message); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#316
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#320
def apply_correction(corrector); end
# @return [Symbol] offense status
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#396
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#400
def attempt_correction(range, corrector); end
# Reserved for Cop::Cop
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#312
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#316
def callback_argument(range); end
# Called to complete an investigation
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#345
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#349
def complete_investigation; end
# @return [Symbol, Corrector] offense status
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#370
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#374
def correct(range); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#330
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#334
def current_corrector; end
# Reserved for Commissioner:
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#322
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#326
def current_offense_locations; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#334
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#338
def current_offenses; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#326
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#330
def currently_disabled_lines; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#460
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#464
def custom_severity; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#456
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#460
def default_severity; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#410
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#414
def disable_uncorrectable(range); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#446
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#450
def enabled_line?(line_number); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#438
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#442
def file_name_matches_any?(file, parameter, default_result); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#428
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#432
def find_message(range, message); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#452
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#456
def find_severity(_range, severity); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#473
+ # This experimental feature has been under consideration for a while.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#487
+ def lsp_mode?; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#477
def range_for_original(range); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#417
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#421
def range_from_node_or_range(node_or_range); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#365
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#369
def reset_investigation; end
# @return [Symbol] offense status
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#385
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#389
def use_corrector(range, corrector); end
class << self
@@ -3061,7 +3123,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Base
# time as this cop
# @api public
- # @return [Array]
+ # @return [Array]
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#59
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
@@ -3143,15 +3205,15 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#356
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#360
def builtin?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#338
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#342
def restrict_on_send; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#342
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/base.rb#346
RuboCop::Cop::Base::EMPTY_OFFENSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Reports of an investigation.
@@ -3254,38 +3316,121 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Bundler; end
# gem 'rubocop', '~> 0.90.0'
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#38
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#39
class RuboCop::Cop::Bundler::DuplicatedGem < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#57
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#58
def gem_declarations(param0); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#44
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#45
def on_new_investigation; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#66
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#67
def conditional_declaration?(nodes); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#59
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#60
def duplicated_gem_nodes; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#80
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#81
def register_offense(node, gem_name, line_of_first_occurrence); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#74
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#75
def within_conditional?(node, conditional_node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#41
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_gem.rb#42
RuboCop::Cop::Bundler::DuplicatedGem::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# A Gem group, or a set of groups, should be listed only once in a Gemfile.
+# For example, if the values of `source`, `git`, `platforms`, or `path`
+# surrounding `group` are different, no offense will be registered:
+# [source,ruby]
+# -----
+# platforms :ruby do
+# group :default do
+# gem 'openssl'
+# end
+# end
+# platforms :jruby do
+# group :default do
+# gem 'jruby-openssl'
+# end
+# end
+# -----
+# @example
+# # bad
+# group :development do
+# gem 'rubocop'
+# end
+# group :development do
+# gem 'rubocop-rails'
+# end
+# # bad (same set of groups declared twice)
+# group :development, :test do
+# gem 'rubocop'
+# end
+# group :test, :development do
+# gem 'rspec'
+# end
+# # good
+# group :development do
+# gem 'rubocop'
+# end
+# group :development, :test do
+# gem 'rspec'
+# end
+# # good
+# gem 'rubocop', groups: [:development, :test]
+# gem 'rspec', groups: [:development, :test]
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_group.rb#58
+class RuboCop::Cop::Bundler::DuplicatedGroup < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_group.rb#66
+ def group_declarations(param0); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_group.rb#68
+ def on_new_investigation; end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_group.rb#82
+ def duplicated_group_nodes; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_group.rb#105
+ def find_source_key(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_group.rb#115
+ def group_attributes(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_group.rb#94
+ def register_offense(node, group_name, line_of_first_occurrence); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_group.rb#61
+RuboCop::Cop::Bundler::DuplicatedGroup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/duplicated_group.rb#63
+RuboCop::Cop::Bundler::DuplicatedGroup::SOURCE_BLOCK_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Each gem in the Gemfile should have a comment explaining
# its purpose in the project, or the reason for its version
# or source.
@@ -3724,31 +3869,37 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Bundler::InsecureProtocolSource::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe
# gem 'rubocop'
# gem 'rspec'
-# # good only if TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators is true
+# @example TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators: true (default)
+# # good
+# # For code quality
+# gem 'rubocop'
+# # For tests
+# gem 'rspec'
+# @example TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators: false
+# # bad
# # For code quality
# gem 'rubocop'
# # For tests
# gem 'rspec'
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#27
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#35
class RuboCop::Cop::Bundler::OrderedGems < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::OrderedGemNode
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#56
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#64
def gem_declarations(param0); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#35
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#43
def on_new_investigation; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#49
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#57
def previous_declaration(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#31
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/bundler/ordered_gems.rb#39
RuboCop::Cop::Bundler::OrderedGems::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Common functionality for checking assignment nodes.
@@ -4608,7 +4759,7 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableFormatting
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/configurable_formatting.rb#29
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/configurable_formatting.rb#30
def class_emitter_method?(node, name); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/configurable_formatting.rb#17
@@ -4616,7 +4767,7 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableFormatting
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/configurable_formatting.rb#23
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/configurable_formatting.rb#24
def valid_name?(node, name, given_style = T.unsafe(nil)); end
@@ -4856,7 +5007,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Corrector < ::Parser::Source::TreeRewriter
# Legacy
- # source://parser/
+ # source://parser/
def rewrite; end
# Swaps sources at the given ranges.
@@ -5523,7 +5674,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Gemspec::DependencyVersion::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/dependency_version.rb#59
RuboCop::Cop::Gemspec::DependencyVersion::VERSION_SPECIFICATION_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# Checks that deprecated attribute attributes are not set in a gemspec file.
+# Checks that deprecated attributes are not set in a gemspec file.
# Removing deprecated attributes allows the user to receive smaller packed gems.
# @example
@@ -5766,34 +5917,40 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Gemspec::DuplicatedAssignment::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# spec.add_runtime_dependency 'rubocop'
# spec.add_runtime_dependency 'rspec'
-# # good only if TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators is true
+# @example TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators: true (default)
+# # good
+# # For code quality
+# spec.add_dependency 'rubocop'
+# # For tests
+# spec.add_dependency 'rspec'
+# @example TreatCommentsAsGroupSeparators: false
+# # bad
# # For code quality
# spec.add_dependency 'rubocop'
# # For tests
# spec.add_dependency 'rspec'
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#53
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#61
class RuboCop::Cop::Gemspec::OrderedDependencies < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::OrderedGemNode
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#95
def dependency_declarations(param0); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#69
def on_new_investigation; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#90
def get_dependency_name(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#84
def previous_declaration(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#57
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/gemspec/ordered_dependencies.rb#65
RuboCop::Cop::Gemspec::OrderedDependencies::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Requires a gemspec to have `rubygems_mfa_required` metadata set.
@@ -6384,61 +6541,61 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::HashShorthandSyntax
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#122
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#125
def brackets?(method_dispatch_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#152
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#155
def breakdown_value_types_of_hash(hash_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#99
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#102
def def_node_that_require_parentheses(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#179
def each_omittable_value_pair(hash_value_type_breakdown, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#172
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#175
def each_omitted_value_pair(hash_value_type_breakdown, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#77
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#80
def enforced_shorthand_syntax; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#114
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#117
def find_ancestor_method_dispatch_node(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#164
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#167
def hash_with_mixed_shorthand_syntax?(hash_value_type_breakdown); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#171
def hash_with_values_that_cant_be_omitted?(hash_value_type_breakdown); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#74
def ignore_hash_shorthand_syntax?(pair_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#66
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#69
def ignore_mixed_hash_shorthand_syntax?(hash_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#137
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#140
def last_expression?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#145
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#148
def method_dispatch_as_argument?(method_dispatch_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#180
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#183
def mixed_shorthand_syntax_check(hash_value_type_breakdown); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#196
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#199
def no_mixed_shorthand_syntax_check(hash_value_type_breakdown); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#49
@@ -6446,22 +6603,22 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::HashShorthandSyntax
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#84
def require_hash_value?(hash_key_source, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#93
def require_hash_value_for_around_hash_literal?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#126
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#129
def use_element_of_hash_literal_as_receiver?(ancestor, parent); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#131
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#134
def use_modifier_form_without_parenthesized_method_call?(ancestor); end
@@ -6474,12 +6631,12 @@ RuboCop::Cop::HashShorthandSyntax::DO_NOT_MIX_MSG_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#11
RuboCop::Cop::HashShorthandSyntax::DO_NOT_MIX_OMIT_VALUE_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#206
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#209
class RuboCop::Cop::HashShorthandSyntax::DefNode < ::Struct
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#215
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#218
def first_argument; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#219
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#222
def last_argument; end
# Returns the value of attribute node
@@ -6493,7 +6650,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::HashShorthandSyntax::DefNode < ::Struct
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def node=(_); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#207
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/hash_shorthand_syntax.rb#210
def selector; end
class << self
@@ -6749,7 +6906,7 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Heredoc
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/heredoc.rb#28
def delimiter_string(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/heredoc.rb#32
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/heredoc.rb#34
def heredoc_type(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/heredoc.rb#23
@@ -6877,74 +7034,74 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::LambdaLiteralToMethodCorrector
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#115
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#118
def arg_to_unparenthesized_call?; end
# Returns the value of attribute arguments.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#31
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#34
def arguments; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#99
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#102
def arguments_begin_pos; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#98
def arguments_end_pos; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#107
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#110
def block_begin; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#106
def block_end; end
# Returns the value of attribute block_node.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#31
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#34
def block_node; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#56
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#59
def insert_arguments(corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#40
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#43
def insert_separating_space(corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#88
def lambda_arg_string; end
# Returns the value of attribute method.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#31
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#34
def method; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#92
def needs_separating_space?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#50
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#53
def remove_arguments(corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#63
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#66
def remove_leading_whitespace(corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#74
def remove_trailing_whitespace(corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#36
def remove_unparenthesized_whitespace(corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#79
def replace_delimiters(corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#49
def replace_selector(corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#114
def selector_end; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#131
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/correctors/lambda_literal_to_method_corrector.rb#134
def separating_space?; end
@@ -7769,7 +7926,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::CaseIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# end
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#135
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#142
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClassStructure < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::VisibilityHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::CommentsHelp
@@ -7778,29 +7935,35 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClassStructure < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# Validates code style on class declaration.
# Add offense when find a node out of expected order.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#151
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#158
def on_class(class_node); end
+ # Validates code style on class declaration.
+ # Add offense when find a node out of expected order.
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#158
+ def on_sclass(class_node); end
# Autocorrect by swapping between two nodes autocorrecting them
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#166
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#174
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#297
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#305
def begin_pos_with_comment(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#320
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#328
def buffer; end
# Setting categories hash allow you to group methods in group to match
# in the {expected_order}.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#332
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#340
def categories; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#226
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#234
def class_elements(class_node); end
# Classifies a node to match with something in the {expected_order}
@@ -7812,21 +7975,21 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClassStructure < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# by method name
# @return String otherwise trying to {humanize_node} of the current node
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#186
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#194
def classify(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#263
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#271
def dynamic_constant?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#287
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#295
def end_position_for(node); end
# Load expected order from `ExpectedOrder` config.
# Define new terms in the expected order by adding new {categories}.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#326
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#334
def expected_order; end
# Categorize a node according to the {expected_order}
@@ -7836,51 +7999,51 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClassStructure < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @param node to be analysed.
# @return [String] with the key category or the `method_name` as string
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#204
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#212
def find_category(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#316
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#324
def find_heredoc(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#254
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#262
def humanize_node(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#238
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#246
def ignore?(node, classification); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#245
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#253
def ignore_for_autocorrect?(node, sibling); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#281
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#289
def marked_as_private_constant?(node, name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#271
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#279
def private_constant?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#312
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#320
def start_line_position(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#217
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#225
def walk_over_nested_class_definition(class_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#308
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#316
def whole_line_comment_at_line?(line); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#140
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#147
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClassStructure::HUMANIZED_NODE_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#147
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/class_structure.rb#154
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClassStructure::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks the indentation of here document closings.
@@ -7925,53 +8088,53 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClassStructure::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Hi
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#49
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#48
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClosingHeredocIndentation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Heredoc
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#58
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#57
def on_heredoc(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#74
def argument_indentation_correct?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#82
def closing_indentation(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#101
def find_node_used_heredoc_argument(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#90
def heredoc_closing(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#86
def heredoc_opening(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#118
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#117
def indent_level(source_line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#94
def indented_end(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#110
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#109
def message(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#70
def opening_indentation(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#54
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#53
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClosingHeredocIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#55
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#54
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClosingHeredocIndentation::MSG_ARG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#53
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/closing_heredoc_indentation.rb#52
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ClosingHeredocIndentation::SIMPLE_HEREDOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks the indentation of hanging closing parentheses in
@@ -8345,11 +8508,6 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::DotPosition < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/dot_position.rb#137
- def ampersand_dot?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/dot_position.rb#49
def autocorrect(corrector, dot, node); end
@@ -8572,7 +8730,23 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_comment.rb#67
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyComment::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Enforces empty line after guard clause
+# Enforces empty line after guard clause.
+# This cop allows `# :nocov:` directive after guard clause because
+# SimpleCov excludes code from the coverage report by wrapping it in `# :nocov:`:
+# [source,ruby]
+# ----
+# def foo
+# # :nocov:
+# return if condition
+# # :nocov:
+# bar
+# end
+# ----
+# Refer to SimpleCov's documentation for more details:
+# https://github.com/simplecov-ruby/simplecov#ignoringskipping-code
# @example
@@ -8605,90 +8779,106 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyComment::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# end
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#38
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#54
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyLineAfterGuardClause < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::PathUtil
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Util
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#63
def on_if(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#65
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#84
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#106
def contains_guard_clause?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#80
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#99
def correct_style?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#160
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#181
def heredoc?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#153
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#174
def heredoc_line(node, heredoc_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#129
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#148
def last_heredoc_argument(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#143
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#162
def last_heredoc_argument_node(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#172
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#199
def multiple_statements_on_line?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#98
- def next_line_empty?(line); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#121
+ def next_line_allowed_directive_comment?(line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#91
- def next_line_empty_or_enable_directive_comment?(line); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#117
+ def next_line_empty?(line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#102
- def next_line_enable_directive_comment?(line); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#110
+ def next_line_empty_or_allowed_directive_comment?(line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#127
def next_line_rescue_or_ensure?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#122
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#141
def next_sibling_empty_or_guard_clause?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#113
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#132
def next_sibling_parent_empty_or_else?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#164
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#191
def offense_location(node); end
+ # SimpleCov excludes code from the coverage report by wrapping it in `# :nocov:`:
+ # https://github.com/simplecov-ruby/simplecov#ignoringskipping-code
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#208
+ def simplecov_directive_comment?(comment); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#185
+ def use_heredoc_in_condition?(condition); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#44
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#60
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyLineAfterGuardClause::END_OF_HEREDOC_LINE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#43
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#59
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyLineAfterGuardClause::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_after_guard_clause.rb#61
+RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyLineAfterGuardClause::SIMPLE_DIRECTIVE_COMMENT_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Checks for a newline after the final magic comment.
# @example
@@ -8936,7 +9126,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyLineBetweenDefs < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#144
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#145
def autocorrect(corrector, prev_def, node, count); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#130
@@ -8955,73 +9145,84 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyLineBetweenDefs < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#267
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#290
def allowance_range?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#251
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#274
def autocorrect_insert_lines(corrector, newline_pos, count); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#244
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#267
def autocorrect_remove_lines(corrector, newline_pos, count); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#208
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#227
def blank_lines_count_between(first_def_node, second_def_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#162
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#171
def candidate?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#172
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#191
def class_candidate?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#232
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#255
def def_end(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#228
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#163
+ def def_location(correction_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#247
def def_start(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#236
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#178
+ def empty_line_between_macros; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#259
def end_loc(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#186
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#205
def expected_lines; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#204
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#223
def line_count_allowed?(count); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#220
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#239
def lines_between_defs(first_def_node, second_def_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#216
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#182
+ def macro_candidate?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#235
def maximum_empty_lines; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#180
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#199
def message(node, count: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#187
def method_candidate?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#212
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#231
def minimum_empty_lines; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#195
def module_candidate?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#195
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#214
def multiple_blank_lines_groups?(first_def_node, second_def_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#258
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_line_between_defs.rb#281
def node_type(node); end
class << self
@@ -9695,36 +9896,42 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyLinesAroundExceptionHandlingKeywords < ::RuboCo
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EmptyLinesAroundBody
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#67
+ def on_block(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#67
def on_def(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#67
def on_defs(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#74
def on_kwbegin(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#67
+ def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#79
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#81
def check_body(body, line_of_def_or_kwbegin); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#106
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#108
def keyword_locations(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#123
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#125
def keyword_locations_in_ensure(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#121
def keyword_locations_in_rescue(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#94
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#96
def last_rescue_and_end_on_same_line(body); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#100
def message(location, keyword); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/empty_lines_around_exception_handling_keywords.rb#104
def style; end
@@ -9900,54 +10107,54 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::EndAlignment < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::EndKeywordAlignment
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#105
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#109
def on_case(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#105
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#109
def on_case_match(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#81
def on_class(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#93
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#97
def on_if(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#93
def on_module(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#85
def on_sclass(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#105
def on_until(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#97
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#101
def on_while(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#161
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#165
def alignment_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#172
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#182
def alignment_node_for_variable_style(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#142
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#146
def asgn_variable_align_with(outer_node, inner_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#190
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#200
def assignment_or_operator_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#120
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#131
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#135
def check_asgn_alignment(outer_node, inner_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#120
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#124
def check_assignment(node, rhs); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#152
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/end_alignment.rb#156
def check_other_alignment(node); end
@@ -10050,13 +10257,13 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ExtraSpacing < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#170
def align_column(asgn_token); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#153
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#147
def align_equal_sign(corrector, token, align_to); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#143
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#137
def align_equal_signs(range, corrector); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#52
@@ -10064,46 +10271,46 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::ExtraSpacing < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#109
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#103
def aligned_tok?(token); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#165
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#159
def all_relevant_assignment_lines(line_number); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#185
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#179
def allow_for_trailing_comments?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#72
def check_assignment(token); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#81
def check_other(token1, token2, ast); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#68
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#62
def check_tokens(ast, token1, token2); end
# @yield [range_between(start_pos, end_pos)]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#97
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#91
def extra_space_range(token1, token2); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#139
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#133
def force_equal_sign_alignment?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#117
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#111
def ignored_range?(ast, start_pos); end
# Returns an array of ranges that should not be reported. It's the
# extra spaces between the keys and values in a multiline hash,
# since those are handled by the Layout/HashAlignment cop.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/extra_spacing.rb#118
def ignored_ranges(ast); end
@@ -10336,7 +10543,10 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArgumentIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Strin
# Checks the indentation of the first element in an array literal
# where the opening bracket and the first element are on separate lines.
-# The other elements' indentations are handled by the ArrayAlignment cop.
+# The other elements' indentations are handled by `Layout/ArrayAlignment` cop.
+# This cop will respect `Layout/ArrayAlignment` and will not work when
+# `EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation` is specified for `Layout/ArrayAlignment`.
# By default, array literals that are arguments in a method call with
# parentheses, and where the opening square bracket of the array is on the
@@ -10356,7 +10566,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArgumentIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Strin
# # element are on separate lines is indented one step (two spaces) more
# # than the position inside the opening parenthesis.
-# #bad
+# # bad
# array = [
# :value
# ]
@@ -10364,7 +10574,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArgumentIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Strin
# :no_difference
# ])
-# #good
+# # good
# array = [
# :value
# ]
@@ -10377,7 +10587,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArgumentIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Strin
# # separate lines is indented the same as an array literal which is not
# # defined inside a method call.
-# #bad
+# # bad
# # consistent
# array = [
# :value
@@ -10386,7 +10596,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArgumentIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Strin
# :its_like_this
# ])
-# #good
+# # good
# array = [
# :value
# ]
@@ -10397,131 +10607,128 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArgumentIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Strin
# # The `align_brackets` style enforces that the opening and closing
# # brackets are indented to the same position.
-# #bad
+# # bad
# # align_brackets
# and_now_for_something = [
# :completely_different
# ]
-# #good
+# # good
# # align_brackets
# and_now_for_something = [
# :completely_different
# ]
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#82
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#85
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArrayElementIndentation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Alignment
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::MultilineElementIndentation
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#94
def on_array(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#98
def on_csend(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#98
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#104
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#189
+ def array_alignment_config; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#109
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# Returns the description of what the correct indentation is based on.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#142
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#147
def base_description(indent_base_type); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#113
def brace_alignment_style; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#112
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#117
def check(array_node, left_parenthesis); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#126
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#131
def check_right_bracket(right_bracket, first_elem, left_bracket, left_parenthesis); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#155
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#183
+ def enforce_first_argument_with_fixed_indentation?; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#160
def message(base_description); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#163
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#168
def message_for_right_bracket(indent_base_type); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#88
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_indentation.rb#91
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArrayElementIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for a line break before the first element in a
# multi-line array.
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
+# @example
# # bad
# [ :a,
# :b]
-# # bad
-# [ :a, {
-# :b => :c
-# }]
-# # good
-# [:a, :b]
# # good
# [
# :a,
# :b]
# # good
-# [
-# :a, {
-# :b => :c
-# }]
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
+# [:a, :b]
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
# # bad
-# [ :a,
-# :b]
-# # good
# [ :a, {
# :b => :c
# }]
# # good
# [
-# :a,
-# :b]
+# :a, {
+# :b => :c
+# }]
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
# # good
-# [:a, :b]
+# [:a, {
+# :b => :c
+# }]
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#52
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#43
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArrayElementLineBreak < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::FirstElementLineBreak
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#58
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#49
def on_array(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#66
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#57
def assignment_on_same_line?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#62
def ignore_last_element?; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#56
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_array_element_line_break.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstArrayElementLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks the indentation of the first key in a hash literal
@@ -10693,17 +10900,12 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstHashElementIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), St
# Checks for a line break before the first element in a
# multi-line hash.
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
+# @example
# # bad
# { a: 1,
# b: 2}
-# # bad
-# { a: 1, b: {
-# c: 3
-# }}
# # good
# {
# a: 1,
@@ -10714,11 +10916,13 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstHashElementIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), St
# a: 1, b: {
# c: 3
# }}
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
# # bad
-# { a: 1,
-# b: 2}
+# { a: 1, b: {
+# c: 3
+# }}
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
# # bad
# { a: 1,
@@ -10731,45 +10935,44 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstHashElementIndentation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), St
# c: 3
# }}
-# # good
-# {
-# a: 1,
-# b: 2 }
-# # good
-# {
-# a: 1, b: {
-# c: 3
-# }}
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_hash_element_line_break.rb#58
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_hash_element_line_break.rb#46
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstHashElementLineBreak < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::FirstElementLineBreak
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_hash_element_line_break.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_hash_element_line_break.rb#52
def on_hash(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_hash_element_line_break.rb#74
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_hash_element_line_break.rb#62
def ignore_last_element?; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_hash_element_line_break.rb#62
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_hash_element_line_break.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstHashElementLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for a line break before the first argument in a
# multi-line method call.
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
+# @example
# # bad
# method(foo, bar,
# baz)
+# # good
+# method(
+# foo, bar,
+# baz)
+# # ignored
+# method foo, bar,
+# baz
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
# # bad
# method(foo, bar, {
# baz: "a",
@@ -10778,26 +10981,13 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstHashElementLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Stri
# # good
# method(
-# foo, bar,
-# baz)
-# # good
-# method(
# foo, bar, {
# baz: "a",
# qux: "b",
# })
-# # ignored
-# method foo, bar,
-# baz
# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
# # bad
-# method(foo, bar,
-# baz)
-# # bad
# method(foo,
# bar,
# {
@@ -10814,11 +11004,6 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstHashElementLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Stri
# # good
# method(
-# foo, bar,
-# baz)
-# # good
-# method(
# foo,
# bar,
# {
@@ -10827,39 +11012,35 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstHashElementLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Stri
# }
# )
-# # ignored
-# method foo, bar,
-# baz
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#76
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#66
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::FirstElementLineBreak
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#72
def on_csend(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#72
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#72
def on_super(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#91
def ignore_last_element?; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#80
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_argument_line_break.rb#70
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for a line break before the first parameter in a
# multi-line method parameter definition.
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
+# @example
# # bad
# def method(foo, bar,
@@ -10867,13 +11048,6 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), S
# do_something
# end
-# # bad
-# def method(foo, bar, baz = {
-# :a => "b",
-# })
-# do_something
-# end
# # good
# def method(
# foo, bar,
@@ -10881,28 +11055,14 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), S
# do_something
# end
-# # good
-# def method(
-# foo, bar, baz = {
-# :a => "b",
-# })
-# do_something
-# end
# # ignored
# def method foo,
# bar
# do_something
# end
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
# # bad
-# def method(foo, bar,
-# baz)
-# do_something
-# end
-# # good
# def method(foo, bar, baz = {
# :a => "b",
# })
@@ -10911,37 +11071,40 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), S
# # good
# def method(
-# foo, bar,
-# baz)
+# foo, bar, baz = {
+# :a => "b",
+# })
# do_something
# end
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
-# # ignored
-# def method foo,
-# bar
+# # good
+# def method(foo, bar, baz = {
+# :a => "b",
+# })
# do_something
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#73
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#56
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstMethodParameterLineBreak < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::FirstElementLineBreak
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#79
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#62
def on_def(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#79
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#62
def on_defs(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#86
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#69
def ignore_last_element?; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#77
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/first_method_parameter_line_break.rb#60
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::FirstMethodParameterLineBreak::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks the indentation of the first parameter in a method
@@ -11507,7 +11670,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::HeredocArgumentClosingParenthesis::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(ni
# Note: When ``Layout/LineLength``'s `AllowHeredoc` is false (not default),
# this cop does not add any offenses for long here documents to
-# avoid `Layout/LineLength`'s offenses.
+# avoid ``Layout/LineLength``'s offenses.
# @example
# # bad
@@ -11525,71 +11688,72 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::HeredocIndentation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Alignment
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Heredoc
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#36
def on_heredoc(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#117
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#120
def adjust_minus(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#112
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#115
def adjust_squiggly(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#141
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#144
def base_indent_level(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#152
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#155
def heredoc_body(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#156
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#159
def heredoc_end(node); end
# Returns '~', '-' or nil
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#148
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#151
def heredoc_indent_type(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#123
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#126
def indented_body(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#133
def indented_end(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#91
def line_too_long?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#100
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#103
def longest_line(lines); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#111
def max_line_length; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#66
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#69
def message(heredoc_indent_type); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#57
def register_offense(node, heredoc_indent_type); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#79
def type_message(indentation_width, current_indent_type); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#104
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#107
def unlimited_heredoc_length?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#87
def width_message(indentation_width); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#29
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::HeredocIndentation::TYPE_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#31
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/heredoc_indentation.rb#34
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::HeredocIndentation::WIDTH_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for inconsistent indentation.
@@ -12249,35 +12413,38 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::LineContinuationLeadingSpace < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#105
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#113
def autocorrect(corrector, offense_range, insert_pos, spaces); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#101
- def continuation?(line); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#106
+ def continuation?(line, line_num, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#138
def enforced_style_leading?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#79
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#76
+ def investigate(first_line, second_line, end_of_first_line); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#84
def investigate_leading_style(first_line, second_line, end_of_first_line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#95
def investigate_trailing_style(first_line, second_line, end_of_first_line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#110
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#118
def leading_offense_range(end_of_first_line, matches); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#122
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#130
def message(_range); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#72
def raw_lines(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_continuation_leading_space.rb#124
def trailing_offense_range(end_of_first_line, matches); end
@@ -12439,7 +12606,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation < ::RuboCop::C
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Alignment
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#97
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#83
@@ -12447,26 +12614,26 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation < ::RuboCop::C
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#135
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#137
def add_offense_and_correction(node, message); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#107
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#109
def always_indented?(dstr_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#126
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#128
def base_column(child); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#113
def check_aligned(children, start_index); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#120
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#122
def check_indented(children); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/line_end_string_concatenation_indentation.rb#103
def strings_concatenated_with_backslash?(dstr_node); end
@@ -12774,7 +12941,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineArrayBraceLayout::SAME_LINE_MESSAGE = T.let(T.uns
# Ensures that each item in a multi-line array
# starts on a separate line.
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
+# @example
# # bad
# [
@@ -12782,11 +12949,6 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineArrayBraceLayout::SAME_LINE_MESSAGE = T.let(T.uns
# c
# ]
-# # bad
-# [ a, b, foo(
-# bar
-# )]
# # good
# [
# a,
@@ -12802,52 +12964,36 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineArrayBraceLayout::SAME_LINE_MESSAGE = T.let(T.uns
# bar
# )
# ]
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
# # bad
-# [
-# a, b,
-# c
-# ]
-# # good
-# [ a, b, foo(
+# [a, b, foo(
# bar
# )]
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
# # good
-# [
-# a,
-# b,
-# c
-# ]
-# # good
-# [
-# a,
-# b,
-# foo(
+# [a, b, foo(
# bar
-# )
-# ]
+# )]
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_array_line_breaks.rb#66
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_array_line_breaks.rb#47
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineArrayLineBreaks < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::MultilineElementLineBreaks
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_array_line_breaks.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_array_line_breaks.rb#53
def on_array(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_array_line_breaks.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_array_line_breaks.rb#59
def ignore_last_element?; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_array_line_breaks.rb#70
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_array_line_breaks.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineArrayLineBreaks::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks whether the multiline assignments have a newline
@@ -13146,7 +13292,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineHashBraceLayout::SAME_LINE_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsa
# Ensures that each key in a multi-line hash
# starts on a separate line.
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
+# @example
# # bad
# {
@@ -13154,11 +13300,6 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineHashBraceLayout::SAME_LINE_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsa
# c: 3
# }
-# # bad
-# { a: 1, b: {
-# c: 3,
-# }}
# # good
# {
# a: 1,
@@ -13173,56 +13314,41 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineHashBraceLayout::SAME_LINE_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsa
# c: 3,
# }
# }
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
# # bad
-# {
-# a: 1, b: 2,
-# c: 3
-# }
-# # good
# { a: 1, b: {
# c: 3,
# }}
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
# # good
-# {
-# a: 1,
-# b: 2,
-# c: 3
-# }
-# # good
-# {
-# a: 1,
-# b: {
+# { a: 1, b: {
# c: 3,
-# }
-# }
+# }}
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#65
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#46
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineHashKeyLineBreaks < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::MultilineElementLineBreaks
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#52
def on_hash(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#68
def ignore_last_element?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#64
def starts_with_curly_brace?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#69
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_hash_key_line_breaks.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineHashKeyLineBreaks::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Ensures that each argument in a multi-line method call
@@ -13231,7 +13357,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineHashKeyLineBreaks::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Str
# NOTE: This cop does not move the first argument, if you want that to
# be on a separate line, see `Layout/FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak`.
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
+# @example
# # bad
# foo(a, b,
@@ -13252,6 +13378,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineHashKeyLineBreaks::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Str
# # good
# foo(a, b, c)
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
# # good
# foo(
@@ -13263,26 +13390,6 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineHashKeyLineBreaks::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Str
# )
# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
-# # bad
-# foo(a, b,
-# c
-# )
-# # good
-# foo(a, b, {
-# foo: "bar",
-# })
-# # good
-# foo(
-# a,
-# b,
-# c
-# )
-# # good
-# foo(a, b, c)
# # good
# foo(
# a,
@@ -13292,23 +13399,23 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineHashKeyLineBreaks::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Str
# }
# )
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_argument_line_breaks.rb#73
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_argument_line_breaks.rb#56
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodArgumentLineBreaks < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::MultilineElementLineBreaks
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_argument_line_breaks.rb#79
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_argument_line_breaks.rb#62
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_argument_line_breaks.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_argument_line_breaks.rb#81
def ignore_last_element?; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_argument_line_breaks.rb#77
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_argument_line_breaks.rb#60
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodArgumentLineBreaks::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks that the closing brace in a method call is either
@@ -13503,10 +13610,13 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodCallIndentation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Bas
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#101
def extra_indentation(given_style, parent); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#222
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#226
+ def find_multiline_block_chain_node(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#237
def first_call_has_a_dot(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#213
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#217
def get_dot_right_above(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#113
@@ -13520,12 +13630,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodCallIndentation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Bas
# @yield [operation_rhs.first_argument]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#232
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#247
def operation_rhs(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#242
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_call_indentation.rb#257
def operator_rhs?(node, receiver); end
# a
@@ -13696,7 +13806,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodDefinitionBraceLayout::SAME_LINE_MESSAGE =
# NOTE: This cop does not move the first argument, if you want that to
# be on a separate line, see `Layout/FirstMethodParameterLineBreak`.
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
+# @example
# # bad
# def foo(a, b,
@@ -13704,12 +13814,6 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodDefinitionBraceLayout::SAME_LINE_MESSAGE =
# )
# end
-# # bad
-# def foo(a, b = {
-# foo: "bar",
-# })
-# end
# # good
# def foo(
# a,
@@ -13730,58 +13834,38 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodDefinitionBraceLayout::SAME_LINE_MESSAGE =
# # good
# def foo(a, b, c)
# end
-# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: false (default)
# # bad
-# def foo(a, b,
-# c
-# )
-# end
-# # good
# def foo(a, b = {
# foo: "bar",
# })
# end
+# @example AllowMultilineFinalElement: true
# # good
-# def foo(
-# a,
-# b,
-# c
-# )
-# end
-# # good
-# def foo(
-# a,
-# b = {
+# def foo(a, b = {
# foo: "bar",
-# }
-# )
-# end
-# # good
-# def foo(a, b, c)
+# })
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_parameter_line_breaks.rb#81
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_parameter_line_breaks.rb#57
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodParameterLineBreaks < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::MultilineElementLineBreaks
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_parameter_line_breaks.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_parameter_line_breaks.rb#63
def on_def(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_parameter_line_breaks.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_parameter_line_breaks.rb#71
def ignore_last_element?; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_parameter_line_breaks.rb#85
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_method_parameter_line_breaks.rb#61
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodParameterLineBreaks::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks the indentation of the right hand side operand in binary operations that
@@ -14010,61 +14094,77 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::RedundantLineBreak < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::CheckAssignment
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#55
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#51
+ def on_lvasgn(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#55
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#73
def check_assignment(node, _rhs); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#112
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#125
def comment_within?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#95
def configured_to_not_be_inspected?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#106
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#119
def convertible_block?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#132
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#69
+ def end_with_percent_blank_string?(processed_source); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#91
+ def index_access_call_chained?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#147
def max_line_length; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#77
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#86
def offense?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#102
def other_cop_takes_precedence?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#79
def register_offense(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#108
def single_line_block_chain_enabled?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#99
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#112
def suitable_as_single_line?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#123
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#138
def to_single_line(source); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#118
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/redundant_line_break.rb#133
def too_long?(node); end
@@ -14199,21 +14299,29 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::SingleLineBlockChain < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#28
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#32
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#32
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#51
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#56
def call_method_after_block?(node, dot_range, closing_block_delimiter_line_num); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#35
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#40
def offending_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#57
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#62
def selector_range(node); end
+ class << self
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#28
+ def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
+ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/single_line_block_chain.rb#26
@@ -14276,6 +14384,13 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::SpaceAfterComma < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_after_comma.rb#21
def space_style_before_rcurly; end
+ private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_after_comma.rb#32
+ def before_semicolon?(token); end
# Checks for space between a method name and a left parenthesis in defs.
@@ -14720,7 +14835,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::SpaceAroundKeyword::SAFE_NAVIGATION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# foo &. bar
# foo &. bar&. buzz
# RuboCop:: Cop
-# RuboCop:: Cop:: Cop
+# RuboCop:: Cop:: Base
# :: RuboCop::Cop
# # good
@@ -14732,7 +14847,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::SpaceAroundKeyword::SAFE_NAVIGATION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# foo&.bar
# foo&.bar&.buzz
# RuboCop::Cop
-# RuboCop::Cop::Cop
+# RuboCop::Cop::Base
# ::RuboCop::Cop
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_method_call_operator.rb#37
@@ -14813,149 +14928,166 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Layout::SpaceAroundMethodCallOperator::SPACES_REGEXP = T.let(T.uns
# # good
# a ** b
+# @example EnforcedStyleForRationalLiterals: no_space (default)
+# # bad
+# 1 / 48r
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#53
+# # good
+# 1/48r
+# @example EnforcedStyleForRationalLiterals: space
+# # bad
+# 1/48r
+# # good
+# 1 / 48r
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#67
class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::SpaceAroundOperators < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::PrecedingFollowingAlignment
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RationalLiteral
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#133
def on_and(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#117
def on_and_asgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#117
def on_assignment(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#133
def on_binary(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#125
def on_casgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#133
def on_class(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#117
def on_cvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#117
def on_gvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#92
def on_if(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#117
def on_ivasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#117
def on_lvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#117
def on_masgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#135
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#149
def on_match_pattern(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#127
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#141
def on_op_asgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#133
def on_or(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#117
def on_or_asgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#84
def on_pair(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#99
def on_resbody(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#66
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#80
def on_sclass(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#93
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#107
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#127
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#141
def on_special_asgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#236
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#256
def align_hash_cop_config; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#179
- def autocorrect(corrector, range); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#195
+ def autocorrect(corrector, range, right_operand); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#163
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#179
def check_operator(type, operator, right_operand); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#189
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#209
def enclose_operator_with_space(corrector, range); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#216
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#236
def excess_leading_space?(type, operator, with_space); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#231
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#251
def excess_trailing_space?(right_operand, with_space); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#248
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#274
def force_equal_sign_alignment?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#240
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#260
def hash_table_style?; end
# @yield [msg]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#174
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#190
def offense(type, operator, with_space, right_operand); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#202
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#222
def offense_message(type, operator, with_space, right_operand); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#175
def operator_with_regular_syntax?(send_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#155
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#169
def regular_operator?(send_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#252
- def should_not_have_surrounding_space?(operator); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#278
+ def should_not_have_surrounding_space?(operator, right_operand); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#244
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#264
def space_around_exponent_operator?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#268
+ def space_around_slash_operator?(right_operand); end
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#76
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#60
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#74
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::SpaceAroundOperators::EXCESSIVE_SPACE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#59
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_around_operators.rb#73
RuboCop::Cop::Layout::SpaceAroundOperators::IRREGULAR_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks that block braces have or don't have a space before the opening
@@ -15579,7 +15711,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::SpaceInsideBlockBraces < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_inside_block_braces.rb#205
def space_inside_right_brace(inner, right_brace, column); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_inside_block_braces.rb#251
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/space_inside_block_braces.rb#253
def style_for_empty_braces; end
@@ -16092,13 +16224,18 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Layout::TrailingEmptyLines < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/trailing_empty_lines.rb#79
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/trailing_empty_lines.rb#90
+ def end_with_percent_blank_string?(processed_source); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/trailing_empty_lines.rb#80
def ends_in_end?(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/trailing_empty_lines.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/trailing_empty_lines.rb#94
def message(wanted_blank_lines, blank_lines); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/trailing_empty_lines.rb#66
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/layout/trailing_empty_lines.rb#67
def offense_detected(buffer, wanted_blank_lines, blank_lines, whitespace_at_end); end
@@ -16429,30 +16566,34 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::AmbiguousAssignment::SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsaf
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::AmbiguousBlockAssociation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedMethods
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#64
def on_csend(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#64
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#85
def allowed_method_pattern?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#77
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#81
def ambiguous_block_association?(send_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#91
def message(send_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#97
+ def wrap_in_parentheses(corrector, node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#58
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ambiguous_block_association.rb#60
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::AmbiguousBlockAssociation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for ambiguous operators in the first argument of a
@@ -16721,22 +16862,22 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::AmbiguousRegexpLiteral::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @example
# # bad
-# if some_var = true
+# if some_var = value
# do_something
# end
# # good
-# if some_var == true
+# if some_var == value
# do_something
# end
# @example AllowSafeAssignment: true (default)
# # good
-# if (some_var = true)
+# if (some_var = value)
# do_something
# end
# @example AllowSafeAssignment: false
# # bad
-# if (some_var = true)
+# if (some_var = value)
# do_something
# end
@@ -16818,10 +16959,10 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::BigDecimalNew::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array
# Checks for places where binary operator has identical operands.
# It covers arithmetic operators: `-`, `/`, `%`;
-# comparison operators: `==`, `===`, `=~`, `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=`;
+# comparison operators: `==`, `===`, `=~`, `>`, `>=`, `<`, ``<=``;
# bitwise operators: `|`, `^`, `&`;
# boolean operators: `&&`, `||`
-# and "spaceship" operator - `<=>`.
+# and "spaceship" operator - ``<=>``.
# Simple arithmetic operations are allowed by this cop: `+`, `*`, `**`, `<<` and `>>`.
# Although these can be rewritten in a different way, it should not be necessary to
@@ -17044,7 +17185,7 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/constant_definition_in_block.rb#67
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ConstantDefinitionInBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for overwriting an exception with an exception result by use `rescue =>`.
+# Checks for overwriting an exception with an exception result by use ``rescue =>``.
# You intended to write as `rescue StandardError`.
# However, you have written `rescue => StandardError`.
@@ -17224,26 +17365,39 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ConstantResolution::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#67
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Debugger < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#71
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#98
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#117
+ def assumed_argument?(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#96
+ def assumed_usage_context?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#106
def chained_method_name(send_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#92
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#90
def debugger_method?(send_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#83
def debugger_methods; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#79
def message(node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#69
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Debugger::BLOCK_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/debugger.rb#68
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Debugger::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
@@ -17702,6 +17856,7 @@ end
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateElsifCondition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for duplicated keys in hash literals.
+# This cop considers both primitive types and constants for the hash keys.
# This cop mirrors a warning in Ruby 2.2.
@@ -17716,15 +17871,15 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateElsifCondition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# hash = { food: 'apple', other_food: 'orange' }
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_hash_key.rb#21
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_hash_key.rb#22
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateHashKey < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Duplication
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_hash_key.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_hash_key.rb#27
def on_hash(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_hash_key.rb#24
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_hash_key.rb#25
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateHashKey::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for duplicated magic comments.
@@ -17770,6 +17925,106 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_magic_comment.rb#33
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateMagicComment::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Checks that there are no repeated patterns used in `in` keywords.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# case x
+# in 'first'
+# do_something
+# in 'first'
+# do_something_else
+# end
+# # good
+# case x
+# in 'first'
+# do_something
+# in 'second'
+# do_something_else
+# end
+# # bad - repeated alternate patterns with the same conditions don't depend on the order
+# case x
+# in foo | bar
+# first_method
+# in bar | foo
+# second_method
+# end
+# # good
+# case x
+# in foo | bar
+# first_method
+# in bar | baz
+# second_method
+# end
+# # bad - repeated hash patterns with the same conditions don't depend on the order
+# case x
+# in foo: a, bar: b
+# first_method
+# in bar: b, foo: a
+# second_method
+# end
+# # good
+# case x
+# in foo: a, bar: b
+# first_method
+# in bar: b, baz: c
+# second_method
+# end
+# # bad - repeated array patterns with elements in the same order
+# case x
+# in [foo, bar]
+# first_method
+# in [foo, bar]
+# second_method
+# end
+# # good
+# case x
+# in [foo, bar]
+# first_method
+# in [bar, foo]
+# second_method
+# end
+# # bad - repeated the same patterns and guard conditions
+# case x
+# in foo if bar
+# first_method
+# in foo if bar
+# second_method
+# end
+# # good
+# case x
+# in foo if bar
+# first_method
+# in foo if baz
+# second_method
+# end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_match_pattern.rb#90
+class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateMatchPattern < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_match_pattern.rb#97
+ def on_case_match(case_node); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_match_pattern.rb#108
+ def pattern_identity(pattern); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_match_pattern.rb#93
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateMatchPattern::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for duplicated instance (or singleton) method
# definitions.
@@ -17919,26 +18174,40 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement < ::RuboCop::Cop:
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#36
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#37
def each_repeated_character_class_element_loc(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#27
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#29
def on_regexp(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#83
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#102
+ def escaped_octal?(string); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#54
+ def group_expressions(node, expressions); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#110
def interpolation_locs(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#65
- def skip_expression?(expr); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#106
+ def octal?(char); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#71
+ def pop_octal_digits(current_child, expressions); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#78
- def start_with_escaped_zero_number?(current_child, next_child); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#89
+ def skip_expression?(expr); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#80
+ def source_range(children); end
# Since we blank interpolations with a space for every char of the interpolation, we would
# mark every space (except the first) as duplicate if we do not skip regexp_parser nodes
@@ -17946,13 +18215,16 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement < ::RuboCop::Cop:
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#96
def within_interpolation?(node, child); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#25
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement::MSG_REPEATED_ELEMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/duplicate_regexp_character_class_element.rb#27
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement::OCTAL_DIGITS_AFTER_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# Checks for duplicate ``require``s and ``require_relative``s.
# @example
@@ -18125,7 +18397,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ElseLayout::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for blocks without a body.
# Such empty blocks are typically an oversight or we should provide a comment
-# be clearer what we're aiming for.
+# to clarify what we're aiming for.
# Empty lambdas and procs are ignored by default.
@@ -18698,13 +18970,13 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ensure_return.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::EnsureReturn::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop emulates the following Ruby warnings in Ruby 2.6.
+# Emulates the following Ruby warnings in Ruby 2.6.
# [source,console]
# ----
-# % cat example.rb
+# $ cat example.rb
# ERB.new('hi', nil, '-', '@output_buffer')
-# % ruby -rerb example.rb
+# $ ruby -rerb example.rb
# example.rb:1: warning: Passing safe_level with the 2nd argument of ERB.new is
# deprecated. Do not use it, and specify other arguments as keyword arguments.
# example.rb:1: warning: Passing trim_mode with the 3rd argument of ERB.new is
@@ -18753,42 +19025,42 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::EnsureReturn::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# ERB.new(str, nil, '-', '@output_buffer')
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#62
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#61
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ErbNewArguments < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#83
def erb_new_with_non_keyword_arguments(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#88
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#154
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#153
def arguments_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#109
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#108
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#123
def build_kwargs(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#120
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#119
def correct_arguments?(arguments); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#141
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#140
def override_by_legacy_args(kwargs, node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#69
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#68
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ErbNewArguments::MESSAGES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#81
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/erb_new_arguments.rb#80
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ErbNewArguments::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Looks for uses of flip-flop operator
@@ -18830,13 +19102,9 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FlipFlop::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# floating-point value representation to be exactly the same, which is very unlikely
# if you perform any arithmetic operations involving precision loss.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# x == 0.1
-# x != 0.1
-# # good - using BigDecimal
-# x.to_d == 0.1.to_d
+# # good - comparing against zero
+# x == 0.0
+# x != 0.0
# # good
# (x - 0.1).abs < Float::EPSILON
@@ -18848,38 +19116,51 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FlipFlop::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# # Or some other epsilon based type of comparison:
# # https://www.embeddeduse.com/2019/08/26/qt-compare-two-floats/
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#31
+# @example
+# # bad
+# x == 0.1
+# x != 0.1
+# # good - using BigDecimal
+# x.to_d == 0.1.to_d
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#35
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FloatComparison < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#40
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#44
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#79
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#89
def check_numeric_returning_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#63
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#73
def check_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#47
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#53
def float?(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#68
+ def literal_zero?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#34
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#38
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FloatComparison::EQUALITY_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#36
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#40
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FloatComparison::FLOAT_INSTANCE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#35
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#39
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FloatComparison::FLOAT_RETURNING_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#32
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#36
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FloatComparison::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#38
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/float_comparison.rb#42
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FloatComparison::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Identifies Float literals which are, like, really really really
@@ -18935,7 +19216,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FloatOutOfRange::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# format('Numbered format: %1$s and numbered %2$s', a_value, another)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/format_parameter_mismatch.rb#37
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/format_parameter_mismatch.rb#38
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FormatParameterMismatch < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/format_parameter_mismatch.rb#100
def called_on_string?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
@@ -19073,6 +19354,9 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::HashCompareByIdentity < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/hash_compare_by_identity.rb#37
def id_as_hash_key?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/hash_compare_by_identity.rb#41
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/hash_compare_by_identity.rb#41
def on_send(node); end
@@ -19193,30 +19477,30 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::HeredocMethodCallPosition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String
# # good
# foo.equal?(bar)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#19
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#18
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::IdentityComparison < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#25
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#24
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#41
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#40
def compare_between_object_id_by_double_equal?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#45
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#44
def object_id_method?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#22
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#21
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::IdentityComparison::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#23
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/identity_comparison.rb#22
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::IdentityComparison::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for implicit string concatenation of string literals
@@ -19277,7 +19561,10 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ImplicitStringConcatenation::FOR_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/implicit_string_concatenation.rb#26
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ImplicitStringConcatenation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop checks for `IO.select` that is incompatible with Fiber Scheduler since Ruby 3.0.
+# Checks for `IO.select` that is incompatible with Fiber Scheduler since Ruby 3.0.
+# When an array of IO objects waiting for an exception (the third argument of `IO.select`)
+# is used as an argument, there is no alternative API, so offenses are not registered.
# NOTE: When the method is successful the return value of `IO.select` is `[[IO]]`,
# and the return value of `io.wait_readable` and `io.wait_writable` are `self`.
@@ -19298,31 +19585,31 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ImplicitStringConcatenation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Stri
# # good
# io.wait_writable(timeout)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#32
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#34
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#41
def io_select(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#44
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#46
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#67
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#69
def preferred_method(read, write, timeout); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#63
def scheduler_compatible?(io1, io2); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#35
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#37
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#36
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/incompatible_io_select_with_fiber_scheduler.rb#38
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for `private` or `protected` access modifiers which are
@@ -19451,20 +19738,25 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::InheritException < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#59
def on_class(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#69
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#70
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#86
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#87
def exception_class?(class_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#82
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#91
+ def inherit_exception_class_with_omitted_namespace?(class_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#83
def message(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/inherit_exception.rb#99
def preferred_base_class; end
@@ -19511,10 +19803,47 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/interpolation_check.rb#28
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::InterpolationCheck::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Emulates the following Ruby warning in Ruby 3.3.
+# [source,ruby]
+# ----
+# $ ruby -e '0.times { it }'
+# -e:1: warning: `it` calls without arguments will refer to the first block param in Ruby 3.4;
+# use it() or self.it
+# ----
+# `it` calls without arguments will refer to the first block param in Ruby 3.4.
+# So use `it()` or `self.it` to ensure compatibility.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# do_something { it }
+# # good
+# do_something { it() }
+# do_something { self.it }
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/it_without_arguments_in_block.rb#27
+class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ItWithoutArgumentsInBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ include ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/it_without_arguments_in_block.rb#48
+ def deprecated_it_method?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/it_without_arguments_in_block.rb#33
+ def on_block(node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/it_without_arguments_in_block.rb#30
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ItWithoutArgumentsInBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks uses of lambda without a literal block.
# It emulates the following warning in Ruby 3.0:
-# % ruby -vwe 'lambda(&proc {})'
+# $ ruby -vwe 'lambda(&proc {})'
# ruby 3.0.0p0 (2020-12-25 revision 95aff21468) [x86_64-darwin19]
# -e:1: warning: lambda without a literal block is deprecated; use the proc without
# lambda instead
@@ -19645,6 +19974,70 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_as_condition.rb#38
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::LiteralAsCondition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Checks for literal assignments in the conditions of `if`, `while`, and `until`.
+# It emulates the following Ruby warning:
+# [source,console]
+# ----
+# $ ruby -we 'if x = true; end'
+# -e:1: warning: found `= literal' in conditional, should be ==
+# ----
+# As a lint cop, it cannot be determined if `==` is appropriate as intended,
+# therefore this cop does not provide autocorrection.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# if x = 42
+# do_something
+# end
+# # good
+# if x == 42
+# do_something
+# end
+# # good
+# if x = y
+# do_something
+# end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_assignment_in_condition.rb#35
+class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::LiteralAssignmentInCondition < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_assignment_in_condition.rb#39
+ def on_if(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_assignment_in_condition.rb#39
+ def on_until(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_assignment_in_condition.rb#39
+ def on_while(node); end
+ private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_assignment_in_condition.rb#62
+ def all_literals?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_assignment_in_condition.rb#79
+ def offense_range(asgn_node, rhs); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_assignment_in_condition.rb#75
+ def parallel_assignment_with_splat_operator?(node); end
+ # @yield [node]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_assignment_in_condition.rb#56
+ def traverse_node(node, &block); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/literal_assignment_in_condition.rb#36
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::LiteralAssignmentInCondition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for interpolated literals.
# @example
@@ -19870,6 +20263,16 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MissingCopEnableDirective::MSG_BOUND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# missing method. In other cases, the theoretical ideal handling could be
# challenging or verbose for no actual gain.
+# Autocorrection is not supported because the position of `super` cannot be
+# determined automatically.
+# `Object` and `BasicObject` are allowed by this cop because of their
+# stateless nature. However, sometimes you might want to allow other parent
+# classes from this cop, for example in the case of an abstract class that is
+# not meant to be called with `super`. In those cases, you can use the
+# `AllowedParentClasses` option to specify which classes should be allowed
+# *in addition to* `Object` and `BasicObject`.
# @example
# # bad
# class Employee < Person
@@ -19916,63 +20319,148 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MissingCopEnableDirective::MSG_BOUND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# end
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#60
+# # good
+# class ClassWithNoParent
+# def initialize
+# do_something
+# end
+# end
+# @example AllowedParentClasses: [MyAbstractClass]
+# # good
+# class MyConcreteClass < MyAbstractClass
+# def initialize
+# do_something
+# end
+# end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#85
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MissingSuper < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#74
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#99
def class_new_block(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#80
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#105
def on_def(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#115
def on_defs(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#149
+ def allowed_class?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#153
+ def allowed_classes; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#127
def callback_method_def?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#133
def contains_super?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#112
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#137
def inside_class_with_stateful_parent?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#123
def offender?(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#124
- def stateless_class?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#71
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#96
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MissingSuper::CALLBACKS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#62
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#87
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MissingSuper::CALLBACK_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#66
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#91
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MissingSuper::CLASS_LIFECYCLE_CALLBACKS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#61
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#86
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MissingSuper::CONSTRUCTOR_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#67
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#92
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MissingSuper::METHOD_LIFECYCLE_CALLBACKS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#64
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/missing_super.rb#89
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MissingSuper::STATELESS_CLASSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# Checks for mixed-case character ranges since they include likely unintended characters.
+# Offenses are registered for regexp character classes like `/[A-z]/`
+# as well as range objects like `('A'..'z')`.
+# NOTE: Range objects cannot be autocorrected.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# r = /[A-z]/
+# # good
+# r = /[A-Za-z]/
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#28
+class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MixedCaseRange < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#56
+ def each_unsafe_regexp_range(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#37
+ def on_erange(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#37
+ def on_irange(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#48
+ def on_regexp(node); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#72
+ def build_source_range(range_start, range_end); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#76
+ def range_for(char); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#82
+ def range_pairs(expr); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#102
+ def rewrite_regexp_range(source); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#92
+ def skip_expression?(expr); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#96
+ def skip_range?(range_start, range_end); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#86
+ def unsafe_range?(range_start, range_end); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#32
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MixedCaseRange::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/mixed_case_range.rb#35
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::MixedCaseRange::RANGES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Do not mix named captures and numbered captures in a Regexp literal
# because numbered capture is ignored if they're mixed.
# Replace numbered captures with non-capturing groupings or
@@ -20237,22 +20725,16 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NextWithoutAccumulator < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#28
def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#51
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#42
def on_block_body_of_reduce(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#38
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#28
def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#56
- def on_numblock_body_of_reduce(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#60
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#49
def parent_block_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#64
- def parent_numblock_node(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/next_without_accumulator.rb#26
@@ -20344,89 +20826,91 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NoReturnInBeginEndBlocks::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#44
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- include ::RuboCop::Cop::Alignment
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#76
def explicit_not_force?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#71
def force?(param0); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#79
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#80
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#65
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#66
def receiver_and_method_name(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#60
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#61
def send_exist_node(param0); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#96
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#97
def allowable_use_with_if?(if_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#120
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#121
def autocorrect(corrector, node, range); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#131
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#132
def autocorrect_replace_method(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#148
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#151
def force_method?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#156
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#159
def force_method_name?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#152
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#155
def force_option?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#91
def if_node_child?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#112
def message_change_force_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#115
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#116
def message_remove_file_exist_check(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#100
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#101
def register_offense(node, exist_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#138
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#139
def replacement_method(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#51
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation::MAKE_FORCE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#52
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation::MAKE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#50
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#49
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation::MSG_CHANGE_FORCE_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#48
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation::MSG_REMOVE_FILE_EXIST_CHECK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#53
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#54
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation::RECURSIVE_REMOVE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#52
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation::REMOVE_FORCE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#54
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#53
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation::REMOVE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#56
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_atomic_file_operation.rb#55
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# `Dir[...]` and `Dir.glob(...)` do not make any guarantees about
@@ -20483,10 +20967,10 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonAtomicFileOperation::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(ni
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonDeterministicRequireOrder < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#174
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#172
def loop_variable(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#157
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#155
def method_require?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#65
@@ -20498,19 +20982,19 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonDeterministicRequireOrder < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#77
def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#147
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#145
def unsorted_dir_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#152
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#150
def unsorted_dir_each?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#166
def unsorted_dir_each_pass?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#162
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#160
def unsorted_dir_glob_pass?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#179
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#177
def var_is_required?(param0, param1); end
@@ -20530,12 +21014,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonDeterministicRequireOrder < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#138
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#136
def unsorted_dir_loop?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#142
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/non_deterministic_require_order.rb#140
def unsorted_dir_pass?(node); end
@@ -20610,7 +21094,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NonLocalExitFromIterator::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Conversion with `Integer`, `Float`, etc. will raise an `ArgumentError`
# if given input that is not numeric (eg. an empty string), whereas
-# `to_i`, etc. will try to convert regardless of input (`''.to_i => 0`).
+# `to_i`, etc. will try to convert regardless of input (``''.to_i => 0``).
# As such, this cop is disabled by default because it's not necessarily
# always correct to raise if a value is not numeric.
@@ -20668,81 +21152,84 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NumberConversion < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#107
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#107
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#92
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#93
def to_method(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#97
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#98
def to_method_symbol(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#155
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#165
def allow_receiver?(receiver); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#167
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#177
def allowed_method_name?(name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#177
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#187
def conversion_method?(method_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#141
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#151
def correct_method(node, receiver); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#145
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#155
def correct_sym_method(to_method); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#134
def handle_as_symbol(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#109
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#115
def handle_conversion_method(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#185
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#195
def ignored_class?(name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#181
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#191
def ignored_classes; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#150
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#160
def remove_parentheses(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#171
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#181
def top_receiver(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#88
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#89
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NumberConversion::CONVERSION_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#78
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#79
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NumberConversion::CONVERSION_METHOD_CLASS_MAPPING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#89
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#90
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NumberConversion::METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#84
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/number_conversion.rb#85
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::NumberConversion::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for uses of numbered parameter assignment.
# It emulates the following warning in Ruby 2.7:
-# % ruby -ve '_1 = :value'
+# $ ruby -ve '_1 = :value'
# ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-darwin19]
# -e:1: warning: `_1' is reserved for numbered parameter; consider another name
# Assigning to a numbered parameter (from `_1` to `_9`) causes an error in Ruby 3.0.
-# % ruby -ve '_1 = :value'
+# $ ruby -ve '_1 = :value'
# ruby 3.0.0p0 (2020-12-25 revision 95aff21468) [x86_64-darwin19]
# -e:1: _1 is reserved for numbered parameter
@@ -20820,24 +21307,24 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::OrAssignmentToConstant::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# # frozen_string_literal: true
# p [''.frozen?, ''.encoding] #=> [true, #]
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#33
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#32
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::OrderedMagicComments < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::FrozenStringLiteral
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#38
def on_new_investigation; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#56
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#55
def autocorrect(corrector, encoding_line, frozen_string_literal_line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#63
def magic_comment_lines; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#37
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/ordered_magic_comments.rb#36
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::OrderedMagicComments::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Looks for references of Regexp captures that are out of range
@@ -21463,6 +21950,79 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantDirGlobSort::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_dir_glob_sort.rb#37
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantDirGlobSort::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# Checks for redundant quantifiers inside Regexp literals.
+# It is always allowed when interpolation is used in a regexp literal,
+# because it's unknown what kind of string will be expanded as a result:
+# [source,ruby]
+# ----
+# /(?:a*#{interpolation})?/x
+# ----
+# @example
+# # bad
+# /(?:x+)+/
+# # good
+# /(?:x)+/
+# # good
+# /(?:x+)/
+# # bad
+# /(?:x+)?/
+# # good
+# /(?:x)*/
+# # good
+# /(?:x*)/
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#34
+class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRegexpQuantifiers < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#42
+ def on_regexp(node); end
+ private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#83
+ def character_set?(expr); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#61
+ def each_redundantly_quantified_pair(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#87
+ def mergeable_quantifier(expr); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#103
+ def merged_quantifier(exp1, exp2); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#119
+ def message(group, child, replacement); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#115
+ def quantifier_range(group, child); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#75
+ def redundant_group?(expr); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#79
+ def redundantly_quantifiable?(node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_regexp_quantifiers.rb#38
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRegexpQuantifiers::MSG_REDUNDANT_QUANTIFIER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for unnecessary `require` statement.
# The following features are unnecessary `require` statement because
@@ -21492,45 +22052,52 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantDirGlobSort::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil)
# # good
# require 'unloaded_feature'
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#34
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#38
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRequireStatement < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#52
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#61
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#47
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#57
+ def pp_const?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#51
def redundant_require_statement?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#71
- def redundant_feature?(feature_name); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#91
+ def need_to_require_pp?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#82
- def use_pretty_print_method?; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#80
+ def redundant_feature?(feature_name); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#38
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#42
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRequireStatement::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#41
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#45
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRequireStatement::PRETTY_PRINT_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#39
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#43
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRequireStatement::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#40
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_require_statement.rb#44
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRequireStatement::RUBY_22_LOADED_FEATURES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for redundant safe navigation calls.
-# `instance_of?`, `kind_of?`, `is_a?`, `eql?`, `respond_to?`, and `equal?` methods
-# are checked by default. These are customizable with `AllowedMethods` option.
+# Use cases where a constant, named in camel case for classes and modules is `nil` are rare,
+# and an offense is not detected when the receiver is a snake case constant.
+# For all receivers, the `instance_of?`, `kind_of?`, `is_a?`, `eql?`, `respond_to?`,
+# and `equal?` methods are checked by default.
+# These are customizable with `AllowedMethods` option.
# The `AllowedMethods` option specifies nil-safe methods,
# in other words, it is a method that is allowed to skip safe navigation.
@@ -21542,6 +22109,9 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRequireStatement::RUBY_22_LOADED_FEATURES = T.let(T
# @example
# # bad
+# CamelCaseConst&.do_something
+# # bad
# do_something if attrs&.respond_to?(:[])
# # good
@@ -21553,12 +22123,31 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRequireStatement::RUBY_22_LOADED_FEATURES = T.let(T
# end
# # good
+# CamelCaseConst.do_something
+# # good
# while node.is_a?(BeginNode)
# node = node.parent
# end
# # good - without `&.` this will always return `true`
# foo&.respond_to?(:to_a)
+# # bad - for `nil`s conversion methods return default values for the type
+# foo&.to_h || {}
+# foo&.to_h { |k, v| [k, v] } || {}
+# foo&.to_a || []
+# foo&.to_i || 0
+# foo&.to_f || 0.0
+# foo&.to_s || ''
+# # good
+# foo.to_h
+# foo.to_h { |k, v| [k, v] }
+# foo.to_a
+# foo.to_i
+# foo.to_f
+# foo.to_s
# @example AllowedMethods: [nil_safe_method]
# # bad
# do_something if attrs&.nil_safe_method(:[])
@@ -21567,37 +22156,49 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantRequireStatement::RUBY_22_LOADED_FEATURES = T.let(T
# do_something if attrs.nil_safe_method(:[])
# do_something if attrs&.not_nil_safe_method(:[])
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#51
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#77
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantSafeNavigation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedMethods
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#65
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#95
+ def conversion_with_default?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#107
def on_csend(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#117
+ def on_or(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#90
def respond_to_nil_specific_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#134
def check?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#144
def condition?(parent, node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#56
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#82
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantSafeNavigation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#58
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#83
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantSafeNavigation::MSG_LITERAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#85
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantSafeNavigation::NIL_SPECIFIC_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_safe_navigation.rb#87
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantSafeNavigation::SNAKE_CASE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Checks for unneeded usages of splat expansion
# @example
@@ -21745,7 +22346,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantSplatExpansion::PERCENT_I = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), St
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_splat_expansion.rb#76
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantSplatExpansion::PERCENT_W = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for string conversion in string interpolation,
+# Checks for string conversion in string interpolation, `print`, `puts`, and `warn` arguments,
# which is redundant.
# @example
@@ -21753,30 +22354,47 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantSplatExpansion::PERCENT_W = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), St
# # bad
# "result is #{something.to_s}"
+# print something.to_s
+# puts something.to_s
+# warn something.to_s
# @example
# # good
# "result is #{something}"
+# print something
+# puts something
+# warn something
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#20
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#27
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantStringCoercion < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Interpolation
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#30
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#38
def on_interpolation(begin_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#28
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#46
+ def on_send(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#36
def to_s_without_args?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#58
+ def register_offense(node, context); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#24
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#31
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantStringCoercion::MSG_DEFAULT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#25
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantStringCoercion::MSG_SELF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/redundant_string_coercion.rb#33
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::RedundantStringCoercion::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for redundant `with_index`.
# @example
@@ -22250,20 +22868,25 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SafeNavigationChain < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @param send_node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
# @return [String]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/safe_navigation_chain.rb#63
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/safe_navigation_chain.rb#62
def add_safe_navigation_operator(offense_range:, send_node:); end
# @param corrector [RuboCop::Cop::Corrector]
# @param offense_range [Parser::Source::Range]
# @param send_node [RuboCop::AST::SendNode]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/safe_navigation_chain.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/safe_navigation_chain.rb#81
def autocorrect(corrector, offense_range:, send_node:); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/safe_navigation_chain.rb#92
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/safe_navigation_chain.rb#90
def brackets?(send_node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/safe_navigation_chain.rb#94
+ def require_parentheses?(send_node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/safe_navigation_chain.rb#33
@@ -22416,58 +23039,77 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ScriptPermission::SHEBANG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# foo = foo
# foo, bar = foo, bar
# Foo = Foo
+# hash['foo'] = hash['foo']
+# obj.attr = obj.attr
# # good
# foo = bar
# foo, bar = bar, foo
# Foo = Bar
+# hash['foo'] = hash['bar']
+# obj.attr = obj.attr2
+# # good (method calls possibly can return different results)
+# hash[foo] = hash[foo]
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#19
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#26
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SelfAssignment < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#69
def on_and_asgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#41
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#57
def on_casgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#29
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#36
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#45
def on_cvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#29
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#45
def on_gvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#29
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#45
def on_ivasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#29
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#45
def on_lvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#49
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#65
def on_masgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#69
def on_or_asgn(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#36
+ def on_send(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#103
+ def handle_attribute_assignment(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#92
+ def handle_key_assignment(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#77
def multiple_self_assignment?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#87
def rhs_matches_lhs?(rhs, lhs); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#22
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SelfAssignment::ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_TO_RHS_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#20
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/self_assignment.rb#27
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SelfAssignment::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop checks for `send`, `public_send`, and `__send__` methods
+# Checks for `send`, `public_send`, and `__send__` methods
# when using mix-in.
# `include` and `prepend` methods were private methods until Ruby 2.0,
@@ -22497,41 +23139,41 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SelfAssignment::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Foo.prepend Bar
# Foo.extend Bar
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#37
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#36
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SendWithMixinArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#53
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#47
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#46
def send_with_mixin_argument?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#68
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#67
def bad_location(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#74
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#73
def message(method, module_name, bad_method); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#77
def mixin_method?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#42
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#41
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SendWithMixinArgument::MIXIN_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#41
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#40
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SendWithMixinArgument::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#44
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#43
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SendWithMixinArgument::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#43
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/send_with_mixin_argument.rb#42
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SendWithMixinArgument::SEND_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for shadowed arguments.
@@ -22604,7 +23246,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ShadowedArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# Get argument references without assignments' references
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_argument.rb#160
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_argument.rb#161
def argument_references(argument); end
# Find the first argument assignment, which doesn't reference the
@@ -22620,17 +23262,17 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ShadowedArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_argument.rb#170
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_argument.rb#171
def ignore_implicit_references?; end
# Check whether the given node is nested into block or conditional.
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_argument.rb#151
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_argument.rb#152
def node_within_block_or_conditional?(node, stop_search_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_argument.rb#143
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_argument.rb#144
def reference_pos(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_argument.rb#95
@@ -22721,7 +23363,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ShadowedException < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_exception.rb#119
def evaluate_exceptions(group); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_exception.rb#158
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_exception.rb#152
def find_shadowing_rescue(rescues); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_exception.rb#84
@@ -22732,7 +23374,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ShadowedException < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_exception.rb#143
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowed_exception.rb#137
def sorted?(rescued_groups); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -22791,6 +23433,11 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ShadowingOuterLocalVariable < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowing_outer_local_variable.rb#93
def find_conditional_node_from_ascendant(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowing_outer_local_variable.rb#100
+ def node_or_its_ascendant_conditional?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/shadowing_outer_local_variable.rb#49
def ractor_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
@@ -22983,6 +23630,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SuppressedException::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# 'underscored_string'.to_sym
# :'underscored_symbol'
# 'hyphenated-string'.to_sym
+# "string_#{interpolation}".to_sym
# # good
# :string
@@ -22990,6 +23638,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SuppressedException::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# :underscored_string
# :underscored_symbol
# :'hyphenated-string'
+# :"string_#{interpolation}"
# @example EnforcedStyle: strict (default)
# # bad
@@ -23025,60 +23674,60 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SuppressedException::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# b: 2
# }
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#66
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#68
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SymbolConversion < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::SymbolHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#100
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#105
def on_hash(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#78
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#88
def on_sym(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#142
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#147
def correct_hash_key(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#161
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#166
def correct_inconsistent_hash_keys(keys); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#134
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#139
def in_alias?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#138
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#143
def in_percent_literal_array?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#121
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#126
def properly_quoted?(source, value); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#117
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#122
def register_offense(node, correction:, message: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#135
def requires_quotes?(sym_node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#71
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#73
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SymbolConversion::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#72
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#74
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SymbolConversion::MSG_CONSISTENCY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#74
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/symbol_conversion.rb#76
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::SymbolConversion::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Repacks Parser's diagnostics/errors
@@ -23094,13 +23743,13 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Syntax < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/syntax.rb#19
def add_offense_from_diagnostic(diagnostic, ruby_version); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/syntax.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/syntax.rb#29
def add_offense_from_error(error); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/syntax.rb#31
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/syntax.rb#34
def beautify_message(message); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/syntax.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/syntax.rb#40
def find_severity(_range, _severity); end
@@ -23199,27 +23848,39 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::ToJSON::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# always ignored. This is detected automatically since Ruby 2.7.
# @example
+# # bad
+# return 1
-# # Detected since Ruby 2.7
-# return 1 # 1 is always ignored.
+# # good
+# return
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/top_level_return_with_argument.rb#14
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/top_level_return_with_argument.rb#16
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::TopLevelReturnWithArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/top_level_return_with_argument.rb#21
def on_return(return_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/top_level_return_with_argument.rb#35
+ def remove_arguments(corrector, return_node); end
+ # This cop works by validating the ancestors of the return node. A
+ # top-level return node's ancestors should not be of block, def, or
+ # defs type.
+ #
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/top_level_return_with_argument.rb#27
- def ancestors_valid?(return_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/top_level_return_with_argument.rb#42
+ def top_level_return?(return_node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/top_level_return_with_argument.rb#31
+ def top_level_return_with_any_argument?(return_node); end
-# This cop works by validating the ancestors of the return node. A
-# top-level return node's ancestors should not be of block, def, or
-# defs type.
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/top_level_return_with_argument.rb#19
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::TopLevelReturnWithArgument::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
@@ -24024,7 +24685,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::UnusedMethodArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
def message(variable); end
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/unused_method_argument.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop-performance/1.20.2/lib/rubocop-performance.rb#15
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/unused_method_argument.rb#75
@@ -24322,12 +24983,18 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::UselessAccessModifier::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# scope.
# The basic idea for this cop was from the warning of `ruby -cw`:
-# assigned but unused variable - foo
+# [source,console]
+# ----
+# assigned but unused variable - foo
+# ----
# Currently this cop has advanced logic that detects unreferenced
# reassignments and properly handles varied cases such as branch, loop,
# rescue, ensure, etc.
+# NOTE: Given the assignment `foo = 1, bar = 2`, removing unused variables
+# can lead to a syntax error, so this case is not autocorrected.
# @example
# # bad
@@ -24345,49 +25012,83 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::UselessAccessModifier::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# do_something(some_var)
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#33
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#45
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::UselessAssignment < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#40
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#56
def after_leaving_scope(scope, _variable_table); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#44
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#162
+ def autocorrect(corrector, assignment); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#103
+ def chained_assignment?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#61
def check_for_unused_assignments(variable); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#146
def collect_variable_like_names(scope); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#79
def message_for_useless_assignment(assignment); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#68
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#107
def message_specification(assignment, variable); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#117
def multiple_assignment_message(variable_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#85
+ def offense_range(assignment); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#122
def operator_assignment_message(scope, assignment); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#179
+ def remove_exception_assignment_part(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#203
+ def remove_local_variable_assignment_part(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#192
+ def remove_trailing_character_from_operator(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#188
+ def rename_variable_with_underscore(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#196
+ def replace_named_capture_group_with_non_capturing_group(corrector, node, variable_name); end
# TODO: More precise handling (rescue, ensure, nested begin, etc.)
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#136
def return_value_node_of_scope(scope); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#91
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#93
+ def sequential_assignment?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#129
def similar_name_message(variable); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#117
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#155
def variable_like_method_invocation?(node); end
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#36
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#52
def joining_forces; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#34
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/useless_assignment.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::UselessAssignment::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for useless `else` in `begin..end` without `rescue`.
@@ -24730,7 +25431,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::UselessSetterCall::MethodVariableTracker
# Checks for uses of `Integer#times` that will never yield
-# (when the integer <= 0) or that will only ever yield once
+# (when the integer ``<= 0``) or that will only ever yield once
# (`1.times`).
# @example
@@ -24798,6 +25499,16 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::UselessTimes::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for operators, variables, literals, lambda, proc and nonmutating
# methods used in void context.
+# `each` blocks are allowed to prevent false positives.
+# For example, the expression inside the `each` block below.
+# It's not void, especially when the receiver is an `Enumerator`:
+# [source,ruby]
+# ----
+# enumerator = [1, 2, 3].filter
+# enumerator.each { |item| item >= 2 } #=> [2, 3]
+# ----
# @example CheckForMethodsWithNoSideEffects: false (default)
# # bad
# def some_method
@@ -24832,89 +25543,109 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Lint::UselessTimes::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# do_something(some_array)
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#43
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#53
class RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#76
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#92
def on_begin(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#67
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#82
def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#92
def on_kwbegin(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#67
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#82
def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#212
+ def autocorrect_nonmutating_send(corrector, node, suggestion); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#208
+ def autocorrect_void_expression(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#196
+ def autocorrect_void_op(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#99
def check_begin(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#108
def check_expression(expr); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#112
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#146
def check_literal(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#170
def check_nonmutating(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#118
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#154
def check_self(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#106
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#128
def check_var(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#162
def check_void_expression(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#100
- def check_void_op(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#118
+ def check_void_op(node, &block); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#145
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#221
+ def entirely_literal?(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#188
def in_void_context?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#51
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#66
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::BINARY_OPERATORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#48
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#60
+RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::CONST_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#63
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::EXPRESSION_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#46
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#61
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::LIT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#62
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#77
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::METHODS_REPLACEABLE_BY_EACH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#64
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#79
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::NONMUTATING_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#55
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#70
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::NONMUTATING_METHODS_WITH_BANG_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#49
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#64
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::NONMUTATING_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#53
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#68
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::OPERATORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#44
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#58
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::OP_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#47
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#62
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::SELF_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#52
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#67
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::UNARY_OPERATORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#45
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#59
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::VAR_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#54
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/lint/void.rb#69
RuboCop::Cop::Lint::Void::VOID_CONTEXT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Common functionality for obtaining source ranges from regexp matches
@@ -25126,9 +25857,9 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Metrics; end
# Interpreting ABC size:
-# * <= 17 satisfactory
-# * 18..30 unsatisfactory
-# * > 30 dangerous
+# * ``<= 17`` satisfactory
+# * `18..30` unsatisfactory
+# * `>` 30 dangerous
# You can have repeated "attributes" calls count as a single "branch".
# For this purpose, attributes are any method with no argument; no attempt
@@ -25177,13 +25908,12 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::AbcSize::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Available are: 'array', 'hash', 'heredoc', and 'method_call'. Each construct
# will be counted as one line regardless of its actual size.
+# NOTE: This cop does not apply for `Struct` definitions.
# NOTE: The `ExcludedMethods` configuration is deprecated and only kept
# for backwards compatibility. Please use `AllowedMethods` and `AllowedPatterns`
# instead. By default, there are no methods to allowed.
-# NOTE: This cop does not apply for `Struct` definitions.
# @example CountAsOne: ['array', 'heredoc', 'method_call']
# something do
@@ -25309,15 +26039,18 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::BlockNesting::NESTING_BLOCKS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array
class RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::ClassLength < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::CodeLength
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/class_length.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/class_length.rb#52
def on_casgn(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/class_length.rb#42
def on_class(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/class_length.rb#46
+ def on_sclass(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/class_length.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/class_length.rb#70
def message(length, max_length); end
@@ -25745,7 +26478,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::Utils::AbcSizeCalculator
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/abc_size_calculator.rb#128
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/abc_size_calculator.rb#127
def argument?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -25755,7 +26488,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::Utils::AbcSizeCalculator
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/abc_size_calculator.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/abc_size_calculator.rb#123
def branch?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -25768,7 +26501,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::Utils::AbcSizeCalculator
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/abc_size_calculator.rb#132
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/abc_size_calculator.rb#131
def condition?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -25821,18 +26554,18 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::Utils::CodeLengthCalculator
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#175
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#182
def another_args?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#42
def build_foldable_checks(types); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#90
def classlike_code_length(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#131
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#138
def classlike_node?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#66
@@ -25840,53 +26573,61 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::Utils::CodeLengthCalculator
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#156
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#163
def count_comments?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#126
def each_top_level_descendant(node, types, &block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#139
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#146
def extract_body(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#135
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#142
def foldable_node?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#114
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#121
def heredoc_length(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#79
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#86
def heredoc_node?(node); end
# Returns true for lines that shall not be included in the count.
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#152
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#159
def irrelevant_line?(source_line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#110
def line_numbers_of_inner_nodes(node, *types); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#99
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#106
def namespace_module?(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#186
+ def node_with_heredoc?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#60
def normalize_foldable_types(types); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#160
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#167
def omit_length(descendant); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#171
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#178
def parenthesized?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#190
+ def source_from_node_with_heredoc(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/utils/code_length_calculator.rb#13
@@ -26184,18 +26925,21 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#7
module RuboCop::Cop::MultilineExpressionIndentation
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#14
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#14
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#131
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#132
def argument_in_method_call(node, kind); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#187
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#188
def assignment_rhs(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#65
def check(range, node, lhs, rhs); end
# The correct indentation of `node` is usually `IndentationWidth`, with
@@ -26215,62 +26959,62 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::MultilineExpressionIndentation
# bar # normal indentation, not special
# ```
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#55
def correct_indentation(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#160
def disqualified_rhs?(candidate, ancestor); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#203
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#204
def grouped_expression?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#73
def incorrect_style_detected(range, node, lhs, rhs); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#85
def indentation(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#121
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#122
def indented_keyword_expression(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#207
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#208
def inside_arg_list_parentheses?(node, ancestor); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#99
def keyword_message_tail(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#106
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#107
def kw_node_with_special_indentation(node); end
- # In a chain of method calls, we regard the top send node as the base
+ # In a chain of method calls, we regard the top call node as the base
# for indentation of all lines following the first. For example:
# a.
# b c { block }. <-- b is indented relative to a
# d <-- d is indented relative to a
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#31
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#32
def left_hand_side(lhs); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#197
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#198
def not_for_this_cop?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#89
def operation_description(node, rhs); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#145
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#146
def part_of_assignment_rhs(node, candidate); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#183
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#184
def part_of_block_body?(candidate, block_node); end
# Returns true if `node` is a conditional whose `body` and `condition`
@@ -26278,29 +27022,29 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::MultilineExpressionIndentation
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#216
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#217
def postfix_conditional?(node); end
# The []= operator and setters (a.b = c) are parsed as :send nodes.
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#175
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#176
def valid_method_rhs_candidate?(candidate, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#164
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#165
def valid_rhs?(candidate, ancestor); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#179
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#180
def valid_rhs_candidate?(candidate, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#220
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/multiline_expression_indentation.rb#221
def within_node?(inner, outer); end
@@ -26703,43 +27447,43 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Naming::BlockForwarding < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#55
def on_def(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#55
def on_defs(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#95
def anonymous_block_argument?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#127
def block_forwarding_name; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#81
def expected_block_forwarding_style?(node, last_argument); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#99
def explicit_block_argument?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#103
def register_offense(block_argument, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#119
def use_block_argument_as_local_variable?(node, last_argument); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/block_forwarding.rb#91
def use_kwarg_in_method_definition?(node); end
class << self
@@ -26848,7 +27592,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Naming::ConstantName < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/constant_name.rb#27
def class_or_struct_return_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/constant_name.rb#69
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/constant_name.rb#68
def literal_receiver?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/constant_name.rb#33
@@ -26863,7 +27607,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Naming::ConstantName < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/constant_name.rb#74
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/constant_name.rb#73
def allowed_conditional_expression_on_rhs?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -26873,7 +27617,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Naming::ConstantName < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/constant_name.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/constant_name.rb#77
def contains_constant?(node); end
@@ -27112,12 +27856,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Naming::HeredocDelimiterNaming < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/heredoc_delimiter_naming.rb#49
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/heredoc_delimiter_naming.rb#51
def forbidden_delimiters; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/heredoc_delimiter_naming.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/heredoc_delimiter_naming.rb#41
def meaningful_delimiters?(node); end
@@ -27447,54 +28191,55 @@ end
# @_foo ||= calculate_expensive_thing
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#147
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#148
class RuboCop::Cop::Naming::MemoizedInstanceVariableName < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#189
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#197
def defined_memoized?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#157
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#160
def method_definition?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#197
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#205
def on_defined?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#166
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#170
def on_or_asgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#227
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#242
def find_definition(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#238
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#253
def matches?(method_name, ivar_assign); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#248
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#263
def message(variable); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#223
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#238
def style_parameter_name; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#256
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#271
def suggested_var(method_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#262
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#277
def variable_name_candidates(method_name); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#154
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#157
RuboCop::Cop::Naming::MemoizedInstanceVariableName::DYNAMIC_DEFINE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#150
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#153
RuboCop::Cop::Naming::MemoizedInstanceVariableName::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#152
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/memoized_instance_variable_name.rb#155
RuboCop::Cop::Naming::MemoizedInstanceVariableName::UNDERSCORE_REQUIRED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Makes sure that all methods use the configured style,
@@ -27766,36 +28511,39 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Naming::RescuedExceptionsVariableName < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#96
+ def autocorrect(corrector, node, range, offending_name, preferred_name); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#116
def correct_node(corrector, node, offending_name, preferred_name); end
# If the exception variable is reassigned, that assignment needs to be corrected.
# Further `lvar` nodes will not be corrected though since they now refer to a
# different variable.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#126
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#134
def correct_reassignment(corrector, node, offending_name, preferred_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#151
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#159
def message(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#93
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#91
def offense_range(resbody); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#135
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#143
def preferred_name(variable_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#157
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#165
def shadowed_variable_name?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#144
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#152
def variable_name(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/rescued_exceptions_variable_name.rb#106
def variable_name_matches?(node, name); end
@@ -27817,11 +28565,14 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Naming::RescuedExceptionsVariableName::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# # good
# fooBar = 1
+# @example AllowedIdentifiers: ['fooBar']
+# # good (with EnforcedStyle: snake_case)
+# fooBar = 1
# @example AllowedPatterns: ['_v\d+\z']
-# # good
+# # good (with EnforcedStyle: camelCase)
# :release_v1
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#26
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#31
class RuboCop::Cop::Naming::VariableName < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedIdentifiers
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
@@ -27829,51 +28580,51 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Naming::VariableName < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableNaming
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_arg(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_blockarg(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_cvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_ivasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_kwarg(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_kwoptarg(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_kwrestarg(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_lvar(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_lvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_optarg(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#42
def on_restarg(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#38
def valid_name?(node, name, given_style = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#57
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#62
def message(style); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#31
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/naming/variable_name.rb#36
RuboCop::Cop::Naming::VariableName::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Makes sure that all numbered variables use the
@@ -28640,25 +29391,20 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::PrecedingFollowingAlignment
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#93
def aligned_assignment?(range, line); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#91
- def aligned_char?(range, line); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#70
def aligned_comment_lines; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#107
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#105
def aligned_identical?(range, line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#81
def aligned_operator?(range, line); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -28683,10 +29429,10 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::PrecedingFollowingAlignment
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#100
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#98
def aligned_with_append_operator?(range, line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#109
def aligned_with_assignment(token, line_range); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -28712,7 +29458,7 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::PrecedingFollowingAlignment
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#85
def aligned_words?(range, line); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -28720,16 +29466,16 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::PrecedingFollowingAlignment
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#10
def allow_for_alignment?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#129
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#127
def assignment_lines; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#133
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#131
def assignment_tokens; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#149
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#147
def relevant_assignment_lines(line_range); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/mixin/preceding_following_alignment.rb#174
def remove_optarg_equals(asgn_tokens, processed_source); end
@@ -29360,6 +30106,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Security::MarshalLoad::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Arr
# # bad
# open(something)
# open("| #{something}")
+# open("| foo")
# URI.open(something)
# # good
@@ -29369,7 +30116,6 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Security::MarshalLoad::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Arr
# # good (literal strings)
# open("foo.text")
-# open("| foo")
# URI.open("http://example.com")
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/security/open.rb#37
@@ -29934,29 +30680,29 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::AccessorGrouping < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#71
def check(send_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#110
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#114
def class_send_elements(class_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#153
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#157
def group_accessors(node, accessors); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#96
def groupable_accessor?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#134
def groupable_sibling_accessors(send_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#122
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#126
def grouped_style?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#139
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#143
def message(send_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#144
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#148
def preferred_accessors(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -29964,12 +30710,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::AccessorGrouping < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#91
def previous_line_comment?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#163
def separate_accessors(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#126
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/accessor_grouping.rb#130
def separated_style?; end
@@ -30008,9 +30754,6 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::Alias < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/alias.rb#150
- def identifier(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/alias.rb#51
def on_alias(node); end
@@ -30046,9 +30789,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::Alias < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/alias.rb#135
def correct_alias_to_alias_method(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/alias.rb#144
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/alias.rb#142
def correct_alias_with_symbol_args(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/alias.rb#147
+ def identifier(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/alias.rb#113
def lexical_scope_type(node); end
@@ -30180,22 +30926,50 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::AndOr::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# This cop identifies places where `do_something(*args, &block)`
# can be replaced by `do_something(...)`.
-# @example
-# # bad
-# def foo(*args, &block)
-# bar(*args, &block)
+# In Ruby 3.2, anonymous args/kwargs forwarding has been added.
+# This cop also identifies places where `use_args(*args)`/`use_kwargs(**kwargs)` can be
+# replaced by `use_args(*)`/`use_kwargs(**)`; if desired, this functionality can be disabled
+# by setting `UseAnonymousForwarding: false`.
+# And this cop has `RedundantRestArgumentNames`, `RedundantKeywordRestArgumentNames`,
+# and `RedundantBlockArgumentNames` options. This configuration is a list of redundant names
+# that are sufficient for anonymizing meaningless naming.
+# Meaningless names that are commonly used can be anonymized by default:
+# e.g., `*args`, `**options`, `&block`, and so on.
+# Names not on this list are likely to be meaningful and are allowed by default.
+# @example RedundantBlockArgumentNames: ['blk', 'block', 'proc'] (default)
+# # bad - But it is good with `EnforcedStyle: explicit` set for `Naming/BlockForwarding`.
+# def foo(&block)
+# bar(&block)
# end
+# # good
+# def foo(&)
+# bar(&)
+# end
+# @example UseAnonymousForwarding: true (default, only relevant for Ruby >= 3.2)
# # bad
-# def foo(*args, **kwargs, &block)
-# bar(*args, **kwargs, &block)
+# def foo(*args, **kwargs)
+# args_only(*args)
+# kwargs_only(**kwargs)
# end
# # good
-# def foo(...)
-# bar(...)
+# def foo(*, **)
+# args_only(*)
+# kwargs_only(**)
# end
-# @example AllowOnlyRestArgument: true (default)
+# @example UseAnonymousForwarding: false (only relevant for Ruby >= 3.2)
+# # good
+# def foo(*args, **kwargs)
+# args_only(*args)
+# kwargs_only(**kwargs)
+# end
+# @example AllowOnlyRestArgument: true (default, only relevant for Ruby < 3.2)
# # good
# def foo(*args)
# bar(*args)
@@ -30204,7 +30978,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::AndOr::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# def foo(**kwargs)
# bar(**kwargs)
# end
-# @example AllowOnlyRestArgument: false
+# @example AllowOnlyRestArgument: false (only relevant for Ruby < 3.2)
# # bad
# # The following code can replace the arguments with `...`,
# # but it will change the behavior. Because `...` forwards block also.
@@ -30215,60 +30989,260 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::AndOr::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# def foo(**kwargs)
# bar(**kwargs)
# end
+# @example RedundantRestArgumentNames: ['args', 'arguments'] (default)
+# # bad
+# def foo(*args)
+# bar(*args)
+# end
+# # good
+# def foo(*)
+# bar(*)
+# end
+# @example RedundantKeywordRestArgumentNames: ['kwargs', 'options', 'opts'] (default)
+# # bad
+# def foo(**kwargs)
+# bar(**kwargs)
+# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#49
+# # good
+# def foo(**)
+# bar(**)
+# end
+# @example
+# # bad
+# def foo(*args, &block)
+# bar(*args, &block)
+# end
+# # bad
+# def foo(*args, **kwargs, &block)
+# bar(*args, **kwargs, &block)
+# end
+# # good
+# def foo(...)
+# bar(...)
+# end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#116
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArgumentsForwarding < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#72
- def forwarding_method_arguments?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1, param2, param3); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#135
def on_def(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#135
def on_defs(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#64
- def only_rest_arguments?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
+ private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#59
- def use_rest_arguments?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#176
+ def add_forward_all_offenses(node, send_classifications, forwardable_args); end
- private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#329
+ def add_parens_if_missing(node, corrector); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#199
+ def add_post_ruby_32_offenses(def_node, send_classifications, forwardable_args); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#116
- def all_lvars_as_forwarding_method_arguments?(def_node, forwarding_method); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#321
+ def allow_only_rest_arguments?; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#313
+ def arguments_range(node, first_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#242
+ def classification_and_forwards(def_node, send_node, referenced_lvars, forwardable_args); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#227
+ def classify_send_nodes(def_node, send_nodes, referenced_lvars, forwardable_args); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#149
- def allow_only_rest_arguments?; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#473
+ def explicit_block_name?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#143
- def arguments_range(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#159
+ def extract_forwardable_args(args); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#103
- def extract_argument_names_from(args); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#217
+ def non_splat_or_block_pass_lvar_references(body); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#110
- def forwarding_method?(node, rest_arg, kwargs, block_arg); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#171
+ def only_forwards_all?(send_classifications); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#271
+ def outside_block?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#163
+ def redundant_forwardable_named_args(restarg, kwrestarg, blockarg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#125
- def register_offense_to_forwarding_method_arguments(forwarding_method); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#261
+ def redundant_named_arg(arg, config_name, keyword); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#134
- def register_offense_to_method_definition_arguments(method_definition); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#303
+ def register_forward_all_offense(def_or_send, send_or_arguments, rest_or_splat); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#277
+ def register_forward_args_offense(def_arguments_or_send, rest_arg_or_splat); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#293
+ def register_forward_block_arg_offense(add_parens, def_arguments_or_send, block_arg); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#285
+ def register_forward_kwargs_offense(add_parens, def_arguments_or_send, kwrest_arg_or_splat); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#325
+ def use_anonymous_forwarding?; end
+ class << self
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#131
+ def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
+ end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#56
-RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArgumentsForwarding::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#124
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArgumentsForwarding::ADDITIONAL_ARG_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#127
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArgumentsForwarding::ARGS_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#129
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArgumentsForwarding::BLOCK_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#123
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArgumentsForwarding::FORWARDING_LVAR_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#126
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArgumentsForwarding::FORWARDING_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#128
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArgumentsForwarding::KWARGS_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Classifies send nodes for possible rest/kwrest/all (including block) forwarding.
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#336
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArgumentsForwarding::SendNodeClassifier
+ extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
+ # @return [SendNodeClassifier] a new instance of SendNodeClassifier
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#348
+ def initialize(def_node, send_node, referenced_lvars, forwardable_args, **config); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#376
+ def classification; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#343
+ def extract_forwarded_kwrest_arg(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#370
+ def forwarded_block_arg; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#346
+ def forwarded_block_arg?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#364
+ def forwarded_kwrest_arg; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#358
+ def forwarded_rest_arg; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#340
+ def forwarded_rest_arg?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil), param1); end
+ private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#444
+ def additional_kwargs?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#440
+ def additional_kwargs_or_forwarded_kwargs?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#454
+ def allow_offense_for_no_block?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#425
+ def any_arg_referenced?; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#409
+ def arguments; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#388
+ def can_forward_all?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#448
+ def forward_additional_kwargs?; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#405
+ def forwarded_rest_and_kwrest_args; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#467
+ def missing_rest_arg_or_kwrest_arg?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#458
+ def no_additional_args?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#433
+ def no_post_splat_args?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#401
+ def offensive_block_forwarding?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#421
+ def referenced_block_arg?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#417
+ def referenced_kwrest_arg?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#413
+ def referenced_rest_arg?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#397
+ def ruby_32_missing_rest_or_kwest?; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/arguments_forwarding.rb#429
+ def target_ruby_version; end
# Enforces the use of `Array()` instead of explicit `Array` check or `[*var]`.
@@ -30308,6 +31282,46 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayCoercion::CHECK_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_coercion.rb#44
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayCoercion::SPLAT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Identifies usages of `arr[0]` and `arr[-1]` and suggests to change
+# them to use `arr.first` and `arr.last` instead.
+# The cop is disabled by default due to safety concerns.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# arr[0]
+# arr[-1]
+# # good
+# arr.first
+# arr.last
+# arr[0] = 2
+# arr[0][-2]
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_first_last.rb#28
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayFirstLast < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_first_last.rb#35
+ def on_send(node); end
+ private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_first_last.rb#58
+ def brace_method?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_first_last.rb#53
+ def innermost_braces_node(node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_first_last.rb#31
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayFirstLast::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_first_last.rb#32
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayFirstLast::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# In Ruby 3.1, `Array#intersect?` has been added.
# This cop identifies places where `(array1 & array2).any?`
@@ -30316,6 +31330,15 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayCoercion::SPLAT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# The `array1.intersect?(array2)` method is faster than
# `(array1 & array2).any?` and is more readable.
+# In cases like the following, compatibility is not ensured,
+# so it will not be detected when using block argument.
+# [source,ruby]
+# ----
+# ([1] & [1,2]).any? { |x| false } # => false
+# [1].intersect?([1,2]) { |x| false } # => true
+# ----
# @example
# # bad
# (array1 & array2).any?
@@ -30337,46 +31360,46 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayCoercion::SPLAT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# array1.intersect?(array2)
# !array1.intersect?(array2)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#40
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#49
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayIntersect < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#56
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#65
def active_support_bad_intersection_check?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#79
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#47
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#56
def regular_bad_intersection_check?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#86
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#94
def bad_intersection_check?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#106
def message(receiver, argument, method_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#94
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#102
def straight?(method_name); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#64
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#73
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayIntersect::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#67
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#76
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayIntersect::NEGATED_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#68
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#77
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayIntersect::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#66
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/array_intersect.rb#75
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ArrayIntersect::STRAIGHT_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for uses of "*" as a substitute for _join_.
@@ -30453,7 +31476,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::Attr < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#74
def class_eval?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#24
@@ -30461,13 +31484,23 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::Attr < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#37
+ def allowed_context?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#47
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#49
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#43
+ def define_attr_method?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#59
def message(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/attr.rb#63
def replacement_method(node); end
@@ -30491,28 +31524,36 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::Attr::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# # ...
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#19
+# # bad
+# f = Tempfile.open('temp')
+# # good
+# Tempfile.open('temp') do |f|
+# # ...
+# end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#27
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::AutoResourceCleanup < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#32
+ def file_open_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#36
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#41
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#46
def cleanup?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#20
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#28
RuboCop::Cop::Style::AutoResourceCleanup::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#24
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::Style::AutoResourceCleanup::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/auto_resource_cleanup.rb#22
-RuboCop::Cop::Style::AutoResourceCleanup::TARGET_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Checks if usage of %() or %Q() matches configuration.
# @example EnforcedStyle: bare_percent (default)
@@ -30565,19 +31606,19 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/bare_percent_literals.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::Style::BarePercentLiterals::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop checks for BEGIN blocks.
+# Checks for BEGIN blocks.
# @example
# # bad
# BEGIN { test }
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/begin_block.rb#13
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/begin_block.rb#12
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::BeginBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/begin_block.rb#16
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/begin_block.rb#15
def on_preexe(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/begin_block.rb#14
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/begin_block.rb#13
RuboCop::Cop::Style::BeginBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for places where `attr_reader` and `attr_writer`
@@ -30950,7 +31991,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::BlockDelimiters < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#458
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#459
def array_or_range?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#208
@@ -30958,7 +31999,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::BlockDelimiters < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#462
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#463
def begin_required?(block_node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#236
@@ -30966,7 +32007,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::BlockDelimiters < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#399
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#400
def braces_for_chaining_style?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#248
@@ -30974,25 +32015,25 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::BlockDelimiters < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#376
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#377
def braces_required_method?(method_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#380
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#381
def braces_required_methods; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#409
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#410
def braces_style?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#454
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#455
def conditional?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#413
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#414
def correction_would_break_code?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#309
@@ -31000,12 +32041,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::BlockDelimiters < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#423
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#424
def functional_block?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#419
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#420
def functional_method?(method_name); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#326
@@ -31013,7 +32054,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::BlockDelimiters < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#384
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#385
def line_count_based_block_style?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#218
@@ -31027,12 +32068,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::BlockDelimiters < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#431
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#432
def procedural_method?(method_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#427
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#428
def procedural_oneliners_may_have_braces?; end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -31056,17 +32097,17 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::BlockDelimiters < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#447
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#448
def return_value_of_scope?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#435
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#436
def return_value_used?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#388
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#389
def semantic_block_style?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/block_delimiters.rb#226
@@ -31106,27 +32147,27 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::BlockDelimiters::BRACES_REQUIRED_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(n
# Corrector to correct conditional assignment in `case` statements.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#603
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#605
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::CaseCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConditionalAssignmentHelper
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConditionalCorrectorHelper
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#608
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#610
def correct(corrector, cop, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#618
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#620
def move_assignment_inside_condition(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#638
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#640
def extract_branches(case_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#632
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#634
def extract_tail_branches(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#648
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#650
def move_branch_inside_condition(corrector, branch, condition, assignment, column); end
@@ -31490,9 +32531,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ClassCheck < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_check.rb#44
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_check.rb#45
def message(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_check.rb#33
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_check.rb#33
def on_send(node); end
@@ -31505,7 +32549,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ClassCheck::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Enforces the use of `Object#instance_of?` instead of class comparison
# for equality.
-# `==`, `equal?`, and `eql?` methods are allowed by default.
+# `==`, `equal?`, and `eql?` custom method definitions are allowed by default.
# These are customizable with `AllowedMethods` option.
# @example
@@ -31517,85 +32561,77 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ClassCheck::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# # good
# var.instance_of?(Date)
-# @example AllowedMethods: [] (default)
+# @example AllowedMethods: ['==', 'equal?', 'eql?'] (default)
# # good
-# var.instance_of?(Date)
+# def ==(other)
+# self.class == other.class && name == other.name
+# end
-# # bad
-# var.class == Date
-# var.class.equal?(Date)
-# var.class.eql?(Date)
-# var.class.name == 'Date'
-# var.class.to_s == 'Date'
-# var.class.inspect == 'Date'
-# @example AllowedMethods: [`==`]
-# # good
-# var.instance_of?(Date)
-# var.class == Date
-# var.class.name == 'Date'
-# var.class.to_s == 'Date'
-# var.class.inspect == 'Date'
+# def equal?(other)
+# self.class.equal?(other.class) && name.equal?(other.name)
+# end
-# # bad
-# var.class.equal?(Date)
-# var.class.eql?(Date)
+# def eql?(other)
+# self.class.eql?(other.class) && name.eql?(other.name)
+# end
# @example AllowedPatterns: [] (default)
-# # good
-# var.instance_of?(Date)
# # bad
-# var.class == Date
-# var.class.equal?(Date)
-# var.class.eql?(Date)
-# var.class.name == 'Date'
-# var.class.to_s == 'Date'
-# var.class.inspect == 'Date'
+# def eq(other)
+# self.class.eq(other.class) && name.eq(other.name)
+# end
# @example AllowedPatterns: ['eq']
# # good
-# var.instance_of?(Date)
-# var.class.equal?(Date)
-# var.class.eql?(Date)
-# # bad
-# var.class == Date
-# var.class.name == 'Date'
-# var.class.to_s == 'Date'
-# var.class.inspect == 'Date'
+# def eq(other)
+# self.class.eq(other.class) && name.eq(other.name)
+# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#69
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#52
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ClassEqualityComparison < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedMethods
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#64
def class_comparison_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#70
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#105
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#92
def class_name(class_node, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#112
def class_name_method?(method_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#123
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#128
def offense_range(receiver_node, node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#116
+ def require_cbase?(class_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#124
+ def trim_string_quotes(class_node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#120
+ def unable_to_determine_type?(class_node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#78
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#61
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ClassEqualityComparison::CLASS_NAME_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#75
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#58
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ClassEqualityComparison::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#77
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/class_equality_comparison.rb#60
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ClassEqualityComparison::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for uses of the class/module name instead of
@@ -31802,8 +32838,12 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ClassVars::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @example
# # bad
# array.reject(&:nil?)
+# array.delete_if(&:nil?)
# array.reject { |e| e.nil? }
+# array.delete_if { |e| e.nil? }
# array.select { |e| !e.nil? }
+# array.grep_v(nil)
+# array.grep_v(NilClass)
# # good
# array.compact
@@ -31815,48 +32855,59 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ClassVars::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# # good
# hash.compact!
+# @example AllowedReceivers: ['params']
+# # good
+# params.reject(&:nil?)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#36
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#44
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::CollectionCompact < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedReceivers
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#85
+ def grep_v_with_nil?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#89
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#89
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#52
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#64
def reject_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#45
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#57
def reject_method_with_block_pass?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#74
def select_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#106
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#129
def good_method_name(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#106
def offense_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#114
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#137
def range(begin_pos_node, end_pos_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#100
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#123
def to_enum_method?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#40
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::Style::CollectionCompact::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#41
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::Style::CollectionCompact::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#42
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_compact.rb#52
RuboCop::Cop::Style::CollectionCompact::TO_ENUM_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Enforces the use of consistent method names
@@ -31876,6 +32927,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::CollectionCompact::TO_ENUM_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), A
# # bad
# items.collect
# items.collect!
+# items.collect_concat
# items.inject
# items.detect
# items.find_all
@@ -31884,50 +32936,51 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::CollectionCompact::TO_ENUM_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), A
# # good
# items.map
# items.map!
+# items.flat_map
# items.reduce
# items.find
# items.select
# items.include?
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#41
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#43
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::CollectionMethods < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::MethodPreference
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#47
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#49
def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#47
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#49
def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#55
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#63
def check_method_node(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#72
def implicit_block?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#80
def message(node); end
# Some enumerable methods accept a bare symbol (ie. _not_ Symbol#to_proc) instead
# of a block.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#86
def methods_accepting_symbol; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#45
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/collection_methods.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::Style::CollectionMethods::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for methods invoked via the :: operator instead
-# of the . operator (like FileUtils::rmdir instead of FileUtils.rmdir).
+# Checks for methods invoked via the `::` operator instead
+# of the `.` operator (like `FileUtils::rmdir` instead of `FileUtils.rmdir`).
# @example
# # bad
@@ -32037,29 +33090,42 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ColonMethodDefinition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#59
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::CombinableLoops < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#62
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#64
def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#77
def on_for(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#64
def on_numblock(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#80
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#88
def collection_looping_method?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#105
+ def combine_with_left_sibling(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#112
+ def correct_end_of_block(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#86
- def same_collection_looping?(node, sibling); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#93
+ def same_collection_looping_block?(node, sibling); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#101
+ def same_collection_looping_for?(node, sibling); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#60
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/combinable_loops.rb#62
RuboCop::Cop::Style::CombinableLoops::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Enforces using `` or %x around command literals.
@@ -32463,20 +33529,23 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ComparableClamp::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Ar
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConcatArrayLiterals < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/concat_array_literals.rb#34
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/concat_array_literals.rb#34
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/concat_array_literals.rb#69
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/concat_array_literals.rb#70
def offense_range(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/concat_array_literals.rb#86
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/concat_array_literals.rb#87
def percent_literals_includes_only_basic_literals?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/concat_array_literals.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/concat_array_literals.rb#74
def preferred_method(node); end
@@ -32829,22 +33898,22 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConditionalAssignmentHelper::KEYWORD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#440
module RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConditionalCorrectorHelper
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#459
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#461
def assignment(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#489
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#491
def correct_branches(corrector, branches); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#466
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#468
def correct_if_branches(corrector, cop, node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#441
def remove_whitespace_in_branches(corrector, branch, condition, column); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#476
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#478
def replace_branch_assignment(corrector, branch); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#452
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#454
def white_space_range(node, column); end
@@ -32929,53 +33998,53 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/constant_visibility.rb#48
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConstantVisibility::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#18
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#21
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::Copyright < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#25
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#28
def on_new_investigation; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#44
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#47
def autocorrect_notice; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#78
def encoding_token?(processed_source, token_index); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#64
def insert_notice_before(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#40
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#43
def notice; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#85
def notice_found?(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#48
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#51
def offense_range; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#68
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#71
def shebang_token?(processed_source, token_index); end
# @raise [Warning]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#52
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#55
def verify_autocorrect_notice!; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#23
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#26
RuboCop::Cop::Style::Copyright::AUTOCORRECT_EMPTY_WARNING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#22
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/copyright.rb#25
RuboCop::Cop::Style::Copyright::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for inheritance from `Data.define` to avoid creating the anonymous parent class.
@@ -33066,6 +34135,9 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::DateTime < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/date_time.rb#61
def historic_date?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/date_time.rb#70
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/date_time.rb#70
def on_send(node); end
@@ -33074,12 +34146,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::DateTime < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/date_time.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/date_time.rb#86
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/date_time.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/date_time.rb#82
def disallow_coercion?; end
@@ -33139,7 +34211,7 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/def_with_parentheses.rb#45
RuboCop::Cop::Style::DefWithParentheses::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks for places where the `#__dir__` method can replace more
+# Checks for places where the `#\_\_dir\_\_` method can replace more
# complex constructs to retrieve a canonicalized absolute path to the
# current file.
@@ -33198,12 +34270,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::DirEmpty < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/dir_empty.rb#28
def offensive?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/dir_empty.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/dir_empty.rb#37
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/dir_empty.rb#51
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/dir_empty.rb#48
def bang(node); end
@@ -33822,7 +34894,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::EachForSimpleLoop < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/each_for_simple_loop.rb#48
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/each_for_simple_loop.rb#46
def offending?(node); end
@@ -33979,30 +35051,33 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::EmptyCaseCondition < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#44
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#46
def on_case(case_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#58
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#63
def autocorrect(corrector, case_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#65
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#70
def correct_case_when(corrector, case_node, when_nodes); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#77
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#82
def correct_when_conditions(corrector, when_nodes); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#92
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#97
def keep_first_when_comment(case_range, corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#107
def replace_then_with_line_break(corrector, conditions, when_node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#42
RuboCop::Cop::Style::EmptyCaseCondition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/empty_case_condition.rb#43
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::EmptyCaseCondition::NOT_SUPPORTED_PARENT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for empty else-clauses, possibly including comments and/or an
# explicit `nil` depending on the EnforcedStyle.
@@ -34622,12 +35697,12 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::EnvHome::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
RuboCop::Cop::Style::EnvHome::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Ensures that eval methods (`eval`, `instance_eval`, `class_eval`
-# and `module_eval`) are given filename and line number values (`__FILE__`
-# and `__LINE__`). This data is used to ensure that any errors raised
+# and `module_eval`) are given filename and line number values (`\_\_FILE\_\_`
+# and `\_\_LINE\_\_`). This data is used to ensure that any errors raised
# within the evaluated code will be given the correct identification
# in a backtrace.
-# The cop also checks that the line number given relative to `__LINE__` is
+# The cop also checks that the line number given relative to `\_\_LINE\_\_` is
# correct.
# This cop will autocorrect incorrect or missing filename and line number
@@ -34685,40 +35760,40 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::EvalWithLocation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#195
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#184
def add_offense_for_different_line(node, line_node, line_diff); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#142
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#131
def add_offense_for_incorrect_line(method_name, line_node, sign, line_diff); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#210
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#199
def add_offense_for_missing_line(node, code); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#217
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#206
def add_offense_for_missing_location(node, code); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#189
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#178
def add_offense_for_same_line(node, line_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#154
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#143
def check_file(node, file_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#167
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#156
def check_line(node, code); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#95
def check_location(node, code); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#202
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#191
def expected_line(sign, line_diff); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#122
def file_and_line(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#177
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#166
def line_difference(line_node, code); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#229
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#218
def missing_line(node, code); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#109
@@ -34734,20 +35809,13 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::EvalWithLocation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#118
def special_line_keyword?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#181
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#170
def string_first_line(str_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#127
def with_binding?(node); end
- # FIXME: It's a Style/ConditionalAssignment's false positive.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#133
- def with_lineno?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/eval_with_location.rb#59
@@ -34800,6 +35868,55 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::EvenOdd::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/even_odd.rb#22
RuboCop::Cop::Style::EvenOdd::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# Checks for exact regexp match inside Regexp literals.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# string =~ /\Astring\z/
+# string === /\Astring\z/
+# string.match(/\Astring\z/)
+# string.match?(/\Astring\z/)
+# # good
+# string == 'string'
+# # bad
+# string !~ /\Astring\z/
+# # good
+# string != 'string'
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/exact_regexp_match.rb#25
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ExactRegexpMatch < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/exact_regexp_match.rb#32
+ def exact_regexp_match(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/exact_regexp_match.rb#40
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/exact_regexp_match.rb#40
+ def on_send(node); end
+ private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/exact_regexp_match.rb#56
+ def exact_match_pattern?(parsed_regexp); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/exact_regexp_match.rb#63
+ def new_method(node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/exact_regexp_match.rb#28
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ExactRegexpMatch::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/exact_regexp_match.rb#29
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ExactRegexpMatch::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for use of the `File.expand_path` arguments.
# Likewise, it also checks for the `Pathname.new` argument.
@@ -35531,13 +36648,25 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::For::PREFER_EACH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
RuboCop::Cop::Style::For::PREFER_FOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Enforces the use of a single string formatting utility.
-# Valid options include Kernel#format, Kernel#sprintf and String#%.
+# Valid options include `Kernel#format`, `Kernel#sprintf`, and `String#%`.
-# The detection of String#% cannot be implemented in a reliable
+# The detection of `String#%` cannot be implemented in a reliable
# manner for all cases, so only two scenarios are considered -
# if the first argument is a string literal and if the second
# argument is an array literal.
+# Autocorrection will be applied when using argument is a literal or known built-in conversion
+# methods such as `to_d`, `to_f`, `to_h`, `to_i`, `to_r`, `to_s`, and `to_sym` on variables,
+# provided that their return value is not an array. For example, when using `to_s`,
+# `'%s' % [1, 2, 3].to_s` can be autocorrected without any incompatibility:
+# [source,ruby]
+# ----
+# '%s' % [1, 2, 3] #=> '1'
+# format('%s', [1, 2, 3]) #=> '[1, 2, 3]'
+# '%s' % [1, 2, 3].to_s #=> '[1, 2, 3]'
+# ----
# @example EnforcedStyle: format (default)
# # bad
# puts sprintf('%10s', 'hoge')
@@ -35560,45 +36689,55 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::For::PREFER_FOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# # good
# puts '%10s' % 'hoge'
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#38
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#50
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::FormatString < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#61
def formatter(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#59
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#74
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#55
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#70
def variable_argument?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#102
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#97
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#118
def autocorrect_from_percent(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#132
def autocorrect_to_percent(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#124
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#88
+ def autocorrectable?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#145
def format_single_parameter(arg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#94
def message(detected_style); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#77
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#98
def method_name(style_name); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#42
+# Known conversion methods whose return value is not an array.
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#58
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::FormatString::AUTOCORRECTABLE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#54
RuboCop::Cop::Style::FormatString::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#43
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/format_string.rb#55
RuboCop::Cop::Style::FormatString::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Use a consistent style for named format string tokens.
@@ -35824,10 +36963,10 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::FrozenStringLiteralComment < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#178
def disabled_offense(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#188
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#190
def enable_comment(corrector); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#120
@@ -35839,34 +36978,34 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::FrozenStringLiteralComment < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#114
def ensure_no_comment(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#212
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#214
def following_comment; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#150
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#152
def frozen_string_literal_comment(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#194
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#196
def insert_comment(corrector); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#137
def last_special_comment(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#204
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#206
def line_range(line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#156
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#158
def missing_offense(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#162
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#164
def missing_true_offense(processed_source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#208
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#210
def preceding_comment; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#184
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#186
def remove_comment(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/frozen_string_literal_comment.rb#170
def unnecessary_comment_offense(processed_source); end
@@ -36031,6 +37170,25 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::GlobalVars::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# # good
# foo || raise('exception') if something
# ok
+# # bad
+# define_method(:test) do
+# if something
+# work
+# end
+# end
+# # good
+# define_method(:test) do
+# return unless something
+# work
+# end
+# # also good
+# define_method(:test) do
+# work if something
+# end
# @example AllowConsecutiveConditionals: false (default)
# # bad
# def test
@@ -36067,7 +37225,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::GlobalVars::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# end
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#95
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#114
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::GuardClause < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Alignment
include ::RuboCop::Cop::LineLengthHelp
@@ -36076,83 +37234,89 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::GuardClause < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::StatementModifier
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#104
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#132
+ def on_block(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#123
def on_def(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#104
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#123
def on_defs(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#113
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#139
def on_if(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#132
+ def on_numblock(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#247
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#275
def accepted_form?(node, ending: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#255
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#283
def accepted_if?(node, ending); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#269
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#297
def allowed_consecutive_conditionals?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#237
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#265
def and_or_guard_clause?(guard_clause); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#184
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#210
def autocorrect(corrector, node, condition, replacement, guard); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#208
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#236
def autocorrect_heredoc_argument(corrector, node, heredoc_branch, leave_branch, guard); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#133
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#159
def check_ending_body(body); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#144
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#170
def check_ending_if(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#154
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#180
def consecutive_conditionals?(parent, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#229
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#257
def guard_clause_source(guard_clause); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#204
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#232
def heredoc?(argument); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#220
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#248
def range_of_branch_to_remove(node, guard); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#162
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#188
def register_offense(node, scope_exiting_keyword, conditional_keyword, guard = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#265
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#293
def remove_whole_lines(corrector, range); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#242
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#270
def too_long_for_single_line?(node, example); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#251
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#279
def trivial?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#101
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/guard_clause.rb#120
RuboCop::Cop::Style::GuardClause::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for presence or absence of braces around hash literal as a last
@@ -36245,62 +37409,62 @@ end
# # bad
# Hash[*ary]
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#34
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#44
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashConversion < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#44
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#54
def hash_from_array?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#56
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#128
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#138
def allowed_splat_argument?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#121
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#131
def args_to_hash(args); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#118
def multi_argument(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#94
def register_offense_for_hash(node, hash_argument); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#93
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#103
def register_offense_for_zip_method(node, zip_method); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#113
def requires_parens?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#71
def single_argument(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#88
def use_zip_method_without_argument?(first_argument); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#39
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#49
RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashConversion::MSG_LITERAL_HASH_ARG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#38
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#48
RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashConversion::MSG_LITERAL_MULTI_ARG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#40
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashConversion::MSG_SPLAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#37
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashConversion::MSG_TO_H = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#41
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_conversion.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashConversion::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for uses of `each_key` and `each_value` Hash methods.
@@ -36312,82 +37476,114 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashConversion::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Arr
# @example
# # bad
# hash.keys.each { |k| p k }
-# hash.values.each { |v| p v }
+# hash.each { |k, unused_value| p k }
# # good
# hash.each_key { |k| p k }
+# # bad
+# hash.values.each { |v| p v }
+# hash.each { |unused_key, v| p v }
+# # good
# hash.each_value { |v| p v }
# @example AllowedReceivers: ['execute']
# # good
# execute(sql).keys.each { |v| p v }
# execute(sql).values.each { |v| p v }
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#30
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#36
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashEachMethods < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedReceivers
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Lint::UnusedArgument
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#37
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#74
+ def check_unused_block_args(node, key, value); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#51
+ def each_arguments(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#46
def kv_each(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#42
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#56
def kv_each_with_block_pass(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#60
def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#95
def on_block_pass(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#60
def on_numblock(node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#120
- def allowed_receiver?(receiver); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#138
- def allowed_receivers; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#180
def check_argument(variable); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#109
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#204
def correct_args(node, corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#190
def correct_implicit(node, corrector, method_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#100
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#195
def correct_key_value_each(node, corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#81
- def format_message(method_name); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#176
+ def format_message(method_name, current); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#103
+ def handleable?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#211
def kv_range(outer_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#126
- def receiver_name(receiver); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#133
+ def message(prefer, method_name, unused_code); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#139
+ def register_each_args_offense(node, message, prefer, unused_range); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#110
def register_kv_offense(target, method); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#146
def register_kv_with_block_pass_offense(node, target, method); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#167
+ def root_receiver(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#121
+ def unused_block_arg_exist?(node, block_arg); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#157
+ def use_array_converter_method_as_preceding?(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#186
def used?(arg); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#34
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#43
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashEachMethods::ARRAY_CONVERTER_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#41
RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashEachMethods::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_each_methods.rb#42
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashEachMethods::UNUSED_BLOCK_ARG_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for usages of `Hash#reject`, `Hash#select`, and `Hash#filter` methods
# that can be replaced with `Hash#except` method.
@@ -36423,6 +37619,9 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashExcept < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#44
def bad_method_with_poro?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#75
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#75
def on_send(node); end
@@ -36430,42 +37629,42 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashExcept < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#92
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#94
def bad_method?(block); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#154
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#166
def decorate_source(value); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#162
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#174
def except_key(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#141
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#153
def except_key_source(key); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#135
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#147
def extract_body_if_negated(body); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#128
def included?(negated, body); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#120
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#132
def not_included?(negated, body); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#171
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#183
def offense_range(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#136
def safe_to_register_offense?(block, except_key); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#100
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_except.rb#112
def semantically_except_method?(send, block); end
@@ -36708,8 +37907,8 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashSyntax::MSG_HASH_ROCKETS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/hash_syntax.rb#120
RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashSyntax::MSG_NO_MIXED_KEYS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Looks for uses of `_.each_with_object({}) {...}`,
-# `_.map {...}.to_h`, and `Hash[_.map {...}]` that are actually just
+# Looks for uses of `\_.each_with_object({}) {...}`,
+# `\_.map {...}.to_h`, and `Hash[\_.map {...}]` that are actually just
# transforming the keys of a hash, and tries to use a simpler & faster
# call to `transform_keys` instead.
# It should only be enabled on Ruby version 2.5 or newer.
@@ -36753,8 +37952,8 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::HashTransformKeys < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
def new_method_name; end
-# Looks for uses of `_.each_with_object({}) {...}`,
-# `_.map {...}.to_h`, and `Hash[_.map {...}]` that are actually just
+# Looks for uses of `\_.each_with_object({}) {...}`,
+# `\_.map {...}.to_h`, and `Hash[\_.map {...}]` that are actually just
# transforming the values of a hash, and tries to use a simpler & faster
# call to `transform_values` instead.
@@ -36899,40 +38098,43 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::IdenticalConditionalBranches < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#184
+ def assignable_condition_value(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#140
def check_branches(node, branches); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#167
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#193
def check_expressions(node, expressions, insert_position); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#156
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#173
def duplicated_expressions?(node, expressions); end
# `elsif` branches show up in the if node as nested `else` branches. We
# need to recursively iterate over all `else` branches.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#204
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#233
def expand_elses(branch); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#219
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#248
def head(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#188
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#217
def last_child_of_parent?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#198
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#227
def message(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#194
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#223
def single_child_branch?(branch_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#215
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/identical_conditional_branches.rb#244
def tail(node); end
@@ -36941,24 +38143,24 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::IdenticalConditionalBranches::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), St
# Corrector to correct conditional assignment in `if` statements.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#558
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#560
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::IfCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConditionalAssignmentHelper
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConditionalCorrectorHelper
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#563
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#565
def correct(corrector, cop, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#567
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#569
def move_assignment_inside_condition(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#581
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#583
def extract_tail_branches(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#588
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#590
def move_branch_inside_condition(corrector, branch, condition, assignment, column); end
@@ -37021,43 +38223,43 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::IfInsideElse < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#67
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#69
def on_if(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#144
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#150
def allow_if_modifier?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#140
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#146
def allow_if_modifier_in_else_branch?(else_branch); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#88
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#117
def correct_to_elsif_from_if_inside_else_form(corrector, node, condition); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#109
def correct_to_elsif_from_modifier_form(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#129
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#135
def find_end_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#136
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#142
def if_condition_range(node, condition); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#131
def then?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#65
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_inside_else.rb#66
RuboCop::Cop::Style::IfInsideElse::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for `if` and `unless` statements that would fit on one line if
@@ -37133,103 +38335,103 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::IfUnlessModifier < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#171
def allowed_patterns; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#228
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#231
def another_statement_on_same_line?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#129
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#132
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#282
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#285
def comment_on_node_line(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#104
def defined_argument_is_undefined?(if_node, defined_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#93
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#96
def defined_nodes(condition); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#269
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#272
def extract_heredoc_from(last_argument); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#212
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#215
def line_length_enabled_at_line?(line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#121
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#124
def message(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#216
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#219
def named_capture_in_condition?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#220
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#223
def non_eligible_node?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#224
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#227
def non_simple_if_unless?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#114
def pattern_matching_nodes(condition); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#286
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#289
def remove_comment(corrector, _node, comment); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#276
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#279
def remove_heredoc(corrector, heredoc); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#138
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#141
def replacement_for_modifier_form(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#262
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#265
def to_modifier_form_with_move_comment(node, indentation, comment); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#242
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#245
def to_normal_form(node, indentation); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#250
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#253
def to_normal_form_with_heredoc(node, indentation, heredoc); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#162
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#165
def too_long_due_to_comment_after_modifier?(node, comment); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#157
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#160
def too_long_due_to_modifier?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#203
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#206
def too_long_line_based_on_allow_uri?(line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#186
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#189
def too_long_line_based_on_config?(range, line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#195
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#198
def too_long_line_based_on_ignore_cop_directives?(range, line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#173
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/if_unless_modifier.rb#176
def too_long_single_line?(node); end
class << self
@@ -37629,10 +38831,13 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::InverseMethods < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#61
def inverse_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#92
def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#78
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#92
def on_numblock(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#78
@@ -37642,39 +38847,39 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::InverseMethods < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#177
def camel_case_constant?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#120
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#121
def correct_inverse_block(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#112
def correct_inverse_method(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#127
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#128
def correct_inverse_selector(block, corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#180
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#181
def dot_range(loc); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#163
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#164
def end_parentheses(node, method_call); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#149
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#150
def inverse_blocks; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#144
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#145
def inverse_methods; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#190
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#191
def message(method, inverse); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#153
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#154
def negated?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#157
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#158
def not_to_receiver(node, method_call); end
# When comparing classes, `!(Integer < Numeric)` is not the same as
@@ -37682,10 +38887,10 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::InverseMethods < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#171
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#172
def possible_class_hierarchy_check?(lhs, rhs, method); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#184
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/inverse_methods.rb#185
def remove_end_parenthesis(corrector, node, method, method_call); end
class << self
@@ -37719,12 +38924,16 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::InverseMethods::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Arr
# Methods that can be inverted should be defined in `InverseMethods`. Note that
# the relationship of inverse methods needs to be defined in both directions.
# For example,
-# InverseMethods:
-# :!=: :==
-# :even?: :odd?
-# :odd?: :even?
-# will suggest both `even?` and `odd?` to be inverted, but only `!=` (and not `==`).
+# [source,yaml]
+# ----
+# InverseMethods:
+# :!=: :==
+# :even?: :odd?
+# :odd?: :even?
+# ----
+# will suggest both `even?` and `odd?` to be inverted, but only `!=` (and not `==`).
# @example
# # bad (simple condition)
@@ -37748,36 +38957,45 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::InverseMethods::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Arr
# # good (if)
# foo if !condition
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#47
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#51
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::InvertibleUnlessCondition < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#52
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#56
def on_if(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#128
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#100
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#141
def autocorrect_send_node(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#88
def inheritance_check?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#149
def inverse_methods; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#66
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#73
def invertible?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#94
+ def preferred_condition(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#121
+ def preferred_logical_condition(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#102
+ def preferred_send_condition(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#50
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/invertible_unless_condition.rb#54
RuboCop::Cop::Style::InvertibleUnlessCondition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for hardcoded IP addresses, which can make code
@@ -37997,34 +39215,34 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::LambdaCall < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#28
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#29
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#67
def explicit_style?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#58
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#63
def implicit_style?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#51
def offense?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#50
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#55
def prefer(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#25
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#26
RuboCop::Cop::Style::LambdaCall::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#26
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/lambda_call.rb#27
RuboCop::Cop::Style::LambdaCall::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for string literal concatenation at
@@ -38301,10 +39519,10 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MagicCommentFormat::CommentRange
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/magic_comment_format.rb#125
def directives; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def loc(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
+ # source://forwardable/1.3.2/forwardable.rb#229
def text(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
# A magic comment can contain one value (normal style) or
@@ -38373,32 +39591,35 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MapCompactWithConditionalBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#46
def map_and_compact?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#72
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#72
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#126
def range(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#92
def returns_block_argument?(block_argument_node, return_value_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#96
def truthy_branch?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#115
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#116
def truthy_branch_for_guard?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#105
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_compact_with_conditional_block.rb#106
def truthy_branch_for_if?(node); end
@@ -38432,15 +39653,23 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MapToHash < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_to_hash.rb#41
- def map_to_h?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ def map_to_h(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_to_hash.rb#52
+ def on_csend(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_to_hash.rb#48
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_to_hash.rb#52
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_to_hash.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_to_hash.rb#68
def autocorrect(corrector, to_h, map); end
+ class << self
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_to_hash.rb#48
+ def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
+ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/map_to_hash.rb#37
@@ -38689,23 +39918,20 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses.rb#217
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses.rb#217
- def on_super(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses.rb#217
def on_yield(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses.rb#226
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses.rb#225
def args_begin(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses.rb#235
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses.rb#233
def args_end(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses.rb#239
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses.rb#237
def args_parenthesized?(node); end
class << self
@@ -38727,12 +39953,12 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::OmitParentheses
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#174
def allowed_chained_call_with_parentheses?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#155
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#170
def allowed_multiline_call_with_parentheses?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -38742,17 +39968,17 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::OmitParentheses
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#183
def ambiguous_literal?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#197
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#212
def assigned_before?(node, target); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#205
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#220
def assignment_in_condition?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#31
@@ -38760,52 +39986,62 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::OmitParentheses
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#142
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#151
def call_as_argument_or_chain?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#99
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#144
+ def call_in_argument_with_block?(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#100
def call_in_literals?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#110
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#111
def call_in_logical_operators?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#157
+ def call_in_match_pattern?(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#120
def call_in_optional_arguments?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#123
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#124
def call_in_single_line_inheritance?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#127
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#128
def call_with_ambiguous_arguments?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#137
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#140
def call_with_braced_block?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#215
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#230
def forwards_anonymous_rest_arguments?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#184
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#199
def hash_literal?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#148
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#163
def hash_literal_in_arguments?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -38815,7 +40051,7 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::OmitParentheses
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#201
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#216
def inside_string_interpolation?(node); end
# Require hash value omission be enclosed in parentheses to prevent the following issue:
@@ -38833,7 +40069,7 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::OmitParentheses
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#180
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#195
def logical_operator?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#40
@@ -38849,7 +40085,7 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::OmitParentheses
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#188
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#203
def regexp_slash_literal?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -38859,7 +40095,7 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::OmitParentheses
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#172
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#187
def splat?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -38874,12 +40110,12 @@ module RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::OmitParentheses
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#191
def ternary_if?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#192
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_with_args_parentheses/omit_parentheses.rb#207
def unary_literal?(node); end
@@ -38925,6 +40161,9 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::RequireParentheses::REQUIRE_
# This cop can be customized allowed methods with `AllowedMethods`.
# By default, there are no methods to allowed.
+# NOTE: This cop allows the use of `it()` without arguments in blocks,
+# as in `0.times { it() }`, following `Lint/ItWithoutArgumentsInBlock` cop.
# @example
# # bad
# object.some_method()
@@ -38938,55 +40177,66 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithArgsParentheses::RequireParentheses::REQUIRE_
# # good
# object.foo()
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#26
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#29
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithoutArgsParentheses < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedMethods
include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#37
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#60
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#66
def allowed_method_name?(name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#74
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#94
def any_assignment?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#56
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#62
def default_argument?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#52
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#58
def ineligible_node?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#97
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#117
def offense_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#45
+ # Respects `Lint/ItWithoutArgumentsInBlock` cop and the following Ruby 3.3's warning:
+ #
+ # $ ruby -e '0.times { begin; it; end }'
+ # -e:1: warning: `it` calls without arguments will refer to the first block param in
+ # Ruby 3.4; use it() or self.it
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#86
+ def parenthesized_it_method_in_block?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#51
def register_offense(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#70
def same_name_assignment?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#110
def variable_in_mass_assignment?(variable_name, node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#31
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/method_call_without_args_parentheses.rb#34
RuboCop::Cop::Style::MethodCallWithoutArgsParentheses::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for methods called on a do...end block. The point of
@@ -39425,12 +40675,12 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::MissingElse::MSG_NIL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# defining `respond_to_missing?`.
# @example
-# #bad
+# # bad
# def method_missing(name, *args)
# # ...
# end
-# #good
+# # good
# def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private)
# # ...
# end
@@ -39962,33 +41212,33 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MultilineMethodSignature < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#57
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#60
def arguments_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#38
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#41
+ def autocorrect(corrector, node, begin_of_arguments); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#69
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#72
def closing_line(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#76
def correction_exceeds_max_line_length?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#84
def definition_width(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#77
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#80
def indentation_width(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#56
def last_line_source_of_arguments(arguments); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#88
def max_line_length; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#65
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_method_signature.rb#68
def opening_line(node); end
@@ -40038,12 +41288,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MultilineTernaryOperator < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#60
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#82
def comments_in_condition(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#88
def enforce_single_line_ternary_operator?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -40051,12 +41301,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MultilineTernaryOperator < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#56
def offense?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#68
def replacement(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#94
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiline_ternary_operator.rb#92
def use_assignment_method?(node); end
@@ -40155,70 +41405,79 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::MultilineWhenThen::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# # good
# foo if [b.lightweight, b.heavyweight].include?(a)
+# @example ComparisonsThreshold: 2 (default)
+# # bad
+# foo if a == 'a' || a == 'b'
+# @example ComparisonsThreshold: 3
+# # good
+# foo if a == 'a' || a == 'b'
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#43
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#52
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MultipleComparison < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#49
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#58
def on_new_investigation; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#62
def on_or(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#88
def simple_comparison_lhs?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#83
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#93
def simple_comparison_rhs?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#85
def simple_double_comparison?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#151
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#161
def allow_method_comparison?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#126
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#136
def comparison?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#165
+ def comparisons_threshold; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#118
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#128
def nested_comparison?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#97
def nested_variable_comparison?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#146
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#156
def reset_comparison; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#140
def root_of_or_node(or_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#140
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#150
def switch_comparison?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#114
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#124
def variable_name(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#93
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#103
def variables_in_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#111
def variables_in_simple_node(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#46
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/multiple_comparison.rb#55
RuboCop::Cop::Style::MultipleComparison::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks whether some constant value isn't a
@@ -40290,14 +41549,14 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::MultipleComparison::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# # shareable_constant_value: literal
# CONST = [1, 2, 3]
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/mutable_constant.rb#83
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/mutable_constant.rb#87
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MutableConstant < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Style::MutableConstant::ShareableConstantValue
include ::RuboCop::Cop::FrozenStringLiteral
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop-sorbet/0.7.0/lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/mutable_constant_sorbet_aware_behaviour.rb#15
+ # source://rubocop-sorbet/0.7.7/lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/mutable_constant_sorbet_aware_behaviour.rb#18
def on_assignment(value); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/mutable_constant.rb#127
@@ -40315,7 +41574,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::MutableConstant < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/mutable_constant.rb#217
def splat_value(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop-sorbet/0.7.0/lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/mutable_constant_sorbet_aware_behaviour.rb#10
+ # source://rubocop-sorbet/0.7.7/lib/rubocop/cop/sorbet/mutable_constant_sorbet_aware_behaviour.rb#12
def t_let(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
@@ -40854,16 +42113,13 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::NestedTernaryOperator < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/nested_ternary_operator.rb#48
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/nested_ternary_operator.rb#40
def autocorrect(corrector, if_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/nested_ternary_operator.rb#41
- def if_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/nested_ternary_operator.rb#55
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/nested_ternary_operator.rb#47
def remove_parentheses(source); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/nested_ternary_operator.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/nested_ternary_operator.rb#53
def replace_loc_and_whitespace(corrector, range, replacement); end
@@ -41851,8 +43107,8 @@ end
RuboCop::Cop::Style::OpenStructUse::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for redundant dot before operator method call.
-# The target operator methods are `|`, `^`, `&`, `<=>`, `==`, `===`, `=~`, `>`, `>=`, `<`,
-# `<=`, `<<`, `>>`, `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`, `**`, `~`, `!`, `!=`, and `!~`.
+# The target operator methods are `|`, `^`, `&`, ``<=>``, `==`, `===`, `=~`, `>`, `>=`, `<`,
+# ``<=``, `<<`, `>>`, `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`, `**`, `~`, `!`, `!=`, and `!~`.
# @example
@@ -41868,24 +43124,24 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::OpenStructUse::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::OperatorMethodCall < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/operator_method_call.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/operator_method_call.rb#27
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/operator_method_call.rb#48
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/operator_method_call.rb#53
def anonymous_forwarding?(argument); end
# Checks for an acceptable case of `foo.+(bar).baz`.
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/operator_method_call.rb#42
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/operator_method_call.rb#47
def method_call_with_parenthesized_arg?(argument); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/operator_method_call.rb#55
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/operator_method_call.rb#60
def wrap_in_parentheses_if_chained(corrector, node); end
@@ -42102,7 +43358,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RescueNode
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#115
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#124
def implicit_self_getter?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#31
@@ -42114,55 +43370,55 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# This makes the sorting algorithm work for expressions such as
# `self.a, self.b = b, a`.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#117
def add_self_to_getters(right_elements); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#60
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#64
def allowed_lhs?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#58
def allowed_masign?(lhs_elements, rhs_elements); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#68
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#72
def allowed_rhs?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#80
- def assignment_corrector(node, order); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#84
+ def assignment_corrector(node, rhs, order); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#44
- def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#49
+ def autocorrect(corrector, node, lhs, rhs); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#100
def find_valid_order(left_elements, right_elements); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#174
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#183
def modifier_statement?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#80
def return_of_method_call?(node); end
# Helper class necessitated by silly design of TSort prior to Ruby 2.1
# Newer versions have a better API, but that doesn't help us
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#119
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#128
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment::AssignmentSorter
include ::TSort
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
# @return [AssignmentSorter] a new instance of AssignmentSorter
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#132
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#141
def initialize(assignments); end
# `lhs` is an assignment method call like `obj.attr=` or `ary[idx]=`.
@@ -42170,71 +43426,81 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment::AssignmentSorter
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#161
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#170
def accesses?(rhs, lhs); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#154
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#163
def dependency?(lhs, rhs); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#139
def matching_calls(param0, param1, param2); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#140
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#149
def tsort_each_child(assignment); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#136
- def tsort_each_node(&block); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#145
+ def tsort_each_node(*_arg0, **_arg1, &_arg2); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#127
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#136
def uses_var?(param0, param1); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#133
def var_name(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# An internal class for correcting parallel assignment
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#181
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#190
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment::GenericCorrector
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Alignment
# @return [GenericCorrector] a new instance of GenericCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#186
- def initialize(node, config, new_elements); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#195
+ def initialize(node, rhs, modifier, config, new_elements); end
# Returns the value of attribute config.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#184
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#193
def config; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#192
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#203
def correction; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#196
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#207
def correction_range; end
# Returns the value of attribute node.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#184
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#193
def node; end
+ # Returns the value of attribute rescue_result.
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#193
+ def rescue_result; end
+ # Returns the value of attribute rhs.
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#193
+ def rhs; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#202
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#213
def assignment; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#222
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#233
def cop_config; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#218
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#229
def extract_sources(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#208
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#219
def source(node); end
@@ -42244,37 +43510,37 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# An internal class for correcting parallel assignment
# guarded by if, unless, while, or until
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#267
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#275
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment::ModifierCorrector < ::RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment::GenericCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#268
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#276
def correction; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#277
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#285
def correction_range; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#283
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#291
def modifier_range(node); end
# An internal class for correcting parallel assignment
# protected by rescue
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#229
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#240
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment::RescueCorrector < ::RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParallelAssignment::GenericCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#230
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#241
def correction; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#244
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#252
def correction_range; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#255
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#263
def begin_correction(rescue_result); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#250
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parallel_assignment.rb#258
def def_correction(rescue_result); end
@@ -42347,20 +43613,20 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParenthesesAroundCondition < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#122
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#130
def allow_multiline_conditions?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#110
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#118
def message(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#111
def modifier_op?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#124
def parens_allowed?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#80
@@ -42368,7 +43634,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ParenthesesAroundCondition < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#96
+ def require_parentheses?(node, condition_body); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/parentheses_around_condition.rb#103
def semicolon_separated_expressions?(first_exp, rest_exps); end
@@ -42933,6 +44204,8 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RandomWithOffset::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), A
# array.join('')
# [1, 2, 3].join("")
# array.sum(0)
+# exit(true)
+# exit!(false)
# string.split(" ")
# "first\nsecond".split(" ")
# string.chomp("\n")
@@ -42943,37 +44216,86 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RandomWithOffset::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), A
# array.join
# [1, 2, 3].join
# array.sum
+# exit
+# exit!
# string.split
# "first second".split
# string.chomp
# string.chomp!
# A.foo
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#53
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#57
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#59
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#64
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#64
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#94
def argument_range(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#87
def redundant_arg_for_method(method_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#74
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#80
def redundant_argument?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#57
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#61
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantArgument::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_argument.rb#62
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantArgument::NO_RECEIVER_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# Checks for the instantiation of array using redundant `Array` constructor.
+# Autocorrect replaces to array literal which is the simplest and fastest.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# Array.new([])
+# Array[]
+# Array([])
+# Array.new(['foo', 'foo', 'foo'])
+# Array['foo', 'foo', 'foo']
+# Array(['foo', 'foo', 'foo'])
+# # good
+# []
+# ['foo', 'foo', 'foo']
+# Array.new(3, 'foo')
+# Array.new(3) { 'foo' }
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_array_constructor.rb#25
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantArrayConstructor < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_array_constructor.rb#47
+ def on_send(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_array_constructor.rb#33
+ def redundant_array_constructor(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_array_constructor.rb#69
+ def register_offense(range, node, replacement); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_array_constructor.rb#28
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantArrayConstructor::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_array_constructor.rb#30
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantArrayConstructor::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for redundant assignment before returning.
# @example
@@ -43137,50 +44459,53 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantBegin < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#169
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#177
def begin_block_has_multiline_statements?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#161
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#169
def condition_range(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#173
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#181
def contain_rescue_or_ensure?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#154
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#162
def correct_modifier_form_after_multiline_begin_block(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#165
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#173
def empty_begin?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#110
def register_offense(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#139
+ def remove_begin(corrector, offense_range, node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#127
def replace_begin_with_statement(corrector, offense_range, node); end
# Restore comments that occur between "begin" and "first_child".
# These comments will be moved to above the assignment line.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#141
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#149
def restore_removed_comments(corrector, offense_range, node, first_child); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#148
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#156
def use_modifier_form_after_multiline_begin_block?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#186
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#194
def valid_begin_assignment?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#179
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_begin.rb#187
def valid_context_using_only_begin?(node); end
@@ -43413,13 +44738,8 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantConditional < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_conditional.rb#86
- def indented_else_node(expression, node); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_conditional.rb#78
- def invert_expression?(node); end
+ def indented_else_node(expression, node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_conditional.rb#48
def message(node); end
@@ -43511,6 +44831,31 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_constant_base.rb#46
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantConstantBase::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Checks for uses a redundant current directory in path.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# require_relative './path/to/feature'
+# # good
+# require_relative 'path/to/feature'
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_current_directory_in_path.rb#16
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantCurrentDirectoryInPath < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_current_directory_in_path.rb#23
+ def on_send(node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_current_directory_in_path.rb#21
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantCurrentDirectoryInPath::CURRENT_DIRECTORY_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_current_directory_in_path.rb#20
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantCurrentDirectoryInPath::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for redundant uses of double splat hash braces.
# @example
@@ -43521,23 +44866,63 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantConstantBase::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# # good
# do_something(foo: bar, baz: qux)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#16
+# # bad
+# do_something(**{foo: bar, baz: qux}.merge(options))
+# # good
+# do_something(foo: bar, baz: qux, **options)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#22
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#21
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#29
def on_hash(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#39
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#45
+ def allowed_double_splat_receiver?(kwsplat); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#55
+ def autocorrect(corrector, node, kwsplat); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#89
+ def autocorrect_merge_methods(corrector, merge_methods, kwsplat); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#85
def closing_brace(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#35
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#111
+ def convert_to_new_arguments(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#107
+ def extract_send_methods(kwsplat); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#123
+ def mergeable?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#81
def opening_brace(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#100
+ def range_of_merge_methods(merge_methods); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#66
+ def root_receiver(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#75
+ def select_merge_method_nodes(kwsplat); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#19
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#26
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces::MERGE_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_double_splat_hash_braces.rb#25
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for redundant `each`.
@@ -43568,21 +44953,24 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantEach < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#43
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#43
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#93
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#96
def message(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#86
def range(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#63
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#64
def redundant_each_method(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#104
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_each.rb#107
def remove_redundant_each(corrector, range, redundant_node); end
@@ -43600,55 +44988,72 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantEach::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Arra
# Checks for RuntimeError as the argument of raise/fail.
-# It checks for code like this:
# @example
-# # Bad
+# # bad
# raise RuntimeError, 'message'
-# # Bad
# raise RuntimeError.new('message')
-# # Good
+# # good
# raise 'message'
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#19
+# # bad - message is not a string
+# raise RuntimeError, Object.new
+# raise RuntimeError.new(Object.new)
+# # good
+# raise Object.new.to_s
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#23
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantException < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#59
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#79
def compact?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#74
def exploded?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#45
+ # Switch `raise RuntimeError, 'message'` to `raise 'message'`, and
+ # `raise RuntimeError.new('message')` to `raise 'message'`.
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#33
+ def on_send(node); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#57
def fix_compact(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#39
def fix_exploded(node); end
- # Switch `raise RuntimeError, 'message'` to `raise 'message'`, and
- # `raise RuntimeError.new('message')` to `raise 'message'`.
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#65
+ def replaced_compact(message); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#47
+ def replaced_exploded(node, command, message); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#29
- def on_send(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#53
+ def string_message?(message); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#22
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#26
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantException::MSG_1 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#23
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#27
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantException::MSG_2 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#25
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_exception.rb#29
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantException::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Identifies places where `fetch(key) { value }`
-# can be replaced by `fetch(key, value)`.
+# Identifies places where `fetch(key) { value }` can be replaced by `fetch(key, value)`.
-# In such cases `fetch(key, value)` method is faster
-# than `fetch(key) { value }`.
+# In such cases `fetch(key, value)` method is faster than `fetch(key) { value }`.
+# NOTE: The block string `'value'` in `hash.fetch(:key) { 'value' }` is detected
+# but not when disabled.
# @example SafeForConstants: false (default)
# # bad
@@ -43671,59 +45076,59 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantException::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# # good
# ENV.fetch(:key, VALUE)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#38
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#40
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantFetchBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::FrozenStringLiteral
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#55
def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#89
def rails_cache?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#48
def redundant_fetch_block_candidate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#74
def basic_literal?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#104
def build_bad_method(send, body); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#97
def build_good_method(send, body); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#109
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#111
def check_for_constant?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#113
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#115
def check_for_string?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#78
def const_type?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#93
def fetch_range(send, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#80
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#82
def should_not_check?(send, body); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#43
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_fetch_block.rb#45
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantFetchBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for the presence of superfluous `.rb` extension in
@@ -43770,6 +45175,82 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantFileExtensionInRequire::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_file_extension_in_require.rb#32
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantFileExtensionInRequire::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# Identifies usages of `any?`, `empty?` or `none?` predicate methods
+# chained to `select`/`filter`/`find_all` and change them to use predicate method instead.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# arr.select { |x| x > 1 }.any?
+# # good
+# arr.any? { |x| x > 1 }
+# # bad
+# arr.select { |x| x > 1 }.empty?
+# arr.select { |x| x > 1 }.none?
+# # good
+# arr.none? { |x| x > 1 }
+# # good
+# relation.select(:name).any?
+# arr.select { |x| x > 1 }.any?(&:odd?)
+# @example AllCops:ActiveSupportExtensionsEnabled: false (default)
+# # good
+# arr.select { |x| x > 1 }.many?
+# # good
+# arr.select { |x| x > 1 }.present?
+# @example AllCops:ActiveSupportExtensionsEnabled: true
+# # bad
+# arr.select { |x| x > 1 }.many?
+# # good
+# arr.many? { |x| x > 1 }
+# # bad
+# arr.select { |x| x > 1 }.present?
+# # good
+# arr.any? { |x| x > 1 }
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#53
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantFilterChain < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#81
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#81
+ def on_send(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#62
+ def select_predicate?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#108
+ def offense_range(select_node, predicate_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#112
+ def predicate_range(predicate_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#94
+ def register_offense(select_node, predicate_node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#56
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantFilterChain::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#58
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantFilterChain::RAILS_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#71
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantFilterChain::REPLACEMENT_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_filter_chain.rb#59
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantFilterChain::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Check for uses of `Object#freeze` on immutable objects.
# NOTE: Regexp and Range literals are frozen objects since Ruby 3.0.
@@ -44130,50 +45611,91 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantLineContinuation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::MatchRange
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#78
def on_new_investigation; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#109
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#175
+ def argument_is_method?(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#143
def argument_newline?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#94
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#101
def ends_with_backslash_without_comment?(source_line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#155
def find_node_for_line(line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#131
+ def inside_string_literal?(range, token); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#109
+ def inside_string_literal_or_method_with_argument?(range); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#117
+ def leading_dot_method_chain_with_blank_line?(range); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#182
+ def method_call_with_arguments?(node); end
+ # A method call without parentheses such as the following cannot remove `\`:
+ #
+ # do_something \
+ # argument
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#139
+ def method_with_argument?(current_token, next_token); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#123
def redundant_line_continuation?(range); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#93
def require_line_continuation?(range); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#122
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#161
def same_line?(node, line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#136
- def starts_with_plus_or_minus?(source_line); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#186
+ def start_with_arithmetic_operator?(source_line); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#105
def string_concatenation?(source_line); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#72
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantLineContinuation::ALLOWED_STRING_TOKENS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#73
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantLineContinuation::ARGUMENT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_line_continuation.rb#71
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantLineContinuation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
@@ -44192,41 +45714,43 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantParentheses < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Parentheses
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#32
def allowed_pin_operator?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#36
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#35
def arg_in_call_with_block?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#220
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#269
def first_send_argument?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#225
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#274
def first_super_argument?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#230
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#279
def first_yield_argument?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#138
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#175
def interpolation?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#27
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#26
def method_node_and_args(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#38
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#37
def on_begin(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#24
- def range_end?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#30
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#29
def rescue?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#21
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#23
def square_brackets?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#177
+ def allow_in_multiline_conditions?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#68
@@ -44234,7 +45758,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantParentheses < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#60
def allowed_expression?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -44254,51 +45778,54 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantParentheses < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#234
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#283
def call_chain_starts_with_int?(begin_node, send_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#136
def check(begin_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#140
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#184
def check_send(begin_node, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#149
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#193
def check_unary(begin_node, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#173
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#217
def disallowed_literal?(begin_node, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#105
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#114
def empty_parentheses?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#147
+ def find_offense_message(begin_node, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#110
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#119
def first_arg_begins_with_hash_literal?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#215
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#258
def first_argument?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#53
def ignore_syntax?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#169
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#213
def keyword_ancestor?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#188
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#232
def keyword_with_redundant_parentheses?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -44308,35 +45835,38 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantParentheses < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#201
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#245
def method_call_with_redundant_parentheses?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#128
+ def method_chain_begins_with_hash_literal(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#117
- def method_chain_begins_with_hash_literal?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#107
+ def multiline_control_flow_statements?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#203
def offense(node, msg); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#211
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#254
def only_begin_arg?(args); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#45
def parens_allowed?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#177
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#221
def raised_to_power_negative_numeric?(begin_node, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#165
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#209
def suspect_unary?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -44345,6 +45875,9 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantParentheses < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
def ternary_parentheses_required?; end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_parentheses.rb#20
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantParentheses::ALLOWED_NODE_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for usage of the %q/%Q syntax when '' or "" would do.
# @example
@@ -44435,6 +45968,72 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantPercentQ::SINGLE_QUOTE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Stri
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_percent_q.rb#31
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantPercentQ::STRING_INTERPOLATION_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
+# Identifies places where argument can be replaced from
+# a deterministic regexp to a string.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# 'foo'.byteindex(/f/)
+# 'foo'.byterindex(/f/)
+# 'foo'.gsub(/f/, 'x')
+# 'foo'.gsub!(/f/, 'x')
+# 'foo'.partition(/f/)
+# 'foo'.rpartition(/f/)
+# 'foo'.scan(/f/)
+# 'foo'.split(/f/)
+# 'foo'.start_with?(/f/)
+# 'foo'.sub(/f/, 'x')
+# 'foo'.sub!(/f/, 'x')
+# # good
+# 'foo'.byteindex('f')
+# 'foo'.byterindex('f')
+# 'foo'.gsub('f', 'x')
+# 'foo'.gsub!('f', 'x')
+# 'foo'.partition('f')
+# 'foo'.rpartition('f')
+# 'foo'.scan('f')
+# 'foo'.split('f')
+# 'foo'.start_with?('f')
+# 'foo'.sub('f', 'x')
+# 'foo'.sub!('f', 'x')
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#35
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpArgument < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#47
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#47
+ def on_send(node); end
+ private
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#64
+ def determinist_regexp?(regexp_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#68
+ def preferred_argument(regexp_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#81
+ def replacement(regexp_node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#42
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpArgument::DETERMINISTIC_REGEX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#38
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpArgument::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#39
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpArgument::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_argument.rb#43
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpArgument::STR_SPECIAL_CHARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for unnecessary single-element Regexp character classes.
# @example
@@ -44515,6 +46114,37 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpCharacterClass::MSG_REDUNDANT_CHARACTER_CLAS
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_character_class.rb#33
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpCharacterClass::REQUIRES_ESCAPE_OUTSIDE_CHAR_CLASS_CHARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# Checks for the instantiation of regexp using redundant `Regexp.new` or `Regexp.compile`.
+# Autocorrect replaces to regexp literal which is the simplest and fastest.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# Regexp.new(/regexp/)
+# Regexp.compile(/regexp/)
+# # good
+# /regexp/
+# Regexp.new('regexp')
+# Regexp.compile('regexp')
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_constructor.rb#20
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpConstructor < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_constructor.rb#33
+ def on_send(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_constructor.rb#27
+ def redundant_regexp_constructor(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_constructor.rb#23
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpConstructor::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_constructor.rb#24
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpConstructor::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for redundant escapes inside Regexp literals.
# @example
@@ -44557,26 +46187,26 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpEscape < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#59
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#60
def allowed_escape?(node, char, index, within_character_class); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#76
def char_class_begins_or_ends_with_escaped_hyphen?(node, index); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#92
def delimiter?(node, char); end
# Please remove this `else` branch when support for regexp_parser 1.8 will be dropped.
# It's for compatibility with regexp_parser 1.8 and will never be maintained.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#99
def each_escape(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_regexp_escape.rb#126
def escape_range_at_index(node, index); end
@@ -44611,13 +46241,18 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpEscape::MSG_REDUNDANT_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsaf
# return something
# end
-# # good
+# # bad
# def test
# return something if something_else
# end
# # good
# def test
+# something if something_else
+# end
+# # good
+# def test
# if x
# elsif y
# else
@@ -44634,79 +46269,79 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantRegexpEscape::MSG_REDUNDANT_ESCAPE = T.let(T.unsaf
# return x, y
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#50
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#55
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantReturn < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#69
def on_def(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#69
def on_defs(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#58
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#63
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#99
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#104
def add_braces(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#94
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#99
def add_brackets(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#164
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#169
def allow_multiple_return_values?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#164
def check_begin_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#105
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#110
def check_branch(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#133
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#138
def check_case_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#154
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#159
def check_ensure_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#138
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#143
def check_if_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#150
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#155
def check_resbody_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#145
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#150
def check_rescue_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#121
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#126
def check_return_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#80
def correct_with_arguments(return_node, corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#71
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#76
def correct_without_arguments(return_node, corrector); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#95
def hash_without_braces?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#173
def message(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#54
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#59
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantReturn::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#55
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#60
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantReturn::MULTI_RETURN_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#56
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_return.rb#61
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantReturn::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for redundant uses of `self`.
@@ -44723,7 +46358,8 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantReturn::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Ar
# protected scope, you cannot send private messages this way.
# Note we allow uses of `self` with operators because it would be awkward
-# otherwise.
+# otherwise. Also allows the use of `self.it` without arguments in blocks,
+# as in `0.times { self.it }`, following `Lint/ItWithoutArgumentsInBlock` cop.
# @example
@@ -44748,114 +46384,125 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantReturn::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Ar
# end
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#44
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#45
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantSelf < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
# @return [RedundantSelf] a new instance of RedundantSelf
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#59
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#60
def initialize(config = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Assignment of self.x
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#67
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#68
def on_and_asgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#86
def on_args(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#120
def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#90
def on_blockarg(node); end
# Using self.x to distinguish from local variable x
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#80
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#81
def on_def(node); end
# Using self.x to distinguish from local variable x
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#80
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#81
def on_defs(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#126
def on_if(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#103
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#104
def on_in_pattern(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#99
def on_lvasgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#93
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#94
def on_masgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#119
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#120
def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#74
def on_op_asgn(node); end
# Assignment of self.x
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#67
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#68
def on_or_asgn(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#107
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#108
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#126
def on_until(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#126
def on_while(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#181
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#196
def add_lhs_to_local_variables_scopes(rhs, lhs); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#189
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#204
def add_masgn_lhs_variables(rhs, lhs); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#195
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#210
def add_match_var_scopes(in_pattern_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#143
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#144
def add_scope(node, local_variables = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#175
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#190
def allow_self(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#149
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#150
def allowed_send_node?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#166
+ # Respects `Lint/ItWithoutArgumentsInBlock` cop and the following Ruby 3.3's warning:
+ #
+ # $ ruby -e '0.times { begin; it; end }'
+ # -e:1: warning: `it` calls without arguments will refer to the first block param in
+ # Ruby 3.4; use it() or self.it
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#165
+ def it_method_in_block?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#181
def on_argument(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#158
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#173
def regular_method_call?(node); end
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#55
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#56
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#48
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#49
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantSelf::KERNEL_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#49
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantSelf::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#47
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self.rb#48
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantSelf::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for places where redundant assignments are made for in place
@@ -44971,12 +46618,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self_assignment_branch.rb#64
def multiple_statements?(branch); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self_assignment_branch.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self_assignment_branch.rb#74
def register_offense(if_node, offense_branch, opposite_branch, keyword); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self_assignment_branch.rb#68
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_self_assignment_branch.rb#70
def self_assign?(variable, branch); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -45039,6 +46686,9 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantSort < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#104
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#104
def on_send(node); end
@@ -45050,45 +46700,45 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantSort < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# This gets the start of the accessor whether it has a dot
# (e.g. `.first`) or doesn't (e.g. `[0]`)
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#192
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#193
def accessor_start(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#182
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#183
def arg_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#186
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#187
def arg_value(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#147
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#148
def autocorrect(corrector, node, sort_node, sorter, accessor); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#165
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#166
def base(accessor, arg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#114
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#115
def find_redundant_sort(*nodes); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#135
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#136
def message(node, sorter, accessor); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#131
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#132
def offense_range(sort_node, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#124
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#125
def register_offense(node, sort_node, sorter, accessor); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#156
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#157
def replace_with_logical_operator(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#173
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#174
def suffix(sorter); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#161
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#162
def suggestion(sorter, accessor, arg); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#200
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_sort.rb#201
def with_logical_operator?(node); end
@@ -45205,7 +46855,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantStringEscape < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_string_escape.rb#169
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_string_escape.rb#171
def disabling_interpolation?(range); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -45225,7 +46875,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantStringEscape < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_string_escape.rb#165
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_string_escape.rb#167
def literal_in_interpolated_or_multiline_string?(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_string_escape.rb#59
@@ -45263,7 +46913,16 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/redundant_string_escape.rb#41
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantStringEscape::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Enforces using // or %r around regular expressions.
+# Enforces using `//` or `%r` around regular expressions.
+# NOTE: The following `%r` cases using a regexp starts with a blank or `=`
+# as a method argument allowed to prevent syntax errors.
+# [source,ruby]
+# ----
+# do_something %r{ regexp} # `do_something / regexp/` is an invalid syntax.
+# do_something %r{=regexp} # `do_something /=regexp/` is an invalid syntax.
+# ----
# @example EnforcedStyle: slashes (default)
# # bad
@@ -45338,94 +46997,94 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RedundantStringEscape::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# # good
# x =~ /home\//
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#84
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#93
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RegexpLiteral < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#92
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#101
def on_regexp(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#135
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#144
def allow_inner_slashes?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#123
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#132
def allowed_mixed_percent_r?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#113
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#122
def allowed_mixed_slash?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#152
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#161
def allowed_omit_parentheses_with_percent_r_literal?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#117
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#126
def allowed_percent_r_literal?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#109
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#118
def allowed_slash_literal?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#212
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#221
def calculate_replacement(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#127
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#136
def contains_disallowed_slash?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#131
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#140
def contains_slash?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#161
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#170
def correct_delimiters(node, corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#167
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#176
def correct_inner_slashes(node, corrector); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#200
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#209
def inner_slash_after_correction(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#196
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#205
def inner_slash_before_correction(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#204
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#213
def inner_slash_for(opening_delimiter); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#183
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#192
def inner_slash_indices(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#139
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#148
def node_body(node, include_begin_nodes: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#148
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#157
def preferred_delimiters; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#144
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#153
def slash_literal?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#90
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#99
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RegexpLiteral::MSG_USE_PERCENT_R = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#89
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/regexp_literal.rb#98
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RegexpLiteral::MSG_USE_SLASHES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Sort `require` and `require_relative` in alphabetical order.
@@ -45498,23 +47157,26 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RequireOrder < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#104
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#115
+ def autocorrect(corrector, node, previous_older_sibling); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#101
def find_previous_older_sibling(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#127
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#133
def in_same_section?(node1, node2); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#100
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#97
def not_modifier_form?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#117
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#123
def search_node(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#121
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#127
def sibling_node(node); end
@@ -45524,9 +47186,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RequireOrder::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/require_order.rb#71
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RequireOrder::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks for uses of rescue in its modifier form.
-# The cop to check `rescue` in its modifier form is added for following
+# Checks for uses of `rescue` in its modifier form is added for following
# reasons:
# * The syntax of modifier form `rescue` can be misleading because it
@@ -45561,36 +47221,36 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RequireOrder::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array
# handle_error
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#42
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#40
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::RescueModifier < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::Alignment
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RescueNode
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#52
def on_resbody(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#70
def correct_rescue_block(corrector, node, parenthesized); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#86
def indentation_and_offset(node, parenthesized); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#68
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#66
def parenthesized?(node); end
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#50
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#48
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#48
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_modifier.rb#46
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RescueModifier::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for rescuing `StandardError`. There are two supported
@@ -45691,9 +47351,13 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RescueStandardError::MSG_EXPLICIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), St
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/rescue_standard_error.rb#79
RuboCop::Cop::Style::RescueStandardError::MSG_IMPLICIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Enforces consistency between 'return nil' and 'return'.
+# Enforces consistency between `return nil` and `return`.
-# Supported styles are: return, return_nil.
+# This cop is disabled by default. Because there seems to be a perceived semantic difference
+# between `return` and `return nil`. The former can be seen as just halting evaluation,
+# while the latter might be used when the return value is of specific concern.
+# Supported styles are `return` and `return_nil`.
# @example EnforcedStyle: return (default)
# # bad
@@ -45716,48 +47380,113 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::RescueStandardError::MSG_IMPLICIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), St
# return nil if arg
# end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#31
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#35
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ReturnNil < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#86
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#90
def chained_send?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#93
def define_method?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#44
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#48
def on_return(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#42
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#46
def return_nil_node?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#43
def return_node?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#80
def correct_style?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#76
def message(_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#81
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#85
def scoped_node?(node); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#35
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#39
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ReturnNil::RETURN_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#36
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil.rb#40
RuboCop::Cop::Style::ReturnNil::RETURN_NIL_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Checks if `return` or `return nil` is used in predicate method definitions.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# def foo?
+# return if condition
+# do_something?
+# end
+# # bad
+# def foo?
+# return nil if condition
+# do_something?
+# end
+# # good
+# def foo?
+# return false if condition
+# do_something?
+# end
+# @example AllowedMethods: ['foo?']
+# # good
+# def foo?
+# return if condition
+# do_something?
+# end
+# @example AllowedPatterns: [/foo/]
+# # good
+# def foo?
+# return if condition
+# do_something?
+# end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil_in_predicate_method_definition.rb#50
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::ReturnNilInPredicateMethodDefinition < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedMethods
+ include ::RuboCop::Cop::AllowedPattern
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil_in_predicate_method_definition.rb#62
+ def on_def(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil_in_predicate_method_definition.rb#62
+ def on_defs(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil_in_predicate_method_definition.rb#58
+ def return_nil?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil_in_predicate_method_definition.rb#79
+ def nil_node_at_the_end_of_method_body(body); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil_in_predicate_method_definition.rb#87
+ def register_offense(offense_node, replacement); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/return_nil_in_predicate_method_definition.rb#55
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::ReturnNilInPredicateMethodDefinition::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Transforms usages of a method call safeguarded by a non `nil`
# check for the variable whose method is being called to
# safe navigation (`&.`). If there is a method chain, all of the methods
@@ -45971,6 +47700,9 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::SafeNavigation::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::Sample < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#41
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#41
def on_send(node); end
@@ -45979,36 +47711,36 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::Sample < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#123
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#124
def correction(shuffle_arg, method, method_args); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#139
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#140
def extract_source(args); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#117
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#118
def message(shuffle_arg, method, method_args, range); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#58
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#59
def offensive?(method, method_args); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#96
def range_size(range_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#130
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#131
def sample_arg(method, method_args); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#69
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#70
def sample_size(method_args); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#79
def sample_size_for_one_arg(arg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#89
def sample_size_for_two_args(first, second); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sample.rb#112
def source_range(shuffle_node, node); end
@@ -46065,7 +47797,10 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SelectByRegexp < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#74
def env_const?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#87
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#88
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#88
def on_send(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#56
@@ -46073,29 +47808,32 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SelectByRegexp < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#122
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#133
def extract_send_node(block_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#135
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#146
def find_regexp(node, block); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#146
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#157
def match_predicate_without_receiver?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#131
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#142
def opposite?(regexp_method_send_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#107
def receiver_allowed?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#108
- def register_offense(node, block_node, regexp, opposite); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#121
+ def register_offense(node, block_node, regexp, replacement); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#113
+ def replacement(regexp_method_send_node, node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/select_by_regexp.rb#49
@@ -46209,38 +47947,53 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::Semicolon < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#64
def check_for_line_terminator_or_opener; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#70
def each_semicolon; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#102
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#106
def exist_semicolon_after_left_curly_brace?(tokens); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#110
+ def exist_semicolon_after_left_lambda_curly_brace?(tokens); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#118
+ def exist_semicolon_after_left_string_interpolation_brace?(tokens); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#102
def exist_semicolon_before_right_curly_brace?(tokens); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#126
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#114
+ def exist_semicolon_before_right_string_interpolation_brace?(tokens); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#142
def expressions_per_line(exprs); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#140
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#156
def find_range_node(token_before_semicolon); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#132
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#148
def find_semicolon_positions(line); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#146
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#162
def range_nodes; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#106
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#122
def register_semicolon(line, column, after_expression, token_before_semicolon = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#86
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#84
def semicolon_position(tokens); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/semicolon.rb#79
def tokens_for_lines; end
class << self
@@ -46435,8 +48188,11 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::SignalException::RAISE_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/signal_exception.rb#114
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SignalException::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Sometimes using dig method ends up with just a single
-# argument. In such cases, dig should be replaced with [].
+# Sometimes using `dig` method ends up with just a single
+# argument. In such cases, dig should be replaced with `[]`.
+# Since replacing `hash&.dig(:key)` with `hash[:key]` could potentially lead to error,
+# calls to the `dig` method using safe navigation will be ignored.
# @example
# # bad
@@ -46455,21 +48211,24 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::SignalException::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Ar
# keys = %i[key1 key2]
# { key1: { key2: 'value' } }.dig(*keys)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#31
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#34
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleArgumentDig < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#42
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#46
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#38
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#42
def single_argument_dig?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#34
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#39
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleArgumentDig::IGNORED_ARGUMENT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#37
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleArgumentDig::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#35
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_argument_dig.rb#38
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleArgumentDig::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks whether the block parameters of a single-line
@@ -46544,6 +48303,50 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_line_block_params.rb#34
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleLineBlockParams::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Checks for single-line `do`...`end` block.
+# In practice a single line `do`...`end` is autocorrected when `EnforcedStyle: semantic`
+# in `Style/BlockDelimiters`. The autocorrection maintains the `do` ... `end` syntax to
+# preserve semantics and does not change it to `{`...`}` block.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# foo do |arg| bar(arg) end
+# # good
+# foo do |arg|
+# bar(arg)
+# end
+# # bad
+# ->(arg) do bar(arg) end
+# # good
+# ->(arg) { bar(arg) }
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_line_do_end_block.rb#28
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleLineDoEndBlock < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_line_do_end_block.rb#34
+ def on_block(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_line_do_end_block.rb#34
+ def on_numblock(node); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_line_do_end_block.rb#55
+ def do_line(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_line_do_end_block.rb#63
+ def x(corrector, node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_line_do_end_block.rb#31
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleLineDoEndBlock::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Checks for single-line method definitions that contain a body.
# It will accept single-line methods with no body.
@@ -46631,32 +48434,69 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleLineMethods::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/single_line_methods.rb#39
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SingleLineMethods::NOT_SUPPORTED_ENDLESS_METHOD_BODY_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# Checks that arrays are sliced with endless ranges instead of
-# `ary[start..-1]` on Ruby 2.6+.
+# Checks that arrays are not sliced with the redundant `ary[0..-1]`, replacing it with `ary`,
+# and ensures arrays are sliced with endless ranges instead of `ary[start..-1]` on Ruby 2.6+,
+# and with beginless ranges instead of `ary[nil..end]` on Ruby 2.7+.
# @example
# # bad
-# items[1..-1]
+# items[0..-1]
+# items[0..nil]
+# items[0...nil]
+# # good
+# items
+# # bad
+# items[1..-1] # Ruby 2.6+
+# items[1..nil] # Ruby 2.6+
+# # good
+# items[1..] # Ruby 2.6+
+# # bad
+# items[nil..42] # Ruby 2.7+
# # good
-# items[1..]
+# items[..42] # Ruby 2.7+
+# items[0..42] # Ruby 2.7+
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#28
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#46
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SlicingWithRange < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#40
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#77
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#38
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#73
+ def range_from_zero?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#57
+ def range_from_zero_till_minus_one?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#65
def range_till_minus_one?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#111
+ def beginless(range_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#107
+ def endless(range_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#93
+ def offense_message_with_removal_range(range_node, selector); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#34
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#52
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SlicingWithRange::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#35
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#53
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::SlicingWithRange::MSG_USELESS_RANGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/slicing_with_range.rb#54
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SlicingWithRange::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# If the branch of a conditional consists solely of a conditional node,
@@ -46713,10 +48553,10 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SoleNestedConditional < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#238
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#242
def allow_modifier?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#223
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#227
def arguments_range(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#81
@@ -46746,13 +48586,13 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SoleNestedConditional < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#130
def correct_from_unless_to_if(corrector, node, is_modify_form: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#182
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#184
def correct_outer_condition(corrector, condition); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#193
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#197
def insert_bang(corrector, node, is_modify_form); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#206
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#210
def insert_bang_for_and(corrector, node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -46762,15 +48602,15 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SoleNestedConditional < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#242
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#246
def outer_condition_modify_form?(node, if_branch); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#234
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#238
def replace_condition(condition); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#218
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#222
def require_parentheses?(condition); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -46783,7 +48623,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SoleNestedConditional < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#229
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#233
def wrap_condition?(node); end
class << self
@@ -46795,7 +48635,7 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/sole_nested_conditional.rb#53
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SoleNestedConditional::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# This cop looks for uses of Perl-style global variables.
+# Looks for uses of Perl-style global variables.
# Correcting to global variables in the 'English' library
# will add a require statement to the top of the file if
# enabled by RequireEnglish config.
@@ -46870,88 +48710,88 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::SoleNestedConditional::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# puts $*
# @example EnforcedStyle: use_builtin_english_names
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#88
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#87
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RequireLibrary
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#177
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#176
def autocorrect(corrector, node, global_var); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#169
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#168
def message(global_var); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#153
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#152
def on_gvar(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#148
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#147
def on_new_investigation; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#248
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#247
def add_require_english?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#242
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#241
def english_name_replacement(preferred_name, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#191
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#190
def format_english_message(global_var); end
# For now, we assume that lists are 2 items or less. Easy grammar!
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#213
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#212
def format_list(items); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#199
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#198
def format_message(english, regular, global); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#236
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#235
def matching_styles(global); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#228
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#227
def preferred_names(global); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#217
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#216
def replacement(node, global_var); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#252
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#251
def should_require_english?(global_var); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#129
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#128
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars::BUILTIN_VARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#101
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#100
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars::ENGLISH_VARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#146
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#145
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars::LIBRARY_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#94
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#93
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars::MSG_BOTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#97
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#96
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars::MSG_ENGLISH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#99
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#98
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars::MSG_REGULAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Anything *not* in this set is provided by the English library.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#123
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#122
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars::NON_ENGLISH_VARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Set)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#125
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#124
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars::PERL_VARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#140
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/special_global_vars.rb#139
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SpecialGlobalVars::STYLE_VARS_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Check for parentheses around stabby lambda arguments.
@@ -47150,6 +48990,9 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::StringChars < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_chars.rb#29
+ def on_csend(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_chars.rb#29
def on_send(node); end
@@ -47387,40 +49230,67 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals.rb#35
RuboCop::Cop::Style::StringLiterals::MSG_INCONSISTENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Checks that quotes inside the string interpolation
+# Checks that quotes inside string, symbol, and regexp interpolations
# match the configured preference.
# @example EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)
# # bad
-# result = "Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}"
+# string = "Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}"
+# symbol = :"Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}"
+# heredoc = <<~TEXT
+# Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}
+# regexp = /Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}/
# # good
-# result = "Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}"
+# string = "Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}"
+# symbol = :"Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}"
+# heredoc = <<~TEXT
+# Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}
+# regexp = /Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}/
# @example EnforcedStyle: double_quotes
# # bad
-# result = "Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}"
+# string = "Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}"
+# symbol = :"Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}"
+# heredoc = <<~TEXT
+# Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}
+# regexp = /Tests #{success ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL'}/
# # good
-# result = "Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}"
+# string = "Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}"
+# symbol = :"Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}"
+# heredoc = <<~TEXT
+# Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}
+# regexp = /Tests #{success ? "PASS" : "FAIL"}/
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals_in_interpolation.rb#22
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals_in_interpolation.rb#42
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::StringLiteralsInInterpolation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ConfigurableEnforcedStyle
include ::RuboCop::Cop::StringLiteralsHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::StringHelp
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals_in_interpolation.rb#28
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals_in_interpolation.rb#48
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
+ # Cop classes that include the StringHelp module usually ignore regexp
+ # nodes. Not so for this cop, which is why we override the on_regexp
+ # definition with an empty one.
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals_in_interpolation.rb#55
+ def on_regexp(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals_in_interpolation.rb#34
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals_in_interpolation.rb#59
def message(_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals_in_interpolation.rb#41
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/string_literals_in_interpolation.rb#66
def offense?(node); end
@@ -47470,7 +49340,10 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::Strip < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/strip.rb#24
def lstrip_rstrip(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/strip.rb#29
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/strip.rb#31
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/strip.rb#31
def on_send(node); end
@@ -47520,6 +49393,29 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/struct_inheritance.rb#30
RuboCop::Cop::Style::StructInheritance::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Enforces the presence of parentheses in `super` containing arguments.
+# `super` is a keyword and is provided as a distinct cop from those designed for method call.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# super name, age
+# # good
+# super(name, age)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/super_with_args_parentheses.rb#18
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SuperWithArgsParentheses < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/super_with_args_parentheses.rb#23
+ def on_super(node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/super_with_args_parentheses.rb#21
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::SuperWithArgsParentheses::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Enforces the use of shorthand-style swapping of 2 variables.
# @example
@@ -47611,6 +49507,15 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::SwapValues::SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# # bad
# [:foo, :bar, :baz]
+# # bad (contains spaces)
+# %i[foo\ bar baz\ quux]
+# # bad (contains [] with spaces)
+# %i[foo \[ \]]
+# # bad (contains () with spaces)
+# %i(foo \( \))
# @example EnforcedStyle: brackets
# # good
# [:foo, :bar, :baz]
@@ -47618,7 +49523,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::SwapValues::SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# # bad
# %i[foo bar baz]
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#31
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#40
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolArray < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ArrayMinSize
include ::RuboCop::Cop::ArraySyntax
@@ -47627,48 +49532,62 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolArray < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#48
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#66
def on_array(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#67
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#96
def build_bracketed_array(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#90
- def symbol_without_quote?(string); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#78
+ def complex_content?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#60
- def symbols_contain_spaces?(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#92
+ def invalid_percent_array_contents?(node); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#119
+ def symbol_without_quote?(string); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#111
def to_symbol_literal(string); end
class << self
# Returns the value of attribute largest_brackets.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#45
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#63
def largest_brackets; end
# Sets the attribute largest_brackets
# @param value the value to set the attribute largest_brackets to.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#45
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#63
def largest_brackets=(_arg0); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#42
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#51
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolArray::ARRAY_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#41
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#52
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolArray::DELIMITERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolArray::PERCENT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#57
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolArray::REDEFINABLE_OPERATORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_array.rb#53
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolArray::SPECIAL_GVARS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks symbol literal syntax.
# @example
@@ -47737,7 +49656,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolLiteral::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# # good
# something.map(&:upcase)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#87
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#123
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolProc < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
include ::RuboCop::Cop::CommentsHelp
include ::RuboCop::Cop::RangeHelp
@@ -47747,117 +49666,117 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolProc < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#136
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#172
def destructuring_block_argument?(argument_node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#152
def on_block(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#152
def on_numblock(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#98
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#134
def proc_node?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#104
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#140
def symbol_proc?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#137
def symbol_proc_receiver?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#204
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#240
def allow_comments?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#200
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#236
def allow_if_method_has_argument?(send_node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#151
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#187
def allowed_method_name?(name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#164
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#200
def autocorrect(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#212
def autocorrect_with_args(corrector, node, args, method_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#172
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#208
def autocorrect_without_args(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#190
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#226
def begin_pos_for_replacement(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#185
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#221
def block_range_with_space(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#155
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#191
def register_offense(node, method_name, block_method_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#147
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#183
def unsafe_array_usage?(node); end
# See: https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/issues/10864
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#143
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#179
def unsafe_hash_usage?(node); end
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#111
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#147
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#94
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#130
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolProc::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#95
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/symbol_proc.rb#131
RuboCop::Cop::Style::SymbolProc::SUPER_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Corrector to correct conditional assignment in ternary conditions.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#498
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#500
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::TernaryCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConditionalAssignmentHelper
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::Style::ConditionalCorrectorHelper
class << self
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#503
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#505
def correct(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#507
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#509
def move_assignment_inside_condition(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#521
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#523
def correction(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#534
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#536
def element_assignment?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#538
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#540
def extract_branches(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#551
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#553
def move_branch_inside_condition(corrector, branch, assignment); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#546
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#548
def remove_parentheses(corrector, node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#525
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/conditional_assignment.rb#527
def ternary(node); end
@@ -48117,6 +50036,9 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::TrailingBodyOnClass < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/trailing_body_on_class.rb#25
def on_class(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/trailing_body_on_class.rb#25
+ def on_sclass(node); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/trailing_body_on_class.rb#23
@@ -48282,7 +50204,7 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::TrailingCommaInArguments < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
def on_send(node); end
class << self
- # source://rubocop-rspec/2.19.0/lib/rubocop-rspec.rb#61
+ # source://rubocop-rspec/2.26.1/lib/rubocop-rspec.rb#60
def autocorrect_incompatible_with; end
@@ -49003,22 +50925,25 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::UnpackFirst < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::TargetRubyVersion
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#38
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#37
+ def on_csend(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#37
def on_send(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#31
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#30
def unpack_and_first_element?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#54
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#53
def first_element_range(node, unpack_call); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#26
RuboCop::Cop::Style::UnpackFirst::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#28
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/unpack_first.rb#27
RuboCop::Cop::Style::UnpackFirst::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for variable interpolation (like "#@ivar").
@@ -49293,6 +51218,49 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::WordArray::ARRAY_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/word_array.rb#78
RuboCop::Cop::Style::WordArray::PERCENT_MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# Checks for the use of `YAML.load`, `YAML.safe_load`, and `YAML.parse` with
+# `File.read` argument.
+# NOTE: `YAML.safe_load_file` was introduced in Ruby 3.0.
+# @example
+# # bad
+# YAML.load(File.read(path))
+# YAML.parse(File.read(path))
+# # good
+# YAML.load_file(path)
+# YAML.parse_file(path)
+# # bad
+# YAML.safe_load(File.read(path)) # Ruby 3.0 and newer
+# # good
+# YAML.safe_load_file(path) # Ruby 3.0 and newer
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yaml_file_read.rb#27
+class RuboCop::Cop::Style::YAMLFileRead < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
+ extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yaml_file_read.rb#41
+ def on_send(node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yaml_file_read.rb#34
+ def yaml_file_read?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yaml_file_read.rb#60
+ def offense_range(node); end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yaml_file_read.rb#30
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::YAMLFileRead::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yaml_file_read.rb#31
+RuboCop::Cop::Style::YAMLFileRead::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Enforces or forbids Yoda conditions,
# i.e. comparison operations where the order of expression is reversed.
# eg. `5 == x`
@@ -49356,15 +51324,15 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::YodaCondition < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#147
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#149
def actual_code_range(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#143
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#145
def constant_portion?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#136
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#138
def corrected_code(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -49379,38 +51347,38 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::Style::YodaCondition < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#171
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#173
def interpolation?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#132
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#134
def message(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#155
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#157
def non_equality_operator?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#161
def noncommutative_operator?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#167
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#169
def program_name?(name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#151
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#153
def reverse_comparison(operator); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#163
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#165
def source_file_path_constant?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#121
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_condition.rb#122
def valid_yoda?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -49448,61 +51416,62 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Style::YodaCondition::REVERSE_COMPARISON = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Ha
# config.server_port = 9000 + ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"].to_i
# ----
-# @example SupportedOperators: ['*', '+', '&'']
+# @example SupportedOperators: ['*', '+', '&', '|', '^'] (default)
# # bad
-# 1 + x
# 10 * y
+# 1 + x
# 1 & z
+# 1 | x
+# 1 ^ x
# 1 + CONST
# # good
-# 60 * 24
-# x + 1
# y * 10
+# x + 1
# z & 1
+# x | 1
+# x ^ 1
# CONST + 1
+# 60 * 24
-# # good
-# 1 | x
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#39
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#40
class RuboCop::Cop::Style::YodaExpression < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
extend ::RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#46
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#47
def on_new_investigation; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#50
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#51
def on_send(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#73
def constant_portion?(node); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#80
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#81
def offended_ancestor?(node); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#85
def offended_nodes; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#77
def supported_operators; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#68
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#69
def yoda_expression_constant?(lhs, rhs); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#42
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#43
RuboCop::Cop::Style::YodaExpression::MSG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#44
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/style/yoda_expression.rb#45
RuboCop::Cop::Style::YodaExpression::RESTRICT_ON_SEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Checks for numeric comparisons that can be replaced
@@ -50391,6 +52360,55 @@ RuboCop::Cop::Utils::FormatString::TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/format_string.rb#12
RuboCop::Cop::Utils::FormatString::WIDTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
+# Helper to abstract complexity of building range pairs
+# with octal escape reconstruction (needed for regexp_parser < 2.7).
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#8
+class RuboCop::Cop::Utils::RegexpRanges
+ # @return [RegexpRanges] a new instance of RegexpRanges
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#11
+ def initialize(root); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#18
+ def compound_token; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#24
+ def pairs; end
+ # Returns the value of attribute root.
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#9
+ def root; end
+ private
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#78
+ def compose_range(expressions, current); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#90
+ def escaped_octal?(expr); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#94
+ def octal_digit?(char); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#98
+ def pop_octal_digits(expressions); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#44
+ def populate(expr); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#32
+ def populate_all; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/utils/regexp_ranges.rb#63
+ def process_set(expressions, current); end
# This force provides a way to track local variables and scopes of Ruby.
# Cops interact with this force need to override some of the hook methods.
@@ -50420,59 +52438,59 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce < ::RuboCop::Cop::Force
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#75
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#76
def investigate(processed_source); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#84
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#85
def process_node(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#71
def variable_table; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#367
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#368
def after_declaring_variable(arg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#367
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#368
def after_entering_scope(arg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#367
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#368
def after_leaving_scope(arg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#367
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#368
def before_declaring_variable(arg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#367
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#368
def before_entering_scope(arg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#367
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#368
def before_leaving_scope(arg); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#338
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#339
def descendant_reference(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#328
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#329
def each_descendant_reference(loop_node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#313
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#314
def find_variables_in_loop(loop_node); end
# This is called for each scope recursively.
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#93
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#94
def inspect_variables_in_scope(scope_node); end
# Mark all assignments which are referenced in the same loop
@@ -50481,98 +52499,98 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce < ::RuboCop::Cop::Force
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#294
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#295
def mark_assignments_as_referenced_in_loop(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#126
def node_handler_method_name(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#99
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#100
def process_children(origin_node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#230
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#231
def process_loop(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#160
def process_regexp_named_captures(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#245
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#246
def process_rescue(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#264
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#265
def process_scope(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#283
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#284
def process_send(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#141
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#142
def process_variable_assignment(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#129
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#130
def process_variable_declaration(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#218
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#219
def process_variable_multiple_assignment(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#183
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#184
def process_variable_operator_assignment(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#225
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#226
def process_variable_referencing(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#256
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#257
def process_zero_arity_super(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#177
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#178
def regexp_captured_names(node); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#350
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#351
def scanned_node?(node); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#354
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#355
def scanned_nodes; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#107
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#108
def skip_children!; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#277
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#278
def twisted_nodes(node); end
@@ -50592,12 +52610,22 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::Assignment
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#16
def initialize(node, variable); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#67
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#50
+ def exception_assignment?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#72
+ def for_assignment?; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#83
def meta_assignment_node; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#56
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#60
def multiple_assignment?; end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#29
@@ -50608,12 +52636,12 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::Assignment
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#12
def node; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#78
def operator; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#50
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#54
def operator_assignment?; end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#37
@@ -50639,6 +52667,11 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::Assignment
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#46
def regexp_named_capture?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#66
+ def rest_assignment?; end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#33
def scope; end
@@ -50654,11 +52687,20 @@ class RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::Assignment
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#125
+ def find_multiple_assignment_node(grandparent_node); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#121
+ def for_assignment_node; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#104
def multiple_assignment_node; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#77
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#96
def operator_assignment_node; end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#114
+ def rest_assignment_node; end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/assignment.rb#10
@@ -50666,12 +52708,12 @@ RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::Assignment::MULTIPLE_LEFT_HAND_SIDE_TYPE = T.let(T.
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#64
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#65
class RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::AssignmentReference < ::Struct
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#65
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#66
def assignment?; end
# Returns the value of attribute node
@@ -51116,7 +53158,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::LOGICAL_OPERATOR_ASSIGNMENT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#47
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#48
RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::LOOP_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @api private
@@ -51126,7 +53168,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::MULTIPLE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Sym
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#111
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#112
RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::NODE_HANDLER_METHOD_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# @api private
@@ -51136,7 +53178,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::OPERATOR_ASSIGNMENT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Ar
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#46
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#47
RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::POST_CONDITION_LOOP_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @api private
@@ -51146,9 +53188,14 @@ RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::REGEXP_NAMED_CAPTURE_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Sy
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#49
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#50
RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::RESCUE_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#43
+RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::REST_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
# This class represents each reference of a variable.
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force/reference.rb#7
@@ -51196,12 +53243,12 @@ RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::Reference::VARIABLE_REFERENCE_TYPES = T.let(T.unsaf
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#54
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#55
RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::SCOPE_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#56
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#57
RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::SEND_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
# A Scope represents a context of local variable visibility.
@@ -51280,7 +53327,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::Scope::OUTER_SCOPE_CHILD_INDICES = T.let(T.unsafe(n
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#53
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#54
RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::TWISTED_SCOPE_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @api private
@@ -51295,7 +53342,7 @@ RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Ar
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#44
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#45
RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::VARIABLE_REFERENCE_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
# A Variable represents existence of a local variable.
@@ -51412,12 +53459,12 @@ RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::Variable::VARIABLE_DECLARATION_TYPES = T.let(T.unsa
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#58
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#59
class RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::VariableReference < ::Struct
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#59
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#60
def assignment?; end
# Returns the value of attribute name
@@ -51499,7 +53546,7 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#51
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/cop/variable_force.rb#52
RuboCop::Cop::VariableForce::ZERO_ARITY_SUPER_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
# Help methods for determining node visibility.
@@ -51863,7 +53910,12 @@ module RuboCop::Ext::RegexpNode
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/ext/regexp_node.rb#68
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/ext/regexp_node.rb#65
+ def named_capturing?(exp, event, named); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/ext/regexp_node.rb#73
def with_interpolations_blanked; end
@@ -51920,9 +53972,9 @@ end
# Provide `CharacterSet` with `begin` and `end` locations.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/ext/regexp_parser.rb#77
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/ext/regexp_parser.rb#79
module RuboCop::Ext::RegexpParser::Expression::CharacterSet
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/ext/regexp_parser.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/ext/regexp_parser.rb#80
def build_location; end
@@ -52042,32 +54094,31 @@ end
module RuboCop::FileFinder
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#17
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#13
def find_file_upwards(filename, start_dir, stop_dir = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#24
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#20
def find_last_file_upwards(filename, start_dir, stop_dir = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#32
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#28
def traverse_files_upwards(filename, start_dir, stop_dir); end
class << self
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#9
- def root_level=(level); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#10
+ def root_level; end
# @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#13
- def root_level?(path, stop_dir); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/file_finder.rb#10
+ def root_level=(_arg0); end
@@ -52303,100 +54354,108 @@ class RuboCop::Formatter::DisabledConfigFormatter < ::RuboCop::Formatter::BaseFo
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#27
def initialize(output, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#40
def file_finished(file, offenses); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#33
- def file_started(_file, _file_info); end
+ def file_started(_file, options); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#47
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#48
def finished(_inspected_files); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#68
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#69
def auto_gen_enforced_style?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#72
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#73
def command; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#156
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#161
def cop_config_params(default_cfg, cfg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#181
def default_config(cop_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#220
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#225
def excludes(offending_files, cop_name, parent); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#191
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#196
def filtered_config(cfg); end
+ # Returns true if the given arr include the given elm or if any of the
+ # given arr is a regexp that matches the given elm.
+ #
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#241
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#273
+ def include_or_match?(arr, elm); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#246
def merge_mode_for_exclude?(cfg); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#262
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#267
def no_exclude_limit?; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#102
def output_cop(cop_name, offense_count); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#128
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#133
def output_cop_comments(output_buffer, cfg, cop_name, offense_count); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#180
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#185
def output_cop_config(output_buffer, cfg, cop_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#163
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#168
def output_cop_param_comments(output_buffer, params, default_cfg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#210
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#215
def output_exclude_list(output_buffer, offending_files, cop_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#245
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#250
def output_exclude_path(output_buffer, exclude_path, parent); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#199
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#204
def output_offending_files(output_buffer, cfg, cop_name); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#96
def output_offenses; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#258
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#263
def safe_autocorrect?(config); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#115
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#116
def set_max(cfg, cop_name); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#64
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#65
def show_offense_counts?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#60
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#61
def show_timestamp?; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#148
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#153
def supports_safe_autocorrect?(cop_class, default_cfg); end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#152
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#157
def supports_unsafe_autocorrect?(cop_class, default_cfg); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#91
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/disabled_config_formatter.rb#92
def timestamp; end
class << self
@@ -52539,68 +54598,68 @@ RuboCop::Formatter::FuubarStyleFormatter::RESET_SEQUENCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil),
# This formatter formats report data as GitHub Workflow commands resulting
# in GitHub check annotations when run within GitHub Actions.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/git_hub_actions_formatter.rb#7
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/github_actions_formatter.rb#7
class RuboCop::Formatter::GitHubActionsFormatter < ::RuboCop::Formatter::BaseFormatter
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/git_hub_actions_formatter.rb#14
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/github_actions_formatter.rb#14
def file_finished(file, offenses); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/git_hub_actions_formatter.rb#18
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/github_actions_formatter.rb#18
def finished(_inspected_files); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/git_hub_actions_formatter.rb#10
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/github_actions_formatter.rb#10
def started(_target_files); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/git_hub_actions_formatter.rb#29
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/github_actions_formatter.rb#29
def github_escape(string); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/git_hub_actions_formatter.rb#41
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/github_actions_formatter.rb#41
def github_severity(offense); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/git_hub_actions_formatter.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/github_actions_formatter.rb#33
def minimum_severity_to_fail; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/git_hub_actions_formatter.rb#45
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/github_actions_formatter.rb#45
def report_offense(file, offense); end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/git_hub_actions_formatter.rb#8
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/github_actions_formatter.rb#8
RuboCop::Formatter::GitHubActionsFormatter::ESCAPE_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# This formatter saves the output as an html file.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#11
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#9
class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter < ::RuboCop::Formatter::BaseFormatter
# @return [HTMLFormatter] a new instance of HTMLFormatter
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#30
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#28
def initialize(output, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#40
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#38
def file_finished(file, offenses); end
# Returns the value of attribute files.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#28
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#26
def files; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#45
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#43
def finished(inspected_files); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#51
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#49
def render_html; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#36
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#34
def started(target_files); end
# Returns the value of attribute summary.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#28
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#26
def summary; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#15
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#13
class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::Color < ::Struct
# Returns the value of attribute alpha
@@ -52624,7 +54683,7 @@ class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::Color < ::Struct
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def blue=(_); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#20
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#18
def fade_out(amount); end
# Returns the value of attribute green
@@ -52649,7 +54708,7 @@ class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::Color < ::Struct
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def red=(_); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#16
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#14
def to_s; end
class << self
@@ -52661,68 +54720,68 @@ class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::Color < ::Struct
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#12
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#10
RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::ELLIPSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# This class provides helper methods used in the ERB template.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#62
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#60
class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::ERBContext
include ::RuboCop::PathUtil
include ::RuboCop::Formatter::TextUtil
# @return [ERBContext] a new instance of ERBContext
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#78
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#76
def initialize(files, summary); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#125
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#123
def base64_encoded_logo_image; end
# Make Kernel#binding public.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#85
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#83
def binding; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#90
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#88
def decorated_message(offense); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#121
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#119
def escape(string); end
# Returns the value of attribute files.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#74
def files; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#99
def highlight_source_tag(offense); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#94
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#92
def highlighted_source_line(offense); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#117
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#115
def possible_ellipses(location); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#112
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#110
def source_after_highlight(offense); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#107
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#105
def source_before_highlight(offense); end
# Returns the value of attribute summary.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#74
def summary; end
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#74
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#72
RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::ERBContext::LOGO_IMAGE_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#66
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#64
RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::ERBContext::SEVERITY_COLORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#26
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#24
class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::FileOffenses < ::Struct
# Returns the value of attribute offenses
@@ -52755,7 +54814,7 @@ class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::FileOffenses < ::Struct
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#25
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#23
class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::Summary < ::Struct
# Returns the value of attribute inspected_files
@@ -52799,27 +54858,27 @@ class RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::Summary < ::Struct
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#13
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/html_formatter.rb#11
RuboCop::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::TEMPLATE_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# This formatter formats the report data in JSON format.
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#9
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#8
class RuboCop::Formatter::JSONFormatter < ::RuboCop::Formatter::BaseFormatter
include ::RuboCop::PathUtil
# @return [JSONFormatter] a new instance of JSONFormatter
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#14
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#13
def initialize(output, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#23
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#22
def file_finished(file, offenses); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#28
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#27
def finished(inspected_files); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#43
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#42
def hash_for_file(file, offenses); end
# TODO: Consider better solution for Offense#real_column.
@@ -52827,21 +54886,21 @@ class RuboCop::Formatter::JSONFormatter < ::RuboCop::Formatter::BaseFormatter
# So, the minimum value of `last_column` should be 1.
# And non-zero value of `last_column` should be used as is.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#65
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#64
def hash_for_location(offense); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#50
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#49
def hash_for_offense(offense); end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#33
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#32
def metadata_hash; end
# Returns the value of attribute output_hash.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#12
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#11
def output_hash; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#19
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/formatter/json_formatter.rb#18
def started(target_files); end
@@ -53268,6 +55327,230 @@ class RuboCop::Lockfile
def parser; end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/logger.rb#13
+module RuboCop::Lsp; end
+# Log for Language Server Protocol of RuboCop.
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/logger.rb#16
+class RuboCop::Lsp::Logger
+ class << self
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/logger.rb#17
+ def log(message); end
+ end
+# Routes for Language Server Protocol of RuboCop.
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#18
+class RuboCop::Lsp::Routes
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Routes] a new instance of Routes
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#25
+ def initialize(server); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#31
+ def for(name); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#38
+ def handle_initialize(request); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#61
+ def handle_initialized(_request); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#170
+ def handle_method_missing(request); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#67
+ def handle_shutdown(request); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#159
+ def handle_unsupported_method(request, method = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ private
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#208
+ def diagnostic(file_uri, text); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#178
+ def extract_initialization_options_from(request); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#188
+ def format_file(file_uri, command: T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#222
+ def remove_file_protocol_from(uri); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#226
+ def to_diagnostic(offense); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#238
+ def to_range(location); end
+ class << self
+ private
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/routes.rb#19
+ def handle(name, &block); end
+ end
+# Runtime for Language Server Protocol of RuboCop.
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#16
+class RuboCop::Lsp::Runtime
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Runtime] a new instance of Runtime
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#19
+ def initialize(config_store); end
+ # This abuses the `--stdin` option of rubocop and reads the formatted text
+ # from the `options[:stdin]` that rubocop mutates. This depends on
+ # `parallel: false` as well as the fact that RuboCop doesn't otherwise dup
+ # or reassign that options object. Risky business!
+ #
+ # Reassigning `options[:stdin]` is done here:
+ # https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/blob/v1.52.0/lib/rubocop/cop/team.rb#L131
+ # Printing `options[:stdin]`
+ # https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/blob/v1.52.0/lib/rubocop/cli/command/execute_runner.rb#L95
+ # Setting `parallel: true` would break this here:
+ # https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/blob/v1.52.0/lib/rubocop/runner.rb#L72
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#38
+ def format(path, text, command:); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#17
+ def layout_mode=(_arg0); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#17
+ def lint_mode=(_arg0); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#55
+ def offenses(path, text); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#17
+ def safe_autocorrect=(_arg0); end
+ private
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#77
+ def config_only_options; end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#84
+ def redirect_stdout(&block); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/runtime.rb#92
+ def run_rubocop(options, path); end
+# Language Server Protocol of RuboCop.
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/server.rb#21
+class RuboCop::Lsp::Server
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Server] a new instance of Server
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/server.rb#22
+ def initialize(config_store); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/server.rb#56
+ def configure(options); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/server.rb#48
+ def format(path, text, command:); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/server.rb#52
+ def offenses(path, text); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/server.rb#29
+ def start; end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/server.rb#62
+ def stop(&block); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/server.rb#44
+ def write(response); end
+# Severity for Language Server Protocol of RuboCop.
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/severity.rb#7
+class RuboCop::Lsp::Severity
+ class << self
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/severity.rb#17
+ def find_by(rubocop_severity); end
+ end
+# @api private
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/lsp/severity.rb#8
+RuboCop::Lsp::Severity::SEVERITIES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Parse different formats of magic comments.
# @abstract parent of three different magic comment handlers
@@ -53474,12 +55757,12 @@ RuboCop::MagicComment::KEYWORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
class RuboCop::MagicComment::SimpleComment < ::RuboCop::MagicComment
# Match `encoding` or `coding`
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#263
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#265
def encoding; end
# Rewrite the comment without a given token type
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#268
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#270
def without(type); end
@@ -53493,22 +55776,25 @@ class RuboCop::MagicComment::SimpleComment < ::RuboCop::MagicComment
# @see https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/78b95b4/parse.y#L7134-L7138
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#285
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#287
def extract_frozen_string_literal; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#289
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#291
def extract_shareable_constant_value; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#293
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#295
def extract_typed; end
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#262
+RuboCop::MagicComment::SimpleComment::FSTRING_LITERAL_COMMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# IRB's pattern for matching magic comment tokens.
# @see https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/b4a55c1/lib/irb/magic-file.rb#L5
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/magic_comment.rb#10
-RuboCop::MagicComment::TOKEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
+RuboCop::MagicComment::TOKEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Wrapper for Vim style magic comments.
@@ -53622,7 +55908,7 @@ class RuboCop::Options
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#219
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#228
def add_additional_modes(opts); end
# the autocorrect command-line arguments map to the autocorrect @options values like so:
@@ -53634,62 +55920,67 @@ class RuboCop::Options
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#136
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#139
def add_autocorrection_options(opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#201
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#204
def add_cache_options(opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#73
def add_check_options(opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#159
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#162
def add_config_generation_options(opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#177
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#180
def add_cop_selection_csv_option(option, opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#231
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#240
def add_general_options(opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#211
+ def add_lsp_option(opts); end
+ # @api private
+ #
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#104
def add_output_options(opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#243
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#252
def add_profile_options(opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#208
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#217
def add_server_options(opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#192
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#195
def add_severity_option(opts); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#52
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#53
def define_options; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#253
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#262
def handle_deprecated_option(old_option, new_option); end
# Finds the option in `args` starting with -- and converts it to a symbol,
@@ -53697,7 +55988,7 @@ class RuboCop::Options
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#287
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#296
def long_opt_symbol(args); end
# Sets a value in the @options hash, based on the given long option and its
@@ -53705,17 +55996,17 @@ class RuboCop::Options
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#276
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#285
def option(opts, *args); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#258
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#267
def rainbow; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#292
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#301
def require_feature(file); end
# Creates a section of options in order to separate them visually when
@@ -53723,7 +56014,7 @@ class RuboCop::Options
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#268
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#277
def section(opts, heading, &_block); end
@@ -53746,125 +56037,119 @@ RuboCop::Options::E_STDIN_NO_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#488
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#489
module RuboCop::OptionsHelp; end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#490
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#491
RuboCop::OptionsHelp::FORMATTER_OPTION_LIST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#489
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#490
RuboCop::OptionsHelp::MAX_EXCL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#492
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#493
RuboCop::OptionsHelp::TEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Validates option arguments and the options' compatibility with each other.
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#302
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#311
class RuboCop::OptionsValidator
# @api private
# @return [OptionsValidator] a new instance of OptionsValidator
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#340
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#349
def initialize(options); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#462
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#463
def boolean_or_empty_cache?; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#428
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#433
def disable_parallel_when_invalid_option_combo; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#454
- def display_only_fail_level_offenses_with_autocorrect?; end
- # @api private
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#458
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#459
def except_syntax?; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#466
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#467
def incompatible_options; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#441
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#446
def invalid_arguments_for_parallel; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#449
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#454
def only_includes_redundant_disable?; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#375
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#380
def validate_auto_gen_config; end
# @api private
# @raise [OptionArgumentError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#414
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#419
def validate_autocorrect; end
# @api private
# @raise [OptionArgumentError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#478
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#479
def validate_cache_enabled_for_cache_root; end
# @api private
# @raise [OptionArgumentError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#349
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#358
def validate_compatibility; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#344
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#353
def validate_cop_options; end
# @api private
# @raise [OptionArgumentError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#396
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#401
def validate_display_only_correctable_and_autocorrect; end
# @api private
# @raise [OptionArgumentError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#388
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#393
def validate_display_only_failed; end
# @api private
# @raise [OptionArgumentError]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#405
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#410
def validate_display_only_failed_and_display_only_correctable; end
# @api private
# @raise [OptionParser::MissingArgument]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#470
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#471
def validate_exclude_limit_option; end
class << self
@@ -53873,14 +56158,14 @@ class RuboCop::OptionsValidator
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#309
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#318
def validate_cop_list(names); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#326
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/options.rb#335
def format_message_from(name, cop_names); end
@@ -54208,39 +56493,39 @@ RuboCop::RemoteConfig::CACHE_LIFETIME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#12
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#11
class RuboCop::ResultCache
# @api private
# @return [ResultCache] a new instance of ResultCache
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#88
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#87
def initialize(file, team, options, config_store, cache_root = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#101
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#100
def debug?; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#109
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#108
def load; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#86
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#85
def path; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#114
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#113
def save(offenses); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#105
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#104
def valid?; end
@@ -54248,7 +56533,7 @@ class RuboCop::ResultCache
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#147
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#146
def any_symlink?(path); end
# We combine team and options into a single "context" checksum to avoid
@@ -54258,17 +56543,17 @@ class RuboCop::ResultCache
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#233
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#236
def context_checksum(team, options); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#190
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#189
def digest(path); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#158
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#157
def file_checksum(file, config_store); end
# Return a hash of the options given at invocation, minus the ones that have
@@ -54277,25 +56562,25 @@ class RuboCop::ResultCache
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#217
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#220
def relevant_options_digest(options); end
# The checksum of the RuboCop program running the inspection.
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#175
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#174
def rubocop_checksum; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#201
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#200
def rubocop_extra_features; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#143
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#142
def symlink_protection_triggered?(path); end
# The external dependency checksums are cached per RuboCop team so that
@@ -54303,19 +56588,19 @@ class RuboCop::ResultCache
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#224
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#227
def team_checksum(team); end
class << self
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#82
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#81
def allow_symlinks_in_cache_location?(config_store); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#76
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#75
def cache_root(config_store); end
# Remove old files so that the cache doesn't grow too big. When the
@@ -54327,67 +56612,67 @@ class RuboCop::ResultCache
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#29
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#28
def cleanup(config_store, verbose, cache_root = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#171
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#170
def inhibit_cleanup; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#171
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#170
def inhibit_cleanup=(_arg0); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#43
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#42
def rubocop_required_features; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#43
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#42
def rubocop_required_features=(_arg0); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#171
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#170
def source_checksum; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#171
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#170
def source_checksum=(_arg0); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#66
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#65
def remove_files(files, dirs, remove_count); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#53
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#52
def remove_oldest_files(files, dirs, cache_root, verbose); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#49
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#48
def requires_file_removal?(file_count, config_store); end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#17
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#16
RuboCop::ResultCache::DL_EXTENSIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#13
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/result_cache.rb#12
RuboCop::ResultCache::NON_CHANGING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# This class handles the processing of files, which includes dealing with
@@ -54492,7 +56777,7 @@ class RuboCop::Runner
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/runner.rb#414
def formatter_set; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/runner.rb#468
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/runner.rb#470
def get_processed_source(file); end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/runner.rb#342
@@ -54543,7 +56828,7 @@ class RuboCop::Runner
# otherwise dormant team that can be used for config- and option-
# level caching in ResultCache.
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/runner.rb#490
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/runner.rb#492
def standby_team(config); end
# @return [Boolean]
@@ -54655,18 +56940,18 @@ class RuboCop::TargetFinder
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#145
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#149
def all_cops_include; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#116
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#120
def combined_exclude_glob_patterns(base_dir); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#172
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#176
def configured_include?(file); end
# @api private
@@ -54711,63 +56996,63 @@ class RuboCop::TargetFinder
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#176
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#180
def included_file?(file); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#180
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#184
def process_explicit_path(path, mode); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#149
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#153
def ruby_executable?(file); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#123
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#127
def ruby_extension?(file); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#127
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#131
def ruby_extensions; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#172
def ruby_file?(file); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#134
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#138
def ruby_filename?(file); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#138
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#142
def ruby_filenames; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#160
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#164
def ruby_interpreters(file); end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#164
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#168
def stdin?; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#108
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#112
def symlink_excluded_or_infinite_loop?(base_dir, current_dir, exclude_pattern, flags); end
# Finds all Ruby source files under the current or other supplied
@@ -54800,7 +57085,7 @@ class RuboCop::TargetFinder
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#197
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_finder.rb#201
def order; end
@@ -54818,34 +57103,34 @@ class RuboCop::TargetRuby
# @api private
# @return [TargetRuby] a new instance of TargetRuby
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#247
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#252
def initialize(config); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#263
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#268
def rubocop_version_with_support; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#251
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#256
def source; end
# @api private
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#259
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#264
def supported?; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#255
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#260
def version; end
class << self
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#233
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#238
def supported_versions; end
@@ -54854,23 +57139,23 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#106
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#107
class RuboCop::TargetRuby::BundlerLockFile < ::RuboCop::TargetRuby::Source
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#107
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#108
def name; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#140
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#141
def bundler_lock_file_path; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#113
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#114
def find_version; end
@@ -54883,18 +57168,18 @@ RuboCop::TargetRuby::DEFAULT_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Float)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#221
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#226
class RuboCop::TargetRuby::Default < ::RuboCop::TargetRuby::Source
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#222
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#227
def name; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#228
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#233
def find_version; end
@@ -54902,62 +57187,62 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#147
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#148
class RuboCop::TargetRuby::GemspecFile < ::RuboCop::TargetRuby::Source
extend ::RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#158
- def gem_requirement?(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#159
+ def gem_requirement_versions(param0 = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#162
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#165
def name; end
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#153
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#154
def required_ruby_version(param0); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#209
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#214
def find_default_minimal_known_ruby(right_hand_side); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#168
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#171
def find_version; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#178
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#181
def gemspec_filename; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#185
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#188
def gemspec_filepath; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#205
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#210
def version_from_array(array); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#190
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#193
def version_from_gemspec_file(file); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#195
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#198
def version_from_right_hand_side(right_hand_side); end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#150
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#151
RuboCop::TargetRuby::GemspecFile::GEMSPEC_EXTENSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
@@ -54974,18 +57259,18 @@ RuboCop::TargetRuby::OBSOLETE_RUBIES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#38
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#39
class RuboCop::TargetRuby::RuboCopConfig < ::RuboCop::TargetRuby::Source
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#40
def name; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#45
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#46
def find_version; end
@@ -54993,76 +57278,76 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#52
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#53
class RuboCop::TargetRuby::RubyVersionFile < ::RuboCop::TargetRuby::Source
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#56
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#57
def name; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#62
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#63
def filename; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#70
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#71
def find_version; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#66
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#67
def pattern; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#77
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#78
def version_file; end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#53
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#54
RuboCop::TargetRuby::RubyVersionFile::RUBY_VERSION_FILENAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#54
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#55
RuboCop::TargetRuby::RubyVersionFile::RUBY_VERSION_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#237
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#242
RuboCop::TargetRuby::SOURCES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# A place where information about a target ruby version is found.
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#23
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#24
class RuboCop::TargetRuby::Source
# @api private
# @return [Source] a new instance of Source
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#26
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#27
def initialize(config); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#24
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#25
def name; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#31
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#32
def to_s; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#24
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#25
def version; end
@@ -55071,34 +57356,34 @@ end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#85
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#86
class RuboCop::TargetRuby::ToolVersionsFile < ::RuboCop::TargetRuby::RubyVersionFile
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#90
def name; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#95
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#96
def filename; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#99
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#100
def pattern; end
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#86
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#87
RuboCop::TargetRuby::ToolVersionsFile::TOOL_VERSIONS_FILENAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @api private
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#87
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/target_ruby.rb#88
RuboCop::TargetRuby::ToolVersionsFile::TOOL_VERSIONS_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/ast_aliases.rb#7
@@ -55124,12 +57409,12 @@ module RuboCop::Version
class << self
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#89
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#93
def document_version; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#39
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#43
def extension_versions(env); end
# Returns feature version in one of two ways:
@@ -55139,17 +57424,17 @@ module RuboCop::Version
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#73
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#77
def feature_version(feature); end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#94
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#98
def server_mode; end
# @api private
- # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#17
+ # source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#21
def version(debug: T.unsafe(nil), env: T.unsafe(nil)); end
@@ -55157,7 +57442,7 @@ end
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#12
RuboCop::Version::CANONICAL_FEATURE_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#14
+# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#16
RuboCop::Version::EXTENSION_PATH_NAMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://rubocop//lib/rubocop/version.rb#8
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/ruby-progressbar@1.13.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/ruby-progressbar@1.13.0.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index fe14ff97..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/ruby-progressbar@1.13.0.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1317 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `ruby-progressbar` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem ruby-progressbar`.
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#4
-class ProgressBar
- class << self
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar.rb#9
- def create(*args); end
- end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#17
-class ProgressBar::Base
- extend ::Forwardable
- # @return [Base] a new instance of Base
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#45
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def clear(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#137
- def decrement; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#92
- def finish; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#129
- def finished?; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#203
- def format(other); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#203
- def format=(other); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#141
- def increment; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#199
- def inspect; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def log(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#102
- def pause; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#123
- def paused?; end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def progress(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#145
- def progress=(new_progress); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#153
- def progress_mark=(mark); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def refresh(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#157
- def remainder_mark=(mark); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#114
- def reset; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#110
- def resume; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#87
- def start(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#133
- def started?; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#106
- def stop; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#123
- def stopped?; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#161
- def title; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#165
- def title=(title); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#176
- def to_h; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#169
- def to_s(new_format = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://forwardable/1.3.3/forwardable.rb#231
- def total(*args, **_arg1, &block); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#149
- def total=(new_total); end
- protected
- # Returns the value of attribute autofinish.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def autofinish; end
- # Sets the attribute autofinish
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute autofinish to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def autofinish=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute autostart.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def autostart; end
- # Sets the attribute autostart
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute autostart to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def autostart=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute bar_component.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def bar_component; end
- # Sets the attribute bar_component
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute bar_component to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def bar_component=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute finished.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def finished; end
- # Sets the attribute finished
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute finished to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def finished=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute output.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def output; end
- # Sets the attribute output
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute output to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def output=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute percentage_component.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def percentage_component; end
- # Sets the attribute percentage_component
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute percentage_component to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def percentage_component=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute progressable.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def progressable; end
- # Sets the attribute progressable
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute progressable to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def progressable=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute projector.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def projector; end
- # Sets the attribute projector
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute projector to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def projector=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute rate_component.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def rate_component; end
- # Sets the attribute rate_component
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute rate_component to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def rate_component=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute time_component.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def time_component; end
- # Sets the attribute time_component
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute time_component to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def time_component=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute timer.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def timer; end
- # Sets the attribute timer
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute timer to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def timer=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute title_component.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def title_component; end
- # Sets the attribute title_component
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute title_component to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#213
- def title_component=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#226
- def update_progress(*args); end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#28
-ProgressBar::Base::RUNNING_AVERAGE_RATE_DEPRECATION_WARNING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb#21
-ProgressBar::Base::SMOOTHING_DEPRECATION_WARNING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#2
-module ProgressBar::Calculators; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#3
-class ProgressBar::Calculators::Length
- # @return [Length] a new instance of Length
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#8
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#25
- def calculate_length; end
- # Returns the value of attribute current_length.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#5
- def current_length; end
- # Sets the attribute current_length
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute current_length to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#5
- def current_length=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#14
- def length; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#18
- def length_changed?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute length_override.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#4
- def length_override; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#33
- def length_override=(other); end
- # Returns the value of attribute output.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#5
- def output; end
- # Sets the attribute output
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute output to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#5
- def output=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#29
- def reset_length; end
- private
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#56
- def dynamic_width; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#85
- def dynamic_width_stty; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#89
- def dynamic_width_tput; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#76
- def dynamic_width_via_io_object; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#71
- def dynamic_width_via_output_stream_object; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#81
- def dynamic_width_via_system_calls; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#43
- def terminal_width; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/calculators/length.rb#93
- def unix?; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#5
-module ProgressBar::Components; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#6
-class ProgressBar::Components::Bar
- # @return [Bar] a new instance of Bar
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#17
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#35
- def bar(length); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#63
- def bar_with_percentage(length); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#41
- def complete_bar(length); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#47
- def complete_bar_with_percentage(length); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#53
- def incomplete_space(length); end
- # Returns the value of attribute length.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def length; end
- # Sets the attribute length
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute length to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def length=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute progress.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def progress; end
- # Sets the attribute progress
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute progress to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def progress=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute progress_mark.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def progress_mark; end
- # Sets the attribute progress_mark
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute progress_mark to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def progress_mark=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute remainder_mark.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def remainder_mark; end
- # Sets the attribute remainder_mark
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute remainder_mark to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def remainder_mark=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#25
- def to_s(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute upa_steps.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def upa_steps; end
- # Sets the attribute upa_steps
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute upa_steps to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#11
- def upa_steps=(_arg0); end
- private
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#91
- def completed_length; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#81
- def incomplete_string; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#71
- def integrated_percentage_complete_string; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#77
- def standard_complete_string; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#95
- def unknown_progress_frame; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#85
- def unknown_string; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#7
-ProgressBar::Components::Bar::DEFAULT_PROGRESS_MARK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#8
-ProgressBar::Components::Bar::DEFAULT_REMAINDER_MARK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb#9
-ProgressBar::Components::Bar::DEFAULT_UPA_STEPS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/percentage.rb#3
-class ProgressBar::Components::Percentage
- # @return [Percentage] a new instance of Percentage
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/percentage.rb#6
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/percentage.rb#14
- def justified_percentage; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/percentage.rb#22
- def justified_percentage_with_precision; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/percentage.rb#10
- def percentage; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/percentage.rb#18
- def percentage_with_precision; end
- # Returns the value of attribute progress.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/percentage.rb#4
- def progress; end
- # Sets the attribute progress
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute progress to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/percentage.rb#4
- def progress=(_arg0); end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#3
-class ProgressBar::Components::Rate
- # @return [Rate] a new instance of Rate
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#8
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute progress.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#4
- def progress; end
- # Sets the attribute progress
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute progress to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#4
- def progress=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#14
- def rate_of_change(format_string = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#20
- def rate_of_change_with_precision; end
- # Returns the value of attribute rate_scale.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#4
- def rate_scale; end
- # Sets the attribute rate_scale
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute rate_scale to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#4
- def rate_scale=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute timer.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#4
- def timer; end
- # Sets the attribute timer
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute timer to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#4
- def timer=(_arg0); end
- private
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#30
- def base_rate; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#34
- def elapsed_seconds; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/rate.rb#26
- def scaled_rate; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#6
-class ProgressBar::Components::Time
- # @return [Time] a new instance of Time
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#21
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#31
- def elapsed_with_label; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#47
- def estimated_wall_clock; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#43
- def estimated_with_friendly_oob; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#27
- def estimated_with_label(out_of_bounds_time_format = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#35
- def estimated_with_no_oob; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#39
- def estimated_with_unknown_oob; end
- protected
- # Returns the value of attribute progress.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#60
- def progress; end
- # Sets the attribute progress
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute progress to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#60
- def progress=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute projector.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#60
- def projector; end
- # Sets the attribute projector
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute projector to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#60
- def projector=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute timer.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#60
- def timer; end
- # Sets the attribute timer
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute timer to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#60
- def timer=(_arg0); end
- private
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#80
- def elapsed; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#66
- def estimated(out_of_bounds_time_format); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#94
- def estimated_seconds_remaining; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#88
- def estimated_with_elapsed_fallback(out_of_bounds_time_format); end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#14
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::ELAPSED_LABEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#13
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::ESTIMATED_LABEL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#12
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::NO_TIME_ELAPSED_TEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#11
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::OOB_FRIENDLY_TIME_TEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#9
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::OOB_LIMIT_IN_HOURS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#16
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::OOB_TEXT_TO_FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#8
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::OOB_TIME_FORMATS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#10
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::OOB_UNKNOWN_TIME_TEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#7
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::TIME_FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/time.rb#15
-ProgressBar::Components::Time::WALL_CLOCK_FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/title.rb#3
-class ProgressBar::Components::Title
- # @return [Title] a new instance of Title
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/title.rb#8
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute title.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/title.rb#6
- def title; end
- # Sets the attribute title
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute title to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/title.rb#6
- def title=(_arg0); end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/components/title.rb#4
-ProgressBar::Components::Title::DEFAULT_TITLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/formatter.rb#2
-module ProgressBar::Format; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/formatter.rb#3
-class ProgressBar::Format::Formatter
- class << self
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/formatter.rb#4
- def process(format_string, max_length, bar); end
- end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#3
-class ProgressBar::Format::Molecule
- # @return [Molecule] a new instance of Molecule
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#33
- def initialize(letter); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#38
- def bar_molecule?; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#46
- def full_key; end
- # Returns the value of attribute key.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#30
- def key; end
- # Sets the attribute key
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute key to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#30
- def key=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#50
- def lookup_value(environment, length = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute method_name.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#30
- def method_name; end
- # Sets the attribute method_name
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute method_name to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#30
- def method_name=(_arg0); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#42
- def non_bar_molecule?; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#28
-ProgressBar::Format::Molecule::BAR_MOLECULES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb#4
-ProgressBar::Format::Molecule::MOLECULES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/string.rb#5
-class ProgressBar::Format::String < ::String
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/string.rb#13
- def bar_molecule_placeholder_length; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/string.rb#21
- def bar_molecules; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/string.rb#9
- def displayable_length; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/string.rb#25
- def molecules; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/string.rb#17
- def non_bar_molecules; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/string.rb#7
-ProgressBar::Format::String::ANSI_SGR_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/format/string.rb#6
-ProgressBar::Format::String::MOLECULE_PATTERN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/errors/invalid_progress_error.rb#2
-class ProgressBar::InvalidProgressError < ::RuntimeError; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#5
-class ProgressBar::Output
- # @return [Output] a new instance of Output
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#10
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#37
- def clear_string; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#41
- def length; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#30
- def log(string); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#50
- def refresh(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute stream.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#8
- def stream; end
- # Sets the attribute stream
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute stream to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#8
- def stream=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#45
- def with_refresh; end
- protected
- # Returns the value of attribute bar.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#60
- def bar; end
- # Sets the attribute bar
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute bar to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#60
- def bar=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute length_calculator.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#60
- def length_calculator; end
- # Sets the attribute length_calculator
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute length_calculator to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#60
- def length_calculator=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute throttle.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#60
- def throttle; end
- # Sets the attribute throttle
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute throttle to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#60
- def throttle=(_arg0); end
- private
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#66
- def print_and_flush; end
- class << self
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#20
- def detect(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#6
-ProgressBar::Output::DEFAULT_OUTPUT_STREAM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), IO)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#4
-module ProgressBar::Outputs; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#5
-class ProgressBar::Outputs::NonTty < ::ProgressBar::Output
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#18
- def bar_update_string; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#8
- def clear; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#28
- def default_format; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#38
- def eol; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#14
- def last_update_length; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#36
- def refresh_with_format_change(*_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#32
- def resolve_format(*_arg0); end
- protected
- # Sets the attribute last_update_length
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute last_update_length to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#44
- def last_update_length=(_arg0); end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/non_tty.rb#6
-ProgressBar::Outputs::NonTty::DEFAULT_FORMAT_STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/tty.rb#5
-class ProgressBar::Outputs::Tty < ::ProgressBar::Output
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/tty.rb#15
- def bar_update_string; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/tty.rb#10
- def clear; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/tty.rb#19
- def default_format; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/tty.rb#27
- def eol; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/output.rb#45
- def refresh_with_format_change; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/tty.rb#23
- def resolve_format(other_format); end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/outputs/tty.rb#6
-ProgressBar::Outputs::Tty::DEFAULT_FORMAT_STRING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#4
-class ProgressBar::Progress
- # @return [Progress] a new instance of Progress
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#12
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#104
- def absolute; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#41
- def decrement; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#23
- def finish; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#27
- def finished?; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#31
- def increment; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#85
- def none?; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#73
- def percentage_completed; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#97
- def percentage_completed_with_precision; end
- # Returns the value of attribute progress.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#8
- def progress; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#55
- def progress=(new_progress); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#51
- def reset; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#18
- def start(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute starting_position.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#10
- def starting_position; end
- # Sets the attribute starting_position
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute starting_position to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#10
- def starting_position=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute total.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#8
- def total; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#64
- def total=(new_total); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#93
- def total_with_unknown_indicator; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#89
- def unknown?; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#6
-ProgressBar::Progress::DEFAULT_BEGINNING_POSITION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/progress.rb#5
-ProgressBar::Progress::DEFAULT_TOTAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projector.rb#4
-class ProgressBar::Projector
- class << self
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projector.rb#10
- def from_type(name); end
- end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projector.rb#5
-ProgressBar::Projector::DEFAULT_PROJECTOR = ProgressBar::Projectors::SmoothedAverage
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projector.rb#6
-ProgressBar::Projector::NAME_TO_PROJECTOR_MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#2
-module ProgressBar::Projectors; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#3
-class ProgressBar::Projectors::SmoothedAverage
- # @return [SmoothedAverage] a new instance of SmoothedAverage
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#11
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#24
- def decrement; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#28
- def increment; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#52
- def none?; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#32
- def progress; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#42
- def progress=(new_progress); end
- # Returns the value of attribute projection.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#9
- def projection; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#38
- def reset; end
- # Returns the value of attribute samples.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#7
- def samples; end
- # Sets the attribute samples
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute samples to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#7
- def samples=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#19
- def start(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute strength.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#7
- def strength; end
- # Sets the attribute strength
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute strength to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#7
- def strength=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#36
- def total=(_new_total); end
- protected
- # Sets the attribute projection
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute projection to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#62
- def projection=(_arg0); end
- private
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#66
- def absolute; end
- class << self
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#56
- def calculate(current_projection, new_value, rate); end
- end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#5
-ProgressBar::Projectors::SmoothedAverage::DEFAULT_BEGINNING_POSITION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/projectors/smoothed_average.rb#4
-ProgressBar::Projectors::SmoothedAverage::DEFAULT_STRENGTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Float)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/refinements/progress_enumerator.rb#2
-module ProgressBar::Refinements; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/refinements/progress_enumerator.rb#3
-module ProgressBar::Refinements::Enumerator; end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/refinements/progress_enumerator.rb#4
-ProgressBar::Refinements::Enumerator::ARITY_ERROR_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#2
-class ProgressBar::Throttle
- # @return [Throttle] a new instance of Throttle
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#8
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#15
- def choke(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Returns the value of attribute rate.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#3
- def rate; end
- # Sets the attribute rate
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute rate to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#3
- def rate=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute started_at.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#3
- def started_at; end
- # Sets the attribute started_at
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute started_at to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#3
- def started_at=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute stopped_at.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#3
- def stopped_at; end
- # Sets the attribute stopped_at
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute stopped_at to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#3
- def stopped_at=(_arg0); end
- # Returns the value of attribute timer.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#3
- def timer; end
- # Sets the attribute timer
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute timer to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/throttle.rb#3
- def timer=(_arg0); end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/time.rb#3
-class ProgressBar::Time
- # @return [Time] a new instance of Time
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/time.rb#11
- def initialize(time = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/time.rb#15
- def now; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/time.rb#19
- def unmocked_time_method; end
- protected
- # Returns the value of attribute time.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/time.rb#27
- def time; end
- # Sets the attribute time
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute time to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/time.rb#27
- def time=(_arg0); end
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/time.rb#4
-ProgressBar::Time::TIME_MOCKING_LIBRARY_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#4
-class ProgressBar::Timer
- # @return [Timer] a new instance of Timer
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#8
- def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#67
- def divide_seconds(seconds); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#57
- def elapsed_seconds; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#63
- def elapsed_whole_seconds; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#31
- def now; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#23
- def pause; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#43
- def reset; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#48
- def reset?; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#52
- def restart; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#27
- def resume; end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#12
- def start; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#35
- def started?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute started_at.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#5
- def started_at; end
- # Sets the attribute started_at
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute started_at to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#5
- def started_at=(_arg0); end
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#17
- def stop; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#39
- def stopped?; end
- # Returns the value of attribute stopped_at.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#5
- def stopped_at; end
- # Sets the attribute stopped_at
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute stopped_at to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#5
- def stopped_at=(_arg0); end
- protected
- # Returns the value of attribute time.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#76
- def time; end
- # Sets the attribute time
- #
- # @param value the value to set the attribute time to.
- #
- # source://ruby-progressbar//lib/ruby-progressbar/timer.rb#76
- def time=(_arg0); end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-cobertura@2.1.0.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-cobertura@2.1.0.rbi
index b03bcd11..9ab6b3a9 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-cobertura@2.1.0.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-cobertura@2.1.0.rbi
@@ -7,126 +7,126 @@
# source://simplecov-cobertura//lib/simplecov-cobertura/version.rb#1
module SimpleCov
class << self
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#174
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#174
def at_exit_behavior; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#170
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#170
def clear_result; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#86
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#86
def collate(result_filenames, profile = T.unsafe(nil), ignore_timeout: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#223
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#223
def exit_and_report_previous_error(exit_status); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#200
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#200
def exit_status_from_exception; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#28
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#28
def external_at_exit; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#28
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#28
def external_at_exit=(_arg0); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#28
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#28
def external_at_exit?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#131
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#131
def filtered(files); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#268
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#268
def final_result_process?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#142
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#142
def grouped(files); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#162
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#162
def load_adapter(name); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#158
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#158
def load_profile(name); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#24
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#24
def pid; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#24
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#24
def pid=(_arg0); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#213
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#213
def previous_error?(error_exit_status); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#248
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#248
def process_result(result); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#233
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#233
def process_results_and_report_error; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#229
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#229
def ready_to_process_results?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#101
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#101
def result; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#124
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#124
def result?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#256
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#256
def result_exit_status(result); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#296
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#296
def round_coverage(coverage); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#186
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#186
def run_exit_tasks!; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#24
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#24
def running; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#24
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#24
def running=(_arg0); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#48
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#48
def start(profile = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#276
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#276
def wait_for_other_processes; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#285
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#285
def write_last_run(result); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#397
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#399
def adapt_coverage_result; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#369
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#371
def add_not_loaded_files(result); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#302
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#302
def initial_setup(profile, &block); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#361
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#363
def lookup_corresponding_ruby_coverage_name(criterion); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#423
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#425
def make_parallel_tests_available; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#432
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#434
def probably_running_parallel_tests?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#386
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#388
def process_coverage_result; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#408
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#410
def remove_useless_results; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#418
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#420
def result_with_not_loaded_files; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#314
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#314
def start_coverage_measurement; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#349
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov.rb#349
def start_coverage_with_criteria; end
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ end
# source://simplecov-cobertura//lib/simplecov-cobertura/version.rb#2
module SimpleCov::Formatter
class << self
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov/default_formatter.rb#7
+ # source://simplecov/0.22.0/lib/simplecov/default_formatter.rb#7
def from_env(env); end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-html@0.12.3.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-html@0.12.3.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index b826d33e..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov-html@0.12.3.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `simplecov-html` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem simplecov-html`.
-# source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#16
-module SimpleCov
- class << self
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#174
- def at_exit_behavior; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#170
- def clear_result; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#86
- def collate(result_filenames, profile = T.unsafe(nil), ignore_timeout: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#223
- def exit_and_report_previous_error(exit_status); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#200
- def exit_status_from_exception; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#28
- def external_at_exit; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#28
- def external_at_exit=(_arg0); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#28
- def external_at_exit?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#131
- def filtered(files); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#268
- def final_result_process?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#142
- def grouped(files); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#162
- def load_adapter(name); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#158
- def load_profile(name); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#24
- def pid; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#24
- def pid=(_arg0); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#213
- def previous_error?(error_exit_status); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#248
- def process_result(result); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#233
- def process_results_and_report_error; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#229
- def ready_to_process_results?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#101
- def result; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#124
- def result?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#256
- def result_exit_status(result); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#296
- def round_coverage(coverage); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#186
- def run_exit_tasks!; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#24
- def running; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#24
- def running=(_arg0); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#48
- def start(profile = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#276
- def wait_for_other_processes; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#285
- def write_last_run(result); end
- private
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#397
- def adapt_coverage_result; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#369
- def add_not_loaded_files(result); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#302
- def initial_setup(profile, &block); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#361
- def lookup_corresponding_ruby_coverage_name(criterion); end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#423
- def make_parallel_tests_available; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#432
- def probably_running_parallel_tests?; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#386
- def process_coverage_result; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#408
- def remove_useless_results; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#418
- def result_with_not_loaded_files; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#314
- def start_coverage_measurement; end
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb#349
- def start_coverage_with_criteria; end
- end
-# source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#17
-module SimpleCov::Formatter
- class << self
- # source://simplecov/0.21.2/lib/simplecov/default_formatter.rb#7
- def from_env(env); end
- end
-# source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#18
-class SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter
- # @return [HTMLFormatter] a new instance of HTMLFormatter
- #
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#19
- def initialize; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#38
- def branchable_result?; end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#23
- def format(result); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#45
- def line_status?(source_file, line); end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#34
- def output_message(result); end
- private
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#64
- def asset_output_path; end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#72
- def assets_path(name); end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#97
- def coverage_css_class(covered_percent); end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#93
- def covered_percent(percent); end
- # Returns a table containing the given source files
- #
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#84
- def formatted_file_list(title, source_files); end
- # Returns the html for the given source_file
- #
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#77
- def formatted_source_file(source_file); end
- # Return a (kind of) unique id for the source file given. Uses SHA1 on path for the id
- #
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#118
- def id(source_file); end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#130
- def link_to_source_file(source_file); end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#60
- def output_path; end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#126
- def shortened_filename(source_file); end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#107
- def strength_css_class(covered_strength); end
- # Returns the an erb instance for the template of given name
- #
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#56
- def template(name); end
- # source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html.rb#122
- def timeago(time); end
-# source://simplecov-html//lib/simplecov-html/version.rb#6
-SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov@0.21.2.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov@0.22.0.rbi
similarity index 97%
rename from sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov@0.21.2.rbi
rename to sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov@0.22.0.rbi
index d1cb675d..07788787 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov@0.21.2.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov@0.22.0.rbi
@@ -214,36 +214,36 @@ module SimpleCov
# @return [Hash]
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#397
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#399
def adapt_coverage_result; end
# Finds files that were to be tracked but were not loaded and initializes
# the line-by-line coverage to zero (if relevant) or nil (comments / whitespace etc).
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#369
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#371
def add_not_loaded_files(result); end
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#302
def initial_setup(profile, &block); end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#361
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#363
def lookup_corresponding_ruby_coverage_name(criterion); end
# parallel_tests isn't always available, see: https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests/issues/772
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#423
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#425
def make_parallel_tests_available; end
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#432
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#434
def probably_running_parallel_tests?; end
# Call steps that handle process coverage result
# @return [Hash]
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#386
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#388
def process_coverage_result; end
# Filter coverage result
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ module SimpleCov
# @return [Hash]
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#408
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#410
def remove_useless_results; end
# Initialize result with files that are not included by coverage
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ module SimpleCov
# @return [Hash]
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#418
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov.rb#420
def result_with_not_loaded_files; end
# Trigger Coverage.start depends on given config coverage_criterion
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ module SimpleCov::Configuration
# @return [Boolean]
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#432
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#443
def branch_coverage_supported?; end
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#424
@@ -703,6 +703,16 @@ module SimpleCov::Configuration
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#34
def coverage_dir(dir = T.unsafe(nil)); end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#452
+ def coverage_for_eval_enabled?; end
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#447
+ def coverage_for_eval_supported?; end
# Returns the full path to the output directory using SimpleCov.root
# and SimpleCov.coverage_dir, so you can adjust this by configuring those
# values. Will create the directory if it's missing
@@ -718,6 +728,9 @@ module SimpleCov::Configuration
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#401
def enable_coverage(criterion); end
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#456
+ def enable_coverage_for_eval; end
# gets or sets the enabled_for_subprocess configuration
# when true, this will inject SimpleCov code into Process.fork
@@ -901,18 +914,18 @@ module SimpleCov::Configuration
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#464
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#483
def minimum_possible_coverage_exceeded(coverage_option); end
# The actual filter processor. Not meant for direct use
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#471
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#490
def parse_filter(filter_argument = T.unsafe(nil), &filter_proc); end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#447
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#466
def raise_if_criterion_disabled(criterion); end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#456
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/configuration.rb#475
def raise_if_criterion_unsupported(criterion); end
@@ -1843,20 +1856,20 @@ class SimpleCov::SourceFile
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#340
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#346
def branch_coverage_statistics; end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#318
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#324
def build_branch(branch_data, hit_count, condition_start_line); end
# Call recursive method that transform our static hash to array of objects
# @return [Array]
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#267
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#273
def build_branches; end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#304
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#310
def build_branches_from(condition, branches); end
# Build full branches report
@@ -1865,10 +1878,10 @@ class SimpleCov::SourceFile
# @return [Hash]
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#256
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#262
def build_branches_report; end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#223
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#229
def build_lines; end
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#164
@@ -1876,16 +1889,16 @@ class SimpleCov::SourceFile
# Warning to identify condition from Issue #56
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#245
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#251
def coverage_exceeding_source_warn; end
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#214
def ensure_remove_undefs(file_lines); end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#330
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#336
def line_coverage_statistics; end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#240
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#246
def lines_strength; end
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#178
@@ -1896,10 +1909,10 @@ class SimpleCov::SourceFile
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#160
def no_cov_chunks; end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#276
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#282
def process_skipped_branches(branches); end
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#231
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#237
def process_skipped_lines(lines); end
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#198
@@ -1913,7 +1926,7 @@ class SimpleCov::SourceFile
# See #801
- # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#294
+ # source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#300
def restore_ruby_data_structure(structure); end
# source://simplecov//lib/simplecov/source_file.rb#206
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov_json_formatter@0.1.4.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov_json_formatter@0.1.4.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b5c6ae5..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/simplecov_json_formatter@0.1.4.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `simplecov_json_formatter` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem simplecov_json_formatter`.
-# see https://github.com/Shopify/tapioca#manually-requiring-parts-of-a-gem
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/spoom@1.2.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/spoom@1.2.1.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index c5f4e8ec..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/spoom@1.2.1.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2503 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `spoom` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem spoom`.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom.rb#7
-module Spoom; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#9
-module Spoom::Cli; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/bump.rb#9
-class Spoom::Cli::Bump < ::Thor
- include ::Spoom::Colorize
- include ::Spoom::Cli::Helper
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/bump.rb#49
- sig { params(directory: ::String).void }
- def bump(directory = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- def help(command = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/bump.rb#170
- def print_changes(files, command:, from: T.unsafe(nil), to: T.unsafe(nil), dry: T.unsafe(nil), path: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/bump.rb#192
- def undo_changes(files, from_strictness); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/config.rb#9
-class Spoom::Cli::Config < ::Thor
- include ::Spoom::Colorize
- include ::Spoom::Cli::Helper
- def help(command = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/config.rb#15
- def show; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/coverage.rb#9
-class Spoom::Cli::Coverage < ::Thor
- include ::Spoom::Colorize
- include ::Spoom::Cli::Helper
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/coverage.rb#198
- def bundle_install(path, sha); end
- def help(command = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/coverage.rb#210
- def message_no_data(file); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/coverage.rb#173
- def open(file = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/coverage.rb#189
- def parse_time(string, option); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/coverage.rb#142
- def report; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/coverage.rb#20
- def snapshot; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/coverage.rb#42
- def timeline; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/coverage.rb#12
-Spoom::Cli::Coverage::DATA_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#10
-module Spoom::Cli::Helper
- include ::Spoom::Colorize
- requires_ancestor { Thor }
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#119
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def blue(string); end
- # Is the `--color` option true?
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#83
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def color?; end
- # Colorize a string if `color?`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#112
- sig { params(string: ::String, color: ::Spoom::Color).returns(::String) }
- def colorize(string, *color); end
- # Returns the context at `--path` (by default the current working directory)
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#51
- sig { returns(::Spoom::Context) }
- def context; end
- # Raise if `spoom` is not ran inside a context with a `sorbet/config` file
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#57
- sig { returns(::Spoom::Context) }
- def context_requiring_sorbet!; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#124
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def cyan(string); end
- # Return the path specified through `--path`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#72
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def exec_path; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#129
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def gray(string); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#134
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def green(string); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#88
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def highlight(string); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#139
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def red(string); end
- # Print `message` on `$stdout`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#20
- sig { params(message: ::String).void }
- def say(message); end
- # Print `message` on `$stderr`
- #
- # The message is prefixed by a status (default: `Error`).
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#39
- sig { params(message: ::String, status: T.nilable(::String), nl: T::Boolean).void }
- def say_error(message, status: T.unsafe(nil), nl: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/helper.rb#144
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def yellow(string); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#10
-class Spoom::Cli::LSP < ::Thor
- include ::Spoom::Colorize
- include ::Spoom::Cli::Helper
- # TODO: options, filter, limit, kind etc.. filter rbi
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#55
- def defs(file, line, col); end
- # TODO: options, filter, limit, kind etc.. filter rbi
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#65
- def find(query); end
- def help(command = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # TODO: options, filter, limit, kind etc.. filter rbi
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#41
- def hover(file, line, col); end
- # TODO: options, filter, limit, kind etc.. filter rbi
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#26
- def list; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#114
- def lsp_client; end
- # TODO: options, filter, limit, kind etc.. filter rbi
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#85
- def refs(file, line, col); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#137
- def run(&block); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#16
- def show; end
- # TODO: options, filter, limit, kind etc.. filter rbi
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#95
- def sigs(file, line, col); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#129
- def symbol_printer; end
- # TODO: options, filter, limit, kind etc.. filter rbi
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#75
- def symbols(file); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#162
- def to_uri(path); end
- # TODO: options, filter, limit, kind etc.. filter rbi
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/lsp.rb#105
- def types(file, line, col); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli.rb#16
-class Spoom::Cli::Main < ::Thor
- include ::Spoom::Colorize
- include ::Spoom::Cli::Helper
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli.rb#61
- def __print_version; end
- # source://thor/1.2.1/lib/thor.rb#239
- def bump(*args); end
- # source://thor/1.2.1/lib/thor.rb#239
- def config(*args); end
- # source://thor/1.2.1/lib/thor.rb#239
- def coverage(*args); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli.rb#43
- def files; end
- # source://thor/1.2.1/lib/thor.rb#239
- def lsp(*args); end
- # source://thor/1.2.1/lib/thor.rb#239
- def tc(*args); end
- class << self
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli.rb#68
- def exit_on_failure?; end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/run.rb#6
-class Spoom::Cli::Run < ::Thor
- include ::Spoom::Colorize
- include ::Spoom::Cli::Helper
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/run.rb#131
- def colorize_message(message); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/run.rb#122
- def format_error(error, format); end
- def help(command = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/run.rb#26
- def tc(*paths_to_select); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/run.rb#15
-Spoom::Cli::Run::DEFAULT_FORMAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/run.rb#11
-Spoom::Cli::Run::SORT_CODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/run.rb#13
-Spoom::Cli::Run::SORT_ENUM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/cli/run.rb#12
-Spoom::Cli::Run::SORT_LOC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/colors.rb#5
-class Spoom::Color < ::T::Enum
- enums do
- CLEAR = new
- BOLD = new
- BLACK = new
- RED = new
- GREEN = new
- YELLOW = new
- BLUE = new
- MAGENTA = new
- CYAN = new
- WHITE = new
- LIGHT_RED = new
- LIGHT_BLUE = new
- LIGHT_CYAN = new
- end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/colors.rb#32
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def ansi_code; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/colors.rb#37
-module Spoom::Colorize
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/colors.rb#41
- sig { params(string: ::String, color: ::Spoom::Color).returns(::String) }
- def set_color(string, *color); end
-# An abstraction to a Ruby project context
-# A context maps to a directory in the file system.
-# It is used to manipulate files and run commands in the context of this directory.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/bundle.rb#5
-class Spoom::Context
- include ::Spoom::Context::Bundle
- include ::Spoom::Context::Exec
- include ::Spoom::Context::FileSystem
- include ::Spoom::Context::Git
- include ::Spoom::Context::Sorbet
- # Create a new context about `absolute_path`
- #
- # The directory will not be created if it doesn't exist.
- # Call `#make!` to create it.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context.rb#51
- sig { params(absolute_path: ::String).void }
- def initialize(absolute_path); end
- # The absolute path to the directory this context is about
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context.rb#44
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def absolute_path; end
- class << self
- # Create a new context in the system's temporary directory
- #
- # `name` is used as prefix to the temporary directory name.
- # The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context.rb#37
- sig { params(name: T.nilable(::String)).returns(T.attached_class) }
- def mktmp!(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# Bundle features for a context
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/bundle.rb#7
-module Spoom::Context::Bundle
- requires_ancestor { Spoom::Context }
- # Run a command with `bundle` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/bundle.rb#27
- sig { params(command: ::String, version: T.nilable(::String), capture_err: T::Boolean).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def bundle(command, version: T.unsafe(nil), capture_err: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Run a command `bundle exec` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/bundle.rb#40
- sig { params(command: ::String, version: T.nilable(::String), capture_err: T::Boolean).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def bundle_exec(command, version: T.unsafe(nil), capture_err: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Run `bundle install` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/bundle.rb#34
- sig { params(version: T.nilable(::String), capture_err: T::Boolean).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def bundle_install!(version: T.unsafe(nil), capture_err: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Get `gem` version from the `Gemfile.lock` content
- #
- # Returns `nil` if `gem` cannot be found in the Gemfile.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/bundle.rb#48
- sig { params(gem: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def gem_version_from_gemfile_lock(gem); end
- # Read the `contents` of the Gemfile in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/bundle.rb#15
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def read_gemfile; end
- # Set the `contents` of the Gemfile in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/bundle.rb#21
- sig { params(contents: ::String, append: T::Boolean).void }
- def write_gemfile!(contents, append: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# Execution features for a context
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/exec.rb#27
-module Spoom::Context::Exec
- requires_ancestor { Spoom::Context }
- # Run a command in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/exec.rb#35
- sig { params(command: ::String, capture_err: T::Boolean).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def exec(command, capture_err: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# File System features for a context
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#7
-module Spoom::Context::FileSystem
- requires_ancestor { Spoom::Context }
- # Returns the absolute path to `relative_path` in the context's directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#15
- sig { params(relative_path: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def absolute_path_to(relative_path); end
- # Delete this context and its content
- #
- # Warning: it will `rm -rf` the context directory on the file system.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#88
- sig { void }
- def destroy!; end
- # Does the context directory at `absolute_path` exist and is a directory?
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#21
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def exist?; end
- # Does `relative_path` point to an existing file in this context directory?
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#48
- sig { params(relative_path: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def file?(relative_path); end
- # List all files in this context matching `pattern`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#34
- sig { params(pattern: ::String).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def glob(pattern = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # List all files at the top level of this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#42
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def list; end
- # Create the context directory at `absolute_path`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#27
- sig { void }
- def mkdir!; end
- # Move the file or directory from `from_relative_path` to `to_relative_path`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#78
- sig { params(from_relative_path: ::String, to_relative_path: ::String).void }
- def move!(from_relative_path, to_relative_path); end
- # Return the contents of the file at `relative_path` in this context directory
- #
- # Will raise if the file doesn't exist.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#56
- sig { params(relative_path: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def read(relative_path); end
- # Remove the path at `relative_path` (recursive + force) in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#72
- sig { params(relative_path: ::String).void }
- def remove!(relative_path); end
- # Write `contents` in the file at `relative_path` in this context directory
- #
- # Append to the file if `append` is true.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/file_system.rb#64
- sig { params(relative_path: ::String, contents: ::String, append: T::Boolean).void }
- def write!(relative_path, contents = T.unsafe(nil), append: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# Git features for a context
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#35
-module Spoom::Context::Git
- requires_ancestor { Spoom::Context }
- # Run a command prefixed by `git` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#43
- sig { params(command: ::String).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def git(command); end
- # Run `git checkout` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#62
- sig { params(ref: ::String).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def git_checkout!(ref: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Run `git add . && git commit` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#68
- sig { params(message: ::String, time: ::Time, allow_empty: T::Boolean).void }
- def git_commit!(message: T.unsafe(nil), time: T.unsafe(nil), allow_empty: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Get the current git branch in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#79
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def git_current_branch; end
- # Run `git diff` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#88
- sig { params(arg: ::String).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def git_diff(*arg); end
- # Run `git init` in this context directory
- #
- # Warning: passing a branch will run `git init -b ` which is only available in git 2.28+.
- # In older versions, use `git_init!` followed by `git("checkout -b ")`.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#52
- sig { params(branch: T.nilable(::String)).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def git_init!(branch: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Get the last commit in the currently checked out branch
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#94
- sig { params(short_sha: T::Boolean).returns(T.nilable(::Spoom::Git::Commit)) }
- def git_last_commit(short_sha: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#105
- sig { params(arg: ::String).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def git_log(*arg); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#110
- sig { params(arg: ::String).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def git_show(*arg); end
- # Is there uncommited changes in this context directory?
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#116
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def git_workdir_clean?(path: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# Sorbet features for a context
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#7
-module Spoom::Context::Sorbet
- requires_ancestor { Spoom::Context }
- # Does this context has a `sorbet/config` file?
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#102
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def has_sorbet_config?; end
- # Read the strictness sigil from the file at `relative_path` (returns `nil` if no sigil)
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#125
- sig { params(relative_path: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def read_file_strictness(relative_path); end
- # Read the contents of `sorbet/config` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#113
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def read_sorbet_config; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#107
- sig { returns(::Spoom::Sorbet::Config) }
- def sorbet_config; end
- # Get the commit introducing the `sorbet/config` file
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#131
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::Spoom::Git::Commit)) }
- def sorbet_intro_commit; end
- # Get the commit removing the `sorbet/config` file
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#143
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::Spoom::Git::Commit)) }
- def sorbet_removal_commit; end
- # Run `bundle exec srb` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#15
- sig { params(arg: ::String, sorbet_bin: T.nilable(::String), capture_err: T::Boolean).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def srb(*arg, sorbet_bin: T.unsafe(nil), capture_err: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # List all files typechecked by Sorbet from its `config`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#65
- sig { params(with_config: T.nilable(::Spoom::Sorbet::Config), include_rbis: T::Boolean).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def srb_files(with_config: T.unsafe(nil), include_rbis: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # List all files typechecked by Sorbet from its `config` that matches `strictness`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#87
- sig do
- params(
- strictness: ::String,
- with_config: T.nilable(::Spoom::Sorbet::Config),
- include_rbis: T::Boolean
- ).returns(T::Array[::String])
- end
- def srb_files_with_strictness(strictness, with_config: T.unsafe(nil), include_rbis: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#45
- sig do
- params(
- arg: ::String,
- sorbet_bin: T.nilable(::String),
- capture_err: T::Boolean
- ).returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[::String, ::Integer]))
- end
- def srb_metrics(*arg, sorbet_bin: T.unsafe(nil), capture_err: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#33
- sig { params(arg: ::String, sorbet_bin: T.nilable(::String), capture_err: T::Boolean).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def srb_tc(*arg, sorbet_bin: T.unsafe(nil), capture_err: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#93
- sig { params(arg: ::String, sorbet_bin: T.nilable(::String), capture_err: T::Boolean).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def srb_version(*arg, sorbet_bin: T.unsafe(nil), capture_err: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Set the `contents` of `sorbet/config` in this context directory
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/sorbet.rb#119
- sig { params(contents: ::String, append: T::Boolean).void }
- def write_sorbet_config!(contents, append: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#5
-module Spoom::Coverage
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage.rb#103
- sig { params(context: ::Spoom::Context).returns(::Spoom::FileTree) }
- def file_tree(context); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage.rb#83
- sig do
- params(
- context: ::Spoom::Context,
- snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot],
- palette: ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::ColorPalette
- ).returns(::Spoom::Coverage::Report)
- end
- def report(context, snapshots, palette:); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage.rb#16
- sig do
- params(
- context: ::Spoom::Context,
- rbi: T::Boolean,
- sorbet_bin: T.nilable(::String)
- ).returns(::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot)
- end
- def snapshot(context, rbi: T.unsafe(nil), sorbet_bin: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#88
-module Spoom::Coverage::Cards; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#89
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Card < ::Spoom::Coverage::Template
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#98
- sig { params(template: ::String, title: T.nilable(::String), body: T.nilable(::String)).void }
- def initialize(template: T.unsafe(nil), title: T.unsafe(nil), body: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @return [String, nil]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#95
- def body; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#95
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def title; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#92
-Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Card::TEMPLATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#105
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Erb < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Card
- abstract!
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#112
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#120
- sig { abstract.returns(::String) }
- def erb; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#115
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def html; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#153
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Map < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Card
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#164
- sig do
- params(
- file_tree: ::Spoom::FileTree,
- nodes_strictnesses: T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, T.nilable(::String)],
- nodes_strictness_scores: T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, ::Float],
- title: ::String
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(file_tree:, nodes_strictnesses:, nodes_strictness_scores:, title: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#123
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Snapshot < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Card
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#132
- sig { params(snapshot: ::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot, title: ::String).void }
- def initialize(snapshot:, title: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#143
- sig { returns(::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie::Calls) }
- def pie_calls; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#138
- sig { returns(::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie::Sigils) }
- def pie_sigils; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#148
- sig { returns(::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie::Sigs) }
- def pie_sigs; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#129
- sig { returns(::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot) }
- def snapshot; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#126
-Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Snapshot::TEMPLATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#240
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::SorbetIntro < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Erb
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#244
- sig { params(sorbet_intro_commit: T.nilable(::String), sorbet_intro_date: T.nilable(::Time)).void }
- def initialize(sorbet_intro_commit: T.unsafe(nil), sorbet_intro_date: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#250
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def erb; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#177
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Card
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#181
- sig { params(title: ::String, timeline: ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline).void }
- def initialize(title:, timeline:); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#194
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline::Calls < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#198
- sig { params(snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot], title: ::String).void }
- def initialize(snapshots:, title: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#212
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline::RBIs < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#216
- sig { params(snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot], title: ::String).void }
- def initialize(snapshots:, title: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#230
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline::Runtimes < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#234
- sig { params(snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot], title: ::String).void }
- def initialize(snapshots:, title: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#185
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline::Sigils < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#189
- sig { params(snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot], title: ::String).void }
- def initialize(snapshots:, title: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#203
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline::Sigs < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#207
- sig { params(snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot], title: ::String).void }
- def initialize(snapshots:, title: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#221
-class Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline::Versions < ::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Timeline
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#225
- sig { params(snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot], title: ::String).void }
- def initialize(snapshots:, title: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/base.rb#6
-module Spoom::Coverage::D3
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3.rb#61
- sig { params(palette: ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::ColorPalette).returns(::String) }
- def header_script(palette); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3.rb#21
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_style; end
- end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/base.rb#7
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Base
- abstract!
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/base.rb#17
- sig { params(id: ::String, data: T.untyped).void }
- def initialize(id, data); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/base.rb#37
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def html; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/base.rb#14
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def id; end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/base.rb#50
- sig { abstract.returns(::String) }
- def script; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/base.rb#45
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/base.rb#31
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_script; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/base.rb#26
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_style; end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3.rb#12
-Spoom::Coverage::D3::COLOR_FALSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3.rb#11
-Spoom::Coverage::D3::COLOR_IGNORE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3.rb#14
-Spoom::Coverage::D3::COLOR_STRICT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3.rb#15
-Spoom::Coverage::D3::COLOR_STRONG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3.rb#13
-Spoom::Coverage::D3::COLOR_TRUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/circle_map.rb#9
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::CircleMap < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Base
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/circle_map.rb#59
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def script; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/circle_map.rb#40
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_script; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/circle_map.rb#14
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_style; end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/circle_map.rb#148
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::CircleMap::Sigils < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::CircleMap
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/circle_map.rb#159
- sig do
- params(
- id: ::String,
- file_tree: ::Spoom::FileTree,
- nodes_strictnesses: T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, T.nilable(::String)],
- nodes_scores: T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, ::Float]
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(id, file_tree, nodes_strictnesses, nodes_scores); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/circle_map.rb#166
- sig { params(node: ::Spoom::FileTree::Node).returns(T::Hash[::Symbol, T.untyped]) }
- def tree_node_to_json(node); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3.rb#103
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::ColorPalette < ::T::Struct
- prop :ignore, ::String
- prop :false, ::String
- prop :true, ::String
- prop :strict, ::String
- prop :strong, ::String
- class << self
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#9
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Base
- abstract!
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#16
- sig { params(id: ::String, title: ::String, data: T.untyped).void }
- def initialize(id, title, data); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#56
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def script; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#43
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_script; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#25
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_style; end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#141
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie::Calls < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#145
- sig { params(id: ::String, title: ::String, snapshot: ::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot).void }
- def initialize(id, title, snapshot); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#150
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#123
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie::Sigils < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#127
- sig { params(id: ::String, title: ::String, snapshot: ::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot).void }
- def initialize(id, title, snapshot); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#132
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#159
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie::Sigs < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Pie
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#163
- sig { params(id: ::String, title: ::String, snapshot: ::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot).void }
- def initialize(id, title, snapshot); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/pie.rb#172
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#9
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Base
- abstract!
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#16
- sig { params(id: ::String, data: T.untyped, keys: T::Array[::String]).void }
- def initialize(id, data, keys); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#187
- sig { params(y: ::String, color: ::String, curve: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def area(y:, color: T.unsafe(nil), curve: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#203
- sig { params(y: ::String, color: ::String, curve: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def line(y:, color: T.unsafe(nil), curve: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#126
- sig { abstract.returns(::String) }
- def plot; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#217
- sig { params(y: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def points(y:); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#101
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def script; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#129
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def x_scale; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#145
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def x_ticks; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#158
- sig { params(min: ::String, max: ::String, ticks: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def y_scale(min:, max:, ticks:); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#174
- sig { params(ticks: ::String, format: ::String, padding: ::Integer).returns(::String) }
- def y_ticks(ticks:, format:, padding:); end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#79
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_script; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#25
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_style; end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#448
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Calls < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Stacked
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#452
- sig { params(id: ::String, snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot]).void }
- def initialize(id, snapshots); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#466
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#505
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::RBIs < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Stacked
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#509
- sig { params(id: ::String, snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot]).void }
- def initialize(id, snapshots); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#577
- sig { override.params(y: ::String, color: ::String, curve: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def line(y:, color: T.unsafe(nil), curve: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#617
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def plot; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#537
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def script; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#523
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#282
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Runtimes < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#286
- sig { params(id: ::String, snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot]).void }
- def initialize(id, snapshots); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#311
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def plot; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#298
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#421
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Sigils < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Stacked
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#425
- sig { params(id: ::String, snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot]).void }
- def initialize(id, snapshots); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#439
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#475
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Sigs < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Stacked
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#479
- sig { params(id: ::String, snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot]).void }
- def initialize(id, snapshots); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#496
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#329
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Stacked < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline
- abstract!
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/private/abstract/declare.rb#37
- def initialize(*args, **_arg1, &blk); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#388
- sig { override.params(y: ::String, color: ::String, curve: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def line(y:, color: T.unsafe(nil), curve: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#377
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def plot; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#336
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def script; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#232
-class Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline::Versions < ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::Timeline
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#236
- sig { params(id: ::String, snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot]).void }
- def initialize(id, snapshots); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#263
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def plot; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/d3/timeline.rb#249
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def tooltip; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#38
-class Spoom::Coverage::Page < ::Spoom::Coverage::Template
- abstract!
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#53
- sig { params(title: ::String, palette: ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::ColorPalette, template: ::String).void }
- def initialize(title:, palette:, template: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#75
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def body_html; end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#80
- sig { abstract.returns(T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Card]) }
- def cards; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#83
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def footer_html; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#70
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_html; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#65
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_script; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#60
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def header_style; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#50
- sig { returns(::Spoom::Coverage::D3::ColorPalette) }
- def palette; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#47
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def title; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#44
-Spoom::Coverage::Page::TEMPLATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#261
-class Spoom::Coverage::Report < ::Spoom::Coverage::Page
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#276
- sig do
- params(
- project_name: ::String,
- palette: ::Spoom::Coverage::D3::ColorPalette,
- snapshots: T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot],
- file_tree: ::Spoom::FileTree,
- nodes_strictnesses: T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, T.nilable(::String)],
- nodes_strictness_scores: T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, ::Float],
- sorbet_intro_commit: T.nilable(::String),
- sorbet_intro_date: T.nilable(::Time)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(project_name:, palette:, snapshots:, file_tree:, nodes_strictnesses:, nodes_strictness_scores:, sorbet_intro_commit: T.unsafe(nil), sorbet_intro_date: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#308
- sig { override.returns(T::Array[::Spoom::Coverage::Cards::Card]) }
- def cards; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#297
- sig { override.returns(::String) }
- def header_html; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#6
-class Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot < ::T::Struct
- prop :timestamp, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :version_static, T.nilable(::String), default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :version_runtime, T.nilable(::String), default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :duration, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :commit_sha, T.nilable(::String), default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :commit_timestamp, T.nilable(::Integer), default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :files, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :rbi_files, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :modules, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :classes, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :singleton_classes, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :methods_without_sig, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :methods_with_sig, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :calls_untyped, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :calls_typed, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :sigils, T::Hash[::String, ::Integer], default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :methods_with_sig_excluding_rbis, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :methods_without_sig_excluding_rbis, ::Integer, default: T.unsafe(nil)
- prop :sigils_excluding_rbis, T::Hash[::String, ::Integer], default: T.unsafe(nil)
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#33
- sig { params(out: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO), colors: T::Boolean, indent_level: ::Integer).void }
- def print(out: T.unsafe(nil), colors: T.unsafe(nil), indent_level: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#39
- sig { params(arg: T.untyped).returns(::String) }
- def to_json(*arg); end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#47
- sig { params(json: ::String).returns(::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot) }
- def from_json(json); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#52
- sig { params(obj: T::Hash[::String, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot) }
- def from_obj(obj); end
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# The strictness name as found in the Sorbet metrics file
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#30
-Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot::STRICTNESSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#95
-class Spoom::Coverage::SnapshotPrinter < ::Spoom::Printer
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#99
- sig { params(snapshot: ::Spoom::Coverage::Snapshot).void }
- def print_snapshot(snapshot); end
- private
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#158
- sig { params(value: T.nilable(::Integer), total: T.nilable(::Integer)).returns(::String) }
- def percent(value, total); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/snapshot.rb#147
- sig { params(hash: T::Hash[::String, ::Integer], total: ::Integer).void }
- def print_map(hash, total); end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#10
-class Spoom::Coverage::Template
- abstract!
- # Create a new template from an Erb file path
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#18
- sig { params(template: ::String).void }
- def initialize(template:); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#23
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def erb; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#33
- sig { returns(::Binding) }
- def get_binding; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/coverage/report.rb#28
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def html; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom.rb#12
-class Spoom::Error < ::StandardError; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/exec.rb#5
-class Spoom::ExecResult < ::T::Struct
- const :out, ::String
- const :err, T.nilable(::String)
- const :status, T::Boolean
- const :exit_code, ::Integer
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/exec.rb#14
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#5
-class Spoom::FileCollector
- # Initialize a new file collector
- #
- # If `allow_extensions` is empty, all files are collected.
- # If `allow_extensions` is an array of extensions, only files with one of these extensions are collected.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#21
- sig { params(allow_extensions: T::Array[::String], exclude_patterns: T::Array[::String]).void }
- def initialize(allow_extensions: T.unsafe(nil), exclude_patterns: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#9
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def files; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#33
- sig { params(path: ::String).void }
- def visit_path(path); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#28
- sig { params(paths: T::Array[::String]).void }
- def visit_paths(paths); end
- private
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#50
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def clean_path(path); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#67
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def excluded_file?(path); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#75
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def excluded_path?(path); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#62
- sig { params(path: ::String).void }
- def visit_directory(path); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_collector.rb#55
- sig { params(path: ::String).void }
- def visit_file(path); end
-# Build a file hierarchy from a set of file paths.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#6
-class Spoom::FileTree
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#10
- sig { params(paths: T::Enumerable[::String]).void }
- def initialize(paths = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Add a `path` to the tree
- #
- # This will create all nodes until the root of `path`.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#25
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(::Spoom::FileTree::Node) }
- def add_path(path); end
- # Add all `paths` to the tree
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#17
- sig { params(paths: T::Enumerable[::String]).void }
- def add_paths(paths); end
- # All the nodes in this tree
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#45
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Spoom::FileTree::Node]) }
- def nodes; end
- # Return a map of typing scores for each node in the tree
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#67
- sig { params(context: ::Spoom::Context).returns(T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, ::Float]) }
- def nodes_strictness_scores(context); end
- # Return a map of strictnesses for each node in the tree
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#59
- sig { params(context: ::Spoom::Context).returns(T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, T.nilable(::String)]) }
- def nodes_strictnesses(context); end
- # All the paths in this tree
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#53
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def paths; end
- # Return a map of typing scores for each path in the tree
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#75
- sig { params(context: ::Spoom::Context).returns(T::Hash[::String, ::Float]) }
- def paths_strictness_scores(context); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#80
- sig { params(out: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO), colors: T::Boolean).void }
- def print(out: T.unsafe(nil), colors: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#86
- sig { params(context: ::Spoom::Context, out: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO), colors: T::Boolean).void }
- def print_with_strictnesses(context, out: T.unsafe(nil), colors: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # All root nodes
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#39
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Spoom::FileTree::Node]) }
- def roots; end
-# A visitor that collects all the nodes in a tree
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#140
-class Spoom::FileTree::CollectNodes < ::Spoom::FileTree::Visitor
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#147
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#144
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Spoom::FileTree::Node]) }
- def nodes; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#153
- sig { override.params(node: ::Spoom::FileTree::Node).void }
- def visit_node(node); end
-# A visitor that collects the typing score of each node in a tree
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#183
-class Spoom::FileTree::CollectScores < ::Spoom::FileTree::CollectStrictnesses
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#190
- sig { params(context: ::Spoom::Context).void }
- def initialize(context); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#187
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, ::Float]) }
- def scores; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#197
- sig { override.params(node: ::Spoom::FileTree::Node).void }
- def visit_node(node); end
- private
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#206
- sig { params(node: ::Spoom::FileTree::Node).returns(::Float) }
- def node_score(node); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#215
- sig { params(strictness: T.nilable(::String)).returns(::Float) }
- def strictness_score(strictness); end
-# A visitor that collects the strictness of each node in a tree
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#160
-class Spoom::FileTree::CollectStrictnesses < ::Spoom::FileTree::Visitor
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#167
- sig { params(context: ::Spoom::Context).void }
- def initialize(context); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#164
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, T.nilable(::String)]) }
- def strictnesses; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#174
- sig { override.params(node: ::Spoom::FileTree::Node).void }
- def visit_node(node); end
-# A node representing either a file or a directory inside a FileTree
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#94
-class Spoom::FileTree::Node < ::T::Struct
- const :parent, T.nilable(::Spoom::FileTree::Node)
- const :name, ::String
- const :children, T::Hash[::String, ::Spoom::FileTree::Node], default: T.unsafe(nil)
- # Full path to this node from root
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#108
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def path; end
- class << self
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# An internal class used to print a FileTree
-# See `FileTree#print`
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#228
-class Spoom::FileTree::Printer < ::Spoom::FileTree::Visitor
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#238
- sig do
- params(
- strictnesses: T::Hash[::Spoom::FileTree::Node, T.nilable(::String)],
- out: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO),
- colors: T::Boolean
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(strictnesses, out: T.unsafe(nil), colors: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#246
- sig { override.params(node: ::Spoom::FileTree::Node).void }
- def visit_node(node); end
- private
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#271
- sig { params(strictness: T.nilable(::String)).returns(::Spoom::Color) }
- def strictness_color(strictness); end
-# An abstract visitor for FileTree
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#117
-class Spoom::FileTree::Visitor
- abstract!
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/private/abstract/declare.rb#37
- def initialize(*args, **_arg1, &blk); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#129
- sig { params(node: ::Spoom::FileTree::Node).void }
- def visit_node(node); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#134
- sig { params(nodes: T::Array[::Spoom::FileTree::Node]).void }
- def visit_nodes(nodes); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/file_tree.rb#124
- sig { params(tree: ::Spoom::FileTree).void }
- def visit_tree(tree); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#5
-module Spoom::Git; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#6
-class Spoom::Git::Commit < ::T::Struct
- const :sha, ::String
- const :time, ::Time
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#27
- sig { returns(::Integer) }
- def timestamp; end
- class << self
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- # Parse a line formated as `%h %at` into a `Commit`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/context/git.rb#14
- sig { params(string: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::Spoom::Git::Commit)) }
- def parse_line(string); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#5
-module Spoom::LSP; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#13
-class Spoom::LSP::Client
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#17
- sig { params(sorbet_bin: ::String, sorbet_args: ::String, path: ::String).void }
- def initialize(sorbet_bin, *sorbet_args, path: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#229
- sig { void }
- def close; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#131
- sig { params(uri: ::String, line: ::Integer, column: ::Integer).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::Location]) }
- def definitions(uri, line, column); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#212
- sig { params(uri: ::String).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::DocumentSymbol]) }
- def document_symbols(uri); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#89
- sig { params(uri: ::String, line: ::Integer, column: ::Integer).returns(T.nilable(::Spoom::LSP::Hover)) }
- def hover(uri, line, column); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#27
- sig { returns(::Integer) }
- def next_id; end
- # LSP requests
- #
- # @raise [Error::AlreadyOpen]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#72
- sig { params(workspace_path: ::String).void }
- def open(workspace_path); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#54
- sig { returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped])) }
- def read; end
- # @raise [Error::BadHeaders]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#43
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def read_raw; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#173
- sig do
- params(
- uri: ::String,
- line: ::Integer,
- column: ::Integer,
- include_decl: T::Boolean
- ).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::Location])
- end
- def references(uri, line, column, include_decl = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#37
- sig { params(message: ::Spoom::LSP::Message).returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped])) }
- def send(message); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#32
- sig { params(json_string: ::String).void }
- def send_raw(json_string); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#110
- sig { params(uri: ::String, line: ::Integer, column: ::Integer).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::SignatureHelp]) }
- def signatures(uri, line, column); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#197
- sig { params(query: ::String).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::DocumentSymbol]) }
- def symbols(query); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp.rb#152
- sig { params(uri: ::String, line: ::Integer, column: ::Integer).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::Location]) }
- def type_definitions(uri, line, column); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#178
-class Spoom::LSP::Diagnostic < ::T::Struct
- include ::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol
- const :range, ::Spoom::LSP::Range
- const :code, ::Integer
- const :message, ::String
- const :informations, ::Object
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#202
- sig { override.params(printer: ::Spoom::LSP::SymbolPrinter).void }
- def accept_printer(printer); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#207
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#191
- sig { params(json: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::LSP::Diagnostic) }
- def from_json(json); end
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#212
-class Spoom::LSP::DocumentSymbol < ::T::Struct
- include ::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol
- const :name, ::String
- const :detail, T.nilable(::String)
- const :kind, ::Integer
- const :location, T.nilable(::Spoom::LSP::Location)
- const :range, T.nilable(::Spoom::LSP::Range)
- const :children, T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::DocumentSymbol]
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#240
- sig { override.params(printer: ::Spoom::LSP::SymbolPrinter).void }
- def accept_printer(printer); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#272
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def kind_string; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#267
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#227
- sig { params(json: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::LSP::DocumentSymbol) }
- def from_json(json); end
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#276
-Spoom::LSP::DocumentSymbol::SYMBOL_KINDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#6
-class Spoom::LSP::Error < ::StandardError; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#7
-class Spoom::LSP::Error::AlreadyOpen < ::Spoom::LSP::Error; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#8
-class Spoom::LSP::Error::BadHeaders < ::Spoom::LSP::Error; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#10
-class Spoom::LSP::Error::Diagnostics < ::Spoom::LSP::Error
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#32
- sig { params(uri: ::String, diagnostics: T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::Diagnostic]).void }
- def initialize(uri, diagnostics); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#17
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::Diagnostic]) }
- def diagnostics; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#14
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def uri; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#23
- sig { params(json: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::LSP::Error::Diagnostics) }
- def from_json(json); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#19
-class Spoom::LSP::Hover < ::T::Struct
- include ::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol
- const :contents, ::String
- const :range, T.nilable(T::Range[T.untyped])
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#39
- sig { override.params(printer: ::Spoom::LSP::SymbolPrinter).void }
- def accept_printer(printer); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#45
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#30
- sig { params(json: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::LSP::Hover) }
- def from_json(json); end
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#112
-class Spoom::LSP::Location < ::T::Struct
- include ::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol
- const :uri, ::String
- const :range, ::Spoom::LSP::Range
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#132
- sig { override.params(printer: ::Spoom::LSP::SymbolPrinter).void }
- def accept_printer(printer); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#138
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#123
- sig { params(json: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::LSP::Location) }
- def from_json(json); end
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# A general message as defined by JSON-RPC.
-# The language server protocol always uses `"2.0"` as the `jsonrpc` version.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#12
-class Spoom::LSP::Message
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#19
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#24
- sig { returns(T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) }
- def as_json; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#16
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def jsonrpc; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#32
- sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(::String) }
- def to_json(*args); end
-# A notification message.
-# A processed notification message must not send a response back. They work like events.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#64
-class Spoom::LSP::Notification < ::Spoom::LSP::Message
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#74
- sig { params(method: ::String, params: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).void }
- def initialize(method, params); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#68
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def method; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#71
- sig { returns(T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) }
- def params; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#50
-class Spoom::LSP::Position < ::T::Struct
- include ::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol
- const :line, ::Integer
- const :char, ::Integer
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#70
- sig { override.params(printer: ::Spoom::LSP::SymbolPrinter).void }
- def accept_printer(printer); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#75
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#61
- sig { params(json: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::LSP::Position) }
- def from_json(json); end
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# @abstract Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#9
-module Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol
- interface!
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#16
- sig { abstract.params(printer: ::Spoom::LSP::SymbolPrinter).void }
- def accept_printer(printer); end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#80
-class Spoom::LSP::Range < ::T::Struct
- include ::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol
- const :start, ::Spoom::LSP::Position
- const :end, ::Spoom::LSP::Position
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#100
- sig { override.params(printer: ::Spoom::LSP::SymbolPrinter).void }
- def accept_printer(printer); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#107
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#91
- sig { params(json: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::LSP::Range) }
- def from_json(json); end
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# A request message to describe a request between the client and the server.
-# Every processed request must send a response back to the sender of the request.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#40
-class Spoom::LSP::Request < ::Spoom::LSP::Message
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#53
- sig { params(id: ::Integer, method: ::String, params: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).void }
- def initialize(id, method, params); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#44
- sig { returns(::Integer) }
- def id; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#47
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def method; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/base.rb#50
- sig { returns(T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) }
- def params; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#40
-class Spoom::LSP::ResponseError < ::Spoom::LSP::Error
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#63
- sig { params(code: ::Integer, message: ::String, data: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).void }
- def initialize(code, message, data); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#44
- sig { returns(::Integer) }
- def code; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#47
- sig { returns(T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) }
- def data; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/errors.rb#53
- sig { params(json: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::LSP::ResponseError) }
- def from_json(json); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#143
-class Spoom::LSP::SignatureHelp < ::T::Struct
- include ::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol
- const :label, T.nilable(::String)
- const :doc, ::Object
- const :params, T::Array[T.untyped]
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#165
- sig { override.params(printer: ::Spoom::LSP::SymbolPrinter).void }
- def accept_printer(printer); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#173
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#155
- sig { params(json: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(::Spoom::LSP::SignatureHelp) }
- def from_json(json); end
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#309
-class Spoom::LSP::SymbolPrinter < ::Spoom::Printer
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#326
- sig do
- params(
- out: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO),
- colors: T::Boolean,
- indent_level: ::Integer,
- prefix: T.nilable(::String)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(out: T.unsafe(nil), colors: T.unsafe(nil), indent_level: T.unsafe(nil), prefix: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#348
- sig { params(uri: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def clean_uri(uri); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#316
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def prefix; end
- # @return [String, nil]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#316
- def prefix=(_arg0); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#356
- sig { params(objects: T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol]).void }
- def print_list(objects); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#336
- sig { params(object: T.nilable(::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol)).void }
- def print_object(object); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#343
- sig { params(objects: T::Array[::Spoom::LSP::PrintableSymbol]).void }
- def print_objects(objects); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#313
- sig { returns(T::Set[::Integer]) }
- def seen; end
- # @return [Set]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/lsp/structures.rb#313
- def seen=(_arg0); end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#7
-class Spoom::Printer
- include ::Spoom::Colorize
- abstract!
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#19
- sig { params(out: T.any(::IO, ::StringIO), colors: T::Boolean, indent_level: ::Integer).void }
- def initialize(out: T.unsafe(nil), colors: T.unsafe(nil), indent_level: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Colorize `string` with color if `@colors`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#80
- sig { params(string: ::String, color: ::Spoom::Color).returns(::String) }
- def colorize(string, *color); end
- # Decrease indent level
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#33
- sig { void }
- def dedent; end
- # Increase indent level
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#27
- sig { void }
- def indent; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#16
- sig { returns(T.any(::IO, ::StringIO)) }
- def out; end
- # @return [IO, StringIO]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#16
- def out=(_arg0); end
- # Print `string` into `out`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#39
- sig { params(string: T.nilable(::String)).void }
- def print(string); end
- # Print `string` colored with `color` into `out`
- #
- # Does not use colors unless `@colors`.
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#49
- sig { params(string: T.nilable(::String), color: ::Spoom::Color).void }
- def print_colored(string, *color); end
- # Print `string` with indent and newline
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#64
- sig { params(string: T.nilable(::String)).void }
- def printl(string); end
- # Print a new line into `out`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#58
- sig { void }
- def printn; end
- # Print an indent space into `out`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/printer.rb#74
- sig { void }
- def printt; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom.rb#10
-Spoom::SPOOM_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#5
-module Spoom::Sorbet; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#38
-Spoom::Sorbet::BIN_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#36
-Spoom::Sorbet::CONFIG_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# Parse Sorbet config files
-# Parses a Sorbet config file:
-# ```ruby
-# config = Spoom::Sorbet::Config.parse_file("sorbet/config")
-# puts config.paths # "."
-# ```
-# Parses a Sorbet config string:
-# ```ruby
-# config = Spoom::Sorbet::Config.parse_string(<<~CONFIG)
-# a
-# --file=b
-# --ignore=c
-# puts config.paths # "a", "b"
-# puts config.ignore # "c"
-# ```
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#26
-class Spoom::Sorbet::Config
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#38
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#32
- def allowed_extensions; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#32
- def allowed_extensions=(_arg0); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#46
- sig { returns(::Spoom::Sorbet::Config) }
- def copy; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#32
- def ignore; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#32
- def ignore=(_arg0); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#35
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def no_stdlib; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#35
- def no_stdlib=(_arg0); end
- # Returns self as a string of options that can be passed to Sorbet
- #
- # Example:
- # ~~~rb
- # config = Sorbet::Config.new
- # config.paths << "/foo"
- # config.paths << "/bar"
- # config.ignore << "/baz"
- # config.allowed_extensions << ".rb"
- #
- # puts config.options_string # "/foo /bar --ignore /baz --allowed-extension .rb"
- # ~~~
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#68
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def options_string; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#32
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def paths; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#32
- def paths=(_arg0); end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#81
- sig { params(sorbet_config_path: ::String).returns(::Spoom::Sorbet::Config) }
- def parse_file(sorbet_config_path); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#86
- sig { params(sorbet_config: ::String).returns(::Spoom::Sorbet::Config) }
- def parse_string(sorbet_config); end
- private
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#150
- sig { params(line: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def parse_option(line); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/config.rb#29
-Spoom::Sorbet::Config::DEFAULT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#14
-class Spoom::Sorbet::Error < ::StandardError
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#29
- sig { params(message: ::String, result: ::Spoom::ExecResult).void }
- def initialize(message, result); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#21
- sig { returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def result; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#17
-class Spoom::Sorbet::Error::Killed < ::Spoom::Sorbet::Error; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#18
-class Spoom::Sorbet::Error::Segfault < ::Spoom::Sorbet::Error; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#6
-module Spoom::Sorbet::Errors
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#13
- sig { params(errors: T::Array[::Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Error]).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Error]) }
- def sort_errors_by_code(errors); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#7
-Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::DEFAULT_ERROR_URL_BASE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#125
-class Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Error
- include ::Comparable
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#151
- sig do
- params(
- file: T.nilable(::String),
- line: T.nilable(::Integer),
- message: T.nilable(::String),
- code: T.nilable(::Integer),
- more: T::Array[::String]
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(file, line, message, code, more = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # By default errors are sorted by location
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#162
- sig { params(other: T.untyped).returns(::Integer) }
- def <=>(other); end
- # @return [Integer, nil]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#133
- def code; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#130
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def file; end
- # Other files associated with the error
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#140
- sig { returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def files_from_error_sections; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#133
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::Integer)) }
- def line; end
- # @return [String, nil]
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#130
- def message; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#136
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def more; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#169
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
-# Parse errors from Sorbet output
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#18
-class Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Parser
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#43
- sig { params(error_url_base: ::String).void }
- def initialize(error_url_base: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#50
- sig { params(output: ::String).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Error]) }
- def parse(output); end
- private
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#114
- sig { params(line: ::String).void }
- def append_error(line); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#106
- sig { void }
- def close_error; end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#73
- sig { params(error_url_base: ::String).returns(::Regexp) }
- def error_line_match_regexp(error_url_base); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#90
- sig { params(line: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Error)) }
- def match_error_line(line); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#99
- sig { params(error: ::Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Error).void }
- def open_error(error); end
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#36
- sig { params(output: ::String, error_url_base: ::String).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Error]) }
- def parse_string(output, error_url_base: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/errors.rb#21
-Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Parser::HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#37
-Spoom::Sorbet::GEM_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#40
-Spoom::Sorbet::KILLED_CODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/metrics.rb#8
-module Spoom::Sorbet::MetricsParser
- class << self
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/metrics.rb#15
- sig { params(path: ::String, prefix: ::String).returns(T::Hash[::String, ::Integer]) }
- def parse_file(path, prefix = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/metrics.rb#25
- sig { params(obj: T::Hash[::String, T.untyped], prefix: ::String).returns(T::Hash[::String, ::Integer]) }
- def parse_hash(obj, prefix = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/metrics.rb#20
- sig { params(string: ::String, prefix: ::String).returns(T::Hash[::String, ::Integer]) }
- def parse_string(string, prefix = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/metrics.rb#9
-Spoom::Sorbet::MetricsParser::DEFAULT_PREFIX = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet.rb#41
-Spoom::Sorbet::SEGFAULT_CODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#9
-module Spoom::Sorbet::Sigils
- class << self
- # changes the sigil in the file at the passed path to the specified new strictness
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#72
- sig { params(path: T.any(::Pathname, ::String), new_strictness: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def change_sigil_in_file(path, new_strictness); end
- # changes the sigil to have a new strictness in a list of files
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#83
- sig { params(path_list: T::Array[::String], new_strictness: ::String).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def change_sigil_in_files(path_list, new_strictness); end
- # returns a string containing the strictness of a sigil in a file at the passed path
- # * returns nil if no sigil
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#63
- sig { params(path: T.any(::Pathname, ::String)).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def file_strictness(path); end
- # returns the full sigil comment string for the passed strictness
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#38
- sig { params(strictness: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def sigil_string(strictness); end
- # returns the strictness of a sigil in the passed file content string (nil if no sigil)
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#50
- sig { params(content: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def strictness_in_content(content); end
- # returns a string which is the passed content but with the sigil updated to a new strictness
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#56
- sig { params(content: ::String, new_strictness: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def update_sigil(content, new_strictness); end
- # returns true if the passed string is a valid strictness (else false)
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#44
- sig { params(strictness: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def valid_strictness?(strictness); end
- end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#31
-Spoom::Sorbet::Sigils::SIGIL_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#13
-Spoom::Sorbet::Sigils::STRICTNESS_FALSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#12
-Spoom::Sorbet::Sigils::STRICTNESS_IGNORE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#17
-Spoom::Sorbet::Sigils::STRICTNESS_INTERNAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#15
-Spoom::Sorbet::Sigils::STRICTNESS_STRICT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#16
-Spoom::Sorbet::Sigils::STRICTNESS_STRONG = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#14
-Spoom::Sorbet::Sigils::STRICTNESS_TRUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/sorbet/sigils.rb#19
-Spoom::Sorbet::Sigils::VALID_STRICTNESS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/timeline.rb#5
-class Spoom::Timeline
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/timeline.rb#9
- sig { params(context: ::Spoom::Context, from: ::Time, to: ::Time).void }
- def initialize(context, from, to); end
- # Return one commit for each date in `dates`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/timeline.rb#36
- sig { params(dates: T::Array[::Time]).returns(T::Array[::Spoom::Git::Commit]) }
- def commits_for_dates(dates); end
- # Return all months between `from` and `to`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/timeline.rb#23
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Time]) }
- def months; end
- # Return one commit for each month between `from` and `to`
- #
- # source://spoom//lib/spoom/timeline.rb#17
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Spoom::Git::Commit]) }
- def ticks; end
-# source://spoom//lib/spoom/version.rb#5
-Spoom::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/tapioca@0.11.4.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/tapioca@0.11.4.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index 971b3f6b..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/tapioca@0.11.4.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3268 +0,0 @@
-# typed: false
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `tapioca` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem tapioca`.
-class Bundler::Dependency < ::Gem::Dependency
- include ::Tapioca::Gemfile::AutoRequireHook
-# We need to do the alias-method-chain dance since Bootsnap does the same,
-# and prepended modules and alias-method-chain don't play well together.
-# So, why does Bootsnap do alias-method-chain and not prepend? Glad you asked!
-# That's because RubyGems does alias-method-chain for Kernel#require and such,
-# so, if Bootsnap were to do prepend, it might end up breaking RubyGems.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#68
-class Module
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#101
- def append_features(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#71
- def autoload(const_name, path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#111
- def extend_object(obj); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#91
- def prepend_features(constant); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#4
-module RBI; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#5
-class RBI::Tree < ::RBI::NodeWithComments
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/model.rb#115
- sig do
- params(
- loc: T.nilable(::RBI::Loc),
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment],
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(node: ::RBI::Tree).void)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(loc: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/model.rb#122
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).void }
- def <<(node); end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/printer.rb#224
- sig { override.params(v: ::RBI::Printer).void }
- def accept_printer(v); end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/rewriters/add_sig_templates.rb#66
- sig { params(with_todo_comment: T::Boolean).void }
- def add_sig_templates!(with_todo_comment: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/rewriters/annotate.rb#48
- sig { params(annotation: ::String, annotate_scopes: T::Boolean, annotate_properties: T::Boolean).void }
- def annotate!(annotation, annotate_scopes: T.unsafe(nil), annotate_properties: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#38
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- superclass_name: T.nilable(::String),
- block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(scope: ::RBI::Scope).void)
- ).returns(::RBI::Scope)
- end
- def create_class(name, superclass_name: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#45
- sig { params(name: ::String, value: ::String).void }
- def create_constant(name, value:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#55
- sig { params(name: ::String).void }
- def create_extend(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#50
- sig { params(name: ::String).void }
- def create_include(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#89
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- parameters: T::Array[::RBI::TypedParam],
- return_type: ::String,
- class_method: T::Boolean,
- visibility: ::RBI::Visibility,
- comments: T::Array[::RBI::Comment]
- ).void
- end
- def create_method(name, parameters: T.unsafe(nil), return_type: T.unsafe(nil), class_method: T.unsafe(nil), visibility: T.unsafe(nil), comments: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#60
- sig { params(name: ::String).void }
- def create_mixes_in_class_methods(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#25
- sig { params(name: ::String, block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(scope: ::RBI::Scope).void)).returns(::RBI::Scope) }
- def create_module(name, &block); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#9
- sig { params(constant: ::Module, block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(scope: ::RBI::Scope).void)).returns(::RBI::Scope) }
- def create_path(constant, &block); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#74
- sig do
- params(
- name: ::String,
- type: ::String,
- variance: ::Symbol,
- fixed: T.nilable(::String),
- upper: T.nilable(::String),
- lower: T.nilable(::String)
- ).void
- end
- def create_type_variable(name, type:, variance: T.unsafe(nil), fixed: T.unsafe(nil), upper: T.unsafe(nil), lower: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/rewriters/deannotate.rb#40
- sig { params(annotation: ::String).void }
- def deannotate!(annotation); end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/model.rb#128
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def empty?; end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/rewriters/group_nodes.rb#38
- sig { void }
- def group_nodes!; end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/index.rb#64
- sig { returns(::RBI::Index) }
- def index; end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/rewriters/merge_trees.rb#318
- sig do
- params(
- other: ::RBI::Tree,
- left_name: ::String,
- right_name: ::String,
- keep: ::RBI::Rewriters::Merge::Keep
- ).returns(::RBI::MergeTree)
- end
- def merge(other, left_name: T.unsafe(nil), right_name: T.unsafe(nil), keep: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_non_public_methods.rb#45
- sig { void }
- def nest_non_public_methods!; end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/rewriters/nest_singleton_methods.rb#35
- sig { void }
- def nest_singleton_methods!; end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/model.rb#106
- sig { returns(T::Array[::RBI::Node]) }
- def nodes; end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/printer.rb#231
- sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) }
- def oneline?; end
- # source://rbi/0.0.16/lib/rbi/rewriters/sort_nodes.rb#107
- sig { void }
- def sort_nodes!; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#116
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::Node).returns(::RBI::Node) }
- def create_node(node); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#111
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::String, ::RBI::Node]) }
- def nodes_cache; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_ext/model.rb#126
-class RBI::TypedParam < ::T::Struct
- const :param, ::RBI::Param
- const :type, ::String
- class << self
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#5
-module T::Generic
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#13
- def [](*types); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#21
- def type_member(variance = T.unsafe(nil), fixed: T.unsafe(nil), lower: T.unsafe(nil), upper: T.unsafe(nil), &bounds_proc); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#37
- def type_template(variance = T.unsafe(nil), fixed: T.unsafe(nil), lower: T.unsafe(nil), upper: T.unsafe(nil), &bounds_proc); end
-# This module intercepts calls to generic type instantiations and type variable definitions.
-# Tapioca stores the data from those calls in a `GenericTypeRegistry` which can then be used
-# to look up the original call details when we are trying to do code generation.
-# We are interested in the data of the `[]`, `type_member` and `type_template` calls which
-# are all needed to generate good generic information at runtime.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#12
-module T::Generic::TypeStoragePatch
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#13
- def [](*types); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#21
- def type_member(variance = T.unsafe(nil), fixed: T.unsafe(nil), lower: T.unsafe(nil), upper: T.unsafe(nil), &bounds_proc); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#37
- def type_template(variance = T.unsafe(nil), fixed: T.unsafe(nil), lower: T.unsafe(nil), upper: T.unsafe(nil), &bounds_proc); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/proc_bind_patch.rb#28
-module T::Private::Methods
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/proc_bind_patch.rb#30
- def finalize_proc(decl); end
- end
-class T::Private::Methods::Declaration < ::Struct
- def bind; end
- def bind=(_); end
- def checked; end
- def checked=(_); end
- def finalized; end
- def finalized=(_); end
- def mod; end
- def mod=(_); end
- def mode; end
- def mode=(_); end
- def on_failure; end
- def on_failure=(_); end
- def override_allow_incompatible; end
- def override_allow_incompatible=(_); end
- def params; end
- def params=(_); end
- def raw; end
- def raw=(_); end
- def returns; end
- def returns=(_); end
- def type_parameters; end
- def type_parameters=(_); end
- class << self
- def [](*_arg0); end
- def inspect; end
- def keyword_init?; end
- def members; end
- def new(*_arg0); end
- end
-class T::Private::Methods::DeclarationBlock < ::Struct
- def blk; end
- def blk=(_); end
- def final; end
- def final=(_); end
- def loc; end
- def loc=(_); end
- def mod; end
- def mod=(_); end
- def raw; end
- def raw=(_); end
- class << self
- def [](*_arg0); end
- def inspect; end
- def keyword_init?; end
- def members; end
- def new(*_arg0); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/proc_bind_patch.rb#29
-module T::Private::Methods::ProcBindPatch
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/proc_bind_patch.rb#30
- def finalize_proc(decl); end
-class T::Types::Proc < ::T::Types::Base; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/proc_bind_patch.rb#6
-module T::Types::ProcBindPatch
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/proc_bind_patch.rb#7
- def initialize(arg_types, returns, bind = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/proc_bind_patch.rb#15
- def name; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/name_patch.rb#6
-class T::Types::Simple < ::T::Types::Base
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#64
- def name; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#59
-module T::Types::Simple::GenericPatch
- # This method intercepts calls to the `name` method for simple types, so that
- # it can ask the name to the type if the type is generic, since, by this point,
- # we've created a clone of that type with the `name` method returning the
- # appropriate name for that specific concrete type.
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#64
- def name; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/name_patch.rb#7
-module T::Types::Simple::NamePatch
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/name_patch.rb#10
- def name; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/name_patch.rb#16
- def qualified_name_of(constant); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/name_patch.rb#8
-T::Types::Simple::NamePatch::NAME_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#84
-module T::Utils::Private
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#86
- def coerce_and_check_module_types(val, check_val, check_module_type); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#85
-module T::Utils::Private::PrivateCoercePatch
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#86
- def coerce_and_check_module_types(val, check_val, check_module_type); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#4
-module Tapioca
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#19
- sig do
- type_parameters(:Result)
- .params(
- blk: T.proc.returns(T.type_parameter(:Result))
- ).returns(T.type_parameter(:Result))
- end
- def silence_warnings(&blk); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#37
-Tapioca::BINARY_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#60
-Tapioca::CENTRAL_REPO_ANNOTATIONS_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#59
-Tapioca::CENTRAL_REPO_INDEX_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#58
-Tapioca::CENTRAL_REPO_ROOT_URI = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#5
-class Tapioca::Cli < ::Thor
- include ::Tapioca::CliHelper
- include ::Tapioca::ConfigHelper
- include ::Tapioca::EnvHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#336
- def __print_version; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#316
- def annotations; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#286
- def check_shims; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#41
- def configure; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#133
- def dsl(*constant_or_paths); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#238
- def gem(*gems); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#27
- def init; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#52
- def require; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#71
- def todo; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#350
- def print_init_next_steps; end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#342
- def exit_on_failure?; end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/cli.rb#10
-Tapioca::Cli::FILE_HEADER_OPTION_DESC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/cli_helper.rb#5
-module Tapioca::CliHelper
- requires_ancestor { Thor::Shell }
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/cli_helper.rb#33
- sig { params(options: T::Hash[::Symbol, T.untyped]).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def netrc_file(options); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/cli_helper.rb#26
- sig { params(options: T::Hash[::Symbol, T.untyped]).returns(::Tapioca::RBIFormatter) }
- def rbi_formatter(options); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/cli_helper.rb#12
- sig { params(message: ::String, color: T.any(::Symbol, T::Array[::Symbol])).void }
- def say_error(message = T.unsafe(nil), *color); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands.rb#5
-module Tapioca::Commands; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Commands::Annotations < ::Tapioca::Commands::CommandWithoutTracker
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#18
- sig do
- params(
- central_repo_root_uris: T::Array[::String],
- auth: T.nilable(::String),
- netrc_file: T.nilable(::String),
- central_repo_index_path: ::String,
- typed_overrides: T::Hash[::String, ::String]
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(central_repo_root_uris:, auth: T.unsafe(nil), netrc_file: T.unsafe(nil), central_repo_index_path: T.unsafe(nil), typed_overrides: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#36
- sig { override.void }
- def execute; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#191
- sig { params(name: ::String, content: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def add_header(name, content); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#211
- sig { params(name: ::String, content: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def apply_typed_override(name, content); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#132
- sig { params(repo_uris: T::Array[::String], gem_name: ::String).void }
- def fetch_annotation(repo_uris, gem_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#109
- sig { params(gem_names: T::Array[::String]).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def fetch_annotations(gem_names); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#150
- sig { params(repo_uri: ::String, path: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def fetch_file(repo_uri, path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#167
- sig { params(repo_uri: ::String, path: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def fetch_http_file(repo_uri, path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#98
- sig { params(repo_uri: ::String, repo_number: T.nilable(::Integer)).returns(T.nilable(Tapioca::RepoIndex)) }
- def fetch_index(repo_uri, repo_number:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#77
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::String, Tapioca::RepoIndex]) }
- def fetch_indexes; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#159
- sig { params(repo_uri: ::String, path: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def fetch_local_file(repo_uri, path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#46
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def list_gemfile_gems; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#223
- sig { params(gem_name: ::String, contents: T::Array[::String]).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def merge_files(gem_name, contents); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#56
- sig { params(project_gems: T::Array[::String]).void }
- def remove_expired_annotations(project_gems); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#250
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::String, T.nilable(::String)]) }
- def repo_tokens; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#278
- sig { params(path: ::String, repo_uri: ::String, message: ::String).void }
- def say_http_error(path, repo_uri, message:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/annotations.rb#262
- sig { params(repo_uri: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def token_for(repo_uri); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/check_shims.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Commands::CheckShims < ::Tapioca::Commands::CommandWithoutTracker
- include ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- include ::Tapioca::RBIFilesHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/check_shims.rb#22
- sig do
- params(
- gem_rbi_dir: ::String,
- dsl_rbi_dir: ::String,
- annotations_rbi_dir: ::String,
- shim_rbi_dir: ::String,
- todo_rbi_file: ::String,
- payload: T::Boolean,
- number_of_workers: T.nilable(::Integer)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(gem_rbi_dir:, dsl_rbi_dir:, annotations_rbi_dir:, shim_rbi_dir:, todo_rbi_file:, payload:, number_of_workers:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/check_shims.rb#42
- sig { override.void }
- def execute; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/command.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Commands::Command
- include ::Thor::Base
- include ::Thor::Invocation
- include ::Thor::Shell
- include ::Tapioca::CliHelper
- extend ::Thor::Base::ClassMethods
- extend ::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods
- abstract!
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/command.rb#20
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/command.rb#25
- sig { abstract.void }
- def execute; end
- # source://thor/1.2.1/lib/thor/base.rb#139
- sig { returns(::Thor::Actions) }
- def file_writer; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/command.rb#46
- sig do
- params(
- path: T.any(::Pathname, ::String),
- content: ::String,
- force: T::Boolean,
- skip: T::Boolean,
- verbose: T::Boolean
- ).void
- end
- def create_file(path, content, force: T.unsafe(nil), skip: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/command.rb#30
- sig { params(command: ::Symbol, args: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def default_command(command, *args); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/command.rb#56
- sig { params(path: T.any(::Pathname, ::String), verbose: T::Boolean).void }
- def remove_file(path, verbose: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/command.rb#10
-class Tapioca::Commands::Command::FileWriter < ::Thor
- include ::Thor::Actions
- extend ::Thor::Actions::ClassMethods
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/command_without_tracker.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Commands::CommandWithoutTracker < ::Tapioca::Commands::Command
- abstract!
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/command_without_tracker.rb#12
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/configure.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Commands::Configure < ::Tapioca::Commands::CommandWithoutTracker
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/configure.rb#14
- sig { params(sorbet_config: ::String, tapioca_config: ::String, default_postrequire: ::String).void }
- def initialize(sorbet_config:, tapioca_config:, default_postrequire:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/configure.rb#30
- sig { override.void }
- def execute; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/configure.rb#79
- sig { void }
- def create_binstub; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/configure.rb#69
- sig { void }
- def create_post_require; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/configure.rb#40
- sig { void }
- def create_sorbet_config; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/configure.rb#50
- sig { void }
- def create_tapioca_config; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/configure.rb#92
- sig { returns(::Bundler::Installer) }
- def installer; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/configure.rb#97
- sig { returns(T.any(::Bundler::StubSpecification, ::Gem::Specification)) }
- def spec; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Commands::Dsl < ::Tapioca::Commands::CommandWithoutTracker
- include ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- include ::Tapioca::RBIFilesHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#29
- sig do
- params(
- requested_constants: T::Array[::String],
- requested_paths: T::Array[::Pathname],
- outpath: ::Pathname,
- only: T::Array[::String],
- exclude: T::Array[::String],
- file_header: T::Boolean,
- tapioca_path: ::String,
- should_verify: T::Boolean,
- quiet: T::Boolean,
- verbose: T::Boolean,
- number_of_workers: T.nilable(::Integer),
- auto_strictness: T::Boolean,
- gem_dir: ::String,
- rbi_formatter: ::Tapioca::RBIFormatter,
- app_root: ::String
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(requested_constants:, requested_paths:, outpath:, only:, exclude:, file_header:, tapioca_path:, should_verify: T.unsafe(nil), quiet: T.unsafe(nil), verbose: T.unsafe(nil), number_of_workers: T.unsafe(nil), auto_strictness: T.unsafe(nil), gem_dir: T.unsafe(nil), rbi_formatter: T.unsafe(nil), app_root: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#93
- sig { override.void }
- def execute; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#66
- sig { void }
- def list_compilers; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#325
- sig { params(cause: ::Symbol, files: T::Array[::String]).returns(::String) }
- def build_error_for_files(cause, files); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#249
- sig do
- params(
- constant_name: ::String,
- rbi: ::RBI::File,
- outpath: ::Pathname,
- quiet: T::Boolean
- ).returns(T.nilable(::Pathname))
- end
- def compile_dsl_rbi(constant_name, rbi, outpath: T.unsafe(nil), quiet: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#187
- sig { params(constant_names: T::Array[::String], ignore_missing: T::Boolean).returns(T::Array[::Module]) }
- def constantize(constant_names, ignore_missing: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#210
- sig { params(compiler_names: T::Array[::String]).returns(T::Array[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)]) }
- def constantize_compilers(compiler_names); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#385
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def constants_from_requested_paths; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#158
- sig { returns(::Tapioca::Dsl::Pipeline) }
- def create_pipeline; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#288
- sig { params(constant_name: ::String).returns(::Pathname) }
- def dsl_rbi_filename(constant_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#173
- sig { params(requested_constants: T::Array[::String], path: ::Pathname).returns(T::Set[::Pathname]) }
- def existing_rbi_filenames(requested_constants, path: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#380
- sig { params(constant: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def generate_command_for(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#267
- sig { params(dir: ::Pathname).void }
- def perform_dsl_verification(dir); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#276
- sig { params(files: T::Set[::Pathname]).void }
- def purge_stale_dsl_rbi_files(files); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#375
- sig { params(constant: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def rbi_filename_for(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#356
- sig { params(path: ::Pathname).returns(T::Array[::Pathname]) }
- def rbi_files_in(path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#334
- sig { params(diff: T::Hash[::String, ::Symbol], command: ::Symbol).void }
- def report_diff_and_exit_if_out_of_date(diff, command); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#229
- sig { params(name: ::String).returns(T.nilable(T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler))) }
- def resolve(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#363
- sig { params(class_name: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def underscore(class_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/dsl.rb#293
- sig { params(tmp_dir: ::Pathname).returns(T::Hash[::String, ::Symbol]) }
- def verify_dsl_rbi(tmp_dir:); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Commands::Gem < ::Tapioca::Commands::Command
- include ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- include ::Tapioca::RBIFilesHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#28
- sig do
- params(
- gem_names: T::Array[::String],
- exclude: T::Array[::String],
- prerequire: T.nilable(::String),
- postrequire: ::String,
- typed_overrides: T::Hash[::String, ::String],
- outpath: ::Pathname,
- file_header: T::Boolean,
- include_doc: T::Boolean,
- include_loc: T::Boolean,
- include_exported_rbis: T::Boolean,
- number_of_workers: T.nilable(::Integer),
- auto_strictness: T::Boolean,
- dsl_dir: ::String,
- rbi_formatter: ::Tapioca::RBIFormatter
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(gem_names:, exclude:, prerequire:, postrequire:, typed_overrides:, outpath:, file_header:, include_doc:, include_loc:, include_exported_rbis:, number_of_workers: T.unsafe(nil), auto_strictness: T.unsafe(nil), dsl_dir: T.unsafe(nil), rbi_formatter: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#67
- sig { override.void }
- def execute; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#105
- sig { params(should_verify: T::Boolean, exclude: T::Array[::String]).void }
- def sync(should_verify: T.unsafe(nil), exclude: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#283
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def added_rbis; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#344
- sig { params(cause: ::Symbol, files: T::Array[::String]).returns(::String) }
- def build_error_for_files(cause, files); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#154
- sig { params(gem: ::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec).void }
- def compile_gem_rbi(gem); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#278
- sig { params(gem_name: ::String).returns(::Pathname) }
- def existing_rbi(gem_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#326
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::String, ::String]) }
- def existing_rbis; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#290
- sig { params(gem_name: ::String).returns(::Pathname) }
- def expected_rbi(gem_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#332
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::String, ::String]) }
- def expected_rbis; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#295
- sig { params(gem_name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def gem_rbi_exists?(gem_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#339
- sig { params(gem_name: ::String, version: ::String).returns(::Pathname) }
- def gem_rbi_filename(gem_name, version); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#139
- sig { params(gem_names: T::Array[::String]).returns(T::Array[::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec]) }
- def gems_to_generate(gem_names); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#349
- sig { params(gem: ::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec, file: ::RBI::File).void }
- def merge_with_exported_rbi(gem, file); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#320
- sig { params(old_filename: ::Pathname, new_filename: ::Pathname).void }
- def move(old_filename, new_filename); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#231
- sig { void }
- def perform_additions; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#204
- sig { void }
- def perform_removals; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#185
- sig { params(exclude: T::Array[::String]).void }
- def perform_sync_verification(exclude: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#273
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def removed_rbis; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/gem.rb#300
- sig { params(diff: T::Hash[::String, ::Symbol], command: ::Symbol).void }
- def report_diff_and_exit_if_out_of_date(diff, command); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/require.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Commands::Require < ::Tapioca::Commands::CommandWithoutTracker
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/require.rb#13
- sig { params(requires_path: ::String, sorbet_config_path: ::String).void }
- def initialize(requires_path:, sorbet_config_path:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/require.rb#21
- sig { override.void }
- def execute; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/todo.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Commands::Todo < ::Tapioca::Commands::CommandWithoutTracker
- include ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/todo.rb#15
- sig { params(todo_file: ::String, file_header: T::Boolean).void }
- def initialize(todo_file:, file_header:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/todo.rb#23
- sig { override.void }
- def execute; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/todo.rb#49
- sig { params(constants: T::Array[::String], command: ::String).returns(::RBI::File) }
- def rbi(constants, command:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/commands/todo.rb#69
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def unresolved_constants; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#5
-module Tapioca::ConfigHelper
- requires_ancestor { Thor }
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#18
- sig { params(args: T.untyped, local_options: T.untyped, config: T.untyped).void }
- def initialize(args = T.unsafe(nil), local_options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#12
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def command_name; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#15
- sig { returns(::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess) }
- def defaults; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#34
- sig { returns(::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess) }
- def options; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#151
- sig { params(msg: ::String).returns(::Tapioca::ConfigHelper::ConfigError) }
- def build_error(msg); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#176
- sig { params(config_file: ::String, errors: T::Array[::Tapioca::ConfigHelper::ConfigError]).returns(::String) }
- def build_error_message(config_file, errors); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#56
- sig do
- params(
- options: ::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess
- ).returns(::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
- end
- def config_options(options); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#46
- sig { params(options: T::Hash[::Symbol, ::Thor::Option]).void }
- def filter_defaults(options); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#194
- sig do
- params(
- options: T.nilable(::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
- ).returns(::Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
- end
- def merge_options(*options); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#70
- sig { params(config_file: ::String, config: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).void }
- def validate_config!(config_file, config); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#102
- sig do
- params(
- command_options: T::Hash[::Symbol, ::Thor::Option],
- config_key: ::String,
- config_options: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]
- ).returns(T::Array[::Tapioca::ConfigHelper::ConfigError])
- end
- def validate_config_options(command_options, config_key, config_options); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#146
-class Tapioca::ConfigHelper::ConfigError < ::T::Struct
- const :message_parts, T::Array[::Tapioca::ConfigHelper::ConfigErrorMessagePart]
- class << self
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/config_helper.rb#141
-class Tapioca::ConfigHelper::ConfigErrorMessagePart < ::T::Struct
- const :message, ::String
- const :colors, T::Array[::Symbol]
- class << self
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/struct.rb#13
- def inherited(s); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#44
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_ANNOTATIONS_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#40
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_DSL_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#56
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#41
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_GEM_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#46
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_OVERRIDES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#38
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_POSTREQUIRE_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#39
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_RBI_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_formatter.rb#29
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_RBI_FORMATTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Tapioca::RBIFormatter)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#55
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_RBI_MAX_LINE_LENGTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#42
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_SHIM_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#43
-Tapioca::DEFAULT_TODO_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compilers.rb#5
-module Tapioca::Dsl; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler
- extend T::Generic
- include ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- include ::Tapioca::RBIHelper
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- abstract!
- ConstantType = type_member { { upper: Module } }
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#60
- sig { params(pipeline: ::Tapioca::Dsl::Pipeline, root: ::RBI::Tree, constant: ConstantType).void }
- def initialize(pipeline, root, constant); end
- # NOTE: This should eventually accept an `Error` object or `Exception` rather than simply a `String`.
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#77
- sig { params(error: ::String).void }
- def add_error(error); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#68
- sig { params(compiler_name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compiler_enabled?(compiler_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#20
- sig { returns(ConstantType) }
- def constant; end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#73
- sig { abstract.void }
- def decorate; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#23
- sig { returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def root; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#126
- sig { params(method_def: T.any(::Method, ::UnboundMethod)).returns(T::Array[::RBI::TypedParam]) }
- def compile_method_parameters_to_rbi(method_def); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#162
- sig { params(method_def: T.any(::Method, ::UnboundMethod)).returns(::String) }
- def compile_method_return_type_to_rbi(method_def); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#116
- sig { params(scope: ::RBI::Scope, method_def: T.any(::Method, ::UnboundMethod), class_method: T::Boolean).void }
- def create_method_from_def(scope, method_def, class_method: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Get the types of each parameter from a method signature
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#90
- sig { params(method_def: T.any(::Method, ::UnboundMethod), signature: T.untyped).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def parameters_types_from_signature(method_def, signature); end
- class << self
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#34
- sig { abstract.returns(T::Enumerable[::Module]) }
- def gather_constants; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#29
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def handles?(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#37
- sig { returns(T::Set[::Module]) }
- def processable_constants; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#47
- sig { returns(T::Enumerable[::Class]) }
- def all_classes; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compiler.rb#53
- sig { returns(T::Enumerable[::Module]) }
- def all_modules; end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compilers.rb#6
-module Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers; end
-# DSL compilers are either built-in to Tapioca and live under the
-# `Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers` namespace (i.e. this namespace), and
-# can be referred to by just using the class name, or they live in
-# a different namespace and can only be referred to using their fully
-# qualified name. This constant encapsulates that dual lookup when
-# a compiler needs to be resolved by name.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/compilers.rb#13
-Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::NAMESPACES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Dsl::Pipeline
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#34
- sig do
- params(
- requested_constants: T::Array[::Module],
- requested_paths: T::Array[::Pathname],
- requested_compilers: T::Array[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)],
- excluded_compilers: T::Array[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)],
- error_handler: T.proc.params(error: ::String).void,
- number_of_workers: T.nilable(::Integer)
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(requested_constants:, requested_paths: T.unsafe(nil), requested_compilers: T.unsafe(nil), excluded_compilers: T.unsafe(nil), error_handler: T.unsafe(nil), number_of_workers: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#10
- sig { returns(T::Enumerable[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)]) }
- def active_compilers; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#93
- sig { params(error: ::String).void }
- def add_error(error); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#98
- sig { params(compiler_name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def compiler_enabled?(compiler_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#107
- sig { returns(T::Array[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)]) }
- def compilers; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#19
- sig { returns(T.proc.params(error: ::String).void) }
- def error_handler; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#22
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def errors; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#13
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Module]) }
- def requested_constants; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#16
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Pathname]) }
- def requested_paths; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#58
- sig do
- type_parameters(:T)
- .params(
- blk: T.proc.params(constant: ::Module, rbi: ::RBI::File).returns(T.type_parameter(:T))
- ).returns(T::Array[T.type_parameter(:T)])
- end
- def run(&blk); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#193
- sig { void }
- def abort_if_pending_migrations!; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#139
- sig { params(constants: T::Set[::Module]).returns(T::Set[::Module]) }
- def filter_anonymous_and_reloaded_constants(constants); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#122
- sig do
- params(
- requested_compilers: T::Array[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)],
- excluded_compilers: T::Array[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)]
- ).returns(T::Enumerable[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)])
- end
- def gather_active_compilers(requested_compilers, excluded_compilers); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#130
- sig do
- params(
- requested_constants: T::Array[::Module],
- requested_paths: T::Array[::Pathname]
- ).returns(T::Set[::Module])
- end
- def gather_constants(requested_constants, requested_paths); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#167
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T.nilable(::RBI::File)) }
- def rbi_for_constant(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/dsl/pipeline.rb#186
- sig { params(error: ::String).returns(T.noreturn) }
- def report_error(error); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/env_helper.rb#5
-module Tapioca::EnvHelper
- requires_ancestor { Thor }
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/env_helper.rb#12
- sig { params(options: T::Hash[::Symbol, T.untyped]).void }
- def set_environment(options); end
-class Tapioca::Error < ::StandardError; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/executor.rb#5
-class Tapioca::Executor
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/executor.rb#11
- sig { params(queue: T::Array[T.untyped], number_of_workers: T.nilable(::Integer)).void }
- def initialize(queue, number_of_workers: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/executor.rb#28
- sig do
- type_parameters(:T)
- .params(
- block: T.proc.params(item: T.untyped).returns(T.type_parameter(:T))
- ).returns(T::Array[T.type_parameter(:T)])
- end
- def run_in_parallel(&block); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/executor.rb#8
-Tapioca::Executor::MINIMUM_ITEMS_PER_WORKER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#5
-module Tapioca::Gem; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#77
-class Tapioca::Gem::ConstNodeAdded < ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#84
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::Module, node: ::RBI::Const).void }
- def initialize(symbol, constant, node); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#81
- sig { returns(::RBI::Const) }
- def node; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#26
-class Tapioca::Gem::ConstantFound < ::Tapioca::Gem::Event
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#36
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::BasicObject).void }
- def initialize(symbol, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#33
- sig { returns(::BasicObject) }
- def constant; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#30
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def symbol; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Gem::Event
- abstract!
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/private/abstract/declare.rb#37
- def initialize(*args, **_arg1, &blk); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#43
-class Tapioca::Gem::ForeignConstantFound < ::Tapioca::Gem::ConstantFound
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#52
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::Module).void }
- def initialize(symbol, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#47
- sig { override.returns(::Module) }
- def constant; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#103
-class Tapioca::Gem::ForeignScopeNodeAdded < ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/base.rb#6
-module Tapioca::Gem::Listeners; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/base.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- abstract!
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/base.rb#14
- sig { params(pipeline: ::Tapioca::Gem::Pipeline).void }
- def initialize(pipeline); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/base.rb#19
- sig { params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).void }
- def dispatch(event); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/base.rb#49
- sig { params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/base.rb#37
- sig { params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ConstNodeAdded).void }
- def on_const(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/base.rb#45
- sig { params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::MethodNodeAdded).void }
- def on_method(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/base.rb#41
- sig { params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/dynamic_mixins.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::DynamicMixins < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/dynamic_mixins.rb#31
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/dynamic_mixins.rb#15
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/foreign_constants.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::ForeignConstants < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/foreign_constants.rb#60
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/foreign_constants.rb#55
- sig { params(location: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def mixed_in_by_gem?(location); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/foreign_constants.rb#15
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/methods.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Methods < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- include ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- include ::Tapioca::RBIHelper
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/methods.rb#34
- sig { params(tree: ::RBI::Tree, module_name: ::String, mod: ::Module, for_visibility: T::Array[::Symbol]).void }
- def compile_directly_owned_methods(tree, module_name, mod, for_visibility = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/methods.rb#63
- sig do
- params(
- tree: ::RBI::Tree,
- symbol_name: ::String,
- constant: ::Module,
- method: T.nilable(::UnboundMethod),
- visibility: ::RBI::Visibility
- ).void
- end
- def compile_method(tree, symbol_name, constant, method, visibility = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/methods.rb#191
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/methods.rb#184
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T.nilable(::UnboundMethod)) }
- def initialize_method_for(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/methods.rb#165
- sig { params(mod: ::Module).returns(T::Hash[::Symbol, T::Array[::Symbol]]) }
- def method_names_by_visibility(mod); end
- # Check whether the method is defined by the constant.
- #
- # In most cases, it works to check that the constant is the method owner. However,
- # in the case that a method is also defined in a module prepended to the constant, it
- # will be owned by the prepended module, not the constant.
- #
- # This method implements a better way of checking whether a constant defines a method.
- # It walks up the ancestor tree via the `super_method` method; if any of the super
- # methods are owned by the constant, it means that the constant declares the method.
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/methods.rb#151
- sig { params(method: ::UnboundMethod, constant: ::Module).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def method_owned_by_constant?(method, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/methods.rb#16
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/methods.rb#174
- sig { params(constant: ::Module, method_name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def struct_method?(constant, method_name); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/mixins.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Mixins < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/mixins.rb#42
- sig do
- params(
- tree: ::RBI::Tree,
- constant: ::Module,
- mods: T::Array[::Module],
- mixin_type: ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Mixin::Type
- ).void
- end
- def add_mixins(tree, constant, mods, mixin_type); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/mixins.rb#84
- sig { params(mixin_name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def filtered_mixin?(mixin_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/mixins.rb#91
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::Module]) }
- def interesting_ancestors_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/mixins.rb#75
- sig do
- params(
- constant: ::Module,
- mixin: ::Module,
- mixin_type: ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Mixin::Type
- ).returns(T::Boolean)
- end
- def mixed_in_by_gem?(constant, mixin, mixin_type); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/mixins.rb#15
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/remove_empty_payload_scopes.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::RemoveEmptyPayloadScopes < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/remove_empty_payload_scopes.rb#20
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/remove_empty_payload_scopes.rb#15
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_enums.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::SorbetEnums < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_enums.rb#25
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_enums.rb#13
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_helpers.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::SorbetHelpers < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_helpers.rb#28
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_helpers.rb#15
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_props.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::SorbetProps < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_props.rb#32
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_props.rb#13
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_required_ancestors.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::SorbetRequiredAncestors < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_required_ancestors.rb#23
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_required_ancestors.rb#13
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_signatures.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::SorbetSignatures < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- include ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- include ::Tapioca::RBIHelper
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_signatures.rb#26
- sig { params(signature: T.untyped, parameters: T::Array[[::Symbol, ::String]]).returns(::RBI::Sig) }
- def compile_signature(signature, parameters); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_signatures.rb#78
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_signatures.rb#18
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::MethodNodeAdded).void }
- def on_method(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_signatures.rb#68
- sig { params(signature: T.untyped).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def signature_final?(signature); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_signatures.rb#13
-Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::SorbetSignatures::TYPE_PARAMETER_MATCHER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_type_variables.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::SorbetTypeVariables < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_type_variables.rb#27
- sig { params(tree: ::RBI::Tree, constant: ::Module).void }
- def compile_type_variable_declarations(tree, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_type_variables.rb#50
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/sorbet_type_variables.rb#15
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/source_location.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::SourceLocation < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/source_location.rb#41
- sig { params(node: ::RBI::NodeWithComments, file: T.nilable(::String), line: T.nilable(::Integer)).void }
- def add_source_location_comment(node, file, line); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/source_location.rb#13
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ConstNodeAdded).void }
- def on_const(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/source_location.rb#35
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::MethodNodeAdded).void }
- def on_method(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/source_location.rb#19
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/subconstants.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Subconstants < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/subconstants.rb#36
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/subconstants.rb#15
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/yard_doc.rb#7
-class Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::YardDoc < ::Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::Base
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/yard_doc.rb#27
- sig { params(pipeline: ::Tapioca::Gem::Pipeline).void }
- def initialize(pipeline); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/yard_doc.rb#55
- sig { params(name: ::String, sigs: T::Array[::RBI::Sig]).returns(T::Array[::RBI::Comment]) }
- def documentation_comments(name, sigs: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/yard_doc.rb#99
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/yard_doc.rb#36
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ConstNodeAdded).void }
- def on_const(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/yard_doc.rb#46
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::MethodNodeAdded).void }
- def on_method(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/yard_doc.rb#41
- sig { override.params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded).void }
- def on_scope(event); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/yard_doc.rb#10
-Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::YardDoc::IGNORED_COMMENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/listeners/yard_doc.rb#24
-Tapioca::Gem::Listeners::YardDoc::IGNORED_SIG_TAGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#105
-class Tapioca::Gem::MethodNodeAdded < ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#130
- sig do
- params(
- symbol: ::String,
- constant: ::Module,
- method: ::UnboundMethod,
- node: ::RBI::Method,
- signature: T.untyped,
- parameters: T::Array[[::Symbol, ::String]]
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(symbol, constant, method, node, signature, parameters); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#109
- sig { returns(::UnboundMethod) }
- def method; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#112
- sig { returns(::RBI::Method) }
- def node; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#118
- sig { returns(T::Array[[::Symbol, ::String]]) }
- def parameters; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#115
- sig { returns(T.untyped) }
- def signature; end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#57
-class Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded < ::Tapioca::Gem::Event
- abstract!
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#70
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::Module).void }
- def initialize(symbol, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#67
- sig { returns(::Module) }
- def constant; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#64
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def symbol; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Gem::Pipeline
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- include ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- include ::Tapioca::RBIHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#17
- sig { params(gem: ::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec, include_doc: T::Boolean, include_loc: T::Boolean).void }
- def initialize(gem, include_doc: T.unsafe(nil), include_loc: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#48
- sig { returns(::RBI::Tree) }
- def compile; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#110
- sig { params(name: T.any(::String, ::Symbol)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def constant_in_gem?(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#14
- sig { returns(::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec) }
- def gem; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#122
- sig { params(method: ::UnboundMethod).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def method_in_gem?(method); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#130
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def name_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#69
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::Module, node: ::RBI::Const).void }
- def push_const(symbol, constant, node); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#59
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::BasicObject).void }
- def push_constant(symbol, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#64
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::Module).void }
- def push_foreign_constant(symbol, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#83
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::Module, node: ::RBI::Scope).void }
- def push_foreign_scope(symbol, constant, node); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#97
- sig do
- params(
- symbol: ::String,
- constant: ::Module,
- method: ::UnboundMethod,
- node: ::RBI::Method,
- signature: T.untyped,
- parameters: T::Array[[::Symbol, ::String]]
- ).void
- end
- def push_method(symbol, constant, method, node, signature, parameters); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#76
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::Module, node: ::RBI::Scope).void }
- def push_scope(symbol, constant, node); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#54
- sig { params(symbol: ::String).void }
- def push_symbol(symbol); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#102
- sig { params(symbol_name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def symbol_in_payload?(symbol_name); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#376
- sig { params(name: ::String).void }
- def add_to_alias_namespace(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#381
- sig { params(name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def alias_namespaced?(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#225
- sig { params(name: ::String, constant: ::Module).void }
- def compile_alias(name, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#211
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::BasicObject).void }
- def compile_constant(symbol, constant); end
- # Compile
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#206
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::Module).void }
- def compile_foreign_constant(symbol, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#283
- sig { params(name: ::String, constant: ::Module, foreign_constant: T::Boolean).void }
- def compile_module(name, constant, foreign_constant: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#247
- sig { params(name: ::String, value: ::BasicObject).void }
- def compile_object(name, value); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#308
- sig { params(constant: ::Class).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def compile_superclass(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#357
- sig { params(constant: ::Module, strict: T::Boolean).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def defined_in_gem?(constant, strict: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#158
- sig { params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::Event).void }
- def dispatch(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#398
- sig { params(constant: T.all(::Module, ::T::Generic)).returns(::String) }
- def generic_name_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#369
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def get_file_candidates(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#145
- sig { params(gem: ::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec).returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def load_bootstrap_symbols(gem); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#388
- sig { params(name: ::String).void }
- def mark_seen(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#414
- sig { params(constant: ::Module, class_name: T.nilable(::String)).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def name_of_proxy_target(constant, class_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#153
- sig { returns(::Tapioca::Gem::Event) }
- def next_event; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#181
- sig { params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::ConstantFound).void }
- def on_constant(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#199
- sig { params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded).void }
- def on_node(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#172
- sig { params(event: ::Tapioca::Gem::SymbolFound).void }
- def on_symbol(event); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#393
- sig { params(name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def seen?(name); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/pipeline.rb#11
-Tapioca::Gem::Pipeline::IGNORED_SYMBOLS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#90
-class Tapioca::Gem::ScopeNodeAdded < ::Tapioca::Gem::NodeAdded
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#97
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, constant: ::Module, node: ::RBI::Scope).void }
- def initialize(symbol, constant, node); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#94
- sig { returns(::RBI::Scope) }
- def node; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#13
-class Tapioca::Gem::SymbolFound < ::Tapioca::Gem::Event
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#20
- sig { params(symbol: ::String).void }
- def initialize(symbol); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gem/events.rb#17
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def symbol; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/gem_helper.rb#5
-module Tapioca::GemHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/gem_helper.rb#9
- sig { params(app_dir: T.any(::Pathname, ::String), full_gem_path: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def gem_in_app_dir?(app_dir, full_gem_path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/gem_helper.rb#17
- sig { params(full_gem_path: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def gem_in_bundle_path?(full_gem_path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/gem_helper.rb#22
- sig { params(full_gem_path: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def gem_in_ruby_path?(full_gem_path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/gem_helper.rb#27
- sig { params(path: T.any(::Pathname, ::String)).returns(::String) }
- def to_realpath(path); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/gem_helper.rb#36
- sig { params(path: T.any(::Pathname, ::String), dir: T.any(::Pathname, ::String)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def path_in_dir?(path, dir); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#5
-class Tapioca::Gemfile
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#69
- sig { params(exclude: T::Array[::String]).void }
- def initialize(exclude); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#60
- sig { returns(::Bundler::Definition) }
- def definition; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#63
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec]) }
- def dependencies; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#80
- sig { params(gem_name: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec)) }
- def gem(gem_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#66
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def missing_specs; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#85
- sig { void }
- def require_bundle; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#130
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def dir; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#92
- sig { returns(::File) }
- def gemfile; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#125
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Symbol]) }
- def groups; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#95
- sig { returns([T::Array[::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec], T::Array[::String]]) }
- def load_dependencies; end
- # @return [File]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#92
- def lockfile; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#106
- sig { returns([T::Enumerable[T.any(::Bundler::StubSpecification, ::Gem::Specification)], T::Array[::String]]) }
- def materialize_deps; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#120
- sig { returns(::Bundler::Runtime) }
- def runtime; end
-# This is a module that gets prepended to `Bundler::Dependency` and
-# makes sure even gems marked as `require: false` are required during
-# `Bundler.require`.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#18
-module Tapioca::Gemfile::AutoRequireHook
- requires_ancestor { Bundler::Dependency }
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#39
- sig { returns(T.untyped) }
- def autorequire; end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#30
- sig { params(exclude: T::Array[::String]).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def exclude=(exclude); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#33
- sig { params(name: T.untyped).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def excluded?(name); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#134
-class Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec
- include ::Tapioca::GemHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#173
- sig { params(spec: T.any(::Bundler::StubSpecification, ::Gem::Specification)).void }
- def initialize(spec); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#183
- sig { params(other: ::BasicObject).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ==(other); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#203
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def contains_path?(path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#222
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def export_rbi_files?; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#217
- sig { returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def exported_rbi_files; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#227
- sig { returns(::RBI::MergeTree) }
- def exported_rbi_tree; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#170
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Pathname]) }
- def files; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#167
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def full_gem_path; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#188
- sig { params(gemfile_dir: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def ignore?(gemfile_dir); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#193
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def name; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#212
- sig { void }
- def parse_yard_docs; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#198
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def rbi_file_name; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#239
- sig { params(file: ::Pathname).returns(::Pathname) }
- def relative_path_for(file); end
- # @return [String]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#167
- def version; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#250
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Pathname]) }
- def collect_files; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#265
- sig { returns(T.nilable(T::Boolean)) }
- def default_gem?; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#323
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def gem_ignored?; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#302
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def has_parent_gemspec?(path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#270
- sig { returns(::Regexp) }
- def require_paths_prefix_matcher; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#281
- sig { params(file: ::String).returns(::Pathname) }
- def resolve_to_ruby_lib_dir(file); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#295
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def version_string; end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#142
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::String, ::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec]) }
- def spec_lookup_by_file_path; end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#154
-Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec::IGNORED_GEMS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/gemfile.rb#8
-Tapioca::Gemfile::Spec = T.type_alias { T.any(::Bundler::StubSpecification, ::Gem::Specification) }
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#5
-module Tapioca::Loaders; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/dsl.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Loaders::Dsl < ::Tapioca::Loaders::Loader
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/dsl.rb#29
- sig { params(tapioca_path: ::String, eager_load: T::Boolean, app_root: ::String).void }
- def initialize(tapioca_path:, eager_load: T.unsafe(nil), app_root: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/dsl.rb#20
- sig { override.void }
- def load; end
- protected
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/dsl.rb#61
- sig { void }
- def load_application; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/dsl.rb#43
- sig { void }
- def load_dsl_compilers; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/dsl.rb#38
- sig { void }
- def load_dsl_extensions; end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/dsl.rb#13
- sig { params(tapioca_path: ::String, eager_load: T::Boolean, app_root: ::String).void }
- def load_application(tapioca_path:, eager_load: T.unsafe(nil), app_root: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/gem.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Loaders::Gem < ::Tapioca::Loaders::Loader
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/gem.rb#46
- sig do
- params(
- bundle: ::Tapioca::Gemfile,
- prerequire: T.nilable(::String),
- postrequire: ::String,
- default_command: ::String
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(bundle:, prerequire:, postrequire:, default_command:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/gem.rb#32
- sig { override.void }
- def load; end
- protected
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/gem.rb#76
- sig { params(file: ::String, error: ::LoadError).void }
- def explain_failed_require(file, error); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/gem.rb#56
- sig { void }
- def require_gem_file; end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/gem.rb#20
- sig do
- params(
- bundle: ::Tapioca::Gemfile,
- prerequire: T.nilable(::String),
- postrequire: ::String,
- default_command: ::String
- ).void
- end
- def load_application(bundle:, prerequire:, postrequire:, default_command:); end
- end
-# @abstract It cannot be directly instantiated. Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Loaders::Loader
- include ::Thor::Base
- include ::Thor::Invocation
- include ::Thor::Shell
- include ::Tapioca::CliHelper
- include ::Tapioca::GemHelper
- extend ::Thor::Base::ClassMethods
- extend ::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods
- abstract!
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/private/abstract/declare.rb#37
- def initialize(*args, **_arg1, &blk); end
- # @abstract
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#17
- sig { abstract.void }
- def load; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#182
- sig { void }
- def eager_load_rails_app; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#153
- def engines; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#24
- sig do
- params(
- gemfile: ::Tapioca::Gemfile,
- initialize_file: T.nilable(::String),
- require_file: T.nilable(::String)
- ).void
- end
- def load_bundle(gemfile, initialize_file, require_file); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#111
- sig { void }
- def load_engines_in_classic_mode; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#89
- sig { void }
- def load_engines_in_zeitwerk_mode; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#37
- sig { params(environment_load: T::Boolean, eager_load: T::Boolean, app_root: ::String).void }
- def load_rails_application(environment_load: T.unsafe(nil), eager_load: T.unsafe(nil), app_root: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#64
- sig { void }
- def load_rails_engines; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#203
- sig { params(file: T.nilable(::String)).void }
- def require_helper(file); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#78
- def run_initializers; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#167
- sig { params(path: ::String).void }
- def safe_require(path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#174
- sig { void }
- def silence_deprecations; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#136
- sig { params(blk: T.proc.void).void }
- def with_rails_application(&blk); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/loaders/loader.rb#129
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def zeitwerk_mode?; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#5
-module Tapioca::RBIFilesHelper
- requires_ancestor { Tapioca::SorbetHelper }
- requires_ancestor { Thor::Shell }
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#48
- sig do
- params(
- index: ::RBI::Index,
- shim_rbi_dir: ::String,
- todo_rbi_file: ::String
- ).returns(T::Hash[::String, T::Array[::RBI::Node]])
- end
- def duplicated_nodes_from_index(index, shim_rbi_dir:, todo_rbi_file:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#13
- sig { params(index: ::RBI::Index, kind: ::String, file: ::String).void }
- def index_rbi(index, kind, file); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#25
- sig { params(index: ::RBI::Index, kind: ::String, dir: ::String, number_of_workers: T.nilable(::Integer)).void }
- def index_rbis(index, kind, dir, number_of_workers:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#65
- sig { params(loc: ::RBI::Loc, path_prefix: T.nilable(::String)).returns(::String) }
- def location_to_payload_url(loc, path_prefix:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#86
- sig do
- params(
- command: ::String,
- gem_dir: ::String,
- dsl_dir: ::String,
- auto_strictness: T::Boolean,
- gems: T::Array[::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec],
- compilers: T::Enumerable[::Class]
- ).void
- end
- def validate_rbi_files(command:, gem_dir:, dsl_dir:, auto_strictness:, gems: T.unsafe(nil), compilers: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#209
- sig { params(nodes: T::Array[::RBI::Node]).returns(T::Array[::RBI::Scope]) }
- def extract_empty_scopes(nodes); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#214
- sig { params(nodes: T::Array[::RBI::Node]).returns(T::Array[T.any(::RBI::Attr, ::RBI::Method)]) }
- def extract_methods_and_attrs(nodes); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#224
- sig { params(nodes: T::Array[::RBI::Node]).returns(T::Array[T.any(::RBI::Mixin, ::RBI::RequiresAncestor)]) }
- def extract_mixins(nodes); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#234
- sig do
- params(
- nodes: T::Array[T.any(::RBI::Attr, ::RBI::Method)]
- ).returns(T::Array[T.any(::RBI::Attr, ::RBI::Method)])
- end
- def extract_nodes_with_sigs(nodes); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#202
- sig do
- params(
- nodes: T::Array[::RBI::Node],
- shim_rbi_dir: ::String,
- todo_rbi_file: ::String
- ).returns(T::Array[::RBI::Node])
- end
- def extract_shims_and_todos(nodes, shim_rbi_dir:, todo_rbi_file:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#266
- sig { params(path: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def gem_name_from_rbi_path(path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#155
- sig { params(index: ::RBI::Index, files: T::Array[::String], number_of_workers: T.nilable(::Integer)).void }
- def parse_and_index_files(index, files, number_of_workers:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#171
- sig { params(nodes: T::Array[::RBI::Node], shim_rbi_dir: ::String, todo_rbi_file: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def shims_or_todos_have_duplicates?(nodes, shim_rbi_dir:, todo_rbi_file:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_files_helper.rb#239
- sig { params(errors: T::Array[::Spoom::Sorbet::Errors::Error], gem_dir: ::String).void }
- def update_gem_rbis_strictnesses(errors, gem_dir); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_formatter.rb#5
-class Tapioca::RBIFormatter < ::RBI::Formatter
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_formatter.rb#22
- sig { params(file: ::RBI::File).void }
- def write_empty_body_comment!(file); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/rbi_formatter.rb#15
- sig { params(file: ::RBI::File, command: ::String, reason: T.nilable(::String)).void }
- def write_header!(file, command, reason: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#5
-module Tapioca::RBIHelper
- include ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- extend ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- extend ::Tapioca::RBIHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#91
- sig { params(type: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def as_nilable_type(type); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#72
- sig { params(name: ::String, type: ::String).returns(::RBI::TypedParam) }
- def create_block_param(name, type:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#62
- sig { params(name: ::String, type: ::String, default: ::String).returns(::RBI::TypedParam) }
- def create_kw_opt_param(name, type:, default:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#57
- sig { params(name: ::String, type: ::String).returns(::RBI::TypedParam) }
- def create_kw_param(name, type:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#67
- sig { params(name: ::String, type: ::String).returns(::RBI::TypedParam) }
- def create_kw_rest_param(name, type:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#47
- sig { params(name: ::String, type: ::String, default: ::String).returns(::RBI::TypedParam) }
- def create_opt_param(name, type:, default:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#42
- sig { params(name: ::String, type: ::String).returns(::RBI::TypedParam) }
- def create_param(name, type:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#52
- sig { params(name: ::String, type: ::String).returns(::RBI::TypedParam) }
- def create_rest_param(name, type:); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#77
- sig { params(param: ::RBI::Param, type: ::String).returns(::RBI::TypedParam) }
- def create_typed_param(param, type); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#82
- sig { params(sig_string: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def sanitize_signature_types(sig_string); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#100
- sig { params(name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def valid_method_name?(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#114
- sig { params(name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def valid_parameter_name?(name); end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/rbi_helper.rb#23
- sig do
- params(
- type: ::String,
- variance: ::Symbol,
- fixed: T.nilable(::String),
- upper: T.nilable(::String),
- lower: T.nilable(::String)
- ).returns(::String)
- end
- def serialize_type_variable(type, variance, fixed, upper, lower); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/repo_index.rb#5
-class Tapioca::RepoIndex
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/repo_index.rb#26
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/repo_index.rb#31
- sig { params(gem_name: ::String).void }
- def <<(gem_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/repo_index.rb#36
- sig { returns(T::Enumerable[::String]) }
- def gems; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/repo_index.rb#41
- sig { params(gem_name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def has_gem?(gem_name); end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/repo_index.rb#18
- sig { params(hash: T::Hash[::String, T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]]).returns(Tapioca::RepoIndex) }
- def from_hash(hash); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/repo_index.rb#13
- sig { params(json: ::String).returns(Tapioca::RepoIndex) }
- def from_json(json); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#5
-module Tapioca::Runtime; end
-# This module should only be included when running versions of Ruby
-# older than 3.2. Because the Class#attached_object method is not
-# available, it implements finding the attached class of a singleton
-# class by iterating through ObjectSpace.
-module Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/attached_class_of_32.rb#14
- sig { params(singleton_class: ::Class).returns(T.nilable(::Module)) }
- def attached_class_of(singleton_class); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Runtime::DynamicMixinCompiler
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#20
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).void }
- def initialize(constant); end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#14
- def class_attribute_predicates; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#14
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Symbol]) }
- def class_attribute_readers; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#14
- def class_attribute_writers; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#137
- sig { params(tree: ::RBI::Tree).void }
- def compile_class_attributes(tree); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#180
- sig { params(tree: ::RBI::Tree).returns([T::Array[::Module], T::Array[::Module]]) }
- def compile_mixes_in_class_methods(tree); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#11
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Module]) }
- def dynamic_extends; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#11
- def dynamic_includes; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#132
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def empty_attributes?; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#222
- sig { params(qualified_mixin_name: ::String).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def filtered_mixin?(qualified_mixin_name); end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#17
- def instance_attribute_predicates; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#17
- sig { returns(T::Array[::Symbol]) }
- def instance_attribute_readers; end
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#17
- def instance_attribute_writers; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/dynamic_mixin_compiler.rb#215
- sig { params(mod: ::Module, dynamic_extends: T::Array[::Module]).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def module_included_by_another_dynamic_extend?(mod, dynamic_extends); end
-# This class is responsible for storing and looking up information related to generic types.
-# The class stores 2 different kinds of data, in two separate lookup tables:
-# 1. a lookup of generic type instances by name: `@generic_instances`
-# 2. a lookup of type variable serializer by constant and type variable
-# instance: `@type_variables`
-# By storing the above data, we can cheaply query each constant against this registry
-# to see if it declares any generic type variables. This becomes a simple lookup in the
-# `@type_variables` hash table with the given constant.
-# If there is no entry, then we can cheaply know that we can skip generic type
-# information generation for this type.
-# On the other hand, if we get a result, then the result will be a hash of type
-# variable to type variable serializers. This allows us to associate type variables
-# to the constant names that represent them, easily.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#23
-module Tapioca::Runtime::GenericTypeRegistry
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#80
- sig { params(instance: ::Object).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def generic_type_instance?(instance); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#85
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[::Tapioca::TypeVariableModule])) }
- def lookup_type_variables(constant); end
- # This method is responsible for building the name of the instantiated concrete type
- # and cloning the given constant so that we can return a type that is the same
- # as the current type but is a different instance and has a different name method.
- #
- # We cache those cloned instances by their name in `@generic_instances`, so that
- # we don't keep instantiating a new type every single time it is referenced.
- # For example, `[Foo[Integer], Foo[Integer], Foo[Integer], Foo[String]]` will only
- # result in 2 clones (1 for `Foo[Integer]` and another for `Foo[String]`) and
- # 2 hash lookups (for the other two `Foo[Integer]`s).
- #
- # This method returns the created or cached clone of the constant.
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#65
- sig { params(constant: T.untyped, types: T.untyped).returns(::Module) }
- def register_type(constant, types); end
- # This method is called from intercepted calls to `type_member` and `type_template`.
- # We get passed all the arguments to those methods, as well as the `T::Types::TypeVariable`
- # instance generated by the Sorbet defined `type_member`/`type_template` call on `T::Generic`.
- #
- # This method creates a `String` with that data and stores it in the
- # `@type_variables` lookup table, keyed by the `constant` and `type_variable`.
- #
- # Finally, the original `type_variable` is returned from this method, so that the caller
- # can return it from the original methods as well.
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#104
- sig { params(constant: T.untyped, type_variable: ::Tapioca::TypeVariableModule).void }
- def register_type_variable(constant, type_variable); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#113
- sig { params(constant: ::Module, name: ::String).returns(::Module) }
- def create_generic_type(constant, name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#155
- sig { params(constant: ::Class).returns(::Class) }
- def create_safe_subclass(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#182
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::Tapioca::TypeVariableModule]) }
- def lookup_or_initialize_type_variables(constant); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#34
-class Tapioca::Runtime::GenericTypeRegistry::GenericType < ::T::Types::Simple
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#38
- sig { params(raw_type: ::Module, underlying_type: ::Module).void }
- def initialize(raw_type, underlying_type); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/generic_type_registry.rb#45
- sig { params(obj: T.untyped).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def valid?(obj); end
-module Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- include ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#77
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::Module]) }
- def ancestors_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#92
- sig { params(object: ::BasicObject, other: ::BasicObject).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def are_equal?(object, other); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#56
- sig { params(object: ::BasicObject).returns(::Class) }
- def class_of(object); end
- # @param constant [BasicObject]
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#38
- def constant_defined?(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#49
- sig { params(symbol: ::String, inherit: T::Boolean, namespace: ::Module).returns(::BasicObject) }
- def constantize(symbol, inherit: T.unsafe(nil), namespace: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#61
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::Symbol]) }
- def constants_of(constant); end
- # Returns an array with all classes that are < than the supplied class.
- #
- # class C; end
- # descendants_of(C) # => []
- #
- # class B < C; end
- # descendants_of(C) # => [B]
- #
- # class A < B; end
- # descendants_of(C) # => [B, A]
- #
- # class D < C; end
- # descendants_of(C) # => [B, A, D]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#167
- sig do
- type_parameters(:U)
- .params(
- klass: T.all(::Class, T.type_parameter(:U))
- ).returns(T::Array[T.type_parameter(:U)])
- end
- def descendants_of(klass); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#189
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def file_candidates_for(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#112
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::Module]) }
- def inherited_ancestors_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#145
- sig { params(constant: ::Module, method: ::Symbol).returns(::Method) }
- def method_of(constant, method); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#66
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def name_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#140
- sig { params(type: ::T::Types::Base).returns(::String) }
- def name_of_type(type); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#87
- sig { params(object: ::BasicObject).returns(::Integer) }
- def object_id_of(object); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#107
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::Symbol]) }
- def private_instance_methods_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#102
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::Symbol]) }
- def protected_instance_methods_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#97
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::Symbol]) }
- def public_instance_methods_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#121
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def qualified_name_of(constant); end
- # Examines the call stack to identify the closest location where a "require" is performed
- # by searching for the label "". If none is found, it returns the location
- # labeled "", which is the original call site.
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#179
- sig { params(locations: T.nilable(T::Array[::Thread::Backtrace::Location])).returns(::String) }
- def resolve_loc(locations); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#133
- sig { params(method: T.any(::Method, ::UnboundMethod)).returns(T.untyped) }
- def signature_of(method); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#72
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(::Class) }
- def singleton_class_of(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#82
- sig { params(constant: ::Class).returns(T.nilable(::Class)) }
- def superclass_of(constant); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#228
- sig { params(parent: ::Module, name: ::String).returns(T.nilable(::Module)) }
- def child_module_for_parent_with_name(parent, name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#239
- sig { params(method: ::UnboundMethod).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def method_defined_by_forwardable_module?(method); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#214
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::UnboundMethod]) }
- def methods_for(constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#198
- sig { params(constant: ::Module).returns(T::Array[::UnboundMethod]) }
- def relevant_methods_for(constant); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#25
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::ANCESTORS_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#21
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::CLASS_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#22
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::CONSTANTS_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#28
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::EQUAL_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#32
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::METHOD_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#23
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::NAME_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#27
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::OBJECT_ID_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#31
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::PRIVATE_INSTANCE_METHODS_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#30
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::PROTECTED_INSTANCE_METHODS_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#29
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::PUBLIC_INSTANCE_METHODS_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#35
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::REQUIRED_FROM_LABELS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#24
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::SINGLETON_CLASS_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/reflection.rb#26
-Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection::SUPERCLASS_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), UnboundMethod)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#6
-module Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers.rb#34
- sig { void }
- def disable_all!; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers.rb#39
- sig { params(tracker: ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Tracker).void }
- def register_tracker(tracker); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers.rb#21
- sig do
- type_parameters(:Return)
- .params(
- blk: T.proc.returns(T.type_parameter(:Return))
- ).returns(T.type_parameter(:Return))
- end
- def with_trackers_enabled(&blk); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#7
-module Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Autoload
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Tracker
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#19
- sig { void }
- def eager_load_all!; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#31
- sig { params(constant_name: ::String).void }
- def register(constant_name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#42
- sig do
- type_parameters(:Result)
- .params(
- block: T.proc.returns(T.type_parameter(:Result))
- ).returns(T.type_parameter(:Result))
- end
- def with_disabled_exits(&block); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/autoload.rb#11
-Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Autoload::NOOP_METHOD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)
-# Registers a TracePoint immediately upon load to track points at which
-# classes and modules are opened for definition. This is used to track
-# correspondence between classes/modules and files, as this information isn't
-# available in the ruby runtime without extra accounting.
-module Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::ConstantDefinition
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Tracker
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/constant_definition.rb#61
- def build_constant_location(tp, locations); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/constant_definition.rb#55
- def disable!; end
- # Returns the files in which this class or module was opened. Doesn't know
- # about situations where the class was opened prior to +require+ing,
- # or where metaprogramming was used via +eval+, etc.
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/constant_definition.rb#71
- def files_for(klass); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/constant_definition.rb#75
- def locations_for(klass); end
- end
-module Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Mixin
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Tracker
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#56
- sig do
- params(
- mixin: ::Module
- ).returns(T::Hash[::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Mixin::Type, T::Hash[::Module, ::String]])
- end
- def constants_with_mixin(mixin); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#61
- sig do
- params(
- mixin: ::Module,
- mixin_type: ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Mixin::Type,
- constant: ::Module
- ).returns(T.nilable(::String))
- end
- def mixin_location(mixin, mixin_type, constant); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#35
- sig { params(constant: ::Module, mixin: ::Module, mixin_type: ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Mixin::Type).void }
- def register(constant, mixin, mixin_type); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#43
- def resolve_to_attached_class(constant, mixin, mixin_type); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#30
- sig do
- type_parameters(:Result)
- .params(
- block: T.proc.returns(T.type_parameter(:Result))
- ).returns(T.type_parameter(:Result))
- end
- def with_disabled_registration(&block); end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#76
- sig do
- params(
- mixin: ::Module
- ).returns(T::Hash[::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Mixin::Type, T::Hash[::Module, ::String]])
- end
- def find_or_initialize_mixin_lookup(mixin); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/mixin.rb#68
- sig do
- params(
- constant: ::Module,
- mixin: ::Module,
- mixin_type: ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Mixin::Type,
- location: ::String
- ).void
- end
- def register_with_location(constant, mixin, mixin_type, location); end
- end
-class Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Mixin::Type < ::T::Enum
- enums do
- Prepend = new
- Include = new
- Extend = new
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/required_ancestor.rb#7
-module Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::RequiredAncestor
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Tracker
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/required_ancestor.rb#15
- sig { params(requiring: ::T::Helpers, block: T.proc.void).void }
- def register(requiring, block); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/required_ancestor.rb#23
- sig { params(mod: ::Module).returns(T::Array[T.proc.void]) }
- def required_ancestors_blocks_by(mod); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/required_ancestor.rb#28
- sig { params(mod: ::Module).returns(T::Array[T.untyped]) }
- def required_ancestors_by(mod); end
- end
-# @abstract Subclasses must implement the `abstract` methods below.
-module Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Tracker
- abstract!
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/tracker.rb#26
- sig { void }
- def disable!; end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/tracker.rb#30
- def enabled?; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/tracker.rb#34
- def with_disabled_tracker(&block); end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/runtime/trackers/tracker.rb#17
- sig { params(base: T.all(::Module, ::Tapioca::Runtime::Trackers::Tracker)).void }
- def extended(base); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#33
-Tapioca::SORBET_CONFIG_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#32
-Tapioca::SORBET_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#5
-module Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#33
- sig { params(sorbet_args: ::String).returns(::Spoom::ExecResult) }
- def sorbet(*sorbet_args); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#38
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def sorbet_path; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#45
- sig { params(feature: ::Symbol, version: T.nilable(::Gem::Version)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def sorbet_supports?(feature, version: T.unsafe(nil)); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#24
-Tapioca::SorbetHelper::FEATURE_REQUIREMENTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#13
-Tapioca::SorbetHelper::SORBET_BIN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Pathname)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#18
-Tapioca::SorbetHelper::SORBET_EXE_PATH_ENV_VAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#8
-Tapioca::SorbetHelper::SORBET_GEM_SPEC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Gem::Specification)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#20
-Tapioca::SorbetHelper::SORBET_PAYLOAD_URL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/sorbet_helper.rb#22
-Tapioca::SorbetHelper::SPOOM_CONTEXT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Spoom::Context)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_table_parser.rb#5
-module Tapioca::Static; end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/requires_compiler.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Static::RequiresCompiler
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/requires_compiler.rb#10
- sig { params(sorbet_path: ::String).void }
- def initialize(sorbet_path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/requires_compiler.rb#15
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def compile; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/requires_compiler.rb#29
- sig { params(config: ::Spoom::Sorbet::Config).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def collect_files(config); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/requires_compiler.rb#44
- sig { params(file_path: ::String).returns(T::Enumerable[::String]) }
- def collect_requires(file_path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/requires_compiler.rb#51
- sig { params(config: ::Spoom::Sorbet::Config, file_path: ::Pathname).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def file_ignored_by_sorbet?(config, file_path); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/requires_compiler.rb#80
- sig { params(path: ::Pathname).returns(T::Array[::String]) }
- def path_parts(path); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_loader.rb#6
-module Tapioca::Static::SymbolLoader
- extend ::Tapioca::SorbetHelper
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::AttachedClassOf
- extend ::Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_loader.rb#23
- sig { params(gem: ::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec).returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def engine_symbols(gem); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_loader.rb#40
- sig { params(gem: ::Tapioca::Gemfile::GemSpec).returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def gem_symbols(gem); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_loader.rb#13
- sig { returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def payload_symbols; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_loader.rb#45
- sig { params(paths: T::Array[::Pathname]).returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def symbols_from_paths(paths); end
- private
- # @return [Array]
- #
- # source://sorbet-runtime/0.5.10761/lib/types/private/methods/_methods.rb#255
- def engines(*args, **_arg1, &blk); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_loader.rb#73
- sig { params(input: ::String, table_type: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def symbol_table_json_from(input, table_type: T.unsafe(nil)); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_table_parser.rb#6
-class Tapioca::Static::SymbolTableParser
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_table_parser.rb#30
- sig { void }
- def initialize; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_table_parser.rb#65
- sig { params(name: ::String).returns(::String) }
- def fully_qualified_name(name); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_table_parser.rb#36
- sig { params(object: T::Hash[::String, T.untyped]).void }
- def parse_object(object); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_table_parser.rb#27
- sig { returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def symbols; end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_table_parser.rb#15
- sig { params(json_string: ::String).returns(T::Set[::String]) }
- def parse_json(json_string); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/static/symbol_table_parser.rb#9
-Tapioca::Static::SymbolTableParser::SKIP_PARSE_KINDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#35
-Tapioca::TAPIOCA_CONFIG_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca.rb#34
-Tapioca::TAPIOCA_DIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#122
-class Tapioca::TypeVariable < ::T::Types::TypeVariable
- # @return [TypeVariable] a new instance of TypeVariable
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#123
- def initialize(name, variance); end
- # Returns the value of attribute name.
- #
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#128
- def name; end
-# This is subclassing from `Module` so that instances of this type will be modules.
-# The reason why we want that is because that means those instances will automatically
-# get bound to the constant names they are assigned to by Ruby. As a result, we don't
-# need to do any matching of constants to type variables to bind their names, Ruby will
-# do that automatically for us and we get the `name` method for free from `Module`.
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#136
-class Tapioca::TypeVariableModule < ::Module
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#158
- sig do
- params(
- context: ::Module,
- type: ::Tapioca::TypeVariableModule::Type,
- variance: ::Symbol,
- fixed: T.untyped,
- lower: T.untyped,
- upper: T.untyped,
- bounds_proc: T.nilable(T.proc.returns(T::Hash[::Symbol, T.untyped]))
- ).void
- end
- def initialize(context, type, variance, fixed, lower, upper, bounds_proc); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#212
- sig { returns(::Tapioca::TypeVariable) }
- def coerce_to_type_variable; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#192
- sig { returns(T::Boolean) }
- def fixed?; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#173
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def name; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#197
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def serialize; end
- private
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#246
- sig { returns(T::Hash[::Symbol, T.untyped]) }
- def bounds; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#222
- sig do
- params(
- fixed: T.untyped,
- lower: T.untyped,
- upper: T.untyped
- ).returns(T.proc.returns(T::Hash[::Symbol, T.untyped]))
- end
- def build_bounds_proc(fixed, lower, upper); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#236
- sig do
- type_parameters(:Result)
- .params(
- block: T.proc.returns(T.type_parameter(:Result))
- ).returns(T.type_parameter(:Result))
- end
- def with_bound_name_pre_3_0(&block); end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/sorbet_ext/generic_name_patch.rb#139
-class Tapioca::TypeVariableModule::Type < ::T::Enum
- enums do
- Member = new
- Template = new
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/version.rb#5
-Tapioca::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/source_uri.rb#6
-module URI
- include ::URI::RFC2396_REGEXP
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/source_uri.rb#7
-class URI::Source < ::URI::File
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/source_uri.rb#58
- sig { params(v: T.nilable(::String)).returns(T::Boolean) }
- def check_host(v); end
- # source://uri/0.12.0/uri/generic.rb#243
- def gem_name; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/source_uri.rb#25
- sig { returns(T.nilable(::String)) }
- def gem_version; end
- # source://uri/0.12.0/uri/generic.rb#283
- def line_number; end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/source_uri.rb#51
- sig { params(v: T.nilable(::String)).void }
- def set_path(v); end
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/source_uri.rb#70
- sig { returns(::String) }
- def to_s; end
- class << self
- # source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/source_uri.rb#38
- sig do
- params(
- gem_name: ::String,
- gem_version: T.nilable(::String),
- path: ::String,
- line_number: T.nilable(::String)
- ).returns(::URI::Source)
- end
- def build(gem_name:, gem_version:, path:, line_number:); end
- end
-# source://tapioca//lib/tapioca/helpers/source_uri.rb#10
-URI::Source::COMPONENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
-class URI::WSS < ::URI::WS; end
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/gems/thor@1.2.1.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/gems/thor@1.2.1.rbi
deleted file mode 100644
index c307f289..00000000
--- a/sorbet/rbi/gems/thor@1.2.1.rbi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3956 +0,0 @@
-# typed: true
-# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `thor` gem.
-# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem thor`.
-# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#1
-class Thor
- include ::Thor::Base
- include ::Thor::Invocation
- include ::Thor::Shell
- extend ::Thor::Base::ClassMethods
- extend ::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#505
- def help(command = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- class << self
- # Extend check unknown options to accept a hash of conditions.
- #
- # === Parameters
- # options: A hash containing :only and/or :except keys
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#255
- def check_unknown_options!(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Overwrite check_unknown_options? to take subcommands and options into account.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#268
- def check_unknown_options?(config); end
- # Prints help information for the given command.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # shell
- # command_name
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#172
- def command_help(shell, command_name); end
- # Sets the default command when thor is executed without an explicit command to be called.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # meth:: name of the default command
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#21
- def default_command(meth = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Sets the default command when thor is executed without an explicit command to be called.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # meth:: name of the default command
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#21
- def default_task(meth = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#26
- def deprecation_warning(message); end
- # Defines the usage and the description of the next command.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # usage
- # description
- # options
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#54
- def desc(usage, description, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Disable the check for required options for the given commands.
- # This is useful if you have a command that does not need the required options
- # to work, like help.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # Symbol ...:: A list of commands that should be affected.
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#339
- def disable_required_check!(*command_names); end
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#343
- def disable_required_check?(command); end
- # Prints help information for this class.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # shell
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#195
- def help(shell, subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Defines the long description of the next command.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # long description
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#71
- def long_desc(long_description, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Maps an input to a command. If you define:
- #
- # map "-T" => "list"
- #
- # Running:
- #
- # thor -T
- #
- # Will invoke the list command.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # Hash[String|Array => Symbol]:: Maps the string or the strings in the array to the given command.
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#93
- def map(mappings = T.unsafe(nil), **kw); end
- # Adds an option to the set of method options. If :for is given as option,
- # it allows you to change the options from a previous defined command.
- #
- # def previous_command
- # # magic
- # end
- #
- # method_option :foo => :bar, :for => :previous_command
- #
- # def next_command
- # # magic
- # end
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # name:: The name of the argument.
- # options:: Described below.
- #
- # ==== Options
- # :desc - Description for the argument.
- # :required - If the argument is required or not.
- # :default - Default value for this argument. It cannot be required and have default values.
- # :aliases - Aliases for this option.
- # :type - The type of the argument, can be :string, :hash, :array, :numeric or :boolean.
- # :banner - String to show on usage notes.
- # :hide - If you want to hide this option from the help.
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#155
- def method_option(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Declares the options for the next command to be declared.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # Hash[Symbol => Object]:: The hash key is the name of the option and the value
- # is the type of the option. Can be :string, :array, :hash, :boolean, :numeric
- # or :required (string). If you give a value, the type of the value is used.
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#121
- def method_options(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Adds an option to the set of method options. If :for is given as option,
- # it allows you to change the options from a previous defined command.
- #
- # def previous_command
- # # magic
- # end
- #
- # method_option :foo => :bar, :for => :previous_command
- #
- # def next_command
- # # magic
- # end
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # name:: The name of the argument.
- # options:: Described below.
- #
- # ==== Options
- # :desc - Description for the argument.
- # :required - If the argument is required or not.
- # :default - Default value for this argument. It cannot be required and have default values.
- # :aliases - Aliases for this option.
- # :type - The type of the argument, can be :string, :hash, :array, :numeric or :boolean.
- # :banner - String to show on usage notes.
- # :hide - If you want to hide this option from the help.
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#155
- def option(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Declares the options for the next command to be declared.
- #
- # ==== Parameters
- # Hash[Symbol => Object]:: The hash key is the name of the option and the value
- # is the type of the option. Can be :string, :array, :hash, :boolean, :numeric
- # or :required (string). If you give a value, the type of the value is used.
- #
- # source://thor//lib/thor.rb#121
- def options(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
- # Allows for custom "Command" package naming.
- #
- # === Parameters
- # name
- # options