The JavaScript wrapper for the Fishbowl API
Reference src/requestTypes.ts to learn option parameters for the different requests
If you have questions regarding the actual Fishbowl API please visit the Fishbowl API wiki
Feel free to donate to support Fishbowl-js! This project is Open Source and is not affiliated with Fishbowl Inventory.
Fishbowl <=20.11 use 2.6.0
Fishbowl >=21.2 use >=2.6.2
The default options for the constructor are
const fb = new Fishbowl({
host: '',
port: 28192,
IAID: 54321,
IAName: 'Fishbowljs',
IADescription: 'Fishbowljs helper',
username: 'admin',
password: 'admin',
useLogger: true
Versions >= 2.6.0 now you may pass a callback function to the constructor to know if it connected properly
const fb = new Fishbowl({}, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
Versions >= 2.3.0 can now use async await with the sendRequestPromise({ req, options, json }) function
const executeQuery = async () => {
try {
const part = await fb.sendRequestPromise({ req: 'ExecuteQueryRq', options: { query: 'select * from part where num = "B201"' } });
const product = await fb.sendRequestPromise({ req: 'ExecuteQueryRq', options: { query: 'select * from product where num = "B202"' } });
console.log(`Part: ${part}`);
console.log(`Product: ${product}`);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Err: ${err.code} - ${err.message}`);
All requests by default will send back the data in JSON format.
fb.sendRequest({ req: 'ExecuteQueryRq', options: { query: "select * from part where num='B201'" } }, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`Err: ${err.code} - ${err.message}`);
console.log(`Data: ${res}`);
If the request allows it and you desire it, the request could send the data back in CSV format. Notice the json flag as the third attribute in the RequestOptions.
fb.sendRequest({ req: 'ExecuteQueryRq', options: { query: "select * from part where num='B201'" }, json: false }, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`Err: ${err.code} - ${err.message}`);
console.log(`Data: ${res}`);
All valid API requests are accepted, not only the requests documented on the Fishbowl API wiki
fb.sendRequest({req: 'PartGetRq', options: { Number: 'B201', GetImage: false } }, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`Err: ${err.code} - ${err.message}`);
console.log(`Data: ${res}`);
const Fishbowl = require('fishbowl-js');
const fb = new Fishbowl({}, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
// If you have already approved this integration, this will be seamless.
// If you have not approved the integration, you will need to approve it and then send the login request again.
fb.sendRequest({ req: 'LoginRq' });
const partImport = [
partNumber: '1API',
partDescription: 'Fishbowl-js',
partDetails: '',
uom: 'ea',
upc: '',
partType: 'Inventory',
active: 'true',
abcCode: 'N',
weight: '210',
weightUom: 'lbs',
width: '0',
height: '0',
length: '0',
sizeUom: 'ft',
primaryTracking: '',
alertNote: '',
pictureUrl: '',
poItemType: 'Purchase',
'Tracks-Lot Number': 'false',
'Tracks-Revision Level': 'false',
'Tracks-Expiration Date': 'false',
'Tracks-Serial Number': 'false'
partNumber: '2API',
partDescription: 'Fishbowl-js2',
partDetails: '',
uom: 'ea',
upc: '',
partType: 'Inventory',
active: 'false',
abcCode: 'N',
weight: '210',
weightUom: 'lbs',
width: '0',
height: '0',
length: '0',
sizeUom: 'ft',
primaryTracking: '',
alertNote: '',
pictureUrl: '',
poItemType: 'Purchase',
'Tracks-Lot Number': 'false',
'Tracks-Revision Level': 'false',
'Tracks-Expiration Date': 'false',
'Tracks-Serial Number': 'false'
fb.sendRequest({ req: 'ImportRq', options: { type: 'ImportPart', row: partImport } }, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`err: ${err.code} - ${err.message}`);
console.log(`Data: ${res}`);
fb.sendRequest({ req: 'IssueSORq', options: { soNumber: '50053' } });
const executeQuery = async () => {
try {
const part = await fb.sendRequestPromise({ req: 'ExecuteQueryRq', options: { query: "select * from part where num='B201' or num='B202' or num='1API'" }, json: false });
const product = await fb.sendRequestPromise({ req: 'ExecuteQueryRq', options: { query: "select * from product where num = 'B202'" } });
console.log(`Part: ${part}`);
console.log(`Product: ${product}`);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Err: ${err.code} - ${err.message}`);