Create a compute cluster for hosting docker based apps.
The idle_timeout
is set to 60 seconds. Ensure that your webserver's keep-alive timeout is set to 60 seconds (or more) to prevent the load balancer from keeping connections open to the already closed server.
When using Rails with Puma, the default timeout is 20 seconds. This can be changed by setting the persistent_timeout
option in config/puma.rb
For better security, add the WAF module.
resource "aws_alb_target_group" "facebook" {
name = "${local.project}-${local.environment}-facebook"
port = 5000
protocol = "HTTP"
vpc_id =
target_type = "ip"
health_check {
path = "/livez"
healthy_threshold = 2
unhealthy_threshold = 3
timeout = 25
interval = 30
matcher = "200,301,302,401,403,404"
tags = {
Project = local.project
Environment = local.environment
module "ecs" {
source = ""
project = local.project
environment = local.environment
vpc_id =
subnet_public_ids = module.vpc.subnet_public_ids
# optional
secrets_arns = []
kms_key_arns = []
health_check_path = "/healthz"
health_check_options = {
healthy_threshold = 2
unhealthy_threshold = 5
timeout = 30
interval = 60
matcher = "200,204"
certificate_arn = module.ssl-certificate.arn # requires a `certificate` module to be created separately
regional = true
keep_alive_timeout = 60
additional_certificate_arns = [
name = "my-second-domain.test"
arn = module.ssl-certificate-second-domain.arn
allow_internal_traffic_to_ports = []
allow_alb_traffic_to_ports = [5000]
alb_listener_rules = [
priority = 1
type = "forward"
target_group_arn = aws_alb_target_group.facebook.arn
path_pattern = ["/facebook/*"]
host_header = []
allowlisted_ssh_ips = [
"XX.XX.XX.XX/32", # e.g. a VPN
grant_read_access_to_s3_arns = []
grant_write_access_to_s3_arns = []
grant_read_access_to_sqs_arns = []
grant_write_access_to_sqs_arns = []
custom_policies = []
enable_xray = true
autoscale_metrics_map = {
web = {
ecs_min_count = 2 # Optional, default value is 1
ecs_max_count = 4 # Optional, default value is 30
metrics = [
metric_name = "CPUUtilization"
statistic = "Average"
threshold_up = 50
threshold_down = 30
metric_name = "MemoryUtilization"
statistic = "Average"
threshold_up = 50
threshold_down = 30
sidekiq = {
ecs_max_count = 4
metrics = [
metric_name = "CPUUtilization"
statistic = "Average"
threshold_up = 50
threshold_down = 30
metric_name = "MemoryUtilization"
statistic = "Average"
threshold_up = 50
threshold_down = 30
autoscale_params = {
alarm_evaluation_periods = 5
alarm_period = 60 # seconds
datapoints_to_alarm_up = 3
datapoints_to_alarm_down = 3
cooldown = 300 # seconds
scale_up_adjustment = 1
scale_up_lower_bound = 0
scale_down_adjustment = -1
scale_down_upper_bound = 0
ecs_autoscale_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/ecs-autoscale"
sns_topic_arn = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:175743622168:slack-sns"
scale_down_treat_missing_data = "breaching"
scale_up_treat_missing_data = "missing"
waf_acl_arn = null # see module aws/waf
# Access Logs, stored in S3
# see:
enable_access_logs = false
access_logs_bucket = ""
access_logs_prefix = "lb-logs"
# Cloudwatch
# Container Insights will discover all the running containers in a cluster and collect performance data at every layer of the performance stack but it will also increase costs. The fees are charged as custom metrics.
enable_container_insights = true
allow traffic to given ports within the cluster, e.g. to call an internal service like a PDF renderer.
If you run apps in many different cloud environments (e.g. Heroku, RKE, EKS, ECS, Lambda, Cloud66), you want consistent health checks implemented for consistency.
Kubernetes have an excellent methodology where they name their health check /livez
and /readyz
to not conflict with any other potential resource endpoint.
The below documentation mentions /healthz
(and this is also what we used previoulsy) but since Kubernetes 1.16 deprecated this endpoint, this terminology will be phased out.
We should aim to have the following endpoint(s) implemented on all projects to work across any deployed environment:
GET /livez
GET /readyz
(optional, but useful for some projects)