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File metadata and controls

275 lines (239 loc) · 9.82 KB

Configure dependencies and install Flyte

This section assumes that you have a working Kubernetes environment.

The external platform dependencies of Flyte are:

  • An S3-compatible object storage used for task metadata and to retrieve data to be processed by workflows.
  • A relational database.

In this tutorial, we'll use Minio with a single bucket as the object storage provider and Postgres as the relational database. These two elements are configured to retain data even if the corresponding Pod is deleted.

NOTE: if you plan to run Flyte on a K8s environment with multiple nodes, the instructions in these section should be generally useful regardless of number of K8s worker and controlplane nodes. Also, to provide shared storage for your environment make sure to check out the supported minio topologies and supported backend storage systems.

  1. Prepare your K8s cluster to provision Persistent Volumes:
microk8s enable hostpath-storage

NOTE: for other K8s distributions, verify the provisioner available for local storage, typically associated with a StorageClass (kubectl get storageclass). If there isn't any, consider using this implementation of the hostpath provisioner. To learn more about how Kubernetes handles data persistency, go to the docs.

PersistentVolumeClaims created by the hostpath storage provisioner are bound to the local node, so it is impossible to move them to a different node. For multi-node K8s environments, use the StorageClass surfaced by your shared storage backend.

  1. Download the manifest that will deploy the Flyte dependencies:
curl -sl > onprem-flyte-dependencies.yaml
  1. Make sure to adjust sensitive values like MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_PASSWORD before submitting the manifest:
kubectl apply -f onprem-flyte-dependencies.yaml

Example output:

namespace/flyte created
persistentvolumeclaim/postgresql-pvc created
persistentvolumeclaim/minio-pvc created
service/postgres created
deployment.apps/postgres created
deployment.apps/minio created
service/minio created
  1. Verify that both minio and postgres Pods are in Running state:
kubectl get pods -n flyte

Example output:

NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
postgres-6f6bb8bff7-9sjnj   1/1     Running   0          75s
minio-7d795cd5d8-dlk54      1/1     Running   0          75s
  1. Add the Flyte Helm repo:
helm repo add flyteorg

At this point the dependencies required by Flyte are ready. You can now choose which form factor to deploy:

  • Single binary: all Flyte components (flyteadmin,flytepropeller, flyteconsole, etc) packaged into a single Pod. This is useful for environments with limited resources and a need for quick setup.

  • Core: all components as standalone Pods, and potentially different number of replicas. This is required for multi-K8s-cluster environments.

You can only have one of these form factors on a single K8s cluster. The following sections guide you through the setup process for each.

Install single binary

  1. In order to avoid saving the DB password in plain text to the values file, we leverage a feature of the flyte-binary chart that allows to consume pre-created secrets:
  • Create an external secret containing the DB password:
cat <<EOF >local-secret.yaml      
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: flyte-binary-inline-config-secret
  namespace: flyte
type: Opaque
  202-database-secrets.yaml: |
        password: "postgres" 
  • Submit the manifest:
kubectl create -f local-secret.yaml
  • Describe the secret:
kubectl describe secret flyte-binary-inline-config-secret -n flyte

Example output:

Name:         flyte-binary-inline-config-secret
Namespace:    flyte
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>

Type:  Opaque

202-database-secrets.yaml:  48 bytes
  1. Download the values file:
curl -sL > onprem-flyte-binary-values.yaml
  1. Install Flyte:
helm install flyte-binary flyteorg/flyte-binary  --values onprem-flyte-binary-values.yaml -n flyte

Example output:

NAME: flyte-binary
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Aug 23 19:12:23 2023
STATUS: deployed
  1. Verify the flyte-binary Pod is in Running state:
kubectl get pods -n flyte

Example output:

NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
postgres-6f6bb8bff7-9sjnj       1/1     Running   0          30m
minio-7d795cd5d8-dlk54          1/1     Running   0          30m
flyte-binary-58d779b9d8-z2hzs   1/1     Running   0          23s

You have setup Flyte single binary. Now, learn how to connect to your Flyte instance

Install Flyte core

The following configuration requests about 3 CPU cores and 3 GB of memory for the different Flyte components without accounting for workflow executions.

  1. Download the values file
curl -sL > onprem-flyte-core-values.yaml
  1. Review the values file if you need to change anything in the userSettings section.
  2. Install the flyte-core Helm chart:
helm install flyte-core flyteorg/flyte-core --values onprem-flyte-core-values.yaml -n flyte 

Example output

NAME: flyte-core
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Mar  8 11:09:10 2024
STATUS: deployed
  1. Wait for the Pods to come up:
kubectl get po -n flyte

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS     AGE
postgres-d56745848-7dkhl             1/1     Running   4 (3d ago)   16d
minio-758b9b5d86-s2tnl               1/1     Running   3 (3d ago)   7d21h
syncresources-7cdd9f468c-kzndm       1/1     Running   0            58s
flyteconsole-856d9c594b-qmjv8        1/1     Running   0            58s
datacatalog-bddddcc47-lnmhk          1/1     Running   0            58s
flytepropeller-6dbb9f8cb5-w7wsn      1/1     Running   0            58s
flyte-pod-webhook-867c44bdd4-thrth   1/1     Running   0            58s
flyteadmin-66cb66764d-j7cx2          1/1     Running   0            58s
flytescheduler-579b6cb648-jmmgm      1/1     Running   0            58s

Connecting to Flyte

  1. Configure your Flyte config file for local connections (typically located at $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml):

If you haven't done so, install flytectl and run flytectl config init so the config file is created. Check out the instructions here

  # For GRPC endpoints you might want to use dns:///
  endpoint: localhost:8089
  authType: Pkce
  insecure: true
  endpoint: localhost:8088
  show-source: true
  level: 6
  1. Create a local DNS entry so the Flyte CLI connects to the minio service using its FQDN:
  • In an OSX environment:
sudo vi /etc/hosts
  • Add a new entry with the minio service name:
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##       minio.flyte.svc.cluster.local 
  1. In three different terminal windows, start three port-forwarding sessions. As each Helm chart uses different Services and ports, the commands are different:

Single binary

kubectl -n flyte port-forward service/minio 9000:9000
kubectl -n flyte port-forward service/flyte-binary-grpc 8089:8089
kubectl -n flyte port-forward service/flyte-binary-http 8088:8088


kubectl -n flyte port-forward service/minio 9000:9000
kubectl -n flyte port-forward service/flyteadmin 8089:81
kubectl -n flyte port-forward service/flyteconsole 8088:80

Using Flyte

  1. Save the following "hello world" workflow definition: Check that the onprem-flyte-binary-values.yaml has these values as it will result in a 10x faster execution for this simple example.

    task_resources: defaults: cpu: 1000m memory: 2Gi #change default requested resources and limits to fit your needs limits: cpu: 3000m memory: 4Gi

cat <<<EOF >
from flytekit import Resources, task, workflow

@task(requests=Resources(cpu="900m", mem="3Gi"))
def say_hello() -> str:
    return "hello world"

def my_wf() -> str:
    res = say_hello()
    return res

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Running my_wf() {my_wf()}")
  1. Execute the workflow on the Flyte cluster:
pyflyte run --remote my_wf

Example output:

Go to http://localhost:8089/console/projects/flytesnacks/domains/development/executions/f0c602e28c5c84d46b22 to see execution in the console.

NOTE: different to what the CLI output indicates, use the 8088 port instead of 8089 to connect to the UI

  1. Go to the Flyte console and monitor the execution:

You have a working Flyte instance running on a local Kubernetes environment. Head over to the next sections to productionize your deployment.