The home of the Datum website
Datum Lang 是一个使用 Rust 编写的描述式、中间编程语言。其主要用途是:
- legacy system migration.
- domain model design for languages.
- compile languages. for examples, JavaScript to WASM.
- visualize architecture.
- a quick DSL maker's infrastructure. (TBD)
- Code
- Lexer
- Paser
- Compiler
- Codegen
- 语言转换:Datum Poet
- IDEA 插件: Intellij Datum
- Datum 项目:Datum
- Scie 语言识别引擎:Scie
- origin language
- Scie (tokenizer)
- Poet DSL 1
- Datum Poet
- Datum code (datum compiler)
- Poet DSL 2
- Datum Lang Generate API
- other language
Visual Studio Code 使用 Textmate 的语法来解析不同的语言。如下的语言
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf(\"Hello, World!\");
return 0;
- token from 0 to 1 () with scopes C
- token from 0 to 1 (#) with scopes C, meta.preprocessor.include.c, , punctuation.definition.directive.c
- token from 1 to 8 (include) with scopes C, meta.preprocessor.include.c,
- token from 8 to 9 ( ) with scopes C, meta.preprocessor.include.c
- token from 9 to 10 (<) with scopes C, meta.preprocessor.include.c,, punctuation.definition.string.begin.c
- token from 10 to 17 (stdio.h) with scopes C, meta.preprocessor.include.c,
- token from 17 to 18 (>) with scopes C, meta.preprocessor.include.c,, punctuation.definition.string.end.c
- token from 0 to 3 (int) with scopes C, storage.type.built-in.primitive.c
- token from 3 to 4 ( ) with scopes C
- token from 4 to 8 (main) with scopes C, meta.function.c, meta.function.definition.parameters.c,
- token from 8 to 9 (() with scopes C, meta.function.c, meta.function.definition.parameters.c, punctuation.section.parameters.begin.bracket.round.c
- token from 9 to 10 ()) with scopes C, meta.function.c, meta.function.definition.parameters.c, punctuation.section.parameters.end.bracket.round.c
- token from 10 to 11 ( ) with scopes C
- token from 11 to 12 ({) with scopes C, meta.block.c, punctuation.section.block.begin.bracket.curly.c
- token from 0 to 6 (printf) with scopes C, meta.block.c, meta.function-call.c,
- token from 6 to 7 (() with scopes C, meta.block.c, meta.function-call.c, punctuation.section.arguments.begin.bracket.round.c
- token from 7 to 8 (") with scopes C, meta.block.c, meta.function-call.c, string.quoted.double.c, punctuation.definition.string.begin.c
- token from 8 to 21 (Hello, World!) with scopes C, meta.block.c, meta.function-call.c, string.quoted.double.c
- token from 21 to 22 (") with scopes C, meta.block.c, meta.function-call.c, string.quoted.double.c, punctuation.definition.string.end.c
- token from 22 to 23 ()) with scopes C, meta.block.c, meta.function-call.c, punctuation.section.arguments.end.bracket.round.c
- token from 23 to 24 (;) with scopes C, meta.block.c, punctuation.terminator.statement.c
- token from 0 to 6 (return) with scopes C, meta.block.c, keyword.control.c
- token from 6 to 7 ( ) with scopes C, meta.block.c
- token from 7 to 8 (0) with scopes C, meta.block.c, constant.numeric.decimal.c
- token from 8 to 9 (;) with scopes C, meta.block.c, punctuation.terminator.statement.c
从这一步,我们可以拿到一个 Tokenizer 后的结果,如我们 include 的情况等等。
随后,我们要将上述的 Token 进行转换,转换到特定的 DSL,这里暂时称之为 Translator DSL。
Translator DSL 将映射到 Poet DSL 上。
理想情况下,通过我们的 Translator DSL,就可以再度将代码转换为新的语言。 is a meta-programming language. It contains the interpreter, the parser generator, the parser run-time, the standard library, the online documentation and the type checker.
来源:内置函数你怎么搞,比如打开文件 Python 是 Open,C++ 是 Stream,API 都不一样?
Datum 并不会支持内置函数的转换。 Datum 关心的是语言的互转,可以简单的认为 AST 的互转,不考虑编译等场景。
C++ 过于复杂,未来只会出现有限的 C++ 支持。
是否要实现一些库去模拟 Context 的 Timeout Cancel?
from 雾色
可以把你伪代码中的任意一个词,给出许多(开源实时添加的)智能提示,比如我要实现一个算法,让篮子里的苹果增加一个。 通过nlp分词并解析出词性,再给出对应的提示,篮子、苹果的对象,增加这个方法,一个这个数词可能是调用方法的循环次数。到最后自己需要的是组织,并且实现网络提示接口中没有的对象和方法,并自动上传。粒度可以是自由的,可以实现一个复杂的功能,可以实现一个简单点方法。将这种方法按照业务领域或者主题来划分。
from 灵剑
简单听完有一些很深切的疑问:1. 不同语言的解析模型就不一样,正则表达式解析语法树这样的想法会不会太naive了一点?比如说C++的语法纯粹就是上下文相关的,a<b,c>d这样的结构有多义性,不可能单纯通过文法变成语法树;再比如说Python的语法跟缩进层级是有关的。2. 能变成语法树不代表就能做相互转码,首先不同语言的功能不一样,虽然说图灵完备的语言原则上都可以相互表达,但是这个相互转化的过程本身可能代价会超乎想象,甚至不得不以某种类似于虚拟机解释执行的方式运行;其次,标准库差异的问题难以解决,操作系统API之类的更难。更不要说跟第三方库二进制连接的问题了。