In order to improve performance, the database information is cached. If your database structure changes externally, you need to click the refresh button to refresh the cache。
When creating a connection, you can specify a group for the connection.
After creation, the grouping or order of connections can be modified by dragging in the tree panel.
If you want to connect to your local SQL Server through a port, you usually need to enable the TCP/IP connection method. For details, see:
Configure a Server to Listen on a Specific TCP Port - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs
- SQLite relies on SQLite external programs to connect, if your operating system is not windows, you need to make sure you have sqlite3 in your environment variables.
- If you get the error "unknown command or invalid arguments: "open"." when using sqlite, please consider downgrading your sqlite3 version, in some sqlite3 versions the .open command is removed, but the extension requires the open command to support unicode character.
MongoDB has less support and no longer actively maintained, only recommended for browsing data.
You can search for objects by pressing ctrl+f.