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- 30 Day Chart Challenge:
## Agenda
00:00:00 Beryl introduces Data Umbrella
00:06:15 The #30DayChartChallenge
00:10:05 Observable
00:12:20 Chart #1: Households with Houseplants
00:14:10 Chart #2: The importance of the title
00:16:25 Chart #3: World history
00:18:50 Chart #4: Plants named after women
00:21:30 Chart #5: Slope charts
00:23:50 Chart #6: Life expectancy
00:26:25 Chart #7: Physical / Marathon
00:29:20 Chart #8: Mountains
00:33:35 Chart #9: Russian export growth
00:36:07 Chart #10: Sunflower seeds
00:41:10 Chart #11: Circular distributions
00:45:05 Chart # 12: Hottest days on Earth
00:48:10 Chart #13: Trees per capita
00:52:15 Chart #14: Height of men vs women
00:56:50 Chart #15: Natural disasters
01:02:55 Q: How did you choose the order of continents?
01:06:20 Q: When does the next 30DayChartChallenge take place?
01:10:30 Q: How to take accessibility into account when visualizing?
Ever wondered how people do all those nice data visualizations out there? How could you start to do some too? In my talk I will present some of my contributions to the #30DayChartChallenge as short stories. I will focus on where did I get my ideas, what was my process, what tools did I use and some best practices I learned. Hopefully after this talk you will be motivated to get started with data visualization and participate in a challenge
Tereza Iofciu is an experienced speaker on data, product, management, and diversity. Having worked as a data science manager, data scientist, data engineer, and product manager, she is an accredited leader with 15+ years of experience and validated expertise in Data Science and Machine Learning. She is a co-organizer of the PyLadies Hamburg group, hosting regular meetups dealing with data, python, and IOT together with some awesome ladies. She is also a PSF Code of Conduct and Diversity & Inclusion working groups member and has been awarded the Python Software Foundation 2021 Q1 community service award.
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