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dapgo edited this page May 31, 2018 · 7 revisions

General information

Info about some PIM Software/data

Omni-notes (FOSS)

How to import?

There is a Restore function, it reads from a specific folder paste/save modified file (omni-notes) to device .\android\Omni Notes Foss
Restore backup

How to export?

There is a backup function, it saves in a specific folder .\android\Omni Notes Foss\

Noteeverything (free/no PRO addon)

How to import?

There are import functions for several format (Palm,Outlook,AK notepad, OI notepad...) However import from Noteeverything requires the PRO addon, which doesn't work on all devices. Using Mybackup (rerware) with previous backup

So as workaround¿not working anymore??? paste/save modified file (backup.tmp /¿¿¿¿notes.db???) to device ./android/noteeverything/backup Install "Note everything" apk (¿¿¿version 4.2.4???) , app will detect previous backup in the folder and will ask for a restore

How to export?

There is not function for this, but there is a backup in: ./android/noteeverything/backup Using Mybackup (rerware)


How to import?

paste/save modified file (companionlink2015-xx-xx).db to device ./android/clusb/ rename or delete companionlink.db (Dejaoffice must be closed) rename backup file (companionlink2015-xx-xx).db to companionlink.db

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