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190 lines (183 loc) · 23.2 KB

File metadata and controls

190 lines (183 loc) · 23.2 KB




  • NJHu / iOSProject: oc综合项目,ios综合项目,iosdemo,ocdemo,demo,iosproject,百思不得姐,新浪微博,sina,QQ音乐,QQMusic,music,视频列表,滚动播放,拖拽播放,离线下载,即时通讯,打印 ios 日志,省市区三级联动,没有导航栏,自定义导航栏,字体适配屏幕,空白页展示,空白页,导航条颜色渐变,导航条高度渐变,YYText 使用,列表的展开和收起,京东首页布局,流水布局,垂直流水布局,水平流水布局,非规则流水布局,键盘处理,文件下载,Masonry 案例,LKDB 数据库,百度地图,二维码,照片上传,照片上传有进度,列表倒计时,H5和原生交互,自定义各种弹框,常见表单类型,人脸识别,列表加载图片,列表拖拽,日历操作,导航条渐变,指纹解锁,物理仿真,控制器生命…
  • zangqilong198812 / YGCTrimVideoView: A wechat like video editor slider
  • google / promises: Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift and Objective-C.
  • zhnnnnn / ZHNCosmos: 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔Imitate Cosmos - a special third party weibo APP,仿Cosmos - 别具一格的微博客户端
  • FantasticLBP / Hotels: 酒店预订App
  • TextureGroup / Texture: Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
  • AloneMonkey / MonkeyDev: CaptainHook Tweak、Logos Tweak and Command-line Tool、Patch iOS Apps, Without Jailbreak.
  • 90candy / YWVideoPlayer: 基于ijkPlayer的网络播放器,支持MP4、RTMP、HLS(m3u8)等格式
  • react-native-community / react-native-camera: A Camera component for React Native. Also supports barcode scanning!
  • Instagram / IGListKit: A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
  • 90candy / YWChooseAddressView: 高仿淘宝添加新地址UI、高仿京东地区选择器
  • react-community / react-native-maps: React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
  • ChavezChen / CWLateralSlide: One line of code to integrate 0 coupling side drawer!一行代码集成0耦合侧滑抽屉!
  • CocoaLumberjack / CocoaLumberjack: A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS
  • CoderMJLee / MJAppTools: 【越狱-逆向】处理iOS APP信息的命令行工具
  • dzenbot / DZNEmptyDataSet: A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display
  • kevll / WeChatRedEnvelopesHelper: iOS版微信抢红包插件,支持后台抢红包
  • AAChartModel / AAChartKit: An elegant and friendly chart library for iOS developer. Powerful,support the column chart、bar chart、area chart、areaspline chart、line chart、spline chart、radar chart、polar chart、pie chart、bubble chart、pyramid chart、funnel chart、columnrange chart and other graphics.
  • XuYang8026 / UniversalProject: 基于MVC架构的iOS轻量级框架,封装了基类、基于猿题库YTKNetwork的网络服务、工具库,NavigationController转场动画/瀑布流/粒子动画/小demo,已适配iOS11 & iPhone X。欢迎Star🌟
  • VernonVan / PPStickerKeyboard: iOS表情键盘
  • SVProgressHUD / SVProgressHUD: A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
  • ivpusic / react-native-image-crop-picker: iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
  • expo / expo: Expo iOS/Android Client
  • CoderMJLee / MJRefresh: An easy way to use pull-to-refresh.
  • gnachman / iTerm2: iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.


  • esimov / caire: Content aware image resize library
  • rgburke / grv: GRV is a terminal interface for viewing git repositories
  • davecgh / go-spew: Implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging
  • kubernetes / kubernetes: Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
  • ethereum / go-ethereum: Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
  • golang / go: The Go programming language
  • tmrts / go-patterns: Curated list of Go design patterns, recipes and idioms
  • rivo / tview: Rich interactive widgets for terminal-based UIs written in Go
  • wagoodman / bashful: Use a yaml file to stitch together commands and bash snippits and run them with a bit of style. Why? Because your bash script should be quiet and shy-like (...and not such a loud mouth).
  • rook / rook: File, Block, and Object Storage Services for your Cloud-Native Environment
  • fatedier / frp: A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
  • ServiceComb / go-chassis: Go-Chassis is a Software Development Kit(SDK) for rapid development of microservices in Go
  • avelino / awesome-go: A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
  • gohugoio / hugo: The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
  • hunterloftis / pbr: a Physically Based Renderer (PBR) in Go
  • gin-gonic / gin: Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
  • gen2brain / url2img: HTTP server with API for capturing screenshots of websites
  • istio / istio: An open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices.
  • containous / traefik: Træfik, a modern reverse proxy
  • coreos / etcd: Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
  • moby / moby: Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
  • mycoralhealth / blockchain-tutorial: Write and publish your own blockchain in less than 200 lines of Go
  • prometheus / prometheus: The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
  • gopherjs / gopherjs: A compiler from Go to JavaScript for running Go code in a browser
  • kubernetes / helm: The Kubernetes Package Manager



