You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
find . -type f | while read -r sh; do
if [ "$(file --brief --mime-type "$sh")" == 'text/x-shellscript' ]; then
echo $sh
shellcheck --color=always --severity=warning --exclude=SC1091,SC1090 "$sh"
and got many warnings from shellcheck which should be fixed:
09:41 $ ~/temp/shellcheck_files
In ./.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample line 31:
test $(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=A -z $against |
^-- SC2046 (warning): Quote this to prevent word splitting.
For more information: -- Quote this to prevent word splitt...
In ./.git/hooks/pre-push.sample line 22:
^----^ SC2034 (warning): remote appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
In ./.git/hooks/pre-push.sample line 23:
^-^ SC2034 (warning): url appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
In ./.git/hooks/pre-push.sample line 27:
while read local_ref local_oid remote_ref remote_oid
^--------^ SC2034 (warning): remote_ref appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
For more information: -- remote appears unused. Verify use...
In ./.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample line 19:
^--------^ SC2034 (warning): basebranch appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
In ./.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample line 91:
^--------^ SC2188 (warning): This redirection doesn't have a command. Move to its command (or use 'true' as no-op).
For more information: -- basebranch appears unused. Verify... -- This redirection doesn't have a c...
In ./.git/hooks/pre-receive.sample line 15:
case "$value" in
^----^ SC2154 (warning): value is referenced but not assigned.
For more information: -- value is referenced but not assig...
In ./.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample line 24:
^-----------^ SC2034 (warning): COMMIT_SOURCE appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
In ./.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample line 25:
^--^ SC2034 (warning): SHA1 appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
For more information: -- COMMIT_SOURCE appears unused. Ver...
In ./.git/hooks/update.sample line 40:
if [ -z "$refname" -o -z "$oldrev" -o -z "$newrev" ]; then
^-- SC2166 (warning): Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
^-- SC2166 (warning): Prefer [ p ] || [ q ] as [ p -o q ] is not well defined.
In ./.git/hooks/update.sample line 98:
if [ "$oldrev" = "$zero" -a "$denycreatebranch" = "true" ]; then
^-- SC2166 (warning): Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.
For more information: -- Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q...
In ./files/pihole-FTL line 67:
for i in {1..5}; do
^-^ SC2034 (warning): i appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
For more information: -- i appears unused. Verify use (or ...
In ./ line 27:
sudo apt-get update >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 28:
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 31:
sudo debconf-set-selections debconf/keyboard-configuration >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 32:
sudo cp files/keyboard /etc/default >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 33:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive keyboard-configuration >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 35:
sudo sed -e "/^[# ]*$NEWLANG/s/^[# ]*//" /etc/locale.gen >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 36:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive locales >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 37:
sudo update-locale LANG=$NEWLANG >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 39:
sudo debconf-set-selections debconf/tzdata >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 40:
sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 41:
sudo cp files/timezone /etc >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 42:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive tzdata >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 45:
sudo debconf-set-selections debconf/wireshark >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 46:
sudo debconf-set-selections debconf/iptables-persistent >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 51:
shellinabox nmap xsltproc lighttpd tcpreplay pwgen wireshark-gtk >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 54:
sudo dpkg -i apt-ntop_1.0.190416-469_all.deb >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 55:
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ntopng >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 56:
sudo dpkg -i $WD/debs/*.deb >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 57:
sudo apt-mark hold wireshark-gtk >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 58:
sudo apt-mark hold libgtk-3-0 >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 59:
sudo apt-mark hold libgtk-3-common >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 60:
sudo apt-mark hold libgtk-3-bin >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 62:
sudo cp $WD/sbin/* /usr/local/sbin >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 63:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/*.sh >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 64:
sudo cp $WD/files/prefix_delegation /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 65:
sudo chmod +x /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/prefix_delegation >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 68:
sudo usermod -a -G wireshark pi >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 69:
sudo usermod -a -G www-data pi >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 70:
sudo cp $WD/files/ntopng.conf /etc/ntopng >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 71:
sudo cp $WD/files/interfaces /etc/network >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 72:
sudo cp $WD/files/hostapd.conf /etc/hostapd >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 73:
sudo cp $WD/files/ipforward.conf /etc/sysctl.d >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 74:
sudo cp $WD/files/hostname /etc/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 75:
sudo cp $WD/files/raspion-sudo /etc/sudoers.d/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 76:
sudo cp $WD/files/radvd.conf /etc/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 77:
sudo mkdir -p /root/.mitmproxy >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 78:
sudo cp $WD/files/config.yaml /root/.mitmproxy >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 82:
sudo cp $WD/files/settings.ini /etc/gtk-3.0 >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 83:
sudo cp -f $WD/files/shellinabox /etc/default >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 85:
sudo ln -sf /usr/share/fonts-font-awesome fontawesome >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 92:
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 93:
sudo ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s fd00:24::/64 -j MASQUERADE >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 94:
sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 81 -i eth0 >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 95:
sudo ip6tables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 81 -i eth0 >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 96:
sudo netfilter-persistent save >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 99:
sudo cp $WD/files/mitmweb.service /etc/systemd/system >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 100:
sudo cp $WD/files/broadwayd.service /etc/systemd/system >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 101:
sudo cp $WD/files/wireshark.service /etc/systemd/system >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 102:
sudo systemctl enable mitmweb.service >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 103:
sudo systemctl unmask hostapd >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 104:
sudo systemctl enable radvd >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 105:
sudo systemctl enable broadwayd >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 106:
sudo systemctl enable wireshark >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 110:
sudo ln -sf ../conf-available/10-userdir.conf 10-userdir.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 111:
sudo ln -sf ../conf-available/10-proxy.conf 10-proxy.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 112:
sudo cp $WD/files/10-dir-listing.conf . >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 113:
sudo cp $WD/files/20-extport.conf . >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 116:
sudo chmod g+s /home/pi/public_html/caps >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 117:
sudo chmod 777 /home/pi/public_html/caps >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 118:
sudo chgrp www-data /home/pi/public_html/caps >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 127:
sudo adduser --no-create-home --disabled-login --disabled-password --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --gecos "" pihole >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 129:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/pihole >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 130:
sudo chown pihole:pihole /etc/pihole >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 131:
sudo cp $WD/files/setupVars.conf /etc/pihole >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 135:
sudo chattr -f -i /etc/init.d/pihole-FTL >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 136:
sudo cp $WD/files/pihole-FTL /etc/init.d/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 137:
sudo chattr -f +i /etc/init.d/pihole-FTL >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 138:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 139:
sudo systemctl restart pihole-FTL >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 140:
sudo pihole -f restartdns >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 141:
sudo cp $WD/files/hosts /etc/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
For more information: -- sudo doesn't affect redirects. Us...
In ./ line 36:
sudo dpkg -i $WD/debs/raspion-keyring_2019_all.deb >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 41:
sudo dpkg -i apt-ntop.deb >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 43:
sudo apt-get update >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 47:
sudo iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 48:
sudo ip6tables -t nat -F POSTROUTING >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 49:
sudo iptables -t nat -F PREROUTING >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 50:
sudo ip6tables -t nat -F PREROUTING >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 51:
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 52:
sudo ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s $IPv6NET/64 -j MASQUERADE >> $LOG 2>&1
^------^ SC2154 (warning): IPv6NET is referenced but not assigned.
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 53:
sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 81 -i eth0 >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 54:
sudo ip6tables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 81 -i eth0 >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 57:
sudo debconf-set-selections debconf/wireshark >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 58:
sudo debconf-set-selections debconf/iptables-persistent >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 59:
sudo apt-get install -y iptables-persistent >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 62:
sudo netfilter-persistent save >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 65:
sudo apt-get -y --allow-downgrades dist-upgrade >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 68:
sudo debconf-set-selections debconf/keyboard-configuration >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 69:
sudo cp files/keyboard /etc/default >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 70:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive keyboard-configuration >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 72:
sudo sed -i -e "/^[# ]*$NEWLANG/s/^[# ]*//" /etc/locale.gen >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 73:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive locales >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 74:
sudo update-locale LANG=$NEWLANG >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 76:
sudo debconf-set-selections debconf/tzdata >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 77:
sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 78:
sudo cp files/timezone /etc >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 79:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive tzdata >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 82:
sudo apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades raspion --no-install-recommends >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 85:
sudo usermod -a -G wireshark pi >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 86:
sudo usermod -a -G www-data pi >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 87:
sudo cp $WD/files/ntopng.conf /etc/ntopng >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 88:
sudo sed -i "s/^-m=#IPv4NET#/-m=$IPv4NET/" /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^------^ SC2154 (warning): IPv4NET is referenced but not assigned.
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 89:
sudo cp $WD/files/interfaces /etc/network >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 90:
sudo sed -i "s/^ address #IPv4HOST#/ address $IPv4HOST/" /etc/network/interfaces >> $LOG 2>&1
^-------^ SC2154 (warning): IPv4HOST is referenced but not assigned.
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 91:
sudo sed -i "s/^ address #IPv6HOST#/ address $IPv6HOST/" /etc/network/interfaces >> $LOG 2>&1
^-------^ SC2154 (warning): IPv6HOST is referenced but not assigned.
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 92:
sudo cp $WD/files/hostapd.conf /etc/hostapd >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 93:
sudo sed -i "s/^ssid=#SSID#/ssid=$SSID/" /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 94:
sudo cp $WD/files/ipforward.conf /etc/sysctl.d >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 95:
sudo cp $WD/files/hostname /etc/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 96:
sudo cp $WD/files/raspion-sudo /etc/sudoers.d/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 97:
sudo cp $WD/files/radvd.conf /etc/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 98:
sudo sed -i "s/^ RDNSS #IPv6HOST#/ RDNSS $IPv6HOST/" /etc/radvd.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 99:
sudo mkdir -p /root/.mitmproxy >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 100:
sudo cp $WD/files/config.yaml /root/.mitmproxy >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 104:
sudo cp $WD/files/settings.ini /etc/gtk-3.0 >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 105:
sudo cp -f $WD/files/shellinabox /etc/default >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 107:
sudo ln -sf /usr/share/fonts-font-awesome fontawesome >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 114:
sudo systemctl enable mitmweb.service >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 115:
sudo systemctl unmask hostapd >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 116:
sudo systemctl enable radvd >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 117:
sudo systemctl enable broadwayd >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 118:
sudo systemctl enable wireshark >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 122:
sudo ln -sf ../conf-available/10-userdir.conf 10-userdir.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 123:
sudo ln -sf ../conf-available/10-proxy.conf 10-proxy.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 124:
sudo cp $WD/files/10-dir-listing.conf . >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 140:
sudo chmod g+s /home/pi/public_html/caps >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 141:
sudo chmod 777 /home/pi/public_html/caps >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 142:
sudo chgrp www-data /home/pi/public_html/caps >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 146:
sudo adduser --no-create-home --disabled-login --disabled-password --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --gecos "" pihole >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 148:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/pihole >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 149:
sudo chown pihole:pihole /etc/pihole >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 150:
sudo cp $WD/files/setupVars.conf /etc/pihole >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 151:
sudo sed -i "s/IPV4_ADDRESS=#IPv4HOST#/IPV4_ADDRESS=$IPv4HOST/" /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 152:
sudo sed -i "s/IPV6_ADDRESS=#IPv6HOST#/IPV6_ADDRESS=$IPv6HOST/" /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 153:
sudo sed -i "s/DHCP_ROUTER=#IPv4HOST#/DHCP_ROUTER=$IPv4HOST/" /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 154:
sudo sed -i "s/DHCP_START=#DHCPv4START#/DHCP_START=$DHCPv4START/" /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^----------^ SC2154 (warning): DHCPv4START is referenced but not assigned.
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 155:
sudo sed -i "s/DHCP_END=#DHCPv4END#/DHCP_END=$DHCPv4END/" /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf >> $LOG 2>&1
^--------^ SC2154 (warning): DHCPv4END is referenced but not assigned.
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 159:
sudo chattr -f -i /etc/init.d/pihole-FTL >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 160:
sudo cp $WD/files/pihole-FTL /etc/init.d/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 161:
sudo chattr -f +i /etc/init.d/pihole-FTL >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 162:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 163:
sudo systemctl restart pihole-FTL >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 164:
sudo pihole -f restartdns >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
In ./ line 165:
sudo cp $WD/files/hosts /etc/ >> $LOG 2>&1
^-- SC2024 (warning): sudo doesn't affect redirects. Use .. | sudo tee -a file
For more information: -- sudo doesn't affect redirects. Us... -- DHCPv4END is referenced but not a...
🦎🖥 ✔ ~/temp/PRs/ctraspion [master|✔]
09:42 $
I did this:
and got many warnings from
which should be fixed:@ctandi and @psct If you agree, I will fix this later by an PR and add an GitHub Action for automatic checking.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: