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Starting up and trying the whole thing

  • Author: Damir Murat
  • Created: 26.05.2020.
  • Updated: 22.05.2024.


  • OSX (should work with any desktop Linux distro and with Windows with the appropriate bash-shell like git-bash)
  • JDK 21
  • Gradle 8.5
  • IDEA Community/Ultimate 2023.3.2
  • Docker
  • Postman


To clone the klokwrk project, open your shell (shell-1) at the desired location and execute the following command:

git clone

You will end up with the new klokwrk-project directory created. Change your directory location into the klokwrk-project, which is, from now on, considered as a root project directory in the rest of this document.

Gradle wrapper helper

Klokwrk uses Gradle as a build system. In particular, executing each Gradle command assumes you are using the Gradle Wrapper (contained in the project's root gradle directory). You should not use any other Gradle version for building the klokwrk.

However, the Gradle Wrapper can be cumbersome to use at times. Therefore, it is recommended to use one of the available Gradle Wrapper helper tools, like gng (used by the klokwrk team) or gum.

In the rest of the document, I will use the gw command as a convenient helper over the original ./gradlew command. If you don't want to use such a helper, just substitute gw with ./gradlew and you should be fine.

Compile and test

Application artifacts

For compiling classes and tests, from the project root directory, execute the following command (when executed for the first time, this can take a while):

gw assemble testFixturesClasses testClasses testIntegrationClasses testComponentClasses --parallel -x groovydoc

When the command finishes, we have all the necessary artifacts for running applications. Therefore, just for running applications, the following commands are not required, but you will need them to develop or contribute to the klokwrk-project.

Tests and other checks (optional)

For running all tests, execute the following command. Note that Docker daemon must be running to perform integration and component tests:

gw test --parallel && gw bootBuildImage && gw testIntegration -PdisableTestRetry --parallel && gw testComponent -PdisableTestRetry --parallel

To verify code conventions compliance, execute the following command:

gw aggregateCodenarc

To generate and see the cumulative Groovydoc documentation, execute the following commands:

gw aggregateGroovydoc
open build/docs/aggregate-groovydoc/index.html

To generate and see the cumulative JaCoCo code coverage report, execute the following commands:

gw aggregateJacocoReport
open build/reports/jacoco/aggregate/html/index.html

Exploring the latest changelog (optional)

After cloning the klokwrk, you have likely checked out a snapshot version. Unfortunately, GitHub does not make public published changelogs for non-released versions. Therefore, you cannot just simply go to the website and explore what is happening lately.

However, if you are interested, there is a way to generate a changelog in a local environment:

  • install the jreleaser tool locally. The simplest way is to use SdkMan:

    sdk install jreleaser
  • execute the following commands:

    jreleaser changelog --basedir=. --config-file=./support/jreleaser/jreleaser-draft.yml --debug
    open out/jreleaser/release/

The changelog will not be rendered as lovely as on GitHub, but you can see the latest updates on the project.

Importing the klokwrk in IDEA

This step is not mandatory but can be very useful if you want to explore the details.

From the welcome screen of IntelliJ IDEA, click on the Open button (upper right) and navigate to the klokwrk-project directory that you've checked out previously. Next, select the klokwrk-project directory and click Open. You should wait until IDEA completes the import.

At the root level, klokwrk is pretty compact compared to what you might have seen in some other projects. This is because all code artifacts are organized under a single directory - modules. If you start exploring, you will undoubtedly notice a very noisy way IDEA uses by default for rendering module names with so-called qualifiers.

Module names with noisy qualifiers

Luckily, there is an undocumented way to get rid of that noise. From IDEA, open the file .idea/gradle.xml in the editor. In that XML file, locate project/component/option/GradleProjectSettings node. Now add the useQualifiedModuleNames option beneath it as shown in the following listing:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
  <component name="GradleSettings">
    <option name="linkedExternalProjectsSettings">
        <option name="useQualifiedModuleNames" value="false" />

After saving .idea/gradle.xml, you must reload all Gradle projects (use the Gradle Tool window and its Reload All Gradle Projects button), and unfortunate qualifiers will be gone.

Module names without noisy qualifiers

Running and exercising applications

As in most distributed systems, we have multiple applications to run. Some of them bring actual functionality, while others have a supportive role. In addition, we also have required infrastructural pieces.

Starting applications

In our case, the infrastructure comprises Axon Server and PostgreSQL database. To start those infrastructural components, open the new shell (shell-2) at the project root and execute the following commands:

cd support/docker

Open the next shell (shell-3) at the root of the project. Before we run applications, we must execute a database schema management application first. It will migrate the database schema to the state expected by other applications (it wraps flyway for implementing database migrations):

gw :cargotracking-booking-app-rdbms-management:bootRun


gw -p modules/bc/cargotracking/asd/booking/app/cargotracking-booking-app-rdbms-management bootRun

Alternatively, you can use the corresponding shell script:

cd support/docker

Now we are ready for running functional applications. First, please make sure you are at the root of the project, and then execute the following commands each one from a separate shell (shell-3, shell-4, and shell-5 where shell-3 is reused from the previous step). Wait until applications are fully started:

gw :cargotracking-booking-app-commandside:bootRun
gw :cargotracking-booking-app-queryside-projection-rdbms:bootRun
gw :cargotracking-booking-app-queryside-view:bootRun


gw -p modules/bc/cargotracking/asd/booking/app/cargotracking-booking-app-commandside bootRun
gw -p modules/bc/cargotracking/asd/booking/app/cargotracking-booking-app-queryside-projection-rdbms bootRun
gw -p modules/bc/cargotracking/asd/booking/app/cargotracking-booking-app-queryside-view bootRun

If you prefer, you might want to run applications from the IDE. In that case, double-click the application's bootRun Gradle task as is shown in the picture for the cargotracking-booking-app-commandside application.

Starting commandside application from IDE

There is also an additional, more convenient, and easier way via the IDEA Run toolbar, which has been populated with appropriate run configurations during klokwrk import.

Prepared run configurations

Stopping applications

Once experimenting is finished, you will want to stop applications. But, of course, do not do this yet if you intend to read the sections below.

If you've started applications from IDEA, you can stop them with the CMD+F2 keyboard shortcut or via IDEA's Run tool window. For applications started from CLI, use the CTRL+C shortcut.

Since we started infrastructural components from CLI, CTRL+C will be handy again. However, this will only stop docker-compose log tailing. For a full stop of infrastructure components and cleaning them up properly, execute the following shell script (from shell-2):


Executing HTTP requests via Postman

For executing HTTP requests, we will use Postman. Please download a free local application for your OS and install it if you don't have it already.

First, create a new Postman workspace called klokwrk-workspace. Then you have to import the cargotracking-booking collection from support/http-request/postman/klokwrk-workspace/cargotracking-booking.postman_collection.json file.

Note: Every time the collection source file changes, the collection must be deleted and reimported in Postman.

Inside your Postman workspace, click on the Import button and then on the files link as shown in the picture:

Postman Import dialog

Navigate to the support/http-request/postman/klokwrk-workspace/cargotracking-booking.postman_collection.json collection and open it. Now, you should have your cargotracking-booking collection available.

Imported Postman collection

Commandside requests

For executing some command requests, expand the collection and navigate to cargotracking-booking/individual-requests/commandside/booking-offer/create-booking-offer. Here create-booking-offer folder corresponds to multiple variations of the CreateBookingOfferCommand command from the cargotracking-booking-app-commandside application.

For example, select the ok, en request and click the Send button. You should get the appropriate response:

Execute ok,en command request

The previous command request returns a response containing the booking offer identifier in the payload ($.payload.bookingOfferId.identifier). Using some Postman scripting features, that identifier is remembered and made available for later queryside requests.

There are more commandside requests available. Feel free to experiment with them.

Queryside requests

Before executing queryside requests, remember they rely on identifiers returned from previously performed commandside requests.

Otherwise, queryside request execution is very similar to the commandside. In this case, navigate to the cargotracking-booking/individual-requests/queryside-view/booking-offer/booking-offer-summary-find-by-id folder and pick and execute the request. Again, the results should be similar to commandside requests.


Besides individual request execution, Postman also supports the execution of scenarios. In that way, we can organize sequences of dependent requests to exercise complete use cases of the system.

To execute a scenario from our collection, navigate to cargotracking-booking/scenarios, click a folder corresponding to the scenario, and click on the Run button in the scenario's tab:

Execute scenario, step 1

This will open the Runner tab, where you should click the Run collection-name button to execute it:

Execute scenario, step 2

Each request from the scenario contains tests that verify if a particular request was successful or not:

Execute scenario, step 3

Supportive Gradle tasks

While working on a project, a developer often needs access to various pieces of information about the current state of a project. These reports might provide beneficial information about code quality and can point to the areas which require some attention and improvements. Project Klokwrk has a dozen of Gradle tasks that provide such information. They can be run for each individual module, or from the project's root.

Note: Before executing any of commands bellow, position your terminal prompt at the project's root.

  • gw test --parallel

    Executes all unit tests while providing convenient colored CLI output.

  • gw testIntegration --parallel

    Executes all Docker containerized integration tests (for more details, take a look at ADR-0010 - Integration Testing with Containerized Infrastructure).

  • gw testComponent --parallel

    Executes all Docker containerized component tests (for more details, take a look at ADR-0011 - Component Testing).

  • gw allTestReports

    Creates a cumulative report of all unit, integration, and component tests for all subprojects. You can open it from CLI with

    open build/reports/allTestReports/index.html
  • gw allTestUnitReports, gw allTestIntegrationReports, gw allTestComponentReports

    These commands create cumulative reports for each supported test type.

  • gw aggregateJacocoReport

    Creates a cumulative code coverage report accessible at build/reports/jacoco/aggregate/html/index.html

  • gw aggregateCodenarc

    Creates a cumulative CodeNarc report accessible at build/reports/codenarc/aggregate.html.

  • gw aggregateGroovydoc

    Creates cumulative documentation for the whole project accessible at build/docs/aggregate-groovydoc/index.html.

Observability with Grafana Cloud (optional)

To support observability features (metrics, logs, and traces), klokwrk uses the free plan of Grafana Cloud offering. The instrumentation of applications is based on Spring Boot's micrometer support and OpenTelemetry. For integrating OpenTelemetry with Grafana, klokwrk uses the grafana-opentelemetry-starter library, and for instrumenting Axon components, the axon-micrometer library.

The delivery of observability data to the Grafana Cloud leverages Grafana Agent, a single infrastructure component required to run locally (inside the Docker container).

Configuring observability infrastructure

As a first step, you have to assign for a permanent free plan at Grafana Cloud. Make sure you save your Grafana Cloud API key in a safe place.

Second, you must configure Grafana Agent for authorized access to all required components of your Grafana Cloud profile. That includes providing URLs and usernames for provisioned Grafana Cloud's Prometheus, Loki, and Tempo servers and your Grafana Cloud API key. Assuming you have the API key already, other information can be found on the page.

Now, you must provide that information to the Grafana Agent on your machine. You can do this in the following way:

  • create support/docker/grafana/grafana-agent/agent.env file. It will contain all necessary config data as environment variables. And do not worry; the agent.env is added to the git ignore list, so you will not accidentally commit it.
  • copy the content of support/docker/grafana/grafana-agent/agent.env.sample file in the agent.env. The sample file contains comments with dummy URLs which should make it easy to guess the proper format of URLs (Grafana Cloud instructions are not always clear enough).

Running with observability

Running the application with observability enabled is similar to running it without observability. The differences are listed below:

  • to run the infrastructure with Grafana Agent included, use the script:


    Similarly, when you want to stop the infrastructure, you must use the script.

  • to run applications with required environment variables set up, use IDEA run configurations with names ending with "with observability [bootRun]" as shown in the following picture: Run configuration with observability

Exploring observability data

After executing some commands and queries, you can access Grafana Cloud UI at and explore the collected data. For example, you can analyze the logs and related traces as shown in the following picture:

Exploring logs and traces

Another way is to import in Grafana some of the prepared dashboards from the support/docker/grafana/dashboards directory:

Note: Every time the dashboard source file changes, the dashboard should be reimported in Grafana.

  • klokwrk - Axon app - simple metrics.json
    The dashboard displays simple metrics for commands, events, and queries processed by the Axon application. This dashboard is a modification of the original AxonIQ's "Axon Framework Application" dashboard, which didn't work correctly when writing this document. Exploring logs and traces