How do you plan to fund this site?
=> I don't know, for now at least. But I have made the site to be as cost effective as possible. I plan on funding through patreon at some point.
Where do you get the contents from?
=> Mostly from nyaa
What will you do to a DMCA takedown?
=> I am not storing much for this site. But in reality our site will eventually be DMCA striked. Thats why this site will have an import export feature. Since the code is open source, anyone can host the site and the user can just import the data.
When can we expect a working site ?
=> I don't know actually. With my current financial status, it's really hard for me to host this site (We need around 25$ - 30$ to host this, hopefully ! ).
Whats the gurantee that an anime will stay forever?
=> Theres no gurantee. But we have 2 cloud provider, an offline hard disk backup. Unless we get DMCA striked at both CDN, my house catches on fire, all the content uploaded on the site should stay for lifetime
But the x,y,z site does this better.
=> I am sorry I couldn't meet your expectations. So maybe you can make this site look even better?