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feat: adding sections and modules in outlines
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We now support sections and modules which contain document symbols in
the outline.
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rtetley committed Mar 3, 2025
1 parent 54562da commit bf1969f
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Showing 3 changed files with 50 additions and 3 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions language-server/dm/
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Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ type proof_block_type =
| TheoremKind of Decls.theorem_kind
| DefinitionType of Decls.definition_object_kind
| InductiveType of Vernacexpr.inductive_kind
| BeginSection
| BeginModule
| End
| Other

type proof_step = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,6 +213,11 @@ let record_outline document id (ast : Synterp.vernac_control_entry) classif (out
let vernac_gen_expr = ast.v.expr in
let type_, statement = match vernac_gen_expr with
| VernacSynterp (Synterp.EVernacExtend _) when names <> [] -> Some Other, "external"
| VernacSynterp (Synterp.EVernacBeginSection _) -> log (fun () -> Format.sprintf "BEGIN SECTION %s" (string_of_id document id)); Some BeginSection, ""
| VernacSynterp (Synterp.EVernacDeclareModuleType _) -> log (fun () -> Format.sprintf "BEGIN MODULE %s" (string_of_id document id)); Some BeginModule, ""
| VernacSynterp (Synterp.EVernacDefineModule _) -> log (fun () -> Format.sprintf "BEGIN MODULE %s" (string_of_id document id)); Some BeginModule, ""
| VernacSynterp (Synterp.EVernacDeclareModule _) -> log (fun () -> Format.sprintf "BEGIN MODULE %s" (string_of_id document id)); Some BeginModule, ""
| VernacSynterp (Synterp.EVernacEndSegment _) -> log (fun () -> Format.sprintf "END SEGMENT"); Some End, ""
| VernacSynterp _ -> None, ""
| VernacSynPure pure ->
match pure with
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions language-server/dm/document.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ type proof_block_type =
| TheoremKind of Decls.theorem_kind
| DefinitionType of Decls.definition_object_kind
| InductiveType of Vernacexpr.inductive_kind
| BeginSection
| BeginModule
| End
| Other

type proof_step = {
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42 changes: 39 additions & 3 deletions language-server/dm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -351,19 +351,55 @@ let get_document_proofs st =
let proofs, _ = List.partition is_theorem outline in mk_proof_block proofs

let get_document_symbols st =
let outline = Document.outline st.document in
let rec get_document_symbols outline (sec_or_m: DocumentSymbol.t option) symbols =
let record_in_outline outline symbol sec_or_m =
match sec_or_m with
| None ->
let symbols = symbols @ [symbol] in
get_document_symbols outline sec_or_m symbols
| Some sec_or_m ->
let children = match sec_or_m.children with
| None -> Some [symbol]
| Some l -> Some (l @ [symbol])
let sec_or_m = Some {sec_or_m with children} in
get_document_symbols outline sec_or_m symbols
let to_document_symbol elem =
let Document.{name; statement; range; type_} = elem in
let kind = begin match type_ with
| TheoremKind _ -> SymbolKind.Function
| DefinitionType _ -> SymbolKind.Variable
| InductiveType _ -> SymbolKind.Struct
| Other -> SymbolKind.Null
| BeginSection | BeginModule -> SymbolKind.Class
| End -> SymbolKind.Null
end in
DocumentSymbol.{name; detail=(Some statement); kind; range; selectionRange=range; children=None; deprecated=None; tags=None;}
in to_document_symbol outline
match outline with
| [] -> symbols
| e :: l ->
let Document.{type_} = e in
match type_ with
| TheoremKind _ | DefinitionType _ | InductiveType _ | Other ->
let symbol = to_document_symbol e in
record_in_outline l symbol sec_or_m
| BeginSection ->
let symbol = to_document_symbol e in
get_document_symbols l (Some symbol) symbols
| BeginModule ->
let symbol = to_document_symbol e in
get_document_symbols l (Some symbol) symbols
| End ->
match sec_or_m with
| None -> log(fun () -> "Trying to end a module or section with no begin"); get_document_symbols l None symbols
| Some symbol ->
get_document_symbols l None (symbols @ [symbol])

let get_document_symbols st =
let outline = List.rev @@ Document.outline st.document in
get_document_symbols outline None []

let interpret_to st id check_mode =
let observe_id = (Id id) in
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