attempting app-mesh deploy, going off of this tutorial and converting it to terraform.
added docker build script and dockerfiles
should build and push the imagesthis means that we will have broken our pure IaC setup with this manual step. Correcting it will be left for after the tutorial is complete
got base app running.
there are a few tests to see if thigns are running... I'm usually running inside an alpine shell and hitting these up:
curl http://prodcatalog.prodcatalog-ns.svc.cluster.local:5000/products/
added aws appmesh controller.
to verify check the following have the correct output
kubectl get deployment appmesh-controller \
-n appmesh-system \
-o json | jq -r ".spec.template.spec.containers[].image" | cut -f2 -d ':'
kubectl get crds | grep appmesh
kubectl -n appmesh-system get all