What we covered today:
- Warmup
- MTA Demos
- Daisy Smith from WDi5!
Scrabble Documented Solution and Readme's
What is HTML?
- Stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
- Currently at Version 5 (as of October 2014)
- Made up of tags (opening and closing usually), which in turn create elements
<!-- This whole thing is an element -->
<tagname attribute="attribute_value"></tagname>
<!-- A paragraph tag with two classes, could be selected in CSS using p.default-paragraph.another-class {} -->
<p class="default-paragraph another-class">Some content in here</p>
What does an HTML document need?
<!doctype html> <!-- Always have this - it describes which version of HTML you are using -->
<head></head> <!-- This is the meta data of the page, often invisible -->
<body></body> <!-- This is where the actual content is -->
Common Elements
Actual Content
<!-- Heading Tags - getting less important the higher the number -->
<p></p> <!-- A paragraph tag -->
<!-- An HTML element can have attributes. Attributes are key value pairs (just like javascript objects) that provide additional information. They look like this. This is a link by the way (or anchor tag) -->
<a href="generalassemb.ly">General Assembly</a>
<img src="" />
<video src=""></video>
<br /> <!-- a new line -->
<hr /> <!-- a horizontal line -->
<input />
<pre></pre> <!-- Preformatted text -->
<ul> <!-- Unordered list -->
<li></li> <!-- List item -->
<ol> <!-- Ordered list -->
Dividing Content
<div></div> <!-- A division, this is just a way to group content -->
<!-- etc. -->
For more information, see here.
Placeholder Stuff
What is CSS?
- Stands for cascading style sheets
- It defines how HTML elements are to be represented
- Styles were added to HTML 4
- Currently at version 3 (CSS3)
selector {
/* A Declaration */
property: value;
p {
color: red;
CSS Selectors
Here are the basics of CSS Selectors, for more - go here.
p {} /* Selects all paragraph tags */
p.octocat {} /* Selects all paragraph tags with the class octocat */
.octocat {} /* Selects any tag with the class octocat */
p#octocat {} /* Selects any paragraph tag with the ID octocat */
#octocat {} /* Selects any element with the ID octocat */
* {} /* Selects all elements */
div p {} /* Selects all paragraph tags that are within div tags */
p, a {} /* Selects all p tags and all a tags */
p:hover {} /* Selects all p tags when they are hovered over */
CSS Specificity
Due to CSS's cascading nature, CSS rules will be overwritten. You need to have a bit of a handle on this.
- 1 point for an elements name
- 10 points for a selection based on a class
- 50 points for a selection based on an ID
For more details:
This is a great way to learn selectors.
Floats and Clears
I'm not going to go into this that much - but these two articles will help explain this. For the most part - avoid floats and clears, stick to display: inline-block or inline instead. Only in the case that you need text to wrap around images should this be used.
Hell is other people's HTML
- Understand: Separation of Concerns
- Play: CSS Diner
- Read: Learn Layout
- Memorise: 30 CSS Selectors
- Work through: Discover Dev Tools - Chapters 1 and 2
- Complete: Brook & Lyn
- Complete: Busy Hands
- Complete: eCardly, both versions