2.0.0 - 2023-11-16
- added support for 2023.3
1.2.0 - 2023-?-? (REMOVED)
added support for 2023.3- will now support all future versions of IDEs
1.1.9 - 2023-05-21
- added support for 2023.2
1.1.8 - 2023-03-29
- added support for 2023.1
- removed changing editor and console font
1.1.7 - 2022-10-20
- added support for 2022.3
1.1.6 - 2022-06-19
- added support for 2022.2
1.1.5 - 2022-03-22
- added support for 2022.1
- selection background change
- comment color change
- identifier highlight color change
1.1.4 - 2021-12-01
- 2021.3 build support added
1.1.3 - 2021-07-29
- fixed code completion window color
1.1.2 - 2021-07-27
- 2021.2 EAP build support
1.1.1 - 2021-03-16
- changed tearline color
- changed selected tearline color
- changed diff colors
- changed line coverage colors
- changed added/modified/deleted line colors
- changed some syntax highlighting colors
- updated plugin preview screenshots
1.1.0 - 2021-03-10
- color overhaul
- changed line number color
- changed selected line number color
- changed tab underline colors
- changed caret row color
- changed tree selection background
- changed selection background
- changed color of grey icons
- changed text color of modified files foreground
- changed diff and merge colors
- changed text search result background
- changed file colors
- changed markdown syntax colors
- changed text colors
1.0.9 - 2021-03-07
- added more contrast for visibility
- updated comment foreground colors
- updated line number color
- updated identifier under caret background colors
1.0.8 - 2021-03-02
- fixed line coverage color problems
1.0.7 - 2021-03-02
- changed parameter info colors
- updated code coverage line colors
1.0.6 - 2021-02-27
- changed VCS editor gutter colors
- changed Diff & Merge highlight colors
- updated Markdown syntax colors
- changed table colors
- updated combobox button background
- updated actionbutton hoverbackground
- changed table background color
1.0.5 - 2021-02-25
- added support for 2021.1
- changed editor indent color
- changed editor separator line colors
- changed editor right margin color
- updated white space colors
- changed table selection background color
- changed combo box background
- changed list background
- changed counter foreground and background
- changed plugin install and update button colors
- changed search everywhere colors
- fixed mac scroll track colors
- changed side panel color
- changed combo box and tree modified colors
- changed toggle button colors
1.0.4 - 2021-02-23
- visibility changes
- made foreground color slightly more cool
- changed documentation background and selection colors
- changed border colors for popups
- changed search everywhere colors
- changed search match colors
- changed popup menu background color
- changed default button background color
- changed git log hovered and selected backgrounds
- updated tree hash line color
- changed drag and drop area color
- changed menu border color
1.0.3 - 2021-02-18
- initial public release
- minor visual updates and tweaks
- fixed transparent scrollbar color issues
- initial release