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Synology NAS Hosting Instructions

Jared Johnson edited this page Nov 23, 2021 · 2 revisions

Synology Setup

  1. Install the Docker package, then download the cmeury/bread-bucket image.
  2. Setup a container with the buckets file mounted to /app/db.buckets and a port-forward from 5000 to 5000.
  3. Expose the server using dynamic DNS, port-forward in your home router and a reverse proxy

Workaround: New Docker Image

New images are not automatically used by containers on Synology. We need to manually force it:

  1. Docker - Image - Add From URL: Enter cmeury/bread-bucket. A little blue bubble should appear next to 'Image' on the left.
  2. Wait until image is refreshed (bubble is gone)
  3. Duplicate configuration of container (Settings - Duplicate Settings)
  4. Delete the old one
  5. Set again the port of the new one to a static one
  6. Run the new containe configuration

Docker Mounted Folder Sync Problem Workaround

The inotify setup is not working properly in the host when a mounted file is modified inside a Docker container. So, we need to 'touch' it after committing a new transaction to the SQLite file.

Create a file called in /volume1/Drive and make it executable: chmod +x

#!/bin/bash -eu
# script that maintains a hash of a file and touches the file if it has
# changed. this is a workaround of a docker mounted volume shortcoming.


current_md5sum=$(md5sum "${file}")
stored_md5sum=$(cat "${md5_file}")

if [[ "${current_md5sum}" != "${stored_md5sum}" ]]; then
	echo "File hash changed, updating file (${md5_file}): ${stored_md5sum} -> ${current_md5sum}"
	echo "${current_md5sum}" > "${md5_file}"
	echo "Touching file to trigger Synology Drive update.."
	touch "${file}"
	echo "File hash unchanged: ${current_md5sum}"

Set up a regular script (every minute or less) in Control Panel - Task Scheduler of type 'User-defined script' with the following settings:

And this script:

cd /volume1/Drive
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