diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f907348..a148d44 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,17 +1,13 @@ # Ovis - This repo contains the files required to interact with Capra's Ovis 6DOF arm. ## Dependencies - - [ros-industrial/robotiq](https://github.com/ros-industrial/robotiq) which use `robotiq_2f_140_gripper_visualization` - [clubcapra/jog_control](https://github.com/clubcapra/jog_control) - [kinova-ros](https://github.com/Kinovarobotics/kinova-ros) ### How to setup the dependancies - - -In your workspace place git repository of the robotiq, kinova-ros and jogcontrol packages at the same level as the ovis package, so in the `src` folder. You can simply `git clone` the repository without issue. +In your workspace clone the git repository of the robotiq, kinova-ros and jogcontrol packages at the same level as the ovis package, so in the `src` folder. You can simply `git clone` the repository without issue. For the **kinova-ros** repository make sure you have the `melodic-devel` branch select. When cloning you can use this command to make sure that you have the right branch checked out: ```bash @@ -27,11 +23,68 @@ src/ robotiq/ ``` -### Launching the arm - roslaunch ovis_bringup kinova_driver.launch +## Installing the JACO SDK +To be able to communicate with the arm you first need to install the Kinova JACO SDK. + +You can find the SDK in the Club Capra Teams files in the Logiciel channel under the name [Kinova Windows & Linux SDK](https://etsmtl365.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/CLUB-Capra-GTO365/Eii1z9mHcN9Dvc0AyOcN3OYBYrsurvhW-9wYIrKGoaCG8Q?e=gsdTq0) (The link requires you to be inside ClubCapra's Teams) + +For Linux, the SDK is said to only support Ubuntu 16.04, **but it also work on Ubuntu 18.04**. This might become an issue if we decide to move to a newer version of Ubuntu/ROS. + +To install the SDK please follow these steps : +1. Copy the `Kinova_sdk1.5.1.zip` from the Logiciel channel inside the folder `Kinova Windows & Linux SDK`. +2. Unzip it how ever you want. + 1. `unzip Kinova_sdk1.5.1.zip -d Kinova_sdk1.5.1` +3. Change directory to `Kinova_sdk1.5.1/Ubuntu/16_04/64\ bits` + 1. `cd Kinova_sdk1.5.1/Ubuntu/16_04/64\ bits` +4. Change the execution permission on the `installSDK64.sh` script + 1. `chmod +x installSDK64.sh` +5. Then execute the script with `sudo` + 1. `sudo ./installSDK64.sh` +6. Enter your password +7. Leave the setting by default and install the SDK + +## Moving the arm with DevelopmentCenter +To verify that the installation was successful you can simply connect to the arm with a USB cable and turn on the power switch on the Kinova controller. Then launch the `DevelopmentCenter`. + +1. Navigate to the location of the SDK installation and then into the `GUI` folder. + 1. By default its going to be `/opt/JACO-SDK` + 2. `cd /opt/JACO-SDK/GUI` +2. Then launch the `DevelopmentCenter` executable. + 1. `./DevelopmentCenter` + 2. WARNING, make sure you use the `DevelopmentCenter` and not the `DevelopmentCenter.sh`, since it was not tested. +3. You will be presented with this window : + ![DevelopmentCenter_with_annotation](/doc/img/DevelopmentCenter_with_annotation.png) + 1. Make sure that the Ovis name is written at the top and that you have selected the `USB Enable`. This will make sure that the connection work properly. + 2. If you're having issue with this part, please check the Troubleshooting the SDK section. +4. Once inside the DevelopmentCenter window, select the `Virtual Joystick` under the TOOLS section. + 1. Then you'll be presented with this window : + 1. ![VirtualJoystick](/doc/img/VirtualJoystick.png) +5. Now try and more the 3rd actuator by pressing the `+` sign +6. Then the arm must of moved! + +## Moving the arm with ROS +There's more information to come on this part. + +For now, the step are as follow : +1. Launch the kinova-ros with Ovis bringup launch file + 1. `roslaunch ovis_bringup kinova_driver.launch` +2. Then run the kinova-demo to make the arm move + 1. This will more the 3rd actuator by 5 degree + 2. `rosrun kinova_demo joints_action_client.py -v -r c2s6s000 degree -- 0 0 5 0 0 0` + +### Troubleshooting +1. If you're having issue connecting to the arm with the `DevelopmentCenter` or with `kinova-ros`, it might be because of two issue + 1. First, it might be because the USB autosuspend is enable + 1. Please follow this link for disabling it : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1140925/how-can-i-disable-usb-autosuspend-on-ubuntu-18-04/1161074#1161074 + 2. Second, it might be that you need to launch the DevelopmentCenter with root right. This can be fix in two method + 1. Simply launch the `DevelopmentCenter` with `sudo` + 2. Change the udev that was install with the SDK. This method is prefered since it is permenant + 1. Inside your `/etc/udev` folder you'll find the file : `10-kinova-arm.rules` + 2. Edit the file with sudo and change the `MODE:="666"` to `MODE:="777"` + 3. This will allow anyone to have access to the arm + 1. TODO in the future it would be better to have the user added into a group instead of changing the permission in the udev. ### Launch the simulation - roslaunch ovis_gazebo gazebo.launch roslaunch ovis_moveit_config ovis_gazebo_demo.launch roslaunch ovis_jog_launch ovis.launch diff --git a/doc/img/DevelopmentCenter_with_annotation.png b/doc/img/DevelopmentCenter_with_annotation.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13a8ca2 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/img/DevelopmentCenter_with_annotation.png differ diff --git a/doc/img/VirtualJoystick.png b/doc/img/VirtualJoystick.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e12a2a Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/img/VirtualJoystick.png differ