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Example Workflow

MicheleBortol edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 14 revisions

SIMPLI's Example workflow and dataset

Example data

The example dataset provided with SIMPLI consists of two Imaging Mass Cytometry derived images of normal colon mucosa. The images are derived from the ablation of two ROIs from two different FFPE blocks from two individuals who underwent surgery for the removal of colorectal cancers.

Imaging Mass Citometry Antibody Panel

The two example images contain the channels, with the intensities associated to this panel of metal conjugated antibodies.

Metal Marker Target Cells / Features
Ir191 DNA1 All nucleated cells
Sm152 CD45 All leukocytes
Yb173 CD45RO T cells
Er166 CD45RA T cells
Er170 CD3 T cells
Dy162 CD8a T cells
Ho165 PD1 T cells
Gd156 CD4 T cells, Macrophages
Gd155 FoxP3 T cells
Yb171 CD27 B cells, T cells
Dy161 CD20 B cells
Pr141 IgA B cells
Tm169 IgM B cells
Tb159 CD68 Macrophages
Nd146 CD16 Macrophages
Lu175 CD11c Macrophages, Dendritic cells
Nd150 PDL1 Macrophages, Dendritic Cells
Nd148 PanKeratin Epithelial Cells
Gd158 eCadherin Epithelial Cells
Er168 Ki67 Proliferating cells
Nd143 Vimentin Stromal cells
Dy164 CD34 Endothelial cells
Nd142 SMA Smooth muscle
Yb176 CollagenIV Basement membrane cells
Yb174 CAMK4 Various
Sm154 VEGFc Various
Sm147 IFNA5 Various

Raw image files

The raw images files used in SIMPLI's example workflow are two .txt IMC acquisition files with one Region Of Interest (ROI) each. These files are available in SIMPLI's repository and in your local SIMPLI installation folder: SIMPLI/test/raw_data/.

Metadata and Configuration

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