All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Addressing sonar issues following AnnotationChangeRefactor updates by @RadikalJin in alfasoftware#99
- Adding .mvn to .gitignore by @RadikalJin in alfasoftware#100
- 101 TypeMatcher matches on parameterized interface types by @RadikalJin in alfasoftware#102
- Issue #36 resolved. by @monjurmorshed793 in alfasoftware#85
- Fix/issue 104 reduce cognitive complexity by @mohannaidu in alfasoftware#105
- Fix/issue 103 reduce cognitive complexity of AnnotationChangeRefactor#removeMembersFromAnnotation by @Dafodils in alfasoftware#106
- #87 InlineInterfaceRefactor method refactoring by @Vichukano in alfasoftware#107
- 108 Broaden applicability of AstraUtils functions by @RadikalJin in alfasoftware#109
- Feature/96 annotation change member value by @owoller and @RadikalJin in alfasoftware#97
- Fixes Issue #86 : TypeMatcher: Replace type specification in construct… by @shyamrox in alfasoftware#91
- (#89) Reduce cognitive complexity of AstraUtils#isStaticallyImportedMethod by @cmuagab in alfasoftware#92
- Reduce cognitive complexity of AstraUtils#getFullyQualifiedName #88 by @kapilgahlot1998 in alfasoftware#93
- 94 Make AddAnnotationRefactor's member optional by @RadikalJin in alfasoftware#95
- #83 Support text file "before" examples for testing
- #81 Type reference refactor improvements to handling imports for annotations which are inner types
- #59 Added tests for AstraUtils#getPackageName(TypeDeclaration)
- #68 Tests added for AnnotationChangeRefactor
- #72 Added test example for refactoring chains of method invocations
- #76 Added MarkerAnnotation unit test
- #71 Removed type reference variable rename
- #75 Changed description of AstraChangeType cli command for readability
- #63 Removing redundant code and excluding code fragments from SONAR warnings about commented out code
- #64 Adding support for dealing with static imports of methods named solely
$, as with JUnit's JunitParamsRunner.$ - #66 Getting simple names for types now aligned with the JLS spec
- #67 When finding method invocations, method candidates that are not found are now also included in the list of results
- #57 Added compatibility for fully qualified names in Javadoc in TypeReferenceRefactor (fixes #3)
- #65 Incrementing version of javadoc plugin with fix affecting later versions (9+) of java
- #55 Added unit test for matching methods by return type with MethodMatcher
- #58 Added function to get name for anonymous class declaration
- #58 Compile with Java 11
- #56 Don't remove import when changing a static method by name only, as we may not be changing all invocations of this method. Instead, leave the import and let the UnusedImportRefactor clean it up if necessary.
- #54 Cached sources and classpath so that they are only retrieved once, and shared between validation and use
- #54 Method parameter type name standardisation
- #53 Standardising name of parameter types for methods, between when a MethodMatcher is constructed and evaluated
- #51 Extra null safety when checking method names, and static on-demand imports are checked when finding declaring methods
- #49 Allow multiple files in --cp
- Tweak to static method type resolution attempting to find single applicable type name from imports, if possible, before falling back to resolving
- Fixes for static imports, particularly better detection of when imports are really unused.
- MethodMatcher now works better when matching parameters that are arrays and type variables.
- Fixed case where adding a static import would remove an existing static import of the same name, even if this was valid.
- Added a new ASTOperation the JavaPatternASTOperation, read more in the wiki.
- ClassVisitor visits additional ASTNodes
- Type matcher now matches on parameterized supertypes
- Method matcher now allows custom predicates to be used for matching any AST node types handled by MethodMatcher
- Fix unused imports refactor so it doesn't lose inner types.
- Log the total number of files after filtering with the predicate