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File metadata and controls

289 lines (208 loc) · 5.75 KB


Why Schama?

The concept of Schema originates from stored data to database, for reliable data when stored data to database, predefined the data structure and type, only validation data is stored.

When Ballade used for development App on Browser, we can seen as Store is simply database, the all data from Store in UI Views, Schema make sure the stored operation is controllable, so get data is controllable too. If the App data is controllable, the UI Views is controllable too.

The design idea of Ballade Schema originates from Mongoose Schema.

Usage Schema

Basic Usage

The core feature of Schema is definition data structure and type.

var Schema = require('ballade').Schema;

var schema1 = new Schema({
    str: String,
    num: Number,
    bol: Boolean,
    date: Date,
    strArr: [String],
    numArr: [Number],
    dateArr: [Date],
    objArr: [{
        name: String,
        title: String
    anyArr: [],
    anyObj: {},
    obj: {
        votes: Number,
        favs:  Number,
        foo: {
            bar: String

For above Schema instance, in actual storage, the data is should like the below.

    str: 'hello',
    num: 2,
    bol: false,
    date: 'Sun Feb 12 2017 09:25:53 GMT+0800 (CST)',
    strArr: ['a', 'b'],
    numArr: [2, 4, 6],
    dateArr: ['Sun Feb 12 2017 09:25:53 GMT+0800 (CST)'],
    objArr: [{
        name: 'this is name',
        title: 'this is title'
    anyArr: [1, '2', false, { foo: 'bar' }],
    anyObj: {foo: 'bar', 'a': {b: 'c'}},
    obj: {
        votes: 200,
        favs:  100,
        foo: {
            bar: 'bar'

Schema types:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Date
  • Array
  • Object
  • Mixed

Array and Object both support nested.

Mixed is any type, if the data is Mixed type, Schema should not any validation. Mixed not built-in constructor in JavaScript, therefore set data is Mixed, in fact set Array or Object, above schema1 example, anyArr: [] and anyObj: {} the children is Mixed, [] and {} same as Array and Object.

anyArr: [] same as anyArr: Array.

anyObj: {} same as anyObj: Object.

Types Validation

Above example, can also use $type.

// simply
new Schema({
    str: String

// $type
new Schema({
    str: {
        $type: String

What time is use $type? Ballade Schema also include others types validation, be used for data stored validation more easily.

For example, make sure stored string is lowercase letter.

new Schema({
    str: {
        $type: String,
        $lowercase: true   // configure the lowercase letter

If stored str = 'Hello', the final result is str: 'hello'. Types validation can multiple simultaneous use. For below example, the vaule is lowercase letter and trimed.

new Schema({
    str: {
        $type: String,
        $lowercase: true,  // configure the lowercase letter
        $trim: true        // configure the trim

Different data type have different types validation auxiliary options. There are also some options is general.

Array and Object is not have validation auxiliary options, because Array and Object both is Mixed type, the Mixed type is not validation.

General Options

  • $required Boolean

Value is required.

  • $default Any

Default value.

  • $validate Function

Custom validation function.

String Options

  • $lowercase Boolean

The value is converted to lowercase.

  • $uppercase Boolean

The value is converted to uppercase.

  • $trim Boolean

The value is trimed.

  • $match Regexp

Match the given regexp expression.

  • $enum Array

Match the list of conditions.

Number Options

  • $min Number

Cannot be less than this value.

  • $max Number

Cannot be greater than this value.

Date Options

  • $min Date

Cannot be less than this date value.

  • $max Date

Cannot be greater than this value.

Error Handler

If data invaild, Schema try to convert base type, whether success or failure will give tips. If the convert still failed will throw error message.

Conversion Message Types

  • warning Successful conversion will show warning type message, the storage can be normal.

  • error Conversion is failed will show error type message, the storage is failed too.

warning message:

// schema
new Schema({
    str: String

// This storage will throw warning message, but conversion is success.
// condition: str = 2;
// result: str === '2';

error message:

// schema
new Schema({
    num: Number

// This storage will failed, because conversion is failed.
// condition: num = 'hello';
// result: num === undefined;

The value is null or undefined, will throw error message, can't be stored.

Nested Schema

The actual storage scenario is more complex, for complex scenario, Schema support nested, be uesd for Array and Object data type.

Simply types definition for nested schema.

new Schema({
    objArr: [{
        name: String,
        title: String

If want use auxiliary options for types validation, Schema must be nested.

var childSchema = new Schema({
    name: {
        $type: String,
        $lowercase: true
    title: {
        $type: String,
        $uppercase: true

var parentSchema = new Schema({
    objArr: [childSchema]  // Nested Schema

For Immutable Data

Ballade Schema also support immutable data validation. Immutable data validation same as mutable data, there is no difference.

// schema
new Schema({
   foo: {
       bar: String,
       biz: String

// mutable data
foo = {
    bar: 'bar',
    biz: 'biz'

// immutable data
foo = Immutable.Map({
    bar: 'bar',
    biz: 'biz'