1 | 1 | [tool.black]
2 |
| - line-length = 88 |
3 |
| - target-version = ['py36', 'py37'] |
4 |
| - exclude = ''' |
5 |
| - ( |
6 |
| - /( |
7 |
| - \.eggs |
8 |
| - | \.git |
9 |
| - | \.pytype |
10 |
| - | \.pytest_cache |
11 |
| - | build |
12 |
| - | dist |
13 |
| - )/ |
14 |
| - ) |
15 |
| - ''' |
| 2 | +line-length = 88 |
| 3 | +target-version = [ "py36", "py37",] |
| 4 | +exclude = "((.eggs | .git | .pytype | .pytest_cache | build | dist))" |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | +[tool.poetry] |
| 7 | +name = "rasa" |
| 8 | +version = "1.7.0" |
| 9 | +description = "Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants" |
| 10 | +authors = [ "Rasa Technologies GmbH <hi@rasa.com>",] |
| 11 | +maintainers = [ "Tom Bocklisch <tom@rasa.com>",] |
| 12 | +homepage = "https://rasa.com" |
| 13 | +repository = "https://github.com/rasahq/rasa" |
| 14 | +documentation = "https://rasa.com/docs" |
| 15 | +classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",] |
| 16 | +keywords = [ "nlp", "machine-learning", "machine-learning-library", "bot", "bots", "botkit", "rasa conversational-agents", "conversational-ai", "chatbot", "chatbot-framework", "bot-framework",] |
| 17 | +include = [ "LICENSE.txt", "README.md", "rasa/core/schemas/*", "rasa/core/training/visualization.html", "rasa/nlu/schemas/*", "rasa/cli/default_config.yml",] |
| 18 | +readme = "README.md" |
| 19 | +license = "Apache-2.0" |
16 | 20 |
17 | 21 | [tool.towncrier]
18 |
| - package = "rasa" |
19 |
| - package_dir = "rasa" |
20 |
| - filename = "CHANGELOG.rst" |
21 |
| - directory = "./changelog" |
22 |
| - underlines = "^-_" |
23 |
| - title_format = "[{version}] - {project_date}" |
24 |
| - template = "./changelog/_template.jinja2" |
25 |
| - |
26 |
| - [[tool.towncrier.type]] |
27 |
| - directory = "removal" |
28 |
| - name = "Deprecations and Removals" |
29 |
| - showcontent = true |
30 |
| - |
31 |
| - [[tool.towncrier.type]] |
32 |
| - directory = "feature" |
33 |
| - name = "Features" |
34 |
| - showcontent = true |
35 |
| - |
36 |
| - [[tool.towncrier.type]] |
37 |
| - directory = "improvement" |
38 |
| - name = "Improvements" |
39 |
| - showcontent = true |
40 |
| - |
41 |
| - [[tool.towncrier.type]] |
42 |
| - directory = "bugfix" |
43 |
| - name = "Bugfixes" |
44 |
| - showcontent = true |
45 |
| - |
46 |
| - [[tool.towncrier.type]] |
47 |
| - directory = "doc" |
48 |
| - name = "Improved Documentation" |
49 |
| - showcontent = true |
50 |
| - |
51 |
| - [[tool.towncrier.type]] |
52 |
| - directory = "misc" |
53 |
| - name = "Miscellaneous internal changes" |
54 |
| - showcontent = false |
| 22 | +package = "rasa" |
| 23 | +package_dir = "rasa" |
| 24 | +filename = "CHANGELOG.rst" |
| 25 | +directory = "./changelog" |
| 26 | +underlines = "^-_" |
| 27 | +title_format = "[{version}] - {project_date}" |
| 28 | +template = "./changelog/_template.jinja2" |
| 29 | +[[tool.towncrier.type]] |
| 30 | +directory = "removal" |
| 31 | +name = "Deprecations and Removals" |
| 32 | +showcontent = true |
| 33 | + |
| 34 | +[[tool.towncrier.type]] |
| 35 | +directory = "feature" |
| 36 | +name = "Features" |
| 37 | +showcontent = true |
| 38 | + |
| 39 | +[[tool.towncrier.type]] |
| 40 | +directory = "improvement" |
| 41 | +name = "Improvements" |
| 42 | +showcontent = true |
| 43 | + |
| 44 | +[[tool.towncrier.type]] |
| 45 | +directory = "bugfix" |
| 46 | +name = "Bugfixes" |
| 47 | +showcontent = true |
| 48 | + |
| 49 | +[[tool.towncrier.type]] |
| 50 | +directory = "doc" |
| 51 | +name = "Improved Documentation" |
| 52 | +showcontent = true |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | +[[tool.towncrier.type]] |
| 55 | +directory = "misc" |
| 56 | +name = "Miscellaneous internal changes" |
| 57 | +showcontent = false |
| 58 | + |
| 59 | +[tool.poetry.dependencies] |
| 60 | +python = "^3.6" |
| 61 | +boto3 = "==1.9.146" |
| 62 | +requests = "==2.22.0" |
| 63 | +matplotlib = "==3.0.3" |
| 64 | +attrs = "==19.1.0" |
| 65 | +jsonpickle = "==1.1" |
| 66 | +redis = "==3.3.5" |
| 67 | +numpy = "==1.16.3" |
| 68 | +scipy = "==1.4.1" |
| 69 | +absl-py = ">=0.8.0" |
| 70 | +setuptools = "^45.1.0" |
| 71 | +tensor2tensor = "==1.14.0" |
| 72 | +apscheduler = "==3.6.0" |
| 73 | +tqdm = "==4.31.0" |
| 74 | +networkx = "==2.4.0" |
| 75 | +fbmessenger = "==6.0.0" |
| 76 | +pykwalify = "==1.7.0" |
| 77 | +coloredlogs = "==10.0" |
| 78 | +"ruamel.yaml" = "^0.15" |
| 79 | +scikit-learn = "==0.20.2" |
| 80 | +slackclient = "==1.3.1" |
| 81 | +python-telegram-bot = "==11.1.0" |
| 82 | +twilio = "==6.26.3" |
| 83 | +webexteamssdk = "==1.1.1" |
| 84 | +mattermostwrapper = "==2.1" |
| 85 | +rocketchat_API = "==0.6.31" |
| 86 | +colorhash = "==1.0.2" |
| 87 | +pika = "==1.0.1" |
| 88 | +jsonschema = "==3.0.2" |
| 89 | +packaging = "==19.0" |
| 90 | +gevent = "==1.4.0" |
| 91 | +pytz = "==2019.1" |
| 92 | +colorclass = "==2.2.0" |
| 93 | +terminaltables = "==3.1.0" |
| 94 | +sanic = "==19.9.0" |
| 95 | +sanic-cors = "==0.9.9.post1" |
| 96 | +sanic-jwt = "==1.3.2" |
| 97 | +sanic-plugins-framework = "==0.8.2" |
| 98 | +multidict = "==4.6.1" |
| 99 | +aiohttp = "==3.5.4" |
| 100 | +questionary = "==1.1.1" |
| 101 | +prompt-toolkit = "==2.0.10" |
| 102 | +python-socketio = "==4.3.1" |
| 103 | +python-engineio = "==3.9.3" |
| 104 | +pydot = "==1.4.1" |
| 105 | +async_generator = "==1.10" |
| 106 | +SQLAlchemy = "==1.3.3" |
| 107 | +kafka-python = "==1.4.7" |
| 108 | +sklearn-crfsuite = "==0.3.6" |
| 109 | +psycopg2-binary = "==2.8.2" |
| 110 | +PyJWT = "==1.7.1" |
| 111 | +python-dateutil = "==2.8.0" |
| 112 | +tensorflow = "==2.1.0" |
| 113 | +tensorflow_hub = "==0.7.0" |
| 114 | +tensorflow-addons = "==0.7.0" |
| 115 | +tensorflow-probability = "==0.7.0" |
| 116 | + |
| 117 | +[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] |
| 118 | +pytest-cov = "^2.8.1" |
| 119 | +pytest-localserver = "^0.5.0" |
| 120 | +pytest-sanic = "^1.1.2" |
| 121 | +pytest-asyncio = "^0.10.0" |
| 122 | +pytest-xdist = "^1.31.0" |
| 123 | +pytest = "^5.3.4" |
| 124 | +freezegun = "^0.3.14" |
| 125 | +responses = "^0.10.9" |
| 126 | +nbsphinx = "==0.3.2" |
| 127 | +aioresponses = "^0.6.2" |
| 128 | +moto = "==1.3.8" |
| 129 | +fakeredis = "^1.1.0" |
| 130 | +mongomock = "^3.18.0" |
| 131 | +black = "^19.10b0" |
| 132 | +flake8 = "^3.7.9" |
| 133 | +pytype = "^2020.1.24" |
| 134 | +google-cloud-storage = "^1.25.0" |
| 135 | +azure-storage-blob = "^12.1.0" |
| 136 | +coveralls = "^1.10.0" |
| 137 | +towncrier = "^19.2.0" |
| 138 | +toml = "^0.10.0" |
| 139 | +semantic_version = "^2.8.4" |
| 140 | +sphinx = "==1.8.2" |
| 141 | +sphinx-autobuild = "==0.7.1" |
| 142 | +sphinxcontrib-programoutput = "==0.11" |
| 143 | +pygments = "==2.2.0" |
| 144 | +sphinxcontrib-httpdomain = "==1.6.1" |
| 145 | +sphinxcontrib-websupport = "==1.1.0" |
| 146 | +sphinxcontrib-trio = "==1.0.2" |
| 147 | +sphinx-tabs = "==1.1.11" |
| 148 | +sphinx-autodoc-typehints = "==1.6.0" |
| 149 | + |
| 150 | +[tool.poetry.scripts] |
| 151 | +rasa = "rasa.__main__:main" |
| 152 | + |
| 153 | +[tool.poetry.dependencies.pymongo] |
| 154 | +version = "==3.8.0" |
| 155 | +extras = [ "tls", "srv",] |
| 156 | + |
| 157 | +[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies.rasabaster] |
| 158 | +url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/docs-theme/rasabaster-0.7.23.tar.gz" |
| 159 | + |
| 160 | +[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies.sphinxcontrib-versioning] |
| 161 | +git = "https://github.com/RasaHQ/sphinxcontrib-versioning.git" |
| 162 | + |
| 163 | +[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies.sphinx_rtd_theme] |
| 164 | +git = "https://github.com/RasaHQ/sphinx_rtd_theme.git" |
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